Star princess and the forces of evil pencil drawings. Games star vs the forces of evil

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In this lesson I will show you how to draw Star Butterfly from the cartoon “Star vs the Forces of Evil” step by step. There are 8 stages in total. We will need:

  • simple pencil
  • black pen or felt-tip pen
  • eraser
  • colour pencils

Drawing Star Butterfly step by step

  • Step 1

    First we draw the base of the head. Then the chin and markings for the eyes.

  • Step 2

    We draw eyes, mouth, nose, eyebrows, hearts on the cheeks and ears.

  • Step 3

    Now let's outline the frame of the body. With the help of this very frame it will be easier to draw the body)

  • Step 4

    Then we draw the bangs, headband and the rest of the hair.

  • Step 5

    We draw the neck and arms. Draw the top part of the dress.

  • Step 6

    Now we draw the legs and boots. Let's draw the clothes in more detail.

  • Step 7

    We outline Star with a black pen or felt-tip pen. Please note that we did not outline the hearts on the cheeks and the stripes on the tights.

  • Step 8

    Well, finally we paint it!) The drawing is ready)

Drawing Star Butterfly during Muzeripa

Hi all! This is my first lesson and I decided to draw Star Butterfly. For drawing we need:

  • Simple pencil
  • Black felt-tip pen
  • Colored pencils: pink, purple, light purple
Let's start the lesson!
  • Step 1

    First you need to draw the head. Draw a circle.

  • Step 2

    We draw heart-shaped eyes and from there we begin to draw the head.

  • Step 3

    Now the face and ears.

  • Step 4

    From the eyes we draw Star’s bouffant and her headband.

  • Step 5

    We finish the hair.

  • Step 6

    The head is drawn. Now the body.

  • Step 7
  • Step 8

    Let's draw hands.

  • Step 9

    Draw the palms of the right hands.

  • Step 10

    Now left hands.

  • Step 11

    All that remains is to draw the legs.

  • Step 12

    Drawing a leg decoration (I don’t remember what it’s called)

  • Step 13
  • Step 14

    We almost forgot about the wings! They are very important for our lesson!

  • Step 15

    Star is drawn. It should all look something like this. All that's left to do is color it

  • Step 16

    This is actually what Mewberty Star should look like painted. Ready! Good luck!))

How to draw a full-length chibi Star Butterfly

After watching this lesson, you can learn how to draw the well-known Star Butterfly, the main character of the Disney animated series “Star Princess and the Forces of Evil”
You will need:

  • pencil
  • eraser
  • liner/black goal pen
  • what you will use to color (pencils, felt-tip pens, etc.)
  • and of course inspiration

Today we will look at how to draw Star Butterfly step by step with a pencil.

The basis

We draw the basis of the outline of the future princess: a circle and a slightly inclined hexagon. Draw a circle at the site of the future waist, partially inscribing it in the two lower corners of the hexagon. Now you can draw a “skirt” starting with the upper half of the circle.

We divide the large circle into four parts, marking the axes around which we will draw the facial features of Star Butterfly. We outline the places where the nose and mouth will be.


Many people have problems drawing the arms and legs of characters. Let's mark the axes again. Star Butterfly keeps her arms on both sides of her body and her toes apart. We draw small elongated hexagons at the ends of the axes for the arms, and at the ends of the axles for the legs we sketch the basis for future boots.


Draw the princess's face. Slightly adjust the shape to define the chin. We outline the ears, aligning them along the horizontal axis on the face. Draw a smiling mouth and nose with a “button”.

Star has beautiful blue eyes, so let's not be afraid to make two large vertical ovals closer to the edges of the head around a horizontal axis. We fit two smaller ovals into each oval so that we get a pupil and an iris.


Draw bangs and headband. The bangs cover about one third of the princess' eye. We are not afraid to draw a bold line. It only touches the other eye - we focus on the upper part of the largest oval.

Now we outline the headband and strand of hair above Star’s ear. In the middle of the rim above the eyes we outline funny horns.

Upper body

Drawing the arms and top The boundaries of the face and the axes for the arms will tell us how to draw. Star Butterfly wears a dress with short sleeves that cover about a quarter of her arms. They end in the same place as the head. In fact, from the top corner of both sleeves you can draw a vertical line to the edge of the princess's face.

Carefully draw the arms, fitting the hands into the hexagons. Star has four fingers, the two middle ones are pressed together and are approximately the same width as the thumb.

Lower torso

We draw the bottom of the dress and the handbag in the shape of a star. Don't forget the frills. Outline the strap over the princess's shoulder. On the outside of the star we draw two eyes looking to the side and a smiling mouth.


We draw legs and boots. Again the axes will tell us how to draw. Star Butterfly wears boots in Their button eyes are on vertical axes just below the lines where they intersect with the top of the soft hexagons. We draw sharp lines on the teeth on the soles and the horns on the noses.

The boots end just halfway between the skirt and the outline of the legs.


It's time to pay attention to the small details. We draw the outline of the princess’s luxurious hair, frills on the sleeves, a pattern on the dress, a collar and stripes on the tights.

Don't be afraid to put the finishing touches on your face. The outlines of the main features will tell us how to draw. Star Butterfly is distinguished by heart-shaped blush on her cheeks, thin eyebrows and eyelashes. We also finish drawing the ears.


Erase the outlines and axes, shade the blush and iris. If desired, color the princess.

Curious children instantly fell in love with the cartoon Star Princess and the Forces of Evil. And the popularity of the colorful and exciting series can be explained simply - each of them tells about incredible journeys through our universe. It turns out that the Universe is so huge that thousands of different realities fit in it, and the Earth with all ordinary people exists in one dimension. But in other worlds unfamiliar to us, fantastic creatures live.

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The animated series and games will tell about the extraordinary universe called Mewni. It looks more like a kingdom where one day an amazing girl was born. The baby was given a beautiful name - Star, which otherwise means Star. Since she belonged to the royal Butterfly dynasty, from an early age the Star Princess not only frolicked around the palace and loved to play in the enchanted forest, but also learned to manage her future possessions. But the Star Princess and the Forces of Evil games are far from talking about royal etiquette, but about the courage of the little one who was not afraid to fight back against evil monsters.

The beginning of the adventures of a young mischief

Star's troubles began with the fact that once on her name day she was presented with a magic wand. The strange object possessed amazingly powerful energy, which the little girl decided to try right away. She did not possess the appropriate abilities for careless experiments, and as a result, she almost razed her hometown to the ground. The mischievous woman was not forgiven for such a prank. Parents sent the poor girl to our planet. Further twists and turns of the poor thing will show Star's entertaining games against the forces of evil.

After the punishment, she found herself in the Diaz family, where she met a teenager named Marco. The boy practices karate, and this skill has become very useful in upcoming battles with opponents, and loves to play various active fun games. With his temporary neighbor, Star will have to attend an ordinary school and lead the life of a normal teenager, or create such an appearance.

Classmates think that Zvezdochka is a coward and a silent woman who is afraid of everything that comes her way. And only the boy living with her realizes that a more mysterious girl cannot be found. He had long felt that with her appearance everything would change dramatically. He received the first proof of his assumptions hourly when a restless girl turned his house into a black hole. In addition, she conjured a cloud over his head, from which rain continuously dripped.

But the games Star Princess and the Forces of Evil will present the growing brave with more serious difficulties than a magical shower. He will have serious battles with monsters coming from parallel worlds. Curious to know how the spectacular battles will end? Then start playing and see how deftly Star fights against the forces of evil together with his permanent partner.

Hunt for the magic wand

The magical gift that Star received is very much needed by the bloodthirsty and cunning creatures of Ludo. The traitors needed a powerful thing for unlimited power and the fulfillment of a secret dream. The insidious monsters are eager to grow, because their current size does not in any way correlate with their enormous ambitions. However, other creatures are also encroaching on the relic, so the key task set by Star’s games against the forces of evil is to preserve the valuable artifact.

The fight against the enemies was fierce, and even the earthlings, who became friends with the main character, were drawn into it. True, some had to suffer from such help. For example, in one episode of the Star vs. the Forces of Evil games, a hooligan transformed a teacher into a troll, and some friends were lucky enough to visit Fairyland.

The games Star Princess and the Forces of Evil will introduce you to the rest of the helpers of the restless monstrosity. So, she is accompanied everywhere by her best friend - the flying top of a unicorn with the funny name Pony Head. Often the tiny genie Glossaryck comes to the rescue, constantly dispensing advice and never missing an opportunity to devour the delicious pudding. And the awkward courtship of the demon Tom - the owner of three eyes - will allow for a great laugh.