Tattoos with a gel pen on the arm. Homework: A Guide to Tattoo Culture at Home

We now perceive the presence of a tattoo as a manifestation of individuality, an decoration of the body. There are quite a few types of tattoos - crystal, luminous, temporary, and white. In this article we will tell you how to make a tattoo yourself. To apply temporary patterns in salons, natural henna is used. The quality of the tattoo and the location chosen for the tattoo will determine how long the chosen pattern will please you. If you treat your tattoo with care and precision, you can “wear” such jewelry from one week to a month. This option is great for those who want to decorate themselves temporarily, as well as for those who intend to get a permanent tattoo (this will be a kind of test before daring to take such a step).

Tattoo - decor and amulet

Previously, the types and technologies of applying patterns were quite limited. Now their variety is simply off the charts: small, large, colorful, covering individual parts and the entire body. Most people wear them as decoration, but there are also people who use them as a talisman against the evil eye.

Visiting tattoo parlors - relatively expensive pleasure, which is why many people are interested in how to get a tattoo themselves. This is quite possible at home. However, the pattern will be temporary. How to make a tattoo yourself? It’s very simple, for this you will need henna, a felt-tip pen, a stencil (on which you will draw the image), tape and eucalyptus oil. Regular hair henna is not suitable for such a procedure, just like basma. Therefore, you need to purchase the basic material for a tattoo in a specialized store. Standard henna Brown, accordingly, the tattoo will be brown. If you want black, then it is better to immediately purchase pigmented henna. This can be done in special stores, pharmacies, on the Internet, and tattoo parlors.

DIY decoration

And here is the answer to the question of how to get a tattoo yourself. As soon as you have the henna in your hands, you need to prepare the mixture. To do this we connect warm water, lemon juice and henna, mix until a homogeneous paste is obtained and let it brew. At this time, prepare the area on the body for application. To do this, remove the hairs and lubricate the skin with eucalyptus oil. Next, take a stencil drawing prepared in advance, stick tape on it, and use a felt-tip pen to outline the pattern.

We press the tape against the skin, after which there should be a mark on it. If this does not happen or the pattern is unclear, use alcohol to remove the old pattern. Do the procedure again. Next, take a toothpick, dip it in the henna mixture and trace the print. After this, we pause - wait until the layer dries, and then apply another one. We carefully remove the remaining henna from the skin with a sharp object, and the next day we lubricate the tattoo with eucalyptus oil. Such a tattoo will be no worse than a salon tattoo. Remember the rules for handling it:

  • Avoid close contact with clothing.
  • Do not scratch or rub.
  • Use soap and hot water less often.

We hope that you now understand how to get a tattoo yourself!

A tattoo is a decorative modification of the body, during which a permanent design is applied to an area of ​​the body. It should be remembered that applying drawings to the skin is dangerous, as an infection can get under the skin, and this will lead to serious illnesses. But despite all the negative aspects, people continue to get tattoos.

In order to fill beautiful drawing on the body, you can turn to a master for help, but many people think about how to get a tattoo for themselves.

Selecting a machine

First, you need to decide on the main tool - a rotary tattoo machine. You can make such a device yourself (read about assembling the machine yourself) or purchase a ready-made one in a special store. If you are getting a tattoo for the first time, it is better to use a ready-made option, since it is very difficult to make the right machine. I would like to note that many tattoo artists very often modify ready-made machines, adding the elements they need.

Having figured out the choice of machine, you can get to work.

Preparatory stage

We purchase the following materials:

  • Rotary machine;
  • Ink for tattoos (it is better to buy them in specialized stores);
  • Ink containers (you can use small jars);
  • Disposable sterile gloves - 2-3 pairs;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Adhesive tape;
  • Ballpoint pen;
  • Alcohol;
  • Cotton wool or cotton wool;
  • Soap;
  • Petrolatum;
  • Bandage, gauze bandage.


  1. Before getting a tattoo, do not drink alcohol or painkillers that thin the blood.
  2. Take a shower or thoroughly wash the area you plan to tattoo.
  3. Remove hair from the site of the planned tattoo. If you hurt yourself during this procedure, wait until the wound heals before getting a tattoo.
  4. Wear clean clothes that you don't mind getting ruined.
  5. Prepare workplace: Wipe it well and cover it with a clean towel.
  6. Sterilize the needle you will use. Boil it for about 10 minutes in a saucepan. Then wipe with alcohol.
  7. Wipe the ink container and fill it with ink.
  8. Wear sterile gloves. Place another pair near your work area so you can quickly change them.

Completing of the work

  1. Prepare your drawing.
  2. Transfer it to your skin using a marker.
  3. Take a machine and start tattooing. If you are using a homemade machine, do not forget to wet the needle with ink.
  4. Press down on the leather until it breaks and a drop of paint gets inside.
  5. The needle should go 1 - 1.5 mm under the skin, and bleeding should be minimal. If there is a lot of blood, it means the needle went very deep.
  6. Work until you have a finished picture.
  7. Wipe your body regularly with paper towels to remove ink and blood.
  8. Keep your machine clean. If the needle falls on the floor, stop working and sterilize it again with alcohol. Continue working after it is completely dry.

The final stage

  1. Clean your tattoo carefully by rinsing and covering to reduce the risk of infection.
  2. Change your gloves and apply a layer of Vaseline to your tattoo, taking small areas around the edges. Vaseline protects the skin from air and harmful substances.
  3. Cover the tattoo with a clean gauze bandage, securing it with a bandage. You can remove the bandage after a few hours, carefully wash it with soapy water and treat it with chlorhexidine.

Tattoo care

  1. Keep tattoos away from straight lines sun rays, do not take baths (shower only).
  2. Wash the skin under the tattoo with soap and water twice a day. After this, treat the wound with chlorhexidine and apply a healing agent for burns and abrasions.
  3. For the first time (5-7 days), do not drink alcohol, coffee or take antibiotics.
  4. Be careful not to let your clothing stick to the wound, as this can cause irritation.
  5. If your tattooed skin becomes dry, soften it with an unscented body lotion.

Temporary tattoo

If you are afraid of getting a tattoo using a needle, try getting a temporary tattoo. This type of tattoo lasts 2-3 weeks, and then is easily removed from the surface of the skin. Basically, temporary tattoos are made with henna.

Another option for temporary tattoos can be decals, which are very quickly transferred to the body. Such designs stay on the body for 3-5 days.

Even with unprofessional tattoos today it is not so easy to surprise someone: every honest tattoo artist first trains on himself, so you can find crooked punk tattoos and prison portaks. This phenomenon has a close and even established DIY genre - homemade tattoos, a very specific style with its own style criteria, and not any unprofessional tattoo devoid of at least some aesthetics.

As part of the study modern world tattoos FURFUR turns its attention to this area in its detailed guide to the world of home tattoos.

Diagram of a homemade tattoo machine

All the features of the style stem from the fact that anyone can get a home tattoo, which gives them a certain degree of freedom. However, for a tattoo to be successful, it is good to have some experience and at least some design skills. Anyone who decides to get a tattoo himself finds himself in a situation where he can do anything, but knows practically nothing. The only way out is to choose a simple design and make a small tattoo in one color, without using any complex technical techniques.

Professionals treat such tattoos with disdain, and, of course, they can be understood. However, it cannot be denied that homemade tattoos have a certain charm. Of course, with a professional master you don’t have to worry about the needle being sterile, your hands shaking, or the ink running out ahead of time. On the other hand, a home tattoo can be more personal and unique than a salon tattoo, and will certainly mean a lot more to you if you do it yourself or ask your friends to do it.

Vadik Shafakov, lover of home tattoos

« I always wanted to try stuffing portac for myself or one of my friends. The first samples came out crooked, but they don’t look so bad that you feel any shame. Now we give our friends small, simple tattoos; the easiest ones are symbols and inscriptions. I had a lot of tattoos, over time I remembered how to prepare for the process, sterilize the parts and assemble the machine. I haven’t written much myself yet: a face, a couple of phrases, a few symbols. One of these days I plan to paint a cat for a friend - such a beautiful portrait. He drew it cool - I'll try to fill it in carefully. We make sure to drink in the company of beer and strong alcohol, so that your hand doesn’t shake and no one changes your mind».

First of all, you will have to sacrifice an ideal design for the sake of an individual one and be prepared for the fact that the end result will be something completely different from what you would like to live with (but you will have to). The result is always a surprise and fate: there is no talk of predictability here. The same applies to tools: there can be no restrictions on technology, but, perhaps, the greatest chic in this matter is to make a tattoo machine yourself.

From all this it follows that the genre of homemade tattoos, by its ideology, denies the very possibility of the existence of experts in this matter. And yet, there are three names in this world that everyone knows (or should know).

The main defender of home tattoos is the Australian artist Thomas Jeppe - he also claims that this is a separate culture. Thomas was the first to reflect on this phenomenon and at the same time wrote an illustrated manifesto, Home-made Tattoo Rule. The book contains about 90 photographs from different styles home tattoo - from small symbols and texts to completely “stuffed” bodies. Here you can also find information about the inventory, the process and what can happen in each case.

Jeppe himself has been getting tattoos at home for about three years and has a very positive attitude towards each of them, regardless of whether they turned out successful or not: “I ruined a lot of my tattoos, but I’m happy with them all. The mistakes make these drawings even more beloved.”

The body of British designer Fergus Purcell remains perhaps the strongest argument among home tattoo lovers in debates about aesthetics. In any debate about this style, Fergus's hand works like best argument behind. He also appears on the cover of Home-made Tattoo Rule. Fergus’s favorite tattoo is still Donatello the Ninja Turtle (pictured below), as well as seven tattoos dedicated to his wife.

If Jeppe and Fergus are the undisputed ideologists of home tattooing, then with Fuzi UV TPK the matter is a little more complicated. His tattoos, of course, are boldly labeled “homemade” on all serious resources. But at the same time, certain reservations are required here - Fuzi has become a professional tattoo artist who takes money for his work, works with famous clients and is more or less recognized in the tattoo community.

Fuzi tattoos have been described as weird, wacky and completely unique. But if you look into it, it turns out that he clearly follows the principles of homemade tattoos: simple design, work at home and emphasizing the uniqueness of each tattoo.

Fuzi UV TPK, tattoo artist

« I only do tattoos in my own style. No tribalism - just the original Fuzi style. Most tattoo artists repeat the same pictures over and over again, consider themselves professionals and have a secret technique in their hands. But I have my own rules - buy a machine, start working and don’t follow the mainstream. I don’t care how perfect the tattoo is, but I don’t want a copy of what my neighbor has - a prison tattoo or a tattoo done in a garage seems much nicer to me.”

Examples of homemade tattoo machines

Examples of homemade tattoo machines

Examples of homemade tattoo machines

Examples of homemade tattoo machines

Examples of homemade tattoo machines

Examples of homemade tattoo machines

Rules for applying tattoos at home

1. We should not forget that home tattooing is a risky business. Everything will be fine if you are very careful and follow the basic rules.

2. The most important rule is sterility. With any tattoo there is a risk of bacterial infection, especially with a home tattoo. And most importantly, never use a needle twice - just don't use it.

3. Think about how you will care for your tattoo in the first days and prepare special products. Firstly, this will reduce the risk of infection, and secondly, the tattoo will look better.

4. Don't go too crazy with the design - keep it simple. That's the point.

5. Call your friends - in best traditions tattoo gun party. Of course, there is a higher risk of waking up the next morning with a cheerful sperm whale on your shoulder, but in the end it’s worth it.