Graduation at the early development studio. Graduation scenario at an early development school

Working with parents

Our corner is addressed to caring parents - mothers and fathers, grandparents, whose children visit our preschool. After all, it is here, in kindergarten, that the mechanisms for a child’s communication with peers and adults are laid, and the first, and therefore invaluable, steps are taken on the path to personality development.

Our corner was created to preserve children's childhood and help parents raise them.

We are glad that our meetings take place not only in kindergarten.

Our kindergarten has adopted the following rules for parents.


1.Bring children on time so that they are not late for morning exercises and classes.

2.Provide children with comfortable replacement shoes; sports shoes for joint activities in physical education; "Czechs", for music lessons and holidays; spare set of linen.

3.Keep an eye on your children’s sportswear and wash them at least once a week.

4. Visit kindergarten daily.

5. If a child is ill, inform the kindergarten in a timely manner.


1. Give children dangerous toys (inappropriate for age, various sharp objects, toy weapons, coins, etc.) with them to kindergarten.

2. Leave gifts, vitamins, medicines for children (without first informing the teacher about this).

3. For a child’s birthday, as a treat, bring chips, ice cream, crisps and any products that can cause poisoning and allergic reactions in children to the kindergarten.

Children are received from 7.30 to 8.10 daily, except weekends and holidays. Arriving on time at kindergarten - necessary condition proper organization of the educational process.
Teachers are ready to talk with you in the morning until 8.10 and in the evening from 17.00 to 18.00. At other times, the teacher works with a group of children, and it is not recommended to distract him.
Teachers of the group, regardless of their age, must be addressed by name and patronymic. Conflict and dispute situations must be resolved in the absence of children. If you were unable to resolve any issue with the group teachers, contact the deputy head or head.

We ask you not to give your child chewing gum, sucking candy, chips or crackers with you to kindergarten.
We strongly do not recommend wearing gold and gold jewelry to your child. silver jewelry, bring expensive toys with you.

Requirements to appearance children

Neat appearance, clothes and shoes fastened with all buttons;
Washed face;
Clean nose, hands, trimmed nails;
Trimmed and carefully combed hair;
Clean underwear;
Availability of a sufficient number of handkerchiefs.

To create comfortable conditions for a child’s stay in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary:

At least 2 sets of changeable underwear: for boys - shorts, panties, tights; girls - tights, panties. In warm weather - socks, knee socks.
At least 2 sets of changeable sleepwear (pajamas).
Two bags for storing clean and used linen.
Linen, clothing and other items must be marked.

Before taking your child to kindergarten, check whether his costume is appropriate for the time of year and air temperature. Make sure that the clothes are not too big and do not hinder his movements. Ties and fasteners should be located so that the child can serve himself. Shoes should be light, warm, fit the child’s feet exactly, and be easy to take off and put on. Wearing overalls is not advisable. A child needs a handkerchief, both indoors and on walks. Make convenient pockets on your clothes to store it.
To avoid incidents of injury, parents need to check the contents of the pockets in their child’s clothing for the presence of dangerous objects. It is strictly forbidden to bring sharp, cutting objects (scissors, knives, pins, nails, wire, mirrors, glass bottles), as well as small objects (beads, buttons, etc.), tablets to the preschool educational institution.

Dear parents! If you brought your child after the start of any special moment, please undress him and wait with him in the locker room until the next break.
Teachers are ready to talk with you about your child in the morning before 8.10 and in the evening after 17.00. at other times, the teacher is obliged to work with a group of children and cannot be distracted.

Group teachers, regardless of their age, must be addressed by name and patronymic.

Controversial and conflict situations must be resolved in the absence of children.

If you were unable to resolve any issue with the group teachers, contact the head.

Remember that in kindergarten you can seek advice and individual assistance on all questions that interest you regarding raising a child.
We ask you to ensure that there are no sharp, cutting or piercing objects in your child’s pockets.

Please do not give your child chewing gum in kindergarten.

In a group, children are not allowed to hit and offend each other, take personal belongings without permission, including other children’s toys brought from home, or spoil or break the results of other children’s work. Children are not allowed to “fight back”, nor are they allowed to attack each other. This requirement is dictated by considerations of the safety of each child.

The child must take care of toys brought from home; teachers are not responsible for these toys.

We ASK you in your family to support these demands!

Parental responsibilities
? bring your child neatly dressed and personally hand him over to the teacher and pick him up! Parents, remember! Educators are strictly prohibited from giving children to persons in a drunken state, to children under 10 years of age. school age, release children at the request of parents, give children to strangers without warning parents!
? resolve all controversial issues in a calm and business-like atmosphere, indicating the reasons for the dispute and involving the administration! Parents, remember! Conflict situations should be resolved without children.

? provide assistance in improving the kindergarten

Dress children according to the season and the weather! Parents, remember! Over or under wrapping warm clothes can lead to illness in the child!
? Do not bring a sick child to kindergarten and promptly report the reasons for the child’s non-attendance by calling the kindergarten. Parents, remember! If a child does not attend kindergarten for three days or more, then he is admitted to kindergarten only with a medical certificate!

? present a medical certificate with permission to attend kindergarten! Parents, remember! You must bring a healthy child! An undertreated child will not only get sick himself, but also infect healthy children.

? pay fees for keeping your child in kindergarten by the 15th of each month

Information for parents

Collaboration with family. Forms of work.

Children learn from what surrounds them.
If a child is often criticized, he learns to condemn
If a child is often shown hostility, he learns to fight
If a child is often ridiculed, he learns to be timid
If a child is often shamed, he learns to feel guilty
If a child is often treated condescendingly, he learns to be tolerant
If a child is often encouraged, he learns self-confidence
If a child is often praised, he learns to evaluate
If you are usually honest with a child, he learns justice
If a child lives with a sense of security, he learns to believe
If a child lives in an atmosphere of friendship and feels needed, he learns to find love in this world

Scenario High school prom

At school early development "Fidgets"

Children enter the hall in pairs to the song “On the Road of Goodness.” They circle and stop.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear parents. Good afternoon, dear guests. We are very glad to welcome you! Today is a bit of a sad holiday - our students, your children, are ending their stay at the “Fidgets” early childhood development school. Today we proudly send our children off to school. Now they are standing in front of you and are very worried. Let's greet them with thunderous applause.

Children read poetry

1st child: Met many times

There is a holiday in this hall, but we have never known one like this.

2nd child: Most best holiday, sad and cheerful.

Today the CDT is accompanying us to school.

3rd child. Today is a spring day, bright, so exciting for us!

Summer will fly by unnoticed, we will be greeted by school - first grade!

4th child. We will always try to get only A's!

We promise to bring only joy to mothers!

5th child. We say to the teachers: “Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

Go around the whole world, there is no better school than this!

6th child. You loved us and taught us. you raised us like flowers.

It's a pity that we can't take you with us to first grade.

7th child. They are waiting for us school items, waiting for the ABC book pages

We learned about planets, deserts and seas.

8th child:

Here we were friends, we played, we learned the first letters,

They grew up imperceptibly and became quite big.

9th child:

Today is an unusual, wonderful, excellent day!

There is one reason for this, it is clear to everyone.

Very soon, very soon we will go to school.

And it’s time for us to wish “No fluff, no feather!”

10th child:

To everyone who was next to us, raised us, raised us,

He took care of us and did various jobs.

To everyone who worried about us every minute - we bow now!

11th child:

We thank the adults, everyone...

All: We say thank you.

12th child:

Only we need to say goodbye to our dear Center.

The school will be very happy with first-graders like this,

Strong, brave and cheerful, the most friendly of the guys.

All: Hello, holiday!

Hello school! Goodbye CDT!

Song ………………………………

Leading: Guys, guests should come to our holiday today. But where are they? They haven't been around for a long time!

Under cheerful music Shapoklyak runs into the hall

Shapoklyak: Hello, my dears. Hello, my beautiful ones. How I love little children: they play pranks so much and break toys. They shoot with slingshots, break windows, and don’t listen to adults.

Leading: No, Shapoklyak, you are mistaken. These are completely different children: they have grown up and are going to school, and therefore they have become serious and no longer play pranks. Really, guys? (children's answers)

Shapoklyak: Where are they going, to school?

Leading: To school, to study.

Shapoklyak: You have nothing to do in this school, study and study lessons all day long.

Leading: How do you know that?

Shapoklyak: I once spent two years in first grade. And since then (proudly) I haven’t learned anything anywhere. Here!

Leading: So that's why you're so...

Shapoklyak: So smart and sensible.

Leading: No, I wanted to say - unread, illiterate and uncultured, and you probably don’t know how to sing and dance.

Shapoklyak: What?! Would you think that your school knows how to do everything?!

Leading: The guys will now show you how talented they are.

Shapoklyak(with a grin): I’ll look at them now.

Dance being performed

Shapoklyak: Wonderful dance. You danced so well that I wanted to go to school too. Is it possible for me to go to first grade with you?

Leading: If you want to join us -

We'll test your knowledge.

Let's check, guys, what does Shapoklyak know?

13th child:

Come on, tell us all, how much is 2 + 3?

Shapoklyak(scratching head): It'll be... It'll be... Around six.

Leading: Children, is the correct answer?

Children: No.

13th child:

No, it will be five! You don't know how to count.

Shapoklyak: I specifically said the wrong answer. A very simple task. Great mathematicians to me too.

Leading: Oh, you are. Then I will ask you a difficult problem. Are you ready? Just listen carefully. Imagine that you were given five candies. You gave me one candy. How many candies do you have left?

Shapoklyak: Five!

Leading: Five?

Shapoklyak: Yes, five!

Leading: Why five, because you gave one candy to me?

Shapoklyak: But I won’t give it to anyone, I love candy myself.

Leading: Children, did Shapoklyak solve the problem correctly?

Children: No!

Leading: How many candies should she have left?

Children: four!

Leading: Right! You need to share with friends. You, Shapoklyak, should be ashamed.

Shapoklyak(with a mockery): Shame, very shame!

Leading: Shapoklyak, you must remember the rule.

14th child: Without counting there will be no light on the street,

Without counting, a rocket cannot rise.

Without an invoice, the letter will not find its addressee and the children will not be able to play hide and seek.

15th child: Count it guys consider more precisely,

Feel free to add a good deed,

Get rid of bad things quickly! count, guys, count more precisely.

Leading: Okay, we'll give you a chance to improve.

16th child:

I'll take four letters

And from them I will make a word. (posted by “mom”) Now everything is ready. Take a closer look, read this word to us.

Shapoklyak: Is it soap or something?

Presenter ( to children): What is written here?

Children: Mother

Leading: Shapoklyak, you need to learn to read. And now they will tell us why this is needed.

17th child. Speech development is an important activity:

After all, everyone should be able to write letters.

We, friends, are learning our alphabet from A to Z.

18th child. Great power there are in letters when we can read them.

We don't just know letters - we make words from them.

19th child. We don’t pester mothers: we’ll read the fairy tale ourselves.

We also know how to write our names.

We all need literacy, it will help everyone.

20th child: How good it is to be able to read! no need to pester your mom,

No need to shake grandma: “Read, please!” Read it!”

21st child: No need to beg your sister: “Well, read another page!”

No need to call, no need to wait, but you can just pick it up and read it!

Leading: It’s too early for you, Shapoklyak, to go to school, you don’t know much!

Shapoklyak: You gave all the assignments for fifth grade!

Leading: Okay, the easiest test. Can you pack your briefcase?

Shapoklyak: Oh, it's very simple, you need to take the most necessary things that will be useful at school.

Attraction "Collect a briefcase".

The first option is that Shapoklyak collects alone, then calls the children. The second option is Shapoklyak in the center and two children on the sides. Shapoklyak’s portfolio includes musical instruments, slingshot, toys, etc.

Leading. What should we do with you? Who knows?

Two grandmothers, Ivanovna and Stepanovna, enter to the accompaniment of cheerful music.

Ivanovna and Stepanovna: We!

Ivanovna: We are old grandmothers, inseparable friends.

Stepanovna: Inseparable girlfriends, we live in the same hut!

Ivanovna: I am Grandma Ivanovna!

Stepanovna: I am Grandma Stepanovna.

Together: And we do everything perfectly!

Ivanovna: Let's write!

Stepanovna: Let's draw!

Ivanovna: Let's eat!

Stepanovna: And we dance.

Recorded music is playing.

Dance "Old Grandmothers". Old ladies are dancing.

Shapoklyak: We danced well, so what?

Ivanovna: Here's what! We are taking you on bail.

Shapoklyak: How is that?

Together: And like this! (Take hands)


Sing songs and dance.


And tell poems,

And tie your shoelaces.

Leading: Ivanovna, listen to how our children can sing ditties.

Children sing ditties

    A secret from all the kids

We composed couplets

And now here are five

We will sing them carefully.

Mom used to decide everything

What should we eat, what should we wear?

And now everything will have to be

We have to figure it out ourselves.

Now I have a concern:

And I don’t know what to do -

Mom and dad are at work

Who should carry a briefcase?

Dad invented the alarm clock

So that I don't oversleep class.

I definitely attached it to the call

Hefty hammer.

  1. The lessons are difficult

For schoolchildren now,

And my mother is with me

I signed up for first grade.

Stepanovna: Guys, you are great! You learned a lot in “Fidgets”, you know and can do a lot.

Ivanovna: Can you solve riddles?

Children: Yes!

Stepanovna: We’ll check this now.


    It must be studied, it teaches everyone to read (the alphabet)


    I can write any word on paper,

I will help you solve very difficult problems.

Don't forget me, my friend,

Without me you are like without hands (handle)

Shapoklyak: Can I also tell you a riddle?

    He was born very long,

But he grew up and became shorter (pencil)

Ivanovna, Stepanovna: They know everything, they can do everything!


That's it, you checked us,

Is everyone ready for first grade?


No, one more task

Fascinating competition.


A game: Hey guys, spread your arms, let's sit on the floor, like in an apartment.
And now everyone stood up together,
They removed their hands to their belts.
Everyone step to the right.
Everyone step to the left.
Now let's cross all our legs.
And let's jump on the spot
And hands up and down
Let's give everyone an encore!
And then sneeze together
Now you need to laugh!
Everyone sat down on the floor together!
Spin around, stand up, sit down!
It's like we're on a carousel!
Now listen to the command:
Grab yourself by the ears
And tongues out,
And wider elbows,
And then, together, together,
Let's jump on the spot!

Ivanovna: Well done, we surprised everyone.

They taught you everything here.

Well, it’s time for us to say goodbye, it’s time to part.

Stepanovna: Don't be sick, don't be bored,

Get knowledge at school.

Be curious

They are always diligent in everything.

Shapoklyak: Goodbye, friends!

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, Stepanovna and Ivanovna take Shapoklyak away and leave on their own.


Our graduation party is over,

And everyone suddenly became more mature...

Baby, be brave on your school journey,

Into the world of light, knowledge, friendship.

Be persistent and kind.

You will need everything.

22nd child:

We are parting today and are a little sad.

We would have stayed with you as children, but we want to become students.

23rd child:

CDT is our second home, we were happy in it.

They taught us here, they tried, and we studied diligently.

24th child:

We will remember your sonorous childhood more than once!

Dance flash mob

Leading: You grew up big and learned a lot in Fidgets.

But today there are kids at the celebration. They still need to grow up a little. They also want to congratulate you.

To the children's music "In Every small child children come out younger age

1st child

A very joyful, cheerful holiday of transition to school!

We have come to congratulate you on your promotion to first grade.

Child 2: We wish you to study for “four” and “five”.

And another wish for you: please don’t forget us!

3rd child

You'll be going to school soon, please don't be lazy

We wish you guys good studies!

4th child

You rarely played with us as kids and called us:

And now you are not like that, you are already quite big

We have come to congratulate you on your transition to first grade!

5th child

You are already quite big, you are beautiful and smart

We must try to reach you.

6th child

The kids congratulate you today from the bottom of their hearts

Go to first grade with confidence, big things lie ahead!

7th child

IN new school We wish you to learn a lot of new things

But we ask you not to forget the school “Fidgets”.

8th child. Today is such a beautiful day, but for you it’s time to say goodbye!

We are both happy and unhappy, all because we love you!

9th child. There is a wonderful planet here with answers to everything,

There is a game, fun, a fairy tale, dance, songs, even dancing.

10th child. The children live here together, what is that planet's name?

That planet is not on the map and outer space,

If you go straight, you will end up in the “CDT”!

11th child. To the Center children's creativity we walked happily.

It was cozy and light.

The teachers, like mothers, loved us and gave us affection and warmth.

12th child. Every day we learned something

It was difficult to write the first words in printed letters in a notebook.

13th child. Our school "Fidgets" is a cheerful planet

For us it became common house where was the sea of ​​light!

14th child. Where kind smiles always greeted us,

Where we knew no sadness, no boredom, no sadness!

15th child. The bell rings, the sound of the children's voices falls silent.

The guys are now starting a new streak in their lives.

16th child. Well, that's it, the hour you've all been waiting for has come,

We gathered in last time in this cozy room.

Leading. Well, all the lessons at the development school have ended, you guys have learned a lot from our teachers, and now it’s time to convey the word of congratulations to the director of the Children’s Creativity Center, Ekaterina Vladimirovna Shigapova.

(presentation of certificates)

Leading: Childhood is a land of fantasies and fairy tales. Who helps children get into this country? These are our mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers. I invite parents to this stage, who during for long years accompany you through a magical land.

A word to parents

Presentation of certificates and gifts

We invite you to the stage to thunderous applause from graduates (presentation of gifts)

Leading. Let it be a holiday for you

It's not just graduation.

Let every day and every hour

Will be filled with kindness.

Now the world is infinite before you.

We love you! We hope for everyone!

Together: Bring goodness and humanity to the world

May success accompany you in life!

Ved: And now, dear teachers, take your places in the children’s choir to perform final song.

Presentation of certificates with wishes to graduates.

1. Our ___________________________ is a laughing girl,

A cheerful and nice girl.

2. ____________________ _______________ - From any position

You will always find a way out

You love to fantasize, you will never be lost.

3. ___________________________________ see you off to school

We wish you with all our hearts

At school, try hard and study hard.

4._______________________________we wish you true friends,

Lots of health and sunny days,

Success in your studies and only good things. May your life be full of joy!

5. Our ________________________________ is smart,

Endowed with kindness.

We believe that only “4” and “5” will fill out notebooks

6. _________________________________ grew up quickly,

He managed to learn everything.

He strives for new knowledge. This will be useful at school

7. ______________________________ ours is a shirt guy!

he won't disappear anywhere. Well, if necessary, he will lead you.

8 _______________________________ - ringing voice

And slender as a spikelet.

Loves to help adults and couldn't be more kind.

9. ___________________________________ ours is anywhere!

And I took it with my mind and with everyone.

We'll miss you. Promise to visit us.

10. ____________________ likes to build, tinker,

Talk a lot.

From the bottom of our hearts we wish him the best in counting, writing,

11. ___________________________ ours loves to draw,

Loves to help adults.

She has many talents, may the road be bright!

Graduation at the early development studio. Scenario

Fanfare introduction.
Video “Lighting up the stars”

Ved. Good evening dear parents, grandparents. Have you seen the night sky? You have, of course, seen the night sky. What a luxurious, mesmerizing picture! How brightly the stars shine! They say that every person is a star. And sometimes in outer space there is a parade of stars, and in this parade each star shows its best. Today we are lighting up not just one star, but entire constellations of 2017 graduates.
We are starting the first graduation, everyone here will be a bright star
Attention please! Here and now our graduates will appear.
They will walk the starry path and find their cherished goal.
Coming out of graduates to the song “Farewell Toys”
Reb: A beautiful, bright hall greets us warmly!
Welcome, friends, to our graduation party!

Leading: The stars are symbol of success,
Symbol of talent, joy, laughter
People, like stars, also burn!
No wonder there is such a shower of stars today!
Boy. Each of us is a star today!
Anyone will envy - yes!
Girl. We walked along the starry path to this hall
To start the graduation star ball together
Reb. After all, if the stars light up -
So someone needs it!
So someone needs it!
So that every evening over the rooftops
At least one star lit up!
Ved. You guys are stars, shine brighter
Be friends, merge with the rays of lights,
The parents' faces shine with happiness,
And everyone will be proud of your success! (applause to our graduates)
Go into the hall.
Leading. Our boys have become quite adults. Time flew by unnoticed... And it seems that just recently their parents brought them to our children's center. And now it's time to part! But we are not sad! After all, very soon you guys will go to school! You will make many new friends there. And here are the kids who still have time to grow. Today they also want to say goodbye to you.
(Children of group 1 included)
We are little guys
We came to congratulate you.
We'll grow up a little
We'll come to your school too!
You are already quite big,
Both beautiful and smart!
So that we can reach you
You must stand on your toes!
We want to wish you
Become excellent students!
And as a gift from us
Let's dance together now!
Dance “We are funny little ones”
Presenter 1:
“Many celebrations took place in this wonderful hall. We rejoiced, made moms and dads happy, and warmly welcomed all the guests! Which guests would you like to see at the party today?
(children's answers)
Leading: And so, attention – new guest!
(Music sounds, Funtik runs into the hall and cries)
- Oink-oink, oink-oink, I don’t want to, I won’t, I can’t deceive the kids anymore! Do whatever you want with me! (crying)
- How your name, Baby? And why are you crying?
- Here is a little pig, but a very big deceiver!
- Yes, what are you saying, you cannot be a deceiver!
- No, no, I'm a real deceiver! Have you heard of Mistress Belladonna? I served with her. It turned out that I have talent. I told the children a fairy tale about the three little pigs, and then took off my Panama hat and plaintively asked: “Children, give houses for homeless piglets!”
Presenter 1:
- (throws a coin into the Panama hat) Of course, of course, please take it!
- You see! So I deceived 11 boys, 15 girls and one very sweet and kind teacher. After all, they don’t know that Mrs. Belladonna takes all the money for herself. I can't deceive them anymore, that's why I ran away! (crying)
Presenter 1:
- Don’t cry, Funtik, we won’t hurt you! Really, guys?
- Yes!
- Oh, there are so many kids here! Why are you here?
Leading: Today is our graduation. We walk our children to school.
- To school? And what is it?
Presenter 1:
- And our guys will tell you everything now.
- What is school?
- How should I answer you?
This is where people rush
In the morning all the children.
What a strange question
If you are already grown up?
If seven, then just right
Get ready for first grade!
- What is school?
- How should I answer you?
This is where you find out
About everything in the world:
About the multiplication table,
About verbs and addition,
About planets and seas,
That the earth is round!
- What is school?
- How should I answer you?
Changes and calls
Buns in the buffet
And notes in the diary,
And the task is on the board.
You will know and understand everything
If you come to school!
- Now it’s clear to me what school is! Guys, take me to school with you, because I’m already grown up, I’m already seven years old!
Presenter 1:
- Well, guys, will you take Funtik with you to school?
- Yes!
- Cheers cheers! I'm so happy! I got good mood and I really want to have fun, jump, dance!
Presenter 1:
- And we also love to dance!
- So let's dance!
Play the music louder
Invite everyone to dance!
Dance "Konopushki"
- Oh, and they danced great,
We're not a bit tired.
And now it's time
Let's play, kids!
(Musical game “Fixies”)
Presenter 1:
- Yes, Funtik, it’s fun with you!
Voice behind the door
- Guard, robbed! Where is my Funtik, where is my little pig?
Funtik:(runs around the hall)
- Oh, oh-oh! It's Mrs. Belladona looking for me! That's it, I'm dead!
Presenter 1:
- Don’t be afraid, Funtik, we won’t hurt you! (Funtik is hiding among the children)
(Music sounds, Belladona runs into the hall)
- You haven’t seen a piglet with a bow here, so small, but quite well-fed! I really need him, he has talent. (takes off his hat) Children, donate to houses for homeless piglets” (puts on his hat) No one could refuse him! He brought me a lot of money! Where is my treasure?
-Wow! How many children, girls and boys are there? I love kids who scream: “I want this, I want that.” Children cry, but parents pay! Every child's tear is a coin! That's how you are, children, right?
- No!
- Ugh, bad kids! (addresses the presenter) How do you educate them here? Oh, by the way, have you seen my little pig here, Funtik?
Presenter 1:
- I saw it, but I won’t tell you where he is!
- Well, it is not necessary! He himself will vote now! Funtik?
(Funtik grunts and cries)
- Looks like someone here grunted? (searches) Ah, here you are, come on, quickly go to your mistress Belladonna!
- I won’t serve you anymore! I won't deceive anyone! I'll go to school with the guys!
- Funtik, aren’t you and I collecting money for school?
- At school free education!
- Have you forgotten, you will study at my school, school Bad habits. You will be the first student at this school! (addresses parents) Maybe someone else wants to go to my school, sign up. Admission without exams, but tuition is paid!
Presenter 1:
- No, no, Mrs. Belladonna, our children will go to good schools, there they will study literature, arithmetic and many other subjects.
- Oh, this is it?! Then I'll give you a real test. If you complete my tasks, I will let Funtik go with you, but if you fail, he will study at my school!
Presenter 1:
- The guys and I are ready, set the tasks!
-Are you talented children? Try to answer these difficult questions...
Presenter 1:
- It’s easy and simple for us!
Belladonna 1. In what month do children go to school?
2. Third day of the week?
3. Break between lessons?
4. What is greater than 10 or 15?
5. How many seasons are there?
6. What is the name of the school bag?
7. What about the addition sign?
8. How many days are there in a week?
9. Signal warning about the beginning and end of the lesson?
10. A person who studies at school?
Presenter 1:
- Well, what failed to confuse us?
- Nothing, that’s not all, now I’ll give you a real test, I think math numbers will lead you to a dead end. (calls graduates to the stage)
The game is underway: “Fun Score”
(Belladonna shows a card, children make circles according to the number)
Hey, girls and boys, we know you are not braggarts!
I'll play the game for you. Show top class!

1.Boys, get behind the wheel and buckle up tightly.
Step on the gas! Show your top class! (Bibika)

2. You girls are not weak East Dance easy to show?
Right here, right now, show your best! (East)

3.Which of you is a musician here? Who hides their talent?
You have guitars: solo, bass. Show your top class! (Guitars)

4. Our cute girls are cute kittens.
Are there any artists among you? Show your top class! (I'm a fluffy white kitten)
5. Well done to our guys, they will be brave soldiers!
Let's all march now. Show your top class! (Marching)

6.Who blew up the entire Internet? Korean rapper, Gangam style
Have you watched this clip? -Yes!!! Everyone here is a star!!!
Light everything up now, show your top class!!!
Belladonna: And now I will test my parents.
4 fathers or mothers are invited, they are given mittens (head caps, on each of which letters are pasted, for the first four P, O, P, T, b, E, F, L, for the second four K, O, b, Ш, L ,I,K,N. Dads or mothers put mittens on both hands. The presenter suggests, without taking off the mittens, to put together a word from the letters school theme.
- Yes, the children are great, the parents are great, they can do everything, they know everything, they coped with all the tasks! I am surprised and confident that Funtik will be interested in your school! Go baby with your friends! (cries, wipes his nose with a handkerchief).
Host: Don’t cry Belladonna, now our guys will dance for you
Dance "Bananamama"
- Thank you, my dears, this is so touching!
Host: Well, your fairy tale has ended; for some it was three years long, for others it was a year. The small country "Fairy Tale" will remain a thing of the past, but we must not forget the wizards who helped to live in this fairyland called the Children's Center.
- Go ahead, baby! Go!
You are full of strength, hope, love.
We believe that your destiny is
Always be happy! Always!
As a souvenir, we want to leave you a photo.
Music "Take care of your children"
Attention attention! I ask all boys and girls to line up in one line in the center of the hall!
another surprise for graduates!
These are small bells - younger brothers big school bell. And now we will give each of you this little ringing miracle as a souvenir!..
(they ring the bell, Funtik makes a victory lap with them)
Hand out candy - sit down.
1 group (candy) is invited. We are waiting for you next year.
2 groups (candies) are muted. We are waiting for you next year.
Very little time remains, dear parents, until the moment when ceremonial lineup For your beloved sons and sweet daughters, the school bell will ring for the first time. And you have a lot of trouble ahead related to preparing for the school year. Let everything work out on time! And to all the boys and girls, I sincerely wish you a warm, Siberian summer in the south, a fun holiday and unforgettable impressions!
Goodbye everyone!


in the early studio aesthetic development"Rostock"

The curtain is closed. The fanfare sounds XXI Century Fox",

on the projector there is a screensaver with a lion from Disney.

The lights go out. The spotlight is turned on, simulating stars.

1st child:

Met many times

Celebration in this hall

But one like this one

We didn't know yet.

2nd child:

The best holiday

Sad and cheerful.

After all, today we are a palace

Accompanies you to school.

3rd child:

Here we were friends, played,

We first learned the letters

Grew up imperceptibly

And they became quite big.

4th child:

Today is an unusual day,

Wonderful, excellent!

There is only one reason for this,

It is clear to everyone.

5th child:

Very soon, very soon

We will go to school.

And it's time to wish

To us "No fluff, no feather!"

The light turns on. The curtain quickly opens.

Music for dancing.

Dance "Rhythmic"

The presenter comes out to children's songs:


Good afternoon, mothers and fathers, grandparents, teachers and guests of our holiday! We are pleased to welcome you in this cozy, bright room, warmed by the warmth of your smiles! Today is a special day at the palace, completely different from others. There is a graduation ceremony at the Rostock Early Aesthetic Development Studio! For little boys and girls, this is a slightly sad day, but at the same time a real holiday, because very soon they will go to school. Today they will appear on this stage more than once to show what they have learned and to give you, dear parents, a good mood and smiles! Let's greet our graduates with thunderous applause!

Parents applaud, fanfare sounds!

Children are on stage, lined up to sing!

Song "The Wind Calls"

After the song, the main part of the children goes down to the hall and takes their places, the children go backstage for a skit and for poems about chess!


While our young graduates are preparing for their performance, I invite you to play a little! Many generations of boys and girls studied at the Rostock early aesthetic development studio. Every year more than 50 people become studio graduates. Many do not say goodbye to the palace, but become participants in our creative associations and circles! This year is no exception! Many “sprouts” are already involved in a dance ensemble, chess club, rhythmic gymnastics... But we are still a little sad! After all, today the guys say goodbye to the studio! Dear parents, have you ever wondered how many years the studio has been operating at the Palace?

Game “How old is the Rostock studio?”

24 years

The studio was founded in 1990 by Lyudmila Lazarevna Maracheva, a person who poured her soul into it and gave her heart to all the children!

We wish Studio "Rostok" long, fruitful years! May many, many more generations become studio graduates!


In our studio, boys and girls try themselves in different disciplines: drawing, rhythm, chess, English... Talents are revealed from childhood. Yes and acting skills the guys demonstrate on the highest level! Meet aspiring artists with the mini-play “Baby Elephant”.

Scene "Baby Elephant"

After the end of the skit, the parents applaud, the children go down and immediately the children come out and read poems about chess.

As soon as they read the poems, they stay on stage! The presenter comes out to them!


For a month, the chess tournament “Dad, Mom, Me – a Chess Family” was held at the “Palace of Children’s (Youth) Creativity.” The organizer of the tournament is the teacher of the subject “Chess” - Svetlana Yuryevna Kryuchkova. We invite her to the stage to award the winners.

Fanfare sounds. S.N. Kryuchkova comes out.

Awards the winners!


Our graduates are not only creative people, they take any endeavor seriously! Now they can easily go on any trip: to Europe and America. After all, our young boys and the girls have knowledge in English, which will now be demonstrated on stage! Guys, get on stage!

3 Songs in English!

After the songs, the children remain on stage,

The presenter addresses the children:


Guys, did you learn a lot at the Rostock studio? (children answer yes). Did you learn a lot about the planets, natural phenomena and animals in the “world around us”? (children answer yes). Well, then you can easily answer my questions!



Well done boys! How much do you now know and speak English! Will you still sing the song? (children answer yes). Dear parents, let's support our talents with thunderous applause!

Song "Porridge"

After the song, the guys go down to the hall and sit down in their seats!


Very soon our graduates will go to school, meet new kids, learn many new interesting and useful things. And when the first of September comes, the children will see for the first time the person who bears the proud title of teacher, and who will become a second mother for them! Dear parents, you all know very well how your children love to fantasize. Let's see who they think the teacher is, who this person they will meet on September 1...

Video “Through the Mouth of a Baby: Who is the Teacher?”


This academic year marked by many events in our country! In 2013 - the fall of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, the Russian national team reached the final part of the FIFA World Cup, 2014 is not far behind! In February, our country hosted winter Olympic Games!

Video “Through the Mouth of a Baby: What is the Olympics?”

Game "Goal-Miss-Puck"


Our graduation party is over,

And everyone suddenly became more mature...

Baby, be brave on your school journey,

Into the world of light, knowledge, friendship.

Be persistent and kind.

You will need everything.

Boys and girls, get up on stage!

Final song “Where does childhood go”

At the end of the song, the curtain closes and the children remain behind the scenes.

Presenter: For awards and parting words I invite to the stage the head of the structural unit, the head of the early aesthetic development studio “Rostok” - Victoria Viktorovna Pavlova.

Pavlova V.V. says the word. Background music is playing.

2-A comes out from the center of the curtains, certificates and gifts are solemnly presented! Afterwards the children go down to the hall.


Parents have the floor!

Parents' speech


Guys, accept another gift from us - a performance by the vocal studio “Bell”

Vocal studio“Bell”, song “Birch Sap”


Our holiday has come to an end!

We wish our graduates excellent grades at school, success, and we do not say goodbye to you, but only say “See you again!”

Graduation 2014

Video "On the road to goodness"

Host: Good evening, dear parents.

Good evening, dear guests! We are very pleased to welcome you. Today is a slightly sad holiday - our pupils, your children, are ending their stay in the early development studio. Today we proudly send our children off to school.

Sound the fanfare! And blow the trumpets!

The children are rushing to the joyful holiday.

Today we are seeing the kids off to school.

And it’s time to say goodbye to our studio.

Makar (clouds float across the sky) graduates come out.

We have been waiting for this day for a long time,

But he came right away

And the lilac blossomed for us.

No matter how much it has bloomed, never once.

Bouquets, music, poetry.

And the hall is bright with smiles

All this is for you, graduates.

Today is your farewell ball!

But let there be no room for sadness,

Let the music will burst in to this room.

We now invite you to dance,

To graduation party last dance our. ( Dance)

For some reason the hall became silent,

There is delight and a little sadness in the eyes

Let the audience remember them now:

Flirty and mischievous

A little daring and stubborn

Most childishly playful,

Unique, dear

And everyone loved in their own way,

And equally relatives (video Graduate 2014)

Meet them! (presentation)

  1. Evgeniy Dupin is very talented and smart

He was the life of the party,

Responsive, kind, more needs to be said.

That he is always in love with someone.

  1. Our Polina Agafonova is smart,

Endowed with kindness.

We believe that only 4 and 5

There will be notebooks to fill it out.

  1. Our Olesya Tatarinova is a laughter girl

Cheerful and nice girl.

He can draw and sculpt.

She will be very loved at school.

  1. Our Dima Maslennikov is a guy!

He won't disappear anywhere.

Well, if necessary, he will lead you.

  1. Nastya Mikryukova from any position

You will always find a way out

You love to fantasize

You will never be lost.

  1. Vika Scriabina is at least small.

And I took it with my mind and with everyone.

We'll miss you

Promise to visit us.

  1. And our Nadya has a very gentle look

Like in the portraits of Italian masters,

And her dark curls wave carelessly,

It falls on your shoulders like a silk cover.

  1. Chumakov Semyon can handle everything,

I can even move mountains if I want.

Let your dreams come true,

You will achieve everything in life.

  1. Her nature generously rewarded her -

endowed with a beautiful soul

She good friend and works diligently.

Success will certainly come to her.

And may, Maria, every ordinary day of yours

Turn into a wonderful holiday,

And never a shadow of sadness

It won't be reflected in your eyes!

  1. Sergey loves thoroughly

Get ready for classes.

He is modest and even with everyone,

Not very verbose

There is a bright head

And skill will come.

  1. We wish Danil Zykov with all our hearts

Meet good friends.

To be as kind, nice,

Never lose heart.

  1. Fair and calm

Always worthy of praise

We respect Roma very much.

And we want to be an athlete.

  1. Vlada - a ringing voice

And slender as a spikelet.

Loves to help adults.

And you couldn’t find a kinder one.

  1. Sonya Pushkareva is always ready to help

And the soul is reflected in her eyes.

She is trusting, open and humane

She is soft and very good.

  1. Lena Zorina knows everything you need

But he wants to know even more about everything.

She is a future Olympic medalist

And whoever he wants, he can become in life.

  1. Easy to talk to, pleasant

Always open and understandable

Anya Trefilova is on an equal footing with everyone

There are few such people - nice ones.

Radiant, soft and simple...

The whole world is worth this.

  1. Vika Soboleva loves to draw.

Loves to help adults.

She has many talents

Let there be a bright road.

  1. Modest, sweet and silent,

Dasha Balobanova is growing to everyone's surprise

A tender smile sometimes adorns her lips.

Let it be in her life

Only joy and goodness.

  1. Pasha has no equal in the gym

We wish him victories

And it's great to receive.

  1. Katya Zhuikova is very modest,

She is reserved, calm and even with everyone.

She is laconic, but her smile is definitely

How the moon suddenly appears from behind a cloud.

Let's greet them with thunderous applause.

You have grown up big and learned a lot in classes at the Children's Center. But today there are kids at the celebration. They still need to grow up a little. They also want to congratulate you

Maxim Arkhipov: Very happy, cheerful

Celebration of transition to school.

We have come to congratulate you

With the transition to first grade.

Misha Kopinets: We wish you to study

Four and five.

And another wish for you:

Please don't forget us.


Leading: Guys, guests are supposed to come to our party today. But where are they? They haven't been around for a long time!

Shapoklyak runs into the hall accompanied by cheerful music

Shapoklyak: Hello my dears. Hello, my beautiful ones. How I love little children: they play pranks so much and break toys. They shoot with slingshots, break windows, and don’t listen to adults.

Leading: No, Shapoklyak, you are mistaken. These are completely different children: they have grown up and are going to school, and therefore they have become serious and no longer play pranks. Really, guys?(children's answers)

Shapoklyak: Where are they going, to school?

Leading: To school, to study.

Shapoklyak: You have nothing to do in this school, study and study lessons all day long.

Leading : How do you know that?

Shapoklyak: I once spent two years in first grade. And since then (proudly) I haven’t learned anything anywhere. Here!

Leading: So that's why you're so...

Shapoklyak: So smart and sensible.

Leading: No, I wanted to say - unread, illiterate and uncultured, and you probably don’t know how to sing or dance.

Shapoklyak: What?! Would you think that in your studio they can do everything?!

Leading: The guys will now show you how talented they are.

Shapoklyak (with a grin): I'll look at them now.

Dance being performed

Shapoklyak: Wonderful dance. You danced so well that I wanted to go to school too. Is it possible for me to go to first grade with you?

Leading: If you want to join us -

We'll test your knowledge.

Let's check, guys, what does Shapoklyak know?

Come on, tell us all,

What is 2 + 3?

Shapoklyak (scratching head): It will be... It will be... Around six.

Leading: Children, is the correct answer?

Children: No.


No, it will be five!

Shapoklyak: I specifically said the wrong answer. A very simple task. Great mathematicians to me too.

Leading: Oh, you are. Then I will ask you a difficult problem. Are you ready? Just listen carefully.Imagine that you were given five candies. You gave me one candy. How many candies do you have left?

Shapoklyak: Five!

Host: Five?

Shapoklyak: Yes, five!

Leading: Why five, because you gave one candy to me?

Shapoklyak: But I won’t give it to anyone, I love candy myself.

Leading: Children, did Shapoklyak solve the problem correctly?

Children: No!

Leading: How many candies should she have left?

Children: four!

Leading: Right! You need to share with friends. You, Shapoklyak, should be ashamed.

Shapoklyak (with mockery): It's a shame, very shame!

Leading: Shapoklyak, you must remember the rule.

Without counting there will be no light on the street,

Without counting, a rocket cannot rise.

Without an invoice, the letter will not find its addressee

And the boys won’t be able to play hide and seek.

Leading: It’s too early for you, Shapoklyak, to go to school, you don’t know much

Better watch the dance.

Shapoklyak: Guys, you are great! You learned a lot at the Children's Center.

Can you solve riddles?

Children: Yes!

Shapoklyak: I'll check this now.

  1. It needs to be studied
  1. I can write any word on paper,

I will help you solve very difficult problems.

Don't forget me, my friend,

Without me you are like without hands(pen)

  1. He was born very long,

But he grew up and became shorter(pencil)


That's it, you checked us,

Is everyone ready for first grade?


No, one more task

An exciting competition.

A game:

Hey guys, spread your arms, let's sit on the floor, like in an apartment.
And now everyone stood up together,
They removed their hands to their belts.
Everyone step to the right.
Everyone step to the left.
Now let's cross all our legs.
And let's jump on the spot
And hands up and down
Let's give everyone an encore!
And then sneeze together
Now you need to laugh!
Everyone sat down on the floor together!
Spin around, stand up, sit down!
It's like we're on a carousel!
Now listen to the command:
Grab yourself by the ears
And tongues out,
And wider elbows,
And then, together, together,
Let's jump on the spot!

Well, that's all, the time has come

The one you've all been waiting for

We gathered for the last time

In this cozy room.

Today is such a beautiful day,

Well, it’s time for you to say goodbye!

We are both happy and unhappy

All because we love you!

We met you here,

We taught you, we read to you!

And your mothers are used to us,

They trusted you to us!

There is a wonderful planet

Here are the answers to everything,

Here is a game, fun, a fairy tale.

Dance, songs, even dancing.

Children live here together

What is that planet's name?

That planet is not on the map

And in outer space,

If you go straight,

You'll get to the Children's Center!

Children come to us -

They will find out about everything in the world.

We invite 1 group to the stage (presentation of gifts)

We invite group 2 to the stage (presentation of gifts)

We invite you to the stage to thunderous applause from graduates (presentation of gifts)

Let it be a holiday for you

It's not just graduation.

Let every day and every hour

Will be filled with kindness.

Now the world is infinite before you.

We love you! We hope for everyone!

Together : Bring goodness and humanity to the world

May success accompany you in life!

Song Makar, Lisa, Katya