Female images in the tale of the dead princess. Literature lesson “Images of the princess and queen in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin.”

One of the most important people in life is a teacher.

It doesn’t matter whether this is the first teacher or not, only his attitude towards children and school is important. You are teachers from God. We want to thank you for all the wonderful things you taught us. For your explanations of simple truths that we, children, do not yet fully understand. We want to congratulate you on your professional holiday– Happy Teacher’s Day and wish you happiness. You special people. And we want you to share your opinion with your students today, tomorrow, and even in another ten years, and to educate them patiently. We wish you good luck, health and the best students in the world. Thank you, our beloved teachers!

6 "D" class

“Teacher!... Before your name.

Let me humbly kneel!..."

N.A. Nekrasov.

My first teacher

Recently my parents took me to school, this is school gymnasium No. 4, which is located on Lenin Street. My first teacher was Yuza Yuryevna. She taught us to read, write, count. She taught us not only to read and write, but also to make friends, to love our Motherland, nature, and to respect our elders. Now we are in second grade. Our teacher Yuza Yuryevna is kind and strict, but we still love her. On the eve of the holiday, I want to thank our teacher for everything she does for us, educates and teaches us. I want to wish her human happiness and health.

Azamat Gordogozhev

A teacher is a person who conveys his experience and knowledge. He not only teaches, but also sets an example. Our first teacher is our mother. She teaches us everything she knows. The second teacher is a kindergarten teacher. The third is the teacher. We try to imitate them.

A good teacher who managed to find an approach to a student and put something into his soul can remain in his memory for the rest of his life. This is why I believe that not everyone can become a teacher.

Personally, I was lucky with my teacher. Lyudmila Ivanovna is wise, good and fair. In addition to the knowledge she gives us, we all receive support and understanding from her.

Kushbokova Kamila

A “teacher” is a person who conveys his experience and knowledge. He is the best for us dear person, since in many ways it plays the role of our parents. The teacher educates us from childhood, gives us knowledge, advice and instructions. He always leads by example. This is why I believe that not everyone can become a teacher. Teachers teach us everything from the alphabet to chemical reactions.

The teacher tries to pass on all his knowledge and experience to us. There is nothing more valuable to him than seeing the success of his students.

I consider myself lucky with my teacher. My first teacher was Lyudmila Ivanovna Ovchinnikova. I love and respect her very much. She taught us a lot. Always supports us.

Indreeva Ariana

The teacher is very hard work. In order to be a teacher, you need good nerves and patience. I have good teachers. They are kind, calm, but most importantly – fair. My favorite teachers are the Russian language and literature teacher Natalya Vladimirovna, the mathematics teacher Auliyat Astemirovna and the history teacher Marina Zaurovna. My first teacher is Oksana Petrovna. I had it from second grade until the end of fourth grade. Thanks to Oksana Petrovna, I became an excellent student in the second grade. I love all my teachers and wish them all health and happiness.

Berdnikov Nikita

Valeria Vasilenko

Teaching is a wonderful profession! But it's very complicated. It is difficult to keep track of all the children. After all, there are many children, but only one teacher. It is necessary to explain all topics in such a way that children understand. We need to explain how to behave correctly. The teacher must know everything. Teachers are different. Some are strict, others are not. Some teach Russian, others teach English language. I used to dream of becoming a teacher, but I realized that it was very difficult. The teacher always tries to make the class friendly. He watches over the children so that nothing happens to them. We take all knowledge from the teacher. We have to thank them. After all, they are the ones who support us! They teach and help. But we shouldn’t expect more from them, because everything depends on us.

Zhelokova Disana

The teacher is the best in the world,

He always teaches everyone.

His work is the best!

He is smart, kind and good.

Everyone loves, respects and honors him.

After all, people are nothing without a teacher.

Love and respect teachers

After all, he is like everything to us.

I want to wish teachers

Health, happiness and love.

Bogotova Amal

When we went to first grade, we met unknown woman. But every day this unfamiliar woman became closer. A teacher is a second mother. She helps us, supports us and teaches us life. After four years, a person understands that the first teacher is not just a person. He gives a part of himself to his students.

The time of parting comes. Now a new unknown woman. But we must move forward. This woman is becoming more and more dear.

I love all my teachers. Every teacher is a native. A student is a puzzle, and every teacher is a piece of a child’s puzzle. By the eleventh grade the puzzle will be completed!

Galkina Svetlana

Teaching is a great profession. All teachers are good in their own way. Our classroom teacher I like Auliyat Astemirovna the most. She is also an excellent math teacher. Auliyat Astemirovna is kind, beautiful, smart. Because of Auliyat Astemirovna, I want to learn mathematics again and again. When you know that the teacher is good, you want to study well and please him. It’s always interesting with Auliyat Astemirovna!

Khutorskaya Alina

Teacher! This is a mysterious word. The teacher gives us knowledge. He's like a mother loving mother, takes care of us.

I would consider the teaching profession to be the most important and respected profession. Teacher loves us. The teacher wants everyone to be excellent students, but he cannot force those who do not want to work to work.

Teachers love us even as we move into adulthood. They remember us and love us. I want teachers not to leave in the future, that is, not to become robots, so that they are paid more, so that the profession of “teacher” becomes the most main profession! I will never forget the teachers who taught me!

Tiashizhev Arslan

The first teacher is the first friend.

The teacher is very important and useful profession. The first teacher is the very first friend at school. I really love and respect all teachers. But the very first one is the most beloved and seems the kindest. They also say this: “The teacher only opens the door, and then you go on your own.” I agree with that. After all, almost nothing depends on the teacher. Of course, the teacher must be smart and teach, but after school there will be no more teachers, and then you have to do everything yourself.

My first teacher is Oksana Petrovna Arsentyeva. I will always remember my first teacher.

I wish all teachers health, success, for long years life. Let everything they wanted come true.

And in conclusion, I want to say that they are all the best.

Khazhirokova Dana

Profession school teacher- one of the most important professions, in my opinion. How much work and patience, strength and determination is needed for first-graders, little and naughty naughty children, to grow into real people, smart and intelligent.

Now I am a tenth grade student. In two years I will graduate from school, but I will never forget my first teacher, Aina Dzhamalievna Tsaloeva. My excellent successes at school, for the most part, are thanks to her: after all, she laid primary knowledge, worked hard and always believed in me.

I met her seven years ago. I still remember how worried, worried and thinking about what awaited me in the new class. And suddenly a short, fragile woman with insanely kind green eyes appeared at the door of the classroom. She smiled at me and took my hand. And then it seemed to me that I had known her all my life...

Aina Dzhamalievna is a very wise teacher, kind and bright man. She taught us not only to study, but also to be friends, and tried to instill in us exceptionally good human qualities. How happy we were when the whole class celebrated various holidays, went on excursions, and had incredibly interesting cool watch and open lessons.

My mother says that I should thank fate for the fact that on my life’s path I met such a teacher as Aina Dzhamalievna. I agree with her. My first teacher is a role model. Recruiting her human qualities- this is very high peak, which I will try to achieve all my life.

Ligidova Sanita, student of grade 10 “B”

The teacher is our guide in the land of knowledge. It is he who has the power to determine which path his ward will take. After all, sometimes it depends solely on the approach of the first teacher further attitude student to study.

This was the case in my case. Being a graduate kindergarten, frankly speaking, I didn’t show much interest in studying and for the first time I entered school with apprehension, even fear. But, having attended the lessons and met the first teacher, I realized that there was absolutely nothing to be afraid of and, moreover, I had a desire to explore this world, to study it. I am absolutely sure that this wonderful change occurred thanks to the efforts of our class teacher. The warmth and care she gave us and the enthusiasm she instilled in us are still fresh in my mind. Her main goal has always been to find individual approach to the child, help him feel comfortable. Without a doubt, she succeeded.

The work of teachers is priceless, and my example is proof of this. Thanks to the teacher, I found my path and follow it to this day. And today, 10 years later, I want to say: “Thank you for everything!”

Yesenokova Dana, student of grade 10 “B”

Every day we go to school, we meet the same teachers. We love some of them, not so much others, we respect some, we are afraid of others. But hardly any of us thought about the influence of the personality of a certain teacher on our entire future life.

Teacher. Who is this in people's understanding? Ozhegov’s dictionary gives the following definition: “A person who teaches something, a teacher.” For me, a teacher is, first of all, a person who conveys a piece of his knowledge, abilities, skills, and experience of communicating with the outside world. The school teacher doesn't just tell school curriculum, he shares life experience with kids. It seems to me, educational process must be built on mutual respect and understanding. While teaching children, the teacher himself learns a lot from them.

In our school, all the teachers are very good: they treat students with understanding and help in difficult situations.

But, unfortunately, not all students treat teachers with respect. Some children do not want to learn and even act rudely, upsetting teachers. In such cases, I always try to stand up for the teacher, since my mother also teaches at school. And I would be very offended if she were treated like that. But all teachers are someone’s daughters, sons, happy mothers or loving fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers... Therefore, if for some reason you don’t like a teacher, you shouldn’t talk about him unpleasant things, you need to try to respect him. At least in a purely human way.

Being a teacher is not an easy profession, and we should be grateful to teachers for all the attention and kindness they give us, for their work, for the sacrifices they make for the sake of their students. And most importantly, we should be grateful for the most important lessons in life - lessons of kindness, humanity and love.

Zhereshtieva Diana, student of grade 10 “B”

A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy.

Ralph Emerson

The teaching profession has always remained the most honorable, but at the same time the most difficult. The ability to pass on your experience to young people just entering independent life people - this is talent. The profession of a teacher is not limited to just giving us a certain level of knowledge on a subject. Teacher on by example shows us what a person should be, teaches us to do right choice in any, even the most difficult situation.

I believe that not everyone can be a teacher. We often don’t think about how difficult the profession of a teacher is, how much he has to work on himself, how much work and moral forces He invests in raising worthy and real people.

It is the teacher who is one of the first to introduce us, children, in practice, to such concepts as duty, necessity, a sense of responsibility, and the ability to subordinate personal interests to collective ones.

Years will not erase your memory, dear teachers! After all, you sowed eternal, good things into our souls and raised us, educated us, prepared us for adult life. And we, in turn, will try to pass with dignity life path, despite any difficulties.

But you know, we still believe:

If the Earth remains alive,

The highest dignity of humanity

Someday they will become teachers!

Ligidova Alina, student of grade 9 “B”

I have the best teacher in the world! Most kind. And I love her very much!

I was worried, what kind of first teacher would I have? Mom told me a lot about her teacher, and I knew what it was like important person in our life. But when I met my Aina Dzhamalievna, I realized that I was very lucky.

Aina Dzhamalievna always helps us. She is the smartest because she knows everything in the world! And she is caring and affectionate. For example, when I cut my finger, she took pity on me and calmed me down. Aina Dzhamalievna is never angry. And her voice is kind and cheerful. She puts up with us when we are naughty, explains everything to us calmly and never shouts. Only when we upset her do her eyes become sad. Then you want to go up and hug her, give her a rest and force everyone to be obedient. I really want Aina Dzhamalievna to never be upset.

I was worried that when Aina Dzhamalievna had new first-graders, and we became second-graders, she would stop loving us so much. But now I know that there is a place in her heart for all of us! What a pity that Aina Dzhamalievna cannot be our teacher for all eleven years. But she will forever remain my first and most favorite teacher!

Shamba Amina, student of grade 2 "E"

My teacher's name is Aina Dzhamalievna. We were definitely lucky to have her. After all, she is responsible for me and my class. I didn’t even notice how Aina Dzhamalievna became our second mother: kind, caring, affectionate. As we write, she will walk around the room and pat us on the head. She understands a child's soul. The funniest and most severe punishment for disobedience is to be sent to first grade. This sounds so great. She and I will always be the best in school.

Ruban Kira, student of 2nd "E" class

I study at gymnasium No. 4 in 2nd grade “E”. My teacher's name is Aina Dzhamalievna. She is the best teacher in our school! From the first day of school I really liked her. She teaches us to write, read and count. She teaches us to respect our elders and each other. Our lessons are always very interesting and fun. Aina Dzhamalievna never scolds us. And last year we had a competition “Games of the Peoples of the World” between 1st grade, where we represented South Korea. Our teacher taught us Korean perform the anthem, and also danced a girlish Korean dance with us. That was great! The children in our class love her very much for her kindness and affection.

Alina Zhirova, 2nd "E" grade student

Last year, on July 9, I turned seven years old and my mom and dad started getting me ready for school. Mom bought me school uniform, backpack, books, notebooks, pens, pencils, albums and much more. I was very happy. I really wanted to go to school. On the first of September, my mother helped me get ready, put white bows on me, bought flowers and we went to school.

When we arrived at school, we were met by our first teacher, Aina Dzhamalievna Tsoloeva. I really liked her. When we entered the classroom, she introduced herself and got to know us. We all met and went home. The next day we started lessons.

From the first day, Aina Dzhamalievna greets us with a smile. She taught us to read, write, and count. She also teaches us to be friends, to love our Motherland, nature, and to respect our peers and elders. There are many students in our class, and she pays attention to everyone. We are never bored in her lessons. We are constantly learning something new, learning while playing.

This year I was looking forward to the first of September to see my classmates and teacher again. Our teacher is very kind, cheerful and beautiful. We love her very much!

Granadskaya Anastasia, student of grade 2 "E"

I really love my school and my teacher. We are so interested in lessons that time always flies by. My teacher is both strict and kind with us, but always in good mood. When we answer well in class, she happily gives A's. But when someone comes without homework, she gets very upset, so we always study well.

My teacher is the smartest because she knows everything in the world. And she is also very beautiful!

Chechenov Tamerlan, 2 “D” grade.

I want to tell you about my first and best teacher. This is Inna Vyacheslavovna. She taught me to read, write, make friends, love my homeland, respect my elders, be honest, kind, and well-mannered. Her lessons are always very interesting. I especially like the world. She is very smart, kind and good. She has a very beautiful smile. I wish Inna Vyacheslavovna happiness, health and smile more often. I will always remember my first teacher!

Dyshekov Tamirlan, 2 “D” grade.

My name is Renat. I am in 2nd grade. We have four teachers, but I want to talk about Inna Vyacheslavovna. She is very kind to us. She makes our lessons very interesting. When Inna Vyacheslavovna talks, it seems that she is singing. And when he walks, he seems to be dancing. She's like an artist. Lessons turn into games, and we find it very interesting. The whole class learned to talk like her. In mathematics, instead of “chips,” we say “chips.” And she explains Russian very well. I learned to distinguish consonant sounds, dividing them into voiced and voiceless, by touching my throat. I even help my sister, who is in 5th grade, distinguish between these sounds.

This is what my teacher is like. She's the best!

Igurov Renat, 2 “D” grade

My teacher's name is Inna Vyacheslavovna. She is very kind, smiling and beautiful. She always explains the topic of the lesson clearly and interestingly. Inna Vyacheslavovna taught us to read, write and count. She teaches us to write correctly, solve examples and problems, and love nature. We are very interested in her. She takes us on excursions to the zoo, the circus and the theater. If something doesn't work out for us, she always helps us. This is the best teacher!

Ramazanov Islam, 2 “D” grade.

My first teacher's name is Inna Vyacheslavovna. She is kind and fair and doesn’t just scold us. I like the way she conducts her lessons. In her lessons I learn a lot of interesting and new things. During breaks we play outdoor games with her. We have a very friendly class. We are all participating together in school competitions, and some in the Olympics. I love my teacher very much!

Dubina Victoria, 2 “D” class.

I'm in second grade. My teacher Inna Vyacheslavovna teaches us to read, count, write, and respect our friends. Everything is explained clearly. She is a strict but fair teacher. He worries about us, supports us, and we take part together in all events and competitions. She spends a lot of time with us. We went to the theater together. And at the end school year and sat in the cafe. It was a lot of fun.

I love my teacher and wish her more strength and patience in her hard work!

Shardanov Marat, 2 “D” grade.

My first teacher is Yulia Mikhailovna. From the first day of school I really liked her. She taught me to read, write, count and draw. She taught me and all the kids in my class to be friends and value friends. I think that Yulia Mikhailovna will teach us many more good things.

My teacher is very wise, fair and strict with slackers. She is a cheerful, kind and sympathetic person. With her we go to theaters, go on excursions, and arrange holidays for ourselves.

This year we will have monitoring for the first time, but with our teacher we are not afraid. Let's break through!

Makoev Amir, 3 "G" class

The bright and warm sun goes beyond the horizon. Its rays seem to be buried in fluffy and white clouds, trying to whisper something to me. This summer was saying goodbye to us. Hello, autumn!

Tomorrow is September 1st. Tomorrow it’s back to school, where I’ll meet my friends, whom I haven’t seen for three whole months. To school, where my first teacher, Yulia Mikhailovna Garanina, is waiting for me.

A teacher is a person who teaches you how to live, work and respect others. In a word, it's almost like Mom. And in my life there is such a Person who will help, tell and advise. And she has dozens of people like me. But she always makes time for everyone, and she has enough patience for everyone. I love and respect her endlessly for this.

In moments when something doesn’t work out for me, she is always there and happily rushes to the rescue, and she also sincerely rejoices at my, albeit small, victories. She taught me to read and write, value friendship, empathize and be happy for others. And it is this knowledge that I will carry and preserve throughout my life.

Thank you, my dear Yulia Mikhailovna!

Bitokov Uvzhuko, 3 “G” class

There are a lot of good and good teachers. One of them is my teacher Yulia Mikhailovna. Thanks to her, I learned a lot of new, useful and interesting things. My teacher is an experienced teacher. She finds her own approach to everyone. Yulia Mikhailovna - wonderful person. I respect her very much, love her very much and consider her the teacher of my life.

Shariba Arina, 3rd grade

My teacher's name is Yulia Mikhailovna. She is the kindest and fairest teacher. She and I feel very good and calm. She always teaches interesting and memorable lessons. Our teacher and I are a united and friendly team. I love and respect her very much.

Milena Bogotova, 3rd grade

Two years ago I came to our school. Then I was a little girl and was afraid of everything. In the school yard, my classmates and I were met by our teacher, Yulia Mikhailovna. She seemed very strict to me, but when I got to know her better, I realized that I was very lucky to have such a teacher. I don’t want anyone else to replace her even for one lesson.

Thank you, Yulia Mikhailovna, for having me.

Gubzheva Aliya, 3 “G” class

When I entered first grade, I was 6 years old. I saw my first teacher. It was Yulia Mikhailovna. She took us to school, to a bright classroom. I remember her charming smile and kind eyes. She has been with us for three years now: she patiently teaches us not only science, but above all life. She is very wise, kind and fair. She has a great sense of humor. It's easy, calm and reliable with her. It’s a pity that in a year we will have to part with her.

I would like every teacher to be at least a little like my first teacher.

Khatueva Dana, 3 “G” class

What the caterpillar calls the End of the World
The teacher calls it a butterfly.
Richard Bach

The greatest joy in a person's life is the joy of communicating with interesting person, with a man who looks at the world broadly with open eyes, wants to know everything, is eager to learn. He learns patience from the ant, self-sufficiency from the forest, calmness from the mountains, kindness from the fawn, and the ability to seek answers from a thinking interlocutor.
Many people associate the word “teacher” with certain period in the life of every person: “I studied at school, at a university, and now I work. Years of study are left behind..."
I've had a lot in my life good teachers. I am very grateful to them, not only for the lessons they taught me, but also for the fact that they left a lot unsaid and unexplained. This is what motivated me to become a teacher!
At the age of 18, I crossed the threshold of school as a young specialist, teacher primary classes. I had grandiose plans. In my daily schedule there were the following items: turning the consciousness around, splitting the atom, weeding the baobab trees... Not everything worked out, I lacked experience. I looked at experienced colleagues and learned from them.
I want to talk about a man who taught me so much. The director of our gymnasium, Rimma Artagovna Nagoeva, is worthy of many epithets. She has many awards, but that’s not about that now. Amazingly enthusiastic and extraordinary person. Situations come to mind when Rimma Artagovna supported me in moments of doubt, talked about difficult in simple words, saw light in the dark, knew how to hear silence.
If we talk about the performance of the gymnasium under her leadership, then my essay will resemble a public report, but I would not want that.
“There is no balance in life. Every moment is either a movement towards perfection or degradation.” The words of Andrew Matthews will help me characterize main principle Rimma Artagovna’s work is to look forward and see the goal, make the right decisions aimed at development.
We try to fill our moments with meaning, because children's eyes will not sparkle from formalism. These eyes ask us a lot of questions... what should a lesson be like and why sometimes it ends so quickly, what should the atmosphere in school be like, why do we need to get up early...
For answers to these questions, we go to different cities and countries. Rimma Artagovna is trying to find opportunities for gymnasium teachers to get acquainted with models educational systems both in Russia and abroad. We were able to visit the USA, Great Britain, Finland, Switzerland, and Germany. We also make virtual trips, study remotely at the best institutes, expanding our horizons professional development.
And many doors are open for our students. They visited the economic forum in Tambov, cheered for the Paralympic athletes in Sochi, and presented their legislative initiatives in the State Duma...
We believe that whatever path our children choose, they WILL fill it with meaning.

The plot of "The Dead Princess" is very common in Russian folklore. Let's consider how it is realized in the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin. The queen-stepmother is very beautiful in appearance, “tall, slender, white.” But “proud, brittle, capricious and jealous.” She is only sincere and cheerful with her mirror. It is interesting that Pushkin’s mirror is not just an object in which the queen examines her face. It reflects, first of all, internal qualities, the soul; It is in conversations with the mirror that we learn the queen’s character. The stepmother is not only rude, angry, “an angry woman,” but also envious and cruel. For her atrocities, she suffered a well-deserved punishment, and the punishment was in herself, no one did anything bad to her, she died “of anger.”

The image of the princess is created according to the principle of antithesis. If the queen is “proud, brittle, capricious and jealous,” then the princess, on the contrary, “has the temperament of the meek.” The beauty of the young princess is like a flower that grew quietly and imperceptibly, and when it blossomed, it immediately amazed everyone with its beauty. Her characterization is also based on the attitude of other characters towards her: Chernavka, Korolevich Elisha, the Bogatyrs, even the dog Sokolko. The princess is kind to others, caring, faithful to her fiancé, and hardworking. Pushkin never says that the princess looks into the mirror, but it, nevertheless, knows and appreciates her beauty, because it is equivalent to her soul.

The motive of the discrepancy between external beauty and internal qualities appears again in the apple scene. The stepmother seemed to pass on her “portrait” to her stepdaughter.

Thus, the conflict driving the plot is the “rivalry” between external beauty and internal beauty. Pushkin here looks at a woman in the same way as the people: outer beauty in itself does not evoke respect and admiration in the people's consciousness. Inner beauty is much more important.

Close to a fairy tale is a genre called skaz. The theme of beauty in Bazhov’s tales is connected primarily with the image of the Mistress Copper Mountain. The writer gives her an extraordinary appearance. This heroine has many similarities with the fairy-tale princess. Not only extraordinary beauty, but also wonderful assistants who carry out all her orders. She lives in a beautiful underground palace. The relationship of the Copper Mountain Mistress with people is determined by special conditions, the so-called prohibitions. It was no coincidence that the workers were afraid of the Mistress and avoided meeting her.

The main characters of the tales are simple people. Positive heroes folklore, good fellow and the red maiden must be beautiful, and their beauty is described in accordance with the ideas of the people. We find similar colorful descriptions in Bazhov’s tales. But there are other descriptions. In the appearance of Nastasya, Stepan’s bride, what is emphasized first of all is not external beauty, but humanity. A simple, ordinary girl is clearly opposed to the Mistress, but she defeats her all-powerful rival. The direct duel between Danila’s bride-master Katya and the Mistress is described in the tale “The Stone Flower”. The author admires her courage and determination. Even the “stone girl” is captivated by the power of love, dedication, and loyalty of the heroine.

Warmth and beauty human soul defeat the brilliant, cold beauty of the Mistress. Metal, stone in clothes, hair, even in behavior more than once emphasize her coldness. The motif of contrasting living warmth and dead stone is found not only in the description of the heroes, but also in the contrast of living nature dead, albeit a very beautiful stone.

Thus, Pushkin and Bazhov continue folk tradition, glorifying the ideals of moral beauty, they contrast it with ostentatious, external beauty that has no internal content.

/ / / The image of the Princess in “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes" by Pushkin

Even though the girl was " royal origin"She wasn't a prude. She did housework very well. From morning to evening, the princess maintained order in the house of the seven heroes, cooked, spun yarn and sewed. And this gave her pleasure. From this we can conclude that she was very hardworking, unlike her stepmother, who spent all day only watching her appearance, and admired herself in the mirror.

The princess was not selfish and envious. She accepted her appearance, but did not make a cult out of it, even though she became the standard of femininity and attractiveness for many men.

Unfortunately, the author in this tale prepared a very difficult fate for the princess. At the very beginning, she got lost in the forest, but miraculously remained alive when she came across the house of the heroes. But in this situation, the princess was far from her home and from her loved one, who immediately went to look for her all over the world.

After that, she was mercilessly poisoned by her own stepmother, who saw the girl as a beauty competitor. At the end of it all, the girl was “resurrected” by her fiancé Elisha. This miracle happened only thanks to the love that lived between the young people.

All positive sides and remained in the character of the princess. She was not angry at her stepmother for what she had done. No. The girl lived through this period with honor. In addition, she now acquired seven brothers at once, who at any moment were ready to take any action for her. After all, during the time that the princess lived in their house, they became practically family to each other. The girl considered them her brothers, the heroes called her their sister.

When death took the princess from them, the men grieved for a long time. But they never decided to bury the girl, but instead, they made a crystal coffin for her and hung it in the cave. Perhaps, deep down, the heroes hoped that the girl would sooner or later “wake up” from her sleep and again delight the whole earth with her presence on it.

Fortunately, the forces of nature helped Elisha find a bride. And from that time on, he never parted with his beloved.

The author wanted to show that only the most genuine feeling can perform miracles. And also that sooner or later even the most worst times are ending. But not everyone is able to withstand the tests of fate...

Open lesson in 5th grade

Subject. A.S. Pushkin. Images of the princess and queen in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin.

Target :

    identify folk basis fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, the meaning of the contrast between the evil queen and the princess, external and internal beauty, the role of artistic and visual means in a fairy tale;

    develop the skills of expressive reading, lexical work, and work with illustrations;

    to raise attentive, thoughtful readers.

Equipment: multimedia presentation.


І. Updating students' knowledge.

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introductory part. Teacher's opening remarks:

There are names like the sun!
Names are like music!
Like apple trees in bloom!
I'm talking about Pushkin: the poet,
Valid at any time.

This is what the 20th century writer I. Severyanin said, which I undoubtedly share. The life of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was tragically cut short more than a century and a half ago, but the light of his mind, the warmth and sincerity of his poetry warm our souls even today.

II. Checking homework.

1. Frontal oral survey:

Guys, tell us what facts about the life and work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin do you know?

What works of his do you know?

In the article “Objection to the article “Athenea”” A.S. Pushkin urged: “Read common folk tales, young writers, to see the properties of the Russian language.”

Pushkin wrote fairy tales in the Russian folk spirit throughout his life, from 1814 to 1834. Pushkin tried to understand the interests of the people, dreams, ideals, which were reflected in the CNT. He recorded songs and folk rituals, asked the nanny to tell again and again fairy tales familiar to him from childhood. Pushkin did not limit himself to the task of passively studying folk poetry: he sought to penetrate into it, to creatively master its content and form. And he succeeded so much that some of his works in the folk spirit (for example, “Songs about Stenka Razin”) were accepted as truly folk.

Define “fairy tales”, tell us what they are like and what they consist of.

2. Individual detailed oral response.

And now we will see how well you know the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

3. Solving a crossword puzzle.

III. Learning new material.

Guys, what fairy tale by Alexander Sergeevich did we start getting acquainted with in the last lesson?

Prove that this work is a fairy tale.

1. Literary and theoretical answer.

- You say that in fairy tales it is necessary there is a struggle good and evil. Is there this fight in“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin? And who is she going between?

2. Communicating the topic of the lesson, setting goals and objectives. Recording the topic in a notebook.

The topic of our lesson today is “Images of the princess and queen in “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin.” Write the topic in your notebook.

Today in the lesson we must analyze the images of the princess and queen in a fairy tale and understand whythe meaning of contrasting heroines, what is the author’s attitude towards the heroines, and, of course, consider your attitude towards these images.

3. Analysis of the content of the tale.

We meet our heroines from the very beginning of the fairy tale. Open the fairy tale in your textbook.

Let's remember these lines, watch the dramatization of the fairy tale episode and analyze the imagesprincesses and queens.


Watch the episode shown in the textbook. Now we will compile a table “How the author shows both heroines in the fairy tale”

Name the words that characterize the QUEEN. Read them.

Let's put them in a table:









Now name and write down the words with which the author describes the QUEEN:



    the temperament of the meek




4. Lexical work

Tell me how you understand the words:

Temperament – character, spiritual qualities.

Gentle – gentle, submissive, meek.

Proud - aware of his superiority.

Lomliva (from the verb “to break” - stubborn, capricious.

Wayward - stubborn, doing as he pleases.

Jealous Here: painfully wanting to be the best.

What other qualities can you add from yourself to each heroine? Name it.

Write it down in the table.

And what common features are they connected?

Guys, tell me, why does the poet begin the story about the princess with the adversarial conjunction BUT?

What means of expression does the author use when showing the images of the queen and princess? COMPARISON, ANTITHESIS.

Let's read the next episode and analyze it.

5. Expressive reading episode from the words “Can the devil deal with an angry woman?” to the words “For the young bride.”

What is the opposite of the queen’s anger in the fairy tale?

In what words does the author’s attitude towards the queen appear?

What happens to the princess in the forest?

6. Appeal to the illustration by V.M. Konashevich (p. 109 of the textbook, part 1).

How did Sokolko meet the princess? Why?

7. Expressive reading of the fragment from the words “And the princess found herself...” to the words “And quietly lay down.”

What qualities of the heroine does this episode tell about?

Teacher's word.

The princess in the fairy tale is most like a peasant girl, modest, kind, well-educated and, most importantly, loving and able to work. Finding herself in an unfamiliar empty tower, “the princess walked around the house, put everything in order, lit a candle for God, lit the stove hot...”

Pushkin, reincarnated as folk storyteller, confident that this is exactly how “good” princesses behave, continues: “Instantly, by their speech, they recognized that they had received the princess...”. The episode of the beautiful princess’s stay in the house of seven heroes, “ruddy mustaches”, who soon fell in love with her, is developed in detail.

8. Expressive reading of the passage by role from the words “The brothers fell in love with a sweet girl...” to the words “They began to live and get along.”

What ideals of the people are reflected in this episode of the fairy tale?(Chastity - strict morality, purity).

How did the evil queen manage to find out that the princess was alive?

9. Watching the cartoon before Elisha.

Why are the words “the evil queen” repeated twice in this episode?

Why does the author call the blueberry “old woman”, “little old woman”, and the princess - “grandmother”?(The author knows about the intentions of the blueberry and despises her. The princess does not suspect the intentions of the guest and treats her with respect, like any old person).

Determine the role of repetitions in a fragment of a fairy tale.(Repetitions emphasize the attractiveness of a ripe apple. The princess cannot resist the temptation to try it. The author shows how defenseless gullibility and kindness are in the face of cruelty and deceit).

Find nouns with diminutive suffixes in the indicated passage. What role do they play in the text?

What mood is imbued with the scene of the heroes’ farewell to the named sister?

How does the fairy tale end?Brief retelling.

IV. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

1. Frontal conversation.

Having analyzed the fairy tale, we saw that the queen-stepmother is opposed to the princess. How are the heroines different? Are there any similarities between them? What is the meaning of the opposition?(Between the princess and the queen there is external resemblance: Both are wonderful.

Talking about the kindness and meekness of the young princess, the author emphasizes that the beauty of the soul is most important.

Depicting the breaking and antics of the queen-stepmother, her anger, envy and malice, Pushkin shows how disgusting an outwardly attractive person can be if he is deprived of inner beauty.

Kindness is trusting and naive, it needs protection; evil is insidious, mean and cruel, but initially doomed).

Summarize the images in syncwine.

The first option will write a syncwine about the queen, and the second – about the princess. (2 at the board)

2.Creating a syncwine.

Check, reading 2 syncwines from the spot.

V. Homework.

Memorize a fragment of a fairy tale to choose from:

From the words “For his bride...” to the words “Or noticed her trace”;

From the words “Dark Night Elisha...” to the words “Don’t be sad, goodbye”;

From the words “Elisha, do not lose heart...” to the words “In that tomb is your bride.”


Test on “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin.

Complete the test and circle the correct answer.

1. The princess was born on Christmas Day:

2. The magic mirror of the new queen could sing:

3. As a dowry, the princess received seven cities and one hundred and forty towers:

4. Chernavka did not destroy the princess, because she promised the girl a generous gift:

5. “To be one’s wife, one’s affectionate sister...” These words belong to the youngest of the seven heroic brothers:

6. The princess gave bread to the beggar nun:

7. The name of the dog who guarded the princess is Sokolko:

8. The brothers laid the princess in a golden coffin:

9. Elisha asked about his bride among the trees:

10. The stepmother died of melancholy when she found out magic mirror that the princess is alive:

/ / / The image of the Queen in Pushkin’s “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”

The Pushkin shows different characters. He doesn't make everyone just positive or negative. Each has advantages and disadvantages. One of these characters is the queen.

The queen has a beautiful appearance, but a completely intolerable character. She is very selfish and cruel, so she is not capable of bright feelings. The goal of her life becomes ideal external data.

A woman marries a widowed king, who has a small daughter left from his first marriage. But with age the girl matured and turned into beautiful woman. This circumstance did not please evil stepmother. After all, the woman considered herself the most beautiful and did not tolerate competition. Therefore, a desire immediately arose in her head to get rid of the young princess. The woman committed a crime and persuaded the maid to take her stepdaughter far into the forest and leave her to be devoured by the wolves.

The author endows the queen with a magical attribute - talking mirror, which tells and shows her about all the beauties in the area. The woman is used to hearing that there are no others like her. However, after the young princess managed to escape in the house of the heroes, the mirror notified its owner about this.

The woman was beside herself with anger. She decided to kill the heiress with her own hands. To do this, she went into the forest herself and took a poisoned apple with her. But how can you make sure that the princess doesn’t guess anything? The poisoner was helped in this by her cunning. The woman dressed as a beggar and began to beg under the windows of a large heroic house.

Of course, I gave her some bread. After all, unlike her stepmother, she was kind to others. In response, the “beggar old woman” threw her a beautiful and large apple, but a poisoned apple.

The woman did not feel sorry for the young girl. Her soul was dark, imbued with malice and cruelty. There was no place in the heart for love and compassion. Therefore, without a twinge of conscience or the slightest regret, she was ready to deal with anyone who stood in her way.

Perhaps the woman was pushed by jealousy. After all, the daughter was a joy for the king, and the woman was simply afraid that only the young princess would get all the attention.

When the mirror told the queen Once again about the life and health of her young and beautiful stepdaughter, then her ruthless and embittered heart could not stand it. The woman died of melancholy, hatred, frustration and fear. After all, if the king knew what he had done new wife in order to remain the only beauty, he would certainly deal with her.

She stepped on dark side, which ultimately took away not only her beauty, but also her very existence. The author does not mention that before her own death the woman repented of her sins. No. Until the very end, she was filled with hatred towards others and considered her actions to be correct.

Pushkin shows that you have to pay for everything in this life. And sometimes, at the hour of reckoning, the price for all actions may turn out to be too high...