The most important key to freedom. Key to Freedom

Material in English, purchased for further translation within our resource

If you don't know what we're talking about, welcome to Journey to Infinity!

Ultimate Key To Freedom Experience
Make The Leap Into Phase 3

The Most Important Key to Freedom
Jump to Phase 3
Robert Sheinfield

Do you want to move beyond the teachings and tools of Phase 2 and Breakthrough, move into Phase 3, and start your Sunshine game? If so, I want to invite you to join me on the most amazing journey to what I now call “Ultimate Freedom.”

Something happened after years of applying Phase 2 teachings, its tools, and breaking off huge chunks of cloud cover.

Something really BIG.

I didn't know this was coming.

I had no idea what to expect when something new started to “enter” my life.

As events progressed, I witnessed the remnants of the Cloud Cover dissolve and another portal open - a portal to Phase 3, in which you play the Human Game in pure Sunlight.

I always knew that Phase 3 and playing in Sunlight would be amazing.

However, as it turns out, I had no idea what was really going on in Sunlight, or to be precise, how things would change in what I now call "Inner Space" and "Story Space" until actually Something BIG didn't happen.

As you study The Ultimate Key to Freedom, you will discover what happened to me, what I discovered in Phase 3, what I Saw and Knew in the Sunlight, and you will have the opportunity to Know the same in your story - the ultimate dissolution of the Cloud Cover and jump to Phase 3.

The material is available in three versions:



  • -
    • You will receive 25 videos in HD quality and go through a four-day journey of Knowledge in the same way as the participants in the live seminar

    • - All video materials will be available both via the Internet and for downloading for playback on any device

    • - Integration audio recordings of the “Process with closed eyes”

    • - Audio recordings for subliminal support

    • - Full set MP3 audio files from all 25 videos

    • - Color printout of all Cognition slides

    • - "Next Steps" support

    • - And many many others

The Ruby option includes everything available for Jade, plus:

  • - Coaching and Support: You will have access to me personally for 12 weeks to get all your questions answered (no restrictions), and receive coaching, support, guidance and inspiration
    - An audio archive of years of coaching and support: You'll also get access to a complete historical archive of questions and stories submitted by other members (over many years) and my answers in audio format. This is an absolutely priceless audio archive! In fact, it has been a multi-day masterclass/companion course in itself up until today
    - The Most Important Key to Happiness is an accompanying 15-lesson video course that will provide excellent support for the transformation of your feelings and emotions into Cognition, and will help you discover an immediate and permanent Feeling of True Happiness - for all time, no matter what is happening in your life . The accompanying course will also help you say goodbye to anger, sadness, irritation, fear, depression and other so-called negative emotions that you have struggled with all your life.
Since Knowing Ultimate Freedom will greatly shake up every aspect of your life, coaching, support and a multi-year archive of audio recordings can be a VERY, VERY important piece of the puzzle for you. This is what happened to many participants who went on the Journey before you.

Sometimes it is imperative to have the opportunity to interact with someone who has been there, done that, and can guide you every step of the way on your personal path of Discovery.


The Amethyst option was created for those people who want to dive as deeply as possible into the Knowledge of Ultimate Freedom, to get inoculated with as many strains of the Truth Virus as possible into their “system”, and who also need additional access to me for a longer time for instructions, support and inspiration on the journey, and to continue to answer questions as things move and change in their story.

Amethyst includes everything available for Ruby and Jade, plus:

  • - 5 Day Audio Recordings: The main video component of Experiencing Ultimate Freedom is based on a four-day “live” event I held in Sedona, Arizona several years ago. Since then, I've expanded Cognition, added and tweaked a lot of different things, and it's now offered as a five-day live event that I most often host at my home with a maximum of 10 people. I recorded a recent live intensive at my home and created audio recordings of the entire five-day event. The first benefit of Amethyst is that you will receive a complete set of these recordings, containing over 30 hours. Overall, you will thus get two versions of the Experience - a four-day video version of the recordings from Sedona (which was more than amazing and unique), and a five-day audio version of the Experience several years later.
    - Full color PDF slides: During the above audio recording, we showed the presentation slides on the big screen during the above audio recording, which you will also receive
    - Additional support and coaching with me for one more year: You'll receive support and coaching from me personally throughout the year, plus look over my shoulder as I provide support and coaching and answer questions from participants
    - One year membership in the Dancing in Ultimate Freedom community: I created this community for early graduates of this event who wanted to keep in touch with me, be able to ask me questions and have them answered on an ongoing basis, listen to others' questions and answers, and receive a constant stream of additional materials (audio, video, text and pictures) to support the awakening of Ultimate Freedom in their stories. I was involved in this community for a year, and then I decided to consolidate the membership into Amethyst Cognition, which is what you are now seeing.

Life is difficult for mortals. Precious is human birth. Don't miss this opportunity. — Dhammapada

The soul is involved in a process of alchemy that allows us to see ourselves as universal beings with unlimited possibilities. In our minds we are planting the seeds to create our future fourth dimensional flowering garden in 3D material reality.

Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions. - Edgar Cayce

We're not here to play small. Life in the co-creation of Gods and Goddesses becomes our wonderful destiny. Compliance with these seven key principles leads us to liberation from limitations, to the discovery of a magical world of possibilities within ourselves, gives opening of the soul.

This world can begin with a new feeling, thought, intention that opens the way for us to the creative forces of the universe. This soul journey identifies seven keys to awakening.

Opening the Soul: 7 Keys

1. Accepting personal tragedy is liberating.

Experiences are an essential part of life experience. We learn best from them.

Circumstances that we perceive as difficulties are often made more painful by our rejection and resistance.

But we can accept them and integrate them with our experience, which allows energy to circulate freely in our bodies from the solar plexus to the heart and head, and the pain dissipates.

The cause of our most bitter suffering is not the events themselves, but our feelings that arise around them and our rejection of the way these events unfold. Acceptance brings healing.

Rejection and suppression create suffering. Through allowing, transformation occurs through the feminine principle of “surrender.” Submission eventually becomes freedom, stimulating the process of inner alchemy.

2. From the level of the soul, we choose our own experiences and thus create our reality.

Regardless of whether consciously or unconsciously, at some level of our soul, we ourselves have chosen everything. Thus, there is no point or benefit in perceiving yourself as a victim of someone or something.

Technically, there is nothing strictly determined or inevitable about what happens. But if we perceive ourselves as a victim, this will be imprinted in our karma for centuries.

3. Free will means we can choose our response.

Everything that happens to us comes from our choices as souls. We are responsible for how to respond to current events.

This is how our free will. All experiences contain a core of wisdom and learning within them, meaning they can all be positively interpreted as learning experiences.

4. Forgiveness frees us from suffering.

By maintaining grievances and negative feelings towards others, we find ourselves in the prison of our experiences. We become victims of our own suffering, rather than victims of those who supposedly harmed us.

We are most harmed not by what our abusers have done to us, but by how we we react to it ourselves.

Forgiveness allows us to let go of the presence of strangers in our inner world, and we can use this open space to live freely. Without forgiveness, we are hostage to our guilt, shame and resentment.

Forgiveness opens the door to releasing negativity, and replacing the negative qualities of our reality with positive feelings of love, peace and freedom.

5. We are part of the Divine consciousness

We are all part of God and our consciousness is part of the Divine consciousness. As a manifestation of God, we are literally Divine beings.

Each person comes with their own unique essence, their unique view of the world, their unique truth, so that each person's Knowledge is based on their unique beliefs, experiences and education.

From the moment it arises, knowledge always evolves, adapting itself to expanding vibrations. Our behavior affects other people and our environment energetically, cosmically and physically.

Our perception selects from the collective unconscious according to its unstable limitations. More often than not, the picture that emerges includes our beliefs, and if our beliefs change, the picture will shift and morph into something else.

If someone truly believed that they could walk on water, then it would certainly be possible. Reality operates in layers of consciousness created by thought. Nothing can come without first being conceived in thought.

6. Our greatest power is in the present.

We are constantly developing, increasing our knowledge. This increase is in our natural nature. We were born to develop our awareness. The past and future are constantly changing in our present awareness, since truth is found only in the present moment.

Thus, reconsidering how we understand our past changes it; changing the way we interpret the present changes the future.

Our greatest power turns on when selected which we do at every present moment.

7. Joy is a gift from the heart

Pure unlimited spiritual energies of the higher realm cannot be found in books or critical studies. Joy, unconditional love and acceptance, kindness and compassion are the deepest qualities of our soul.

Joy of heart and soul are qualities of purity that raises the vibrations of the spirit.

Joy truly brings magic into our lives.

How to Move Forward on Our Soul Journey

We are creating the story of our lives—the faster we can create that story, the faster we can bring ourselves fully into the present. This present moment is the gift of all gifts, where all awareness coincides with an endless sea of ​​possibilities.

Our spiritual goal is to be completely integration of mind, body and spirit our source and the Universe.

The great path begins with forgiveness and acceptance.

Forgiveness is not an easy or straightforward path for most people due to many emotional blocks and layers. It would be easy if we could “let go” with an open heart in the same moment, without becoming attached, because it is this attachment that causes pain.

Our beliefs are the reason for this. Our stubbornness makes us feel justified in maintaining our anger, which hurts us the most.

Our beliefs make us human and give us the opportunity to exist in this world. However, men's complacent sense of the rightness of our beliefs can distance us from the true calling of our soul.

This can cloud our self-perception and compassion for others.

Self-love is natural and perfect as it is. If one day we come to the conclusion that we are not good enough, we begin to waste our lives trying to prove that we are good enough, we are worthy, we deserve love, we are okay...

We have all been victims and abusers at different levels: physically, emotionally or spiritually. Our soul has experience of everything: violence, murder, the worst of crimes, with the experience of both the criminal and the victim.

Healing will come when we face the darkness, bringing light into the shadows and accepting everything as it is.

It is disgusting and cruel to be a victim of something that seems to rob you of the Spirit, until eventually the terrible pain changes and becomes some of the most powerful Strength and Good within yourself and the world.

We're not here to play small. We came because our wonderful destiny is to be Gods and Goddesses.

Translation by Tatiana Beglyak specially for the magazine “Reincarnationists”


Material in English, purchased for further translation within our resource

If you don't know what we're talking about,

Ultimate Key To Freedom Experience
Make The Leap Into Phase 3

The Most Important Key to Freedom
Jump to Phase 3

Robert Sheinfield

Do you want to move beyond the teachings and tools of Phase 2 and Breakthrough, move into Phase 3, and start your Sunshine game? If so, I want to invite you to join me on the most amazing journey to what I now call “Ultimate Freedom.”

Something happened after years of applying Phase 2 teachings, its tools, and breaking off huge chunks of cloud cover.

Something really BIG.

I didn't know this was coming.

I had no idea what to expect when something new started to “enter” my life.

As events progressed, I witnessed the remnants of the Cloud Cover dissolve and another portal open - a portal to Phase 3, in which you play the Human Game in pure Sunlight.

I always knew that Phase 3 and playing in Sunlight would be amazing.

However, as it turns out, I had no idea what was really going on in Sunlight, or to be precise, how things would change in what I now call "Inner Space" and "Story Space" until actually Something BIG didn't happen.

As you study The Ultimate Key to Freedom, you will discover what happened to me, what I discovered in Phase 3, what I Saw and Knew in the Sunlight, and you will have the opportunity to Know the same in your story - the ultimate dissolution of the Cloud Cover and jump to Phase 3.

The material is available in three versions:

SpoilerTarget"> Spoiler: Jade, Ruby, Amethyst


    • You will receive 25 videos in HD quality and go through a four-day journey of Knowledge in the same way as the participants in the live seminar
    • All video materials will be available both via the Internet and for downloading for playback on any device
    • Integration audio recordings of the “Process with Closed Eyes”
    • Audio recordings for subliminal support
    • Full set MP3 audio files from all 25 videos
    • Color printout of all Cognition slides
    • "Next Steps" support
    • And many many others

The Ruby option includes everything available for Jade, plus:

  • Coaching and Support: You will have access to me personally for 12 weeks to get all your questions answered (no restrictions), and receive coaching, support, guidance and inspiration
  • An audio archive of years of coaching and support: You'll also get access to a complete historical archive of questions and stories submitted by other members (over many years) and my answers in audio format. This is an absolutely priceless audio archive! In fact, it has been a multi-day masterclass/companion course in itself up until today
  • The Most Important Key to Happiness is an accompanying 15-lesson video course that will provide excellent support for the transformation of your feelings and emotions into Cognition, and will help you discover an immediate and permanent Feeling of True Happiness - for all time, no matter what is happening in your life . The accompanying course will also help you say goodbye to anger, sadness, irritation, fear, depression and other so-called negative emotions that you have struggled with all your life.
Since Knowing Ultimate Freedom will greatly shake up every aspect of your life, coaching, support and a multi-year archive of audio recordings can be a VERY, VERY important piece of the puzzle for you. This is what happened to many participants who went on the Journey before you.

Sometimes it is imperative to have the opportunity to interact with someone who has been there, done that, and can guide you every step of the way on your personal path of Discovery.


The Amethyst option was created for those people who want to dive as deeply as possible into the Knowledge of Ultimate Freedom, to get inoculated with as many strains of the Truth Virus as possible into their “system”, and who also need additional access to me for a longer time for instructions, support and inspiration on the journey, and to continue to answer questions as things move and change in their story.

Amethyst includes everything available for Ruby and Jade, plus:

  • 5 Day Audio Recordings: The main video component of Experiencing Ultimate Freedom is based on a four-day “live” event I held in Sedona, Arizona several years ago. Since then, I've expanded Cognition, added and tweaked a lot of different things, and it's now offered as a five-day live event that I most often host at my home with a maximum of 10 people. I recorded a recent live intensive at my home and created audio recordings of the entire five-day event. The first benefit of Amethyst is that you will receive a complete set of these recordings, containing over 30 hours. Overall, you will thus get two versions of the Experience - a four-day video version of the recordings from Sedona (which was more than amazing and unique), and a five-day audio version of the Experience several years later.
  • Full color PDF slides: During the above audio recording, we showed the presentation slides on the big screen during the above audio recording, which you will also receive
  • Additional support and coaching with me for one more year: You'll receive support and coaching from me personally throughout the year, plus look over my shoulder as I provide support and coaching and answer questions from participants
  • One year membership in the Dancing in Ultimate Freedom community: I created this community for early graduates of this event who wanted to keep in touch with me, be able to ask me questions and have them answered on an ongoing basis, listen to others' questions and answers, and receive a constant stream of additional materials (audio, video, text and pictures) to support the awakening of Ultimate Freedom in their stories. I was involved in this community for a year, and then I decided to consolidate the membership into Amethyst Cognition, which is what you are now seeing.

What is freedom? The greatest minds of humanity are constantly looking for an answer to this question. I will not take away bread from philosophers and will limit myself to a perhaps somewhat one-sided interpretation, but quite suitable for our topic: “FREEDOM IS THE OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE LIFE ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN SCENARIO.”

Yes, this scenario depends on many factors besides our desire, but Shakespeare also wrote his plays taking into account the reality around him, the requirements of classical canons and even fashion trends. True freedom does not imply a battle with “windmills”, but a search for one’s own path, among the realities and limitations of the world around us.

Unfortunately, these “realities” sometimes seem insurmountable. However, like most of our fears, this insurmountability is 90% far-fetched. We don't do a lot of things just because someone else tried to do it before us and didn't succeed. And we, taught by the “adult approach” to life, no longer try, as in childhood, to test all statements experimentally, but agree with the conclusions made by someone at some time.

This “reasonable” approach to assessing reality is well illustrated, in my opinion, by the following experiment conducted by Western scientists.

Scientists placed a bunch of bananas in a cage with five monkeys. The monkeys naturally rushed to the treat and received a powerful shower of cold water. After some time, the experiment with bananas was repeated. The matter ended with another shower. It took a few more “lessons” for the monkeys to develop a reflex: you can’t approach these bananas. Some time passed and one of the old monkeys was replaced by a new one, unfamiliar with water procedures. Of course, as soon as the fatal connection appeared, the monkey rushed to it. However, her vigilant relatives did not allow her to make a familiar mistake and, in order to avoid another shower, they pulled her away from the bananas. After another couple of days, the next monkey from the “old-timers” was replaced with a new one. As soon as the “newbie” tried to get to the treat, history repeated itself: the monkeys drove the impudent one away. Interestingly, the monkey who tried the most was the one who was unfamiliar with the shower. So gradually all the old monkeys were replaced by new ones, and although none of them knew why they should not approach this bunch, the taboo was jealously maintained by all the inhabitants of the cage.

Doesn't our perception of reality sometimes resemble the behavior of these monkeys? We clearly know the prohibitions and restrictions and do not even try to question them. And if such a seditious thought sometimes creeps in, then everyone around us will rush to dissuade us from this crazy idea. And the most unpleasant thing is that, sad as it may seem, it is our relatives and friends who dissuade us the most. Jean-Luc Jinder called this behavior of others “sabotage syndrome.” The reason for this behavior of loved ones is simple, as Jean-Luc himself explains it:

"As soon as you start doing anything that isn't
coincides with or even goes against the goals and dreams that most people are limited to, you need to be prepared for the fact that the people around you can, albeit unconsciously, sabotage your efforts... Never judge anyone for this. People do not pay attention to your achievements at all in order to annoy you. It’s just that your activities don’t fit into the image they already have of you. They have arranged the furniture in their minds, and among this furniture you are given the place of a serving table, and you suddenly turn into a sofa. This confuses them. I repeat once again that sabotage by loved ones is a completely natural phenomenon, so do not take it to heart.”

So, the behavior of those around us is now clear to us. The question is: why do we, being extremely highly intelligent creatures, allow other people to determine our lives? And here we come to one of the main locks on the path to our freedom - the fear of condemnation. After all, man, as we know, is a social being, which in our context means “followed”, and therefore he tends to evaluate all his actions through the prism of public opinion and social stereotypes.

What is the conclusion? From this moment on, we cease to be just people. We become a Personality! A person who alone can change not only his life, but also the course of all history. Who said it's impossible?

Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Henry Ford, Einstein, Edison and many others from the circle of Personalities, to which we now include ourselves, did not recognize restrictions. Maybe we should believe them? After all, we are still social beings, which means we share the beliefs of our own kind (the question is who we consider to be our own kind). Is not it?

Well, this limitation in our lives is over! There are only a few fears left: fear of death, fear of poverty and fear of uncertainty.

Let's start with the eternal. Fear of death. Each of us faces this fear. It is this that underlies the pseudo-religious belief that the pursuit of wealth is sinful, which can become the main obstacle to your prosperity. Thought is material, and therefore any belief is a wall that needs to be either rounded (if this is at all possible) or broken. Nobody knows what awaits us after death.

And if some religion promises us paradise, we tend to believe it unlimitedly. I will not question your ideals. Although, by the way, let me remind you that there are billions of other people in the world who also endlessly believe that theirs is the only way. But even Jesus says: “For whoever has, more will be given to him, but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away.” Isn't this a confirmation of the law of attraction of like? Be happy and light will enter your life, strive for success and luck will not leave you! And if you still need a good Goal for accumulating wealth, think about how many wonderful changes you can make in the world with really Big money. Isn’t it true that the possibilities that open up are breathtaking?

Fear of death is essentially an extreme form of fear of uncertainty, the main cause of most “slipping” in our lives. How many ruined opportunities and lost chances lie on the conscience of this fear. The unknown is scary. This ancient truth is still relevant today. However, truly great fortunes were created precisely by people who were ready to risk everything for the sake of a ghostly idea. How many times, having stepped into the unknown, they realized that they had made a mistake. How many times did they have to gather their remaining strength for one more step into the void. Few people have success right away. However, they all believed in themselves and their star and were ready to rise from the ashes a thousand times, each time testing their fate anew. We admire such people, we dream of being like them, but when an Opportunity arises in our life, we deliberately miss it, choosing the familiar and familiar.

It is no coincidence that one of the most striking features of truly Great Personalities was healthy adventurism, a love of risk and adventure.

Few people are born with such inclinations, but each of us is capable of developing a readiness for change. And you don’t have to wait for the situation of the Decisive choice - let changes into your life today. To begin with, make it a rule to always take different roads to get to work. It seems simple, but it is from such actions that a habit is formed and, as a result, a new character trait is formed. Think about how else you could diversify your life? And most importantly, in any situation of choice, even the smallest one (going to the theater or sitting comfortably with a book on the sofa), give preference to new opportunities. Do this for at least one month - that’s exactly how long, according to psychologists’ research, it takes a person to form a habit.

The most important obstacle to wealth, paradoxically, is the fear of poverty. We get from life not what we want, but what we EXPECT. If you are afraid of poverty, then its image is present in your mind and seeks to materialize. There is a dampening effect when our positive thoughts and career aspirations intersect with subconscious (and conscious) fears. In the best case, if you are an optimist by nature, positive emotions will prevail and you will still move (albeit slowly) towards your goal. If you are rather a pessimist by nature, then I recommend changing your life position as quickly as possible :-).

Another reason why the fear of poverty interferes with the creation of mega-wealths is the accompanying craving for hoarding. Fearing poverty, you will be shaking over every ruble, making, in financial terms, the most reliable, and therefore the least profitable investments, if you even risk pulling your savings out from under the mattress. I hope the logic is clear.

In conclusion, I would like to say: strive for money, but do not become attached to it. Appreciate not the “candy wrappers”, but the opportunities they open up for you. Money is a means that, if it does not give you the future of your dreams, will at least make it much easier to turn your desired life scenario into reality. Therefore, when earning your first million, always remember that the main value of a Personality is Freedom, even the freedom to make a mistake.

After all, it is past falls that give a unique taste to future Triumphs.