Draw beautiful owl pencil drawings. How to beautifully draw an owl with a pencil step by step for children and beginners? How to draw a cute, cartoon, flying owl with pencil and gouache

The article gives step-by-step lessons in drawing an owl.

In cartoons, owls are usually wise and observant characters. It's not surprising that children want to draw a smart, big-eyed bird. To get the drawing right the first time, use the tips below for step-by-step drawing of an owl.

From this article you will learn about several options for drawing an owl with a simple pencil, felt-tip pens (if you draw an owl by cells), and how to draw an owl in watercolors.

How to draw an owl with a pencil step by step for beginners and for children?

Let's start with the simplest drawing. Here's an owl like this, drawn in a more decorative manner. Both a child and a beginning artist can handle such a drawing. The main thing is to correctly position the owl on a sheet of paper and maintain proportions.

You will spend very little time drawing such an owl, but by decorating it with bright colors, you can create a real picture in the primitivism style and hang it on the wall or give it to friends.

Follow the simple step-by-step instructions with pictures, and you won't have any difficulties. We take a pencil, be patient for 15-20 minutes and learn the basics of the art of drawing.

  • As usual when creating a black and white drawing, we stock up on a simple pencil, an eraser and a blank sheet of paper.
  • We outline the boundaries of the drawing with light dashed lines. In other words, we draw a square in which we will place our owl. You can skip this step if your hand is full and the outlines of the drawing do not jump off the edge of the sheet.
  • May experienced artists forgive us, but we will begin to draw our masterpiece not by marking the entire figure of the bird at once, but from the body - an oval in the center of the sheet. This technique will allow you to set proportionality to the sketch of the owl, so that in the future it will be easier to recreate the image of the owl on a sheet of paper.

  • Let's attach the head to the body. Let's draw a smaller oval on top so that they touch each other. Our owl will have a soft belly. Let's draw it under the first oval.
  • Our owl sat comfortably on a branch. Let's draw it by drawing one slightly inclined line, and under it another. Without a branch, the drawing will seem unfinished, so it is important not to miss this detail. Immediately add two leaves on the branch.

  • Let's finish drawing the tail of our owl. We will draw two parallel lines along the edges, thus denoting the tail feathers.
  • Now you can erase the additional lines. Look at the picture: we erase the contours of the ovals near the branch to draw the bird's legs here. We clarify the contours of the drawing by drawing thicker lines along the edges.

  • To draw the paws with which the bird holds onto the branch, draw three short lines and then add parallel ones to them. Let's draw fingers at the top and bottom, rounding off our elongated rectangles.
  • We need to show the owl's plumage. We draw a “fence” of short parallel lines on the bird’s tail. Let's finish drawing our owl's voluminous cheeks and beak.

  • Before we draw the owl's big eyes, let's draw the plumage around her eyes. The main thing at each stage is to accurately repeat the lines shown in the pictures.
  • There is very little left: we finish drawing the plumage all over the body of the bird. Let's draw the eyes. Erase all additional lines. We clarify the contours of the drawing and proudly present our creation to the main judges - friends.

If you succeeded with the previous drawing, then try to draw a “real” owl with a pencil. To make the drawing realistic, you need to understand the structure of the feathers and the structure of the wings.

What types of feathers are there?

  • small and large
  • downy
  • covering the head, chest, paws
  • feathers on the wings are short and long

  • The picture shows the wing and the arrangement of the feathers.
  • Let's start the drawing by indicating the approximate location of the owl on the sheet. Using light lines we draw a large rectangle. We will place the owl in it.
  • Our task now is to draw the most accurate sketch. Without pressing hard on the pencil (we will draw the contours thicker when the sketch turns into an almost completed drawing).
  • Let us denote the owl's head in the upper half of the sheet with thin lines. The owl's body is an oval drawn just below its head. We finish drawing the wing (it resembles a triangle in shape) and erase the additional line from the lower oval.

Draw the contours of the head, body and wing
  • We draw a conditional line in the center of the head and in the lower part, right along this conditional line, we begin to draw the beak. Let's add symmetrically located plumage lines around the eyes.
  • We draw two incomplete circles - eyes with pupils. Using an eraser, we lighten the contours of the bird’s body and instead create the appearance of plumage with broken lines.
  • Add the paws (they are very furry) and the branch on which the owl sits.

Draw the beak, paws and feathers

We finish drawing the eyes and pupils, erase the extra lines
  • Shade the right side. We draw the plumage on the head with short oblique lines. Hatching should be applied in the direction of feather growth. We draw feathers of various shapes and lengths on the wing. Add some tiny feathers to the paw area using short, slanting strokes.
  • When shading the plumage, we use lines of different lengths and shades and do not cut them off abruptly. They should resemble the shape of feathers.
  • We begin to add shadows on the feathers of the paws - left and center. We use a 2H pencil for this. We shade the plumage on the lower part of the body.
  • Change the pencil to 2B and add an intermediate shadow on the right side. We shade the underbelly, the right side of the wing, the area under the beak and wing.

  • We outline the circumference of the iris with a thicker line and shade it a little. You can do this with your finger, or you can do it with a cotton swab.
  • Now let's walk along this circle with dashed lines. Let's paint over the pupil, not forgetting that you need to depict a highlight on it - leave a white circle. Let's shade the beak, leaving a highlight here in the form of a short straight line.
  • Let's paint over the eye and repeat all the steps with the other one. Only now we won’t draw the highlight and the eye will be more shadowed.
  • Now we need hard pencils. We will cover the entire head with short dashed lines.
  • We will go over the lightened areas with a 2H pencil, and 2B and 4B over the shaded areas.
  • We finish drawing tiny ovals in the forehead area and on the sides of the head. In the picture you can see how these ovals should look enlarged.
  • Some of the central parts of the ovals can be highlighted with an eraser to highlight them more.
  • Using a well-sharpened pencil, draw short dashed lines where the owl's soft down feathers grow: on the chest and paws.
  • Shade the feathers on the bird's tail. The feathers on the right side are darker. After a soft transition, a lighter section of the feather begins on the left side.
  • Let's go through the individual feathers with short diagonal lines. This will make the plumage visually complete and emphasize the details.
  • Well, we are approaching the finish line! We will clarify the details and draw some areas. We will use short dashed lines along the top of the wing, showing the shadow of the head.
  • Let's highlight some areas at the tips of the feathers. Let's add some more dashing lines to the feathers at the top of the wing.
  • We shade the areas on the claws, not forgetting to leave areas for highlights. When applying shading to a branch, we use lines of different lengths and thicknesses.
  • If necessary, add more lines at your discretion to make the drawing look complete. To create light areas, use an eraser; for dark areas, apply additional shading. Date and sign the drawing.

To draw the owl shown below, we again arm ourselves with a sharpened pencil, an eraser and a sheet of paper. We read the step-by-step instructions, look at the pictures and repeat all the lines.

The drawing is very simple. You can draw it with your child. This activity helps to establish a connection between parents and children and promotes the development of creative abilities.

Stage 1:

  • We place the bird on a piece of paper so that it turns out not to be a small, but a large bird. After all, the predatory owl is not small.
  • We begin to draw the body of an owl in the center of the sheet in the form of a triangle with rounded corners. The shape of the owl's body should resemble a “heart”.

Stage 2:

  • Let's draw the head above the body: a large and wide oval. Below we will draw the owl’s cheeks with two semicircular lines that are connected to each other from below.
  • Erase the auxiliary lines. We try to do this after each stage so that unnecessary lines do not distort the picture and distract.

Drawing wings

Stage 3:

  • Let's draw the owl's large wings pressed to the body. Their lower part is pointed.
  • To draw an owl turned half a turn, draw the second wing hidden back.

Stage 4:

  • Let's finish drawing the bird a short tail and a short beak. Let's add beautiful and long feathers growing around the owl's eyes.
  • The feathers stick out a little above the head.

Stage 5:

  • We draw the owl's paws with claws.
  • Our owl has big and round eyes. This is how we will draw them. The owl's pupil is constricted. Therefore, we will draw it with a thin vertical line.

Video: how to draw an owl with children?

The following step-by-step instructions for drawing an owl are also suitable for creativity with your child.

A schematic representation of a bird will not be difficult to transfer onto paper for both a child and a novice artist. The finished drawing can be decorated at your discretion.

  • First, let's draw the body of an owl. Let's depict it as a large oval.
  • Add wings on both sides of the oval below. Let's draw a strip that separates the large head from the bird's belly.
  • The owl's eyes are two circles. Let's draw a beak between them. On the head we will add ears in the form of triangles. Let's draw another circle around the eyes. Let's finish drawing the owl's pupils.
  • Let's start drawing the paws. Since we have a New Year's owl, we can depict it in boots.
  • Using three semicircular lines on the owl's belly we will show the plumage.
  • Let's finish drawing the New Year's hat with a bell. We decorate it as your heart desires. Only paint the hat and boots red.

And here is another simple version of an owl drawing:

Draw small circles. These will be the bird's eyes. Between them we will draw two semicircular lines that diverge upward.

Let's draw small circles

Let's continue these two lines from below by drawing circles around the eyes.

Continue the lines around the eyes

Let's draw an oval body of the owl, reminiscent of a chicken egg.

Drawing the oval body of an owl

Below we will draw a branch on which the owl will sit: two short straight lines. Behind the paws we will draw a semicircle, which will be the tail of the bird.

We finish drawing the beak in the form of a small diamond located between the eyes along the center line.

Let's draw wings and paws

Let's finish drawing the owl's wings and paws. We refine the contours and add some dashed lines along the owl's body and on the head. Decorate with brown flowers.

We specify the details and decorate

How to draw an owl using cells?

If your child is not yet able to draw beautifully and correctly with a pencil, invite him to draw an owl using samples and templates of pictures drawn in cells.

Take any embroidery pattern and let your child transfer it to a squared notebook sheet. You can immediately paint over the cells with felt-tip pens or pencils.

Video: drawing by cells

How to draw an owl with colored pencils with your child?

  • Let's draw a slightly flattened circle - the head of an owl, and then draw an oval body with a pointed lower part. Let's connect the head with the body with short lines on the sides.
  • Let's draw the owl's ears and wing in the form of a pointed oval.
  • An owl's feet are tiny ovals.
  • We draw the “face” of the owl: eyes and beak. Draw individual feathers along the body. Adding fingers.
  • We begin to color, using a brown pencil, the ears and head.
Draw eyes, beak, start coloring
  • Draw short dashed lines. Color the eyes with a yellow pencil. Add some gray feathers to the crown area.
  • We paint the owl's chest with a light brown shade. We draw stripes of feathers on the wing and tail in gray. The furry part of the paws is also gray.
  • Using a dark brown pencil, draw individual feathers along the wing, on the chest, and on the tail. Add volume to the paws using the same color.
  • Using a brown pencil, draw some feathers on the chest and on the wing, on the top of the paws. Using a black felt-tip pen, outline the outlines of the wings, claws on the fingers, eyes and beak.

Draw an owl with paints

This drawing of an owl, made watercolor paints, - like an illustration from a children's book. Step-by-step tips and explanations will help you cope with this seemingly impossible task.

To work, in addition to a simple pencil, eraser, paper and watercolors, you will also need a special liquid to preserve white areas.

  • Let's move to a deserted snowy forest. Let's sketch an owl without pressing too hard on a simple pencil. We don't need to draw the details, since we will paint with paints.
  • Now the main thing is to draw the sketch correctly and accurately. How beautiful the picture will turn out depends on the accuracy of the initial contours.
  • If you divide the sheet in half, then the contours of the owl fall on the lower half, and only the head “goes” into the upper half.

Drawing the contours of an owl
  • In order for a real light snowball to appear in the picture, we spray the sheet with a special liquid to preserve whiteness. We use an old brush or palette knife for this.
  • After the drawing is filled with watercolor and dries, we remove the liquid with an eraser, and clean spots with smooth edges will remain on the paper.

Fill the leaf around the owl with ocher, pink, and different shades of blue.
  • We begin to apply paint: fill the sheet around the outline of the bird with different shades of blue, light brown and pink. We hold the tablet with paper at a slight angle. The paint will flow obliquely, creating the illusion of rays of light.
  • Let's wait until the paint dries and use paint heavily diluted with water to mark the transparent silhouettes of trees in the distance. We will make the trunks located closer darker.

Drawing transparent silhouettes of trees
  • Let's apply blue-gray strokes to the tree bark, adding texture to it. To make the bark more natural, take a brush with long bristles and paint almost dry paint over the wood in the foreground.
  • Place the brush almost horizontally, turning it in a circle and leaving uneven marks on the surface. It’s better to practice on a draft.
  • We paint the spotted body of the owl with heavily diluted gray paint, leaving the head unpainted. Draw the eyes with yellow, adding ocher to the upper part.

Let's outline the tree bark with blue-gray strokes The brush is placed on the paper almost horizontally and carefully rotated in a circle, leaving uneven marks

Draw the eye with yellow paint
  • Paint the pupil blue and immediately add black. Leave the highlight in the eye dry.
  • Again, wait for the paint to dry. Mix blue and black paints and draw circles around the eyes.
  • We use pale blue color to draw the tree bark. Use a thin brush to paint the protruding bark. To do this, we combine black with blue.

Draw dark lines around the eyes We emphasize the shadow from the protruding bark with a thin brush with a darker color
  • Let's run the liquid over the owl's wings, leaving white spots. We will then cover these spots with blue paint, with the addition of blue and violet shades, gently mixing the colors.
  • Take a thin brush and draw the head.
  • Carefully remove the liquid with a soft eraser so as not to damage the surface of the paper. Mixing grey, blue and ocher, fill in the owl’s legs.

While the wings are drying, use a thin brush to draw the head.

Video: I draw an OWL in watercolors

Larisa Borisova

By the light of the stars in the silence of the night

An owl sits on an old tree.

Everyone fell asleep, not a soul was visible.

The owl decided: It's time to fly!

Draw a large, long oval in the center of the sheet with a simple pencil.

At the top of the large oval, draw a second smaller oval, placing it across the first.

Draw two touching circles, inscribing them in the second oval - these are the eyes of the owl. Draw two lines at the bottom - this is the future branch.

Draw a triangle - a beak. Draw the owl's tummy inside the large oval, and outline the wings behind the oval line. Draw ears, pupils, claws on a branch, and a tail.

Erase the extra lines with an eraser. Color the owl's eyes and belly with a yellow pencil (We painted with wax crayons) .Use a brown pencil to paint over the tail, wings, head and ears, draw feathers on the belly, paint a rainbow mesh on the eyes. Use a dark brown pencil to fill in the branch and the pupils of the eye. Color the claws and beak, leaving their centers light - so they look voluminous. And then you can start decorating the background. Here are the works of the children of our senior group.

Drawing using geometric shapes - it's fun and accessible! We will be glad if our Master Class someone will need it!

Thank you for your attention!

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Drawing master class: “Owl”

Kitsan Angela Ilyinichna, teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Gymnasium 1551”, Moscow

Target: development of cognitive interest and creative abilities of children.
- teach children to convey the image of a bird in a drawing; -expand your understanding of the world around you; -develop aesthetic perception; - to cultivate attention, hard work, perseverance.
Description: The work can be done with children of senior preschool age and junior preschool age, if you do not draw out the details. The material may be useful to teachers, parents, and anyone who loves creative work.
Materials: a simple pencil, gouache, a sheet of white A-4 paper for drawing, a thin and wide brush.

V. Sokolov He has one concern - Continuous hunting. He is the terror of mice and voles. This eagle owl is very dexterous. So the robber flew and sat down on a large pine tree. The feathers stand on end, the beak is crooked, It turns its smart head. The eye is a diamond and the hearing is sharp, the tenacious claw is cunning itself. Intensifies his clear gaze, Entered the night watch.


1. In the center of the sheet, draw an oval with a simple pencil. Since the eagle owl is the only and central figure, we draw a large oval. The body is ready.

2. Add the head to the body, a small oval.

3. Draw triangular “ears” on the head.

4. Using smooth lines we connect the head with the body.

5. Draw a pine branch.

6.Add the tail and paws.

7.Draw the eyes and beak.

8. Let's start with the background. To get blue, mix blue with white. Using the brushing method we try to make the background non-uniform.

9. We paint over the body and part of the head with ocher.

10. Paint the pine branch with brown paint.

11.Mix brown paint with white and paint the top of the head. Using dark brown we separate the head from the body and highlight the “ears”.

12. Finalizing the head. We draw the eyes, eyebrows, beak.

13.Mix white paint with yellow and paint feathers on the body using the resulting color.

14.While the body is drying, draw the bark on the branch in a lighter tone.

15. Paint the eagle owl’s paws dark gray.

16. We emphasize the feathers with white, and with brown we show the direction of the feather.

17. Using white and brown dots we show the rounded shape of the fingers. Paint the claws black.

18. Paint the tail with light brown.

19.While the tail is drying, draw pine needles on a pine branch. Place brown needles on top of the green needles.

20.Draw four tail feathers with black paint.

21. Using a thin brush, outline the branch with black paint.

21.The drawing is completed! The owl is ready!

The owl is a nocturnal bird. She was lucky enough to gain popularity among people and become a household name. Usually “owls” are people who lead a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle and prefer to rest during the day. But the owl stands out not only for its night wakefulness, but also for its external appearance. It has large round eyes and a sharp small beak, and its entire body is covered with feathers. Our traditional question: how to draw an owl with a pencil? Very simple! After studying this step-by-step lesson for children, you will be able to draw a beautiful owl with just one pencil!

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. A simple hard pencil.
  3. A simple soft pencil.
  4. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. Draw an even circle in the middle of the sheet, which will serve as the basis for the owl’s body. We’ll also start drawing the head right away. Let's outline it like the base of the body - draw another circle. The circles will differ in size, but their edges will touch each other:

Photo 2. From the head we draw the line of the wing. The pointed part should fall to the right of the circle. The shape of the wing resembles a triangle that is divided into two parts. This happens because the wing consists of segments. Some feathers will be short, and some will be long:

Photo 3. From under the wing below we will draw another piece of the second wing that looks out from below:

Photo 4. Outline the facial features of the owl. Let's make notches to determine the location of the eyes and beak:

Photo 5. Now let’s draw the eyes and beak in more detail:

Photo 6. Let's apply the first strokes of feathers on the owl's head. Let's draw small feathers around the eyes, under the beak and on the top of the head:

Photo 7. Mark the location of the feathers on the body. We place the lines along:

Photo 8. Slowly add contrast to the owl's face. At the curve and eyes we add more strokes, making these areas dark and deep:

Photo 9. Let's draw feathers not only in the middle, but also along the edge of the head:

Photo 10. We set the general tone for all feathers. Apply light pressure on the pencil so as not to darken the drawing. Lightly highlight the texture of the bird’s feathers:

Photo 11. To make the picture more stable, add a thick tree branch under the owl, which it will hold on to with its sharp claws:

Photo 12. Let's return to the drawings of the owl's face and continue drawing them:

Photo 13. Using a soft, simple pencil, draw the feathers on the body, comparing them in tone with the head:

In this lesson we will try to tell and show you how to draw an owl step by step pencil. Owls are one of the most common birds that can be found in every corner of our planet. Therefore, for children and not only this will be a fascinating and educational activity. The lesson consists of 6 stages, following which, step by step, you will be able to draw an owl with a pencil. Let's get started already.


The first thing to do is draw an oval for the future head. Then we draw the body in the shape of an egg, and then add lines, as shown in the picture.


Now you need to draw the shape of the head, as in the picture. Notice how the protruding feathers are drawn.


Here you will draw the owl's egg-shaped eyes, and then the feathered eyebrows.


Draw the pupils and then the almond-shaped beak, as done in the picture. Look how easy it is to draw an owl. Is not it?


Now you can start drawing the owl's body, starting with the shoulders and wings. Once this is done you can draw the back.


At the final stage, when the owl's body has already been drawn, you can start sketching the legs. Erase the lines and shapes you drew in the first step.