The good one lies and the thin one runs, a mystery. The meaning of good fame runs, but bad fame flies

Whoever bravely beats the enemy, his glory will not die.

Not a penny of money, but fame is good.

Glory comes to those who walk ahead.

Good fame is within reach, and bad fame is beyond the threshold.

As are the works, so is the glory.

The house blooms with good glory.

Live everyone by your glory.

Good fame has big wings.

He didn't live long, but he died gloriously.

To a bad deed - bad fame, good deed- good memory.

Good fame lies, but bad fame flees throughout the world.

As you live, so will your reputation.

Who you live with is what you are known for.

The worldly glory of the bell.

Honor and glory are collected drop by drop.

Good fame is better than wealth.

Good glory is hateful to evil.

Don't be tory on the roads - don't bring bad fame.

The good one walks on the left, and the thin one gallops.

You don't even need a profit, fame would be good.

We don't care about making money, as long as the fame is good.

Glory comes to the one who goes into battle first.

Bad fame is poison.

Good fame is better than gold.

Glory flees from those who achieve it through base means.

A neighbor is in trouble - help a friend, a horde of enemies is beaten - glory to both of you.

You will always receive glory for your brave response.

He who dies with glory is not afraid of a clumsy death.

Glory comes in gold coins and goes out in pounds: secure your glory with hard work.

Glory will come and find the invisible.

Such is Savva, such is his glory. the seams of the matter, such is the glory.

Whoever gains good fame will leave it for himself.

Good fame lies in a basket, but bad fame runs along the path.

Glory with victory - dear sisters.

For business and glory.

Whoever lives is what he is known for.

No valor - no glory.

Miserable is the glory that benefits one's enemies.


meaning of the proverb. GOOD FAME RUNS FAR

about 1 year ago


Answers (1)

Dmitry Vancouver

The fame of such a person spreads naturally among the people, on the one hand, because they are grateful, on the other, because it is basically a rarity. For example, undeserved differentials will sound for some time, while it is needed, and then quickly get out of your head. But a really good reputation is a really valuable thing and is not quickly forgotten.

answer written about 1 year ago


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Kind (definition, wavy line) glory (subjects, 1 straight line) lies (predicate, 2 lines), and thin (definition, wavy line) runs (predicate, 2 lines)

Sentence: (narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, compound, conjunctive:

in parts: 1. Simple, two-part, widespread, uncomplicated;

2. Simple, one-part, impersonal, incomplete, widespread, uncomplicated)

Good glory lies, but bad glory flees.

Kind wavy line

Fame is one feature

Lies with two features

thin - wavy line

runs with two features

(narrative, non-exclamation, SSP, 1) two-axle, distribution, uncomplicated, 2) single-axle, distribution, simple)

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    good news lies buried, but bad news flies; cf. good fame sleeps, bad fame creeps; bad news has wings; bad (ill) news travels fast; ill news comes (flies) apace

    We all know what is happening in Veshki. There are merchants, priests - all intact. And probably whole in the Pictures. We hear what is happening around us. Good glory lies, but bad glory flees throughout the world! (M. Sholokhov, Quiet Don) - "And we all know, what"s going on in Vyoshenskaya. There the merchants and the priests are all alive and whole. And I reckon it "s the same in Karginskaya. We hear what"s going on around us. Good news lies buried, but bad news flies!"

    2 Good glory lies, but bad glory flees

    The good deeds a man does are not known of while his mean actions become widely known. See Good is soon forgotten (D), Bad rumor flies on wings (P)

    Var.: Good glory sits in the corner (behind the stove), and thin glory runs along the path (light). Good fame is within reach, and bad fame is beyond the threshold. Good fame trudges along, but bad fame rushes at a gallop.

    Cf: A bad deed never dies (Am.). Bad deeds follow you; the good ones fleece (Am. ). Good fame sleeps, bad fame creeps (Br.). A good reputation stands still; a bad one runs (Am. ). Injuries are written in brass (Br.). Ten good turns lie dead, and one ill deed report abroad does spread (Br. )
  • 3 good glory lies, but bad glory flees

    Syn.: bad news does not lie still W: der gute Ruf ruht, und der schlechte Ruf rennt; E: der schlechte Ruf verbreitet sich schneller, als der gute; Ä: Nachrede schläft nicht; Nachrede ist wie ein Schneeball; Nachrede reift über Nacht

    4 GLORY

    5 glory

    6 glory

    7 lie

See also in other dictionaries:

    Good glory lies, but bad glory flees.- Good glory lies, but bad glory flees. See RUMOR OF GLORY...

    good fame is up to the threshold, and bad fame is beyond the threshold- Good glory sits in the corner, bad glory runs along the path. Wed. Still, it’s a shame (what they say is bad). The proverb says: good glory lies, but bad glory flees. Ostrovsky. Don't sit in your own sleigh. 1, 2. Wed. Mauvaise renommée va plutôt que la bone. Anc... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    GLORY- SLAVA, s, female. 1. Honorary fame as evidence of universal respect, recognition of merit and talent. Unfading s. S. heroes! Literary village Order of Glory. 2. Rumors, rumors (colloquial). Goes with. about whom what n. Good s. lies, and the thin woman runs along the path... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    RUMOR - FAME- It’s not all true that women lie. You never know what they say, but you can’t adopt everything. Let them talk, and you know yours! As for people, I know myself. Listen to everyone, so don’t eat at a party or at home. I say to honor people, forget your father and mother (Arkhangelsk).... ... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    RUN- RUN, run, run, run, sit down. Bechi, Urals Cossack run, tumb. run, move at an accelerated pace, rapid rearrangement of legs; | quickly move from one place to another; moving away, approaching; | to leave, be absent and hide... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    dishonor- ▲ loss of honor dishonor loss of honor; reputation associated with loss of respect. dishonor. dishonor. deprive of honor [ good name. good fame]. shame public humiliation; a despicable position. disgrace. disgrace, sya. disgrace... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    LIE- LYING, lying down (see also lying down), being in a level position, across a plumb line, opposite. stand; rest flat. A person or animal lies resting on something, stretched out or curled up so as to give rest to the legs, and in general, not... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Good glory lies, but bad glory flees.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989.

See what it means: “Good glory lies, but bad glory flees.” in other dictionaries:

    Good glory sits in the corner, bad glory runs along the path. Wed. Still, it’s a shame (what they say is bad). The proverb says: good glory lies, but bad glory flees. Ostrovsky. Don't sit in your own sleigh. 1, 2. Wed. Mauvaise renommée va plutôt que la bone. Anc... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    SLAVA, s, female. 1. Honorary fame as evidence of universal respect, recognition of merit and talent. Unfading s. S. heroes! Literary village Order of Glory. 2. Rumors, rumors (colloquial). Goes with. about whom what n. Good s. lies, and the thin woman runs along the path... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Not everything is true that women lie. You never know what they say, but you can’t adopt everything. Let them talk, and you know yours! As for people, I know myself. Listen to everyone, so don’t eat at a party or at home. I say to honor people, forget your father and mother (Arkhangelsk).... ... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    RUN, run, run, run, sit down. Bechi, Urals Cossack run, tumb. run, move at an accelerated pace, rapid rearrangement of legs; | quickly move from one place to another; moving away, approaching; | to leave, be absent and hide... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    dishonor- ▲ loss of honor dishonor loss of honor; reputation associated with loss of respect. dishonor. dishonor. deprive of honor [good name. good fame]. shame public humiliation; a despicable position. disgrace. disgrace, sya. disgrace... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    LIE, lie down (see also lie down), be in a level position, across a plumb line, opposite. stand; rest flat. A person or animal lies resting on something, stretched out or curled up so as to give rest to the legs, and in general, not... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

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