What is needed for admission to cadet school. Cadet education: training and education in the best traditions of the Russian army

The cadet corps is one of the general educational organizations created for the purpose of preparing children for military or other public service (Part 2 of Article 86 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ).

To enroll a child in the cadet corps, we recommend following the following algorithm.

Step 1. Select a cadet corps for admission

There are several types of cadet corps: cadet (naval cadet) military corps, cadet (naval cadet) corps and Cossack cadet corps. The first of them is created only at the federal level, the other two - at both the federal and regional levels. In this case, admission, for example, to the federal corps is carried out in the manner established by the federal government agencies in whose jurisdiction it is located, in agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science (parts 3, 4 of article 86 of Law N 273-FZ; clause 1 of the Regulations, approved by the Resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/03/2013 N 466; clause 2 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the FSB of Russia dated 02/03/2017 N 72; Instruction, approved by Order of the FSB of Russia dated 05/20/2014 N 277).

When choosing a cadet corps, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the age, level of education and health of the child. Thus, he can be admitted for admission if, based on the results of a medical examination, he is assigned to health status groups I or II. We also recommend studying the categories of persons who have preferential right to admission to study. These include, in particular, orphans and children left without parental care (Part 6, Article 86 of Law No. 273-FZ; Clause 13, Procedure, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2014 No. 515 ).

Step 2. Prepare documents for admission to the cadet corps

To enroll a child in the cadet corps, as a rule, the following documents are required (clause 16 of Order No. 515):

1) application from parents (legal representatives) for admission to study;

2) the child’s personal statement;

3) a notarized copy of the birth certificate (for children over 14 years old - also a certified copy of pages 2, 3 and 5 of the passport);

4) autobiography of the child;

5) documents on academic performance for past periods of study, certified by the seal of the educational organization (copy of personal file, extract from the report card, pedagogical and psychological characteristics);

6) photographs of the appropriate format;

7) a copy of the compulsory health insurance policy and medical card;

8) a medical report confirming that the child belongs to a specific group for physical education;

9) an extract from the house register from the place of residence (registration);

10) certificate from the place of service (work) of parents (legal representatives);

11) documents confirming the priority right to admit the candidate (in particular, certified copies of the death certificate of the only or both parents).

Additionally, you can attach documents confirming the child’s achievements, for example, copies of certificates, diplomas, certificates of participation in various creative competitions, festivals, sports competitions and other documents characterizing his social, creative and sporting achievements (clause 16 of Order No. 515).

Step 3. Submit documents to the cadet corps and wait for their review

Depending on the departmental affiliation of the cadet corps, the deadlines and procedure for submitting documents for admission may vary. Thus, for educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the deadline is set from April 15 to June 1. Documents can be submitted to the cadet corps either in person or by mail (clause 16 of Order No. 515).

As a general rule, the admissions committee of the cadet corps considers applications with attached documents, creates personalized lists of candidates admitted to entrance examinations, and within the prescribed period sends a notice to parents (legal representatives) indicating the date and place of entrance examinations.

Parents (legal representatives) of candidates who are denied admission to entrance examinations are also sent a notice signed by the chairman of the admissions committee indicating the reasons for the refusal. If they disagree with the refusal, parents (legal representatives) can appeal (clause 19, Order No. 515).

Admission to the cadet corps is carried out based on the results of entrance tests. Most often these are exams in Russian, mathematics and foreign languages. The child’s psychological readiness to study in the cadet corps, the level of his physical fitness are also determined, and social, creative and sporting achievements are also assessed (clause 15 of Order No. 515).

The criteria for making a decision on admission or refusal to enroll in studies are established by the admission rules of a specific educational organization. For example, in cadet corps subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Defense, candidates are given a single score, which is entered into the entry test registration sheet and into the competitive list. Candidates who have a preferential right to admission, if their scores are equal with others, are included in the competitive list first (clause 24, Order No. 515).

Competitive lists of candidates are sent to the central selection committee by July 25, which prepares a draft order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the enrollment of candidates and submits it for signature to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. This order is posted on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Notification of the candidate's enrollment is sent to his parents (legal representatives) indicating the date of arrival at the cadet corps (clause 27 of Order No. 515).

How to get into the cadet corps? What do you need to get into school?

    In order to get into the cadet corps, you need to pass exams, both on theory and physical training. You also need to be in good health and pass a medical examination. Priority for admission is given to children of military personnel. You will have to live in a boarding school and the discipline there is very strict. So think it over and weigh everything before applying.

    To enter a cadet school, any young person needs to pass a competition, and preparation for it and for admission must begin much earlier than the entrance exams.

    Already in the spring, around April, you need to monitor the websites of those schools where you want your child to apply. And in the spring they post information on their websites about what documents will be needed when entering the school.

    And it will be important to go through a medical examination in advance, because it will take a lot of time and you will have to see a lot of doctors.

    And there will also be a preliminary interview, because the competition for such schools is very decent for one place.

    What country are you in?

    My nephew went to the Cadet Lyceum in third grade in Kyiv. There are guys there who live like in a boarding school. And there are those who come, like ours. From 8.00 to 19.00 you need to be at the lyceum.

    There were no special introductions. Only from the second grade academic performance had to be good and such an institution was not prohibited for health reasons. But they are accepted into any class if there is space available.

    Classes are small, up to 20 people. Lots of extra activities. Our guy is studying in the orchestra. For now it’s a regular school with after-school classes. Only boys are in uniform and there are only boys in the class. From the 5th grade there will be few classes that are so purely military. So far, both the child and the parents really like it.

    In Russia at the moment there are several educational institutions that meet the requirements for cadet corps. The prima rules in them are approximately the same, but, of course, each cadet corps has its own traditions and its own specifics, which is reflected in the requirements for applicants.

    All this information is presented in detail on the websites of educational institutions. Here are just a few of them (links lead directly to information for applicants; it’s easy to navigate on site to find other information):

    What can be said about the conditions for admission to all the listed cadet corps?

    In any of them you need to take Unified State Exam By:

    • mathematics
    • Russian language
    • foreign language.

    Any educational institution presents serious student health requirements, going down to such details as x-rays of the nasal sinuses, and passing physical education standards on a par with entrance exams.

    Applicant's portfolio must contain any positive information about a child, even if we are talking about such achievements as a diploma from an interregional song and dance competition. It looks like when going to the selection committee, you need to take with you everything possible present, because with the same Unified State Exam results and physical education standards, any positive factors will be taken into account to select one of several applicants for a place.

    Collecting documents for admission to the cadet corps is a troublesome task, the requirements for applicants are high, but parents can be sure that their children will not end up with just anyone, and teachers - that they will not have to bother with just anyone.

    The cadet corps is primarily military specific. And the first thing they will pay attention to is health (there are even a number of diseases for which admission to the cadet corps is impossible), physical training (pull-ups, timed running and time-limited endurance cross-country) and psychological examination - both testing and interview . These stages are very important and priority. And if candidates for admission pass these stages, then they are allowed to take exams and tests in mathematics, Russian, and foreign languages. Applicants who want to study in the cadet corps must, in addition, have additional hobbies that can help them score points against other candidates - victories in regional and higher competitions, victories in olympiads, especially foreign languages, robotics, modeling, computer science. And the child must also be motivated to live in a group of boys, to engage in physical activity, to perform military service, and must be ready to answer these questions.

Raising a man and a true protector begins at an early age. Your entire future life depends on what is built into your character in childhood. It seems to many that it is too early to think about the future in the 4th year of study, especially if you take into account the advice of your neighbors, but this is not so. After cadet institutions, military training, endurance of the body and self-confidence appear - qualities that define a strong person.

In addition, the cadet school provides enormous prospects for career growth, climbing the career ladder, which everyone strives for, and in the future - benefits and pensions. It is believed that military men are successful and wealthy people. After graduating from college, the child will receive a ticket to a bright future. If you enroll after the 4th grade, the exam procedure will be easier, and the cadets will have time to get used to the new environment.

A military career is a real challenge, but it provides many advantages, which is why entering a cadet school has always been considered quite prestigious. On the one hand, this is the path of a firm and self-confident person who will always be provided with a good salary and bonuses, on the other hand, from a young age, children are taught order, discipline and bearing. Not everyone can do this.

Therefore, before proceeding, you need to take into account all the circumstances. But many people want to make a brilliant military career, despite the difficulties. Therefore, representatives of the fairer sex often prepare for admission from the 4th grade. The difficulty is that you need to submit documents to the school while classes are still taking place. Thus, you should not delay resolving this issue, especially if you have firmly decided that your child should enter school at the end of the 4th grade.

The most important passing factor for the admissions committee is health. For a military employee cannot have a weakened body, and the training process itself will be a burden for an applicant with illnesses. When passing a medical commission, the doctor must certify compliance with the first or second health group. Children with chronic diseases or flat feet will not be able to receive education in such educational institutions. From the 4th grade you can already move on to vocational training, because it is at this age that a personality begins to form, and it is easiest for a child to instill discipline and punctuality. In addition, only specialized subjects that will be useful in practice, life and service will be taught here.

Who gets the preferential quota?

Since the competition for military institutions is very large, an applicant can take advantage of preferential benefits that exist primarily for:

  • orphans who were raised without both parents or without the participation of one;
  • children whose parents visited hot spots or war zones;
  • children whose parents are disabled in armed conflicts.

Children of combatants and liquidators of the Chernobyl accident are given preferential priority in the competition. The Cadet School is considered a very prestigious educational institution, so there is always high competition for places.

The procedure for starting admission to cadets involves taking into account first of all:

  1. Psychological attitude towards serious service and loyalty to one’s work. Studying at a prestigious institution is a state program and full support, which, for all its benefits, has a number of restrictions and rules. The child must realize that he will constantly be under control, fulfill obligations and tasks assigned to him, and also diligently pass tests, otherwise he will be expelled and the years spent at the cadet school will be in vain. After the 4th year at the desk, you can already see whether the child is ready to experience such difficulties and whether he will not be drawn home every day. In addition, meetings with loved ones and visits throughout the entire period occur only on weekends.
  2. Mutual consent on all sides. Separate parental consent is also required, so the list of documents must include the passport of both the father and mother or guardians, which confirms that the child is entering a public school with their consent. Making such a decision is easier for those families whose members are in military service and know its nuances.
  3. Choosing a school. As a rule, the place of residence itself determines the choice. You need to submit documents to the nearest school to your place of residence. This is done for the purpose of simplifying documentation and forming the composition of future cadets. But also, the closer you are to home, the easier it is to see your family. Extra convenience doesn't hurt anyone.
  4. Direct collection of documents. They must be submitted between April 15 and May 15, then it is not possible to enter the stream. The list of required copies for applicants after 4 years of study is posted on the websites of all government institutions, so there will definitely not be any difficulties with this. You can also choose online a conveniently located building where your child would like to go. It is important not to miss the moment of submitting applications, because from June 1 it is no longer possible. Also, you should not delay preparing copies until the last minute, since no one will violate the accepted order for the sake of one person. In addition, during admission you need to prepare for subsequent exams. A student after 4 years of school should be helped with this, since children during this period are still very distracted and not independent.

Procedure for submitting an application and preparing a package of documents

To avoid searching for documents at the last moment, you should prepare to submit your application in advance. The admission procedure usually looks like this:

  • First, parents must make a statement about their child’s desire to enroll in the chosen school. The application is written addressed to the boss;
  • an application is also submitted on behalf of the applicant himself;
  • after this, you need to compile an autobiography, in which it is desirable to fully reveal the child’s talents and abilities without any embellishment;
  • submission of copies of the parents’ passport and the child’s birth certificate, which must be certified by a notary;
  • certificate of successful completion of 4th grade (for the last three quarters);
  • drawing up characteristics from teachers;
  • obtaining a medical certificate from the military medical commission;
  • mandatory medical insurance;
  • transfer of information about the child’s registration and family composition, which can be obtained from local authorities;
  • photocopies of the passports of each parent, which are certified by a notary.
  • and, most importantly, submit 4 photographs measuring 3 × 4;
  • a certificate is submitted informing which of the parents and guardians is working.

After this comes the selection stage of applicants. There are no special requirements for primary school students, but it is important to have good health and good academic performance. Preference is given to preferential categories. After completing the stage of submitting documentation to the school, the period of entrance exams begins, of which there are usually two.

Their preparation must be taken seriously, since the competition for admission to the cadet school is very serious even for a younger age. At the same time, it is better to do this at this time, since at an older age there are much more evaluation criteria. If the applicant is doing well with his grades and medical report, with the onset of June he will definitely be notified of admission to take the exams.

From the moment of successful admission, the child is provided with state benefits, so many parents send their children to study without hesitation. For this, the cadet must comply with the rules of conduct and correspond to the high rank of cadet. Nowadays, the defenders of the homeland need a special approach, since peace in the country in the future will be completely in their hands.

Cadets are a very bright and busy time. The guys cope with their tasks very well, learn order and mutual assistance. All that education in a prestigious cadet corps can give them is honor, dignity and responsibility. Even the army does not provide such education. After graduating from cadet school, you can either continue to follow the path of a military career or choose something that is more to the liking of your grown-up child.

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If you are thinking about preparing your child for military or other public service, it is optimal to start with training in the cadet corps. To enter the cadet corps, we recommend following the following algorithm.

Step 1. Select a cadet corps.
Each cadet corps has its own conditions, procedure or regulations for admission, however, admission to these educational institutions is carried out in the manner established by federal government bodies (Part 4 of Article 86 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ).
When choosing a cadet corps, you must consider the following:
1) location of the educational institution.

If a candidate is admitted to entrance examinations, the central admissions committee creates personalized lists of candidates taking into account their place of residence (regardless of the school chosen by the candidate for admission) and sends them to the admissions committees of schools for entrance examinations (clause 20 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Minister Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2014 N 515);

2) the age of the child. Cadet corps can be formed at different ages, but the most popular educational institutions accept only children who have already completed primary education (after 3rd grade);
3) requirements for the candidate. It is necessary to compare the child’s capabilities with the requirements of the educational institution, for example, health status (he must belong to group I or II health status), level of education (upon admission, correspond to his class of education), age (clause 13 of Order No. 515; paragraphs 1, 2 clause 2 of Appendix No. 2 to the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated December 21, 2012 N 1346n);
4) deadline for submitting documents. The legislation establishes a single deadline for all primary military educational institutions: from April 15 to June 1. The last day for accepting documents is May 30. If May 30 falls on a weekend, then the last day for accepting documents is moved to the first Monday after May 30. If documents are sent by mail, they will be accepted if there is a stamp from the issuing department with a date no later than May 30 (clause 16 of Order No. 515).
In accordance with the conditions and procedure for admission to cadet corps, in particular, the following categories of citizens enjoy priority rights (clause 14 of Order No. 515):
1) orphans left without parental care;
2) children of those killed in service or died from a disease acquired in service, military personnel or prosecutors, employees of internal affairs bodies;
3) children of contract military personnel or persons dismissed from the Armed Forces due to staff reduction;
4) children of civilian employees of federal ministries and departments in which military service is provided for by federal law;
5) children of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Russia, full holders of the Order of Glory.
In this regard, the competition for the remaining places is quite high.

Step 2. Prepare documents for admission.
To enroll in the cadet corps, you will need a personal file, which includes the following documents and information with a list of attachments (clause 16 of Order No. 515):
1) an application from the parents (legal representatives) of the candidate addressed to the head of the school;
2) application of the candidate addressed to the head of the school;
3) a notarized copy of the birth certificate (for persons over 14 years of age, in addition to the copy of the birth certificate - a certified copy of the second, third and fifth pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation) (Article 77 of the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Notaries, approved by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 02/11/1993 N 4462-1);
4) autobiography of the candidate;
5) a copy of the candidate’s personal file certified by the seal of the general education organization, an extract from his report card for the first three quarters and current grades for the fourth quarter of the academic year, pedagogical and psychological characteristics of the candidate;
6) four photographs measuring 3 x 4 cm with a place for a stamp in the lower right corner;
7) a copy of the health insurance policy;
a copy of the candidate's medical record and, additionally, for a professional educational organization with the special name "military music school" a copy of a medical certificate (medical professional advisory opinion), certified by the seal of the medical organization;
9) a medical report confirming that the minor belongs to a medical group for physical education;
10) a copy of the child’s development history and the original extract from it;
11) information from psychoneurological and narcological dispensaries about the condition of the minor being registered (observed);
12) a copy of the certificate of preventive vaccinations;
13) an extract from the house register from the place of residence (registration);
14) certificate from the place of service (work) of parents (adoptive parents, guardians);
15) documents confirming the priority right to admit the candidate to the school.
Orphans and children without parental care will need to provide certified copies of the death certificate of their parents, a copy of the court or local government decision to establish guardianship (trusteeship), a certified copy of the guardian's (trustee's) certificate, a recommendation for admission from the commission on minors' affairs and protection of their rights at the place of residence of the child and the guardianship and trusteeship authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation from where the child arrived (paragraph “a”, paragraph 16 of Order No. 515).

Note. Candidates enjoying preferential right to enter the cadet corps (with the exception of orphans and children left without parental care) will need to submit additional documents (clause “b”, clause 16 of Order No. 515).

Also, to those already listed, you can attach documents confirming the child’s achievements, for example, copies of certificates, diplomas, certificates of merit, certificates, certificates of participation in various zonal, city, regional creative competitions, festivals, sports competitions and other documents characterizing the social, creative and sports achievements of the child .

Step 3. Submit documents and complete the competition.
You can submit documents either in person, by appearing at the admissions office of the educational institution, or by mail.
Upon arrival for the entrance exams, it is necessary to submit to the admissions committee all the originals of those documents that are presented in copies (with the exception of passports or papers stored in educational and medical institutions at the candidate’s place of residence). In addition, you will need to have a report card certified by the school seal.
Before submitting documents, we recommend that you consult with the organization’s specialists to avoid mistakes.

Step 4. Wait for the documents to be reviewed by the admissions committee.
The admissions committee's personnel verification unit reviews applications with accompanying documents. Candidates who are suitable in terms of age and health are called for entrance examinations. The rest are denied admission (clause 19 of Order No. 515).
Lists of candidates selected to take the entrance exams are compiled by June 10. Then parents of children who did not pass the selection documents are sent letters of refusal.

Note. The refusal of the admissions committee of an educational institution can be appealed within 10 days after its receipt to the chairman of the commission or to the central admissions committee for Russia (paragraph 3, clause 19 of Order No. 515).

Those who have passed the selection process and are admitted to the exams are sent a notice by June 25 indicating the place and time of the entrance examinations (clause 20 of Procedure No. 515).

Step 5. Pass the entrance test.
As a rule, admission to the school is carried out based on the results of entrance tests in Russian, mathematics and a foreign language.
To enter the military music school, you will need to pass four exams: Russian language, solo performance, written solfeggio and oral solfeggio. Candidates for the military music school with excellent grades in documents on general and music education are allowed to take only a solo performance (clauses 15, 22 of Order No. 515).
The exam date is one of the days between July 1 and July 15. Moreover, all exams are conducted on the same day.
For military music schools, the examination period is from August 1 to August 14 (clause 21 of Order No. 515).

Step 6. Wait for the results of entrance tests and the child’s enrollment in the cadet corps.
In addition to the exam results, the selection committee considers conclusions about the psychological, psychophysiological and physical condition of the child, and also evaluates information in the personal file about his achievements (clause 23 of Order No. 515).
Based on the results of such a comprehensive review, each candidate is given a score, which is entered into a single competitive list. Candidates belonging to preferential categories, with the same scores as competitors, are included in the list first. Based on this list, the central admissions committee generates lists of enrolled children. Enrollment is carried out by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (clauses 24, 25 of Order No. 515).
Lists of enrolled candidates are posted on Internet sites and in the administrations of educational institutions. In addition, notification of enrollment is sent to the candidate’s parents (clauses 25, 27 of Order No. 515).

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