Draw results 6 out of 45 archive. Secrets of forecasting in Gosloto: choosing numbers

I won a couple of times

Grade: 5

The lottery is interesting, I’ve been hanging out on the Stoloto website for a very long time, since I was a student. It's convenient, you don't need to buy tickets, everything happens right on the lottery website. In order to be able to play this lottery, I had to register an account. It took no more than a minute, then I selected my cherished 6 numbers in the aggregator and began to wait for the draw. It must be said that they take place frequently, literally 2-3 times a day, so there is a chance to win more, and the amounts up for grabs are more impressive.
My maximum win in the lottery was 500 rubles. I got it out without any problems using my phone number, then I played a dozen more times, but I never won more than 50 rubles; I spent them on buying new tickets.

Justified the costs

Grade: 4

The only drawback that I noticed is that the draw is on TV too early, on weekends, so I just watch the results of the draw online afterwards. But the minus is not so critical. So, for those who get up early, it’s just right. The ticket that I bought last time became a winner, I even jumped up in my chair when the notification arrived. True, the winnings were only 80 rubles, but it’s still nice that at least the costs paid off. I can recommend the lottery to anyone who likes to dream.

It's a pain to win

Grade: 3

On the plus side: you can win. Of the minuses: a little expensive. The lottery is not new; it appeared more than 5 years ago. Externally, the tickets have practically not changed, they are designed the same, the same fields, numbered with letters. I don’t like playing on the Internet, so I only buy tickets at stalls. Circulations are infrequent, only 2 times a day, but this is better than every 15 minutes and better than once a week. This way there is less confusion and hassle, but you won’t forget what day to expect the draw.
The organizers quickly raised prices when it became popular; initially the cheapest ticket cost 50 rubles. It is often possible to guess 2 numbers, but this is only a win of 100 rubles, I don’t even try to return it, because getting money, even a small amount, is very dreary.

The only thing that is not at a loss

Grade: 3

1 ticket costs 100 rubles. I filled out tickets with combinations of numbers immediately at the kiosk, then checked the results of the drawings on the Internet. I won small amounts from 50 to 700 rubles and bought tickets for them again. I never got a big win.

One of the most profitable

Grade: 4

I noticed one peculiarity: to win, you need to invest a lot of money, this increases the chances and there is logic in this! I can’t spend a large amount, but I spend a little, but I also win a little. My principle is simple: to avoid excruciating pain, I spend only the money that I have “free” on the lottery. 2nd principle: I don’t change the combination of numbers throughout the year, for example. I use the same ones for a very long time until I feel like it’s time to change them. Also, I never throw away purchased tickets, I save them. This gambling game periodically pleases me with not very big winnings.

I don't see the online giveaway

Grade: 3

I don’t know if this is an accident or a pattern, but every time I try to watch the draw online, the picture freezes wildly and “crumbles”. Although the laptop is quite powerful and fast. By the way, the situation is the same in the application on the phone. Therefore, I will only find out the results in the drawing table. It also happens that the gaming site takes a long time to credit money to the wallet in my personal account, so I don’t have time to buy a ticket. While you wait for crediting, sales are stopped. And you have to wait for the next circulation.

A multi-circulation option is available, which means there is a chance!

Grade: 4

I bet on the same numbers for several runs ahead. This option is available in this lottery. It's interesting that with the advent of the Internet, you can easily see which numbers come up most often. The Stoloto website will provide any information on winnings, statistics before your eyes. Those who win admit to using the combinations of the winning numbers.

Whoever takes a pack of tickets will receive...

Grade: 5

The point of the game is to have as many matching numbers on your ticket as possible.
Tickets can be purchased both at points of sale and online. Of course, people want to brag about their luck, but the risk of being left with nothing, thanks to such publicity, is great. So, no one knows about the hidden winnings. There are a few who advertise themselves.

Lucky numbers never came up

Grade: 4

Despite many negative reviews on the Internet calling this lottery a scam, I don’t think that this is a scam of gullible Fortune seekers. Firstly, I myself often win, albeit minimal amounts, and secondly, I personally know a person who won a substantial jackpot in this lottery - more than 100 thousand rubles. Well, the fact that this is a lottery with state participation already has a certain reputation. But the functionality that shows the supposedly lucky numbers that appear most often did not inspire confidence. I fell for it and crossed them out on the ticket among other numbers. Moreover, I placed a ticket for the maximum possible number of draws, that is, in this lottery it is 10. Accordingly, the price of the ticket soared several times in comparison with what it would have been if I had ordered a simple, one-draw bet.

No fraud

Grade: 4

Of course, it’s difficult to guess 6 numbers when there are 45 cells on the field, but that’s all the more exciting. Ticket prices are low - for just 100 rubles you get the chance to become a millionaire. I like that you can play not only with the paper version of the lottery, but also online. I like the option of playing via SMS, everything is exactly the same as in the paper version, but there is no need to be afraid that the ticket will be lost - all numbers sent by message are automatically entered into the drawing system. By the way, on the lottery website there is a hint for especially gambling players - the most frequently drawn numbers are indicated both for the last 10 draws and for the entire time of the lottery. So, I think everything here is fair and without fraud. Moreover, draws take place three times a day - in the morning, afternoon and evening; the results of the draws can be monitored in real time.

There is a premium club

Grade: 5

As for me, it’s more convenient to play on the website than to deal with paper media. Because if you lose the stub of a paper ticket, you won’t be able to prove anything to anyone. And in electronic form, data is not lost. As soon as you put the ticket in the cart and paid (and you need to do this in 15 minutes, otherwise the ticket will automatically fly out of the cart), all the information is recorded on the site server and will not be lost anywhere.
It’s nice that the site has a bonus system. I installed the application on my phone - get a bonus, paid and sent the e-ticket to a friend - a bonus was also awarded. Bonus points can then be spent on purchasing tickets, but they cannot be cashed out. Those who often play and bet large sums can be enrolled in the Premium Club, where, in addition to all sorts of goodies in the form of closed promotions, accelerated auto payouts, the opportunity to participate in the draw for free, there is also a personal manager.

At the bottom of the main screen you can see table, containing:

- circulation number;
A1..A6- numbers drawn in the corresponding draw (all numbers are sorted in ascending order);
Max-Min- the difference between the maximum and minimum numbers;
Average- the average value of all numbers (their sum divided by 6);
d1..d5- difference between two adjacent numbers;
Odd- number of odd numbers;
Even- number of even numbers;
Sum- the sum of all numbers;
Prev- the number of numbers drawn in the current draw from the previous one;

If you double-click on the table in any column with numbers, a window with the corresponding graph will appear.

Above the table there is a picture in the form of cells in which numbers are displayed, like in a 6 by 8 lottery coupon; to the right of the picture there is a switch with which you can change the display mode from 2x23 to 23x2.

File menu.

Open- open the file with the results of the draws. The file format is six numbers per line, separated by spaces, the sequence is not important, the program will sort itself, the latest draws are at the top. When launched, the program automatically loads a file named 6x45.txt located in the program directory.

Update- update the circulation database via the Internet.

Rus/Eng- selection of interface language (Russian/English).


Show- Show the main table in a separate window;

Find- search for any numbers in previous draws;

Statistics- general statistics - how many times what number appeared during the entire period;

Average- the average value of the numbers drawn in positions A1 to A6 (all numbers are sorted in ascending order) - i.e. the sum of column A1 divided by the number of circulations, then also with column A2, etc.;

Character- characteristic number;

Combinations- displays a table and graph of correspondence to the numbers in the draw and their combinations (for example, the combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 is the first, there is a total 45!/(45-6)!/6! = 8 145 060 combinations)

Delta- statistics of intervals between two adjacent numbers;

Map- map:

Double clicking on the map changes its appearance, keys + And - change size;

Check sum- sums of numbers in draws and their distribution;

Cold numbers- cold numbers - how many draws ago a number was last drawn;

Frequency- frequency of balls falling out for a certain number of recent draws;

Zone- dividing the range 1..45 into a certain number of zones and calculating which zone includes how many drawn numbers;

Final sum- the sum of finite elements - for example, the number 45 = 4+5=9; the same thing happens when dividing a number modulo 9 -

Triples- 14,190 combinations consisting of triplets are generated and their occurrence in the drawn draws is sought.

Numbers- statistics of number pairs - which number is paired with which one most often appears;

Freq A1...A6- statistics on the frequency of numbers appearing in positions A1...A6

Match in draws- coincidences between circulations - how many threes, fours or fives coincided in different circulations.

Separation- dividing numbers into groups.

Period- after how many runs do the numbers of threes, fours or fives repeat?

At the top are the array input fields Array 1 And Array 2.

Button Remove array 1 from 1..45 removes from the array 1..45 elements contained in the array Array 1.

Button Combine array 1 and 2 combines two arrays into one.

Export chatr to file

Button Export to BMP- copying a picture from the main screen to a file (format - bmp).

If the checkbox is checked Merge, then the pictures are integrated into one file called merged.bmp, which is written to the program directory:

If the checkbox Merge is not installed, then each picture is written to a separate file. An example of animation made from separate files:

In the lower left corner there is a text input field, the contents of which can be sorted (button Sort) descending or ascending (if the checkbox is checked Ascend). Button Reverse you can change the sequence of lines (i.e. the first line will become the last). Button Save saves the contents of the text field to disk.

Button Open binary file- allows you to view the contents of a binary file in text form.

On the right side of the screen there are two random number generators.

Random generator- perfect random number generator. The principle of its operation is that the counter rotates continuously (started by the button Start, counts up to approximately 100 in one second), and when the button is pressed Generate the contents of the counter at the moment this button is pressed are read into the line below the buttons. To get perfect random numbers, you need a button Generate Press as rarely as possible - for example, once every few tens of minutes.

Nonlinear Random generator- nonlinear random number generator. Those numbers that appeared more often in previous drawings will be generated more often.

Shuffle string- shuffling numbers in a line randomly.

A pass is the number of draws that have passed between the appearance of any number. Example - number 1 (circulation 103):

Number 1:
8 10 1 1 2 4 2 2 17 13 3 3 0
0 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 8 10 13 17
Skip Median: 3 Summary: 66 Average: 5.08

Top line ( 8 10 1 1 2 4 2 2 17 13 3 3 0 ) - gaps from left to right - i.e. in the last draw (103) there was a missing 0 - the number 1 fell; before that, the number 1 came out in the 99th draw - skip 3 etc.

The line below is 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 8 10 13 17 - gaps sorted in ascending order. The median of gaps is the number from the middle of the array of sorted gaps: 0 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 8 10 13 17 (if the number of elements in the array is even, then the rightmost number from the left half of the array is taken).

There is a so-called Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG for short). Using this formula, you can calculate the probabilistic median for the game 6 out of 45 for a 50% degree of certainty:

log(1-0.5)/log(1-6/45) = 4.84 =~ 5

What does this median mean? This means that on average each ball falls out more than 50% of the time after 5 pranks.

Parameter Skip Median shows how close the distribution of gaps is to the theoretical value ( 5 ).

There are two game strategies:

1. Numbers with the last gap equal to or less than the probabilistic median are selected 5 .
2. Numbers are selected with the sum of the last two gaps equal to or less than double the probability median (5*2= 10 )

Example - forecast for 104 circulation:

According to the first strategy:
2 3 6 8 9 10 15 17 19 25 26 27 29 33 34 35 38 39 41 42 43 45

For the second:
3 5 6 8 9 10 15 18 19 26 29 30 31 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 43 44

If you place the cursor on a line with any draw, the nearest numbers in previous draws from this draw will be highlighted in blue.

The parameters in the table Any1..Any6 show how many draws ago a particular number came out.

1 3 4 7 14 16
Those. one number came up 1 draw ago - in the 103rd draw - this is the number 36;
3 draws ago the second number came up - in 101 draws it was the number 15; etc.

Parameters Pos1..Pos6 are the same, but the position of the number is taken into account:
Example for circulation 105 (15 20 23 28 36 41):
37 36 32 43 8 41
Those. 37 draws ago the number 15 fell on position 1 - this was 37 draws ago - in the 59th draw;
the number 36 appeared 8 draws ago - in the 96th draw on position 5.

If you make a lot of bets on the Gosloto 6 out of 45 draw, or if you make detailed bets, then it can be difficult to quickly check such tickets by simply watching the draw. Especially for such cases, on the Lotopobeda website we have developed for you an automatic check of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery ticket by its number.

Checking a ticket for any existing draw using this method is not difficult. On this page you can find a ticket verification form. Just fill out two fields: in the first, enter the number of the circulation you are interested in, and in the second, enter the number of your ticket. Click the "Check" button and get the result within a second. It will appear below the form.

How to fill out the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery ticket verification form?

Enter only numbers for the circulation and ticket numbers. You can find them on your ticket. If you want to check several tickets, you need to do this sequentially, each time entering the number of the next ticket and checking it. It is IMPOSSIBLE to enter several numbers at once (separated by a space, comma or other delimiters). The same applies to the circulation number.

Our ticket verification is 100% accurate, as it works on the same principle as verification at official points of sale. We receive winning data directly from Stoloto. Dear friends, play Gosloto 6 out of 45, check your tickets, win prizes and get only pleasant emotions from playing the lottery!

When tossing a coin, the probability of getting “heads” or “tails” is 50/50. Of course, this does not mean that after “heads” a “tails” will necessarily fall out. However, it is absolutely certain that the more attempts are made, the closer the average value will be to 50%. If, for example, a coin is tossed one hundred thousand times, then the occurrence of “heads” and “tails” will be distributed approximately equally.

The same applies to lotteries. The chances of guessing a particular prize category are known; it is quite possible to see how they coincide with the mathematically expected ones.

Let's take lottery 6 out of 45 from Gosloto
The probability of winning by category is as follows:
2 numbers - 1:7
3rd - 1:45
4 numbers - 1:733
5th - 1:34 808
6 numbers - 1:8 145 060

More than 1,800 draws have already taken place in lottery 6 out of 45; the base is quite sufficient for a correct comparison. So, from the 1st to the 1826th draw, players bet 479 million combinations

68.4 million “twos” (479,000,000 / 7)
10.6 million "threes" (479,000,000 / 45)
653 thousand “fours” (479,000,000 / 733)
13,761 “fives” (479,000,000 / 34,808)
And finally - 58 “sixes” (479,000,000 / 8,145,060)

Did this really happen?
Let's compare; during the same period, that is, from the 1st to the 1826th circulation, the following fell:
77.7 million “twos” - 113%
11.5 million “threes” - 108%
701 thousand “fours” - 107%
15,177 “fives” - 110%

But! That's not the fun part!
The most interesting thing is that the prize of the main category in numerical lotteries from Gosloto was not always so unattainable. For example, in the first few years, six was rolled out regularly, within the statistically expected range.

Just a few years ago, six was more common:

During 2008-2011, players placed 6 out of 45 bets on the lottery - 115.5 million bets. “Six” was guessed 12 times during the same period, that is, 9,625,000 combinations were obtained on average for each win. Or 118% of the statistically expected (8,145,060) result

What happened after 2011?
For 2012 - 2016 (1827 editions inclusive), players placed 364 million bets. According to the laws of statistics, 44 “sixes” should have fallen during this time. But during the same period, they turned out only 17 times. Almost three times (!!) less than it should be

Such a serious deviation, and only in one category, means only one thing - the organizers are dishonest and manipulate the winning combination in their favor. Simply put, jackpots are artificially grown and taken to the side

Number of bets (in millions) required to guess a six

(the last jack has not yet been guessed. There are already 40 million bets...)

As you can see in this diagram, for some time now there have been no-jack series, when instead of an average of 8.1 million bets, guessing the “six” requires 30-40 million bets. Which is several times (!!) higher than the calculated value. I'll tell you this - incredibly, damn much.

If we return to the comparison of tossing a coin, then perhaps 80 thousand “heads” when tossing 100 thousand times will, I think, be a phenomenon of the same order. Since this simply cannot be, there are only two explanations here: either, something is wrong with the coin. Or, the thrower can control its flight and land it accordingly, on the desired side...

So in numerical lotteries from Gosloto, the organizers violate the laws of statistics, since they simply control the occurrence of a “winning” combination. The discrepancy only and exclusively in the prizes of the main category clearly shows this. It remains to add that all this began in 2011, after the cancellation of the live broadcast. And it finally took hold in December 2013, after the transition to RNG

Exactly the same fantastic discrepancies with statistics occur in the 6 out of 36 lottery
The odds of winning by category are as follows:
2 numbers - 1:8
3 numbers - 1:81
4 numbers - 1:432
5 numbers - 1:376,992

More than 4,000 draws have already taken place in lottery 5 out of 36, so it’s even more interesting to look at the results
From the 1st to the 4184th draw, players placed 313 million bets

It can be expected that during this time the following was guessed:
39.1 million "twos" (313,000,000 / 8)
3.8 million "threes" (313,000,000 / 81)
128 thousand “fours” (479,000,000 / 2,432)
And finally - 830 “fives” (479,000,000 / 376,992)

What do we really have?
37.2 million “twos” - 95%
3.8 million “threes” - 100%
125.8 thousand “fours” - 98%

And - what do you think, how many “fives” did you get - 100%, 90%, or maybe 95%?
Ah, here comes the fig, dear friends!

A total of 421 fives were guessed throughout the entire period.
That is, again - two times less than calculated...

once upon a time "fives were guessed much more often than now

By the way. If you look at the number of bets on one “five” for another period, for example from the same 2012, you can see that:
- the number of bets for this period amounted to 246 million
- with such a volume of bets there should be 652 “fives”

In reality, during this time there were only 198 fives. Yet again - three times less than it should be.

P.s. The 6 out of 45 lottery is now luring players with another record jackpot - 242 million rubles. I can only say one thing to everyone who wants to try their luck - this money is not prepared for you guys! The organizers are most likely simply pocketing the record super prizes. What is the point of participating in a lottery where it is already clear who will take the main prize?

P.p.s. Anyone who wants can compare the results themselves; I am posting the file with the data in the public domain.

Is it possible to win the Gosloto lottery? If we exclude the assumption that the lottery organizers are dishonest, then we can say with confidence: yes, it’s real.

Those who rely not only on intuition, but also use statistical analysis, powerful analytical mathematical tools and various lottery systems know how to win in Gosloto.

It has long been known that, along with the laws of nature, sociology, economics, etc. There are also laws of numbers. There are also some mathematical formulas and axioms that can be used to maximize the probability of getting a certain sequence of numbers. Among them I would highlight the following


1. Agree that, despite theoretical probabilities and calculations, the chance of getting a sequence only from even or only from odd numbers very small? Therefore, you should avoid such combinations in your bets.

2. Sequences also have a very unlikely chance of dropping with a small or, conversely, very large sum of its numbers.
For example: 1,4,6,9,11,12 or 35,37,40,41,44,45 (I’m not talking about 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 40,41,42,43, 44,45).

3. Western practitioners and analysts, analyzing large archives of various lotteries, came to the conclusion that when choosing numbers for your bets, it is not necessary to analyze starting from some shaggy year 1900, but just analyze the last 50 draws this lottery. The result will not be worse, but most often even better.

4. Statistics show that there are so-called "hot numbers" (Hot numbers), which were most often drawn in the previous 10 draws and which have a 61% (on average) probability of appearing again in the next draw.

5. Moreover, you won’t believe it, but you can see for yourself that with a probability of approximately 10%, the numbers that appeared in the previous (last) draw are drawn. These are super hot "priority numbers" (Prior numbers).

6. Similarly, the so-called "cold numbers" (Cold numbers) - numbers that have not been drawn for a very long time.

7. With a probability of about 2% they drop out "expected numbers" (Due numbers), which most often appear together with hot or cold numbers in pairs, triples or quadruples.

8. Well, it would be a sin to deny that the chances of winning increase if you place more bets using full and incomplete (shortened) lottery systems in the game. For example, such as .

How can we now combine and use all this?

Very simple. Use special software, everything has already been invented for us!
I don’t know what it’s like with Russian developments, but the West has plenty of it (type something like “lotto software” into Google).

Personally, I really liked it and have been using the program from www.windowslotto.com.

In short, Lotto Pro is a rather interesting application that is designed to guess the most likely “lucky” numbers in all kinds of lotteries. Its distinctive feature is that it does not use a random number generator to calculate numbers, but a powerful analytical tool, the operating principle of which is based on statistical analysis, and it copes well with its task, taking into account all the above wishes.

The program comes pre-installed with more than 100 types of lotteries (all Western). But you can choose among them Gosloto lotteries that are similar to ours, for example, the same 6 out of 45 or 5 out of 36. Or you can enter your own lottery into the program with your own conditions:

The program also comes pre-installed with a bunch of different complete, incomplete, incomplete with extension numbers and systems with keys:

For the program to work correctly, you need to know lotteries (preferably at least 50 draws). They need to be entered into a special form and click on the button responsible for starting the analysis. After this, the program will make a calculation and offer a list of numbers with the highest probability of appearing in the next draw.

How to choose? Let's say you decide to use .

18 rooms. 11 of them (~61%) are your choice and preference from the Hot column (numbers in parentheses indicate the number of their appearances in the last 10 draws), 2 numbers (~10%) - from the Prior column, 4 or 5 numbers ( ~27%) - from the Cold column (numbers in parentheses indicate how many draws ago this number was last drawn) and your choice of 1 number from the expected numbers or nothing - the Due column.

You can apply filters to the selected combinations by the number of even or odd numbers or by the minimum and maximum amount in the combinations:

According to the developers, in some types of lotteries the program allows you to guess the winning numbers with a probability of 87%.

The disadvantage of the program is, as always, it is paid ($29.95; trial period 15 days). But it's worth it. Overall I recommend it!

Well, you can buy it at our kiosk. And it’s quite inexpensive. I also recommend it!