Article about the graduation event at the development studio. Graduation at the Philippok Early Development School

Scenario High school prom

At school early development "Fidgets"

Children enter the hall in pairs to the song “On the Road of Goodness.” They circle and stop.

Leading: Good afternoon, dear parents. Good afternoon, dear guests. We are very glad to welcome you! Today is a bit of a sad holiday - our students, your children, are ending their stay at the “Fidgets” early childhood development school. Today we proudly send our children off to school. Now they are standing in front of you and are very worried. Let's greet them with thunderous applause.

Children read poetry

1st child: Met many times

There is a holiday in this hall, but we have never known one like this.

2nd child: Most best holiday, sad and cheerful.

Today the CDT is accompanying us to school.

3rd child. Today is a spring day, bright, so exciting for us!

Summer will fly by unnoticed, we will be greeted by school - first grade!

4th child. We will always try to get only A's!

We promise to bring only joy to mothers!

5th child. We say to the teachers: “Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

Go around the whole world, there is no better school than this!

6th child. You loved us and taught us. you raised us like flowers.

It's a pity that we can't take you with us to first grade.

7th child. They are waiting for us school items, waiting for the ABC book pages

We learned about planets, deserts and seas.

8th child:

Here we were friends, we played, we learned the first letters,

They grew up imperceptibly and became quite big.

9th child:

Today is an unusual, wonderful, excellent day!

There is one reason for this, it is clear to everyone.

Very soon, very soon we will go to school.

And it’s time for us to wish “No fluff, no feather!”

10th child:

To everyone who was next to us, raised us, raised us,

He took care of us and did various jobs.

To everyone who worried about us every minute - we bow now!

11th child:

We thank the adults, everyone...

All: We say thank you.

12th child:

Only we need to say goodbye to our dear Center.

The school will be very happy with first-graders like this,

Strong, brave and cheerful, the most friendly of the guys.

All: Hello, holiday!

Hello school! Goodbye CDT!

Song ………………………………

Leading: Guys, guests should come to our holiday today. But where are they? They haven't been around for a long time!

Under cheerful music Shapoklyak runs into the hall

Shapoklyak: Hello, my dears. Hello, my beautiful ones. How I love little children: they play pranks so much and break toys. They shoot with slingshots, break windows, and don’t listen to adults.

Leading: No, Shapoklyak, you are mistaken. These are completely different children: they have grown up and are going to school, and therefore they have become serious and no longer play pranks. Really, guys? (children's answers)

Shapoklyak: Where are they going, to school?

Leading: To school, to study.

Shapoklyak: You have nothing to do in this school, study and study lessons all day long.

Leading: How do you know that?

Shapoklyak: I once spent two years in first grade. And since then (proudly) I haven’t learned anything anywhere. Here!

Leading: So that's why you're so...

Shapoklyak: So smart and sensible.

Leading: No, I wanted to say - unread, illiterate and uncultured, and you probably don’t know how to sing or dance.

Shapoklyak: What?! Would you think that your school knows how to do everything?!

Leading: The guys will now show you how talented they are.

Shapoklyak(with a grin): I’ll look at them now.

Dance being performed

Shapoklyak: Wonderful dance. You danced so well that I wanted to go to school too. Is it possible for me to go to first grade with you?

Leading: If you want to join us -

We'll test your knowledge.

Let's check, guys, what does Shapoklyak know?

13th child:

Come on, tell us all, how much is 2 + 3?

Shapoklyak(scratching head): It'll be... It'll be... Around six.

Leading: Children, is the correct answer?

Children: No.

13th child:

No, it will be five! You don't know how to count.

Shapoklyak: I specifically said the wrong answer. A very simple task. Great mathematicians to me too.

Leading: Oh, you are. Then I will ask you a difficult problem. Are you ready? Just listen carefully. Imagine that you were given five candies. You gave me one candy. How many candies do you have left?

Shapoklyak: Five!

Leading: Five?

Shapoklyak: Yes, five!

Leading: Why five, because you gave one candy to me?

Shapoklyak: But I won’t give it to anyone, I love candy myself.

Leading: Children, did Shapoklyak solve the problem correctly?

Children: No!

Leading: How many candies should she have left?

Children: four!

Leading: Right! You need to share with friends. You, Shapoklyak, should be ashamed.

Shapoklyak(with a mockery): Shame, very shame!

Leading: Shapoklyak, you must remember the rule.

14th child: Without counting there will be no light on the street,

A rocket cannot rise without counting.

Without an invoice, the letter will not find its addressee and the children will not be able to play hide and seek.

15th child: Count it guys consider more precisely,

Feel free to add a good deed,

Get rid of bad things quickly! count, guys, count more precisely.

Leading: Okay, we'll give you a chance to improve.

16th child:

I'll take four letters

And from them I will make a word. (posted by “mom”) Now everything is ready. Take a closer look, read this word to us.

Shapoklyak: Is it soap or something?

Presenter ( to children): What is written here?

Children: Mother

Leading: Shapoklyak, you need to learn to read. And now they will tell us why this is needed.

17th child. Speech development is an important activity:

After all, everyone should be able to write letters.

We, friends, are learning our alphabet from A to Z.

18th child. Great power there are in letters when we can read them.

We don't just know letters - we make words from them.

19th child. We don’t pester mothers: we’ll read the fairy tale ourselves.

We also know how to write our names.

We all need literacy, it will help everyone.

20th child: How good it is to be able to read! no need to pester your mom,

No need to shake grandma: “Read, please!” Read it!”

21st child: No need to beg your sister: “Well, read another page!”

No need to call, no need to wait, but you can just pick it up and read it!

Leading: It’s too early for you, Shapoklyak, to go to school, you don’t know much!

Shapoklyak: You gave all the assignments for fifth grade!

Leading: Okay, the easiest test. Can you pack your briefcase?

Shapoklyak: Oh, it's very simple, you need to take the most necessary things that will be useful at school.

Attraction "Collect a briefcase".

The first option is that Shapoklyak collects alone, then calls the children. The second option is Shapoklyak in the center and two children on the sides. Shapoklyak’s portfolio includes musical instruments, slingshot, toys, etc.

Leading. What should I do with you? Who knows?

Two grandmothers, Ivanovna and Stepanovna, enter to the accompaniment of cheerful music.

Ivanovna and Stepanovna: We!

Ivanovna: We are old grandmothers, inseparable friends.

Stepanovna: Inseparable girlfriends, we live in the same hut!

Ivanovna: I am Grandma Ivanovna!

Stepanovna: I am Grandma Stepanovna.

Together: And we do everything perfectly!

Ivanovna: Let's write!

Stepanovna: Let's draw!

Ivanovna: Let's eat!

Stepanovna: And we dance.

Recorded music is playing.

Dance "Old Grandmothers". Old ladies are dancing.

Shapoklyak: We danced well, so what?

Ivanovna: Here's what! We are taking you on bail.

Shapoklyak: How is that?

Together: And like this! (Take hands)


Sing songs and dance.


And tell poems,

And tie your shoelaces.

Leading: Ivanovna, listen to how our children can sing ditties.

Children sing ditties

    A secret from all the kids

We composed couplets

And now here are five

We will sing them carefully.

Mom used to decide everything

What should we eat, what should we wear?

And now everything will have to be

We have to figure it out ourselves.

Now I have a concern:

And I don’t know what to do -

Mom and dad are at work

Who should carry a briefcase?

Dad invented the alarm clock

So that I don't oversleep class.

I definitely attached it to the call

Hefty hammer.

  1. The lessons are difficult

For schoolchildren now,

And my mother is with me

I signed up for first grade.

Stepanovna: Guys, you are great! You learned a lot in “Fidgets”, you know and can do a lot.

Ivanovna: Can you solve riddles?

Children: Yes!

Stepanovna: We’ll check this now.


    It must be studied, it teaches everyone to read (the alphabet)


    I can write any word on paper,

I will help you solve very difficult problems.

Don't forget me, my friend,

Without me you are like without hands (handle)

Shapoklyak: Can I also tell you a riddle?

    He was born very long,

But he grew up and became shorter (pencil)

Ivanovna, Stepanovna: They know everything, they can do everything!


That's it, you checked us,

Is everyone ready for first grade?


No, one more task

Fascinating competition.


A game: Hey guys, spread your arms, let's sit on the floor, like in an apartment.
And now everyone stood up together,
They removed their hands to their belts.
Everyone step to the right.
Everyone step to the left.
Now let's cross all our legs.
And let's jump on the spot
And hands up and down
Let's give everyone an encore!
And then sneeze together
Now you need to laugh!
Everyone sat down on the floor together!
Spin around, stand up, sit down!
It's like we're on a carousel!
Now listen to the command:
Grab yourself by the ears
And tongues out,
And wider elbows,
And then, together, together,
Let's jump on the spot!

Ivanovna: Well done, we surprised everyone.

They taught you everything here.

Well, it’s time for us to say goodbye, it’s time to part.

Stepanovna: Don't be sick, don't be bored,

Get knowledge at school.

Be curious

They are always diligent in everything.

Shapoklyak: Goodbye, friends!

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, Stepanovna and Ivanovna take Shapoklyak away and leave on their own.


Our graduation party is over,

And everyone suddenly became more mature...

Baby, be brave on your school journey,

Into the world of light, knowledge, friendship.

Be persistent and kind.

You will need everything.

22nd child:

We are parting today and are a little sad.

We would have stayed with you as children, but we want to become students.

23rd child:

CDT is our second home, we were happy in it.

They taught us here, they tried, and we studied diligently.

24th child:

We will remember your sonorous childhood more than once!

Dance flash mob

Leading: You grew up big and learned a lot in Fidgets.

But today there are kids at the celebration. They still need to grow up a little. They also want to congratulate you.

To the children's music "In Every small child children come out younger age

1st child

A very joyful, cheerful holiday of transition to school!

We have come to congratulate you on your promotion to first grade.

Child 2: We wish you to study for “four” and “five”.

And another wish for you: please don’t forget us!

3rd child

You'll be going to school soon, please don't be lazy

We wish you guys good studies!

4th child

You rarely played with us as kids and called us:

And now you are not like that, you are already quite big

We have come to congratulate you on your transition to first grade!

5th child

You are already quite big, you are beautiful and smart

We must try to reach you.

6th child

The kids congratulate you today from the bottom of their hearts

Go to first grade with confidence, big things lie ahead!

7th child

IN new school We wish you to learn a lot of new things

But we ask you not to forget the school “Fidgets”.

8th child. Today is such a beautiful day, but for you it’s time to say goodbye!

We are both happy and unhappy, all because we love you!

9th child. There is a wonderful planet here with answers to everything,

There is a game, fun, a fairy tale, dance, songs, even dancing.

10th child. The children live here together, what is that planet's name?

That planet is not on the map and outer space,

If you go straight, you will end up in the “CDT”!

11th child. To the Center children's creativity we walked happily.

It was cozy and light.

The teachers, like mothers, loved us and gave us affection and warmth.

12th child. Every day we learned something

It was difficult to write the first words in printed letters in a notebook.

13th child. Our school "Fidgets" is a cheerful planet

For us it became common house where was the sea of ​​light!

14th child. Where kind smiles always greeted us,

Where we knew no sadness, no boredom, no sadness!

15th child. The bell rings, the sound of the children's voices falls silent.

The guys are now starting a new streak in their lives.

16th child. Well, that's it, the hour you've all been waiting for has come,

We gathered in last time in this cozy room.

Leading. Well, all the lessons at the development school have ended, you guys have learned a lot from our teachers, and now it’s time to convey the word of congratulations to the director of the Children’s Creativity Center, Ekaterina Vladimirovna Shigapova.

(presentation of certificates)

Leading: Childhood is a land of fantasies and fairy tales. Who helps children get into this country? These are our mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers. I invite parents to this stage, who during for long years accompany you through a magical land.

A word to parents

Presentation of certificates and gifts

We invite you to the stage to thunderous applause from graduates (presentation of gifts)

Leading. Let it be a holiday for you

It's not just graduation.

Let every day and every hour

Will be filled with kindness.

Now the world is infinite before you.

We love you! We hope for everyone!

Together: Bring goodness and humanity to the world

May success accompany you in life!

Ved: And now, dear teachers, take your places in the children’s choir to perform final song.

Presentation of certificates with wishes to graduates.

1. Our ___________________________ is a laughing girl,

A cheerful and nice girl.

2. ____________________ _______________ - From any position

You will always find a way out

You love to fantasize, you will never be lost.

3. ___________________________________ see you off to school

We wish you with all our hearts

At school, try hard and study hard.

4._______________________________we wish you true friends,

Lots of health and sunny days,

Success in your studies and only good things. May your life be full of joy!

5. Our ________________________________ is smart,

Endowed with kindness.

We believe that only “4” and “5” will fill out notebooks

6. _________________________________ grew up quickly,

He managed to learn everything.

He strives for new knowledge. This will be useful at school

7. ______________________________ ours is a shirt guy!

he won't disappear anywhere. Well, if necessary, he will lead you.

8 _______________________________ - ringing voice

And slender as a spikelet.

Loves to help adults and couldn't be more kind.

9. ___________________________________ ours is anywhere!

And I took it with my mind and with everyone.

We'll miss you. Promise to visit us.

10. ____________________ likes to build, tinker,

Talk a lot.

From the bottom of our hearts we wish him the best in counting, writing,

11. ___________________________ ours loves to draw,

Loves to help adults.

She has many talents, may the road be bright!

Scenario for graduation at the early childhood development school “Bon voyage!”

Developed by the methodologist of the MBOUDOD "House of Children's Creativity" in Krasnoslobodsk, Republic of Mordovia, Rodkina Natalya Petrovna.

Description. I propose a scenario for an event dedicated to graduates of an early development school. I believe that the script will be of interest to SHR teachers, teachers preschool institutions. This holiday can serve as the final event for preparing children for school.

Target: Development of children's creativity.
Tasks:- creating an atmosphere of friendly attention to children;
- development of communication abilities, cognitive interest
To academic subjects;
- development of a positive sense of self, one’s importance in childhood
Preliminary work:- individual and group work with kids;
- learning poems and songs;
- work on the presentation;
- a selection of sounds of birds and animals;
- preparation of diplomas for parents.

Equipment: multimedia projector, microphone, music equipment, models of vegetables and fruits, task cards.

Hall decoration: The hall is decorated balloons, fresh flowers in vases, the inscription on the wall “Goodbye, Bell.”

Celebration progress:

Presenter: Well, friends, the time has come
The one we've been waiting for!
We gathered for the last time
In this cozy room.
Here, say goodbye early school,
Preschoolers are rushing in the morning.
We greet them with smiles,
Applause for them, friends!

Children enter the hall accompanied by cheerful music.

Presenter: Dear children, dear parents, guests! Soon, very soon, the school will open its doors for you, and you will become first-graders.

The first time you come to school,
For the first time in first class.
Everything will be new for you there,
Everything worries you now!

Dear kids!
I know you're in the mood
Write poems about
How are you getting ready for school?

Children read poetry

Reader 1. We were happy to go to the House of Creativity.
It was cozy and light.
Teachers loved us like mothers
And they gave affection and warmth.

Reader 2. To be honest,
How can we not worry!
We lived together in "Bell"
And they played and were friends!
Answered in class
They listened to the story in silence,
They were noisy, funny,
Naughty kids!

Reader 3. Every day we learned something
We liked to count and draw,
It was difficult to write the first words
In printed letters in a notebook.

Reader 4. Excuse me, teachers,
That sometimes we were naughty
But our dear “Bell”
We will never forget.

Reader 5. So that you don't feel ashamed of us,
We promise you, friends,
Study everything perfectly
We will always be there!

Reader 6. Here we learned by playing,
Made from paper
And, of course, while relaxing,
We ran along the corridor.
We already know the computer
We love to sing and dance
Numbers and letters studied
We can read everything.

Reader 7. The sun shines joyfully on us
The birds in the sky are cheerful
In the House of Creativity today
graduates will tell us.

Song "We are now students"
Leading: Three girls for the first time
We were getting ready for first grade...
Nastya says to her friends:

Girl 1.
I want to go to school -
I put everything in my backpack,
Only there is no primer.
There is a ruler, glue, notebook,
To write letters in it.
Here's some cardboard and a white eraser,
And an orange marker.
There is a set of different papers:
Yellow, blue, bright red.
Pen, pencil, pencil case.
My backpack has become heavy!
Leading: And then Julia said,
The one in the blue sundress:
Girl 2.
Who said that Julia is crying,
Suddenly dropping a ball into the river?
I don't have a ball
I turned seven years old!
And I will go this time
To the best first class.
I'll be at school,
And I dream about
To excel in studies
And, of course, become a doctor!

Leading:. Silent Valeria
Suddenly, he says to his friends:
Girl 3
I sculpt from plasticine
Studied the alphabet
I'll tell you without stress
Multiplication table for you,
I know the North, I know the South,
I'll draw a circle with chalk.
I'll teach you too
And I’ll tell you without hiding:
I want to teach children
Like my teacher!
Host: Three girls for the first time
We were getting ready for first grade...

Song "First-grader".
Leading: Guys, it seems we have guests.
The Queen of Knowledge enters the hall to the music. The music playing is "They teach at school."
Queen of Knowledge:
Hello guys! I have been watching you for a long time and I saw that you can and know a lot. I hope that when you become first-graders, you will not be friends with the Two, and only good grades will decorate your diary.
But at school you can’t do without my helpers: Merry ABC, Entertaining mathematics, Native nature.
Queen of Knowledge: I invite my greatest assistant, Entertaining Mathematics.

Entertaining mathematics plays to the music.
Fun math: Hello guys. I suggest checking if you are ready to be first graders and I have prepared tasks for you. Will you be able to cope with them? Let's see.

6 funny bear cubs
They rush into the forest for raspberries.
But the baby is tired
I fell behind my comrades.
Now find the answer:
How many bears are there ahead? (5)

5 guys played football
One was called home.
He looks out the window and thinks
How many of them are playing now? (4)

The hedgehog gave the ducklings
8 leather boots.
Which one of the guys will answer?
How many ducklings were there? (4)

Our cat has 6 kittens,
They sit side by side in a basket.
And the neighbor's cat has three,
So cute, look.
The kittens were allowed to go for a walk,
Try to count them! (9)

The she-wolf has 5 cubs,

The fox has 5 cubs.
The kids play together
They don't need to be offended.
Who will answer the fastest:
How many animal babies? (10)

There are tubs against the wall,
Each tub contains 1 frog.
If there were 5 tubs,
How many frogs were there in them? (5)

Fun math: Guys, I suggest you play math game. Each of you receives numbers from 1 to 10. While the music is playing, you move around the hall. At the end of the music, you must line up in order of numbers from 10 to 1. (Music)

Entertaining mathematics: Well done! Apparently you are good with mathematics.
Everything passes, and everyone is a little sorry,
That a page of childhood is closing,
Everything is ahead, but only in "Bell"
You will never return!
Goodbye, guys! I wish you success! (leaves)

Leading: After such a difficult task, you can relax a little! Our children can not only count, but also sing, write, dream...
The children will delight us with ditties.
We, seven-year-old boys,
We'll sing ditties for you.
We are at our favorite school
We live wonderfully.
Eh, stomp your foot,
Stomp right,
I came to school to study
Even if it's small.
We are seven-year-old boys,
We love to run and play
And we promise to study
At "4" and at "5".
Every day we have lessons -
We sculpt, paint, craft,
We study numbers, letters,
We speak English.
We love solving problems
Who's faster and who's ahead?
And what kind of tasks -
The professor himself will not understand.
We will overcome all sciences,
We will succeed,
Because our mothers
They also study with us.
We'll have a rest over the summer,
Let's gain strength,
And at the beginning of September
Let's get together again.
We sang ditties for you
Is it good or bad?
And now we ask you,
So that you clap for us.

Queen of Knowledge: Guys, in order to be real first-graders, you also need to be friends with the Merry ABC and complete its tasks.

Comes out to the music of Merry ABC.

Fun ABC: Guys, how much fun you have at the Bell.
Well, are you ready for my tests?

Exercise 1."The letters got lost."
They say one fisherman
I caught a shoe in the river,
But then he
The house is on the hook. COM

There is fear in Mashenka’s eyes:
A large green onion is creeping. BUG

We collected cornflowers
We have puppies on our heads. Wreaths

Fun alphabet: Guys, let's listen carefully to the poems and choose the letter that occurs most often.

1. The mouse's mother is a mouse
She whispered: “Naughty girl!”
You make noise, rustle, chatter,
You're disturbing mom's sewing! (children choose the letter Sh)

2. “Kwa-kwa!” cries the croak,
"Cuckoo!" - the cuckoo cries,
You can hear all day in the forest:
“Kwa-kwa-kwa”, “Kuk-ku!”, “Kuk-ku!” (children choose the letter K)
3. The sun opened in the morning

Crystal window.
Very, very hot
The sun's red rays. (children choose the letter O)

4. Summer shower, summer shower There are rays of sunshine in the puddles.
Summer shower, summer shower
Better land get wet. (children choose the letter L)

5. The stork repeats to the stork: “I’m losing my appetite.
I would like to taste Pineapple or Watermelon!” (children choose the letter A)
Fun ABC: Well done, guys! Now, let's rest a little.

If you agree, then shout YES, YES, YES!
And if you don’t agree, then NO, NO, NO!
Attention, let's begin:

Let's go to school in the fall - Yes, yes, yes.
We'll find friends there - Yes, yes, yes
We will study at school - Yes, yes, yes
And with friends we will fight - No, no, no
We will read, write - Yes, yes, yes.
We'll sleep in class - No, no, no
We'll take the diary to school - Yes, yes, yes
To get deuces - No, no, no
Let's play with dolls - No, no, no
We will solve problems - Yes, yes, yes
We will become students - Yes, yes, yes
We will do the lessons ourselves - Yes, yes, yes.!

Fun ABC: I have prepared another test for you. I'll call different words. If a word begins with a vowel sound, then you raise your hands up; if you hear a consonant, you sit down. Ready?

Iron, orange, horse, game, board, table, window, pencil, board, pit (trap), book, school, donkey, beetle, echo, rooster, donkey.

Fun ABC: Well, guys, we were surprised! It was not in vain that you were taught.
You know how to read, which means you can continue on your way! Well done! And now I’ll visit other graduates!
Queen of Knowledge: And finally, I also invite my assistant, Native Nature.

Comes out to the music Native nature(screensaver "In the world of animals").

Native nature: Apparently the kids can do everything, have fun, sing, play, they will all study at school and protect nature. Can you guess my riddles?

Riddles about animals:
He got used to living with us,
Caress it and it will start a song.
And if you offend, he’ll rip you off,
What kind of mustachioed animal?.. CAT

She has spacious house,
Lots of sweet cups in it.
Don't touch them - out of spite
It stings painfully... WASP

Lives in the rivers of Africa,
Evil green ship.
No matter who swims towards you,
Will swallow everyone... CROCODILE

This beast is familiar to you,
Eats mice, drinks milk.
But he doesn't look like a cat
Covered in long thorns... HEDGEHOG

Sensitive, slender and tall,
He carries his head proudly.
There is a thick shadow from the horns,
Here is a beautiful animal... DEER

This beast is kind of strange,
Neck like an arrow from a crane,
To reach the herbs with your mouth,
Twice will add up... GIRAFFE

Native nature: And now the game “Guess the voices of animals and birds.” You must recognize the voices of animals and birds.

Well done! How well do you know animals and birds?
But that is not all. I have prepared one more task for you.

Competition: "Gardeners". Music is playing.
Place fruits in one basket and vegetables in the other.
Boys collect vegetables, girls collect fruits.

Native nature: Well done guys, you coped with my game.
And now it’s time for me to go!
Goodbye, kids!

Queen of Knowledge: Well friends, you made me happy. Well done! You know how to work. This will be useful to you at school.
You have chosen the right path to the Land of Knowledge. Walk straight and don't be afraid of anything! (leaves)

Leading: So we met the Queen of Knowledge and her assistants. We hope you will make us all proud.

Dramatization of "Three Friends".

Three friends on a spring day
Were in a nice mood
They cooed on the benches
And they dreamed about the future.

1 girl:
That's when I grow up
I'll get married right away
I will choose a husband, like dad,
To meet me at the gangway.
Oh, I forgot to say:
I'll be flying in the sky.
I want to become a flight attendant
I'll go on the plane.

2nd girl:
Don't get distracted, Nastya,
What else did you forget?
1 girl:
And then I will become a mother,
And I'll tell you straight.
That Veronichka, her children,
I won't stuff myself with porridge,
I will take them to the cinema,
Buy them popsicles!
2nd girl:
Would I like to become your daughter?
1 girl:
You can only dream!
2nd girl:(addressing girl 3)
I want to become an artist
To perform on stage,
So that flowers are always given,
They only talked about me.
So that I can be filmed,
The main roles were given,
I received a lot of money
I bought everything I wanted!
Why are you silent?
Are you saying anything?
3rd girl:
I will study at school,
I promise not to be lazy
Because when I grow up,
I want to become a scientist.
And study the computer
Be friends with mathematics
Own geography
To see the whole world.
Geometry and Russian,
Biology, French
You need to study at school
To be the smartest!
This is what our children are like!
Everyone wants to know the world,
Let's wish them good luck
So that all problems are solved.

Leading: And our guys at Kolokolchik got acquainted with the English language and some of them became good friends with it. And now we will see how strong their friendship is.

Poem on English language Nastya Murikova is reading “My Family” and Lisa Klychikhina “Colors and Seasons”.
Joke scene
Will knock again
Twig in the gate
Escorts you to first class
Mommy (name)

Mom (looking at the child):
There are shoes, there are trousers,
White shirt.
You are a handkerchief
Put it in your pocket

I put all the notebooks down,
Books and pencils

Oh, remarkable strength
Possessed by kids
(tests the weight of the briefcase, bends under the weight)
Put a diary in your briefcase,
Brush and pen
Only a smart student
Will learn everything quickly

Listen, mom, if so
Everything is familiar to you
Go to first grade by yourself
I'll wait for the second one

Will knock again
Twig in the gate
Escorts you to first class
Mommy (name)
Take care of your children
Don't scold them for their pranks.
The evil of one's own bad days
Never take it out on them.
Don't be seriously angry with them
Even if they did something wrong,
There is nothing more expensive than tears
That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.
If you feel tired
I can’t cope with her,
Well, my son will come to you
Or your daughter will extend her hands.
Hug them tight
Treasure children's affection
This is a short moment of happiness
Hurry up to be happy.

The game is an oath at the graduation “Affectionate Parent”.

Presenter: Guys, have you already promised your parents several times today at school that you will get what grades?
Children (in chorus):"4" and "5"
Presenter: Now guys, your parents will also make you an oath of promise:
- I swear! Whether I'm a mother or whether I'm a father
Always say to the child: “Well done”!
- I swear in the child’s education “not to build”
I swear to master all sciences with him!
I swear! (all parents say together)
- I swear I won’t scold him for getting bad marks.
And help him do his homework!
I swear! (all parents say together)
- And if I break my oath,
Then I’ll give away my last tooth!
Then, I promise, my child,
Feed daily with boiled condensed milk!
I swear! (all parents say together)
- Then I’ll be an ideal parent.
And I will never forget my oath!
I swear! I swear! I swear! (all parents say together)

Leading: Now, let's remember how good it was for our children within these walls.


Leading: And now, the floor for congratulations and awards is given to the director of the House of Children's Creativity, Artem Sergeevich Romashkin.
Host: Well, that's not all. Congratulations to everyone on completing their preparation for school. We thank our parents for their joint and fruitful work, for their responsibility and kindness. We wish you success, health and patience.
We would like to present each family with its own diploma. We decided ourselves, based on our observations.

Presentation of diplomas to parents.
Leading: Our holiday has come to an end,
On the road, girls, on the road, boys,
Walk the ladder of knowledge boldly.
Wonderful meetings, good books
There will be steps on it.
We wish you happiness, success, health.

Graduation 2014

Video "On the road to goodness"

Host: Good evening, dear parents.

Good evening, dear guests! We are very pleased to welcome you. Today is a slightly sad holiday - our pupils, your children, are ending their stay in the early development studio. Today we proudly send our children off to school.

Sound the fanfare! And blow the trumpets!

The children are rushing to the joyful holiday.

Today we are seeing the kids off to school.

And it’s time to say goodbye to our studio.

Makar (clouds float across the sky) graduates come out.

We have been waiting for this day for a long time,

But he came right away

And the lilac blossomed for us.

No matter how much it has bloomed, never once.

Bouquets, music, poetry.

And the hall is bright with smiles

All this is for you, graduates.

Today is your farewell ball!

But let there be no room for sadness,

Let the music will burst in to this room.

We now invite you to dance,

To graduation party last dance our. ( Dance)

For some reason the hall became silent,

There is delight and a little sadness in the eyes

Let the audience remember them now:

Flirty and mischievous

A little daring and stubborn

Most childishly playful,

Unique, dear

And everyone loved in their own way,

And equally relatives (video Graduate 2014)

Meet them! (presentation)

  1. Evgeniy Dupin is very talented and smart

He was the life of the party,

Responsive, kind, more needs to be said.

That he is always in love with someone.

  1. Our Polina Agafonova is smart,

Endowed with kindness.

We believe that only 4 and 5

There will be notebooks to fill it out.

  1. Our Olesya Tatarinova is a laughter girl

Cheerful and nice girl.

He can draw and sculpt.

She will be very loved at school.

  1. Our Dima Maslennikov is a guy!

He won't disappear anywhere.

Well, if necessary, he will lead you.

  1. Nastya Mikryukova from any position

You will always find a way out

You love to fantasize

You will never be lost.

  1. Vika Scriabina is at least small.

And I took it with my mind and with everyone.

We'll miss you

Promise to visit us.

  1. And our Nadya has a very gentle look

Like in the portraits of Italian masters,

And her dark curls wave carelessly,

It falls on your shoulders like a silk cover.

  1. Chumakov Semyon can handle everything,

I can even move mountains if I want.

Let your dreams come true,

You will achieve everything in life.

  1. Her nature generously rewarded her -

endowed with a beautiful soul

She is a good friend and works hard.

Success will certainly come to her.

And may, Maria, every ordinary day of yours

Turn into a wonderful holiday,

And never a shadow of sadness

It won't be reflected in your eyes!

  1. Sergey loves thoroughly

Get ready for classes.

He is modest and even with everyone,

Not very verbose

There is a bright head

And skill will come.

  1. We wish Danil Zykov with all our hearts

Meet good friends.

To be as kind, nice,

Never lose heart.

  1. Fair and calm

Always worthy of praise

We respect Roma very much.

And we want to be an athlete.

  1. Vlada - a ringing voice

And slender as a spikelet.

Loves to help adults.

And you couldn’t find a kinder one.

  1. Sonya Pushkareva is always ready to help

And the soul is reflected in her eyes.

She is trusting, open and humane

She is soft and very good.

  1. Lena Zorina knows everything you need

But he wants to know even more about everything.

She is a future Olympic medalist

And whoever he wants, he can become in life.

  1. Easy to talk to, pleasant

Always open and understandable

Anya Trefilova is on an equal footing with everyone

There are few such people - nice ones.

Radiant, soft and simple...

The whole world is worth this.

  1. Vika Soboleva loves to draw.

Loves to help adults.

She has many talents

Let there be a bright road.

  1. Modest, sweet and silent,

Dasha Balobanova is growing to everyone's surprise

A tender smile sometimes adorns her lips.

Let it be in her life

Only joy and goodness.

  1. Pasha has no equal in the gym

We wish him victories

And it's great to receive.

  1. Katya Zhuikova is very modest,

She is reserved, calm and even with everyone.

She is laconic, but her smile is definitely

How the moon suddenly appears from behind a cloud.

Let's greet them with thunderous applause.

You have grown up big and learned a lot in classes at the Children's Center. But today there are kids at the celebration. They still need to grow up a little. They also want to congratulate you

Maxim Arkhipov: Very happy, cheerful

Celebration of transition to school.

We have come to congratulate you

With the transition to first grade.

Misha Kopinets: We wish you to study

Four and five.

And another wish for you:

Please don't forget us.


Leading: Guys, guests are supposed to come to our party today. But where are they? They haven't been around for a long time!

Shapoklyak runs into the hall accompanied by cheerful music

Shapoklyak: Hello my dears. Hello, my beautiful ones. How I love little children: they play pranks so much and break toys. They shoot with slingshots, break windows, and don’t listen to adults.

Leading: No, Shapoklyak, you are mistaken. These are completely different children: they have grown up and are going to school, and therefore they have become serious and no longer play pranks. Really, guys?(children's answers)

Shapoklyak: Where are they going, to school?

Leading: To school, to study.

Shapoklyak: You have nothing to do in this school, study and study lessons all day long.

Leading : How do you know that?

Shapoklyak: I once spent two years in first grade. And since then (proudly) I haven’t learned anything anywhere. Here!

Leading: So that's why you're so...

Shapoklyak: So smart and sensible.

Leading: No, I wanted to say - unread, illiterate and uncultured, and you probably don’t know how to sing or dance.

Shapoklyak: What?! Would you think that in your studio they can do everything?!

Leading: The guys will now show you how talented they are.

Shapoklyak (with a grin): I'll look at them now.

Dance being performed

Shapoklyak: Wonderful dance. You danced so well that I wanted to go to school too. Is it possible for me to go to first grade with you?

Leading: If you want to join us -

We'll test your knowledge.

Let's check, guys, what does Shapoklyak know?

Come on, tell us all,

What is 2 + 3?

Shapoklyak (scratching head): It will be... It will be... Around six.

Leading: Children, is the correct answer?

Children: No.


No, it will be five!

Shapoklyak: I specifically said the wrong answer. A very simple task. Great mathematicians to me too.

Leading: Oh, you are. Then I will ask you a difficult problem. Are you ready? Just listen carefully.Imagine that you were given five candies. You gave me one candy. How many candies do you have left?

Shapoklyak: Five!

Host: Five?

Shapoklyak: Yes, five!

Leading: Why five, because you gave one candy to me?

Shapoklyak: But I won’t give it to anyone, I love candy myself.

Leading: Children, did Shapoklyak solve the problem correctly?

Children: No!

Leading: How many candies should she have left?

Children: four!

Leading: Right! You need to share with friends. You, Shapoklyak, should be ashamed.

Shapoklyak (with mockery): It's a shame, very shame!

Leading: Shapoklyak, you must remember the rule.

Without counting there will be no light on the street,

A rocket cannot rise without counting.

Without an invoice, the letter will not find its addressee

And the boys won’t be able to play hide and seek.

Leading: It’s too early for you, Shapoklyak, to go to school, you don’t know much

Better watch the dance.

Shapoklyak: Guys, you are great! You learned a lot at the Children's Center.

Can you solve riddles?

Children: Yes!

Shapoklyak: I'll check this now.

  1. It needs to be studied
  1. I can write any word on paper,

I will help you solve very difficult problems.

Don't forget me, my friend,

Without me you are like without hands(pen)

  1. He was born very long,

But he grew up and became shorter(pencil)


That's it, you checked us,

Is everyone ready for first grade?


No, one more task

An exciting competition.

A game:

Hey guys, spread your arms, let's sit on the floor, like in an apartment.
And now everyone stood up together,
They removed their hands to their belts.
Everyone step to the right.
Everyone step to the left.
Now let's cross all our legs.
And let's jump on the spot
And hands up and down
Let's give everyone an encore!
And then sneeze together
Now you need to laugh!
Everyone sat down on the floor together!
Spin around, stand up, sit down!
It's like we're on a carousel!
Now listen to the command:
Grab yourself by the ears
And tongues out,
And wider elbows,
And then, together, together,
Let's jump on the spot!

Well, that's all, the time has come

The one you've all been waiting for

We gathered for the last time

In this cozy room.

Today is such a beautiful day,

Well, it’s time for you to say goodbye!

We are both happy and unhappy

All because we love you!

We met you here,

We taught you, we read to you!

And your mothers are used to us,

They trusted you to us!

There is a wonderful planet

Here are the answers to everything,

Here is a game, fun, a fairy tale.

Dance, songs, even dancing.

Children live here together

What is that planet's name?

That planet is not on the map

And in outer space,

If you go straight,

You'll get to the Children's Center!

Children come to us -

They will find out about everything in the world.

We invite 1 group to the stage (presentation of gifts)

We invite group 2 to the stage (presentation of gifts)

We invite you to the stage to thunderous applause from graduates (presentation of gifts)

Let it be a holiday for you

It's not just graduation.

Let every day and every hour

Will be filled with kindness.

Now the world is infinite before you.

We love you! We hope for everyone!

Together : Bring goodness and humanity to the world

May success accompany you in life!

Song Makar, Lisa, Katya

Performing a song: Belova Olesya and Komarova Anastasia “Good mood”

Presenter 1: Dear ones guys, dear parents, our guests! The hour of farewell to the Filippok school has come! We were together a lot of time. During this time we managed to make friends and get used to each other. Very little time will pass, only 3 months, and you will come to school again, you will be introduced to new teachers and subjects.

Presenter 2: Bthere is a difficult road ahead into the adult world school life. And today they, solemn and excited, are rushing to the first prom in their lives. So let's support them with our applause!

Presenter 1:The floor for congratulations goes to the director of the Center for Additional Education for Children, Natalya Vladimirovna Romantsan.

Presenter 2: Sound the fanfare! And blow the trumpets!
Children are rushing to the joyful holiday.
Today we are seeing the kids off to school.
It's time to say goodbye to "Filipp".

Presenter 1:The floor for congratulations goes to the head of the department of culture and leisure of the Center for Additional Education of Children, Galina Valerievna Zakharova.

Presenter 2:The word for congratulations is given to parents (gratitude is given to teachers)

Presenter 1:Welcome to the School of Early Childhood Development "Filippok" Read a poem in English

Presenter 2:Today is your farewell day.
Which good words say?
For two years you came to us in “Filippok”.
And now the hour of farewell has come!

Presenter 1:Accept musical congratulations from Sophia Kondratieva

The song “The Little Animals Cried” is performed

Presenter 2:The little ones came to the holiday today and brought you their wishes.

1st child:You'll be going to school soon,

Please don't be lazy

We wish you

Study well!

2nd child:You rarely played with us,

Called kids

Sometimes we were offended

They didn't give us toys!

3rd child:But now you're not like that

You are very big now,

We came to congratulate you

Welcome to first grade!

They give postcards to graduates

Presenter 1:Dear friends!
Today is our children's first prom.
Let him accompany them to school
A tale of kindness, friendship and fidelity.

Presenter 2:Fairy tales give us miracles,
And without miracles it is impossible,
They live everywhere
And they are our friends.
There solar paints
Waltz dance for you.
We can't live without fairy tales
They can't live without us!

The phonogram sounds. The Princess enters the hall, holding a pot with a cap in her hands.

Hello guys! Do you know what I have there?
I raised it to give it to you as a parting gift.
It has many large multi-colored petals:
1 - fun,
2 - good,
3 - smiles,
4 - health,
5 - courage,
6 - knowledge,
7 - friendship!
This is the most beautiful flower. And the most gentle. He is afraid of the wind and bad weather, anger and lies. I covered it warmer, and now I’ll water the flower one last time and give it to you .(Opens the pot, it's empty, just one stem). Everything is lost! Someone tore off the petals! The flower is dead! (cries) I will get sick from grief and die! Ah-ah-ah! Who will help me? (Cries and leaves the hall.)

Basilio and Alice enter, looking around:

Hehehehe! What a fuss you and I made!

Don't joke with us! lie down softly, but sleep hard!...

The phonogram "Duet of Cat and Alice" plays.

Listen, Basilio, you and I made a mistake.

And do not say! They stole these petals, but what’s the use of them?!

No beauty, no joy! (Pulls out a petal from his bosom and tries it on his tooth.) And most importantly - there is no taste!

Basilio (trying):
It's like you're chewing cotton wool! Ugh!

Let's throw them away! We should have gotten into the refrigerator, that's where! There's sour cream and sausage!

Refrigerator, refrigerator! I'll give it to you right now!

What?! Right now I'll hit you in the eye, you'll become completely blind! (They start to fight. Basilio cries: meow, meow!)

I won't do it anymore, let me go, Alisushka!

Okay, I'll let you go! The girl wanted to give this flower to the children for their school graduation, but we scratched it and didn’t have it.

Why is this school needed at all? You and I are so smart!

They leave the hall to the soundtrack. The Princess enters to the music.

Guys, I figured out what to do to find the petals.
We need to ask a fairy tale for help.
Day and night I wait for a miracle...
Well, let them scold me!
After all, at least once a year
Miracles happen.
I know you'll come to me somehow
A miracle will knock
And in the hushed silence
Something will happen!
Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond!
Come to us quickly!

Emelya enters the hall to the soundtrack and dances.

Hello princess!


Do you know what my name is? Do you know where I'm from?

(Children: from the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command”).

Emelya:Oh, what a funny little guy I am! I’ll give the guys a petal of fun if they dance for me cheerful dance.

Dance from ShRR. (Emelya dances with the princess).

Oh, good dance! Or maybe you know a funny song?

Princess: We know!

Song from ShRR

Well, you made me laugh, for that I give you a petal of fun!

Thank you very much, Emelyushka!

No, goodbye! Don't remember it badly!

Well, there is the first petal! Let's continue to conjure!
Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,
Come to us quickly!

Nesmeyana appears (cries).

Will I get up late, will I get up early,
And I still won’t laugh!
And I, sighing, sadly sing,
From morning to night I shed tears!
I cry at dinner and at lunch,
Tear after tear follows.
I cry bitterly, I sob anxiously.
It's impossible for me to laugh!
Weeping willow, tears of fog...
I am Nesmeyana! I am Nesmeyana!...

Dear Nesmeyana! Tears of sorrow will not help. Try to laugh better.

Nesmeyana (sadly):
You are asking me the impossible.

Well, at least a little bit!

Hee-hee-hee... No, I can’t!

Guys, what should we do? Maybe you can help me cheer up Nesmeyana?

ditties from ShRR

Oh, and I had fun! (Laughs). This is why I give you my smile petal!

Thank you, Nesmeyana!
(Nesmeyana leaves).

There are already 2 petals!
Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,
Come to us quickly!

Aibolit enters.

From trees and flowers,
From bugs and spiders,
From spring ringing birds
Solovyov, goldfinches, titmice,
From rabbits and bear cubs
I wish the older children
First-graders, seven-year-olds
Succeed in everything, everywhere
Both in study and in work.

(He puts a thermometer on, calls them to jump on one leg on a skipping rope. Gives commands - stand up, sit down, left, right. Praises the children, says that everyone is healthy and can go to school).

You see, Doctor Aibolit, our children are strong and healthy. Look how they can dance.

Dance from ShRR

Well done, for this I give you a petal of health! (leaves)

Suddenly, Pirates run into the hall with noise and shouts, saying, “Bang-bang”: “Pirate song” (to the soundtrack).

Oh guys, I'm scared
Where did they come from?


And we are from the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit". Look, everyone is welcome, but we are not welcome. And we specifically came to see if you have any brave and courageous people or just some crybabies, mama’s boys...

Guys, help out! Are there any brave and resourceful people among you? (- Yes!)

We'll check it now.

1. "Burst the balloon."
2. Tug of war.

You are very brave, but can you guess the riddles?
(envelope with riddles)
1. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line,
Feel free to write on me
You can also draw
Because I... (notebook)

2. I am black, red, yellow, blue,
With filling in the middle.
I am friends with a sharp sharpener,
And I’ll depict what I want. (pencil)

3. How boring, brothers,
Ride on your back
You don't respect
Somehow you throw
Week after week...
This is a complaint... (briefcase)

4. He is a help to the teacher,
He strictly orders:
Then sit down and study
Then get up, go away,
Getting ready for class
Teacher's friend... (call)

5. In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, erasers, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul. (pencil case)

6. I love directness
And it's straight.
Make a straight line
I help people. (ruler)

7. They live in a difficult book
Cunning brothers.
Ten of them, but these brothers
They will count everything in the world. (numbers)

Well done. So be it, here is our petal of courage as a souvenir for you. It’s time for us to go to a fairy tale (they leave).

Oh, how they scared me! Let's quickly call another fairy tale! (Name). Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,
Come to us quickly!

Walking to school with an ABC book
Wooden boy.
Gets to school instead
In a wooden booth.
What is the name of this book?
What is the boy's name?

Buratino enters to the soundtrack.

Who remembers me here? There are so many boys and girls here! I was going to the theater and heard that someone was talking about me. Today I sold"ABC" and bought a theater ticket with the proceeds. I don’t understand why study, when you can live like that.

What are you talking about, Pinocchio! All children need to go to school. Listen to the puzzles here:
(Pinocchio answers incorrectly, asks the guys).

Here are the problems, listen carefully, Pinocchio!
1. Five baby bears
Mom put me to bed.
One can't sleep alone
How many people have good dreams? (Answer: 4.)

2. Group of baby ducklings
They want to swim and dive.
Six sailed away
The two dived deep.
How many ducklings are there in the pond?
I can't count. (Answer: 8.)

3. Three yellow-eyed daisies,
Two cheerful cornflowers
The children gave it to their mother.
How many flowers are in the bouquet? (Answer: 5.)

4. Granny fox knits
Mittens for three grandchildren.
"I will give you soon, grandchildren,
2 mittens each.
Take care, don't lose,
How many are there, count them. (Answer 6)

5. Once to the bunny for lunch
A friend - a neighbor - galloped up.
The bunnies sat on a tree stump
And they ate 5 carrots.
Guys, who is clever at counting?
How many carrots eaten (Answer 10)

Buratino repents that he did not want to study.

Oh, how can I go to school now without the ABCs?

Don’t worry, Pinocchio, I’ll bring it to you now, while you play with the guys.

Word game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends"

Pinocchio: I will ask questions, and you all answer together:
"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

1. Let us now ask everyone: who here loves dancing and laughter?

2. Who walks to school every day with a cheerful gait?

3. Answer in chorus instantly: Who is the main spoiler here?

4. Who is used to your routine and does exercises in the morning?

5. Which of you, brothers, forgets to wash?

6. And one more question: who doesn’t wash their nose?

7. How many of you keep your pens, books and notebooks in order?

8. Which of you is such a good sunbather and wears galoshes?

9. Which of you, I want to know, will clap for me now?

Basilio and Lisa appear to the side

Did you see it?! Did you hear?! Do you understand?! It turns out - meow, meow - these petals are more expensive than money, better than any gift. And we, fools, threw them away (searches, crawls on his knees). The wind must have carried them away!

Who threw it away? Will you say I threw it away?

Who else?!

Well, Basilio, watch out! Don't make me angry! My nerves are already not in order.

Meow! Meow! You've got yourself on my head! I'm sick without you!

Alice (suddenly):
Wait, we still have time to fight! I came up with something! (Whispers in my ear).

Well, head! Wow!

You won't get lost with me!
(They walk, limping, towards Buratino.)

Look, people of God!

Meow! Meow!

Benefactors passers-by!

Meow! Meow!

We support ourselves with a stick!

Meow! Meow!

Let's fight under the window!

Meow! Meow!

Ah, our fathers, parents,
Would you give me a crust of bread?
All day long we wander, toil,
We only eat air!...


Oh-ho-ho! My problem is bad...

A-ah-ah... apparently the end is coming for me.

Poor things! What's wrong with you?

We're, we're getting cold...

Give me something, even a chicken leg.

Or a saucer of sour cream.

I don't have anything like that. Would you like some cold water?

What are you, what are you! Water makes me dizzy! Meow...

Fox (ingratiatingly):
Tell me better, what do you have?

Petal of knowledge. I'll give it to the Princess.

I wish I could take a closer look at him.

Admire it.

Watch as much as you want! (Shows).

Fox (enough):
Run away, Basilio! (Runs).

Run Run!

IN doorsThe Princess appears with the alphabet.

Where are you going? Oh, you nasty deceivers! We'll show you now!

Lisa and Basilio:
Forgive us, we won't do it anymore! We are so unhappy - so unhappy!

Thank you, Pinocchio, for the petal of knowledge. Well, get a new ABC for this.
(Pinocchio leaves).

Well, we’ll kick Fox and Cat out of our school!

Forgive us! We really want to stay with you for the holiday!

Well, guys, let's forgive Alice and Basilio? (-Yes!) Shall we leave them at the party? Okay, stay and watch the girls do the dance.

dance from the Sunday group “Gypsy”

But our flower is not yet complete; it still lacks two petals.
Let's continue to conjure.
Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond,
Come to us quickly!

Carlson flies in and sings a song

I am Carlson, I am a cheerful baby,
I'm overeating on semolina porridge...
Of course, if the porridge contains... honey,
Any kid will understand me.

Hi guys! I knew that you couldn’t do without me! Tell me, who is the smartest and most learned? And who is the most beautiful? And who is the most best friend? I'm the best game inventor! Place all hands on your knees. I will say: “Let's go!”, and you should clap your hands on your knees. I’ll say “Nose” - you grab your nose, I’ll say “Ear” - you grab your ears. It's clear? Then be careful! Let's go, let's go...

Game (involves parents and guests into the game). Alice and Basilio try to confuse the children.

Tell me, who is the kindest in the world? (Children's answer). Tell me, do you know the alphabet?

The game “Collect the alphabet” is being played

Carlson:Well done guys, for this I give you a petal of goodness!

Thank you, Carlson! Bon Voyage! Well, guys, there is one more petal left, and the fairy tales are over. What to do?

Lisa and Basilio:
OK. Because you didn’t drive us away, because you are so friendly, we will give you a petal of friendship! He ended up with us by chance!

The princess places the last petal.

Children recite poems

1. To be honest,

How can we not worry!

In “Filippka” we lived together,

And they played and were friends!

2. Answered in class,

They listened to the story in silence,

They were noisy, funny,

Naughty kids!

3. We are leaving today,

Like birds from a nest.

It's a pity we have to say goodbye

We are with you forever!

4. Forgive us, teacher,

That sometimes we were naughty

But our dear “Filippok”

We will never forget.

5. So that you don’t be ashamed of us,

We promise you, friends,

Study everything perfectly

We will always be there!

6. It’s a pity for us to part with you,

But, alas, the time has come

We must say goodbye to childhood,

The childhood game is over.

7. We had a good time here,

We tell you this honestly.

And thank you very much from the bottom of my heart,

We all thank you!

Presenter 1:And now, our dear graduates, you will take the first-grader’s oath!

Presenter 2:I swear in front of everyone to try to be healthy,
Go to Barabinsk school regularly!
I swear!
Presenter 1:I swear I can read and write decently
And carry “good” and “excellent” in your backpack.
I swear!
Presenter 2: I swear that I will try very hard
No more fighting with my friends!
I swear!
Presenter 1: I swear to be a well-mannered child,
Don't run around the school, but walk.
I swear!
Presenter 2: And if I break my oath,
Then I give away my baby tooth,
Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,
And I won't play on the computer!
I swear!
Presenter 1: I will always be a perfect child
And I will never forget my oath!
I swear!

A farewell song from ShRR “School” is performed from barbariks

Presenter 1:Anxiety struck quietly in my heart,

The heart begs for silence,

Asks for an instant, warm smile.

The time has come for our separation.

Everything will be destroyed along with sadness.

Presenter 2: Only good hands will remain,

Those who loved, believing in hope,

Those who brought in their palms

A ray of sunshine, kind and gentle,

To a world where you and I were happy.

Presenter 1:The floor for congratulations goes to the heads of the School of Early Childhood Development: Natalya Valerievna Timkina and Inna Vladimirovna Grigorieva (presentation of diplomas and gifts)

Presenter 2:Let's remember our brightest moments (Movie)

Presenter 1:Farewell ball!
Farewell ball!
He brought together children and adults!
He is for us, he is for us
Good fairy tale became now!

Presenter 2:Please accept musical congratulations from Olesya Fedorova “I want to be naughty”

Presenter 1:It's hard to raise your children,

There is a lot you need to know for this.

We would like to wish our parents

Always help children with everything.

Presenter 2:And most importantly - without a doubt - we wish you patience!

Presenter 1: Meet Olesya Belova with the song “Waltz” dancing the waltz fairy-tale heroes, and at the end the confetti explodes

Presenter 2: touch the dove, it is on your ball, make a wish.

Presenter 1:And now we all go down together, go out into the street, and release the pigeons into the sky.

Released the balloons into the sky

Grigorieva Inna Vladimirovna

MKOU Center for Additional Education of Children, Barabinsk, teacher additional education. Location:NSO Barabinsk, Severnaya street 30.