Fairy tale quizzes for preschoolers. Lesson outline (preparatory group) on the topic: Literary quiz for older preschoolers “Visiting a fairy tale

Quiz for preschoolers

"Fairy-tale heroes"


To develop in children the ability to listen carefully to the teacher’s questions, to take turns when answering questions, to listen to another child without interrupting, to cultivate such qualities as the ability to play in a team, friendliness, honesty in the game, fairness;

To develop children's auditory attention, coherent speech, and the ability to think and solve riddles.

Introduce children to folk culture- knowledge of fairy tales.

Remember the fairy tales you have read.

Develop children's speech, expand active vocabulary, activate oral speech, develop proper speech breathing, speech apparatus, memory.

Expand children's knowledge about fairy tales.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales in groups, theatrical activities based on fairy tales.

Equipment: exhibition of books with fairy tales, illustrations for fairy tales.

Progress of the quiz.

Hello guys! Today we are invited to visit the Fairy Tale.

Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Children's response)

And I love. Funny and sad, scary and funny, fairy tales are familiar to us from childhood. Our ideas about good and evil, peace and justice are connected with them.

Both children and adults love fairy tales. They inspire writers and poets, composers and artists. Based on fairy tales, plays and films are staged, operas and ballets are created.

Today we will take a trip to this mysterious world fairy tales I will help you remember your favorite fairy tales, meet your favorite characters. I will help you on this journey to be fun, curious and witty.

I know that you guys are very friendly and brave. During the quiz you will help and help each other out. Is that right what I say? (Children's response)

So, let's begin!

The first competition is called “Warm-up”. In this round, each team will have to answer questions about the heroes of Russian folk tales.

Which fairy tale hero used his tail instead of a fishing rod? (Wolf)

Who in fairy tales is called by their patronymic – Patrikeevna? (Fox)

Which fairy tale hero lay on the stove all the time? (Emelya)

Who did the stove, apple tree and river help? (Mashenka)

The bug called the cat Masha. Masha for Zhuchka, Zhuchka for granddaughter, granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather (“Turnip”)

She came to the very wilderness, to the very thicket. He sees a hut standing there. I knocked, they didn't answer. She pushed the door, and it opened. (Masha and the Bear)

Competition 2. “Guess it”

1 – What song did Kolobok sing?

2 – What did the goat sing to her kids?

3 – What did Mashenka say to the bear while sitting in the box?

4 – What did the hen Ryaba say to the grandfather and woman?

5 – What words did the wolf use to help himself catch fish on his tail?

6 – What did the fox say at that time?

Dynamic pause “The fairy tale will give us a rest”

A fairy tale will give us a rest.

Let's take a rest and hit the road again!

Malvina advises us:

will become aspen waist,

If we bend over

Left and right ten times.

Here are the Thumbelina words:

So that your back is straight,

Get up on your toes

It's like you're reaching for flowers.

One two three four five.

Little Red Riding Hood's advice:

If you jump, run,

You will live for many years.

One two three four five.

Say it again:

One two three four five.

The fairy tale gave us a rest!

Have you rested?

On the road again!

(Children repeat the described movements.)

Competition 3.“ Fairy tale riddles.”

Guess fairy tale heroes,

I'm giving you tips.

To make it easier to answer,

We will rhyme the lines.

1. He has it for the kids

There are balloons.

Has a tail like a hook

Piglet... (Piglet)

2. He looks so much like a ball,

But he couldn’t save himself.

He has a ruddy side -

This is delicious... (Kolobok)

3. She is familiar to all the children,

And he lives in the forest with the gnomes,

But not at all a sweet tooth,

Her name... (Snow White)

4.He lives in a dense forest,

Dark, scary and prickly.

As a villain he is quite successful -

Harmful hairy... (Leshy)

5. Carlson flew to him,

Played different games.

And your city from above, from the rooftops,

Considered by our friend... (Kid)

6.He is a cheerful little boy,

But he's not a bully at all.

The key was pulled out of the mud

Wooden... (Pinocchio)

7.He doesn't know kind words,

One tail, but three heads.

He's scary and huge -

Fire-breathing dragon)

8. He has a sweet tooth, loves honey,

He visits all year round.

And he sings songs out loud,

Little bear... (Winnie the Pooh)

9. Never trust him

At least he will say that he is immortal.

It consists of the relics -

Disgusting... (Koschei)

10. He has it for the kids

There are balloons.

Has a tail like a hook

Piglet... (Piglet)

11.Run away from the dirty people

Cups, spoons and pans.

She is looking for them, calling them

And on the way tears are shed. (Fedora)

12.Both the little hare and the she-wolf

Everyone runs to him for treatment. (Aibolit)

Didn't need any hints

You guessed all the fairy tales.

The sages created them,

And all of you together... (Well done)

Competition 4.“ Correct mistakes".

There are errors in the titles of the following fairy tales. Find them. I will call each team in turn a changeling. Be careful.

* “Cockerel Ryaba” - “Chicken Ryaba”.

* “Dasha and the Bear” - “Masha and the Bear”.

* “The Wolf and the Seven Lambs” - “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids.”

* “The Cockerel and the Pea Seed” - “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed.”

* “Ducks-swans” – “Geese-swans”.

* “A fox with a saucepan” – “A fox with a rolling pin.

* “By the command of the fish” - “By pike command».

* “Zayushkin’s house” - “Zayushkin’s hut”.

Well done, everyone named and answered.
Guys, our quiz has come to an end.Now let's summarize.

Guys, we don’t say goodbye to fairy tales, but say goodbye to them and see you again.

Irina Khasanova
Quiz on Russian folk tales for older preschool children

Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales"Swan geese", "By pike command, "Frog Princess", , "Kolobok", , "Three Bears", "Cat, Rooster and Fox".

Examination of illustrations, learning to write descriptive riddles, making emblems with team names.


Form at children the ability to listen carefully to the teacher’s questions, take turns when answering questions, listen to another child without interrupting, cultivate such qualities as the ability to play in a team, friendliness, honesty in the game, fairness;

Develop children auditory attention, coherent speech, the ability to make and guess riddles.

Communicate children to folk culture - knowledge of fairy tales.

Recall what you read fairy tales.

Develop speech children, expand your active vocabulary, activate oral speech, develop proper speech breathing, speech apparatus, and memory.

Expand knowledge children about fairy tales;

Create conditions for propaganda healthy image life;

Promote physical development qualities: speed, coordination, dexterity;

Foster a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance, and camaraderie.

Equipment: exhibition of books with fairy tales, illustrations Russian folk tales, illustrations for fairy tales, two brooms, certificates, hummocks, d/i "Collect a picture from fairy tales» .

Organizing time.

Hello guys! Today we are invited to visit fairy tale.

Guys, do you love fairy tales? (Answer children)

And I love. Happy and sad, scary and funny, fairy tales familiar to us since childhood. Our ideas about good and evil, peace and justice are connected with them.

Children also love fairy tales, and adults. They inspire writers and poets, composers and artists. By fairy tales plays and films are staged, operas and ballets are created.

Fairy tales - the oldest genre oral folk art. They came to us from ancient times.

And why fairy tales are called folk tales? (Answer children)

Right, folk tales were invented by the people and passed them on from mouth to mouth, from

generation to generation. When you were little you told stories

mothers or grandmothers, and soon you will go to school and learn to read them yourself. Reading

fairy tales, you will penetrate into a wonderful, mysterious, mysterious world.

IN fairy tales The most incredible miracles happen.

And today we will take a journey into this mysterious world Russian folk tales. I will help you remember your favorite ones fairy tales, meet your favorite heroes and even become heroes of one of fairy tales. I will help you on this journey to be fun, curious and witty.

I know that you guys are very friendly and brave. During quiz you will help, and help each other out. Is that right what I say? (Answer children)

Now you will see small pictures from fairy tales which many children love. I think you love them too and can easily recognize the characters and determine what they are from. fairy tales.

So, friends, let's start the program,

We have a large supply of ideas.

And who are they for? For you.

We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there is nothing more interesting

What are our magical fairy tales.

- Why are they magical?

- Yes, because in them animals can talk, there are non-existent heroes (Koshey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, the goblin, miracles happen - a frog turns into a princess, brother Ivanushka into a little goat, buckets move on their own.)

There are folk tales, but there are copyright ones. They are called that because they were invented by people. Copyright fairy tales was invented and written down by a specific human author. For example, you know everything fairy tale" ABOUT dead princess and 7 heroes”, “About the fisherman and the fish”. This fairy tales A. S. Pushkin. Or “Moidodyr” is fairy tale K. I. Chukovsky.

- And today we have gathered to hold quiz on Russian folk tales between two teams.

– Each team will receive its own task. If a team fails to complete the task, the question moves to another team. The jury will evaluate all your answers and announce the result.

- So, let's begin!

1. The first round is called "Warm-up". In this round, each team will have to answer questions about the heroes Russian folk tales.

What hero in fairy tale Did you use your tail instead of a fishing rod? (Wolf)

Whom in fairy tales Called by patronymic – Patrikeevna? (Fox)

What a hero fairy tales Was he lying on the stove all the time? (Emelya)

Who did the stove, apple tree and river help? (Mashenka)

The bug called the cat Masha. Masha for Zhuchka, Zhuchka for granddaughter, granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather ("Turnip")

She came to the very wilderness, to the very thicket. He sees a hut standing there. I knocked, they didn't answer. She pushed the door, and it opened. (Masha and the Bear)

Escaped from the dirty

Cups, spoons and pans.

She is looking for them, calling them

And on the way tears are shed. (Fedora)

Both the little hare and the she-wolf - Everyone runs to him for treatment. (Aibolit)

Over my simple question

You won't spend much effort.

Who is the boy with the long nose?

Did you make it out of logs?

(Papa Carlo)

It fell off Cinderella's leg by accident. She was not simple, but crystal (slipper)

Who destroyed the tower? (bear)

What did Ivanushka get drunk from? fairy tales"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"? (from the hoof)

What object did the fox use to treat the crane? (from a plate)

What object did the crane use to treat the fox? (from a jug)

Who was the first to meet a kolobok? (hare)

The tiniest girl (Thumbelina)

Whom did Kolobok, who left his grandparents, meet first on his way? (Hare)

What the hero from the ice hole released into the hole fairy tales"The Fox and the Wolf" (tail)

What words usually start Russian folk tales(Lived once)

About what tale. hero They say: "Oil head, silk beard." (rooster)

What animal wears fairy tale name - Mikhailo Potapych (bear)

What did the hare use to build his hut in fairy tale"Zayushka's hut?" (made of wood)

Physical exercise.

Game "Flies, doesn't fly."

(flying carpet, jug, ball, flying ship, Serpent Gorynych, mirror, walking boots, crane, ring, fox, sparrow, firebird, geese swans, Baba Yaga's stupa)

Second round: “Do you know well fairy tales"

I will show you illustrations, and you tell me fairy tale.

a) Masha and the Bear.

b) bun

c) A wolf and seven kids.

d) Zayushkina's hut.

e) Ryabka chicken

e) Cat, rooster and fox

Educator:Let's warm up a little.

Physical education minute

The cubs lived in the thicket,

They turned their heads.

Like this, like this

They turned their heads.

The cubs were looking for honey,

They rocked the tree together.

Like this, like this

They rocked the tree together.

We waddled

And they drank water from the river.

Like this, like this

And they drank water from the river.

And then they danced

They raised their paws together.

Like this, like this

They raised their paws together.

Round 3 “Telegram”

- Guys, today I went to the garden and met the postman. He gave us the telegrams because he himself could not guess from whom they came. Help him.

“Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf” (kids)

“Very upset. Accidentally broke an egg" (mouse)

“Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole” (wolf)

“Help, our house is broken, but we ourselves are safe” (animals)

“Dear grandparents, don’t worry. I figured out how to trick the bear. I'll be home soon" (Masha)

“Help, my brother has turned into a little goat” (Alyonushka)

“It’s a disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair.” (little bear)

“Dad, my arrow is in the swamp. I'm marrying a frog" (Ivan Tsarevich)

Round 4 Relay “Flight of Baba Yaga”

– Baba Yaga’s indispensable attributes were a mortar and a broom. In the relay race, a broom is used as a broom. The participant sits on the broom, runs around the chair and passes the broom to another participant.

Round 5 is called "Riddles by fairy tales» . Participants in the game need to name which characters the words from fairy tales.

Swim to the shore.

The fires are burning high,

Cast iron boilers are boiling,

Damask knives are sharpened,

They want to kill me! (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

Oh you, Petya-simplicity,

I messed up a little:

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window.

"Cat, Rooster and Fox")

There is no river or pond.

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof.

("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

Said a word -

The stove rolled

Straight from the village

To the king and princess.

And for what, I don’t know

Lucky lazy person?

("By magic")

Round 6 “Ears on top of your head”

An arrow flew and hit the swamp.

And in that swamp someone caught her.

Who, having said goodbye to green skin

She became sweet, beautiful, and pretty. (Princess Frog)

The little goats opened the door

And everyone disappeared somewhere. (Wolf and kids)

He was chilling at the window

Then he took it and drove away

To be eaten by a fox. (Kolobok)

The apple tree helped us

The stove helped us

The good blue river helped,

Everyone helped us, everyone sheltered us,

We got home to our mother and father.

Who took my brother away? Name the book? (Swan geese)

He goes to visit with Pyatochok

Loves honey, asks for jam

Who is this, say it out loud:

Teddy Bear (Winnie the Pooh)

She is like snow, white and light.

She, like snow, is afraid of heat

Both the children and the chicken are happy about the sun!

He's just not happy (Snow Maiden)

All the dirty ones will be washed quickly

All the sluts will be washed clean

Umyvalnikov chief

And the commander of the washcloths

Famous (Moidodyr)

Round 7:Relay race "Walk Through the Swamp".(children cross the swamp over bumps)

Round 8 “Guess”

1 – What song did Kolobok sing?

2 – What did the goat sing to her kids?

3 – What did Mashenka say to the bear while sitting in the box?

4 – What did the hen Ryaba say to the grandfather and woman?

5 – What words did the wolf use to help himself catch fish on his tail?

6 – What did the fox say at that time?

7 – What did the animals ask in fairy tale“Teremok” before entering it?

9. In the last round, teams must perform a collective creative task collect the picture. Teams receive one set of cut-out pictures for the plot Russian folk tales. It is necessary to collect an illustration for fairy tale and determine its name ( "Sister Fox and Gray Wolf" And "Three Bears")

10. Summing up quizzes. Rewarding participants.

Our journey in the world of Miracles and Magic has ended. Thanks to your knowledge fairy tales, thanks to your friendship we were able to walk this path. But now you can continue it yourself, because the fairy tale path is endless. Once you open the collection Russian folk tales, and off we go!

Did you enjoy the trip? Russian folk tales? (Answer children) What did you like best? (Answer children)

Why do you think we need fairy tales? What do they teach? (Answer children) Fairy tales They teach you to be smart and kind, honest and hardworking, friendly and brave. They teach how to defeat evil, lies, deceit, never lose faith in luck, love your homeland and protect the weak.

As I say goodbye to you, I want say that you are wonderful and very talented guys. I love you all. Goodbye. And see you again.


There are many in the world fairy tales, sad and funny,

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Let the heroes fairy tales give us warmth

May good triumph over evil forever!


"Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales"




for children of senior preschool age
"Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales"

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the works they read.
1. Ensure the development of children’s horizons with the help of the quiz “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales.”
2. Help consolidate knowledge about the fairy tales read.
3. Ensure development mental processes: speech, imagination, memory, thinking.
4. Encourage children to engage in oral folk art.
5. Arouse children’s desire to show kindness and responsiveness to the heroes of fairy tales.

Demonstration material: illustrations for fairy tales, visual material for assignments, an exhibition of children's drawings depicting loved ones fairy-tale heroes, exhibition of books with fairy tales, use of ICT.

Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales, looking at illustrations for Russian folk tales.

Methodical techniques:
Visual: illustrations for fairy tales, an exhibition of children's drawings, an exhibition of books with Russian folk tales.
Verbal: conversation, speech problematic situations, guessing riddles, situational conversations.
Practical: game situations, musical accompaniment.

The course of the game is quizzes.
There are many fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny.
And live in the world
We can't live without them.
Let the heroes of fairy tales
They give us warmth.
May goodness forever
Evil wins!
Queen of Fairy Tales. Good afternoon I am the queen of fairy tales. I am glad to welcome you to this hall. Today we have gathered for a celebration of resourcefulness and ingenuity, competition and mutual assistance. Together we will go to an amusing trip to the land of creativity, fantasy and fairy tales.
And so, the “Knowledge” team is invited to the red table. At the blue table - the team "Pochemuchki". The competition will be judged by a jury (teachers). The following are invited to the judges' table: ... For each correct answer, the team receives one flag. At the end of the quiz, the jury will sum up the results.
Greetings from the teams.
“Know-it-alls” - Motto: “In order not to be branded as Dunno, we must be friends with a book!” »
“Why” - Motto: “Where? For what? And why? - I’ll solve the mystery,
I’ll pick up the book and find out the answer!
Children, today we are going with you on an exciting journey. " Magic book"wants to offer you fun game, during which we will remember the heroes of popular children's books - what their names were, where they lived and what adventures they had.
Queen of Fairy Tales. Well, are you ready? So, let's begin! First task “Guess the riddles”
Grandfather planted it in the garden
Miracle - a vegetable to eat,
Summer is already passing,
Grandfather is coming look at the works.
He started to pull, but it didn’t come out,
You can't get by here without your family.
Only with the help of a norushka
We were able to pull out the vegetable. (Turnip)
The two mice kept playing
They sang songs and danced.
They were tumbling, having fun,
They didn't help the cockerel.
"Not me! ", "Not me! ",
They shouted vying with each other.
The cockerel got angry here,
He stamped his foot and got ruffled!
Little mice are hiding here,
Instantly they turned into good ones. (Spikelet)
He was with his grandfather, with his woman,
Got bored at the window
Rolled over the potholes
Into the dense forest in the distance.
The adventures began here:
The gray hare is right there,
Yes, the wolf is toothy and dangerous
They are waiting for our hero.
And the bear is already on the way,
Everything is roaring at the fugitive.
The ruddy fugitive deceived them,
Then a fox meets him.
Hidden away somewhat deaf,
She became affectionate towards him.
He says: “Sit on your nose, honey.
What are you singing? I don't understand. »
The fugitive sat on the fox's nose,
And his fox is “Am”.
Serves you right, rosy one,
It's all your fault! (Kolobok)
IN deep forest the hut got lost,
A difficult old woman lives in a hut.
He takes a broom and sits in the mortar,
And then it flies over the forest like a bird! (Baba Yaga)
This house is not small,
He gathered so many guests.
Everyone has found a place here,
Everyone has found a friend here.
But the bear hobbled
This house was destroyed. (Teremok)
Foxy - sister
She was very cunning.
Bunny - panty
She drove me out of the hut.
The rooster only managed
Stand up for the fox
Took a sharp scythe
And he managed to drive the fox away. (Zayushkina's hut)
Queen of Fairy Tales. 2 competition
Fairy tales ask: “And now, you, friends, get to know us! »
(slides with illustrations of fairy tales).
1. Gobbling up rolls,
A guy was riding on a stove.
Rode around the village
And he married the princess.
(Russian folk tale “At the command of the pike”).
2. We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house,
Who were these
Small children?
(Russian folk tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”).
3. This baby girl
She slept in a white lily.
Its an evil toad at night
She took it to her swamp.
(H. -H. Andersen “Thumbelina”).
4. Tell our aunt,
We are orphans
Our hut is without a roof,
And the floor was gnawed by mice.
(S. Ya. Marshak “Cat House”).
5. I went to visit my grandmother,
I brought the pies to her.
Gray wolf I was watching her
Deceived and swallowed.
(C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”).
6. We will build ourselves a house,
We will live gloriously in it!
We are not afraid of the wolf
The three of us are strong!
(English folk tale "The Three Little Pigs").
7. And the weaver with the cook,
With in-law Babarikha,
They want to inform her
They are ordered to take over the messenger.
(A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”).
8. Across the sea-ocean lies
Miracle Yudo fish-whale
All its sides are torn,
Palisades are dug into the ribs,
The fuss is noisy on the tail,
There is a village on the back.
(P. P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”).
9. But one day a root vegetable
Everyone was pulling - there was a hail of sweat.
The mouse is small, but still it is
Helped me pull out the vegetable.
(Russian folk tale “Turnip”).
10. “Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east,
Through the north, through the south,
come back after making a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground, it’s my way.”
Queen of Fairy Tales.
Everything that is created by the mind
Everything the soul strives for
Like amber at the bottom of the sea,
Carefully stored in books.
Remember the proverbs about the book.
Children. A house without a book is a day without sun.
He who reads a lot knows a lot.
A book teaches you how to live, a book should be treasured.
A book is a small window through which you can see the whole world.
If you read books, you will know a lot.
A book is to the mind what warm rain is to sunrise.
The book is small and inspiring.
The book will help you in your work and help you out in trouble.
Educator. From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.
Good book- shines brighter than a star.
Queen of Fairy Tales:
- One two three four five! I will play with you!
Everyone, quickly stand in a circle and guess our fairy tales!
Children stand in a circle, dance in a circle and say the words:
- Fairy tales ask: “Now, friends, get to know us! »
The round dance stops, a specially prepared child comes out into the middle and asks a riddle. The game is repeated several times.
During the game, the teacher behind the screen dresses up the child, playing the role of a bear, with whom he asks his riddle last.
Riddle options
In the fairy tale the sky is blue,
In the fairy tale, the birds are scary.
Apple tree, cover me!
Rechenka, save me!
"Geese-swans" At the forest edge
There were two huts.
One of them melted
One is still standing.
"Zayushkina's hut"
The thief stole wheat
And Ivan caught him.
The thief turned out to be magical
And Ivan rode him.
“Sivka-burka” Oh you, Petya-simplicity,
I messed up a little:
I didn't listen to the cat
Looked out the window.
"Cat, Rooster and Fox"
There is no river or pond.
Where can I get some water?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof.
"Sister Alyonushka
and brother Ivanushka" Said a word -
The stove rolled
Straight from the village
To the king and princess.
And for what, I don’t know
Lucky lazy person?
"By magic"
Postman Pechkin: (knocking and entering).
Hello! I brought you telegrams.
Koschey was visiting yesterday
What have you done, just - Ah!
All the pictures are mixed up
He confused all my fairy tales
Puzzles you must collect
Call it a Russian fairy tale!
Quest “Collect a fairy tale”
Children receive one set of cut-out pictures for the plot of a Russian folk tale. Children need to collect an illustration for a fairy tale and determine its name.
Pechkin. Guys, I have another task for you.
Around us here and there
Different fairy tales live on.
There are riddles in the clearing
Guess without a hint
Call it, dare
These fabulous friends!
Count the heroes in a fairy tale
- “Turnip” (6) “Mashenka and the Bear” (4)
- “Kolobok” (7) “Ryaba Hen” (4) (slides)
Who owns the words:
- I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather... (bun)
- Don’t sit on the stump, don’t eat the pie... (Mashenka)
- We are of the same blood: you and me! (Mowgli)
- I am perfection itself! (Mary Poppins)
Who is guilty?
- who destroyed the tower? (bear)
- who broke the golden egg? (mouse)
- who stole Ivanushka and Alyonushka? (geese)
- who ate Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother? (wolf)
Task “Name the fairy tale correctly”
"Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka"
"Ivan the Tsarevich and the Green Wolf"
"Floating Ship"
“Turkey Princess” “Wolf and 7 Tiger Cubs”
"At the dog's command"
"Geese - Crows"
"Pashenka and the Bear"
Queen of Fairy Tales. We will tell and show a fairy tale. But which one?
Guess for yourself. Let's sit side by side and talk well.
Lives in a hole
Gnawing on crusts.
short legs,
Afraid of cats.
In the summer you will find it in the swamp.
Green frog -
Who is this?
What kind of forest animal is this?
Did you stand up like a post under a pine tree?
And stands among the grass -
Ears more head.
The tail is fluffy,
Golden fur,
Lives in the forest
He steals chickens from the village.
Who is cold in winter
Walking around angry and hungry?
The owner of the forest
Wakes up in the spring
And in winter, under the blizzard howl
He sleeps in a snow hut.
Look at our animals. Have you guessed which fairy tale we will show? Absolutely right - “Teremok”.
Dramatization of a fairy tale.
There is a teremok-teremok in the field,
As if across a field, a mouse runs,
She stopped at the door and knocked.
Mouse. Who lives in the little house? Does anyone live in a low place?
Queen of Fairy Tales: Nobody answered her. The mouse entered the little mansion and began to live in it.
There is a teremok-teremok in the field.
He is not short, not high, not tall.
Like a frog running across a field,
She stopped at the door and knocked.
Frog. Who lives in the little house? Who - who lives in a low place?
Educator: The two of them began to live together.
Similarly, Bunny, Fox, Wolf, Bear are introduced into the script.
Educator: Well done! We built ourselves a new Teremok, our heroes live in the tower together, cheerfully. They drink tea in the evenings and do exercises in the mornings.
Queen of Fairy Tales.
The task is called “Complete the poem...”. I will name only the first line of the poem, and you will have to finish it completely. Be careful!
- We dropped the bear on the floor...
- The bull is walking, swaying...
- The owner abandoned the bunny...
- I love my horse...
- No, we shouldn’t have decided...
- Our Tanya is crying loudly...
Guys, who wrote all these poems? Agniya Barto.
- Well done boys! For each correctly read poem, I give you a flag.
Postman Pechkin. task “Songs of fairy-tale heroes”
Participants in the game need to determine which characters own songs or words from fairy tales.
Postman Pechkin. I send you greetings from all fairy-tale heroes and treat you to a fabulous surprise. All children in the world love sweets. I'll give you all some candy. (Hands out candy.)
Queen of Fairy Tales: Our holiday has come to an end. Let's listen to our jury. And let's count the flags.
Continue, children, to love fairy tales. I wish you success!
The children line up like a train and leave as a group to the song “Blue Car.”

Quiz on fairy tales. "Our Favorite Fairy Tales"

- To consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about fairy tales;
- develop individual literary preferences;
- to awaken in children an interest in theatrical play, to develop intonation expressiveness speech, develop the ability to build a dialogue between fairy-tale characters, enrich lexicon children;
- cultivate such qualities as mutual assistance, camaraderie, friendliness;
- contribute to the establishment interpersonal relationships between children of the group, their parents and teachers;
- evoke a positive emotional response, a desire to take part in team competitive games of a developmental nature

Cognition, communication, reading fiction, socialization, music, physical education.
Preliminary work: reading, telling fairy tales, conversations on fairy tales, thematic exhibition “In the World of Fairy Tales”, theatrical activity of playing with a table theater.
Organizing time: children are divided into 2 teams, come up with team names.
Material: audio recordings, slides of fairy-tale characters, fairy-tale objects and illustrations for fairy tales.
Quiz progress:
Children join the group to the music “Visiting a Fairy Tale.”
Hello guys! Tell me guys, do you like fairy tales? A fairy tale is amazing Magic world, in which the most extraordinary miracles and transformations occur. Do you like fairy tales? Then I suggest you conduct a literary quiz “Our Favorite Fairy Tales”. Let's greet each other, the team - "Storytellers" and the team - "Wizards". Guys, let's greet our jury. The jury will evaluate each of your correct answers with one point, and at the end of our quiz they will sum it up.
And so let's start our quiz with a warm-up. I will ask questions to each team in turn, and you must answer quickly. Ready? Begin!
1 competition “Warm-up”
1. Who did Kolobok meet during his travels? (with a hare, wolf, bear, fox)
2. Who pulled the turnip? (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse)
3. What egg did the Ryabya hen lay? (golden)
4. To whom was Little Red Riding Hood going? (to Grandma)
5. Crocodile, friend of Cheburashka. (Gena)
6. What were the names of the three little pigs? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)
7. Who lost the glass slipper? (Cinderella)
8. What did Mukha – Tsokotukha buy at the market? (samovar)
9. Who broke the golden egg? (mouse)
10. What did the Wolf catch fish in Russian folk tale"The Fox and the Wolf"? (tail)
11. Who made Pinocchio? (Papa Carlo)
12. Who helped the girl and her brother hide from the geese? (milk river - jelly banks, apple tree, stove)
13. Who caught Ivan Tsarevich’s arrow? (Princess Frog)
14. What kind of hut did the fox have? (icy)
2nd competition “Find out the fairy tale by description”
Well done, I see that you are well prepared. For the next competition “Find out a fairy tale by description”, first listen carefully and then answer.
1. In the fairy tale, the sky is blue,
In the fairy tale, the birds are scary.
Apple tree, cover me!
Rechenka, save me!
"Swan geese"

2.At the forest edge
There were two huts.
One of them melted
One is still standing.
"Zayushkina's hut"

3.The thief stole wheat,
And Ivan caught him.
The thief turned out to be magical
And Ivan rode him.

4. Said a word -
The stove rolled
Straight from the village
To the king and princess.
And for what, I don’t know
Lucky lazy person?
"By magic"

5.Oh you, Petya-simplicity,
I messed up a little:
I didn't listen to the cat
Looked out the window.
"Cat, Rooster and Fox"

6. There is no river or pond.
Where can I get some water?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof.
"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

7. But the road is long, and the basket is not easy.
I would like to sit on a tree stump and eat a pie.
"Masha and the Bear"

8. It was baked from flour,
It was mixed with sour cream.
He was chilling at the window,
He rolled along the path.
He was cheerful, he was brave
And on the way he sang a song.
The bunny wanted to eat him,
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest
I met a red fox
I couldn't leave her.
What kind of fairy tale?

9. The mouse found a home for itself.
The mouse was kind.
In that house, after all
There were a lot of residents.

10. The maiden is beautiful, sad
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun,
The poor thing is shedding tears.
"Snow Maiden"
3 competition “Guess the hero of the fairy tale.”
Guys, now all your attention is on the screen. You need to guess the hero of the fairy tale, and from which fairy tale he came to us. (Slides are shown on the TV screen) Guys, guess who the riddle is about

IN dark forest There is a hut, standing backwards.
In that hut there is an old woman - And her name is (Yaga).
Well done, let's take a little rest.
Physical minute "Baba Yaga". (audio recording starts)
4 competition “Correct the mistake”
"Ryaba the Cockerel", "Dasha and the Bear"
"The Wolf and the Seven Lambs", "Ducks and Swans"
“A fox with a saucepan”, “Zayushkin’s house”
“Turkey Princess”, “Katya and Brother Ivanushka”
“Tsarevich Ivan and the Green Wolf”, “Sister Fox and the Gray Mouse”
“At the behest of a dog”, “Bubble, straw and shoe”.
5th competition “Guess the Fairy Tale”
All attention is on the screen. You need to guess and name the name of the fairy tale. (Illustrations for fairy tales are shown on the screen.)
6th competition “Name the magic object”
Guys, look at the TV screen and name it fairy tale item and what is its strength.
Items appear on the screen:
Mitten, carpet - airplane, boots - walkers, mirror, broom, Magic wand, ball, glass slipper, golden key, golden egg, whale fish, pumpkin carriage.
Well done, everyone named and answered.
Guys, our quiz has come to an end. And now our respected jury will sum up and announce the result.
The result is announced and small gifts are given to the children.
Guys, we don’t say goodbye to fairy tales, but say goodbye to them and see you again.