Tsar Maximilian folk drama read. Tsar Maximilian (I) (folk heroic-romantic drama)

In the study of the internal laws of artistic creativity, a special place is occupied by the problem of the writer’s relationship with the previous literary tradition. One of the effective ways to create new semantic sounds artistic image is reminiscence.

Reminiscence (from the Latin reministentia - echo, vague memory) is focused on the memory and associative thinking of literature, the writer and the reader. It is often difficult to establish the line between the author's deliberate intention to borrow someone else's image or word and unconscious reminiscence. One way or another, the creation of a new text is impossible without turning to tradition.

Alien mastered by the writer artistic experience has various influences on his work. Each work has its own literary and historical starting point. The writer’s orientation towards certain traditions is not formal, but content-functional. Only in this case does the writer’s reading experience become creatively productive. As I. Bernstein wrote: “ Artistic embodiment centuries-old images is the springboard on which both the traditional and the innovative in literature emerge clearly.”

Let us consider the typology of reminiscences and the characteristics of the main types of citations.

Verbatim reproduction of the source text, offered in the form of extracts or short sayings, often indicated graphically or in quotation marks. These are quotes in diaries, public speaking, pamphlets, parodies. Epigraphs also belong to this type, but they have their own special compositional meaning in the text. In the works of the romantics, in epic texts Pushkin's epigraph occupies an important place and suggests a multiplicity of interpretations.

Playing a source from minor changes and additions that do not violate the semantic and stylistic appearance of the original, often implying a different expression compared to the precedent text. Quotes from A. S. Pushkin in Goncharov’s novel “ An ordinary story"serve as an ironic reduction in the romantic pathos of Alexander Aduev.

The uncle says: “Today I tried my best for you, Alexander, in gratitude for the service you did me... I assured her that you love so passionately, so tenderly...” In Pushkin’s poem “I loved you...” .” this thought sounds different: “... loved so sincerely, so tenderly.”

Intertextual citation: sometimes a phrase from a famous work takes on new life in national literature and correlates only with the image that has become a sign of the times. Thus, Chatsky’s remark, which has become a textbook, “The smoke of the fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us” in the context of the plot of the comedy “Woe from Wit” is connected with the theme of returning to the homeland.

Litvinov’s arrival in Russia in Turgenev’s novel “Smoke” is also presented in a similar vein. Literature XIX century turns to a topic outlined already in antiquity. Griboyedov quotes a winged Latin expression. The direct source is verses from the “Letters from Pontus” by Ovid, who in turn quoted Homer’s “Odyssey”:

But wishing in vain

To even see the smoke rising from the native shores in the distance,

He prays for one death.

A similar quote appears in

Derzhavin in the poem “Harp”:

Good news about our side is dear to us,

Fatherland and smoke is sweet and pleasant to us.

V. T. Narezhny in the story “Russian Gilblaz” gives a different source of citation, indicating the popularity of Horace in Russian literature of the late 18th century: “I saw the tin head of our ancient church, and my heart trembled... I have never felt Horace’s verse more vividly . This aphorism became the epigraph to the magazine “ Russian Museum", which was published in 1792-1794.

Replacement of individual semantically and stylistically important elements source, its deliberate editing, leading to a transformation of the pathetic tonality of thought. For example, in Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot,” Lebedev pronounces a line from Derzhavin’s poem (“I am a king, I am a slave, I am a worm, I am God”) in a deliberately distorted form: “I am a slave, I am a worm, but not God.” .

This type of reminiscence is often found in the genres of parody, literary pun, and collage. For example:

Fragmentary translation of the text, that is, the use of the most characteristic words and expressions for the source. In F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment,” Porfiry Petrovich, stating Raskolnikov’s mental illness, says: “Smoke, fog, a string rings in the fog...” Quote from “Notes of a Madman” by N. V. Gogol - “gray fog crawled underfoot; a string rings in the fog...” - in Dostoevsky’s work, metaphorically reveals the depth of the moral and psychological crisis of the hero who has committed a crime and is gradually losing touch with reality.

Free arrangement, retelling, translation of individual source motifs to create a symbolic commentary on the episode. L. N. Tolstoy in “Adolescence” reproduces Pushkin’s definition in the confession of Nikolenka Irteniev: “My comme il faut: consisted, first and most importantly, in excellent French and, especially, in pronunciation, the second condition was long, peeled and clean nails, the third was the ability to bow, dance and talk..." It is enough to turn to the primary source - "Eugene Onegin" to understand who was the standard for Tolstoy's hero:

He could express himself and write in French perfectly, danced the mazurka easily and bowed at ease...

You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails...

Note on archetypal image or community portrait characteristics allows the author not to give detailed description appearance and character of the hero, refuse to specify the spiritual qualities of the character, and, with the help of literary reminiscence, present a psychological type.

When M.Yu. Lermontov, in his characterization of Dr. Werner, notes that he limped on one leg and there was something demonic in his appearance, it is not difficult for readers to relate him to Byronic heroes. And the clarification - “the youth called him Mephistopheles” - allows us to add the theme of the tempter to the image. The portrait of Pechorin, presented with numerous psychological details in the story “Maksim Maksimych,” is discernible in the description of Litvinov’s appearance from the novel “Smoke.”

Travesting the original: sometimes correlating the hero with literary archetype given on an ironic level, the insincerity of the feelings of one of the participants is determined love conflict. Tatyana Larina discovered the character of Onegin. After visiting the hero’s library, she concludes with horror: “Isn’t he a parody?” Onegin seemed to Tatyana to be “only an imitation” of Byron’s heroes.

With the help of close text solutions in Russian literature, the pathos of images in the works “Hamlet of Shchigrovsky District” by I. S. Turgenev and “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District” by N. S. Leskov is reduced.

Turgenev's hero, like Shakespeare's Hamlet, doubts his destiny, but the general context of the character's existence testifies to the tragicomic nature of his experiences. Leskovskaya's heroine edits the famous tragic conflict, she commits crimes not in defense of her husband’s honor, but out of boredom, which awakens the uncontrollability of love passion.

Quoting the Bible is traditional for Russian literature. Writers are sensitive to eternal truths and reproduce the text of Holy Scripture with absolute accuracy, highlighting it compositionally (epigraphs, characters reading the Gospel, telling parables), often indicating the source.

Quotes from the Bible precede the poem “Mtsyri” by M. Yu. Lermontov, the novels “Anna Karenina” by L. N. Tolstoy, “Demons” and “The Brothers Karamazov” by F. M. Dostoevsky.

Appeal to Holy Scripture creates special codes of the text, outlines the prospects for the philosophical interpretation of works and at the same time allows us to determine the position of the authors who inherit wisdom Eternal Book. As L. Tolstoy said, “only in the Bible can you find answers to all questions in a person’s life.”

An example of the indisputable authority of the Bible is the compositional organization of epigraphs in F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Demons.” A quote from Pushkin’s poem ends with a question, and a thought from the New Testament sounds like a metaphorical answer to it.

The book is a reconstruction of the context of a plot situation. Often the inclusion of an image of a book, a conversation about it, or just an indication of some actions with this book in the story allows the reader to assume a symbolic connection with a famous literary myth. Creative rethinking of the images of Hamlet, Don Quixote, Faust extremely clearly expresses the integrity and dynamics of the literary process.

This type of literary reminiscence performs the function of interpreting and predicting the plot. For example, Aglaya puts a note written by Prince Myshkin in a volume of Cervantes, and then in another scene recites Pushkin’s “Poor Knight,” thereby indicating the commonality of the characters and destinies of Myshkin and Don Quixote.

Associative citation. In a number of works, for example by F. M. Dostoevsky, a number of quotes are built up that the author needs for gradual commentary state of mind hero. In “Confession of a Warm Heart” by Mitya Karamazov, the hysterical exclamation - “Glory to the Most High in the world, Glory to the Most High in me” - gives way to doubt about the meaning of existence.

Nekrasov’s image, generated by the contemplation of the “darkness of delusions”, sounds sad: “Do not trust the empty and deceitful crowd, forget your doubts.” Then the soul, burned by thought, turns to the “divine” Goethe.

The hero realizes the entire abyss of his fall and is therefore capable of the highest moral rise. An illustration of the process of self-awareness is a set of reminiscences. A quotation from Goethe sets Alyosha up for a condescending attitude towards Mitya, and then spiritual peace sets in: Maykov’s poem “Bas-relief” reconstructs the romantic landscape of the scene and the unusually enthusiastic state of the confessor.

Introduction to literary criticism (N.L. Vershinina, E.V. Volkova, A.A. Ilyushin, etc.) / Ed. L.M. Krupchanov. - M, 2005

The human psyche is very complex in its structure. Until now, many phenomena cannot be accurately explained. It is necessary to put forward assumptions and theories in order to somehow touch on a phenomenon that is still unclear, but clearly manifests itself in humans. The same thing happens with such a phenomenon as reminiscence, the concept and examples of which will be discussed in the online magazine site.

How do memories arise? In simple terms, a person pays his attention to something, after which he consciously remembers what he saw, heard, said, did, etc. However, a person cannot pay attention to absolutely everything. For example, while you are standing at a bus stop and looking for minibus numbers to catch the one you need, at the same time people are passing by you, other cars are passing, the wind is blowing, birds are flying, people are talking about something, etc. All around Many events happen to you, but you pay attention only to what interests you at a given second of time.

It seems that a person does not remember everything that he did not pay attention to. Scientists refute this idea. Reminiscence is precisely those memories that the brain has imprinted, although the person himself did not pay attention to them.

Since memories are images from the past that have a clear picture and theme, then during reminiscence the memories are clear and clear. Only they are incomprehensible to a person, because he did not remember them consciously, did not pay attention to them when these events occurred in his life.

According to psychologists, the brain remembers absolutely everything that happens to a person, both inside and outside. A person may not pay attention to something, but if his eyes saw it or his ears heard it, then it will definitely be remembered and deposited in the subconscious, from where memories will arise in the future.

What is reminiscence?

The phenomenon of reminiscence remains far unexplored, since it is still impossible to logically understand how memories arise that a person did not remember. Reminiscence refers to memories that a person reproduces without repeating them several days or even years after remembering them. Moreover, these memories are very clear and logically constructed. Undoubtedly, such memories evoke emotions in a person who did not even suspect they existed.

Reminiscence is the reproduction of information some time after its perception, which happened unconsciously, without repetition or intentional human participation.

This concept was described in 1907 by the Serbian scientist Urbancic, who observed how people reproduce verbal, nonverbal and sensorimotor material. Scientists note this phenomenon in preschool and school age. They are the ones who can reproduce the material several years after it was perceived, when this happened once, without memorization.

Many psychologists have been interested in the phenomenon of reminiscence. Everyone tried to describe this phenomenon, trying to explain the mechanism of its occurrence. However, so far no one has managed to do this. It’s just that a person automatically performs actions or reproduces material, which happens not by his will, but unconsciously.

Reminiscence appears as often as the material is interesting to a person. For example, logical chains are more often reproduced than incoherent material, and what is interesting to a person can pop up in the head just a few months after it is perceived.

Reproduction is influenced by many factors. For example, if a person does not master the material sufficiently, then it is not reproduced.

  1. If the material is reproduced immediately after it has been memorized, then the individual relies on associations.
  2. If information is reproduced some time after receipt, then it is based on logical connections.

Reminiscence often manifests itself in children, since it is based on the unreflective perception of information. This happens when a student memorizes material but does not understand it, or when a student learns a poem without understanding it or emotionally perceiving it. As soon as the test is passed or the teacher hears the poem, the information will be erased from the conscious part of the memory.

Thus, reminiscence is the perception of material without understanding it. There is simply memorization by repeating it many times, so that later it can be forgotten (the information will go into the subconscious) as soon as it is used or long time will not be used. Reproduction of this material after some time will be a reminiscence, when a person suddenly remembers what he forgot, and this will be facilitated favorable conditions external environment.

Reminiscence is a sudden memory. The person doesn't remember him. A person does not participate in the process of remembering it, that is, he is not even aware of its presence. However, in external environment arise certain conditions, which help to pull out certain information from the unconscious. This happened to everyone. Eg:

  • Someone could remember the words of the song.
  • Someone could remember events that preceded memory loss.
  • Someone suddenly remembered the material that was told by the teacher at school.

The person is not trying to remember something. Reminiscence is memories that arise suddenly and unexpectedly for the person himself, but he forgot about them or did not even know that he had them.

In psychiatry, reminiscence refers to intrusive images and memories that are often reflected in nightmares.

A deviation from truly forgotten memories is a type of paramnesia - pseudo-reminiscence. This is when past events are distorted in memory and incorrectly localized in time due to negative emotions that arose at the moment of remembering them.

Reminiscence in psychology

Reminiscence is a normal phenomenon because it relates to the properties of memory. As already mentioned, it often arises in childhood and refers to material that has brightly saturated emotions and logical connections. Then they are easily reproduced in the future, even if a person has forgotten about them or did not know about their presence.

Reminiscence often occurs in situations:

  • When fatigue passes. During a period of fatigue, a person remembers the material, but cannot reproduce it because he does not understand. After fatigue has passed, it is possible to understand the information.
  • When there is no layering of material. If a person is in a situation of perception large quantity material, then he forgets a lot. However, in the absence of receiving new information, material may emerge from the subconscious.

Scientists say that the brain constantly repeats existing information. This is why reminiscence occurs, even if the information was not specifically learned.

Speaking about pathological conditions when reminiscence is obsessive images from the past, psychologists talk about the phenomenon as a psychotraumatic event. If a person finds himself in a similar traumatic situation, then negative emotions will lead to memories - reminiscence.

Other reasons causing reminiscence are:

  1. Panic states.
  2. Intoxication.
  3. Irrational fears.
  4. Pathologies of the brain with impaired memory functions.
  5. Traumatic brain injuries.

External factors that push a person to sudden memories are called allusions. They are a hint, a hint that pushes the right thought. An allusion is an external stimulus that provokes reminiscence.

Treatment of reminiscence

Do specialists treat reminiscence? Since this phenomenon has not been fully studied, it is quite problematic to treat it. Normal condition is a reminiscence that does not cause obsessive states. It requires neither medication nor consultation with a psychiatrist.

More worrying is the lack of reminiscence in a person, which, according to psychiatrists, may indicate a dysfunction of memory or pathology in the brain. It may also indicate the development of senile dementia.

Drug treatment consists of eliminating the causes that caused the pathological reminiscence and the symptoms that manifest themselves:

  • Sedatives are prescribed to normalize sleep.
  • Increased anxiety and panic conditions are eliminated with antipsychotics and sedatives.
  • Antidepressants help relieve depression, which causes intrusive memories.

Drug treatment takes place in parallel with psychocorrection. Here, identifying underlying problems and hypnosis, aimed at changing negative memories into positive ones, helps.

Individual counseling is carried out, which helps eliminate fears, panic and anxiety, as well as repress memories that cause discomfort when they appear. At group work art therapy methods are used.

To prevent negative memories from arising in the future, psychologists offer their help. A person will benefit from the so-called debriefing, which is carried out immediately after a stressful or traumatic situation in order to change its perception (from negative to positive) and not repress it into the subconscious so that it does not suddenly emerge.

If reminiscence occurs in a normal form, then it should not be treated. Only pathological forms of reminiscence, taking the form of an obsessive state, require psychological assistance. A person cannot cope with this problem on his own, so it is better not to delay treatment.

What is the outcome of reminiscence?

A completely normal phenomenon for a healthy brain is reminiscence - an involuntary rush of memories that a person might not even be aware of. However, if they are negative, emotionally overwhelming, intrusive, and appear in dreams, then we may be talking about mental disorders. The outcome depends on what measures the person takes.

Every person at least once remembered something that was long forgotten. Everyone periodically has clear and vivid memories that have never been reproduced by a person consciously. This function brain often manifests itself in a situation where a person finds himself in circumstances that are triggers. They have some logical connection with the memories that they evoked, which can be of interest to psychologists and the person himself. If you ask yourself why these memories occurred, then you can see the connection between the trigger and reminiscence.

Action drama usually occurs in any room, even in a peasant hut. In the middle of the room, a throne is built from armchairs for the king, with “a crown, a scepter and an orb on a golden platter” attached to it.

Phenomenon 1

Skorokhod comes out. He walked very quickly and was out of breath. Skorokhod reports that he was sent from the king’s office to prepare a place for the royal throne. Saying goodbye, Skorokhod announces that the king will come out now. Senators, royal guards and soldiers appear on the stage.

Phenomenon 2

Included Tsar Maximilian . He is tall, has a beard, is menacing, speaks loudly and harshly. The king addresses the audience with the words that he is coming from the royal office. But he is not a French tsar or a Russian emperor, but a formidable and strong “your tsar Maximilian.” Then he looks at the throne prepared for him, points at it with his hand and asks for whom such a “wonderful structure” has been prepared. He himself answers his own question: the throne was erected for him, because he is the king. The king says that he will sit on the throne to put his son, Adolf, on trial. Sitting on a dais, he calls his faithful pages in a loud voice.

Phenomena 3 - 5

Tsar Maximilian orders the pages to bring Adolf to his chambers for a secret conversation. Waiting for his son to arrive, Maximilian puts on his royal vestments.

Phenomenon 6

One of the pages reports that they carried out the royal order and brought “the all-loving son of Adolf.” Tsar Maximilian

  • Now get away from my sight.
  • (The pages leave)
  • Adolf (on his knees all the time)
  • O most gracious sir
  • And the glorious Maximilian the king,
  • My dearest parent, father,
  • I hit your forehead on the damp mother earth.
  • Why are you calling on your dear son Adolf?
  • Or what do you command him to do?
  • Tsar Maximilian
  • Dear Adolf, my son,
  • I am not happy now about your coming:
  • Now I have learned from a servant,
  • Why have you abandoned our idol gods?
  • And you cheat on them
  • And you secretly read some new ones.
  • Fear my parental wrath
  • And bow to our idol gods.
  • Adolf (without getting up from his knees)
  • I am your idol gods
  • I put it under my feet,
  • I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,
  • I depict the sign of the cross against your gods
  • And I maintain his holy law.

Tsar Maximilian from Such words made him seriously angry: now Adolfne can become the heir to the throne, but must go to serve his law. The king again loudly calls the pages.

Phenomena 7 - 8

Maximilian orders the pages to take his rebellious son to prison. The door opens, a Bogatyr of gigantic stature appears in it, draws a saber, and slowly walks towards the throne of Tsar Maximilian. Approaching the throne, the warrior stops, hits the floor with his spear and says that Tsar Maximilian is committing an unfair trial against Adolf. Bogatyr is the Roman ambassador and wants to speak with Tsar Maximilian. The king allows him to continue his daring speech. The hero calls the king “a barbarian and a murderer” who can destroy Adolf’s soul. Everyone feels sorry for the young man, grieves for him, and considers him a real hero. The hero calls on Tsar Maximilian to change his decision. The king, beside himself with anger, shouts, stamps his feet, and drives the ambassador out of his sight. The hero says goodbye to the king and threatens him to return again to avenge Adolf.

Apparitions 9-13

Tsar Maximilian again calls on his faithful pages, sends them to prison for his rebellious son. The pages bring Adolf. Adolf approaches the throne and kneels. Adolf humbly asks his father why he called his son and what he orders him to do. Tsar Maximilian wonders whether Adolf has changed his mind, whether the hungry prison scares him, whether he will again believe in the correct gods. But Adolf firmly replies that he “puts the old gods under his feet.” Tsar Maximilian is very angry, he shouts at his son, promising him severe punishment for disobedience. Then he calls Skorokhod and tells him to bring the blacksmith. The king orders the blacksmith to shackle his disobedient son. The blacksmith does not believe his ears, pretends that he does not understand the order, then refuses to take the coin for the work and, finally, reluctantly carries out the order. Adolf, shackled, is led away by pages. Saying goodbye to his formidable parent, Adolf sings a mournful song. The king remains sitting in sad thought.

Apparitions 14-15

A Gigantic Knight appears before the king. Loudly knocking with his weapon and without any respect for the king, he shouts at the top of his lungs about his determination to fight against the unjust royal court: The angry king Maximilian drives away the daring knight, again calls the faithful Skorokhod to him and tells him to call Anika, the warrior.

Apparitions 16-19

Anika - a warrior (of enormous stature, in armor, a helmet and other weapons, approaches the throne, shakes her weapon...) Tsar Maximilian again calls his faithful pages and orders them to bring his son Adolf. The pages bring the disobedient son. Adolf is exhausted, in chains, barely moving, speaking in a quiet voice, pitifully. He falls to his knees and asks the Tsar-Father why he is calling him again. Tsar Maximilian interrogates whether Adolf has come to his senses, whether the upcoming painful death frightened him. Adolf stands his ground: I believe in Jesus Christ, “who created heaven and earth.” Tsar Maximilian angrily shouts at his son and orders him to be put to an evil death. He calls Skorokhod again and gives him the order to bring Brambeus the Knight.

Apparitions 20 - 21

Brambeus welcomes the king, wishes him long life and health and asks why Tsar Maximilian called him to him and what the order was. The king points to Adolf, who stands with his little head obediently bowed on his shoulders, and orders Brambeus to kill the young man right there, in front of his father’s eyes. Brambeus can't believe it; he is frightened, every now and then he glances at the king and Adolf, asking the king not to give him such an order. In one hundred and fifty years of his life, Brambeus did not destroy a single one person and now that he has become old, he does not want to take such a sin on his soul:

  • "When youth hot blood splashes on my gray head, then I myself must die!”

Appearances 23 - 26

Anika the warrior comes to the king and reports that he defeated all the infidels and saved the king from evil death. The king praises Anika, calls on Skorokhod, who convened the knights to glorify Anika. Suddenly the king sees a woman on the threshold. And the woman, heading to the royal throne, says:

  • “I’m not a woman, I’m not drunk, I’m your stubborn death.”

The play is based on the description of the folk drama “Tsar Maximilian” in Bakrylov’s collection, in which the author collected extensive folklore material. The author compiled several striking examples of folk drama in Russian culture and created his own version of the play “Tsar Maximilian”. Having familiarized himself with this work by Bakrylov, Alexey Remizov expressed the opinion that the play was written rudely and vulgarly. and its parts are connected to each other mechanically. After a meeting of the editorial commission, at which Bakrylov's code was discussed, Remizov decided to create his own version of the play.

Remizov worked on drama not only as a writer, but also as a scientist. largely based on historical and philological works:

“... I, laying my, perhaps, one single stone to create the future great work, which will give a whole kingdom of folk myth, I consider it my duty, without adhering to the tradition of our literature, to introduce notes and tell in them the progress of my work.”

In his work, Remizov tried to embody his ideas about the ideal folk theater- “theater of squares and oak forests” and mystery action as opposed to the “theater of walls”. In practice, this desire was expressed in the fact that Remizov simplified the production of the play as much as possible and, in comparison with Bakrylov’s play, significantly reduced the number of characters. By reducing the descriptive stage directions, he took “a step away from naturalistic theater.”

In many ways, the plot of the folk drama is based on the story of Peter I and Tsarevich Alexei. Tsar Maximilian is a king who decided to marry a foreign queen and abandon the Orthodox faith. The king's son, Adolf, opposes his father's marriage. Trying to change his son’s decision, Tsar Maximilian takes Adolf into custody and eventually executes him.

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(People's Theater / Compiled, introductory article, prepared texts and comments by A.F. Nekrylova, N.I. Savushkina. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1991. - (B-ka of Russian folklore; T. 10), pp. 151-204, comments pp. 504-505).


Tsar Maximilian.
Adolf, his son.
King Mamai.
Anika the warrior.
Nephew of Tsar Mamai.

Speedy field marshal.
Warriors of Tsar Maximilian 1 .
Warriors of King Mamai 1 .

1 Usually two, but sometimes more.


Participants in the performance form a free semicircle in the middle of the hut, into the middle of which comes Ambassador and, holding his cap, addresses the public.

So I came here!
Excuse me for this
That I'm in a thin dress, -
I have a dress uniform at home,
Which has fifteen holes
And fifty-two patches;
Bribes are fine with me.
Goodbye, gentlemen,
Soon Tsar Maximilian will come here! (Leaves.)


Tsar Maximilian jumps onto the stage and walks back and forth with quick steps for a while, waving his naked saber; then stops in front of the throne, continuing his speech and waving his saber.

Tsar Maximilian
Ugh! There's a storm blowing here,
There's a blizzard blowing here!
I'll break the wall and fly like an arrow!
Hello, friends!
There is no star that fell from heaven
And illuminated the circle of the earth -
It was me, a good fellow, who came here.
Hello, gentlemen!
Born in the lush mother capital,
He married his wife, Queen Trojan,
From which the son Adolf was born.
And that one, I see, is corrupted...
(Approaches the throne.)
And for whom was this throne built?
I will sit on this throne -
And I will judge the disobedient son of Adolf.
(Sits on the throne.)
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne


Skorokhod quickly runs up to the throne and keeps his hand under the visor all the time; when leaving, he turns left in a circle; In general, he tries to behave in a military manner.

I'll go back from right to left,
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,

Or my sword has become dull,
Here I am completely standing in front of you,
Order me yourself!
Tsar Maximilian
Go and bring me your favorite pages with a golden crown,
And the scepter and the power -
All-Russian honor and glory.
I'll go and get it!
(Turns in a military circle to the left and leaves.)


A solemn procession appears: ahead two pages on trays they carry a gilded crown, a scepter and an orb, behind them, two in a row, several warriors with drawn checkers; the pages, presenting Tsar Maximilian with the crown, kneel.

We are going to the king,
We carry a golden crown,
Let's put it on the head,
Let's sing the song ourselves.
(They sing a song.)
Field, our field,
The field is clean, Turkish,
When will we pass you, field?
Tsar Maximilian (puts on the crown and picks up the scepter and orb)
On my head is a golden crown,
Defense for the entire kingdom;
In the right hand is a scepter,
And on the left is the power,
Yes, I have honor and glory throughout Russia.
And how can I, a strong and brave king
Maximilian, don't be proud,
When everyone falls to their knees in front of me?
I was on the sea-ocean,
I was on Buyan Island,
I judged kings and princes,
Kings and princes
And all sorts of nobles,
And the king himself almost ended up in a catastrophe!
And where, why does it happen,
To see the murdered king?
I myself have all the signs and differences
And I own the whole kingdom.
Here is my damask steel sword,
And the devil himself is not happy with him:
And he's afraid of my sword
And it will fall through the ground,
This will make the whole world proud
And all Europe will rejoice;
Yes, and to me, the strong and formidable Tsar Maximilian,
Honor and praise!
Everyone present (sing in chorus and very loudly)
Glory, glory, glory!
Glory to Tsar Maximilian!
Honor and praise!
(They sing this three times.)
Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll turn from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or has my sharp sword become dull?
Or, what have I, the Speedy Field Marshal, done to you?
Tsar Maximilian
I will go and bring your rebellious son Adolf.


Skorokhod leaves and immediately comes back: in one hand there is a naked saber, with the other he leads by the hand Adolf, who goes with visible reluctance.

O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,

Or have I, your son Adolf, done something wrong to you?
Tsar Maximilian
Are you my son?
So what? Your son!
Tsar Maximilian
Am I your parent?
So what? You are my parent!
Tsar Maximilian
Listen, son Adolf,
I rode down Mother Volga
And he got acquainted with a free gang, with robbers.
Tsar Maximilian
Was your boat big?
Nose in Kostroma,
Feed in Astrakhan.
Tsar Maximilian
Was your gang big?
Seven hundred fifty two
And the third - your son Adolf - me!
Tsar Maximilian
Ugh, you monster!
You are tormenting the king's heart!
Your golden crown will be lost
And the hereditary throne and power,
And all the royal honor and glory!
Stand to the side and await your fate!
(Shouts over the entire audience.)
Speedy Field Marshal,


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll turn from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or my sword has become dull,
Or did I, the Speedy Field Marshal, do what I did to you?
Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal,
Go and take my rebellious son Adolf to prison.

Skorokhod turns in a military manner, sharply to the left, approaches Adolf, ties his hands and, holding his saber bald, leads him from the stage.

Adolf (leaves slowly, singing a sad song)
In the unbearable dungeon the Tsarevich sat
And waited for myself to die
From evil executioners...


flies onto the stage Tsar Mamai With several warriors; the warriors stand in a semicircle, and Tsar Mamai, after running back and forth several times, stops in the middle of the stage and, waving his naked saber, begins his speech.

Tsar Mamai
Stop, friends!
Here I am,
Terrible King Mamai,
With your armed warriors!
Hello my warriors,
Armed warriors!
Warriors (sing a song)
All the Tatars rebelled -
Warlike people:
"Come out, you infidels,
We challenge you to a fight!..”
(They march around the stage several times and leave, led by Tsar Mamai.)


A man clad in armor appears on stage Black Knight: moving slowly, he approaches the throne and, shaking his spear, addresses King Maximilian.

I’m approaching your city Anton,
I give honor and glory to the whole kingdom and dignity,
To the terrible Tsar Mamai I declare myself:
Here I am, the Arab knight,
I came from the Asian steppes,
From the pharmaceutical regions,
And I ended up in enemy territory,
Into enemy hands.
In the enemy's land
I will lay down my violent head for nothing.
I’m going, I’m hurrying to the city of Anton - I’ll burn Anton-city with fire,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Give me such a knight
With whom I could fight,
And chop
And meet with sharp swords.
If you don't give me such a knight,
Then I will burn the city of Anton with fire,
I will take you, King Maximilian, alive,
I will cut off the head of Anika the warrior
To the right side.
Wouldn't it be a shame?
What a shame:
One day I'm walking along clean field,
Along the wide expanse -
I see good fellows coming
And the red maiden:
They have mercy,
And me, the king's son,
Yes, they push me in the neck.
Ugh! What damned places are here!
There are streams on the mountains,
And in the forests - a nightingale whistle...
Who is in charge in this kingdom?
And who maintains the throne of this power?
Tsar Maximilian
Strong and brave Tsar Maximilian!
Damned Maximilian! Been to four countries of the world
And he remembered you, damned Maximilian.
Wherever you get caught,
I would have fought with you there.
Come down, king, from your throne,
Get off your throne immediately!
Otherwise I'll knock you down
I will enter your kingdom
And I will execute you with an evil death!
Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal!
Appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian!


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll turn from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and bring Anika the warrior here.
I'll go and get it!
(Turns around and marches.)


Is old, gray-haired Warrior; slowly, with dignity, he approaches the throne and bows at the waist to King Maximilian.

Anika the Warrior
O great lord,
Conqueror of the whole world,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling on the warrior Anika?
Or do you command laws?
Or has my sharp sword become dull?
Tsar Maximilian
Go to distant lands,
To the borders of Jerusalem,
And conquer the whole ugly class,
Who does not believe in my idols-gods...
And on our border,
In our reserved meadows
Some warrior is standing
By name and birth Arab,
Which the devil himself is not happy about;
And he wants to beat and conquer all our possessions.
And take me, the strong and brave Tsar Maximilian, alive,
And to you, Anika the warrior,
Head off
On the right side.
Go and protect!
Anika the Warrior
I'll go and defend!
On our border
And in our reserved meadows
The warrior stands
By name and birth Arab,
To whom the devil himself is not a brother:
Wants to win and conquer all our troops
And capture Tsar Maximilian alive,
And to me, Anika the warrior,
Wants to cut off the head
On the right side...
(Runs up to Arab and shouts at him.)
What are you, damned crow?
Flew all over the region,
Have you seen my courage?
Why are you bothering in my kingdom?
I don't bother
And I want to fight with you!

A fierce battle begins.

Anika the Warrior
Defend yourself!
Anika the Warrior
Say goodbye to life!
Pray to God the end is coming!
Anika the Warrior
Ugh, you monster!
My damask sword
And your head is off your shoulders!
Take care of yours!

They stop beating, are tired, and rest for a while.

Arab (sings a song)

Black raven, what are you doing?
Over my head?
You won’t wait for the booty, -
Black Raven - I'm not yours!

Black raven that you fly
Over my head?
Are you looking for prey? -
Black Raven - I'm not yours!..

Anika the Warrior(interrupting his singing)
What are you, damned black Arab,
Are you sleeping or delirious?
I am not sleeping,
And I think strongly:
Come out, daring Anika warrior,
Let's fight you again!

They start beating again.

Anika the Warrior
Defend yourself!
Anika the Warrior
I'm fighting!
I'm defending myself!
(Kills Anika the warrior.)
Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian!


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll turn from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and get old Markushka the grave-digger!
I'll go and get it!


Skorokhod drags by the hand a decrepit, ragged man old man

O great lord,
Conqueror of the whole world,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling on old Markushka?
Or what deeds do you command? Or has my sword become dull?

Tsar Maximilian
Markushka, I have something to do with you!
What's the matter?
Tsar Maximilian
Lies here dead body,
Remove it so that it does not smolder above the ground.
So that the sun doesn't burn,
So that it doesn't get wet with rain,
So that the worms do not sharpen,
But the devils didn’t drag me into the water.
What will you give me for this?
Tsar Maximilian
I'll give you a coin.
And I don’t even have a pocket.
Tsar Maximilian
The old woman will sew at home.
Clean it up quickly -
If you clean it up soon, I'll give you a nickel.
Otherwise it will pass like this.
I'll go and clean it up!
(He goes to the corpse, stops over it and speaks.)
Still need to measure
Is it too big to make a coffin?
(Takes a stick and begins to slightly remove Anika the warrior in different places.)
One two Three -
Wipe your nose!
Three four five -
It's time to sleep!
(He clicks Anika the warrior on the forehead with a stick, he jumps up and runs away; Markushka hobbles after him, groaning and limping.)
All (shouting)
Risen! Risen!
Tsar Maximilian
Where is the demon? What kind of demon is there?
(Addresses the soldiers.)
Warriors, my warriors,
Armed warriors
Come and find me the demon!
Let's go and find
In all corners on......!

They go into the crowd and begin to look for the demon: they reach into their pockets, steal scarves from women, and take the opportunity to look under their hems. Squealing, swearing, turmoil begins, and sometimes, if the searchers turn out to be too daring, a dump begins. Quite sensational warriors return to the throne and report to King Maximilian.

O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
We went around all the secret places,
The devil was not found anywhere.
Tsar Maximilian
Give them ten hot ones!


With slow steps, as if walking, he comes out Goddess. After her first speech, like a madman, waving his naked sword, jumps out Marets.

Hello, all honorable gentlemen,
So I came here!
I walked through the open fields
And she conquered many lands,
Only one land has not been conquered -
And then Marcovo Field.
I'll curl, I'll curl on the blue sea,
From the blue sea to Martsovo Field;
I will burn the entire Field of Martz with fire,
I will take Marets himself prisoner!
Ugh! What do I hear?
What I see?
And he blames me, the knight Marets.
Do you know who I am?
Brave knight Marets!
I'll stand on a stone -
The stone will disintegrate;
I'll look at the sea -
The sea will stir!
From my sight
The clouds stop
From my daring hand
A bloody river has flowed!
And to me, knight Marets,
All the kings and kings flocked to the border
And they gave me honor and glory.
Goddess (falls on his knees in front of him, extending his hands forward)
Have pity on me, brave knight Marets!

Marets pulls out a saber and stands holding the saber over the head of the Goddess.


Enters the stage Branbeul, lowering his head down, as if thinking, and reasoning with himself.

One day I'm going
In an open field
Along the wide expanse
And I’ve been in this garden,
And he lost his sister Goddess.
(He hits himself in the chest with his fist.)
My heart beats inside me
My blood is boiling...
(Quickly raising his head and stopping in front of the Goddess.)
Oh god, who do I see?
My sister is on her knees!
Tell me, sister, who are you standing in front of -
I will protect you with my sword!
Before the knight Martz.
Oh, you damned Marets!
Attacked an innocent girl
Like a lion to a fox,
Yes, and you torment
Ali, don't you know me?
And who are you?
Or a matchmaker
Or a patron
Or a protector?
I'm not a brother
And not a matchmaker,
And not a patron -
Protector of the innocent,
Protecting my sister!
Come out for mortal combat!
I'm fighting!
And I'm fighting!
Defend yourself!
I'm defending myself!

They fight each other. After a while, Branbeul falls to his knees.

Death or belly?
Give me your belly
At least for three hours!
Get up, corpse, from under my heroic feet!

Branbeul jumps up and quickly runs off stage. The audience laughs.


The same Anika the Warrior.

Having bowed to Tsar Maximilian, he quickly turns to the knight Martz and, having pulled out a saber, begins to wave it and stamp his feet, stepping on Martz.

Anika the Warrior
Ugh, ugh!
Hands and legs are shaking,
Everyone's talking about Marz
As if he were standing on a stone -
The stone wrinkles;
Looks at the sea -
The sea will swell;
As if from his mighty gaze
The clouds stop;
As if from his mighty hand
Rivers of blood flow;
As if to him, knight Martz,
Tsars and kings gathered at the border
And they gave him honor
And they gave praise!
Is it true?
Is it true!
Anika the Warrior
It's not true
But there is truth in our swords.
I'm fighting!
And I'm fighting!
Anika the Warrior
Defend yourself!
I'm defending myself!
Anika the Warrior
Defend yourself boldly, I will not give mercy,
I will put you to an evil death!

After a short fight, Anika the warrior kills Marz and leaves the battlefield.

Tsar Maximilian
Warriors, my warriors,
Armed warriors
Take this body away
He fought bravely
And he deserves a better fate!

Two warriors carry away Marz's body.

Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian!


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll go back from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and bring me the rebellious son Adolf!
I'll go and get it!


Skorokhod brings the man in chains Adolf and places him in front of the throne of King Maximilian, while he himself stands behind all the time, holding a saber on his shoulder.

Here is your rebellious son Adolf.
Tsar Maximilian
Listen, Adolf; my son,
This is the second time I'm telling you:
Trust my gods.
I believe in the Lord God,
And your idol gods
I sword as I please
I'm trampling into the dirt!
Tsar Maximilian
Ugh, you monster!
You are tormenting the king's heart.
Speedy Field Marshal,
Go and take the disobedient son of Adolf to prison,
To that dungeon
Where merchants and boyars sit,
Who sold Moscow
For three barrels of sand,
And put him on bread and water!
I'll go and take it.
(Takes Adolf by the rune and leads him away.)
Adolf (sings a song)
In an unbearable dungeon
The prince was sitting
And he waited for himself to die
From evil executioners...


Appears on stage young knight 3miulan; first he walks around the stage, carefully examining it, then begins to get excited and wave his saber.

What a place this is,
How wonderful!
If I were in this place
Built a magnificent princely palace
With a high tower
And I would live and have fun,
Yes, hang out with pretty girls...
I'm going, hurrying to the city of Anton:
I will burn the city of Anton with fire,
And I will take the damned Maximilian alive as a prisoner.
And Anika the warrior
I'll cut off your head
To the right side!
Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne of the formidable Maximilian!


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll go back from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and bring here the invincible warrior Anika.
I'll go and get it.


The same Anika the Warrior.

Anika the Warrior
O great lord,
Conqueror of the whole world,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling on Anika the warrior?
Or what deeds do you command?
Or has my sharp sword become dull?
Or have I done something wrong to you?
Tsar Maximilian
Warrior, you are my warrior,
Beloved warrior,
Go to distant lands,
To the borders of Jerusalem,
Beat and conquer the whole ugly tribe,
Which does not believe in our idols-gods...
And on our border,
In our reserved meadows
Some warrior is standing
In the name of Zmiulan,
And he wants to beat all our troops,
And take me, Tsar Maximilian, alive.
And for you, Anika the warrior, cut off your head
To the right side.
Anika the Warrior
Wow, My God,
What do I hear in front of me?
As if on our border
And in our reserved meadows
There is a warrior named Zmiulan,
And he wants to defeat and conquer all our troops,
Capture Tsar Maximilian himself alive,
And to me, Anika the warrior,
Head off
To the right side!
(Addresses Zmiulan, advancing on him menacingly and waving a saber over his head.)
What are you, crow?
Do you fly all over the kingdom?
Do you not know my courage?
Do you know who I am?
Anika Ikhonets -
Coming from another world!
I was in Italy
I was still there;
I was in Paris
I was closer
I was in Crimea
I was in hell too.
I was in hell -
And the devils weren’t happy with me there,
And now, having come to Rus',
I'm not afraid of the devil himself!
What are you, damned Zmiulan, bothering about?
Or do you want it from my sword of death?
I'm fighting!
I'm defending myself!

After a short fight Anika the Warrior throws down his sword and goes to the throne of King Maximilian. Tsar Maximilian stomps on him and screams.

Tsar Maximilian
How are you, impudent traitor,
Dare to flee from the battlefield?
I'll send you to Siberia
And I order you to shoot mercilessly!
Anika the Warrior
O great lord,
Conqueror of the whole world,
Let me say one word.
Tsar Maximilian
Speak, don't talk,
Look back more often!
Anika the Warrior
I was not your traitor,
My damask sword disintegrated into dust.
Give me a new weapon quickly
I'll go beat all the heroes!
Tsar Maximilian
Here's a new landing spot for you.
Anika the Warrior
I will take up arms, I will obey the law,
I'll go fight the enemy.
Here my sharp sword shines,
And your whole life lies in my hands.
Anika the Warrior
Show off, knight, when in my hands
My sword crumbled to dust
And now I’m stuck.
(Shoots Zmiulan and kills him outright.)
Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian!


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll go back from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian,
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and bring old man Markushka the grave digger.
I'll go and get it.


Skorokhod dragging a decrepit, ragged old man by the hand Markushka the Grave Digger, who resists with all his might. Skorokhod rewards him with several blows with his knee below the waist and, holding him by the collar, places him in front of Tsar Maximilian.

O great lord,
Winner of the whole world,
Or what deeds do you command?
Or has my sword become dull?
Or have I done something wrong to you?
Tsar Maximilian
It's up to you again, old devil, it's up to you.
Take away this dead body
So that it does not smolder above the earth,
So that the sun does not heat,
Markushka (with displeasure)

Hey you, yesyona-green, get up! The sun has already rolled out somewhere. (Points to the sky with a stick, trying to hit someone.) It’s not going away, it’s obvious that he’s really dead. Yes, I'm afraid of him!
Tsar Maximilian
To the very place
Where did you get it from? legs grow,
So all the fear will pass.
And I’ll come for the money in the morning.

Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll go back from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
I want to have fun -
Go and bring the Hussar here!
I'll go and get it.


Rattles his spurs and flies out Hussar in a fantastic uniform covered with red stripes; the chest is completely covered with crosses and medals; he approaches the throne and makes a gesture under the visor.

Tsar Maximilian
Listen, warrior Hussar,
Where have you been so far?
I, Your Imperial Majesty, stood on your border.
Protected your kingdom.
Tsar Maximilian
Well, tell me, what did you save?
Here I am, a jury hussar,
I fought a brave battle with the Turks;
Bullets and cannonballs were flying around me,
How the bees buzzed
And I, a sworn hussar, was not offended.
Here's my rogue saber
There was a villain to all enemies,
Look, look, gentlemen,
How a hussar is always brave:
My chest is decorated with crosses and medals
From foreign sovereigns,
And from Tsar Maximilian there is
Egoryevsky cross...
The time of peace has come
And the hussar felt free.
It's over, it's over long journey,
I see my native land!
Time will come to rest
My dear friend and I...


Comes out singing a song Goddess and walks slowly back and forth across the stage.

Goddess (sings)
I loved, I loved
One hussar;
Now I am, now I am
Left without him...
(Seeing the Hussar, he stops singing and screams.)
Oh my God, lovely dreams!
Let me enjoy love with you for an hour, lovely Goddess!
You can, darling, you can.
Hussar (hugs the Goddess and starts singing)
Hussar, leaning on his saber,
I stood in deep sorrow...


Jumps out Cossack and, seeing the Goddess in the arms of the Hussar, immediately stops in front of them.

What I see! Two friends got together.
Well, now I'll ask the question,
Why did she give her heart to someone else?
Shut up, liar!
If I'm a liar, then you're stupid!
And if I'm stupid,
So you yourself are a complete fool!
Let's go into the open field to fight,
Amuse yourself with sharp swords!
Defend yourself!
I'm fighting!
I'm defending myself!

Cossack knocks the saber out of the Hussar's hands.

Hussar (falling to his knees)
Have mercy!
Die, unfortunate one!
(Kills Hussar.)

Hussar falls with his arms outstretched.

Cossack (shaking the saber)
This rusty weapon pierced the chest of the villain.
Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll go back from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and get the doctor here!
I'll go and get it.


Slowly walks out to the middle of the stage Doctor, in a short jacket, untucked trousers, a bowler hat on his head; long nose and long flaxen hair; in one hand there is a cane, in the other there is a bottle of medicine.

Tsar Maximilian
Is the doctor here?
Here! What do you order, Your Imperial Majesty?
Tsar Maximilian
Through thick and thin
We need to resurrect the Hussar!
I'll give you some gadgets
From the fortieth barrel.
I will send five hundred Tver, Spassky hundreds to the next world,
And I will resurrect Hussar.
(Splashes on Hussar from the bottle. Hussar jumps up. Both, hugging, leave.)
Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian!


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll go back from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable King Maximilian:
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and bring me my rebellious son Adolf!
I will go and bring your disobedient son Adolf to you.


The same Adolf.

Tsar Maximilian
Listen, Adolf, my son,
This is the third time I'm telling you:
Trust our gods!
I believe in one Lord God,
And your idol gods
I sword as I please
And I trample them into the dirt!
Tsar Maximilian
Ugh, you monster!
You are tormenting the royal parental heart!..
Speedy Field Marshal,
Bring Afonka the blacksmith here.
I’ll go and bring Afonka the blacksmith here.


Appears on stage Blacksmith wearing an apron, with pliers in one hand, and a hammer in the other.

Tsar Maximilian
Afonka, is that you?
Afonka the blacksmith
I, Your Royal Majesty.
Tsar Maximilian
Shackle my rebellious son Adolf in chains weighing a hundred pounds, from his shoulders to his spurs.
(takes Adolf’s hands and chains them; then, one by one, puts his feet on a stool and also chains them. The whole seed sings a song)
Along the wide street
The young blacksmith is walking;
He goes, he goes, he goes,
Sings a song with a whistle.
Choir (sings chorus)
Knock, knock, knock!
At ten in hand!
Let's hit, brothers, suddenly!
Love me, Parasha,
A dashing young man, a dashing, daring fellow
What about Afonka the blacksmith?
Choir (sings chorus)
If you love me
We will live happily
If you stop loving me,
You will walk around the world.
Choir (sings chorus)
Holy mother, pure virgin!
Who came here
He laid heavy chains
From the shoulders to the very spurs -
I am exactly a robber or a thief!
Tsar Maximilian
Field Marshal, go and take my disobedient son Adolf to prison.
I'll go and take it.


Comes to the middle of the stage Tsar Mamai, dressed in a long robe, wearing a crown, with crosses and medals on his chest. Two warriors Behind him they carry his throne, which is placed opposite the throne of King Maximilian. Mamai, having twirled around the stage a little, sits down on the throne.

Tsar Mamai
Where are you, my dear nephew,
Where are you, my faithful messenger?
Nephew (coming out from behind the throne)
Anything, dear uncle?
Go, take a menacing note to Tsar Maximilian and ask him for precious gifts.

Nephew takes a note to Tsar Maximilian, who reads it, throws it on the floor and tramples it with his feet, and then passes another note to his Nephew. The nephew takes it and, in turn, gives it to Mamai.

Mamai (after reading the note)
Ugh! What I see?
What do I hear?
Instead of precious gifts -
Bullets, cannonballs towards you,
Chasing the stones, Arrows at the sides;
His damask sword, -
And my head is off my shoulders.
No, no, that will never happen!
Come down, king, from your throne,
Take off your crown
Otherwise I'll knock you down myself,
I will enter the kingdom,
I will fill the hero
And I will take you, the damned Tsar Maximilian, prisoner
And I will torment you with an evil death!
Tsar Maximilian
(takes off the crown, puts it on the throne and, taking a saber from the pages, goes to fight with Mamai)
What are you, damned Mamai, bothering about in my kingdom?
Or do you want it from my sword of death?
I don't bother
And I want to fight with you!
Tsar Maximilian
Defend yourself!
Tsar Maximilian
I'm fighting!
I'm defending myself!
Tsar Maximilian (sings a song)
The king said goodbye to the Golden Horde,
He came to the city of Onton,
He fought with the king himself there
And fell from a sharp sword.
(Suddenly he rushes at Mamai and kills him, along with his Nephew; then he sits back on the throne, puts on the crown and screams.)
Speedy field marshal.
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian.


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll go back from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Introduce Markushka the grave-digger here immediately.
I'll go and present it immediately.
(Turns and shouts over the heads of the audience)
Hey you, red-headed goblin,
Grave Cavalier,
You and the old woman will have a hard time
It's time to go to Rus'!..
(No one responds to the runner; after waiting a little, he continues.)
Markushka, go or something, you old devil,
The king himself is calling!
Markushka (from behind the stage)
Wait a little, the frills are tangled!
You're lying, you old bastard, you've been feeling out the old woman!


The same Markushka.

Here, Your Imperial Majesty, I dragged you out by force!
Your death-defying high-you-can’t-jump,
How long will you continue to bother me?
You do your business here,
And you're just giving me away for nothing -
I won't go again for anything!
Tsar Maximilian
But you won’t go well,
So they will drag you away!
You see, there are two lying here dead bodies,
Take them away so that they don’t smolder above the ground...

Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll go back from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and bring me my rebellious son Adolf.
I'll go and get it!


The same Adolf.

O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling on Adolf’s son?
Or what deeds do you command?
Or has my sharp sword become dull?
Tsar Maximilian
Listen, Adolf,
Last time I'm telling you:
Believe my idol gods!
I believe in the Lord God,
And your gods are to the sword in the mud
And I trample them with my feet!
Tsar Maximilian
Ugh, damn you!
Your crown will be lost
And the hereditary throne.
Executioner warrior,
Appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian!


Enters the stage Executioner in a red shirt, with a long sword on his shoulder, on his head a kind of military helmet.

I'll turn from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Conqueror of the whole world,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling upon the Executioner Warrior?
Or do you command deeds?
Or has my sharp sword become dull?
Or have I done something wrong to you?
Tsar Maximilian
Warrior, my warrior,
Beloved warrior,
Go to a distant land,
To the borders of Jerusalem,
Beat and conquer the whole ugly class,
Beat and conquer the whole infidel class,
Who does not believe in our gods,
And cut off the head with your sword
To my disobedient son Adolf.
I'm listening, Your Majesty!
(Addressing Adolf, he speaks.)
Adolf, ask the king for forgiveness.
Forgive me, parent,
Destroyer of my soul!
Tsar Maximilian
Will not forgive!
Executioner, cut off the head quickly
To my rebellious son Adolf on the right side!
I'm listening!
(To Adolf.)
Ask the king for forgiveness!
He asked, but he didn’t forgive!
(Addresses Tsar Maximilian.)
Parent, allow me to at least say goodbye to the free world.
Tsar Maximilian
Say goodbye, but just quickly.
Forgive me, dear father;
Forgive me, parent,
Destroyer of my soul!
Forgive me, my crown,
And the hereditary throne!
Farewell, my princess,
You know, we won’t see each other again!
Take revenge to my father,
Like a villain-scoundrel!
I'll go into the damp earth
And I’ll take love with me!
Farewell to the east, farewell to the west,
Goodbye north, goodbye south!


Appears on stage Ambassador, dressed in a military uniform; over the uniform - a cape or cloak; Having entered the middle, the Ambassador bows on all four sides, and then addresses Tsar Maximilian with a speech. The Ambassador is followed two warriors.

O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Let me say a few words!
Tsar Maximilian
Speak, Ambassador, speak!
I heard you are the king's son
Do you want to chop off your head?
On the right side, -
He was invincible for us
And we will not intimidate anyone:
He defeated many knights and heroes,
Turned cities and villages into ashes.
And I will help my friend, Adolf, out of trouble,
And let's go for a walk in the open field,
To beat knights and heroes.
Eh, friends! All we, heroes, need is to lay down our lives better and braver. Defeat Tsar Maximilian's army and take him prisoner, tear him to pieces and put him to an evil death.
Let's break the wall and break him out of prison!
Hurray, comrades, follow me!

The ambassador and his retinue rush to Adolf, surround him and take him with them, but unexpectedly meet Anika the warrior.


The same Anika the Warrior.

Anika the warrior.
Ugh, ugh!
What I see?
What do I hear?
They want to defeat our army,
Capture Tsar Maximilian
And put to evil death!
What are you, damned impudent Ambassador, giving orders and confusing the army and knights? You won't see Adolf like your ears!
A crow flew in
Into other people's mansions
And she cawed!
Anika the Warrior
Defend yourself!
I'm fighting!
Anika the Warrior
I'm defending myself!
(Knocks the saber out of the Ambassador’s hands and kills him. The executioner runs up to Adolf, waving his naked saber.)
Hold on, sparrow,
Falcon flies
WITH high mountains:
The saber flashes like lightning,
Adolf's death calls.
Oh, dear friend Adolf,
You loved me and I loved you.
Well it rusty iron will pierce your chest
It will pierce my zealous heart too.
Eh, friends!
You can not do it this way!
I didn’t see it
I haven't heard of it
That the king began to punish his children.
Must be the last one the time has come,
So that the kings would execute their children!
Goodbye Adolf! Whom I love
That's what I'm cutting!
(Kills Adolf and addresses the audience.)
Eh, friends,
You can not do it this way!
Who did I kill?
Or, better said, ruined -
You can call him a brother.
I myself don’t want to live anymore:
I'll cut off my head
To the right side.
(Addresses Tsar Maximilian.)
Look, evil tormentor, I’m dying because of you!
(Stabs himself.)
Tsar Maximilian
What's happened? Suicide?
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll go back from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and get the doctor.
I'll go and get it.


The same Doctor.

Tsar Maximilian
Doctor, resurrect this young man.
(examines the dead man in different manners, arousing laughter in the audience with his body movements, and reports to the king)
The young man died.
Lotions won't help either
From the fortieth barrel,
Neither powders nor ointments,
No healing mud.
Death is the very first grade,
And the devil took my soul long ago.
Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll go back from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and get Markushka the grave digger!
I'll go and get it!
Markushka!.. Markushka!.. Markushka-ah!..
Markushka(from behind the stage)
Old devil, where are you?
Markushka(from behind the stage)
Off to the bite!
What are you doing there, old devil?
Markushka(from behind the stage)
Come here quickly, you old fool!
Markushka (from behind the stage)
What about the mail?
Come quickly... the king is calling!
Markushka (from behind the stage)
Now, just wipe myself off,
I'll wrap myself
Yes, I’ll drag myself to you.


The same Markushka.

Come quickly! The king is waiting!
The bird is not big - your king will wait.
Markushka is needed everywhere...
And heat the bathhouse,
And keep your beard
And the old woman...
And go to the king.
Here I am,
Absolutely Maxim,
And a knapsack with him!
Wait a minute, I'll go
I'll ask the old lady
Don't think anything -
Are there six hryvnias?
To relieve your soul...
(grabs old man Markushka by the collar and shakes him)
Will you go, old devil.....
to the king, or should I drag you?
Now, now, father, I run and fall!
(Approaches the throne.)
O great lord,
Conqueror of the whole world,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Well, why are you calling Markushka?
Or what deeds do you command?
Or my sword has become dull,
Or have I done something wrong to you?
Tsar Maximilian
And you, son of a bitch, why are you struggling? There is something to do with you here!
What else is it?
Tsar Maximilian
And here lies a dead body,
Take it away so that it doesn’t smolder above the ground,
So that the sun does not heat,
So that the worms do not sharpen,
So that the devils don't steal it,
So that the jackdaws don't poop,
But our women did not cry.
What will you give me for this?
Tsar Maximilian
I'll give you a coin.
And I don’t even have a pocket!
Tsar Maximilian
Well, I'll give you a nickel
Otherwise you’ll remove it anyway.
Speedy field marshal, give the old man a hit in the neck.

Skorokhod carries out orders with great readiness.

Okay, okay, don't be angry, I'll clean it up now.
(Takes a stick and sentences.)
We still need to measure ahead,
How big is the coffin to make?
(Measures the body with a stick, pokes the dead man in different places and sentences.)
One, two -
For firewood;
One two Three -
Wipe your nose;
Three four -
We jumped up;
One two three four five -
It's time to sleep!
(He clicks the dead man on the forehead with a stick, he jumps up and runs away, and gives Markushka a healthy slap in the ear.)
Oh, oh!.. Father Tsar,
I got sick.
Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll go back from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and get the doctor.
I'll go and get it.


The same Doctor.

Tsar Maximilian
Here am I!
I am a doctor and healer,
From under the Stone Bridge, a pharmacist.
I can heal
I can drag
I can fly
I can also separate from white light!
I cut out living places
And I put the dead in their place,
Blood to the sword
Baba I'm flying,
I gouge out my eyes,
I tease my tits,
I can do anything.
Which one will you force?
Tsar Maximilian
Heal this old man for me.
This minute, Your Majesty!
This old man
We need to take it by the sides,
Shake it twice
Yes, shove an aspen stake in the ass -
He will be healthy.
(Addresses the old man.)
Old man, what hurts?
Head? -
Shave her naked
Raise the skull
Yes, three thousand pounds... dump -
She will be healthy
Your head.
Old man, what hurts?
All chubby!
All chubby? -
Season with butt,
Scald with boiling water
Hit me three times with a birch log -
You will be healthy!
Old man, what hurts?
Eyes? -
Give it alternate times
Split an eyebrow
Bleed out
M.... let me in
And let him go for a walk -
Your eyes will be healthy!
Old man, what hurts?
Belly? -
You need to eat thirty-three watermelons,
A piece of dog meat
Two cat sausages,
Rooster and hen,
Yes, skip through the entire green street
Cavalry and infantry -
You'll be eager to eat!
Old man, what hurts?
Back? -
We need to supply three glasses of wine
Yes, pour it down your throat -
And you will live long!
Old man, what hurts?
Legs? -
Cut them off at the doorstep
Put the crutches on,
Make you dance, you old devil!
Old man, what hurts?
All healthy.
(Dances and sings.)
Go, hut! Go bake!
The hostess has nowhere to lie down!
Walk, floor and ceiling!
Damn he brought the Koryak!
Cured the old man, Your Imperial Majesty.
Tsar Maximilian
Old man, are you okay?
Hello, king.
(He dances squatting again and sings.)
King, what will you give me for this?
Tsar Maximilian
You yourself are Pmiralov!
Tsar Maximilian
Well, Colonel.
You yourself are a dead man!
Tsar Maximilian
Well, ensign.
You yourself are a rag-picker!
Tsar Maximilian
Well, then, lieutenant.
I'm a little better than you!
Tsar Maximilian
(angry, says to the guard)
Chase this fool away!

The doctors they push him out, he screams.

Guard! Guard!


The same Goddess.

And here I am, idol Goddess,
I walked through an open field,
She conquered many lands.
One is not conquered
Maximilian's land,
Yes, if I saw him too,
And then I would have taken him prisoner.
Tsar Maximilian
What I see?
What do I hear?
(Jumps off the throne and begins to run around the stage.)
Some girl is walking in my kingdom
And he promises to take me, Tsar Maximilian, prisoner!
(Raises the saber over the Goddess’s head.)
I myself, when I was young, didn’t think
I listened to someone else's mind.
Tsar Maximilian
And you wouldn’t listen to someone else’s mind!
What do I need you for? good fellow, console?
Tsar Maximilian
Is this how you will console me?
That you will enter my royal mansions,
You will sit on my golden throne next to me.
I agree, this is the will of the gods.
(He gives his hand to Tsar Maximilian, who leads her cheerfully to the throne and sings a song.)
Tsar Maximilian
The priest has been waiting for us in church for a long time
With the deacon, with the sextons.
The singer sings in chorus,
The temple is on fire...


The same Anika the Warrior.

Anika the Warrior
Eh, friends,
You can't live like that!
Touched my heroic heart
Because of some girl.
Maybe I wasn't a warrior.
Was I not a hero?!
We were two brothers,
And the third comrade is a damask sword,
And my conscience was completely torn away.
I walked, walked through an open field,
I grabbed stars from the sky;
I was in Italy
I was still there;
I was in Paris
There was even closer;
I was also in Crimea,
I sat here on the stove, in the smoke, -
I didn’t find a healthy drink anywhere,
Not a submissive
No oncoming
Neither transverse
Who could I fight?
Converge on sharp swords!
(Walks around the stage, waving his sword.)


Appears on stage Death- a tall, thin figure, completely covered in white, with a braid on his shoulder; moving slowly, she approaches Anika the warrior; he backs away in horror.

Anika the Warrior
What kind of woman are you?
What kind of drunk are you?
I'm not a woman,
I'm not drunk -
I am Death, your womb!
Anika the Warrior
There was no one I met,
Neither transverse
And now the damned Death has arrived!
Death, my womb,
Give me benefits
For three years!
No benefits for you
For three years!
Anika the Warrior
Death, my womb,
Give me benefits
At least for three months.
No benefits for you
For three months.
Anika the Warrior
Death, my womb,
Give me benefits
For a three days.
No benefits for you
For a three days.
Anika the Warrior
Death, my womb,
Give me benefits
At least for three hours.
No benefits for you
And for three hours -
Here's my sharp braid!
(He cuts down Anika the warrior with his scythe. He falls dead. Death leaves as slowly as it came.)
Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian!


The same Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll go back from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Go and bring me Markushka the grave-digger.
I'll go and get it.


The same Markushka.

O great lord,
Winner of the whole world,
Why are you calling upon Markushka the grave-digger?
Or what deeds do you command?
Or has my sword become dull?
Or have I done something wrong to you?
Tsar Maximilian
It's up to you again, old devil, it's up to you:
Take away this dead body
So that it does not smolder above the earth,
So that the sun does not heat,
So that your nose doesn't run from the heat!
Markushka (with displeasure)
You'll have to roll around again...
They won’t even let you lie with the old woman.
(He approaches the dead body and pushes it in the side with the toe of his bast shoe.)
Hey you, yesyona-green, get up! The sun has already rolled out somewhere.
(Points to the sky with a stick, trying to hit someone.)
He doesn’t get up, apparently he really died.
(Addresses Tsar Maximilian.)
Yes, I'm afraid of him!
Tsar Maximilian
But I’ll tell you to roll in a hundred or two hundred
To the very place
Where do your legs grow from?
So all the fear will pass.
Well, in blessing, I’ll trample,
I'll come for the money in the morning.
(He harnesses himself to the dead body and drags it off the stage.)
Tsar Maximilian
Speedy Field Marshal,
Appear before the throne
Terrible Tsar Maximilian!


The same and Speedy Field Marshal.

I'll go back from right to left,
I will appear before the throne of the formidable Tsar Maximilian.
O great lord,
Terrible Tsar Maximilian,
Why are you calling for the Field Marshal?
Or what deeds do you command?
Tsar Maximilian
Bring me an enlightened ruler to marry us with the Goddess. I want to get married.
I'll go and get it.
Tsar Maximilian
But make sure you drive quickly - I can’t wait!


appear on stage Priest And Deacon. The priest is wearing matting, draped over his shoulders instead of a robe; in his hands a bast shoe on a rope instead of a censer. A deacon in a long white robe.

Deacon, deacon!
What, father?
Go and bring me the crowned book.
Where is she, father?
In the old altar, on a shelf,
Behind the tilicon, in the support.
Do you remember - we got drunk in a tavern!
So bring at least a funeral note!
And at the funeral service they got drunk.
Well, shut up, let's just leave. Read the Gospel.
During it,
When there was neither earth nor sky,
I walked through the city of Moscow,
I saw a big temple,
And faithful men sitting in it,
Holding the spell of wine measured -
Some for five, some for ten,
And I, a sinner, drank for twelve
And the drunk got drunk,
And he fell on his side.
Two robbers saw me
They grabbed me by the arms
And they put him on trial,
They started judging me
Why so drunk?
And they said: go into the world and create miracles!
Glory to you, mad beer,
Glory to you, honey,
Glory to you, suffering burner!
You suffered from the persecutor of the tormentor of the distiller,
You have passed through the fires and waters
And scrape all the copper pipes,
And she came out, like Christ, clean,
Decorated with beads,
With precious stones,
Priceless pearls.
And now we come running to you with joy,
Pour full glasses
And we drink them dry,
We praise, we speak, we prophesy,
We're all about the burner.
Now go ahead and “figure it out”!
What are you doing, you stupid head? Sing: “Thou hast laid...”
You put a nickel on the counter
From pure heart,
I'm begging for your belly,
And you gave me half a damask.

During this singing, the priest takes the hands of King Maximilian and the Goddess and begins to lead them around the throne.

The waders are getting married,
Like oil workers!
Now bubble the stichera!
As the Trinity was with Sergius,
My father had it with the abbot,
Y abbot was with the builder,
His own monastery is not a keeper,
His abode of the destroyer,
All the brethren of the disperser -
Let us all gather, brothers,
Let's go out of the monastery:
Let our father guess
He takes care of his own singing and teaching:
Let him supply us with oak vats,
Filled with green wine
And he will let go of the copper glasses,
Copper glasses, iron ladles,
And he will drink more than ever,
And then he will bring it to us.
As it was not at mass, not at matins,
Not a big bell rang, but on the right choir they sang:
“I have a headache because of a hangover!”
And on the left they grabbed:
"Light the candles,
Climb onto the stove
From the stove to the floor,
Bend your legs..."
Ugh! Not at all!
(they pick up in chorus and dashingly and sing a song)
Sun at sunset
Time to lose...
The girls sat down on the meadow,
Where is the ant and the flower,
Where we frolicked since the evening,
We had fun in a round dance,
In pleasant silence
Under the birch trees alone...

The general dance with which the whole performance ends.