A fairy tale about a ray of sunshine. A fairy tale about a ray of sunshine

High, high in the sky there lives a hot, hot Sun. True, it communicates with us only at a distance, it would like to take a closer look at us, but it is very hot... so we have to send our little rays of sunshine to visit us.
Rays come to visit us in the morning... Very often in the form of crazy and mischievous sunny Bunnies. They are so restless... someone rushes along the ceilings and walls, trying to tickle us on the nose with their sunny and warm tail... Who - then jumps into the grass and begins to openly flirt with the morning Dewdrops, which the morning uncle Fog scatters in diamond scatterings across the lawns. And if some Dewdrop makes friends with the sunny Bunny, then they will definitely draw a magical rainbow.
In the summer, sunny Bunnies love to swim in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. They like to jump on the waves, dive, splash and reflect from the water, flirting with us. But instead of supporting the game, we just squint our eyes funny, cover our faces with our palms or we hide our eyes behind our glasses.
The bravest sunny Bunnies go for a walk in the forest. They try to make their way through the dense crowns of trees and see if Gnomes, Goblin and Kikimoras are really hiding there. They make their way into the darkest corners and at the same time get acquainted with the forest inhabitants - Grasshoppers, Ladybugs, Crickets and many many others .
The same Rays who do not dare to look into the thicket of the forest walk through the fields. They talk with flowers and moths, caress the ripening spikelets with soft warmth... and really love to pamper cats and cats who expose their faces and bellies to the sun’s Rays. The Rays are launched into their fluffy fur with their tender and warm paws and giggle as the cats begin to purr loudly and comfortably.
With the onset of evening, the Rays need to get back... into the sky... to the Sun... And then they like to sit on the windowsills or be reflected in the windows, tease the yard dogs, or just relax and lie on a soft and cozy cobweb, chatting with the Spider about all sorts of different news and adventures.
And when the sun goes away and the Night Queen spreads across the streets, the rays should be at home, next to the Sun. Only the most naughty ones want to stay with us and disguise themselves as little stars... they are interested in seeing what happens here at night.
But Sunny takes care of each of his Rays. About those who returned... about those. who were late and even about those who imagine themselves to be little Stars. The Sun sends for them unusually fabulous balloons, which will contain the Rays remaining on Earth and take them home. Balloons will even allow you to see cities at night and allow you to chat a little with real stars.
And upon returning home, each of the sunny Bunnies will gently cling to the Sun and, interrupting others, will talk about their improbable adventures. And the Sun, smiling sweetly, will listen to everyone... After all, he is so interested in how you and I are doing here.

The Tale of a Ray of Sunshine

One day, the Sun, which illuminates and warms the Earth, has a new ray of sunlight. But it must be said that the rays of the sun appear for a reason, they are born only when two loving hearts find each other. And at this moment the Sun will shine one ray brighter for all people on the planet.
Our Sunbeam was born very small and sickly. By nature, he turned out to be very diligent and was ready to travel with Sunny at least every day to illuminate the life path of his parents, but... His health did not allow it. So he lay almost all the time in the crib, and the best Solar doctors tried to find out what was wrong with him: why he glows dimly, dimly, at times almost goes out, and sometimes flashes brightly - as if he had recovered, but then everything repeats again. And there was nothing they could do, these Doctors. And the ray of sunshine felt even worse from such uncertainty. After all, he had a very rich imagination, and vividly imagined how cold and sad his parents were without him - after all, there was no one to warm them. So he was worried and nervous.
And he really wanted to meet them and apologize for his weakness. But since he hardly left the house (the Doctor was not allowed out), he could not find them. And then one day, a ray of sunshine decided to run away from the supervision of the Sunny Doctors and go in search of his parents.

So, one dark, starless night, little Sunbeam got out of his crib, slipped like a shadow along the sleepy corridors of the Sunny Castle and found himself in the Big World. He absolutely did not know which way to go to find his parents. Therefore, he decided to ask advice from the Cloud, which at that very time was floating past, dozing.
- Tell me, dear Cloud, have you seen in your travels two people, thanks to whose love I was born? - asked, timidly, a ray of sunshine.
- What? What's happened?! - Cloud exclaimed, reluctantly interrupting his sleep. - What kind of people are you talking about? Do I care about them? Go to sleep and don't bother others to think!
The ray of sunshine was already ready to cry from such an answer, when a laughing young Moon appeared from behind the formidable Cloud.
-Are you looking for people? Why do you need it? - he asked.
- I'm not just looking for people, I'm looking for my parents. I am often sick and therefore cannot light the way for them. This makes me very sad. - The sun's rays darkened and became almost transparent.
- Nonsense, forget about them! These little people think only about themselves, they don’t care about you, believe me,” answered the Month.
- No you are not right! - exclaimed the Sunbeam and with all his strength he ran away from these two wherever his eyes looked.

Our Ray ran for a long time, not noticing that with each step he was weakening more and more, until he landed on the bank of the River.
- River, River, tell me, have you seen my parents? - he asked with all his strength.
- Parents? Who are they, child? - the majestic River purred.
“I don’t know them yet, but they love each other, otherwise I wouldn’t have been born.” I really want to see them!
- But if everything is as you say, then why are you so dull and gloomy?
- I was sick a lot, and not a single Doctor could determine what was wrong with me. But sometimes I feel better and then I shine the brightest! - this is what the Sunbeam said, and at the same moment its light was reflected by many sparks in the oncoming wave.
- Well, I'll help you. All the waters of this world are connected to me, and as soon as I see your parents, I will immediately inform you.
“Thank you, Great River,” said the ray of sunshine, “but for now I will continue on my way.”

And at this time two people were walking along the river. Suddenly the girl stopped, looked into the eyes of her fellow traveler and asked:
- Do you love me?
He said nothing.
Her eyes darkened with pain, tears sparkled in them.
“Here they are!”, River suddenly realized, “but why is the girl crying?” The tears melted in the air and whispered something in the ear of their Mother River. “This will kill the Sunbeam! What can we do?” The river didn't know what to do. She really wanted to help Luchik, but if she now told him where his parents were, he would go out forever...

A ray of sunshine, meanwhile, even without the Great River, understood what had happened - he was dying because the love of his parents was dying. But he was a very stubborn Ray and therefore decided that, whether they wanted it or not, he would illuminate their path. Albeit weakly.

Several months have passed. He and she each lived their own lives, but... Some kind of irresistible melancholy fettered their souls, pulled them towards each other more and more...

They met late in the evening in an old autumn park, silently wandering along paths strewn with yellow foliage. And from each leaf a ray of their love looked at them with hope.
- I can not live without you. - He was the first to break the prolonged silence. - All this time it seemed to me that I had lost a part of myself. I love you. - The girl was silent in shock. He hardly dared to look into her eyes. Yes, she was silent, but her eyes... No words were needed, everything was clear - she loves him too.
He smiled and kissed the one without whom his life was empty.

And at that moment, a ray of sunlight scattered into sparks in his eyes and spread into gold in her hair. And there were no happier people in the world, because their love was illuminated by a ray of sunshine. And it doesn’t matter that at that moment there were the Moon and Stars in the sky...


One morning, a ray of sunshine sparkled on the snow. He ran through the trees and bushes and met a kitten. The baby was trembling with fear and cold. Sunbeam felt sorry for the kitten, and he warmed it up. Then they started playing. They played like this until the evening. In the evening, the kitten came into the entrance and fell asleep. And Sunbeam ran home.

Every day the friends played and had fun together. The kitten found not only a good and kind friend, but also a warm one who warmed him in winter, spring, summer, and autumn. And Sunbeam was not so lonely. And from the day they met, they became best friends.

Korsakova K., 3rd grade

Journey of a ray of sunshine.

One day on a cloudy November day, a ray of sunshine fell to the ground. He was very interested in looking at the almost asleep earth, at how everything around had changed and was waiting for winter. But suddenly, Ray saw a little sparrow who was very cold and could not only chirp, but also open his wings. Ray felt sorry for the sparrow, and he winked at him cheerfully and warmed him with his warmth. The sparrow immediately perked up, chirped loudly, spread its wings and flew off to look for a warm place. And Sunbeam ran on.

Suddenly Luchik heard a plaintive “meow” and saw a little kitten who could not climb onto the porch and get home. The steps were slippery and his little paws slipped. Could a ray of light run past? He ran up the steps, and the thin ice began to melt. The kitten immediately jumped one step and then another and found himself at the treasured door. The baby meowed again in gratitude and waved his tail.

And the satisfied Sunbeam continued his journey, helping everyone who needed his help.

Arkhireeva D. 3rd grade

Sun Ray.

It was a warm summer day. The sun was shining so brightly that the entire forest nature was bathed in its rays. The sun's rays bounced merrily along the forest path.

But one Ray got lost in the forest. And he began to jump along the path. Suddenly he saw a small bush and jumped on it, and a hedgehog was sleeping under the bush. A ray of sunshine wanted to play with him, but the hedgehog snorted, closed his eyes and ran away.

Sunbeam ran further along the forest path. He ran and ran and accidentally fell into a hole where a hare lived. The bunny smiled at Ray and invited him to visit him. That's how they became friends. The bunny was light and warm in the hole, because his friend was next to him.

Davydova K. 3rd grade

The first brave ray decided to visit a small house on the bank of a river. There lived a family with a little boy, and the ray often admired his games in the yard, baking the top of his blond head, and gilding his strong arms and legs.

The beam reached the house and looked out the window. It was the kitchen. Mom was preparing breakfast, and there were flower pots on the windowsill. The flowers clearly did not have enough light. Their leaves drooped and were very pale. The ray slowly walked over each leaf, as if stroking them. The flowers became happier right before our eyes. And Luchik decided for himself that he would come to this wonderful house and delight everyone with his light.

Efimova Yu. 3rd grade

Still, it’s nice to read the fairy tale “The Sunny Fairy Tale” by Abramtsev N.K., even for adults, you immediately remember your childhood, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the heroes and rejoice with them. The text, written in the last millennium, combines surprisingly easily and naturally with our modern times; its relevance has not diminished at all. Devotion, friendship and self-sacrifice and other positive feelings overcome all that oppose them: anger, deceit, lies and hypocrisy. Charm, admiration and indescribable inner joy produce the pictures drawn by our imagination when reading such works. How charmingly and soulfully the description of nature, mythical creatures and the way of life of the people was conveyed from generation to generation. Everyday issues are an incredibly successful way, with the help of simple, ordinary examples, to convey to the reader the most valuable centuries-old experience. All heroes were “honed” by the experience of the people, who for centuries created, strengthened and transformed them, paying great and deep importance to children’s education. The fairy tale “The Sunny Fairy Tale” by Abramtsev N.K. can be read for free online countless times without losing love and desire for this creation.

Natalia Dronova
The Tale of Ray

Far, far away in the sky in his sunny kingdom lived a little Sun beam. He was the youngest in the family. The kid was very inquisitive and pestered everyone with his questions. He asked Grandmother Moon about the stars, Uncle Moon about the constellations, and the Sun about the small green-blue planet, which was so distant and tempting that it gave him no rest.

And then one day, when the Sun had almost set, Grandma Luna was preparing to take her place, Ray quietly slipped out of the royal gates and landed on a green-blue planet with the strange name Earth.

Everything around was foreign, but Luchika it was very interesting to look into the windows and watch people. And then he found himself in a dense forest. In a large clearing, in the middle of a thawed area, a small flower grew. He was like a light, but very weak. Ray approached the flower, but its eyes were closed.

Hello asterisk! - shouted Ray, but Asterisk did not answer him. Then Ray approached him even closer and warmed him with his warmth. The petals trembled and the eyes opened. Star said:

Thank you for keeping me warm. I thought that I would never see this beautiful world again.

What's your name, little star? And why are you here alone? Where is your family?

I'm a little snowdrop. When the sun melted the snow on this thawed patch, I and my friendly family were born. And then the children came and tore off all my brothers and sisters. I was left completely alone, and I was dying of cold and melancholy.

Dear friend, I will not let your beautiful star go out. Give me just a little time and I will try to help you.

Ray took off from the Earth and flew towards the Sun. At this time, the gates of the solar kingdom opened, and the Sun began to rise.

Ray turned to the Sun and told about his journey to Earth, and that he wants to save his friend.

There is a way out,” answered the Sun, “but you must choose: Either you stay with us, or you help your friend, but you will never be able to return to your brothers and sisters. Think about it, a person kills his nature, and you want to give your life for a small flower.

Ray flew around his solar kingdom for the last time and said goodbye to it. He fell to Earth. Taking as much heat as possible from the Sun, he warmed his planet, and beautiful flowers, like little stars in the sky, appeared everywhere. And he gave the warmth and love that remained in him to people. As he died, he thought that people, seeing wonderful flowers everywhere, would begin to understand and love their wonderful planet.

A fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint in it

A lesson to good fellows:

The beam died, but this fairy tale

Will fly over the entire planet:

“Take care of this Earth!”