The good one lies down and the thin one runs. The meaning of good fame runs, but bad fame flies

The autobiographical novel by Nikolai Ostrovsky is divided into two parts, each of which contains nine chapters: childhood, adolescence and youth; then mature years and illness.

For an unworthy act (he poured terry into the dough for the priest), the cook's son Pavka Korchagin is expelled from school, and he ends up “in the public eye.” “The boy looked into the very depths of life, to its bottom, into the well, and the smell of musty mold and swamp dampness came over him, greedy for everything new, unknown.” When the stunning news “The Tsar has been overthrown” burst into his small town like a whirlwind, Pavel had no time to think about his studies, he works hard and, like a boy, without hesitation, hides weapons, despite the ban from the bosses of the suddenly surging non-human weapons. When the province is flooded with an avalanche of Petlyura gangs, he witnesses many Jewish pogroms that end in brutal murders.

Anger and indignation often overwhelm the young daredevil, and he cannot help but help the sailor Zhukhrai, a friend of his brother Artyom, who worked at the depot. The sailor more than once talked kindly with Pavel: “You, Pavlusha, have everything to be good fighter for the workers' cause, only you are very young and have a very weak concept of the class struggle. I'll tell you, brother, about the real road, because I know: you will be useful. I don’t like quiet and clingy ones. Now the fire has started all over the earth. The slaves rebelled and old life must go to the bottom. But this requires brave lads, not mama's boys, but a people of a strong breed, who before a fight do not crawl into cracks like a cockroach, but hit without mercy.” The strong and muscular Pavka Korchagin, who knows how to fight, saves Zhukhrai from under the convoy, for which he himself is seized by the Petliurists on denunciation. Pavka was not familiar with the fear of an ordinary person defending his belongings (he had nothing), but ordinary human fear gripped him with an icy hand, especially when he heard from his guard: “Why carry it, sir? A bullet in the back and it’s over.” Pavka became scared. However, Pavka manages to escape and hides with a girl he knows, Tony, with whom he is in love. Unfortunately, she is an intellectual from the “rich class”: the daughter of a forester.

Having undergone the first baptism of fire in battles civil war, Pavel returns to the city where the Komsomol organization was created and becomes its active member. The attempt to drag Tonya into this organization fails. The girl is ready to obey him, but not completely. She comes to the first Komsomol meeting too dressed up, and it’s hard for him to see her among the faded tunics and blouses. Tony's cheap individualism becomes intolerable to Pavel. The need for a break was clear to both of them... Pavel’s intransigence brings him to the Cheka, especially in the province it is headed by Zhukhrai. However, the KGB work has a very destructive effect on Pavel’s nerves, his concussion pains become more frequent, he often loses consciousness, and after a short respite in hometown Pavel goes to Kyiv, where he also ends up in the Special Department under the leadership of Comrade Segal.

The second part of the novel opens with a description of a trip to a provincial conference with Rita Ustinovich, Korchagin is appointed as her assistant and bodyguard. Having borrowed from Rita " leather jacket", he squeezes into the carriage, and then pulls a young woman through the window. “For him, Rita was inviolable. This was his friend and fellow target, his political instructor, and yet she was a woman. He felt this for the first time at the bridge, and that’s why her hug excites him so much. Pavel felt deep, even breathing, somewhere very close to her lips. The proximity gave birth to an irresistible desire to find those lips. Straining his will, he suppressed this desire.” Unable to control his feelings, Pavel Korchagin refuses to meet with Rita Ustinovich, who teaches him political literacy. Thoughts about the personal are pushed back even further in the young man’s mind when he takes part in the construction of a narrow-gauge railway. The time of year is difficult - winter, Komsomol members work in four shifts, without time to rest. Work is delayed by bandit raids. There is nothing to feed the Komsomol members, there is no clothing or shoes either. Work until exhaustion ends serious illness. Pavel falls, struck down by typhus. His closest friends, Zhukhrai and Ustinovich, having no information about him, think that he died.

However, after illness, Pavel is back in action. As a worker, he returns to the workshops, where he not only works hard, but also restores order, forcing Komsomol members to wash and clean the workshop, to the great bewilderment of his superiors. In the town and throughout Ukraine, the class struggle continues, security officers catch enemies of the revolution, suppress bandit raids. The young Komsomol member Korchagin does many good deeds, defending his comrades at cell meetings, and his party friends on the dark streets.

“The most precious thing a person has is life. It is given to him once, and he must live it in such a way that there is no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly, so that the shame for a petty and petty past does not burn, and so that, dying, he can say: his whole life, all his strength was given to the most beautiful thing in the world - the struggle for the liberation of humanity. And we must hurry to live. After all, a ridiculous disease or some tragic accident can interrupt it."

Having witnessed many deaths and killed himself, Pavka valued every day he lived, accepting party orders and statutory regulations as responsible directives of his existence. As a propagandist, he also takes part in the defeat of the “workers’ opposition,” calling his behavior “petty-bourgeois.” sibling, and even more so in verbal attacks on Trotskyists who dared to speak out against the party. They don’t want to listen to him, but Comrade Lenin pointed out that we must rely on youth.

When it became known in Shepetovka that Lenin had died, thousands of workers became Bolsheviks. The respect of party members propelled Pavel far forward, and one day he found himself in Bolshoi Theater next to Central Committee member Rita Ustinovich, who was surprised to learn that Pavel was alive. Pavel says that he loved her like a Gadfly, a man of courage and infinite endurance. But Rita already has a friend and a three-year-old daughter, and Pavel is sick, and he is sent to the Central Committee sanatorium and thoroughly examined. However, the serious illness, leading to complete immobility, progresses. No new, better sanatoriums and hospitals can save him. With the thought that “we need to stay in line,” Korchagin begins to write. There are good ones next to him kind women: first Dora Rodkina, then Taya Kyutsam. “Did he live his twenty-four years well or badly? Looking over his memory year after year, Pavel checked his life like an impartial judge and decided with deep satisfaction that his life was not so bad... Most importantly, he did not sleep through the hot days, found his place in the iron battle for power, and The crimson banner of the revolution contains a few drops of his blood.”

Life must be lived in such a way that there is no excruciating pain from wasted years.
From the novel (Part 2, Chapter 3) “How the Steel Was Tempered” (1932-1934) by the Soviet writer Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky (1904-1936): “The most precious thing a person has is life. It is given to him once, and one must live it in such a way that one does not feel painfully ashamed of the years spent aimlessly, so that one does not feel shame for the petty and petty past, and so that, when dying, one can say: all one’s life and all one’s strength have been devoted to the most important thing in the world: the struggle for the liberation of humanity. we must hurry to live, because an absurd illness or some tragic accident can interrupt it.
Overwhelmed by these thoughts, Korchagin left the brotherly cemetery.”
Quoted: as a call to a worthy, active life.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

  • Life is short, art is forever
  • Life begins after forty

See what “Life must be lived in such a way that there is no excruciating pain for wasted years” in other dictionaries:

    The most precious thing a person has is life. It is given to him once, and he must live it in such a way that it does not cause excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly

    So that it doesn't hurt excruciatingly- see. Life must be lived in such a way that there is no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly. Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. M.: Locked Press. Vadim Serov. 2003 ... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

    life- , and, w. 1. The period of human existence. ** [No need to be sad] your whole life is ahead [hope and wait]. // Words from A. Ekimyan’s song to the poems of R. Rozhdestvensky “No need to be sad” (1975). The same motive is used in A. Pakhmutova’s song on ...

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    year- , a, m. == Glorious years. ◘ It [industrialization] was carried out during the glorious years of the first five-year plans. XO, 388. == Anniversary year. ◘ What is your name? Uh uh. Surname? Uh uh. What are you complaining about? Uh uh. What year is it now? Anniversary. Kupina, 122. *… … Dictionary language of the Council of Deputies

    PAVEL KORCHAGIN- “PAVEL KORCHAGIN”, USSR, KIEV film studio, 1956, color, 102 min. Heroico romantic drama. Based on the novel by N. Ostrovsky “How the Steel Was Tempered.” “The most precious thing a person has is life. It is given once and you need to live it so that there is no... Encyclopedia of Cinema

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    How the steel was tempered (novel)- This term has other meanings, see How steel was hardened. How the steel was tempered Genre: novel

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  • How steel was tempered (audiobook MP3), N. Ostrovsky. "How the Steel Was Tempered" - one of greatest novels Soviet era, autobiographical novel Soviet writer- Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky. This immortal work... Buy audiobook for 173 rubles
  • How steel was hardened, Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky. “The most precious thing a person has is life. It is given to him once, and he must live it in such a way that there is no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly” - perhaps one of the most famous...

I have no right to judge anyone. I'm just thinking.

About the same thing as the simple one unknown soldier there was only one life. And there could only be one battle, which he unconditionally accepted, giving up his life in the name of the Motherland somewhere at an unnamed height.

The miner has one life. Who risks it every day, going underground and extracting coal for the country.

The submariner who goes into autonomous service has only one life. A sapper, a fireman, a rescuer and a policeman have one life.

Vitaly Churkin and Andrei Karlov, Oleg Peshkov and Magomed Nurbagandov, Mikhail Tolstykh and Arseny Pavlov - they all also had one life.

Damn it, I have one life too! And any of us got the right to live our lives only once.

But only the weak play giveaway with her.

Self-sufficient and strong people, and even more so those who directly or indirectly represent the country, this does not suit them.

No, you can, of course, succumb to weakness and temptation and make a decision with the argument “this is MY life, MY career, MY prospect, MY chance.” And march under the white flag.

But this will have nothing in common with OUR country.

And in in this case we should immediately dot the i’s and make it clear that “neutral athletes from Russia” are going to defend their PERSONAL interests. Which are extremely important exclusively for their PERSONAL life.

Yes, there is only one life. AND Olympic Games- a chance that often happens only once and not for everyone.

But today YOUR chance is a spit in OUR faces.

So don’t be offended later that the country did not understand or appreciate your action.

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    good news lies buried, but bad news flies; cf. good fame sleeps, bad fame creeps; bad news has wings; bad (ill) news travels fast; ill news comes (flies) apace

    We all know what is happening in Veshki. There are merchants, priests - all intact. And probably whole in the Pictures. We hear what is happening around us. Good glory lies, but bad glory flees throughout the world! (M. Sholokhov, Quiet Don) - "And we all know, what"s going on in Vyoshenskaya. There the merchants and the priests are all alive and whole. And I reckon it "s the same in Karginskaya. We hear what"s going on around us. Good news lies buried, but bad news flies!"

    2 Good glory lies, but bad glory flees

    The good deeds a man does are not known of while his mean actions become widely known. See Good is soon forgotten (D), Bad rumor flies on wings (P)

    Var.: Good glory sits in the corner (behind the stove), and thin glory runs along the path (light). Good fame is within reach, and bad fame is beyond the threshold. Good fame trudges along, but bad fame rushes at a gallop.

    Cf: A bad deed never dies (Am.). Bad deeds follow you; the good ones fleece (Am. ). Good fame sleeps, bad fame creeps (Br.). A good reputation stands still; a bad one runs (Am. ). Injuries are written in brass (Br.). Ten good turns lie dead, and one ill deed report abroad does spread (Br. )
  • 3 good fame lies, and the thin one runs

    Syn.: bad news does not lie still W: der gute Ruf ruht, und der schlechte Ruf rennt; E: der schlechte Ruf verbreitet sich schneller, als der gute; Ä: Nachrede schläft nicht; Nachrede ist wie ein Schneeball; Nachrede reift über Nacht

    4 GLORY

    5 glory

    6 glory

    7 lie

See also in other dictionaries:

    Good glory lies, but bad glory flees.- Good glory lies, but bad glory flees. See RUMOR OF GLORY...

    good fame is up to the threshold, and bad fame is beyond the threshold- Good glory sits in the corner, bad fame runs along the path. Wed. Still, it’s a shame (what they say is bad). The proverb says: good glory lies, but bad glory flees. Ostrovsky. Don't sit in your own sleigh. 1, 2. Wed. Mauvaise renommée va plutôt que la bone. Anc... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    GLORY- SLAVA, s, female. 1. Honorary fame as evidence of universal respect, recognition of merit and talent. Unfading s. S. heroes! Literary village Order of Glory. 2. Rumors, rumors (colloquial). Goes with. about whom what n. Good s. lies, and the thin woman runs along the path... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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    dishonor- ▲ loss of honor dishonor loss of honor; reputation associated with loss of respect. dishonor. dishonor. deprive of honor [ good name. good fame]. shame public humiliation; a despicable position. disgrace. disgrace, sya. disgrace... ... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

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