Man does not live by bread alone who said. Man does not live by bread alone

The catchphrase “Man does not live by bread alone” hides the fundamental things in life, material and spiritual. Every individual cannot live without air, water, food. But that's not all!

Basic biological needs of humans

Considering the meaning of the proverb “Man does not live by bread alone,” one should look deeply into what constitutes the basis of the existence of each individual. That is, it is very important to determine what the basic needs of a person are.

First of all, every creature on earth must maintain its existence. Therefore, biological needs cannot in any way be discounted. These are breathing, food, water, clothing, sleep, safety, health. This is exactly what the first part of the saying “Man does not live by bread alone” says. That is, biological needs take priority. A hungry person will first of all want to eat in order to maintain his existence.

Man is a social being

Although many living organisms on Earth cannot survive alone, humans are probably at the top of the list. The need for communication, love, popularity, recognition, sometimes for leadership and domination over other people are the components of people.

And when uttering the phrase “Man does not live by bread alone,” many mean exactly this. You can be well-fed, clothed, live in warmth and comfort, have even much more than what is necessary, but feel deeply unhappy because your loved one is not around, that your loved one is feeling bad, that no one wants to recognize your talents. The title of the series “The Rich Also Cry” is precisely in this sense synonymous with the proverb with which the argument began.

Spiritual Needs

Thinking about what the phraseology “Man does not live by bread alone” means, everyone understands that besides bread (and this word means everything physiologically necessary for existence) there is something else, without which life cannot be full and happy. These are the so-called

Every personality has inherent creative potential. To realize it is the task of the individual. And an even more important task is to gain the approval of others and recognition. Only then can we say that a person has succeeded.

Spiritual needs also include knowledge of the world around us, ourselves, our place in life, the meaning of our existence.

Recognition is the main and very significant component of human needs

Yes, not one, but several deep layers of meaning are embedded in the catchphrase “Man does not live by bread alone.” Writing poetry “on the table” is spiritual life. Such development of personality and its inner life, of course, gives its positive results. But only exclusively for the spiritual state of the creative person himself. Without the approval of others, without their recognition, the poet does not feel fully happy.

If we return to the social needs of a person, it will become clear that at the stage of growing up, a person’s need to receive is partially replaced by the need to give.

The kid rejoices when receiving gifts. He doesn’t even think about the fact that he also has to give something to someone. The older he gets, the more he wants to do good to people. And the more pleasant it becomes to receive gratitude and recognition from others.

And it doesn’t matter whether a person brings joy to others with his amazing voice or a wonderful literary creation, a sculpture created by talent and patience, or a stool put together with his own hands, a sweeping yard, or a bun baked for breakfast. The important thing is that those who receive what others have created express recognition and gratitude. And for this you can sometimes even sacrifice your own piece of bread... Or your own life...

St. Basil the Great

He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

St. Gregory of Nyssa

He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

And will anyone increase the gifts of goodness with the food of the belly? “Man shall not live on bread alone”- this is the word of the true Word. Virtue is not nourished by bread, the strength of the soul is not strengthened and fattened by meat; high life is nourished and given courage by other dishes. Good food is chastity, bread is wisdom, seasoning is justice, drinking is dispassion, pleasure is not some kind of bodily intercourse with what is pleasant, but that which is joy in name and in fact (ευφροσήνη). That is why Ecclesiastes used this word to name the disposition towards beauty that occurs in the soul, because such a state is a consequence of prudence (εκ του ευφρονειν). Therefore, we must learn from this the same thing that we hear from the Apostle: “The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness”, and dispassion, and bliss (Rom. 14:17).

Solomon's Accurate Interpretation of Ecclesiastes. Conversation 5.

St. Maxim Turinsky

He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

The Savior defeats the devil's cunning with an amazing answer. He does not do what the devil says, so that it would not seem that He is manifesting the glory of His power at the will of the enemy, but He does not answer that it is impossible to do, because He could not deny what He had already done more than once. Therefore, the Lord does not agree with what the devil offers Him and does not reject his questions, but thereby retains His decision to demonstrate His power and exposes the cunning of the enemy with divine eloquence. Therefore He answers him: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God, - that is, not with earthly bread, not with material food with which you deceived the first man Adam, but by the word of God, in which lies the food of spiritual life. The Word of God is Christ the Lord, as the evangelist says: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God(John 1:1) . Therefore, anyone who feeds on the word of Christ does not need earthly nutrition. For he who is strengthened by the bread of the Savior cannot desire the bread of this age. After all, the Lord has His bread, and moreover, this bread- The Savior Himself, as He taught, saying: I am the bread that came down from heaven(John 6:41) . The prophet also speaks about this bread: And the bread that strengthens the heart of man(Ps. 104:15)


St. Luka Krymsky

He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

The answer of Divine wisdom, an answer that a mere man could not give. Who would say that you can live without bread, live by the word of God? And Christ said, and later, after centuries, many hermits confirmed this with their experience, for they fasted all their lives, they fasted in a way that is unimaginable to us: they did not eat six days a week and only on Sunday they took a little bread and water and lived for a hundred years and more, laughing at the laws of body physiology. What strengthened them, what replaced their food? The Word of God. The Word of God also replaced food for the Lord Jesus during His fast in the desert. The devil was put to shame, but he did not retreat.

Selected creations. Temptation of the Lord Jesus Christ in the desert.

St. Ephraim Sirin

He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

The Lord did not do this so as not to fulfill the desires of the sinner. What the devil asked regarding the (herd of) pigs, the (Lord) allowed him (Matthew 8:32, Mark 5:13, Luke 8:32) not in order to fulfill his desire in anything, but to give a sign, since none of the (residents) of the city of Gergesin wanted to come out to meet Him until He performed a miracle there.

But the Lord did not want hunger to prevail over Him, since His hunger was clothed with fasting, like a shell. Such hunger threw the arrow of satiety at the tempter, so that the one who inclines towards external satiety could be taught that there is also internal satiety, which (outside) is not revealed. “Man... does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”(Luke 4:4; Deut. 8:3) . So, he fell into temptation, who appeared in order to tempt, and was exposed by the same thing with which he wanted (Literally: “came”) to teach...

So, Satan, through his own words, was convicted by the Lord. For if God can turn stones and make bread, then let the tempter know that God can satisfy even without bread. If He can turn stones into bread, then He can also turn hunger into satiety. For for Him who turns inedible matter into food, it is not difficult to turn the nature of hunger into satiety - not in such a way as to fill oneself with some thing (i.e., not in any material way), but in such a way as to make hunger itself satiety, just as the tempter demanded that He turn the very stone into bread.

Interpretation of the Four Gospels.

St. Isidore Pelusiot

He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

Stones were not turned into bread by Christ, my dear, not because the time for miracles had not yet arrived, as the idle talkers proclaim, but because the request was vain and befitting only the one who asked. God gives everything in number, and in measure, and in accordance with the need, but here what was asked was unnecessary, and the working of miracles was completely untimely.

Letters. Book I

Right John of Kronstadt

He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

Know now, when you fast physically, that man, a spiritual and immortal being, can live not from bread and various foodstuffs alone, but from the word of God, and much more from the word of God than from bread. Eating material food is the most common way of satiation for all sensual creatures, as gross as the body; it is adapted to our planetary life, subordinate in everything to the planet on which we live. But since our life is not limited only to existence on earth, but will continue after it burns up - forever and ever, it is natural for a person to desire and demand food other than planetary, coarse food - namely, eternal food, adapted to an immortal being , the spiritual-intelligent nature of our soul. What kind of food is this? This is the food by which immortal spirits - Angels - live, the food by which all the worlds of the universe are sustained in their entire composition and in all their parts - that is, this is the word of God.

Diary. Volume I. 1856.

Blzh. Hieronymus of Stridonsky

He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

The evidence is taken from the book of Deuteronomy (Deut. 8:3). And the Lord answers this way because He meant to win victory over the devil not through His power, but through His humility. At the same time, it should be noted that if the Lord had not begun to fast, then the devil would not have had the opportunity to be tempted, according to what is written: My son, when you begin to serve before the Lord, stand in righteousness and fear, and prepare your soul for the test(Sir. 2:1). But the very answer of the Savior shows that the man was the One who was subjected to temptation: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. So, whoever does not feed on the word of God does not live.

Blzh. Theophylact of Bulgaria

He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

This testimony is taken from the Old Testament, for these are the words of Moses. And the Jews ate manna, which was not bread, but according to the Word of God it satisfied every need of the Jews, it was everything that anyone wanted to eat. Whether the Jew wanted fish, eggs, or cheese, manna satisfied his taste.

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.

Evfimy Zigaben

He answered and said: It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Seeing his wickedness, Jesus did not perform the required sign. Signs were usually performed for the benefit of those who contemplate; but the devil could not gain any benefit from here. And subsequently, seeing everything that Christ created, he did not change at all. But Christ responds to his hidden thoughts and silences him with Scripture from the book of Deuteronomy (8:3), as if saying: why are you ordering me to make bread out of stones? Of course, because of the hunger that torments Me, so that when I see them, I will be tempted to eat. But not alone only man shall live by bread, and there is another type of food. Every word that comes from the mouth of God to the hungry, like food, it sustains his life and satisfies him. Thus, He generously repelled the temptation to gluttony. Note that Matthew said in the plural: stones, and Luke in the only one: stone. Such harmless differences can often be found among evangelicals. The evidence comes from the Old Testament: these are the words of Moses. And the Jews ate manna, which, although it was not bread, but according to the word of God satisfied every need of the Jews and became everything that anyone wanted to eat. Whether a Jew craved fish, or eggs, or cheese, manna gave him just that taste.

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.


He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

What has been said has already been said by the Savior, and for those in the know it becomes clear that before manna, which is heavenly food, one must suffer and starve, using up one’s fat as food. For it is thus written: And remember all the way that the Lord your God led you through the wilderness, to humble you, to test you and to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. He humbled you, made you hungry and fed you with manna, which your fathers did not know, to show you that man does not live by bread alone.(Deut. 8:2, . And the fact that the manna, as He says, was a word, becomes clear from the answer of Moses to the question of the children of Israel, when they said to each other: what is this?(Ex. 16:15) . What did Moses say? This is the bread that the Lord has given you to eat. This is the word that the Lord commanded(Ex. 16:15-16) . After this, the devil moves on to another [temptation to suffer a new] defeat.


Ep. Mikhail (Luzin)

He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

"Written" etc.: Christ reflects this temptation, like the next two, with the word of God. He points to a saying from the book of Deuteronomy (Deut. 8:3). Moses says in this place that God, humbling the people of Israel, tormented them with hunger (in the desert) and fed them with manna, which was unknown to him and his fathers, in order to show them that he does not live by bread alone, i.e. man maintains his existence, that there are other objects that can support a person’s life, for example, manna and in general everything that the word of God emanating from His mouth indicates. And the Savior, pointing to this saying, points out to the tempter that there is no need to perform a miracle - turning stones into bread, that hunger can be satisfied, besides bread, with other objects, according to the instructions, or word, or action of God. This is the closest, immediate meaning of the Saying. But, without a doubt, this saying contains an indication of the spiritual food that a believer feeds on, in which he seems to temporarily forget about bodily food, as if he does not feel the need for it; this spiritual food is the word of God, divine teaching, divine commandments and commandments, the fulfillment of which constitutes spiritual food, more necessary for the soul than bodily food (cf. John 4:34). “Every word of God to the hungry, like food, sustains his life” (Euph. Zig.). “God can feed the hungry with his words” (Zlat.). So, the meaning of Christ’s answer is this: the need for bread for Me now is not such as to force Me to perform a miracle. Life depends on the will of God. God can support her not only with bread, but with everything that He points to as food. And besides, the word of God, His commandments and commandments, which a person must fulfill, is such spiritual food that one forgets bodily hunger, and a person, feeding on this word as food, does not seem to feel the need for bodily food.

Interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew.

Lopukhin A.P.

He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

(Luke 4:4) . Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God(Deut. 8:3) Let us first explain, as far as possible, what meaning these words, the first words spoken by the Savior after baptism, could have had. The body is supported by food. But a person does not consist of only one body. The body cannot nourish itself or nourish itself; it, so to speak, transmits information about its needs and requirements to the spirit, and only with its help receives what it needs for its continuation and existence. The spirit provides for the body and its needs; it would perish without such provision. In tempting Christ, the devil therefore did not turn to the main source of human life. Wanting to achieve his goal, he turned to the slave (body) instead of his master (spirit), and tempted the body to dominate its master, to subjugate him to his will. But this order was not normal. It is not the spirit that is dependent on the body, but the body on the spirit. For the body to be alive, the spirit must be alive. But the life of the spirit does not depend on bodily nutrition. It just seems that way. The spirit feeds on different food. Since the image and likeness of God lies not in the body, but in the human spirit, then the food that nourishes the spirit is given by God - this is the word of God. The devil represented man primarily as a physical being, the Savior represents man primarily as a spiritual being. The Lord seemed to forget about feeding the body while feeding his spirit. The devil forgot about feeding the spirit, expressing outward concern for the body. The error was exposed and the temptation was repelled.

Christ's answer to the devil is taken from Deut. 8:3. According to the LXX translation, this passage reads literally like this: ... “to proclaim to you that man will not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes through the mouth of God, man will live.” Lit. from the Hebrew: “...that man does not live by bread alone, that man lives by everything that comes from the mouth of the Most High.” Our Russian text of Deuteronomy, apparently, deviates from both the Greek and the Hebrew, and is closest to the Latin Vulgate. It is difficult to say from what text the quotation in the verse in question in Matthew is given. But it is certain that Matthew deviates here from both the Hebrew text and the LXX translation, which is already evident from the fact that “a man lives,” repeated in both the Greek and Hebrew texts, is not repeated by the evangelist. But the true and exact meaning of the original is preserved in the Gospel, and instead of the Hebrew “lives” it is said “will live,” as in LXX. In Deut. 8:3 its writer reminds the people of his wanderings in the wilderness and says that there God “humbled you, made you hungry and fed you with manna... to show you that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from mouth of the Lord." How a person lives by the word of God was demonstrated by the life of the Jews in the desert. Despite the famine, Israel remained alive there, because the Lord commanded him to live, and in the right cases, according to the word of God, manna fell. Consequently, the Savior did not need to worry about bread. God will give Him food when He needs it. He will not die if he does not turn stones into bread. Luke's speech is shortened.

Explanatory Bible.

Trinity leaves

He answered and said to him, “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

What about Christ the Savior? He speaks directly about what the devil has kept silent about; He is not ashamed that he is hungry; but he does not want to obey the devil in anything, so as to teach us not to obey him even when he suggests something useful. So later He commanded the demons to remain silent when they called Him the Son of God. He answered and said to him: It is written: (in the book of Deuteronomy) Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God(Deut. 8:3) And besides bread, God has many ways to feed a person. You want Me to perform a miracle for My pleasure, but I will not do it. If such a miracle was needed, then God Himself would have created it for Me. But He does not create: that means it is not needed. I will endure hunger until God pleases to satisfy Me. I will work miracles, but not for Myself, but for the glory of God, for the salvation of people. If a hair does not fall from a person’s head without the will of God, then much less will God allow Me to die of hunger; you just need to surrender yourself to God’s good care in everything. And God can satisfy our hunger with His single word. A person has needs that are more important than food: spiritual food is more important than physical food. My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to complete His work.(John 4:34) . And conversation with God, prayer, is sweeter for Me than any food. So the devil wanted to convict Jesus Christ of unbelief in God’s Providence, but Christ the Savior placed his hope entirely in His Heavenly Father and did not want to please His flesh in a miraculous way. He conquered temptation from the flesh through abstinence.

Trinity leaves. No. 801-1050.

) - material well-being is not enough for a person to be happy.

Expression from the Bible. Chapter 4 of Matthew describes how the devil tempted Jesus. After Jesus fasted for 40 days, the devil invited him to turn to God, who turned stones into bread. To this Jesus answered: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

"Matthew 4:1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil,
Matthew 4:2 And having fasted forty days and forty nights, he was finally hungry.
Matthew 4:3 And the tempter came to Him and said, If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.
Matthew 4:4 And he answered and said unto him, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

In the Old Testament, Deuteronomy, ch. 8, art. 3 Moses said to his people, tired of the long return from captivity in Egypt, “He humbled you, made you hungry and fed you with manna, which you did not know and your fathers did not know, in order to show you that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word.” From the mouth of the Lord man lives.”


Vladimir Dudintsev (1918—1998)

Novel “Not by Bread Alone” (1956)

(1892 - 1968)

Distant Years (Book about Life) (1946) - about the poet Lermontov - “It was he who wrote bitter words about himself: “Like a falling star on the night of a flame, I am not needed in the world.” But my God, how wrong he was! how the world needs this instant flame of shooting stars! Man does not live by bread alone."

(1860 - 1904)

" " (1880): "After walking a little and thinking, he felt a strong desire to convince himself at all costs that hunger is cowardice, that man was created to fight nature, that A man cannot be satisfied with bread alone“that he is not an artist who is not hungry, etc.”

(1828 - 1910)

“War and Peace” (1863 - 1869), Volume 4, Epilogue, XV: “Countess Marya wanted to tell him that It is not on bread alone that a man will be satisfied that he attributes too much importance to these matters; but she knew that it was unnecessary and useless to say this.”

“Man cannot live by bread alone” (Matt. 4:4)

How do our contemporaries understand this phrase?

This quote has a continuation. That is, if we hear God, trust His providence, do His will - this will be life. Because the bread is also from Him.

Svetlana, 41 years old, refugee from Lugansk region, Lipetsk:

For me it is when my son is nearby. When your loved one came home. When the "animal" is with me. When the sister and nephew express a desire to be together.

Maria, 24 years old, temporarily unemployed, Aachen (Germany):

Bread identifies material things. And for life, a person needs spiritual food, communication with God and knowledge of God. This is necessary for the salvation of the soul. People know how to live on “bread” alone, especially in European society, but I think this is not enough for the life of the soul.

Daria, 26 years old, civil servant, Sevastopol:

For a person’s life, spiritual food is much more important. This is what distinguishes us from animals.

Anton, 29 years old, employee of a real estate agency, Kiev:

I take this as a cruel mockery of modern society values. Although, if you consider that the expression appeared long before modern society took shape, you want to cry. People have had, at a minimum, sketches of a constructive path of development for thousands of years, but “things are still there.” The phrase hints that a person is something more complex and higher than a simple animal with a set of physiological needs. There must be nourishment and constant growth of the inner, spiritual world. With the ability to empathize, love, forgive, think. Otherwise, a person risks sliding to the level of an animal, or entering into confrontation with his own inner world.

Patristic interpretation:

Moses, calming his people, tired of the long return from Egyptian captivity, said that it was not in vain that God subjected the people of Israel to such trials: “He humbled you, tormented you with hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know and your fathers did not know, in order to show you that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. A man lives."

In the New Testament, in the Gospel of Matthew, this expression is also found. When Jesus was in the desert and holding a long fast, “the tempter came to Him and said: If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread. He answered and said to him: It is written: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

In modern Russia, the expression gained additional popularity after the publication (1956) of the novel “Not by Bread Alone” by Vladimir Dudintsev (1918-1998).
The meaning of the expression: for a person to be completely happy, material well-being is not enough; he needs spiritual food and moral satisfaction.

Man does not live by bread alone
From the Bible (Old Testament, Deuteronomy, Chapter 8, Art. 3). Moses, calming his people, tired of the long return from Egyptian captivity, said that it was not in vain that God subjected the people of Israel to such trials: “He humbled you, tormented you with hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know and your fathers did not know, in order to show you that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. man lives."
In the New Testament, in the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 4), this expression is also found. When Jesus was in the desert and kept a long fast (vv. 3-4), “the tempter came to Him and said: If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread. He answered and said to him: It is written: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
In modern Russia, the expression gained additional popularity after the publication (1956) of the novel “Not by Bread Alone” by Vladimir Dudintsev (1918-1998).
The meaning of the expression: for a person to be completely happy, material well-being is not enough; he needs spiritual food and moral satisfaction.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

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