A man known for his good deeds. The kindest people in Russian history

True stories from the lives of people with different destinies, lives and worldviews, but united by one big heart.

1. Dima is a teenager, no different from other guys like him. Nothing but kindness and sensitivity to complete strangers. One day he needed to visit the military registration and enlistment office. He didn’t have money for the bus, so he had to walk. It was in February. Having walked quite a bit from the house, from a distance he saw a woman lying in the snow. At first Dima thought that she was drunk, but when he approached her, he saw an elderly woman. Although there were many passers-by on the street, no one except Dima paid attention to her. The teenager came up and slowly picked her up. She said she was walking to church when she slipped and fell. Dima brought the woman home, although he had to deviate from the given route by two stops. As a sign of gratitude, she tried to give the guy money for travel. But Dima refused - that’s not why he helped her.

2. Love for animals can be limitless. Steve Craig, an accountant from Denver, knows this firsthand. A month after the death of his beloved dog, he began to feel depressed. Then Steve decided to take old, sick dogs from the shelter, who are unlikely to attract anyone's attention and whose fate, alas, is predictable. First, he adopted a twelve-year-old Chihuahua with a heart murmur and painful joints. Now he has 10 elderly dogs living at home. “I’m very happy that I was able to make these animals happy,” says Steve.

3. It’s no secret what exotic food they eat in South Korea. At their meat market you can find any animal, including dogs. Two-year-old dog Chi-Chi, hanging upside down in a dark room, was constantly beaten to make her meat more tender. However, for unknown reasons, it did not become another delicacy on someone’s table. She was simply left to die in a garbage bag. Fortunately, Chi-Chi was saved, but all of her legs had to be amputated. And after two months at the veterinary clinic, the dog found a family in Phoenix, Arizona.

4. Dreams tend to come true. It also came true for twelve-year-old Emily Tammen, who suffers from autism, attention deficit disorder and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. The girl's joints suffer due to this disease. Emily came to the concert of her favorite singer Adele with a poster “My dream is to sing with Adele.” The singer noticed this ad and invited the girl to the stage, offering to perform the hit “Someone Like You.”

5. You don't need to be a superhero to save lives. At one of the baseball games, player Andrew McCutcheon from the Pirates team slipped his bat. It flew straight into the boy's forehead. An unknown “superhero” wearing glasses deflected the blow of the bat by putting up his hand. Having flown around the boy's head, the bat still hit him on the back of the head. But this was not at all the blow that the unfortunate guy could have received.

6. Friendship between a penguin and a human is possible. In 2001, a pensioner saved a tiny penguin. He lay dying on the rocks, covered in oil. The man picked up the poor animal, cleaned its feathers of oil and fed it fish every day until the penguin gained strength. This was the beginning of their long and strong friendship.

7. There are also firefighters among dogs. Burnt puppy Jake, rescued from a fire by Bill Linder, became a firefighter. Baby Jake was just a few weeks old when he found himself in a burning barn. He received burns on 75% of his body, which forced his owners to abandon him. Then Bill's family decided to take him for themselves. Now Jake, together with his owner, conducts fire safety lessons in schools.

8. “You can’t see the most important things with your eyes,” said Exupery. Mr. Kuroki, a Japanese dairy farmer, spent two years trying to lift his blind wife out of depression. Having planted a giant flower bed, he pulled her outside, thereby making her smile.

9. Sometimes even a fire can end a wedding. A firefighter rescued a girl from a burning house. Unfortunately, he suffered a leg injury; doctors said that the man would no longer be able to walk normally. But 28 years later, he walked their daughter down the aisle.

10. “Five years ago I adopted a dog from a shelter that was about to be euthanized. Now this dog saves my life every day. I suffer from a neurological condition that causes seizures. My dog ​​knows in advance about the next attack and warns me about it.”

Maria Ryzhova
Photo: avivas.ru, dailymail.co.uk, mediaLeaks.ru, blognews.am, 4tololo.ru

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In order to do good, you do not need any special abilities or great capabilities. All this is the work of the most ordinary people. Which means everyone can do this.

website invites you to learn about the brightest deeds from around the world committed this year. Let's do good together!

World boxing champion built 1,000 houses for poor Filipinos

Once upon a time, Manny Pacquiao was an ordinary Filipino boy from a poor family, but now he is the only boxer in the world to win the world championship in 8 weight categories. With his first large fee, he built houses for the residents of his home village of Tango. Today, a thousand houses have already been built with his money.

Syrian man stayed in abandoned Aleppo to take care of cats

Alaa Jaleel from Aleppo risked his life every day to provide food and shelter to those in need. And when people left the city, he stayed to take care of their pets. He has more than a hundred cats, including a kitten that one little girl left him when she left. “I said I would take care of him until she came back,” Ala says.

The teacher organized a "Gentlemen's Club" for boys from single-parent families

Raymond Nelson is a teacher in a South Carolina school. He had trouble dealing with the bullies in his class. So he bought jackets and ties and created a “Gentlemen’s Club”, where boys learn once a week what fathers usually tell their sons: how to tie ties, how to address elders and how to be polite to your mother, grandmother or sister. Nelson's strict dress code serves a purpose, because a man wearing a tuxedo wouldn't fight. “I understand that they behave badly not because they are bad, but because they simply lack attention and love,” says the teacher.

Danish woman rescues two-year-old Nigerian boy abandoned by his parents

Almost a year has passed since Danish woman Anja Ringgren Loven found an emaciated two-year-old baby on the street. She named him Hope. His own parents kicked the boy out of the house, considering him a “sorcerer.” Then he was a little over a year old, and he survived only thanks to handouts from passers-by. Anya took him to her shelter, which she shares with her husband, David Emmanuel Umem. 35 rescued children from one to 14 years old live there.

When Anya posted a photo with Hope on Facebook, users from all over the world began to transfer money to her. A total of $1 million was raised. Anya and her husband have plans for a large orphanage and a clinic for children. And Hope now does not at all resemble a “skeleton on legs.” This is a cheerful baby who, according to his adoptive mother, “enjoys life to the fullest.”

Runner sacrifices future medal to help injured rival

At the Olympics, in the 5,000-meter race, New Zealand runner Nikki Hambly faced American Abby D'Agostino. Nikki helped her opponent up, and then they ran together, supporting each other. Both athletes not only qualified for the finals, but were also awarded the Pierre de Coubertin medal for demonstrating nobility and the true spirit of sport during the Olympic Games.

Thousands of people supported the girl whose birthday no one came to

None of the invitees came to 18-year-old Hallee Sorenson's birthday party. Then her cousin Rebecca asked netizens to support Halle with a card with a few kind words. And something amazing happened - a post office in Maine was flooded with letters and postcards. In total, the girl received 10 thousand cards and gifts.

Schoolchildren repeated graduation ceremony for their classmate who was in a car accident

Scott Dunn was in a serious car accident just before his graduation. After waking up from his coma, Scott was terribly upset that he had missed such an important day. But as soon as the young man began to recover, the school principal called his parents and said: “We want to do something special for your son.” It turned out that Scott's classmates had prepared a personal graduation for him. The celebration, congratulatory speeches, and graduation outfits were repeated, but this time only one diploma was awarded. Scott was shocked to the core: “I have no words. It’s incredible to realize how many people actually care about me.”

A homeless Thai man received housing and a job in gratitude for his honest deed

A 44-year-old homeless Thai man named Waralop found a wallet at a metro station. Despite the fact that he had no money at all, and in his wallet there were 20 thousand baht ($580) and credit cards, he did not spend them on his needs, but took the find to the police. The owner of the wallet turned out to be 30-year-old factory owner Niity Pongkriangyos, who was amazed by the homeless man's honesty. He admitted that if he himself had found himself in such a situation, he would hardly have returned the wallet. In gratitude, Niiti provided Varalop with a service apartment and gave him work in his factory. Now the former homeless man earns 11 thousand baht ($317) a month and no longer sleeps in the subway.

P Remember the song of the old woman Shapoklyak from the cartoon about the crocodile Gena: “You cannot become famous for good deeds.” Unfortunately, in the modern world, negative events and actions generate more interest than good deeds. But the people from our article do good simply because they have a pure heart and this makes their souls happier. Do good no matter what!

About the victory of good

The story began when Glen James, a homeless man from Boston, found a backpack containing a large amount of cash on the street. He was very lucky, but the man did not lose his head and handed over the find to the police so that the money could be returned to the owner. The owner of the backpack was so shocked by what happened that he organized a campaign to raise money for the man. So far they have collected twice the amount found. Glen James, who lost his home and job eight years ago, said he wouldn't take a penny from what he found even if he was desperate.

Friendship + car = good

Many girls dream of a little black dress, but Chandler Lacefield always dreamed of a big red car. But when her parents gave her a red jeep, she decided to sell her dream car in order to buy two: one for herself, and the second for a friend from a poor family.

Welcome to the subway

In the Canadian subway, the turnstile was broken and none of the workers were there. This is what passengers left at the entrance.

Valuable note

Entrance to a house in Helsinki. The inscription reads: “20 euros. Found in the entrance between the 1st and 2nd floors on September 11 at 18.30.”

Kindness in Russian

Kind-hearted grandmother

A Kolmyk grandmother knitted 300 pairs of warm socks for flood victims. As you know, there are no small good deeds, and once again we find confirmation of this in the wonderful news from Magadan. A local resident, pensioner Rufina Ivanovna Korobeinikova, knitted and donated them to flood victims in Khabarovsk three hundred pairs of warm socks.

Over the course of several years, the elderly woman knitted about two thousand woolen products, which were donated to the pupils of an orphanage and to a home for the disabled. Since things knitted by a merciful grandmother were usually given to those in need at Christmas, over time a very warm tradition of “woolen gifts” developed in local shelters, and Rufina Ivanovna was already knitting new socks for the upcoming holiday when the flood began in Khabarovsk.

Rufina Ivanovna, having heard in the news about the tragedy associated with the flood, decided that now her “woolen gifts” are more important to the victims, because many people were left not only without housing, but also without clothes.

Written gratitude to dad

How much does it take to be happy?

Farewell screensaver

The creators of The Simpsons said a touching goodbye to the late actress Marcia Wallans, who voiced Edna Krabappel. In the last intro for the cartoon, Bart is practicing his spelling as usual, but this time the reason is sad. The inscription on the board: "We will miss you very much, Mrs. K."

Kim Kjellstrom comforts an autistic boy

This happens before the start of the match with the German national team. Little Max was frightened by what was happening, and the football player supported him. Later, the boy's father wrote a touching letter of gratitude to Kim.

Pope Francis hugs a mutilated man

Many people love the new pope because he follows his motto and leads a modest lifestyle, refuses unnecessary honors and is truly open to all ordinary people who need his support. For the first time in many years, this post was occupied by a person who is ready to share the sorrows of the world and console the weak.

The Scorpions singer sang the song Holiday to his fan over the phone

The Scorpions group was on tour in Moscow. At this time, a message from a charitable foundation appeared on social networks that a fan of the group, who was in a Moscow hospice with a serious diagnosis, dreamed of going to their concert. Within a day, the message received several thousand reposts, and Klaus Meine, vocalist of Scorpions, found a way out of the situation. If Alexey cannot attend the concert, he will hear his favorite band over the phone.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that faith, hope and love are the basis of human life. Even the most hardened and degraded criminal has at least one of these feelings alive somewhere in the depths of his soul: hope. For forgiveness, for a better life, for pardon, for reconciliation with oneself and God. And there, you see, it’s not far from faith and love.

Sofia is a special matter. Wisdom is not easy to come by, and not everyone needs it; many find it much easier without this burdensome phenomenon. However, in the history of real women, martyrs of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, this connection cannot be broken; these saints are always together.

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. Icon from Vatopedi Monastery

Their life is a story that is accepted with incredible difficulty by consciousness. And the point is not at all that our time somehow overvalues ​​human life? or is too skeptical about such a phenomenon as the Christian faith, or puts more material than spiritual values ​​at the forefront. No, the description of such a short, but such a bright life of three holy girls chills the blood precisely with this combination: a life short in duration and bright in content. Only now the content was martyrdom, with the sophisticated imagination of the torturers and the immeasurable, inconceivable human understanding and courage of the mother...

In the 2nd century AD, from 117 to 138, Emperor Hadrian ruled Rome, known not only for his state services, but also for the fact that his lover was the young man Antinous, who drowned in the Nile River and was not only deified by Hadrian, but became the last god of the departing ancient pantheon. It was to this emperor that a denunciation arrived from the Italian governor Antiochus that the pious widow Sophia from Milan professed the Christian faith and was raising her three daughters according to Christian commandments. The emperor was angry and summoned the family to Rome, making little secret of the final purpose of their journey.

Mother and daughters arrived at their destination - and all three girls, despite the fact that the youngest of them, Lyubov, was only 9 years old, and the eldest, Vera, had reached the age of 12, understood perfectly well where they had arrived and what awaited them . At first, Emperor Hadrian was quite kind and simply invited the arriving family to bow and pay homage to the goddess of the hunt, Artemis, dear to his heart. After a decisive refusal on the part of Sophia and her daughters, he offered rich gifts in exchange for this worship, but this did not bring success - however, it must be said, the emperor did not particularly count on consent. An attempt was made to separate the children from the mother and her influence - Faith, Hope and Love, on the orders of Adrian, were sent to a noble and famous pagan woman, who tried to persuade the girls to renounce Christ, either by persuasion, or caresses, or threats, or even religious disputes . Everything was unsuccessful: the young women firmly stood their ground, their faith was deep and sincere and did not depend on whether their mother was next to them or not.

The pagan woman lowered her hands, and the girls again appeared before Adrian. Threats were used, but Faith, Hope and Love were adamant in their faith. Realizing that words could achieve nothing, the emperor gave the order that the three girls be brutally tortured in front of their mother. They were burned on a hot grate, lowered into a vat of boiling resin, thrown into a fiery furnace, but all was in vain: the holy girls remained firm in their faith, and the Lord helped them to remain steadfast and miraculously preserved them from death. The perverted fantasy of the torturers extended far - for example, the youngest of the sisters, 9-year-old Lyubov, was tied to a wheel and beaten with sticks until her body became one continuous bloody wound. The mother was forced to watch her daughters suffer, but from her lips only words of support and praise to the Lord were heard. Before Sophia’s eyes, the torturers, tired of their fruitless efforts, beheaded the young women, but the mother’s spiritual joy was incomparable: she understood that her daughters had been awarded the crown of martyrdom and the Kingdom of God.

Emperor Hadrian understood perfectly well that a mother’s heart still suffers, even with the strongest heavenly joy. To prolong the torment of the persistent woman, he ordered his servants to give her the bodies of her daughters, so that she herself would take care of their burial. The suffering Sophia loaded her dead girls into the ark and went with her mournful burden out of the city, where she buried the holy bodies on a hill. After that, she spent two days next to their graves, grieving, rejoicing and praying to the Lord. On the third day He accepted her soul too.

The Church canonized the martyred girls as saints, glorifying their suffering mother along with them on the same day. Since 777, the relics of all four have been kept in the Alsatian church of Escho.

Modern realities change too much in the value system. Signs of the times are very ardent feminism and, most often, unreasonable juvenile justice - something that has no place in this terrible, sometimes cruel, but happy for every understanding Christian history of faith, hope and love - that is, wisdom.

The most terrible, the most godless time did not abandon these three virtues. Yes, faith in God could be replaced by faith in the ruler, love could be given some macabre colors at times, and hope could be placed on a pedestal of such heights that it seemed to replace the two previous feelings. But even the most perverted consciousness understands that faith, hope and love are integral aspirations, needs and abilities of a person - and it is not even so important whether he believes in the presence of a soul or only in the triumph of reason. After all, these are the main virtues.

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The most long-awaited gift that people expect from celebrities is a personal meeting. And the stars are happy to do this. There have always been many such famous people both in our country and abroad. You can recall the famous doctor Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, who was known for his charitable activities.

Wheelchair basketball with Gerard Pique

Famous defender of the Barcelona football club Gerard Pique sat in a wheelchair specifically to be on an equal footing with people in wheelchairs diagnosed with paralysis and to play basketball with them. Basketball first appeared in the United States around the 40s and has recently been included in the list of programs of the Paralympic Games.

This event took place in Spain at the Guttman Institute, a specialized medical center that provides care to people with brain or spinal injuries. The event was organized by the Laures Appeal Foundation, which - “ Sport for good”, and their main goal is to combine social work and physical activity together. About 15 famous people, athletes from various sports disciplines, took part in the fund’s event. Among them is Gerard Pique.

The Zapashny brothers visited the Research Institute of Pediatric Surgery with a tiger

Institute of Pediatric Traumatology and Surgery ( research institute) Zapashny brothers visited with his ward tigress Marfa. One of the sick children dreamed about this Ivan Voronin, who came under fire in the city of Shakhtersk. The boy has no legs, one arm and almost complete loss of vision. Vanya’s father and younger brother were killed under fire, and Vanya himself was evacuated to Russia.

Askold and Edgar, having laid Marfa in the hall of the institute, brought Vanya to her. The boy stroked the animal and said that he was not afraid at all.

After the visit Edgar shared his thoughts: “The words “courage” and “children” should not be interconnected, but what we saw today cannot be called differently: when a nine-year-old child courageously fights for life and at the same time finds the strength to rejoice. Holding Vanya in my arms, tears welled up in my eyes, to hide it.”

Before leaving, the Zapashny brothers gave the child a small toy tiger cub in memory of their meeting.

Maria Sharapova gave a master class for Sunny Logan

Famous tennis player, founder of a charitable foundation providing support to victims of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - Maria Sharapova gave a lesson to Sunny Logan, a girl who was able to overcome a disease such as a rare form of lymphoma. Sunny had long dreamed of meeting a famous athlete. Even before her illness, the girl was fond of tennis, which, according to her, helped her overcome this serious illness.

After meeting with Sunny Logan, Maria Sharapova shared her impressions: “The girl plays tennis quite well and can become a very good athlete.”

Robert Downey Jr. gave seven-year-old Alex an “iron hand”

Robert Downey-Jr., who played in the film “Iron Man,” gave Alex Pring a prosthesis similar to the hand of its famous hero. The boy was missing one arm from birth. The prosthesis was manufactured by Limbitless Solutions, the founder of which is Alberto Manero.

The goal of his project is to produce inexpensive bionic prostheses for children from low-income families. The price of one prosthesis is about $350, but a prosthesis that is almost indistinguishable from a real arm or leg is quite affordable.

Alex Pringi happily demonstrated the capabilities of the prosthesis donated by his favorite actor.

Igor Akinfeev invited a boy from a hospice to the CSKA sports base

Famous goalkeeper of the CSKA football team Igor Akinfeev organized a meeting with a little fan Sergei Zenkin at the CSKA sports base. Sergei is being treated at the First Hospice with a diagnosis of a brain tumor, which, unfortunately, is inoperable.

At the CSKA base, Sergei met not only with his favorite goalkeeper, but also with his coach, Leonid Slutsky. I also took photos with players Zoran Tosic, Vasily Berezutskiy and Sergei Ignashevich.

Sergei discussed football news with his idol, talked about past matches and upcoming plans, and was also able to attend the team’s training session. In addition, the boy told Igor how he learned about his diagnosis and how he was being treated. During the story, the boy almost burst into tears.

After the meeting, Sergei Zenkin’s mother said: “Meetings like this are very supportive. And the rest will follow.”

Actors from the TV series “Voronin” helped Liza get from the hospice to the film pavilion

Ward from the children's hospice "House with a Lighthouse" 8 year old Lisa with the help of the Voronins, I visited the set. The girl has complete loss of vision due to an incurable form of cancer, but this does not stop her from listening to the series “Voronin” 10 episodes a day.

On the set, Lisa tried herself as a cameraman, giving the command “Cut!” and “Motor!”, read the next episode and held the microphone. The child felt at home in the film pavilion; the girl even gave some non-childish advice to the director of the series.

Yulia Savicheva sang especially for Sonya at the hospice

14-year-old Sonya, a hospice patient, told the staff of the Vera charity foundation that she dreams of meeting Yulia Savicheva. And the very next day the girl met the singer.

Sonya has an inoperable brain tumor and was in serious condition during the meeting, but despite this, Sonya and Yulia spent almost 2 hours together. They talked and sang songs. Savicheva brought her autographed CDs and cakes for her.

Before leaving, Julia invited Sonya to her concert and promised to find her eyes in the hall.

The deceased Lokomotiv hockey player secretly helped sick children

And it’s impossible not to remember Ivana Tkachenko.

Ivan Tkachenko, the leader of the Yaroslavl Lokomotiv, secretly helped children with cancer until his death.

16 year old Diana Ibragimova from Voronezh they made a terrible diagnosis - acute lymphoblastic leukosis. The girl could only be saved by an operation, which costs a lot of money. And only after the death of Ivan Tkachenko, Diana’s mother found out who saved her daughter from death.

Ivan Tkachenko transferred 500,000 rubles twice for the treatment of Diana Ibragimova.

Sometimes it seems to us that the world is closed in its cruelty and pursuit of money, but this is not so! Evidence of this is the good deeds that famous people do. And how many more things ordinary people do, we just don’t know about it...