When Reshetnikov was born and died. Painting by Reshetnikov “Boys”


The painting “Boys”, like most of F.P.’s paintings Reshetnikov, dedicated to children. This is one of the artist's most poetic works.

In the center of the picture are the guys who climbed to the roof of a multi-story building. Their inspired faces are highlighted especially brightly by the artist. The boys, so different, differing from each other in hair color, eye color, height, are similar in one thing: their gaze is directed upward and, perhaps, in their dreams they are in a distant galaxy. And this is no coincidence, because the picture was painted ten years after the first manned space flight, and the idols of every boy were astronauts.

It is clear that they differ in character from each other. The white-headed boy tensely holds on to the railing, perhaps this is the first time he has risen to such a height. Everything seems new to him, as evidenced by his naive look and open mouth in surprise. The second guy feels much more confident and, placing a friendly hand on his friend’s shoulder, points to something interesting: a bright star or a meteorite. It seems that of the three of them he is the most well-read. The boy is enthusiastically talking about something. One might assume that these are entertaining stories about the stars or about the first astronauts, whose fame excited the hearts of teenagers. The third boy, wearing a cap pulled to one side, sat comfortably on the ledge of the roof. The dreamy expression on his face betrays him as a dreamer, who in his thoughts is already traveling on a spaceship.

The background of the painting depicts an evening city. The boundless starry sky and the lights of lanterns scattered in the darkness, the light of windows in houses are mesmerizing and bring back memories of the same moments of admiring the stars, which, undoubtedly, everyone experiences. The artist used dark colors: shades of dark blue, gray, black. But, despite this, the picture evokes bright and joyful feelings, because it is all permeated with the light of dreams and faith in a wonderful future.

The artist Reshetnikov painted the painting “Boys” in 1971. The first man has already flown into space. And people have already landed on the moon. Active exploration and development of the new space is already underway. And every boy dreams of being an astronaut when he grows up.

So in the picture, we see three boys who climbed onto the highest roof in the city to admire the starry night sky. This is noticeable by how far and low the rest of the houses are located in the background.

One is clearly more interested in stars than anyone else and enthusiastically explains to his friends which star is where and what it is called. And maybe he shares fantasies about how humanity will fly through space to distant planets and galaxies.

His friends listen to him with rapt attention, also peering into the starry space. One of them even opened his mouth in surprise and admiration at what he heard. And the third boy dreamily threw his head back and is already soaring in his thoughts far from the earth, flying in a spaceship to conquer new spaces.

The artist very accurately described the boys' dreaminess. The viewer sees this in their poses, how they threw their heads back to the sky. In the look and facial expressions. I also want to throw my head back and dream about distant stars and planets.

Essay based on the painting by Boy Reshetnikov

The work of the wonderful Soviet artist Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov allows everyone to completely immerse themselves in the wonderful world of childhood, regardless of the age of the viewer. The most famous of his paintings is “Deuce Again,” but “Boys,” written in 1971, is in no way inferior to it.

The plot of the picture is quite unusual: night, children, the roof of a multi-story building and a huge dark blue summer sky stretching over a falling asleep city.

What prompted three teenagers to climb onto the roof on a summer August night? Do you want to get off the ground and get closer to the stars, or admire the August starfall? Be that as it may, three boys look at the endless sky with enchanted eyes, delight is visible on their young faces, and one even opened his mouth from the emotions overwhelming him. A cute teenager in a white shirt helps his friends take a tour of the vast starry sky with his story. He points his finger at the celestial bodies and, together with his comrades, admires their remoteness, beauty and mystery.

The boys do not look down at the beautiful city sparkling with lights; they are attracted to other planets, other galaxies. It is clear that this quiet, beautiful night will remain forever in their tenacious boyish memory.

It is unknown who the guys will become in the future, what they will decide to devote their lives to. The main thing is that they always remain the same inquisitive and enthusiastic, and that the desire for unknown cosmic distances does not decrease over the years.

In the picture, all her young heroes have one thing in common - fascination with the endless expanses of space, admiration, amazement and awareness of the wonders of the universe.

In general, the picture evokes positive emotions in the viewer and evokes thoughts about the versatility of life, childhood curiosity and the unknown of space.

Description of the painting Boys

The teacher told us to look carefully at the painting “Boys”, think and write an essay. I looked long and carefully. I like the picture!

She has a beautiful blue color. As thick as it gets late, late in the evening. If suddenly my mother got carried away with cooking dinner or was watching Malakhov and forgot to call me home... Then you can still sit in the yard without looking at the stars. They are so beautiful! I think moms forgot to invite the boys to dinner too. Or even the guys ran away! To look at the stars.

In general, it’s great to climb onto the roof – high! The whole city is visible. There they probably have Moscow - the windows in the tall buildings are lit. In general, it’s definitely a city! The roof is beautiful, clean, safe - there are railings. And so friends (children of the same age, they may study in the same class) watch. One of them saw something and showed it to a friend. “Look, look!” What is it?

For example, it could be a shooting star. A rare occurrence, but an important one. You can make a wish. Then he’s a great guy and shares the miracle with a friend. Or there's a plane! So beautiful... You always wonder where he is flying. Or Mars or Saturn. More precisely, one boy saw it and showed it to another. What if this boy is interested in astronomy? Then he can, as a teacher, tell his friends everything about the starry sky.

A cunning artist - he makes them guess what they see there. I couldn't draw!It's more interesting this way though.

The second one watches and listens very carefully. And his sweater is beautiful. The third one was completely daydreaming! Sits, watches the stars. All the guys are cute!

The boys could have climbed onto the roof just as a joke - to look at the city, but here the sky turned out to be so close. Now they definitely don’t notice anything except the beautiful sky. They all definitely dream of becoming astronauts! Although you can also be artists...

This picture even looks like a photograph! Of course, I wouldn’t be able to draw like that, even my mother couldn’t, not even our art teacher... But in this picture everything is as simple as in life. It’s even strange, but you can’t see the stars - clouds, some kind of haze. It's like man and space! That is, everything is still vague, but soon Humanity will begin to conquer distant stars, build cities on other planets and relax on the Moon. I think this will definitely happen! And soon!

The topic is often given in 5th grade

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    Shcherbakov, one of the great artists who knew how to paint landscapes with precision. In his works he could show the weather, the seasons and nature itself so realistically that the canvas could easily be confused with a photograph.

During his student years, he became famous as a master of graphic caricature; as an artist-reporter, he became a participant in polar expeditions on the icebreakers Sibiryakov (1932) and Chelyuskin (1933-1934). The brought sketches were a success, especially against the backdrop of the triumphant conclusion of the famous “Chelyuskin epic.” Consolidating his success, Fyodor Reshetnikov turned to easel painting, created a number of works in a conservative realistic manner, which were also received favorably by viewers and critics (“The sick O. Yu. Schmidt leaves the Chelyuskin camp,” “Captain V.I. Voronin,” “ Icebreaker "Sibiryakov" in the ice", "Meeting on an ice floe", "First galley on an ice floe", "I hear the earth!", all 1934; "The first Heroes of the Soviet Union. A. Lyapidevsky, V. Molokov, S. Levanevsky, M Vodopyanov, N. Kamanin, I. Doronin, M. Slepnev").

During the war years, he was engaged in propaganda art, made several patriotic anti-Hitler posters mobilizing to fight the enemy, and drew cartoons exposing the disgusting appearance of the fascists (“Crimea will be Soviet”, 1942).

Classic examples of Stalinist socialist realism were his paintings dedicated to children and the struggle for peace: “We got the “language”” (1945), “With victory” (1947), “Arrived on vacation (1948), “For peace!” (1950), “On leave” (1950), “A bad mark again” (1952), “Letter to distant lands” (1952), “Re-examination” (1954), “Doves of peace” (1956). In these works, F. Reshetnikov perfectly conveyed the mischievous characters of children, the life and everyday life of Soviet schoolchildren of the 1940-50s.

He painted politically engaged paintings: Generalissimo of the Soviet Union I.V. Stalin (1948). He established himself as a good portrait painter who knows how to convey the external resemblance and character of the subject (“Portrait of L. Brodskaya” 1949, “Portrait of a Student” 1957, “Boys” 1971, “Portrait of the Pilot A. Lyapidevsky” 1979).
Despite certain successes and recognition as a painter, Fyodor Reshetnikov has always been passionate about satire. Exposing “formalism” in art, he even invented a unique form of caricature triptych (Secrets of abstractionism, 1960; all works - Tretyakov Gallery), supplementing it with a book of the same name (1963).

He created sharp political posters aimed at criticizing the aggressive plans of NATO and the United States, imperialism, and the nuclear arms race: “NATO Policy”, “New Nuclear Strategy”.

His cartoons of the masters of Soviet art (1950-1970s), graphic and sculptural ones are surprisingly expressive and sharp - especially the latter: “A. Kibalnikov" (1956), "I. Grabar", "E. Kibrik", "Z. Azgur and N. Romadin" (all 1962),

The paintings of F. P. Reshetnikov are kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery (STG), the Bryansk Art Museum, and private Russian and Western collections.

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Reshetnikov Fedor Pavlovich is a Soviet artist who painted in the genre of socialist realism. Born on July 15 (28), 1906 in the village of Sursko-Litovsk in Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk region. Nowadays, in this village there is a museum of the artist. At the age of three he became an orphan.

He studied in Moscow at the VKHUTEIN - Institute of Fine Arts from 1929 to 1934.

In 1933, while still a young man, he took part in the famous Arctic expedition on the steamship Chelyuskin, where he and everyone else drifted on an ice floe. Having experienced many difficulties and hardships, he was rescued in 1934.

During the war, he was engaged in agitation, drawing posters and paintings on this topic. After the war, he chose socialist realism as a genre.

Reshetnikov taught at the Moscow State Art Institute. Surikov (from 1953 to 1957) and the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Lenin (from 1956 to 1962).

In 1974 he received the title People's Artist of the USSR. Twice received the Stalin Prize. He was married to Lydia Brodskaya, also a People's Artist.

The most famous paintings are “Arrived for Vacation”, “Deuce Again”, “For Peace”, “Enough of the Language”, “Boys”, “Generalissimo of the Soviet Union Stalin I.V.”, “Portrait of the Pilot A. Lyapidevsky”.

F. P. Reshetnikov is an extremely talented artist. His paintings are very bright and realistic. They are imbued with special warmth and sincerity. The theme of children occupies a significant place in the artist’s work. These are: “Enough of the language”, “On leave”, “For peace”, “Arrived on vacation”. The painting “Deuce Again” stands out in particular. Reshetnikov created a memorable and interesting work.

Fedor Reshetnikov is a bright and original artist, unusually gifted. He belongs to the representatives of socialist realism. Fedor was born on July 15 (28), 1906 in the village. Sursko-Litovsk (Ukraine). His father was an icon painter, so the attraction to the art of painting was inherent in him from birth. At three years old the boy was left an orphan. His older brother Vasily, who left the Kiev Art School for the sake of his family, was involved in his upbringing. In the second half of the 20s, Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov entered the Moscow Art Faculty of the Workers' Faculty. In the period 1929-1934 he studied at the Higher Art and Technical Institute. During his student days, the Kukryniksy had a great influence on his work. Already at this time, Reshetnikov was known as a master of graphic caricature. He was an active promoter of the system of socialist realism. He did not accept other artistic movements and fought against them. Fyodor Pavlovich died on December 13, 1988. His grave is located in Moscow at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

The artist's multifaceted talent

Thanks to his talent, he went on polar expeditions on the icebreakers Sibiryakov (1932) and Chelyuskin (1933-1934) as an artist-reporter. His works from these places were a great success. He had a special gift in the field of satire. Being an excellent caricaturist, Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov created a significant number of talented sculptural cartoons. Some of his works are located in the Tretyakov Gallery. He is also known as the creator of compositions of the academic everyday genre in the region. In this regard, there is a close connection between the works of Fyodor Pavlovich and the creations of the Itinerant artists. Reshetnikov created amazing paintings in “plein air” landscapes. However, these works remained unknown to the general public.

Pedagogical activity. Titles, prizes, awards

Fyodor Pavlovich studied. From 1953 to 1957 he taught at the Moscow State Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov. From 1956 to 1962 he worked at the V.I. Lenin Pedagogical Institute in Moscow. For his fruitful creative activity, Reshetnikov was awarded high titles and prizes. In 1949, for the paintings “Generalissimo of the Soviet Union I.V. Stalin” and “Arrived on Vacation,” he received the title of laureate of the Stalin Prize, 2nd degree. In 1951, for the painting “For Peace!” was awarded 3rd degree. In 1974 he received the high title of People's Artist of the USSR.

The secret of the success of Reshetnikov’s creativity

The bright works of the artist were very memorable for the Soviet audience. Looking at the paintings of Fyodor Reshetnikov now, we seem to be transported into the past; the spirit of that time is felt through them. It is not at all surprising why his paintings gained wide popularity. They are imbued with special warmth and sincerity. The artist pays a lot of attention to detail in depicting people. Before looking at this or that person, he carefully examines him, notes for himself the individual and clearly expressive features of each of them. Therefore, his portrait genre is incredibly successful. The paintings of Fyodor Reshetnikov embody the integrity of the worldview of a realist artist. In his landscapes and portraits one can feel a great love for his homeland, loyalty to his own principles and beliefs. At the same time, the master is characterized by an extraordinary sharpness of sight, a wonderful sense of observation and humor. In this regard, another side of his creative talent was revealed. Reshetnikov, in addition to his successful activities in the field of painting and graphics, succeeded in creating excellent sculptural compositions of a satirical and humorous nature.

Children's theme in the artist's work

During the Great Patriotic War, he created “We Got the Language” (1943). The reason for its writing was one incident. One day he arrived from Sevastopol to Moscow and saw children playing war on the street. This interested him, and he stopped to look at the kids. None of them agreed to be in the role of a “fascist”. Only kids who didn’t understand anything about politics fell for this bait. The “Kruts” were beaten well by the guys who quickly got into the role. Reshetnikov was interested in this plot, and he painted the painting “Enough of the Tongue.” She discovered children's themes in his work, which became one of the main ones in the post-war period. He also created the following works: “On Leave” (1947), “For Peace” (1950) and, perhaps the most popular picture, “Deuce Again.” Reshetnikov wrote it in 1952.

The plot of another painting - "Arrived for Vacation" (1948) - is also taken from everyday life.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, Fyodor Pavlovich often saw Suvorov soldiers being greeted by relatives. Everyone went home happy and contented, and the boys walked briskly. Reshetnikov imagined how one of them returned to his native place and reported in full form to his grandfather (a career military man): “Arrived for vacation!” The guy is very proud that he is already a little soldier. The grandfather stands at attention, receiving a report from his beloved grandson. The scene is somewhat humorous and at the same time serious.

F. Reshetnikov, “A deuce again.” History of creation

Initially, the artist wanted to paint a picture about an excellent student who informs his mother about another A. In search of such a student, Fyodor Pavlovich went to school. The teachers sat the artist in the “gallery”, from where he carefully watched everyone and slowly sketched. The children were clearly embarrassed and a little worried, because they thought that this man had come from the city police department with a check. The teacher called one excellent student to the board and gave him an absolutely simple problem to solve. But the boy was very confused and could not concentrate and solve the given example. Students from the class whispered clues to him, but because he was scared, he didn’t understand them at all. He lowered his head and stood silently with chalk in his hands. And then a new theme was born for the artist, and the painting “Deuce Again” appeared. Reshetnikov made the main character a smart and lively boy.

How was the picture created?

First, the master decided to draw a male teacher. But since almost only women work at the school, I drew a teacher. But the artist did not like the initial sketch. He found it uninteresting and boring. Then he had the idea to move the scene: from the school classroom to the house. After all, a bad grade is an unpleasant event for the whole family. Before the painting “Deuce Again” appeared, Reshetnikov created a considerable number of preparatory drawings. Fyodor Pavlovich carefully selected sitters for his composition. The main character was a goalkeeper boy whom he met in the yard. Another important character was the dog. To make him stand on his hind legs, the artist bought him sausages, and the owner fed him while he painted. In the final sketches, a mother, an older sister and a younger brother appeared.

F. P. Reshetnikov, “Deuce Again” (description)

In the foreground of the picture is a boy with his head down. His saddened appearance is associated with the bad grade he received at school. He knows that he will now be scolded, so he is very upset. The reason for the bad grade treacherously peeks out from his briefcase - these are the skates that the schoolboy became interested in. His faithful friend feels that the little master is upset about something. Wagging his tail, he rushed to the boy, showing with all his appearance that he felt sorry for him. A little further away sits a disappointed mother, who is very unhappy that her son received another bad grade. Next to her is a little brother on a bicycle. He doesn't quite understand what's going on. He is just glad that his older brother has returned from school and will now play with him. The sister is shown in the background. Her stern and condemning gaze is impossible not to notice. She doesn’t understand why boys are so irresponsible about their studies. A wall clock, a window and a door to the room are drawn. That's the whole picture of "Deuce Again". Reshetnikov, not only in this composition, but also in other works, portrayed boys as enthusiastic fidgets, from whom real men would certainly grow up.

Thus, Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov is a bright, original and unusually talented personality. He was an excellent artist, caricaturist and sculptor. Of the existing trends, he was concerned about the children's theme in his work. These are the paintings “Enough of the Language”, “On Leave”, “For Peace”, “Deuce Again” and many others.

Deuce again, 1952

The artist Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov is widely known for his famous painting “Deuce Again.”

The life path of Fyodor Pavlovich deserves special attention. Reshetnikov took part in the expedition of the icebreaker "Chelyuskin"; was a war correspondent during the Great Patriotic War, he painted posters to raise the morale of the Red Army. Reshetnikov was awarded the title of State Prize laureate several times. In 1953 he was elected a full member of the USSR Academy of Arts. In 1966 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

In the work of Fyodor Pavlovich, I especially like his works related to children's themes. The artist managed to capture some features of his time, to convey the spirit of his era.

I suggest you get acquainted with the artist’s paintings:

Enough of the tongue. 1943

Arrived on vacation. 1948. For this picture, Fyodor Reshetnikov was awarded the title of State Prize laureate.

The offender was caught. 1950

Letter to distant lands. 1952

Lyuba's lessons. 1952

Resit. 1954

Boys. 1971