Find a lot of silver jewelry in a dream. What does the symbol promise? What was it

Seeing silver in any form in a dream is an extremely happy dream. Silver coins collected in large quantities foretell the respect of colleagues and good luck in any endeavor. Seeing a chest filled with silver coins means you will get a profitable place. To pay for purchases in silver - your word will be the main thing in solving a complex financial problem. Receiving silver as change means unexpected luck. Perhaps you will win the lottery or receive an unplanned bonus. Using silver utensils at dinner - such a dream promises family well-being and prosperity in the house. Clean silverware - influential friends will help solve your problems. Silver jewelry - for the arrival of long-awaited guests who will bring you many amazing gifts. Putting on a silver belt or something that has silver parts (buttons, buckles) - you will soon receive a gift that you have long dreamed of. Silver bars dream of a long and strong friendship with a rich and generous person.

Imagine that you have a lot of silver - silver dishes, jewelry, coins, and bars.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Dream Interpretation - Silver

In a dream, silver means accumulated wealth. And the notch on the silver is a beautiful and bright girl. The silver vessel represents goods for merchants and businessmen or good deeds. And using silver utensils in a dream indicates committing sins. Finding something silver in a dream means finding a treasure or encountering the treachery of a woman. Melting silver in a dream means a quarrel and falling under people’s slander and ridicule.

Interpretation of dreams from

Silver is a metal that has long been credited with not only healing, but also magical properties. It evokes associations with health, cleanliness, and strength. Why do you dream of silver, according to dream books, modern and compiled in the distant past? The answer will definitely be found if the owner of the dream remembers all its details, including the seemingly insignificant ones.

Why do you dream of silver: Miller’s dream book

The famous psychologist Gustav Miller suggests taking night dreams in which this noble metal appears as a warning. What does silver mean in dreams, according to its interpretation? It is possible that the dreamer attaches excessive importance to money, forgetting that, unfortunately, it does not guarantee happiness.

Miller also attaches great importance to the form the metal takes in a dream. If a sleeper dreams of silverware, such a vision does not bode well. It is likely that the dreamer has goals that are not possible to achieve, and empty experiences in the near future are also possible. If its owner appears in a dream, he may soon face serious financial problems. How soon they will be resolved depends on him.

Jewelry, trinkets

And silver, if jewelry made from these metals appears in a dream? The compilers of most well-known dream books recommend regarding their appearance in night dreams as a good sign. Most likely, the dreamer is experiencing a streak of luck; prosperity awaits him in the professional and personal spheres.

It is also important what kind of decoration you dreamed of during your night's rest. If we are talking about the owner of the dream, a pleasant conversation awaits, communication with an interesting interlocutor. For entrepreneurs, such a dream can promise unexpected support and finding sponsors for a new project. Why do you dream of silver if we are talking about a bracelet made from this metal? Such a dream, on the contrary, does not bode well, since the bracelet is associated with shackles and obstacles.

The appearance of silver earrings in night dreams is good. For lovers, the dream predicts reciprocity; careerists can safely count on a profitable deal. A silver ring promises power that a person will soon gain over his chosen one; it is important to use this power for good purposes. If we are talking about a wedding ring seen in a dream, its appearance can promise the dreamer not only a family idyll, but also financial profit and friendly help.

Manipulations with jewelry

If a person not only sees in a dream, but also wears earrings, bracelets and chains, what does silver mean in a dream? Jewelry worn on the body warns that the owner of the dream is different, which can harm him. Men should pay special attention to such dreams. Males who wear silver jewelry (of any kind) in their dreams are at risk of conflicts in real life. A quarrel can happen with colleagues or superiors, as well as with the woman you love. Avoiding conflict is easy; all you need to do is choose your words carefully.

A dream in which a person loses silver jewelry is also considered a bad omen. In real life, the owner of the dream will have to lose something important, part with a dear person. Seeing a product in the mud, dropping it in the mud - such stories inform about the presence of enemies who can cause harm. If a person holds jewelry in his hands, why dream of silver? The ring in the hands indicates that the owner of the dream should not count on the return of the old debt. Holding other silver jewelry in a dream means that in reality the dreamer will be drawn into a lawsuit as a plaintiff or defendant.

There are other explanations for why silver is dreamed of. A chain that a person receives as a gift in his dream can promise illness. If the owner of the dream knows the donor, it is possible that he will be seriously ill. However, the illness does not necessarily turn out to be serious; a slight malaise is also possible.

Crockery, cutlery

Why do you dream of silver if utensils made from this material appear in your dream? The compilers of dream books never came to a consensus on this matter. Some of them are convinced that a person who dreams of dishes made of silver and gold will soon be cured of a serious illness. Others believe that such dreams come as a prediction. It is possible that a marital quarrel will lead to assault. There is also an opinion that silver dishes, appearing in night dreams, promise wealth and honors in real life.

Silverware placed on the table can be a dream for guests; the visit can be unexpected or long-awaited and will bring a lot of joy.


Why do you dream of finding silver in chests? The famous predictor Nostradamus gives global significance to this vision. If you believe his words, chests filled to the brim with silver or gold coins predict a monetary reform that will lead to upheaval in the state.

Many dream books regard silver in the form of money, appearing in night dreams, as a good omen. The owner of the dream will soon be able to taste fame, his reputation will improve. Other changes are also possible that will improve a person’s standard of living. Victory, a big win - such events await people who count silver coins in their dreams. It is interesting that an improvement in your financial situation will happen by itself, no effort will be required.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Why do you dream of silver, if you rely on Hasse’s predictions? A person should remember the size that silver coins had in his night dreams. If they were big, you can safely hope for happy times to come soon. Small ones, on the contrary, predict disappointment; a person will not be able to achieve his goal.

A dream in which the dreamer observes melted silver coins also has a negative meaning. According to Hasse, the owner of such a dream should prepare for significant losses, which may be not only monetary.

Lucky find

Why do you dream of finding silver? Many compilers of dream books are confident that finding silver objects in a dream promises career advancement in real life. The person’s efforts will finally be appreciated by his superiors. However, when you find a coin lying alone, you should not rejoice. It is possible that in reality you will have to say goodbye to a significant amount of money as a result of unforeseen incidents.

It is excellent if in his dreams the dreamer discovers deposits of silver. Such a plot promises him a happy marriage, which will not be overshadowed by quarrels. can hope for a romantic adventure, great love.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Silver in a dream according to 37 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Silver” symbol from 37 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Muslim dream book

Seeing silver means receiving permitted property.

Newest dream book

What does Silver mean in a dream?

Silver - to betrayal; to commit a dishonest act.

Family dream book

Silver seen in a dream- serves as a warning: do not rely too much on money when pursuing happiness and satisfaction.

If in a dream you found a silver coin- you don’t have enough money. Another interpretation of this dream: perhaps you rush to conclusions too often for the sake of your own peace of mind.

Seeing silverware in a dream- know that you have worries and unsatisfied desires ahead.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Silver?

A dream about silver warns that you may become heavily dependent on money on the path to happiness.

If you dream that you find silver money- in reality you will pay close attention to the shortcomings of other people. You will too often jump to conclusions for the sake of peace of mind.

Seeing silver items in a dream- a harbinger of worries and unsatisfied desires.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Silver - the need to take a closer look at your surrounding world; other symbols will indicate in which direction to look.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did Serebro dream about it in a dream?

Silver in a dream is a symbol of great but passing joy.

Silver utensils dream of power and influence, a silver chain- to making friends, silver money to tears.

Dream book for a bitch

Silver - love and happiness do not depend on the amount of money.

Silverware- anxiety, dissatisfaction.

Find some silver thing- don’t try to deceive yourself for the sake of your own peace of mind.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Silver in a dream symbolizes money and spending money.

Seeing things made of silver in your dream- often indicates that some purchase or acquisition will cost you a pretty penny.

At the same time, buying beautiful silver things in a dream- a sign of a successful investment. It is possible that you will have some opportunity to preserve and increase your personal savings.

Silver mine in a dream- portends a profitable business.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing silver is a sign of happiness and good health; see molten silver- to possible stress, for patients - to a deterioration in well-being; it is possible that the medicine will contain silver.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing silver things in a dream- to betrayal.

Buy silver- means that you will betray someone.

Eat from silverware- to unexpected profits.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Eat on silver- receive unexpected news about a loved one.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Eating on silver means condemnation from the outside; buying means betrayal.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

Silver jewelry- dream of a gift that will delight you.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Silver - profit.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Silver in a dream?

Silver in large coins- happy times; in small ones - hope will not be fulfilled; melted - losses.

Miller's Dream Book

Silver in a dream serves as a warning: do not rely too much on money to achieve true happiness and satisfaction.

Find a silver coin- evidence of a lack of other money. It is possible that you rush to conclusions too often for the sake of your own peace of mind.

Silverware in a dream

Chinese dream book

Silver expensive items, jewelry- portends wealth and nobility.

Silver cups, dishes- the birth of a noble offspring.

Pans and cauldrons made of silver- great happiness.

Silver bracelets- portends a quarrel between husband and wife, with the use of physical force.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Silver is a symbol of goodness, the moon.

Seeing a piece of silver being taken out of the ground- this dream means that in July 2003 a new deposit will be discovered, which will bring a lot of income.

See a bridge forged from silver- a symbol of dubious luck, an alliance bought for money.

Seeing silver coins with the image of the moon- a harbinger of the visit of creatures about which no one knew anything, but which have been sending signals to the earth for a long time.

Seeing many chests full of silver- a dream that foreshadows a multi-level reform of banknotes.

See a huge boa constrictor guarding a pile of silver- this is a symbol that in 2001 or 2013 an archaeological discovery of great importance and consequences will be made, it will have international significance and will change the history books of ancient civilizations.

See the silver bayonets that fence the front garden- a harbinger of increasing aggression among underdeveloped countries associated with overpopulation and the desire to conquer new territories by force.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Silver in a dream?

Find a silver coin in a dream- portends luck and all sorts of changes for the better.

Lose a silver chain with a pendant- to lack of money, receive as a gift- you will be loved and adored.

silver bracelet- means a lot of fans and everyone is not to your taste.

Seeing silver dishes in a dream- wealth in the house, take it to the pawn shop- you will lose a dear friend.

Eating from silverware- to unsatisfied passions, give it away- provide service after service, buy - happy changes.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Silverware- good material conditions; buy - experience a big change; receive as a gift- provide a great service; have for sale- count on good earnings.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Silver in a dream - warns against excessive worship of the “golden calf”. Don't rely too much on money if you want to achieve true happiness and satisfaction.

Find a silver coin- a clear indication of a lack of money. Perhaps you rush to conclusions too often for the sake of your own peace of mind.

Silverware in a dream- portends unrest and unsatisfied desires.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Silver according to the dream book?

Silver - transitory joy or sadness.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Silver jewelry or silver bars- dreams of tears.

a neighbor died yesterday. and today I had a dream that he had a silver black chain around his neck, weighing half a kg, and he lost it, but I found it and didn’t give it to him. the dream was colorful. colors were both warm and cold

I was riding along the rails on a wooden cart with children and women, the rails were long and not alone, I had a bundle of jewelry and a large silver cross on a chain, then the bundle disappears along with the cross and I find this bundle from the girl, I take the cross from her and I threw the bundle, everything that was in the bundle (earrings, coins, rings, chains, all this silver) into a puddle, but kept the cross for myself and I went further forward along the rails alone.

I dreamed about a silver chain. My chain that I actually have. Only I have it light, but in my dream it was dark, somehow blackened. I hold it in my hands and don’t understand how this can happen, why is it so blackened?

I dreamed that I found in the gravel, under the curb, and also, as it were, a niche under it - and there was also gravel, everything was silver: objects, several small coins and a bell the size of a fist, without a tongue, but with beautiful patterns. I take it in my hands, and it is made of soft silver - it wrinkles (deforms) a little. I really like the finds, but I’m thinking about how to bring them to my city (since I find them somewhere in the resort area of ​​Russia).

I don’t remember the whole dream, but I remember certain fragments very clearly. in a dream my godmother and my father died. There was a lot of silver and I collected this silver and said that it needed to be preserved. This silver belonged to the deceased. And I looked at chains and rings. I was very afraid and felt uneasy when I realized that they were no longer there.

My father brought home a whole bag of silver jewelry, this bag was scattered in the living room, my mother and I looked at them and I liked the earrings, the earrings were very shiny compared to others and with a stone, I admired them, but for some reason I didn’t take them, I was offended by father in a dream

I’m sitting next to my uncle, but for some reason I called him to ask for money, he called and asked for money, he gave it right away, then he also asked for his silver chain, he said that he was going on a special operation (he’s a criminal investigation officer), he said later, but for some reason I saw him nearby and I immediately had two silver chains on my hands, one was slightly thicker than the other chain and they were a little dark in color

in a dream, I was packing things into bags and from the pockets of these things rings of silver earrings fell out, I picked them up and put them on myself, but I didn’t put them all on, only a few, and I still doubted that they were silver. Thank you!

Good afternoon. Today I saw how I choose or look at different rings and I can’t choose, and I’m trying to choose something similar to the one on my finger, but for some reason the color is blue and I look at others, then I see a woman choosing a ring for herself, but the size doesn’t suit her , she turns out to be my mother and I realize that I want to buy a ring for myself, but I can’t afford to buy it and then I suddenly decide to pick up some kind of bracelet, a silver one, which ends up on a tablet with rings and I wake up thinking about the ring..

I have silver earrings with stones, and in a dream one earring was on the finger of a stranger
what is this for?
And another dream I had was that a white cow with a calf was passing by and when she saw me she started kicking around and at one point I fell and her hooves were on my neck and I woke up. Thank you in advance

Hello! Today I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday. As if it was my birthday, a friend with whom I haven’t talked for 8 years and my classmates came to visit and they gave me beautiful silver jewelry, a mobile phone and old books :) I wonder what this is for?

my friend had a dream. He is a Muslim and is not yet married, but he really wants to marry a girl. He dreamed that one of his friends found a piece of silver and gave it to him, and he thought that he would make a ring out of it for himself and his wives.

I was walking in a pedestrian crossing and found a silver bracelet, chain and other jewelry and I understood that these products were not mine and I needed to find the owner, but they were so beautiful and I just held them in my hands and admired them

Hello Tatiana! I had a strange dream. It was as if a metal box wrapped in black cloth flew into a low-rise wooden house next to our office before my eyes. The fabric fluttered in the wind. There was an explosion. Next flew two birds that looked like pterodactyls. One of them pecked at my friend, with whom I am now angry. I also dreamed that the boss gave prizes to others for good work. Women's silver earrings. Didn't give it to me. And I'm angry at him.

I dreamed that a friend gave me a silver chain. On the chain was a blade, three homemade flowers and a silver ring. I took everything off the chain except the ring. And she gave me two wide bracelets. I put on a dress, a chain, a ring and bracelets on both hands. I let my hair down and went for a walk around the city. It was a summer, sunny day.

I dreamed that in a store I was looking at silver rings, as if I was choosing one for myself, then I was about to move away from them, when a small icon of the Kazan Mother of God hanging on a gold chain fell, which I caught, kissed and hung back.
Then I saw two men next to me, strangers to me.

Hello. I dreamed that I found silver jewelry - a chain, mod. I don’t remember the ring or any other jewelry. Plus, in a dream I saw wads of money and hid them, incl. and buried it in the ground.

I dreamed that I found a box at home containing a huge number of different silver chains and pendants. And I need to choose one set for myself. I'm going through these chains, trying them on, but I just can't choose. In my dream I felt tense, as if I couldn’t do this, and I was afraid that I would be caught.

In a dream I saw an old friend and I immediately went home so that she wouldn’t see me. And I change clothes, and into a dress with a lot of silver train and red stone decorations, and I’m wearing everything in the national style, then, so that it’s not too much, I take off the bracelet and don’t remember anymore.

my silver jewelry (chain, earrings) was on my late sister, and on my younger sister, I was furious that they took my things, I wanted to scream, but inside I restrained myself, my dad sat next to me and held his heart, he heart problems, I was afraid for him

The desired woman addressed me by name. She seemed familiar to me but I couldn’t remember her! I felt the warmth of my soul being next to her! She says, “Stop wearing trinkets, here’s a gift for you.” And he puts a gold bracelet with stones on my hand. But at the same time he speaks. What is this silver? I was surprised but pleasant. She accepted the gift and admired it on her hand.

I found the corpse of a man, a forest background or something else... I took off his silver, chains to be precise. I connected 4 of his silver chains with mine, attached my cross, put them on and left, what is this for? I'm a man, I'll be 23 one of these days.

I dreamed that I found a silver chain around my neck and began to pull it out of the ground, it turned out to be a friend of mine, then when I pulled it out next to me I saw a lot of silver, including two bars, I took them and took them to my parents’ house, then it turned out I stole them

hello, I dreamed of a silver ring and an gold ring on my finger. and 2 weeks ago I dreamed that I had gold rings on one hand and this dream came true, of course, not for the good. Thank you

I dreamed that I dived into azure, unusually clear and clean water, and when I emerged, a huge and shaggy gray wolf stood on the shore. He grabbed me by the chain around my neck, I pulled the chain out of his teeth, then he grabbed the bracelet on my hand, as if trying to take it off. I pulled my hand out too. Then I wanted to show this wolf, but I couldn’t find it.

I dreamed that on the shore of some body of water with clear transparent water I was looking for jewelry in the yellow sand with some woman and I found a lot of silver jewelry, I took it for myself and found another silver ring with an orange stone and took it for myself, but I was looking for gold , wanted to find gold

I'm in an unfamiliar place. There are many different monasteries flowing around a large river on the neighboring bank. Very beautiful. People are walking, but there are no acquaintances. My friend is with me and we are going to the river. Monks are walking. My friend and I, whom I actually don’t know, go to the river and in the river we begin to look for treasures in the form of silver things. They were apparently washed out of the river. And as I understood in a dream, this happens all the time. The water is clear and pleasant. The fry are swimming. A lot around the feet. Then my friend tells me that you can walk on water, only here, because the water tastes sweet. And I see a man walking on water. I try to put my foot on the water and I manage to do it too. I’m standing on the water and my legs only go up to my ankles, the water is like jelly. And there is depth under your feet and you can see all the fish. The colors in the dream are very bright.

I had a dream with a lot of silver jewelry, and I also saw colored stones in my dream. The jewelry was put up for sale. Please tell me how to interpret this dream correctly. Thank you, in advance!

hello, I hope for your help. I dreamed that I was holding in my hands a small, unremarkable bag, but there were quite a few gold items in it. Everything was old, shabby, and some things were broken, but most of all I remember a silver bracelet: a thick silver plate is completely covered Egyptian symbols.

I dreamed that I was walking somewhere, and was walking away from home somewhere with 2 friends whom I don’t remember, and they began to find a lot of silver chains, rings, earrings, bracelets against the wall, and since I only wear silver, I began pick up, even brought a package, but my friends only took one or 2 products and that’s it,
And as I woke up (while still in a dream), I thought that I must know the meaning of this dream.
Please help me, what does this dream mean?

Silver has long been considered a noble, pure, virgin metal. It was even called magical, and silver products were called magical, miraculous. Why do you dream about silver? Full interpretation of the dream in our dream book. Read

Its properties are also important; bracelets, chains or rings made of silver can influence a person in every possible way, since this metal is associated with the Moon, which can bestow knowledge, strength, and tranquility.

Silver also has a good effect on women's health, promoting the development of mysterious skills, extreme intuition, and even magical abilities.

Silver is more capable of cooperating with human energy than gold, has a positive effect on the spiritual state, and cleanses the aura.

Why do you dream about silver - Freud's Dream Book

According to Freud's dream book, a dream in which I dreamed of silver broadcasts good events. You will achieve what you dreamed of doing.

If you put silver on your loved one on the personal front, you should spend more time than always, talk more about his personal affairs, and not be selfish.

If you dream that you are wearing silver items, then this is of course a prophetic dream - soon you will be given something that you have been waiting for a long time, but do not forget to thank the person who presented the gift for this gift, it is also recommended to make a small surprise.

Seeing silver in a dream - Miller's interpretation

According to Miller's interpretation, a dream in which silver was seen tells you that you want to get a lot without making any effort.

If you dream of silver that just lies on any object, then this means that nothing ever happens for nothing, you need to do some things (preferably good ones, of course), and increase your efforts.

This also means that you don’t need to be too arrogant when working with employees and superiors; then it’s better to humble your character and make concessions, then things will go up.

In a dream in which you see that silver has been stolen from you or someone else, it is interpreted in different ways. If you see the theft of your silver in a dream, it means that you do not need to chase excessive fame, freedom, or abundance. Everything will come on its own, you just need to try.

If in a dream you saw a picture in which a friend or acquaintance’s silver is being stolen and you simply watch and rejoice, then this is simply envy of this person that you need to defeat and destroy in yourself.

And now you dreamed that they were stealing silver from a loved one and you came to his aid, then soon in reality this person will really need help from you, which is important for him, and in such cases there is no need to be indifferent.

Vanga's dream book - why did you dream about silver?

You dreamed of silver and you admired it, Vanga interpreted it's this way. If in a dream you cannot look enough at shining silver, then an inner light is burning within you that you cannot reveal.

This also means that you have a lot of complexes about yourself and behave closed, but in such cases you need to reveal yourself, not behave in a feigned manner, but truly as you are.

If you put on a silver bracelet or chain and it breaks, then this indicates your untapped talents or activities that you abandoned, but in a dream you want to return to this and think about it, you need to think about everything and make the right decisions to open up in your inner light.

Nostradamus - dreams of silver

Nostradamus broadcast a dream in which he dreams of silver comparing it to a spiritual connection. Since silver is a metal that belongs to the lunar phase, the dream in which you saw silver conveys spiritual awareness, intelligence and prudence in deeds and actions.

If you dreamed of a rough silver stone, it means that you need to read more good books or watch good films, eliminate anger and uncivil treatment of people from your behavior, no matter what.

If you dreamed that the silver was split, then this is a sign that you will soon conquer yourself, your laziness and begin new beginnings.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - silver in a dream

According to Hasse's dream book, a dream in which you dreamed of silver brings you disappointments, sometimes tears.

If you dreamed of silver or silver products, then this portends you disappointment in people, friends or family, and occasionally tears from resentment, pain, unfair treatment of yourself from others.

Also, silver in a dream means that you need to become stronger in spirit and not show your weaknesses, then you will become in demand and rebellious for others.

Since ancient times, silver has been considered a noble metal. It has bactericidal properties and is used to purify water. It is also used to protect against evil spirits. Silver is considered the “metal of the young,” because it cools youthful ardor and helps make informed decisions. Jewelry made from this material looks elegant and sophisticated. Why see silver in a dream, we will consider in detail below.

Why do you dream about silver jewelry?

  • Silver ones - on chains - in reality, success and luck will become your companions, all new endeavors will be crowned with success.
  • If the chain with a cross breaks, be prepared for the fact that you will, one way or another, be affected by certain troubles. For businessmen, this is a signal that it is worth postponing all trips and directing all efforts to developing and strengthening their own business.
  • You dream of a silver pin - new - a good dream, especially for young unmarried girls - your marriage will be very successful, strong, your husband will be a man not only with money, but also with high moral principles. And no envious people will be able to destroy this union.
  • A broken silver pin in a dream is a warning that you can ruin your reputation, not only at work, but also among friends and family. Therefore, carefully monitor your behavior, don’t do stupid things, and the situation will work out.
  • Dreamcatcher silver - if you wear such a pendant, then know that you have voluntarily taken on an unbearable burden. If the chain breaks, unable to withstand the weight of the pendant, then in reality you will not be able to cope with everything that has piled up, your plans are doomed to failure. For a young girl, such a dream suggests that she cares and takes care of her boyfriend too much, and he takes it for granted. One day you will get tired of solving other people's problems, but you will not receive gratitude.
  • A silver tiara in a dream is a very good sign. To put it on yourself - a young girl - for a wedding, a rich groom. Seeing yourself in a tiara - your actions will be appreciated. Find a silver tiara - You miss your former greatness. Losing jewelry means that soon some person will severely insult you, and your honor will be harmed.
  • Dream Interpretation "silver, ring - a favorable sign - wait for the beginning of good times in your life - no problems or anxieties will bother you.
  • Why dream of silver rings on your fingers - in reality, your love and friendship will only grow stronger. (cm. )
  • Seeing your wedding ring in silver means family life will be in order, expect a lot of good news, children will be beautiful, healthy and obedient.
  • Losing a silver ring in a dream means be careful, because in life you may also lose a friend or loved one due to your own carelessness and the aggravation of some quarrel that is not too serious.
  • Dream Interpretation "silver, earrings - to see sadness, loss of profit or incomplete receipt of it. A familiar person on whom you were counting will let you down very badly. Fortunately, this is not someone close to you, but, most likely, an unlucky suitor who I was nice to you (see)
  • Wearing silver earrings is a sign of illness, but this dream also means acquiring certain wisdom and experience; most likely, you need to make some very important decision, and it will turn out to be correct. It is also worth remembering the details of the dream - were the earrings the same or different? If paired, then this is a good sign - for married women - a harbinger of the appearance of a child in the family; for young girls - new relationships and love. If the earrings are not paired, then the planned business will eventually come true, but you will have to face certain difficulties.
  • Losing a silver earring in a dream means a disagreement with your loved one awaits.
  • Broken silver earrings signify a quarrel with your significant other, which can end in a complete break in the relationship.
  • The dream “a man buys silver earrings” prophesies confusion in life. (See) If a man sees himself wearing earrings, then after 11 days he will face humiliation from his superiors or his wife’s departure. If a guy gives earrings to a girl he likes, then this indicates his subconscious sexual interest in this person.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Dream Interpretation: silver in a dream – joy – very great, but soon passing.
  • Dream Interpretation: silver, chain - You will find new friends.
  • Eating from silver utensils in a dream means gaining influence and power over others. (Cm. )
  • The dream “silver cloak” says: expect success in business and prosperity. If you put on a new silver cloak, then expect a lucrative offer in the near future. (Cm. )

Modern dream book

  • Seeing silver in a dream is a warning that you are becoming too dependent on money, which may interfere with your personal happiness.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding gold and silver in coins - in reality You often pay attention to the shortcomings of other people, while forgetting about your own. (Cm. )
  • Why do you dream about many silver items? You often worry about desires that have not come true.

Women's dream book

  • If you dreamed of silver - be careful, you are too dependent on material wealth, do not always put money first, because it cannot buy happiness and moral satisfaction.
  • Finding a silver coin in a dream means you are constantly short of money in life. You tend to rush to conclusions in order to achieve moral peace. (Cm. )
  • If you dreamed about silverware, it represents worries and desires that have not yet been satisfied.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

  • Silver chains, figurines in a dream - expect an intelligent conversation or a pleasant friendly conversation.
  • Silver objects (except money) symbolize the dreamer's clear mind and brilliant thoughts.
  • Seeing silver money in a dream means deception and disappointment. (Cm. )
  • Silver coins in a dream - your dream will not come true.
  • If you find a silver coin in a dream, you will be lucky in life.
  • Silverware in a dream - expect wealth and honors.
  • Seeing molten silver means there will be losses in life.

French dream book

  • If you count your silver, a big win is waiting for you in reality.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of silver - expect troubles in real life.
  • Dream Interpretation: find silver, collect it - get ready for the vicissitudes of fate, but rest assured that they will not break your moral core.
  • Collecting gold or silver in a dream portends deception or loss. (Cm. )

English dream book

  • The dream of “silver” warns you of meeting dishonest people or disappointment in a loved one.
  • Collecting small silver coins in a dream means mental anguish will not give you peace.
  • If you pick up large silver coins, then in reality you will have a successful completion of a major profitable business. (Cm. )
  • Paying or receiving payment in silver means excellent success in trading in real life.
  • If you expose counterfeit silver in a dream, the person you sincerely love is hypocritical towards you.
  • Owning silver vessels means poverty.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

  • Buying silver in a dream means serious changes in life. (See c)
  • If you dream of silver that you want to sell, good earnings await you in reality.
  • To see silver coins in a dream: big ones - happy times will come, small ones - the hopes that you cherish will not come true. (Cm. )
  • Molten silver in a dream foreshadows loss.
  • In a dream, silver dishes are clean, beautiful - you will live comfortably, in luxury; dirty, unpleasant to look at - you will miss a great chance.
  • I dreamed of “receiving silver dishes as a gift” - in life you will help someone, provide a service.
  • I dreamed of drinking from silver vessels - good health, prosperity.

Freud's Dream Book Silver

  • Dream Interpretation: silver, jewelry - in reality you will soon receive as a gift something you have been dreaming about for a long time. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: silver coins - cooling in an intimate way with your soulmate, perhaps only on her part.
  • To see a silver chain around someone’s neck means that the person is too interested in the lives of other people. Freud's dream book says that this is a kind of identification of an unhealthy interest in other people's intimate relationships due to one's own long-term sexual abstinence. You need to stop in time, because you can lose your life by spying on other people's relationships.
  • Seeing a silver chain around your own neck means the dreamer is too attached to some person.

Persian dream book Taflisi

  • Find or see gold and silver in a dream - expect a promotion soon.
  • Why dream of gold and silver in large quantities (entire deposits) - for young girls such a dream foreshadows a very profitable marriage; The guy predicts that he will marry a certain girl who has very wealthy and high-ranking parents.
  • If you dreamed of melting silver, there will be slander against you.
  • Why dream of a silver bracelet - for a man - imminent news of the marriage of a daughter or niece (on his sister's side). For women, such a dream promises the acquisition of wealth and chic outfits in a large wardrobe.

Esoteric dream book

  • Seeing silver dishes in a dream means illness. If you clean it yourself, you yourself will be to blame for the illness.
  • Silver jewelry in a dream predicts the illness of your loved ones (you will recognize them in a dream, or they may be the ones who can give you this item). (Cm. )
  • Interpretation of sleep: silver - bodily ailment, complaints about one’s own health.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • The dream “buy silver, bracelet” says that you will soon experience big changes in your life. (Cm. )
  • “They gave you a silver ring” dream - in life you will be the one who will do someone a great service.
  • Why do you dream of silver jewelry for sale - you can count on good earnings in real life.
  • In a dream, seeing large silver coins means happy times will come.
  • If you dreamed of small coins, you can’t count on them; your hope will not come true.
  • Molten silver in a dream portends losses.

Islamic dream book

The Muslim dream book about silver writes the following:

  • A silver dream speaks of accumulated property.
  • The dream of “finding silver” says6 you will find a treasure or your life will end with an insidious woman.
  • The dream “silver, dishes” says that if you used it in a dream, it means you will commit a sin.
  • If you melt silver in a dream - an unkind sign - expect people’s ridicule and slander.
  • A notch on silver things means the girl is beautiful and pure.
  • Seeing a silver vessel in a dream means good deeds, or goods for businessmen and traders.
  • Silver earrings - the birth of a girl is approaching.
  • Why do you dream of a silver bracelet - for men - care; for women - beauty, goodness, joy (if she wears it above the elbow, then in real life she will become even more beautiful and attractive). Also, a silver bracelet is a kind of embodiment of faith, because there is a belief that the inhabitants of Paradise wear this particular accessory.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

  • A silver table set - a dream foreshadows unfulfilled desires and unnecessary worries.
  • The dream “I dreamed of silver” - in order to earn money, you should not deprive yourself of all the joys of life, because it is fleeting.
  • Finding a silver coin means there will be a shortage of money; you are too hasty in making decisions and drawing conclusions. (Cm. )

Composite dream book

Finding gold or silver in a dream means expect quick profits.

Collect gold and silver - beware of deception or loss of something important.

Ancient dream book

To see silver items in a dream means that in real life you will soon receive a gift from your loved one, a surprise you have long dreamed of.

Summer dream book

If you dreamed of eating food on silver, people from outside will judge you. (Cm. )

If you dreamed of purchasing silver, be prepared for vile betrayal.

Autumn dream book

Eating from silver cutlery means expecting unexpected news about a loved one or relative.

Spring dream book

  • If you buy silver in a dream, you will become a traitor to someone.
  • In a dream, looking at silver objects means expect betrayal.
  • Eating on silver in a dream means you will be pleased with unexpected profits.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

If you dream of silver, you will meet joy or passing sadness in life.

Psychologist Miller's Dream Book

  • To see table silver - you are dissatisfied with life and the fact that your wishes are not fulfilled, and you often worry about this.
  • Finding a piece of silver means that in reality you have problems with finances due to haste in drawing conclusions.
  • If you dream of silver, financial benefits cannot replace true happiness; do not blindly chase after them.
  • Dream interpretation: gold, silver - in the form of a chain - a good sign. For young people, this portends an imminent wedding and a happy marriage. Also, the chain is identified in this dream book with the emotions of the sleeper - his uncertainty, doubts about a loved one or himself.

Small dream book of Veles

  • Dreaming of silver - sadness and tears.
  • Selling silver in a dream promises a win.
  • Dream Interpretation: throwing away silver items means you will despise someone.
  • Holding silver in your hands in a dream means a long and tedious lawsuit with the person who borrowed money from you.

Gypsy dream book

  • Silver bars and money - expect prestige and honor soon. (cm. )
  • If you dream of silver cutlery, unexpected guests will soon come to your home.
  • Selling silver means your well-being will improve in life.
  • Seeing silver in a dream means misfortune will visit you.

Current dream book

I dreamed of losing silver - neglect of someone.

Seeing silver from afar in a dream means an unpleasant lawsuit awaits.

Family dream book

  • If you dreamed of silver, the business will be successful if you drive away laziness and fear of difficulties. Also, be careful and vigilant - try not to make mistakes that will become a stick in your wheels.
  • Dream Interpretation: holding silver in your hands means you are starting a risky business, but know that the slightest mistake can lead to negative consequences for you, so first weigh everything well.
  • Dream Interpretation: losing a silver item - beware of troubles and losses.
  • Dream Interpretation: there are silver utensils on the table - you are afraid of losing your authority in society, you are worried about desires that have not come true.
  • Dream interpretation: throwing away a silver item - separation from a loved one or loved one is approaching. For married people it can mean divorce.
  • Dream Interpretation: carry out trading operations with silver - risky business will be crowned with success.
  • Dream Interpretation: melt silver products - expect troubles and losses.

Intimate dream book

If you dreamed about silver jewelry or products, it’s a good dream and promises the gift of your dreams, which you have wanted for a long time.

Dream book for a bitch

  • Finding silver jewelry in a dream is a vain self-deception to reassure your beloved. (Cm. )
  • If you dream of silver, money cannot buy happiness and love.
  • In a dream, silver kitchen utensils mean dissatisfaction with life, worries about this.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • The dream “silver mine” says that a profitable business is coming soon.
  • The dream of “buying beautiful silver items” warns: the money will find a successful investment. It is possible to increase capital.
  • I dreamed about silver – various finances and expenses.
  • If you dreamed about silver items, this means an expensive major purchase is ahead.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • If you dream of a silver bracelet, there will be many admirers, but not one will be dear to you.
  • If you dreamed about silver kitchen utensils, it means prosperity and comfort in your home.
  • If you dreamed of eating on silver, your passions will remain unsatisfied.
  • Dream Interpretation: a silver chain - if it was given to you - you will be greatly loved and pampered.
  • Dream Interpretation: finding a silver coin means a white streak will begin in life, you will be lucky in everything. (cm. )

ABC of dream interpretation

  • I dreamed of silver dishes - an auspicious sign, you will be honored, and expect wealth.
  • Seeing silver objects in a dream means a clear thought, a bright mind.
  • If you dream of silver jewelry, expect a friendly heart-to-heart conversation.

Medieval dream book

  • If you dreamed about mountains and silver or gold, there will be great joy. (Cm. )
  • Why do you dream of gold and silver together - happy times will come.
  • If you dreamed of finding silver or copper, it would be good.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

  • If you dreamed of dining out of silver dishes, it would mean unexpected profits.
  • If you dreamed about silver items, it means betrayal.
  • If you dreamed of buying silver, you would betray someone.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

If you dreamed of eating a meal on silver, strangers will discuss you.

If you buy silver, beware of betrayal.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

If you eat on silver in a dream, expect unexpected news about a loved one in life.

Chinese dream book

  • Seeing silver in a dream means great luck awaits you.
  • Why dream of gold and silver jewelry - you will gain wealth, become a noble person.
  • The dream “silver cup” states: you will have a child who will become a noble person.
  • The dream “silver pots, frying pans” prophesies great happiness.
  • Silver bracelets in a dream signify a quarrel between spouses, possibly involving the use of force.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • If you dream of silver, there will be joy, great, but fleeting.
  • Seeing silver money in a dream means tears.
  • Why dream of a silver chain - you will find friendly connections.
  • Silverware signifies influence and great power.
  • If you see a silver earring in your own son’s ear, then get ready to marry him soon.

Dream Interpretation Maya

For a sick person to see silver jewelry in a dream is a favorable sign - he will soon recover. To make this happen as soon as possible, the dream book recommends placing as many silver items as possible under the patient’s bed for three days.

If you dream that you are mining silver, beware of injury from someone. To avoid such an unpleasant situation, you need to prick your finger with a needle, and then carry it with you for 7 days.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

If you dream about silver, expect all the best: prosperity in everything, solutions to all material problems, high financial income. To make all this come true, the dream book advises imagining three chests that are standing next to each other. In one of them there are exquisite silver jewelry, in the second there are countless coins, in the third there are cutlery and silver dishes. (See) You need to open all the chests, take the contents of each of them. Put on jewelry, use coins to buy something for your home that you have long dreamed of, and after thoroughly cleaning the silverware, place it on the table and sit down to have a meal with your loved ones. (See) After all these manipulations, your wishes will definitely come true.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

  • A dream about silver says that the main thing in your life is not the financial side, but the soulmate you met, because she loves you very much. Do not deprive your loved ones of attention and tenderness.
  • You dreamed of silverware - small everyday issues bother you.
  • If you dreamed of finding a silver coin, you will need money for some time in life.

Jewish dream book

This dream book interprets a dream about silver in two ways: on the one hand, it is a harbinger of such emotions as sadness, anger, tears, deception, but sometimes you can expect all sorts of pleasures after this dream.

Silver glasses symbolize excellent health and well-being in the family.

Psychoanalytic dream book

This dream book divides dreams about silver into three types:

  • The first is practical. Silver here acts as all sorts of financial benefits in life. This is a unique way of dealing with financial difficulties.
  • The second is psychological. Silver is identified with the Moon, the parallel is that some person or thing is accessible to us, and, at the same time, unattainable.
  • The third is spiritual. Silver is feminine, while gold is masculine.

Magic dream book

  • If you dream about a lot of silver, there will be a reason for joy, good times will come.
  • You were given silver objects - in reality, expect that someone will help in a difficult situation.
  • Large coins symbolize profit in the form of good earnings. (Cm. )

Dream book of lovers

Dream Interpretation of Pythagoras

Why do you dream of silver earrings - according to Pythagoras’s dream book, this dream is a good sign for schoolchildren and students - it promises them ease of study, no difficulties when passing exams. Only two subjects can be problematic, but if a student repeats everything 2 days before the test, then there will be no problems with these subjects either.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

The silver bracelet that you see on your wrist can tell many interesting things about you personally. For example, the fact that you are a person with a rich imagination, but at the same time, you know exactly what you want from life and from those around you. But the fact is that people do not always live up to our expectations, which we often have to put up with.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus


A dream about silver can mean completely different events - it is important to remember its details. For example, accepting a silver item as a gift is a favorable sign - this is how almost all dream books interpret it. But the silverware that you dream about testifies to everyday experiences. Various dream books offer diametrically opposed interpretations. And it’s up to you which one you should trust. But, as you know, if you hope for good things, they will definitely come into your life.