This is where the legs grow from. No brainer



Master of sour cabbage soup

Balzac age

White crow

Plant the pig

Throwing a stone

Wolf in sheep's clothing

Crow in peacock feathers

Add the first number

Register Izhitsa

I carry everything I have with me

Everything flows, everything changes

Goal like a falcon

Orphan Kazan

Unlucky man

Not appropriate

This is a very old sign: only the animal that the brownie likes will live both in the house and in the yard. If he doesn’t like it, he’ll get sick, get sick, or run away. What to do - it’s not good!

Hair on end

But what kind of rack is this? It turns out that standing on end means standing at attention, on your fingertips. That is, when a person gets scared, his hair seems to stand on tiptoes on his head.

Get into trouble

Rozhon is a sharp pole. And in some Russian provinces this is what they called four-pronged pitchforks. Indeed, you can’t really trample on them!

From the ship to the ball

Expression from “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin, chapter 8, stanza 13 (1832):

And travel for him,

Like everyone else in the world, I'm tired of it,

He returned and hit

Like Chatsky, from the ship to the ball.

This expression characterizes an unexpected, sharp change in situation or circumstances.

Combine business with pleasure

An expression from “The Art of Poetry” by Horace, who says about the poet: “He is worthy of all approval who combines the pleasant with the useful.”

Wash your hands

Used to mean: to avoid responsibility for something. It arose from the Gospel: Pilate washed his hands before the crowd, giving Jesus to them for execution, and said: “I am not guilty of the blood of this righteous man” (Matt. 27:24). The ritual washing of hands, which serves as evidence of the non-involvement of the person washing in anything, is described in the Bible (Deuteronomy 21:6-7).

Weak spot

It arose from the myth about the only vulnerable spot on the hero’s body: Achilles’ heel, a spot on Siegfried’s back, etc. Used in the meaning: weak side person, deed.

Fortune. Wheel of Fortune

Fortuna is the goddess of blind chance, happiness and misfortune in Roman mythology. She was depicted blindfolded, standing on a ball or wheel (emphasizing her constant changeability), and holding a steering wheel in one hand and a cornucopia in the other. The rudder indicated that fortune controls a person's destiny.

Upside down

Loitering - in many Russian provinces this word meant walking. So, upside down is just walking upside down, upside down.

Grated kalach

By the way, in fact there was such a type of bread - grated kalach. The dough for it was crushed, kneaded, and grated for a very long time, which is why the kalach turned out to be unusually fluffy. And there was also a proverb - don’t grate, don’t crush, there won’t be a kalach. That is, trials and tribulations teach a person. The expression comes from a proverb, and not from the name of the bread.

Output to clean water

Once upon a time they said to bring fish to clean water. And if it’s a fish, then everything is clear: in thickets of reeds or where snags are drowning in silt, a fish caught on a hook can easily break the fishing line and leave. And in clear water, above a clean bottom, let him try. So it is with an exposed swindler: if all the circumstances are clear, he will not escape retribution.

And there is a hole in the old woman

And what kind of gap (mistake, oversight by Ozhegov and Efremova) is this, a gap (i.e. flaw, defect) or what? The meaning, therefore, is this: And a person wise by experience can make mistakes. Interpretation from the mouth of an expert ancient Russian literature: And on the old woman there is a blow Poruha (Ukrainian zh. up-down. 1 - Harm, destruction, damage; 2 - Trouble). In a specific sense, porukha (other Russian) is rape. Those. everything is possible.

He who laughs last laughs best

The expression belongs to the French writer Jean-Pierre Florian (1755-1794), who used it in the fable “Two Peasants and a Cloud.”

End justifies the means

The idea of ​​this expression, which is the basis of Jesuit morality, was borrowed by them from the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679).

We constantly use short and succinct expressions. But few people know where they came from...


The history of this expression is as follows: the ancient Jews had a rite of absolution. The priest laid both hands on the head of the living goat, thereby, as it were, transferring the sins of the entire people onto it. After this, the goat was driven out into the desert. Many, many years have passed, and the ritual no longer exists, but the expression still lives on...


The mysterious “tryn-grass” is not some kind of herbal medicine that people drink so as not to worry. At first it was called “tyn-grass”, and tyn is a fence. The result was “fence grass,” that is, a weed that no one needed, everyone was indifferent to.

Master of sour cabbage soup

Sour cabbage soup - simple peasant food: water yes sauerkraut. Preparing them was not particularly difficult. And if someone was called a master of sour cabbage soup, it meant that he was not fit for anything worthwhile.

Balzac age

The expression arose after the publication of the novel by the French writer Honore de Balzac (1799-1850) “A Woman of Thirty” (1831); used as a characteristic of women aged 30-40 years.

White crow

This expression, as a designation of a rare person, sharply different from the rest, is given in the 7th satire of the Roman poet Juvenal (mid-1st century - after 127 AD): Fate gives kingdoms to slaves, delivers triumphs to captives. However, such a lucky person is rarer than a black sheep.

Plant the pig

In all likelihood, this expression is due to the fact that some peoples do not eat pork for religious reasons. And if such a person was quietly put pork in his food, then his faith was desecrated.

Throwing a stone

The expression “throwing a stone” at someone in the sense of “accusing” arose from the Gospel (John 8:7); Jesus said to the scribes and Pharisees who, tempting him, brought to him a woman caught in adultery: “He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her” (in ancient Judea there was a penalty - stoning).

Paper endures everything (Paper does not turn red)

The expression goes back to the Roman writer and orator Cicero (106 - 43 BC); in his letters “To Friends” there is an expression: “Epistola non erubescit” - “A letter does not blush,” that is, in writing one can express thoughts that one is embarrassed to express orally.

To be or not to be - that is the question

The beginning of Hamlet's soliloquy tragedy of the same name Shakespeare translated by N.A. Polevoy (1837).

Wolf in sheep's clothing

The expression originated from the Gospel: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”

In borrowed plumes

It arose from a fable by I.A. Krylov “The Crow” (1825).

Add the first number

You won’t believe it, but... from the old school, where students were flogged every week, no matter who was right or wrong. And if the mentor overdoes it, then such a spanking would last for a long time, until the first day of the next month.

Register Izhitsa

Izhitsa is the name of the last letter of the Church Slavonic alphabet. Marks of spanking on famous places careless students strongly resembled this letter. So registering an Izhitsa means teaching you a lesson, punishing her, and it’s easier to flog her. And you still scold modern school!

I carry everything I have with me

The expression originated from an ancient Greek legend. When the Persian king Cyrus occupied the city of Priene in Ionia, the inhabitants abandoned it, taking with them the most valuable of their possessions. Only Biant, one of the “seven wise men”, a native of Priene, left empty-handed. In response to the perplexed questions of his fellow citizens, he answered, referring to spiritual values: “I carry everything I own with me.” This expression is often used in the Latin formulation due to Cicero: Omnia mea mecum porto.

Everything flows, everything changes

This expression, which defines the constant variability of all things, sets out the essence of the teachings of the Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus (c. 530-470 BC)

Goal like a falcon

Orphan Kazan

This is what they say about a person who pretends to be unhappy, offended, helpless in order to pity someone. But why is the orphan “Kazan”? It turns out that this phraseological unit arose after the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. The Mirzas (Tatar princes), finding themselves subjects of the Russian Tsar, tried to beg all sorts of concessions from him, complaining about their orphanhood and bitter fate.

Unlucky man

In the old days in Rus', “path” was the name given not only to the road, but also to various positions at the prince’s court. The falconer's path is in charge of princely hunting, the hunter's path is in charge of hound hunting, the stablemaster's path is in charge of carriages and horses. The boyars tried by hook or by crook to get a position from the prince. And those who did not succeed were spoken of with disdain: a good-for-nothing person.

We often use idioms, the meaning of which seems obvious to us, but it is not at all clear where they came from. Let's try to deal with those of them that mention animals.

No brainer!

What does it mean: it is clear even to a poorly educated, ignorant person.

Where do legs grow from: Vladimir Mayakovsky in “The Tale of Petya, the Fat Child, and Sim, the Thin One,” writes: “It’s clear even to a hedgehog - / This Petya was a bourgeois.” What does the hedgehog have to do with it? But here's what it has to do with it. In the USSR, students from boarding schools for gifted children were called “hedgehogs.” But not everyone, but those who studied in classes E and F. The fact is that, unlike classes A, B, C, D, D, where the guys gnawed at the granite of science for two years, they studied in F and F for a year and, Naturally, we had less time to cover. But if the “hedgehogs” could figure out what it was about, it was as easy as shelling pears for the rest.

Beluga roar

What does it mean: scream loudly, cry.

Where do legs grow from: we're talking about not about the beluga, but the beluga whale - that’s the name of the polar dolphin. He roars really loudly.

Spread your thoughts across the tree

What does it mean: go into unnecessary details.

Where do legs grow from: There seems to be no animal in this saying. But initially it was there. In “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” there are the lines: “The prophetic Boyan, if someone wanted to compose a song, his thoughts spread across the tree, gray wolf on the ground, like a gray eagle under the clouds.” In Old Russian “mouse” is a squirrel. But the translator from Old Church Slavonic mixed up the words a little.

Ate the dog

What does it mean: got better at something, became a master.

Where do legs grow from: The expression comes from the proverb “he ate the dog and choked on his tail.” This is what they said about a man who almost managed a difficult task, but stumbled over nonsense. Only the first part of the proverb remained in use, completely changing its meaning.

Lies like a gray gelding

What does it mean: talks nonsense without blinking an eye.

Where do legs grow from: in the 19th century, the German von Sievers-Mehring was in one of the regiments of the Russian army. He loved to tell his colleagues all sorts of tall tales. The expression “lies like Sivers-Mering” began to be used throughout Russia, completely forgetting about its origin.

The bird is about to fly out

What does it mean: The photographer is about to click the shutter.

Where do legs grow from: the bird that the photographers reported was indeed there, but not alive, but brass. Previously, to get a good photo, people had to freeze in one position for several seconds. To attract the attention of the little fidgets, the photographer’s assistant at the right moment raised a shiny bird, which also knew how to make trills.

Let's go back to our sheep

What does it mean: do not deviate from the main topic.

Where do legs grow from: In the medieval French comedy, a wealthy clothier sues a shepherd who stole his sheep. During the meeting, the clothier forgets about the shepherd and showers reproaches on his lawyer, who did not pay him for six cubits of cloth. The judge interrupts the speech with the words: “Let's go back to our sheep,” which have become popular.

Goal like a falcon

What does it mean: poor man, unmercenary.

Where do legs grow from: falcon (with emphasis on the second syllable) in in this case not a bird, but an ancient battering weapon that was used in the siege of fortresses. It was smoothly hewn wood or cast iron, without protruding parts, which is why it was called bare.

Newspaper duck

What does it mean: deliberate lie.

Where do legs grow from: According to one version, the expression originated in Germany at the end of the 17th century, where under newspaper articles that presented sensational but doubtful information, they put N. T. - the initial letters of the Latin words Non Testatur, which means “not verified.” This abbreviation is read “en-te”. And in German “Ente” means duck.

Retired goat drummer

What does it mean: a person who finds himself out of work.

Where do legs grow from: In the old days, trained bears were brought to fairs. They were accompanied by a dancing boy dressed as a goat, and a drummer accompanying his dance. This was the “goat drummer”. Finding myself in the position of a “retired drummer with a goat,” that is, losing this job too, was really sad.


What does it mean: unnecessary help that harms the cause.

Where do legs grow from: The phraseological unit refers us to I. A. Krylov’s fable “The Hermit and the Bear.” One day the hermit lay down to sleep, and the bear kept the flies away from him. He brushed the insect off his cheek; it sat on his nose, then on his forehead. The bear took a heavy cobblestone and killed a fly on his friend’s forehead with it.

Shot Sparrow

What does it mean: a man who has seen a lot and is not so easy to deceive.

Where do legs grow from: This is part of the proverb “You can’t fool an old (shot) sparrow on the chaff.” Chaff is the remains of ears of corn that are obtained by threshing rye, wheat, flax and other agricultural crops. And although empty ears look like full ones, the old sparrow will never make a mistake, but will look for the haystacks that have not yet been threshed. The word “old” can be replaced with the word “shot” - the one at whom peasants were shot more than once, scaring them away from their crops.

By the way

The expression “where the legs grow from” comes from thieves’ jargon. The criminals, having stolen something, tried to excuse themselves by assuring that the stolen property disappeared without their participation—it “went on foot” to an unknown destination.

Why do they say “the spool is small, but expensive” and what is this spool anyway? It turns out that this is a measure of weight. One spool is equal to approximately 4 g (4.266 g). The term "spool" was also used to denote the purity of gold.

10th place: Bashi-bazouks (from the Turkic bash - head, buzuk, bozuk - spoiled, mad) - soldiers of irregular formations of the Turkish cavalry in the 18th-19th centuries. Bashi-bazouk units were used in peacetime as internal paramilitary guards in remote areas of the Ottoman Empire.

9th place: Camarilla (Spanish camarilla, from camara - chamber, court of the monarch) - a court clique that manages the affairs of the state for its own selfish purposes. The term “camarilla” came into use under the Spanish king Ferdinand VII (reigned 1808, 1814-1833) and reflected the nature of relations at his court.

8th place: Arkharovtsy - a nickname for Russian police officers, named after the Moscow chief of police of the late 18th century. N. P. Arkharova. It's funny that in figurative meaning This is how they began to call desperate people and vagabonds.

7th place: The expression “party bosses” contradicts itself. Bonza is a Buddhist monk in Asian countries.

6th place: A provincial town in Russian Empire called a settlement that enjoyed the rights of a city, but was not the administrative center of the county. In another way, provincial cities were called districtless.

5th place: Satrap in Persian means “guardian of the kingdom.” This was the name given to the governor of a satrapia (province) in ancient and early medieval Iran. Satraps enjoyed full administrative power. Perhaps that is why they often became despots and tyrants.

4th place: An outcast in ancient Rus' was a prince who did not have a hereditary right to the grand-ducal throne. Over time, this meaning was lost because there were too many outcasts.

3rd place: Locator (historical) - a noble person who received from a prince or large feudal lord in Germany the right to establish a settlement in Slavic lands. This word exists in German and now it means either a representative of local authorities or a person who rents out land or premises.

2nd place: Defamation is an official concept Russian law in 1716-1766: a type of disgraceful punishment for nobles sentenced to death, eternal exile, etc. Defamation consisted of declaring the guilty person a thief (scoundrel) and breaking a sword over his head. The defamation was accompanied by the deprivation of the nobility and class rights. It was later replaced by "deprivation of all rights of the estate".

1 place: Bedlam was originally Mary of Bethlehem Hospital in London. However, the origin common noun quite justified: later the hospital became a madhouse.

The history of this expression is as follows: the ancient Jews had a rite of absolution. The priest laid both hands on the head of the living goat, thereby, as it were, transferring the sins of the entire people onto it. After this, the goat was driven out into the desert. Many, many years have passed, and the ritual no longer exists, but the expression still lives on...

The mysterious “tryn-grass” is not at all some kind of herbal medicine that people drink so as not to worry. At first it was called “tyn-grass”, and tyn is a fence. The result was “fence grass,” that is, a weed that no one needed, everyone was indifferent to.

Master of sour cabbage soup
Sour cabbage soup is a simple peasant food: water and sauerkraut. Preparing them was not particularly difficult. And if someone was called a master of sour cabbage soup, it meant that he was not fit for anything worthwhile.

Plant the pig
In all likelihood, this expression is due to the fact that some peoples do not eat pork for religious reasons. And if such a person was quietly put pork in his food, then his faith was desecrated.

Add the first number
You won't believe it, but... from the old school, where students were flogged every week, no matter who was right or wrong. And if the mentor overdoes it, then such a spanking would last for a long time, until the first day of the next month.

Register Izhitsa
Izhitsa is the name of the last letter of the Church Slavonic alphabet. Traces of flogging on well-known places of careless students strongly resembled this letter. So registering an Izhitsa means teaching a lesson, punishing it, and it’s easier to flog it. And you still criticize modern school!

Goal like a falcon
Terribly poor, beggar. People usually think that we are talking about a bird. But the falcon has nothing to do with it. In fact, the “falcon” is an ancient military battering gun. It was a completely smooth (“bare”) cast iron block attached to chains. Nothing extra!

Orphan Kazan
This is what they say about a person who pretends to be unhappy, offended, helpless in order to pity someone. But why is the orphan “Kazan”? It turns out that this phraseological unit arose after the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible. The Mirzas (Tatar princes), finding themselves subjects of the Russian Tsar, tried to beg all sorts of concessions from him, complaining about their orphanhood and bitter fate.

Unlucky man
In the old days in Rus', “path” was the name given not only to the road, but also to various positions at the prince’s court. The falconer's path is in charge of princely hunting, the hunter's path is in charge of hound hunting, the stableman's path is in charge of carriages and horses. The boyars tried by hook or by crook to get a position from the prince. And those who did not succeed were spoken of with disdain: a good-for-nothing person.

Inside out
Now this seems to be a completely harmless expression. And once it was associated with shameful punishment. During the time of Ivan the Terrible, a guilty boyar was placed backwards on a horse with his clothes turned inside out and, in this disgraced form, was driven around the city to the whistling and jeers of the street crowd.

Retired goat drummer
In the old days, trained bears were brought to fairs. They were accompanied by a dancing boy dressed as a goat, and a drummer accompanying his dance. This was the goat drummer. He was perceived as a worthless, frivolous person.

Lead by the nose
Apparently, trained bears were very popular, because this expression was also associated with fairground entertainment. Gypsies led bears by a ring threaded through their noses. And they forced them, the poor fellows, to do various tricks, deceiving them with the promise of a handout.

Sharpen the laces
Lyasy (balusters) are turned figured posts of railings at the porch. Only a real master. Probably, at first, “sharpening balusters” meant conducting an elegant, fancy, ornate (like balusters) conversation. But in our time, the number of people skilled in conducting such a conversation became fewer and fewer. So this expression came to mean empty chatter.

Nick down
In this expression, the word “nose” has nothing to do with the organ of smell. A “nose” was the name given to a memorial plaque, or a note tag. In the distant past, illiterate people always carried such tablets and sticks with them, with the help of which all kinds of notes or notches were made as memories.

Break a leg
This expression arose among hunters and was based on the superstitious idea that with a direct wish (both down and feather), the results of a hunt can be jinxed. In the language of hunters, feather means bird, and down means animals. In ancient times, a hunter going on a hunt received this parting word, the “translation” of which looks something like this: “Let your arrows fly past the target, let the snares and traps you set remain empty, just like the trapping pit!” To which the earner, in order not to jinx it either, replied: “To hell!” And both were sure that evil spirits, invisibly present during this dialogue, will be satisfied and fall behind, and will not plot intrigues during the hunt.

Beat your head
What are “baklushi”, who “beats” them and when? For a long time, artisans have been making spoons, cups and other utensils from wood. To carve a spoon, it was necessary to chop off a block of wood from a log. Apprentices were entrusted with preparing the bucks: it was an easy, trivial task that did not require any special skill. Preparing such chocks was called “beating the lumps.” From here, from the mockery of the masters at the auxiliary workers - “baklushechnik”, our saying came from.

After the rain on Thursday
Rusichi - ancient ancestors Russians - among their gods they honored the main god - the god of thunder and lightning Perun. One of the days of the week was dedicated to him - Thursday (it is interesting that among the ancient Romans Thursday was also dedicated to the Latin Perun - Jupiter). Prayers were offered to Perun for rain during the drought. It was believed that he should be especially willing to fulfill requests on “his day” - Thursday. And since these prayers often remained in vain, the saying “After the rain on Thursday” began to be applied to everything that is unknown when it will come true.

Get into trouble
In dialects, a binder is a fish trap woven from branches. And, as in any trap, being in it is not a pleasant thing. Beluga roar

Beluga roar
He's as dumb as a fish - you've known that for a long time. And suddenly a beluga roars? It turns out that we are not talking about the beluga, but the beluga whale, which is the name of the polar dolphin. He really roars very loudly.

Smoke rocker
In old Rus', huts were often heated in a black way: the smoke did not escape through a chimney (there was none at all), but through a special window or door. And they predicted the weather by the shape of the smoke. The smoke comes in a column - it will be clear, dragging - towards fog, rain, a rocker - towards the wind, bad weather, or even a storm.

Not appropriate
This is a very old sign: only the animal that the brownie likes will live both in the house and in the yard. If he doesn’t like it, he’ll get sick, get sick, or run away. What to do - not good!

Hair on end
But what kind of rack is this? It turns out that standing on end means standing at attention, on your fingertips. That is, when a person gets scared, his hair seems to stand on tiptoes on his head.

Get into trouble
Rozhon is a sharp pole. And in some Russian provinces this is what they called four-pronged pitchforks. Indeed, you can’t really trample on them!

Upside down
Loitering - in many Russian provinces this word meant walking. So, upside down is just walking upside down, upside down.

Grated kalach
By the way, in fact there was such a type of bread - grated kalach. The dough for it was crushed, kneaded, and grated for a very long time, which is why the kalach turned out to be unusually fluffy. And there was also a proverb - don’t grate, don’t crush, there won’t be a kalach. That is, trials and tribulations teach a person. The expression comes from a proverb, and not from the name of the bread.

Bring to light
Once upon a time they said to bring fish to clean water. And if it’s a fish, then everything is clear: in thickets of reeds or where snags are drowning in silt, a fish caught on a hook can easily break the fishing line and leave. And in clear water, above a clean bottom - let him try. So it is with an exposed swindler: if all the circumstances are clear, he will not escape retribution.

And there is a hole in the old woman
And what kind of gap (mistake, oversight by Ozhegov and Efremova) is this, a gap (i.e. flaw, defect) or what? The meaning, therefore, is this: And a person wise by experience can make mistakes. Interpretation from the lips of an expert in ancient Russian literature: And on an old woman there is a blow of Porukha (Ukrainian zh. coll.-dec. 1 - Harm, destruction, damage; 2 - Trouble). In a specific sense, porukha (other Russian) is rape. Those. everything is possible.

The language will take you to Kyiv
In 999, a certain Kiev resident Nikita Shchekomyaka got lost in the endless, then Russian, steppe and ended up among the Polovtsians. When the Polovtsians asked him: Where are you from, Nikita? He replied that he was from a rich and beautiful city Kyiv, and so described the wealth and beauty to the nomads hometown that the Polovtsian Khan Nunchak attached Nikita by the tongue to the tail of his horse, and the Polovtsians went to fight and plunder Kyiv. This is how Nikita Shchekomyaka got home with the help of his tongue.

1812 When the French burned Moscow and were left in Russia without food, they came to Russian villages and asked for food She rami, like give it to me. So the Russians began to call them that. (one of the hypotheses).

This is an idiomatic phrase. There is a river called Voloch, when the fishermen came with their catch, they said ours and Voloch came. There are several other tomological meanings of this word. To drag - to collect, to drag. This word came from them. But it became abusive not long ago. This is the merit of 70 years in the CPSU.

Know all the ins and outs
The expression is associated with an ancient torture in which needles or nails were driven under the fingernails of the accused to extract a confession.

Does anyone know where the ears of this expression that has filled the world come from? Lately speech of fellow citizens? A journalist from the newspaper "Culture" explains how to get to the editorial office: "... you will see a yellow house and, as it were, enter an arch..." The process of entering is very interesting. Commentator: "... and this is like an airplane..." Would you like to fly on such a unit? I wonder what he looks like? Art critic: “... and Lermontov seemed to think...” I’m silent, I’m silent. ;O)


;o) Another option: they use it when they don’t want to give a definite answer. Or “responsible for the market” ;))) After all, saying “agree” or “kind of agree” are two big differences:o)))

Well, his ears have been growing for a long time, about 10 years. :))

I have heard such an interpretation that this expression has become so firmly entrenched in our language due to the fact that suddenly everything built and unbuilt suddenly collapsed and stopped being completed, and accordingly everything became unstable and incomprehensible, and all confidence in the future was lost. “It’s like life” has come.

Here. But I also heard this a long time ago.

Good day to all. A friend recently told me that she and her husband have a separate budget. She is on maternity leave with her child, works from home, her husband has a business and office work. Everyone pays for their wishes themselves, everything general expenses exactly in half. This completely suits her. He says it’s easier this way, you don’t have to ask your husband for a manicure. At first I was indignant inside myself that this was unfair. If there were two childless people, this would be completely understandable to me, but if a woman sits with a child, she would seem...


You better not think about them at all. That family is happy with this and you can’t convince them. You may be satisfied differently. But, believe me, it’s much better than her being on maternity leave, working, and her husband neither taking care of the child nor at work, and not helping in any way. And these options also suit some people. Live the way you like. A separate budget is not the worst thing.

Create a joint bank account, each with a card. Everything is transparent. Large expenses should be discussed in advance.

Baby boxes: How long will new attempts take and what kind?.

Alexander Kovalenin, RVS expert At the Hearings with Astakhov on March 21, my speech was closer to the end, when it became obvious that no one needed arguments against the boxes, since everyone was unanimous. Therefore, I focused on where the legs of such ideas grow. I started with the question with which P. A. Astakhov opened the Hearings: how much longer will we distract serious and useful people to discuss such frivolous and unfounded ideas? I gave my answer - another year and a half, and tried...

My daughter is almost seven years old. I never hid anything related to human physiology from her. She always answered all “sexual” questions calmly, without emphasis. But the daughter becomes more and more fixated on them, asking for the hundredth time, “When will my breasts grow,” “When will I become a girl.” Her attention is focused on my chest, and at every opportunity she tries to touch it. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that she began to clearly draw the genitals and breasts of her princesses...


Don't get hung up on yourself. I think it will go away on its own with age. Understand that for an adult, such interests and questions have “bad” connotations, but for a child, this is one of many issues related to understanding the world. "When will my breasts grow back?" he cares no more and no less than “Why is the grasshopper chirping?” or "Why is the sky blue?" and “Why do fish have gills?”
Try as unobtrusively as possible to switch her attention to something else. I think this interest is temporary.

I thought for a long time about what to do - I would act something like this:
- I would tell my daughter that I understand her interest in these places and her desire to become an adult as soon as possible, but I don’t like that you draw and show and discuss this with strangers and children. If you want, come on and discuss this with me as much as you like. And the way you do it is not accepted.
- I would go to a psychologist.

It turns out that not everything is as simple as we sometimes advise each other at the conference. I realized this when I went with my 2-year-old son to have his abilities diagnosed at the Center for Child Health and Development National Institute Child Development in Otradnoye. By the way, I also learned about them at the conference. So here it is. We went with a friend - our children are the same age. And how differently they behaved! Showed different skills and achievements in general different development, behavior. I have to admit that I made a mistake, although in life...


And a very nice woman from the Ministry of Education, who deals with early childhood, came to our house - she also gave all sorts of gentle tests, but everything was in home environment- costs 10 dollars - she recommended something that, to be honest, would never have occurred to me.

04/14/2000 23:26:11, Yasya

A friend is studying at the philology department. They were given the task - to select strange phrases, expressions and evaluate them - explain their meaning and origin. They gave an example of “Push her into a swing” :)) She’s been bothering me for the second day now, asking for help. The only thing that came to my mind was “I hate it.” Tell me what comes to your mind, and if possible a short explanation of the meaning - origin. After all, they ask this...

Girls, tell me I’m not the only one! :((((I have terrible problem- All my trousers are cutting into my pubis!!! I understand that this is supposedly a pattern problem. But lately EVERYONE has been hitting me. Especially flared from the hip. When you try to take a larger size, they simply don’t fit well because they are too big. And so I have a question - does anyone know of any device that could be placed - like a sanitary pad, only harder - so that it doesn’t look so indecent? :((((


I have this problem too. Of the budget brands, the “Orange” trousers (1000-1700 rubles) fit perfectly.

IMHO this is a feature of your figure; Platinum wrote it correctly below. There is too much distance from the waist to, so to speak, the place from where the legs grow. So, either select patterns (try German ones, they are high waist often done, or sew in a studio

Dear ladies, in fact, my question is this: have any of you come across any worthy articles/links about the impact of a bad start (in our case, birth at 29 weeks, weight 1300, caesarean section, stay in the hospital without a mother for two months, absence of breastfeeding feeding at all) for subsequent psychological development child's personality (ek, wrapped up). Those. namely, not a violation of psychomotor development, but the occurrence in the future psychological problems related to this...


04/19/2004 02:31:10, Malepartus

I once came across a Norwegian-English article
600 children born at 28-30 weeks were studied there
and 300 at 24-26 weeks
children were traced until the 2nd grade of school
MBD ADHD was more common in infants born before 27 weeks and particularly low birth weight
in children from 28 weeks, such disorders practically did not occur, that is, they occurred with the same probability as in children born at term

A 2 year old child CONSTANTLY keeps his hands in his mouth. I don’t know what to do, and this has only been happening for the last 3-4 months, before that everything was fine. They gave up pacifiers within a year. I scold, I persuade - nothing helps (((. I have already started doing this on the street. What should I do and why is it?


If it just appeared, then this is a reaction to changed conditions, as written below. My IMHO is to draw as little attention to this as possible. The more noise there is around a problem, the more likely it is to reinforce the habit. At these moments, give something into your hands, or occupy yourself with something, or just silently remove your hand. And look for where the “legs grow” from.

Offer again a pacifier or another alternative to sucking - mine can peacefully suck on a string from a hat on the street.
Some problems - the changes affected him.

Inspired by the topic about mothers and children. I remembered how my sister used to express highest degree delightedly used the expression “fall over the chest.” No one could understand where she got it from, but everyone was very impressed. In general, word distortion as a type of word creation is very popular, including on the Internet - for example, the word “namana” (normal) - I don’t know about anyone, but it just makes me cringe. :-) And once at home, people don’t get so sophisticated. ..


Oh, our employee at work is “prolific” with such turns of phrase :-)))
"Smelly pond" - this is if everything is bad.
"You hit me like (sorry :-))) in the balls with a sickle!" - if the supplier, for example, demands money :-)))
"Gimor Karlovich" is derived from "hemorrhoids" :-)))
“Song without a button accordion” - about something out of the ordinary

“The best haymaking” is when everything is very good :-)

I understood that they were the root of all my ailments! And now on the legs the vessels burst, they said vasculitis from chronic diseases such as tonsillitis-tonsillitis, where all sorts of staphylococci (or whatever they are called) are present, and now the thrush has still formed, just after the last sore throat was treated with antibiotics... For the last six months, generally every one and a half months stable! Without tempo, but the throat really hurts, red, with or without plugs. In general, now the question is - HOW TO GET RID OF PERMANENT SOLISHES!?


First of all, you need to go to an ENT specialist to take a culture from your tonsils. It is necessary to determine what kind of infection there is, otherwise everything under the definition of “angina” is lumped together. I'm suffering from this myself now. Complication after bronchitis started.
If it is mycosis of the pharynx (pharynx) - the dog will sort it out, then certain types of drugs are prescribed. I was prescribed Stomatidin for rinsing (at first they suggested chewing nystatin, but this is beyond my strength), then any drug to restore flora - well, Lactusan, Probiform, Linnex - to choose from, and something to boost immunity. I bought Zinkit. Yes, they also banned smoking (well, I didn’t smoke) and drinking (right). Follow a certain diet - nothing spicy, salty, fatty, or more dairy products.
Now, if there is something else in the throat, then I can categorically recommend the Medcryonics clinic. Search on Google, it was on the 2nd Vysheslavtsev Lane, on Novoslobodkaya. There I was saved from sore throats throughout my pregnancy. The clinic specializes in ENT manipulations with liquid nitrogen. They burned my tonsils with liquid frozen nitrogen three times in a row with a break of a week. The procedure is unpleasant, but can be tolerated. But then I didn’t suffer from anything for almost 3 years.

Girls, Dr. Sichinava Otto Varlamovich helped me. Type his name into a search engine. Quite famous. I haven’t had a sore throat for 8 years now; when I have a cold, it’s just a runny nose and general malaise. And I turned to him in a terrible state - after another sore throat, otitis media had already begun. He cured both me and the child, for which I am very grateful to him. I even brought my mother from another city to him. He washed the tonsils with a special solution from a pistol, and then lubricated them with medicine. I did procedure 6-7.

04/27/2007 20:49:04, ami

Down there, Sotis wrote the phrase “to make torn years.” To my wild amazement and the assertion that in Russian, Sarah Baraboo said that at school the teacher regularly promised to arrange this for them. Attention - question. Have you ever heard this expression? Is it normative Russian or has it wandered in from somewhere? Does it have a geographical reference? And give it to him precise definition please, if you know him! And if you don’t know, don’t be silent either :)

Aggressive behavior children, even their own, often baffle adults. Since adults feel stronger, wiser, and see their role as that of a protector and teacher, they are quite surprised by the vicious attacks and destructive activity of some children. In addition, aggressive defiant behavior often awakens in adults not the best reciprocal feelings, the presence of which they are not aware of...
...In addition, aggressive defiant behavior often awakens in adults not the best reciprocal feelings that they did not even suspect they had: rage, the desire to “smear it all over the wall,” etc. All children go through periods in their normal development when they learn to control themselves and restrain spontaneous anger. Assimilation social norms and rules for expressing one’s dissatisfaction begins at the age of 2-3 years. In the successful version, the child gradually learns to find ways of expression that are acceptable to him and his environment. negative emotions and ways to achieve what you want. If the parents' reactions are consistent and reasonable, then gradually the child learns that, for example, hysterics are not a way to get what they want, and a fight is not the best way...


Thank you for the article. I will try the advice in practice. I especially think the advice “If he’s “out of his mind”” is necessary, it’s important not to “get infected” by his emotions, but to try to maintain emotional balance.”, because this is difficult to do if the hysteria lasts about an hour.

“Load oranges in barrels”?

It may turn out to be long, but please be patient... This is the problem we have. My eldest - Volodya - turned three years old in December, not so long ago he became the eldest - Katyusha is a little more than a year. In September, Vova went to the garden. Recently (although I probably shouldn’t have said it recently – it’s been about three months now...) to any action that he doesn’t like, Vova reacts unequivocally: I don’t love you! You are bad! Most often, grandmothers and nannies suffer from this, less often - father, grandfather, and I - mother. Wherein...


The child did not come up with this phrase himself - someone had already tried to manipulate him by uttering these words to him. This is the first...
Second: the child does not put into these words the meaning that offends you so much. This is a stock phrase to express his dissatisfaction and desire to change the course of the situation in his favor...

I would also like to add that most likely your baby needs you to say for him what he feels at the moment when he utters these words. Soon he will learn to distinguish shades of feelings: dissatisfaction, disappointment, annoyance, anger, resentment.
Sometimes it is difficult for an adult to understand what is happening to him and to express these complicated feelings in words. Moreover, the baby does not yet have a sufficient number of words for self-expression, nor a tool for determining what is happening to him.
Where do the legs of all the whims come from? They happen because a child, feeling discomfort, is not able to determine its cause (hunger, fatigue, etc.) and talk about it in words.
You can, for example, next time in response to his “statement” try to calmly say to yourself what he wants this moment worries: “You must be very angry with me. Let’s think about why this happened.” And then talk through the entire previous situation, not forgetting to name the emotions accompanying it in words.

In general, I advise you to talk through all your emotions. This morning I found my daughter in front of the mirror doing the following exercise: she changed her facial expression and at the same time said “Upset,” “Happy.” I suddenly remembered that I had heard this before, and with exactly the same intonations who said it in front of me. It turned out that my daughter remembered the exercise we did in music class 3 months ago.
Now I want to try to read a book that suits her, looking at facial expressions in the pictures and discussing all the happy and sad emotions.

What is effortless learning? So I, too, can say I learned without effort. Reading was a pleasure, I read a lot, on my own, from the age of 4. Homework I did it very quickly, but I did it. I wrote essays, read additional literature on all subjects, and did not consider looking in encyclopedias and dictionaries an effort. And here is my daughter, what kind of apple is there, rather a cucumber. She’s smart, but doesn’t like to read (she’s been able to read since she was 4 years old - we were a progressive family, we were involved in early development almost from birth and...


I already wrote here about early development. I was also progressive, Montessori frames, Nikitin cubes (I did everything myself, where could I get all this 11 years ago). And I came to the conclusion that I had overdone it. Mine also learns the way you described your daughter. I read in a book about the benefits and harms of early development that the earlier you start teaching children to read, the less inclined they are to be creative, independent activity. Those. if they see only squiggles in letters, then this does not ground their imagination. Well, if we see writing in a language that is unfamiliar to us, the brain “does not linger on it,” but if we see writing in a language that we know, we automatically begin to read. But this is an example of reading only. In general, it now seems to me that this is where “the legs grow.” It needs to be developed, but in a different way.

Studying without effort is when you spend the entire semester drinking and partying, living for your own pleasure, skipping half of your classes, not opening your textbook, and then you come to the exam, answer, and the teacher tells you “this, of course, is the answer to a 5, but I’ll give you a 5.” I won’t give it because you’ve been slacking off all semester, okay?” and the person answers - “in general, I agree with 3.” I knew a couple of people like that. But they usually don’t finish their studies, they leave and live well and have a lot of money. :)) One became a KPMG consultant with 3.5 courses in the philology department. :))

There is a notice hanging in our entrance: “Dear neighbors (my remark - this is how we usually address ourselves) and guests! Keep it clean, wipe your feet when you enter!” Well, one of the connoisseurs of the Russian language crossed out the word “legs” and wrote “shoes” on top. Which option is correct?)


Wiping your feet is a common expression that describes the procedure suggested in the ad.
And it doesn’t matter whether these feet are shod or not. In the end, if someone enters the entrance barefoot, then the announcement applies to him.

16.12.2013 21:25:15, __nevazhno____

16.12.2013 20:21:51

Further, living with this feeling of one’s own “badness” and “unlovability,” a person cannot fully develop. “And children,” says Zhanna Shopina, “for all their plasticity, most of all want to please adults. Internally, unconsciously, from birth, they all want to be good.” Moreover, the child, while he has not yet reached adolescence, most of all needs an expression of love addressed to him. And, if a mother discusses her appearance with her child from time to time, she thereby points in the direction of where and how this love can be earned. So when a girl asks her mother, “Am I beautiful?” - in fact, she is waiting for an answer to the question: “Do you love me?” Harmful words You are not beautiful, but pretty. Those...


Yes, now I’ll be able to use all this when raising my children, so that their lives are not spoiled by the complexes that sound in my voice... Interesting and useful article, I’m glad I read it, thank you.

Indeed, all our problems come from childhood, and it is our parents who instill these fears in us. For example, why talk about a babayka - so that a child lies in a dark room at night and is afraid to fall asleep?

There are two questions: what does this mean, and how to deal with it. Married for 7 years, children together, the youngest is almost a year old. And for the last six months, maybe more already, my husband has been constantly clinging to some idiotically insignificant everyday trifles. It seems like he's annoyed by how I do EVERYTHING. Examples: - if I am cooking and he enters the kitchen, he will definitely reduce the burner setting. It doesn’t matter what kind of dish it is or what regime it requires. It doesn’t matter whether it’s prepared for him or not (for example, pancakes, which he himself doesn’t eat, and...


From what you write, there is a feeling that there are some two levels of communication at which you and your husband are talking. The first level is superficial, where, in fact, all sorts of minor quibbles appear at the level of words and actions: the strength of the fire on the stove is not the same, the curd is not finished, etc. But there is another level - a deeper one, and it seems that at this level, either one of you, or both of you unconsciously feel that some kind of tension has accumulated in your relationship, which does not go away on its own, and it may contain dissatisfaction, resentment and even anger... It is significant that the first thought that arose in your mind was that your husband might have a mistress. However, if suddenly this man came to see me about difficulties in marriage, then from his behavior I would rather assume that you had taken a lover, not he.
Perhaps what I offer you will seem a little strange and unusual to you, but it can be very useful for both you and your relationship with your spouse: tell me what is happening in your relationship in recent months? What YOUR words, actions, deeds, behavior can provoke your husband to these nagging? How do you, figuratively speaking, anger/irritate him?

Has anything changed in your appearance or smell or anything like that recently? Health, medicine? Something for which a reprimand cannot be made, but it has not become any less annoying.
I can go crazy over my dearly beloved homemade sleeveless rag, which would be better worn in my absence. Maybe the number of such “rags” has exceeded his ability to be above trifles in his love for you?

Steve Jobs is great and terrible))).

I started reading the biography of Steve Jobs. My first and important discovery was that Steve was an adopted child. No mystery, as they would say at the Adoption conference here. Steve did not want to know his biological parents. Many of the things Steve said about adoption resonate with me tremendously. The funny thing is that I dare to draw these parallels, but... One day, having cleared the stuck cow dung from my galoshes and thrown the last bucket of slop into the trough, I simultaneously moved straight into the same...


So you didn't listen to THAT SAME Jobs speech to Stanford graduates in 2005 :)

I was lucky to see and listen to him live. “an ordinary genius”, a man with enormous energy and charisma :)) well, I didn’t know then that he was adopted

Why does a child have a fever for a long time?


Thank you very much for the useful information! I found the answer to all my questions.

02/08/2016 20:21:16, Bekpulat

There is probably some kind of inflammation in the body. What other symptoms are there besides the temperature itself? Throat, snot? I don’t want to scare you, but we once had this happen for pneumonia - there seemed to be no external symptoms at all, and the temperature did not subside. Antibiotics, of course, were taken afterwards, such a heavy dose. Then the intestines were restored with normobact, the immune system was raised - Long story, All in all. Ask to be listened to closely for any wheezing in your lungs.

Those of us who lived through the times of developed socialism probably still remember such a rather specific liquid as fish oil. A bottle with this “panacea” could easily be found in any Soviet family where there was a child early age. A daily spoon or two of the oily substance, taken orally, was supposed to help the child avoid encountering a typical childhood illness - rickets. And she helped - most often.
...And they suffer during one of the fastest-growing age periods - from 2 months to 2 years. The basis of banal rickets is a lack of vitamin D, which is absolutely necessary for the mineralization of bone tissue and the normal functioning of the central nervous system. nervous system and internal organs. Rickets has been known to mankind since ancient times (the term “rickets” itself comes from the ancient Greek word rhahis, which means “spinal spine”). This disease is mentioned in the works of Soranus of Ephesus and Galen, dating back to the second century BC. Medieval paintings by Dutch, German and Danish painters indicate that rickets was a common occurrence back then. Typical signs of this disease are a bulging forehead, a flattened nape, a flat stomach, crooked bones...


I am now 23 years old.
I have chicken breasts.
And I'm embarrassed about it.
Is it possible to be cured?
And isn’t this disease dangerous, how is it dangerous for me now?

Thank you in advance.

03.12.2008 17:20:06, Yulya

And my boy 1.2 is also 0, I wonder if this can be fixed?

02/11/2005 12:02:06, Julia

In early spring, these branches are bare, buds have barely appeared on them. By the way, in Rome they grow like ordinary trees, and evergreens, such as palms. For example, this picture looks very funny: some white marble Homer is sitting near a palace in the blooming Baroque style under a spreading palm tree. The next morning I woke up in ruins, especially from below. Watching me move my legs with an amazed expression on my distorted face, Ilya Grigorievich laughed until he cried. We went a little over the mileage in the heat of the moment the day before, but remorse overtook us too late: ruins are ruins. Therefore, appreciating the involuntary pun, we went to the Roman ruins. However, on the way, first, we went to the church of San Pietro in Vincoli, to meet the most amazing statue of Michelangelo for me: Moses. We passed cool...
...We laughed for a long time, and then I tried to film him. But the flash didn’t work, and the frame was almost unperceivable. On a blue evening, a silvery-white, nameless dome for us ignoramuses glowed in the sky through a web of branches. The next day we left the eternal city. It seems to me that he never woke up to notice our presence. Well, okay. My general feeling, settled after Rome, is very utilitarian: now I know where my legs grow from. Peter was and remains a stranger and alien in Russia. He is from here, from Europe, a legitimate piece of this culture, but an emigrant from birth. That is why his character is sad and poignant: he is lonely. Continued... Lyricist...


My parents just arrived from there and they say that shopping there is just something!)

a week in Italy, every day in a new city - it’s certainly exciting... but next time I’d rather go to Rome. And from there I will climb around the cities. Relax and you'll be able to see more!

09.24.2003 13:53:19, sweeta

The road to Khadzhokh (aka the village of Kamennomostsky) began early in the morning with our host taking us from Mezmay to the highway...

Varicose veins: causes, prevention, exercises, treatment

Early child development: benefit or harm for the baby. How not to go critical line: a destructive whim of inexperienced parents.


Early development lives and wins - in fact, the light has stood on it since time immemorial.
Unfortunately, I have not read anywhere about earlier developments with greater inaccuracies than in this article.
I don’t want to offend the author, but, alas, he himself, one might say, offends thousands of readers - parents :).
So, out of one hundred and fifty objections, I will only express a few for now in order to continue the discussion. For my inaccuracies, please forgive me or correct me.
1. Early development has been known for three thousand years, but was hidden. This discovery was made after a technique was invented in Russia (and nowhere else!) that made it possible to teach children to read up to one year old (Tyulenev, Sharovarov). It can be considered proven by numerous facts that the most intelligent and active - in the sense of intellectual action and creativity - are those peoples whose cultural traditions, by chance or not by chance, contain elements of early development.
I don’t want to touch upon nations - that’s not the point: what is important is that there are statistics that allow us to conclude that those nations who begin to teach: 1) from conception, 2) during pregnancy and 3) infants from birth - those There are thousands of times more gifted and talented children in the world - because giftedness and talent are a derivative of early development. I found some conclusions on this topic on the page - read it, it’s impossible to argue with numerous facts.
Early development is not a whim; it is, perhaps, the only means of survival in difficult living conditions.
2. The first stage of the movement for earlier development in our country began not with M. Ibuka, but with the NUVERS law, discovered thanks to the activities of Makarenkovsky teacher Boris Pavlovich Nikitin.
I found that in 1957 he was kicked out of the education system for trying to revive Makarenko’s “self-sustaining schools” project, and in revenge he created early development: he gave birth to and raised seven children between 1957 and 1968, taught them and tempered them from the very beginning. birth.
When these Nikitin children, aged from 3 to 10 years old, were tested by visiting British and Japanese, they were recognized as the smartest children on the planet (!).
In the article dedicated to memory great teacher
Masaru Ibuka, the president of SONY, personally invited Boris Nikitin to Japan, and he gave a lecture there and spoke at SONY and on Japanese television. These facts are set out in the materials published here on the site, in the year of its foundation, in “Publications” on the books of 1995 - 1996 “Read before you walk”, “How to develop gifted children” and others.
It's better to read them yourself, and how far early development has come since Masaru Ibuka.
3. By the way, VGIK students who lived next to Boris Nikitin’s house made a film about the upbringing and early development of Nikitin’s children.
According to some reports, some video materials about Nikitin and his system are provided to everyone by the Academy of Education, Social and economic development(Nikitin, Shatalov, Savenkov and others).
4. I definitely remember reading somewhere - I can clarify - that the phrase “After three it’s too late!” - came up with Olga Gdal'devna Sverdlova in the 70s, editor of the publishing house "Znanie", author (under a pseudonym) of successful and not very successful books like: "Kremlin Children", "How a Child Cannot Get on the Panel", etc. - Masaru Ibuka had a different name for the book. In those days, development was previously prohibited.
5. Judging by Doman’s books, this American doctor, long before Masaru Ibuka, came across the possibility of early learning.
By the way, in addition to the “samurai code,” the Japanese have always preferred to build their education and training system on borrowings: at the beginning of the 20th century, they invited Linus Pauling to participate in the development of the education system.
To write that Doman picked up Masaru Ibuka’s “catchphrase” is to disorient parents and turn them upside down. And that's why.
6. Because Masaru Ibuka’s recommendations, although close in ideas to early development, are harmful and dangerous: “Masaru Ibuka heard the ringing, but does not know where it is?” The founder of the current stage of early development, Tyulenev, convincingly writes about this, who put RD on a certain scientific basis and for the first time in the world showed reading babies on television in the late 90s - early 2000s in the programs “Read Before You Walk.”
What is the essence of Tyulenev’s objections to Masaru Ibuka?
In early development, you need to go from simple to complex: one might say, the child must repeat the entire experience of human knowledge of music, albeit accelerated. Therefore, you should not immediately give your child the classics indiscriminately. The book How to Develop Gifted Children says that children who were given the opportunity to listen from birth classical music, didn't want to play musical instruments, for the simple reason that they were afraid to disturb the harmony, those high ideals and forms... And without constant practice it is impossible to advance far in music. Etc. and so on. - There are many nuances - you can read for yourself.
What to do with this article? I would ask the author on behalf of the parents - I hope many will support me: to rename the article “About how I didn’t understand and said goodbye to early development,” or “I don’t want to read, learn about real early development and say goodbye to it!” development!" - something like that, somehow different, softer...
Because I am sure that early development gave this author’s children a lot, if not everything, and if the author is honest, he will write a refutation: “Forgive me, early development!”
Otherwise, I will probably be forced to write the remaining 145 objections that arose while reading this article.
Although, of course, it’s good that the author paid attention to earlier developments - but not from the same categorical perspective! Understand Mr. (Ms.) author: early development has many defenders - early development is omnipotent, because it is true! Therefore, it would be great for you to take the chance to show yourself more objective and add to your article honest facts from the life and successes of your children.

This article is simply an outright provocation. BUT - I enjoyed reading the discussion thread from parents. Attention and time dedicated to a child, priceless to him. Pushkin's fairy tales are also early development, and so is reading books on the sofa. Mutual interest and harmony are the main thing.

For example, kidney and liver diseases. Systemic drugs are often contraindicated in children, and they have serious limitations in simultaneous use with certain other drugs. For example, Lamisil cannot be combined with hormonal contraceptives. If you are breastfeeding your baby, you will have to wait a little while using these medications. Pregnancy also means a ban on systemic antimycotics. Therefore, women of childbearing age taking them need to use contraception throughout the entire course of treatment. In some cases, it is necessary to remove the nail plate followed by treatment. After this, a new nail grows, although its surface may be uneven at first. Whatever treatment the doctor prescribes,...
...An intact, healthy nail is practically invulnerable to fungal infection, but damaged nails, for example, as a result of injury, become easy prey for fungus. Not last role plays into the state of the body as a whole. The risk of getting sick increases if the tone of the blood vessels in the legs is impaired, for example, with heart failure or varicose veins. The same can be said about disorders in the endocrine system. Diabetes mellitus is a good reason to vigilantly monitor the condition of your nails, because in such cases, fungal damage can be especially severe. Prevention To avoid trouble, you have to be more careful. A visit to a swimming pool, sauna, gym...

What do medical terms used during childbirth mean?

fresh photo for starters))) Two flowers - two pots Next is a joke. Yesterday we went to pick up Vaska from afterschool. We followed him into class. While this thaw was poking around and getting ready at his far desk, two boys began to giggle and point at Ksyukha with their fingers... Then my beauty makes her hands like a machine gun in her hands (like boys playing make-believe war games) and says “duh-duh-duh- yes." After which, with a sly expression on his face, he brings his hands to his ears, spreads his fingers “a la Cheburashka” and sticks out his tongue at them...

Hello everybody! My daughter is 4.5 years old. She is clearly not one of the flexible ones (from birth this is clearly visible), there are few prohibitions (mostly everything is based on trust and understanding), but if I forbid something, then she knows that it is serious and does not argue. The problem is that recently the child began to let go of his hands in rage. We don’t hit her (well, maybe a couple of times in my entire life), no one in the family fights either. What to do? Crisis 5 years? My grandmother especially gets it when I’m not at home. How...


you need to teach your child to express his dissatisfaction in a way that is more acceptable to you. The phrase “I don’t need you, go away” sounds somehow adult, where does a child get it from?

With hands - very harshly, I would completely ignore him until he seriously apologizes and repents. That is, the struck grandmother goes into another room and does not react to the child at all - I have nothing to do with you. the same thing, if it’s not enough, mom can do the same with an explanation in the evening - I don’t communicate with someone who beats an elderly person - I’m disgusted.
About “Go away,” how should she say it in your opinion? Teach your child to express his anger in a civilized manner. Everyone has their own concept of “civilized”. But it is important to recognize that the child has the right to be indignant, this is normal, but he does not have the right to beat and insult others, but instead, he can express his feelings like this. Including hitting sofa cushions instead of grandma, for example.

My husband often comes home from work very late (in the morning, on the contrary, he can only go to work at 11 am, or in the afternoon he comes home for a couple of hours). On the contrary, I get up early - at 6.30. I often wait for my husband, but sometimes after 10-11 pm I really want to sleep. But I can’t go to bed until I know that my husband is already driving up to the house. Or even if I pass out while I’m putting the child to bed, I still wake up at twelve o’clock in order to check if my beloved is here. Although I don’t suffer from insomnia at all. That's what's worrying...


Oh, she's the same! And I’m not worried about “I’ll fall asleep and he’s gone in the morning,” but rather about where he is now and in what condition, because since he doesn’t drink much, he might drink in company and also stop perceiving time altogether! Well, it seems like he always calls himself, but I know that if he’s in company, then “I’m leaving now” does not at all mean “I’m going out” and certainly does not mean “right now” :))) And when you start calling yourself every hour, then it’s somehow embarrassing that you’re bullying a person %) .... And I almost never can fall asleep if the whole house hasn’t gone to bed, I’m generally the last damn thing - my husband is already in bed, the child falls asleep with him, And I still have to walk the dog, feed the dog, prepare a bottle for the baby in the morning, quietly drink some tea and go to sleep, so that no one walks around, slams doors, etc. In general, I have such a quirk of “expectation”, I can’t sleep when someone is not sleeping, because I subconsciously expect that (if my husband is sitting quietly at the computer) he will go smoke right now, accordingly, slam the door twice, then go to the kitchen something... then eat, then go to the toilet, etc. :))) Until he goes to bed, my brain can’t turn off :)))))

01/19/2003 22:15:49, Matilda_

I remember the idea of ​​a “good” way out of such a situation, I haven’t tried it myself (yet ;-). Aimed at relieving tension in both the child and the parent. Taken from Kozlov (I just don’t remember which book, most likely from “Fairy Tales”). A father in a similar situation (the child was swearing, the parents were unpleasant, they wanted to do something energetically) got together with his son on a “hike” - to get rid of words. Naturally, we packed our backpacks, got dressed, and went. They walked for a long time and came to Lake Begreg, where they shouted all the words that were unpleasant for dad’s hearing (!) into the blue distance. Hyperventilation of the lungs relieves many tensions in the body purely physically :-)
There was another moment - psychological. The dad said to the child, “Well, scream.” And the child asked, “Shout WHAT?”
Those. clearly - the criterion of "trouble" - is in the head of the listener, especially if the source does not realize WHAT exactly he is saying. It’s kind of like “dad, formulate your list of unpleasant words, and I’ll take a look”

I am somewhat suspicious of Kozlov, so I don’t just take him into service, but I take him into account :-)