Talking mirror fairy tale. Magic mirror

№210 Recorded in the Novogrudok district of the Grodno province. teacher M.A. Dmitriev. The language is Belarusian. AT 709 (Magic Mirror). The plot is widespread throughout Europe, its variants are also taken into account in AT in the Middle Eastern (Turkish), African and American (recordings made in Spanish from Americans of European descent and from blacks) folklore material. There are 27 Russian variants, 23 Ukrainian ones, 4 Belarusian ones. Similar tales are also found in the folklore of non-Slavic peoples of the USSR, for example, in Bashkir (Bashk. tvorch., I, no. 101), Ossetian (Oset. sk., no. 37), Karelian (, No. 40). The formation of this plot can be traced back to antiquity. Some of its motifs are known from The Arabian Nights and Shakespeare's Cymbeline (1610). The first tale about the magic mirror and the dead princess was published in Basile's collection “Pentameron” (II, no. 8). The fairy tale by br. Grimm "Snow White". As M.K. Azadovsky proves (Literature and folklore. Leningrad, 1938, pp. 75-84), it served as a source for Pushkin’s “Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights,” along with the first Russian publication of a tale of this type in the popular print collection Pogudka .., II, No. 2, p. 87-96 and with a recording of a folk tale made by A. S. Pushkin (Pushkin. App., I, No. 7). R. M. Volkov in the book “Folk origins of the creativity of A. S. Pushkin. Ballads and fairy tales" (Chernivtsi, 1960, pp. 155-189) focuses on the connection between Pushkin's fairy tales and the Russian folklore tradition. A special monograph is devoted to a comparative study of European versions of fairy tales about the magic mirror: Böklen E. Schneewittchens Studien. Leipzig, 1914. From other studies we note: Propp. East. sk. , With. 110-113; Meletinsky, p. 167; Galaida E. Pushkin's fairy tales (On the problem of realism in fairy tales). - Acta facultatis philosopicae Universitatis Šafarikanae. Bratislava, 1975, p. 59-61. The Belarusian fairy tale, recorded by M. A. Dmitriev, has a structure characteristic of Russian fairy tales of type 709. In the Belarusian fairy tale, the brothers-princes correspond to robbers in most folk tales, to heroes in Pushkin’s summary and in Pushkin’s poetic presentation. Unexpected ending: the stepdaughter seeks the forgiveness of the evil stepmother.

Be the king of the king and raise one hell of a noble dacha. After the punishment, the wife died, and she was married to another, worse The best., as it was the first; Ale dacha hell of the first wife for yayo haroshchaya. Once upon a time the wife of the Karala was a bastard and a chandelier To the mirror. and tortures: “Lustro, chandelier! Why am I good?” - “You’re good, but your gentlewoman Stepdaughter. yashche kharoshchaya! - said Answered. chandelier Taya Kruleva showed the footman the weight of the paserbits on the patsyr Walk., there I will forget and place my heart on the plates. The footman immediately brought the king to the patsyr, telling her everything that the king said, and the name Instead of. kill the dog, take out the hearts, put the chops on a plate, serve and roll; and I will tell you that I went wherever I wanted.

Kruleva's lord was glad that she had taken care of her dear father; and the princess, parting from the footman, went to where her eyes were wandering. Idze yana dak idze - there’s a palace right next to the forest Castle., even there, all sorts of things have been taken and there is nothing wrong. Yana hadzila and then the palaces, hadzila, there are already twelve men dancing; and these men were twelve brothers of the Karalevich, who lived in the summer palaces. Hadzili yanya in all sorts of ways, even in one of them we even knew the lady. Look at me, every time I look at her; ale yak ne magli pagadzitsa Agree., then they recognized me as a sister and respected the nobles.

Taya Kruleva was crazy Sure., that the paserbians are not great; ale adnago times, prez tsyakavost Out of curiosity., the chandelier came up and tried: “Lustro, chandelier! Why am I good?” - “You are good, and your paserbitsa is even worse - among the twelve brothers of Karelevich.” Kruleva showed her gratitude to her grandmother-enchantress and, having given her a lot of pennies, said: “Look to me that my little lady hasn’t been here for three days!” - "Of good!" - said the enchantress, moved to the edge Dressed up as a merchant. and went away. I went to the palace where the kingdom lived, and even there I didn’t find anyone else - only the hell of the kingdom, sitting face down. Kraleina, the fucking woman, said that I was already a success and began to inquire: is Yana atkul? “I am going on a pilgrimage in the future, in case I earn money; I craft and sell needles, hairpins, peppers and other goods.” - “Well, packages!” - said the queen. This woman conceived peppers, and the king's daughter fell The princess liked one., I cried in pain - as long as the woman was here, and she ruled. She fingered the edge of that pepper for a long time, and then put it on her finger. As soon as I was happy, I became unlivable.

Papriyazdzhali brothers from palyavannya From the hunt. and immediately disappeared To greet. with sister. The entrance is very different - it’s almost as if it’s not chewing. The brothers cried and cried, and then they began to figure out how to settle another adzena Wear a different dress.; As soon as they started to figure it out, they already knew the first scene; As soon as I knew the difference, the queen awed and, ustavshi, said: “I slept so deliciously!” - “You were asleep, but you were not alive; “You don’t have to be acharava,” said the brothers. "Geta, musibyts" It should probably be., woman, the one I bought a persyonak enchanted me.” The brothers, leaving the next day, shouted that the palace should never be allowed to pass.

Kruleva went to the chandelier and tortured her, and it said that “you are good, and your lady friend is even worse.” The ruler immediately sent a message to this enchantress and told her to finally leave the world as a guardian. That woman moved behind the barn A beggar woman. And she went to the palace where the kingdom lived. The bastard fell akno kraleeny and became the army of the army The Lord's Prayer, and prayer in general.. Kraleina, pachushy, said that she had taken out three pennies and sent the woman to justice. The footman who carried out the pennies to the woman would be damned to death Agreed. And I fall to stick in the hairpin that the woman gave me. That lackey of the same day, crushed, never knew the hairpin, panes ya and kraleeny and adda. Kraleina thought, what is this hairpin, I took it - I smoothed it out. As soon as I settled down, I became unlivable. Brothers, who arrived, walked and packed it, and there they found it dead; They started to sort things out, and the king didn’t move. The Yans have slain for my srebna trune Silver coffin. Some forests are stuck and there are hangings on the other side.

Kruleva, cleaning up, asked from the chandelier: what is good? And the chandelier said that “you are the most beautiful in the whole world.” Kruleva was glad that there was no one who would be good for me. One day in the forest where the throne of the kingdom hung, some kings were scorching from afar. The king's dogs, as if they were chasing hares, even as far as the throne where the king hung. Kralevich palatseў horse On horseback. for the dogs. The dogs kicked the hare and began to eat Bark. on Dzeravo Yugor Up., where the trumpet hung. Kralevich, arrogant Embittered. at the dogs for throwing the hare, their fingers beat; Ale yak pad'ehaў, dak blask at the eyes of the pit ўdaryў. I will look at the eel and the fucking sreb trune; He is immediately packing people and showing this trouble to be understood, to settle the matter On the cart. And I will knit at home, and there will be some pasta for everyone - so that no one is missing. The people of the king immediately took the throne, together with the king's house and the pastavili of his pack.

The next day, the king himself arrived home, immediately after his packing, hell Opened it. trun and there the great lord and good lady, and so she got stuck Fell in love., because it doesn’t go anywhere. Radzitsy Parents. the prince himself did not know that he was a slave, that such a son was boring Boring, sad. And they don’t let anyone go with their pack. One day he will sit down with his friends, and after that he will learn the top of the line and start choosing heels from the head and sticking with his surdut Frock coat, caftan (?).; And as soon as I took out one hairpin, the panna came out. She started to take her away and started to find out what happened to her? Yana told the prince about everything and also fell in love with him. We sat down all day, and the next day we went and wished that they were blessed. Those who went there, they told everyone, and the nobles were glad that their son was happy, and they were praised. U nyadzelyu Sunday. it was sunny Wedding., and daddy and daddy drove to the villages. When my father arrived, the daughter told everyone: how my mother wanted to live in the world, how she was a twelve-royal prince, and after that, how I knew a royal princess and how I repented. Father wanted to put his little wife on the stingy harrows, but the dacha wouldn’t allow it. The next day there would be a ball, at which the royal twelve were also present; And I would have been there, there was honey, it was bubbling at Baradze’s, but Rotse’s was not there.

№211 The location of the recording is unknown. AT 883 A (Slandered Girl) + 709 (see note to previous text). Contamination of plots, quite often found in East Slavic folklore material. The first plot is taken into account by Thompson mainly in European collections and recordings made in America in European languages, as well as in Arabic, Berber, Turkish and Indian collections. There are 21 Russian variants, 6 Ukrainian ones, 1 Belarusian ones. Fairy tales of type 883 A are also found in Latvian folklore material not included in the AT (Arais-Medne, p. 138). They were also included in the collection of Bashkir fairy tales (Bashk. tvorch., IV, No. 88-90). The history of European short story tales of type 883 A goes back to Basile's "Pentameron" (II, no. 4). In Russia, a fairy tale of this type was published for the first time in the popular book Pogudka... (III, No. 11, pp. 34-48). A variation of the plot about a slandered girl, which has the flavor of merchant life, is characteristic of East Slavic folklore. In the part that corresponds to plot type 709, the tale in Afanasyev’s collection bears the imprint of the influence of Pushkin’s “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.” A number of options for individual parts of the tale are given by Afanasyev in footnotes. After the words “two mighty heroes” (p. 103), an option is indicated: “A red maiden enters the palace, there is not a soul in the palace, and in one chamber a table is set, on the table there are twelve cutlery, twelve loaves of bread and the same number of bottles of wine. And she has been tormented by hunger and thirst for a long time. “Let me take it,” he thinks, “I’ll break off a piece from each bread and take a sip from each bottle; I’ll be well-fed myself and I won’t offend the owners!” She did this, got drunk and ate, and sat down at the stove. Suddenly twelve heroes arrived and sat down at the table; says the eldest: “The bread has been eaten, the wine has been drunk - it’s clear that a guest has come to us!” They began to call the guest: “Answer me! We are good people; If you’re a good fellow, you’ll be our brother; if you’re a beautiful maiden, you’ll be our sister.” After the words: “my brother sent me as a souvenir” (p. 103), a link is given to the option: “In another list: a merchant marries a sorceress. She learns from the black books that she has a rival in beauty; turns into a magpie and flies into the dense forest; here he takes on the appearance of a poor old woman and gives his stepdaughter a ring!” For the episode of the appearance of the old woman with the ribbon (p. 104), an option is given: “The sorceress flies in like a magpie and gives her daughter-in-law an embroidered shirt; she put on the shirt and died immediately.” After the words “and ended their lives” (p. 104), an option is indicated: “Twelve heroes made a golden coffin, put the red maiden, their named sister, in it, and hung the coffin in the forest between twelve pillars on twelve golden chains. A lot of time passed: the heroes managed to grow old, began to die one after another, they all died, and the palace was left empty.” After the words “...and sees a crystal coffin” (p. 106), an option is indicated: “The prince sits at home, doesn’t go out anywhere, keeps looking at the dead beauty, and begins to feel sad, yearn, and dry up; in a short time it became so withered and decayed that it is impossible to recognize it. The king and queen began to treat him; I can’t count how many doctors have been here, and not a single one has done a penny’s worth. Once the queen came to the prince and accidentally saw a coffin...” After the words “The sailor set off swimming and reached the shore by morning” (p. 106), the option is indicated: “(The uncle is pursuing the merchant’s daughter, his niece; she pours boiling water on him). While the uncle managed to recover from the pain, the merchant’s daughter prayed to God and ran away into the dense forest; found an oak hollow; climbed there and remained in the hollow for a long, long time; I didn’t drink or eat anything, but I was alive by the spirit of God. Once the prince was hunting in that forest, his dogs ran into an oak hollow, surrounded him and started barking loudly. “What kind of animal is hiding there? How can I get him out?" - asks the prince. The hunters answer: “Let’s, Your Highness, make a fire under the tree; Willy-nilly he will jump out!” They were just about to start a fire when a human voice came from the hollow: “Orthodox Christians! There is not a beast here, but a red maiden.” - “Well, show yourself!” The merchant's daughter crawled out of the hollow; her clothes had long since fallen apart, and her naked body was visible from behind the rags. The prince asked her: what kingdom is she from and whose parents? He brought her to his palace and dressed her in a precious dress: she was beautiful, but now she is twice as beautiful! How much time passed, the king and queen began to notice that their heir had completely changed: before he was always cheerful, talkative and such a poor hunter, but now he became sad, silent, and did not remind him of hunting. “What, son, aren’t you happy?” - asks his mother. - What do you lack in our kingdom? Has Ali decided to get married? Tell us; We can get you a daughter from any king - a beautiful princess!” - “Dear mother! I don’t need any princess; I have a bride-to-be; If you don’t allow me to marry her, then I will remain single forever.” - “Who is she, and where did you see her?” - “And I, mother, went hunting and found her in an oak hollow; my betrothed bride is a merchant’s daughter from one kingdom and now lives in my palace.” - “Oh, son, what did you come up with? After all, if we marry you to this girl, all the kings and princes, kings and princes will laugh at us; They’ll say: they couldn’t find a better bride, they married their beloved son to some tramp! “Perhaps they will laugh,” the prince replies, “but they will envy twice as much.” He brought the merchant's daughter to her father and mother: when they saw her indescribable beauty, they themselves were delighted and blessed the prince to marry her. They lived in love and advice for a year, and another, and a third; The young princess gathered to visit her own father. The prince released her and gave her a general and a company of soldiers to accompany her. On the way, the princess wanted to take a rest; stopped in an open field, ordered a tent to be pitched and lay down to rest; A sentry was posted near the princess's tent. At night, the sentry wakes up the princess: “Your Highness, get up quickly; I know for certain that the general was jealous of your beauty and is now going to either put you to an evil death or commit a sin with you. Put on my overcoat, take the gun in your hands and stand guard; and I’ll lie down on the bed instead of you.” No sooner said than done. The princess is on guard; suddenly the general comes. "Who goes?" - the princess calls out. "General." - “Please don’t go to the tent; The princess went to bed." - “No, brother, I really need it; Now a courier has arrived with a secret document.” He entered the tent and began to pester the soldier: he thought he was the princess. "Get out, you slacker!" - the soldier shouted and slapped him in the face; the general drew his saber and cut off his head; after that he dug a hole, buried the dead man and went to bed. Then the princess threw down her gun and ran by roundabout roads to the city where her father lived; I ran there, dressed up as a cook and went looking for work. And the general spread a rumor that the princess got in touch with the sentry and ran away with him at night to God knows where...” To the words “whoever interrupts me will receive a plague in the forehead” (p. 107) - an option: “whoever tells me: it’s not true - he will be a hundred lash in the back."

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a widower merchant; he had a son, a daughter, and a brother... At one time, this merchant is going to go to foreign lands, buy various goods, takes his son with him, and leaves his daughter at home; He calls his brother and says to him: “I entrust to you, dear brother, my entire house and household, and I earnestly ask: look after my daughter more closely, teach her to read and write, and do not allow her to be spoiled!” After that, the merchant said goodbye to his brother and daughter and set off on his journey. And the merchant’s daughter was already old and of such indescribable beauty that even if you walked around the world, you wouldn’t find another like her! An unclean thought came into his uncle’s head, it gave him no rest day or night, and he began to pester the red maiden. “Either,” he says, “commit a sin to me, or you won’t live in the world; and I myself will disappear and kill you!..”

Once a girl went to the bathhouse, her uncle followed her - just through the door, she grabbed a basin full of boiling water and doused him from head to toe. He lay there for three weeks and barely recovered; terrible hatred gnawed at his heart, and he began to think: how to laugh off this ridicule? I thought and thought, and finally wrote a letter to my brother: your daughter is doing bad things, wandering around other people’s yards, doesn’t spend the night at home and doesn’t listen to me. The merchant received this letter, read it and became very angry; says to his son: “Your sister has disgraced the whole house! I don’t want to have mercy on her: go this very minute, chop the scoundrel into small pieces and bring her heart with this knife. Let good people not laugh at our kind-tribe!”

The son took a sharp knife and went home; I arrived in my hometown on the sly, without telling anyone, and began to scout around: how does such and such a merchant’s daughter live? Everyone praises her with one voice - they cannot boast enough: she is quiet, and modest, and knows God, and listens to good people. Having found out everything, he went to his sister; she was delighted, rushed to meet him, hugs him, kisses him: “Dear brother! How did the Lord bring you? What about our dear father? - “Oh, dear sister, don’t rush to rejoice. My arrival is not good: my father sent me and ordered your white body to be chopped into small pieces, your heart to be taken out and delivered to him on this knife.”

My sister started crying. “My God,” he says, “why such disfavor?” - “But for what!” - the brother answered and told her about his uncle’s letter. “Oh, brother, I’m not guilty of anything!” The merchant’s son listened to how and what happened and said: “Don’t cry, sister! I myself know that you are not guilty, and even though the priest did not order you to accept any excuses, I still don’t want to execute you. You’d better get ready and leave your father’s house wherever you look; God will not leave you!” The merchant's daughter did not think long, got ready for the journey, said goodbye to her brother and went where - she herself does not know. And her brother killed a yard dog, took out the heart, put it on a sharp knife and took it to his father. He gives him the dog’s heart: “So and so,” he says, “on your parental orders, I executed my sister.” - “Come on! Death for a dog!” - answered the father.

How long or how short did the red maiden wander around the white world, and finally entered a dense, dense forest: from behind the tall trees the sky was barely visible. She began to walk through this forest and accidentally came out into a wide clearing; in this clearing there is a white stone palace, around the palace there is an iron lattice. “Let me go,” the girl thinks, “I’ll go into this palace, not everyone is evil, maybe the worst will happen!” She enters the chambers - there is not a human soul in the chambers; I was about to turn back - suddenly two powerful heroes galloped into the courtyard, entered the palace, saw the girl and said: “Hello, beauty!” - “Hello, honest knights!” “Here, brother,” said one hero to another, “you and I were grieving that there was no one to manage our house; and God sent us a sister.” The heroes left the merchant's daughter to live with them, called her their own sister, gave her the keys and made her the mistress of the whole house; then they took out sharp sabers, pointed them at each other’s chests and made the following agreement: “If any of us dares to encroach on our sister, then we will chop him up without mercy with this very saber.”

Here is a red maiden living with two heroes; and her father bought overseas goods, returned home and a little later married another wife. This merchant's wife was of indescribable beauty and had a magic mirror; look in the mirror - you will immediately find out where everything is being done. Once the heroes gathered for a hunt and told their sister: “Be careful, don’t let anyone in until we arrive!” They said goodbye to her and left. At this very time, the merchant’s wife looked into the mirror, admired her beauty and said: “There is no one more beautiful than me in the world!” And the mirror answered: “You are good - no doubt about it! And you have a stepdaughter, she lives with two heroes in a dense forest - she’s even more beautiful!”

The stepmother did not like these speeches and immediately called the evil old woman to her. “Here,” he says, “here’s a ring for you; go into the dense forest, in that forest there is a white-stone palace, my stepdaughter lives in the palace; bow to her and give her this ring - say: brother sent it as a souvenir!” The old woman took the ring and went where she was told; comes to the white-stone palace, the red maiden saw her, ran out to meet her - she wanted, therefore, to try for news from her native side. “Hello, grandma! How did God bring you? Is everyone alive and well? - “They live, chew bread! My brother asked me to check on your health and sent me a ring as a gift; come on, show off!” The girl is so happy, so glad that it’s impossible to tell; She brought the old woman into the room, treated her to all sorts of snacks and drinks, and ordered her brother to bow deeply. After an hour, the old woman trudged back, and the girl began to admire the ring and decided to put it on her finger; put it on - and at that very moment she fell dead.

Two heroes arrive, enter the chambers, but the sister does not greet them: what is it? We looked into her bedroom; and she lies dead, doesn’t say a word. The heroes were inflamed: what was most beautiful was that death suddenly took hold! “We must,” they say, “put her in new clothes and put her in a coffin.” They began to clean up, and one noticed a ring on the red girl’s hand: “Is it really possible to bury her with this ring? Let me take it off, I’ll leave it as a souvenir.” As soon as he took off the ring, the red maiden immediately opened her eyes, sighed and came to life. “What happened to you, sister? Didn’t anyone come to see you?” - the heroes ask. “An old lady I know came from home and brought me a ring.” - “Oh, how naughty you are! After all, it was not for nothing that we punished you so that you wouldn’t let anyone into the house without us. Make sure you don’t do this next time!”

After some time, the merchant's wife looked into her mirror and found out that her stepdaughter was still alive and beautiful; she called the old woman, gave her a ribbon and said: “Go to the white-stone palace where my stepdaughter lives, and give her this gift; say: brother sent! Again the old woman came to the red maiden, told her about three boxes of different things and gave her the ribbon. The girl was delighted, tied a ribbon around her neck - and at that very moment fell onto the bed, dead. The heroes came from the hunt, looked - my sister was lying dead, they began to put her in new outfits and as soon as they took off the ribbon, she immediately opened her eyes, sighed and came to life. “What's wrong with you, sister? Was there an old woman again? “Yes,” he says, “an old woman came from home and brought me a ribbon.” - “Oh, what you are! After all, we asked you: don’t accept anyone without us!” - “Sorry, dear brothers! I couldn’t stand it, I wanted to hear news from home.”

A few more days passed - the merchant's wife looked in the mirror: her stepdaughter was alive again. She called the old woman. “Only,” he says, “a hair’s breadth!” Go to your stepdaughter, be sure to kill her!” The old woman took advantage of the time when the heroes went hunting, and came to the white stone palace; The red maiden saw her through the window, could not stand it, ran out to meet her: “Hello, grandma! How does God have mercy on you? - “As long as you’re alive, my dear!” I was wandering around the world and came here to visit you.” The red maiden brought her into the room, treated her to all sorts of snacks and drinks, asked about her relatives and ordered her to bow to her brother. “Okay,” says the old woman, “I will bow.” But you, my dear, have no one to look for tea in your head? Let me look.” - “Look, grandma!” She began to look in the head of the red maiden and wove a magic hair into her braid; As soon as she wove this hair, the girl at that very moment became dead. The old woman grinned evilly and left quickly so that no one would catch her or see her.

The heroes arrive, enter the rooms - the sister lies dead; For a long time they peered and looked closely to see if there was anything superfluous on it? No, you can't see anything! So they made a crystal coffin - so wonderful that you couldn’t even think of it, couldn’t imagine it, only say it in a fairy tale; they dressed the merchant's daughter in a shiny dress, like a bride to the crown, and placed her in a crystal coffin; That coffin was placed in the middle of the large chamber, and above it they placed a canopy of red velvet with diamond tassels with gold fringes, and twelve lamps were hung on twelve crystal pillars. After that, the heroes burst into burning tears; They were overcome with great melancholy. “What,” they say, “are we supposed to live on in this world? Let’s go and decide for ourselves!” They hugged, said goodbye to each other, went out onto the high balcony, held hands and rushed down; hit sharp stones and ended their lives.

Many, many years have passed. It happened that one prince was out hunting; He drove into a dense forest, sent his dogs loose in different directions, separated from the hunters and rode alone along a dead path. He drove and drove, and there was a clearing in front of him, in the clearing there was a white stone palace. The prince dismounted from his horse, climbed the stairs, and began to inspect the chambers; Everywhere the decorations are rich, luxurious, but the owner’s hand is not visible on anything: everything was abandoned a long time ago, everything was neglected! In one chamber there is a crystal coffin, and in the coffin lies a dead girl of indescribable beauty: there is a blush on her cheeks, a smile on her lips, as if she were alive, she is sleeping.

The prince approached, looked at the girl, and remained in place, as if an invisible force was holding him. He stands there from morning until late evening, unable to take his eyes off, anxiety in his heart: he was riveted by a girl’s beauty - wonderful, unprecedented, which cannot be found anywhere else in the whole world! And hunters have been looking for him for a long time; They were already scouring the forest, blowing trumpets, and raising voices - the prince was standing at the crystal coffin, hearing nothing. The sun set, the darkness deepened, and only then did he come to his senses - he kissed the dead girl and drove back. “Ah, your highness, where have you been?” - the hunters ask. “I was chasing an animal, but I got a little lost.” The next day, just before it’s light, the prince is getting ready to go hunting; galloped into the forest, separated from the hunters and along the same path arrived at the white-stone palace. Again I stood at the crystal coffin all day, not taking my eyes off the dead beauty; I only returned home late at night. On the third day, on the fourth everything was the same, and so a whole week passed. “What happened to our prince? - say the hunters. “Let us, brothers, keep an eye on him, make sure that no harm happens.”

So the prince went hunting, let his dogs loose in the forest, separated from his retinue and headed his way to the white-stone palace; The hunters immediately follow him, come to the clearing, enter the palace - there is a crystal coffin in the chamber, a dead girl lies in the coffin, the prince stands in front of the girl. “Well, Your Highness, it’s not for nothing that you’ve been lost in the forest for a whole week! Now we won’t be able to leave here until the evening.” They surrounded the crystal coffin, looked at the girl, admired her beauty, and stood in one place from morning until late evening. When it got completely dark, the prince turned to the hunters: “Do me, brothers, a great service: take the coffin with the dead girl, bring it and place it in my bedroom; Yes, quietly, secretly, so that no one finds out about it, does not find out. I will reward you in every possible way, I will reward you with a golden treasury, like no one has rewarded you.” - “Your will is to favor; and we, Tsarevich, are happy to serve you anyway!” - said the hunters, picked up the crystal coffin, took it out into the courtyard, set it up on horseback and took it to the royal palace; They brought it and placed it in the prince’s bedroom.

From that very day the prince stopped even thinking about hunting; he sits at home, doesn’t leave his room anywhere - he keeps admiring the girl. “What happened to our son? - the queen thinks. “It’s been a long time, but he’s still sitting at home, doesn’t leave his room and doesn’t let anyone in.” Did sadness or melancholy set in, or did you feign some kind of illness? Let me go look at him.” The queen enters his bedroom and sees a crystal coffin. How and what? She asked and found out and immediately gave the order to bury that girl, as was customary, in the damp earth.

The prince began to cry, went into the garden, picked wonderful flowers, brought them back and began to comb the dead beauty’s brown hair and cover her head with flowers. Suddenly a magic hair fell out of her braid - the beauty opened her eyes, sighed, rose from the crystal coffin and said: “Oh, how long I slept!” The prince was incredibly happy, took her hand, led her to her father, to her mother. “God gave it to me,” he says! I can't live without her for a single minute. Allow me, dear father, and you, dear mother, allow me to get married.” - “Get married, son! We won’t go against God, and we can’t look for such beauty in the whole world!” Tsars never stop for anything: an honest feast on the same day and even for a wedding.

The prince married a merchant's daughter and lives with her - he couldn't be happier. Some time passed - she decided to go in her direction, to visit her father and brother; The prince, not averse to it, began to ask his father. “Okay,” says the king, “go, my dear children! You, prince, go on a detour by land, inspect all our lands and find out the order, and let your wife sail on the ship in a direct way.” So they prepared the ship for the voyage, dressed the sailors, appointed the initial general; The princess boarded the ship and went out to the open sea, and the prince went by land.

The leading general, seeing the beautiful princess, envied her beauty and began to flatter her; Why be afraid, he thinks, - after all, she is now in my hands, I do whatever I want! “Love me,” he says to the princess, “if you don’t love me, I’ll throw you into the sea!” The princess turned away, did not give him an answer, only burst into tears. One sailor overheard the general’s speeches, came to the princess in the evening and began to say: “Don’t cry, princess! Dress yourself in my dress, and I will put on yours; You go on deck, and I’ll stay in the cabin. Let the general throw me into the sea - I’m not afraid of that; Maybe I can handle it, I’ll swim to the pier: fortunately the land is close now!” They exchanged dresses; the princess went on deck, and the sailor lay down on her bed. At night, the leading general appeared in the cabin, grabbed the sailor and threw him into the sea. The sailor set off swimming and reached the shore by morning. The ship arrived at the pier, the sailors began to go ashore; The princess also went down, rushed to the market, bought herself a cook's clothes, dressed up as a cook and hired herself to serve in the kitchen for her own father.

A little later, the prince comes to the merchant. “Hello,” he says, “father! Accept your son-in-law, because I am married to your daughter. Where is she? Al hasn’t been there yet?” And then the initial general appears with a report: “So and so, Your Highness! A misfortune happened: the princess was standing on the deck, a storm arose, rocking began, her head began to spin - and before she could blink, the princess fell into the sea and drowned!” The prince strained and cried, but you can’t turn him back from the bottom of the sea; Apparently, this is her destiny! The prince stayed with his father-in-law for some time and ordered his retinue to prepare for departure; the merchant gave a big feast at parting; Merchants, boyars, and all his relatives gathered to see him: his brother, the evil old woman, and the chief general were there.

They drank, ate, cooled off; one of the guests says: “Listen, honest gentlemen! If you keep drinking and drinking, it won’t do any good; Let’s tell better stories.” - "OK OK! - they shouted from all sides. - Who will start? One doesn’t know how, the other is not good at it, and the third has lost his memory of wine. What should I do? The merchant clerk responded: “We have a new cook in the kitchen, he has traveled a lot in foreign lands, he has seen many different wonders, and he is such a master at telling fairy tales—what the hell!” The merchant called that cook. “Sweat,” he says, “my guests!” The cook-princess answers him: “What should I tell you: a fairy tale or an incident?” - “Tell something that happened!” - “Perhaps, it’s possible to have a blast, only with this agreement: whoever interrupts me will get a plague in the forehead.”

Everyone agreed to this. And the princess began to tell everything that happened to her. “So and so,” he says, “the merchant had a daughter; the merchant went overseas and instructed his brother to look after the girl; Uncle coveted her beauty and doesn’t give her a moment of peace...” And Uncle hears that they are talking about him and says: “This, gentlemen, is not true!” - “Oh, don’t you think it’s true? Here's a plague to your forehead! " After that, it came to the stepmother, how she interrogated the magic mirror, and to the evil old woman, how she came to the heroes in the white stone palace - and the old woman and stepmother shouted in one voice: “What nonsense! This cannot be." The princess hit them on the forehead with a chumichka and began to tell how she lay in a crystal coffin, how the prince found her, revived her and married her, and how she went to visit her father.

The general realized that things were not going well, and asked the prince: “Let me go home; I have a headache!” - “Nothing, sit for a while!” The princess began to talk about the general; Well, he couldn’t bear it either. “All this,” he says, “is not true!” With a blow to his forehead, the princess threw off her chef’s dress and revealed herself to the prince: “I’m not a cook, I’m your lawful wife!” The prince was delighted, and so was the merchant; they rushed to hug and kiss her; and then they began to judge the court; the evil old woman and her uncle were shot at the gate, the stepmother-sorceress was tied to the stallion by the tail, the stallion flew into an open field and scattered her bones through the bushes, along the yarugs Yarugi - ravines, hollows, gullies (Ed.).; The prince sent the general to hard labor, and in his place he gave a sailor, who saved the princess from trouble. From that time on, the prince, his wife and the merchant lived together - happily ever after.

Elena Tsymbal
Fairy tale “Mirror” for a performance with older preschoolers

Fairy tale« Mirror»


Storyteller, Girl, hare Proshka, Crow, Mole, Hedgehog, Goose, Squirrel1, Squirrel2, Teddy Bear

The girl went for a walk in the forest. Fashionably dressed (blue dress, blue knee socks, red sandals, she has a red handbag in her hands, and her: mirror, lipstick and candy. And the hare Proshka was sleeping. A girl walked along the path and sang:

“Who will praise me best,

he will receive sweet candy!”

Proshka: What? I ran towards the sound

Crow - I wonder where Proshka ran to? I flew to have a look.

A girl walks through the forest and sings:

“What a boring forest, it’s just a laugh.

There is nothing good about it.

Who will praise me best?

he will receive sweet candy!”

Crow: Hello, beauty! And who is this little one? You are my golden one! Well, where is your candy?

Girl - Right here. She took lipstick out of her purse and painted her lips - Am I small? And, offended, she moved on.

Crow: As you know, we crows live for 300 years.

Girl: No, we don’t know, we haven’t passed the crows yet. Wonderful weather isn't it?

Proshka - Shoo. Shoo, shoo. This is my girl, this is my candy!

Crow - Interesting! Squirrels: profitable business! What we get is in half. Whispers in everyone's ear (bear, hedgehog, goose, mole)

Mole: But how can I see her, I’m blind.

Crow: It's okay, you'll hear her. Stand here!

The girl sings

“What a boring forest, it’s just a laugh

There is nothing good about it.

Who will praise me best?

he will receive sweet candy!”

Proshka: You are the kindest, the fattest!

(The girl snorted)

Proshka: Oh no, no, that’s not it...

Squirrels: What a wonderful dress!

Bear: What a beauty!

Goose: What sandals she has, what bows she has!

Mole Proshke: Listen child, you are as beautiful as the light of dawn, you have the biggest eyes in the world. You are a very beautiful girl!

Proshka: Who!

Mole: I'm sorry, he's leaving.

And Proshka stops him: Wait, wait, what are you doing? said about the eyes?

Mole: I said that they are the largest in the world.

Proshka: That's right, you're a genius. If a girl gives me candy, you get half!

Crow: Fi, what a dream!

Proshka: I came up with an idea, give me some candy. You have the biggest eyes in the world!

Girl: And what else?

Proshka: You have the biggest eyelashes in the world!

Girl: This is very good. And what else? Girl opens her purse

Belka1: Oh, what a pretentious one! Girl takes out candy

Belka2: Oh, now she’ll give him the candy!

Girl: And what else?

Proshka: You, you...

Crow: Ears!

Proshka: You have the biggest ears! No no no no ears. Girl puts candy in her purse

Crow: Nose, nose!

Proshka: You have the biggest nose in the world The girl slammed her purse

Crow laughs: ha ha ha

The hare Proshka follows girl: I have never eaten sweets in my life, I really want to.

A hedgehog is approaching.

Girl is a hedgehog: Whoever praises me best will receive a big candy! I touched the hedgehog and pricked myself.

Girl: Oh, nasty oh, mom! Crying

Hedgehog: oh you capricious girl, give me your hand here. Like this. And you are really beautiful!

Proshka: Yes, yes, now you are really beautiful for some reason.

Girl: It's because I'm crying, right?

Hedgehog: No, it's because you don't make faces!

All: What a good, pretty girl!

Crow: Eh, traitors!

Hare: I love candy so much, I love it so much, but I’ve never eaten it in my life.

Hedgehog: Actually, give Proshka the candy and give us mirror.

The hare Proshka divides on a stump candy: So far it’s for me, and this is for the mole, huh?

The crow distracts Proshka and takes away the candy.

Hedgehog: Proshka, Proshka! Go look in mirror!

Girl: Proshka, isn’t it delicious? Didn't you like the candy?

Proshka: I really liked it. It is very useful for the body! Looks in mirror: Who is that there?

Hedgehog: It's you!

Proshka: I think I look a lot like this hippopotamus. They laugh.

Crow: Who will praise me best

He will receive a big sweet candy

Will you really not praise me at all? Well, at least a little!

Are you a boy or are you a girl! After all, you love candy, I know!

And besides, sweets are so good for the body, huh?

Publications on the topic:

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Innovative forms of work with older preschoolers in classes on cognitive and research activities 1 slide “In all matters with maximum difficulties, the approach to the problem is still the same: Desire is a set of possibilities, And unwillingness is a million.

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Literary lounge “Conversation about the works of A. S. Pushkin and S. G. Pisakhov with older preschoolers” Mogutova Svetlana Evgenievna, teacher of the structural unit of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 90 in the village of Kuloi” Kindergarten No. 148 “Snowdrop” Literary.

ECD of a teacher with older preschoolers with OHP according to traffic rules “The street is full of surprises” Type: lesson on applying new knowledge in solving practical problems. Type: lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical means.

One guy inherited a rich inheritance from his parents, but he soon squandered it. All he had left was his father’s saber at his side, a handful of salt on the table, and a cat-mouse-catcher under the table. What should a beggar do? He took his three treasures and went around the world to seek happiness. They walked and walked, but neither the cat knew the way, nor did he know it himself. We wandered into the forest. And there is noise in the forest. Follow the noise, look - it’s so wonderful! A huge scary lion fights with the devil. What to do? The guy wanted to run away, but the lion shouted to him:
- Don’t run away, grab your saber, help defeat the devil: it will be good for you, and for me.
The guy obeyed, and together they easily dealt with the devil. Leo is pleased and satisfied. Speaks:
- Do you know what I’ll tell you? You have served me, and I will serve you; there is a royal palace just beyond the forest. The king there is competing with the same devil as ours. But it’s bad for the king, poor fellow: how many troops he recruits in a night, so many devils he crushes in a day. I'm afraid that the king himself might fall into the devil's clutches. So what do you think, should we both go and rescue the king? After all, you and I have defeated one devil, but the second won’t be stronger than the first? So you will go out into people. You see, I know: this king has a marvelous mirror with four screws. As soon as you turn the first screw, the perfume is right there. If you spin the second time, others will appear. Third - third spirits will fly. The fourth is still others. Here you go. Once we defeat the devil, the king will ask you: what should I give you as a reward? And you say in response: give me a mirror with four screws. He will give it back - so you are on horseback. So how? Won't you chicken out?
- Why be a coward? Let's go to. What will be will be.
We came to the king. The king is glad to the deliverer, but doubts:
- How can you deal with the devil alone, if yesterday and the day before yesterday a whole thousand could not defeat him?
And the guy responded:
- It’s not your concern, I know what I’m doing.
- Okay, son, have it your way. If you defeat the devil, ask for whatever you want, I’ll give you everything.
The guy and the lion got down to business. They had to tinker a lot, no joke - such a devil! To tell the truth, they overpowered him more by cunning than by force: the lion crept up behind the devil, jumped up on the back of his neck and knocked him over on his back. And the guy with the saber is right there, cutting anywhere. I thought - how great is the wisdom of cutting down a lying person! Well, it’s not that simple: the devil spits fire, that’s the point. However, they still defeated the devil. A guy came to the king to ask for a reward - a mirror with four screws. The king frowned: just give him a mirror! But he didn’t argue - an agreement is worth more than money.
The guy went on wandering around the world, proud and proud: in his hands is a mirror, on one side is a lion walking, on the other is a cat, on the side is a sharp saber - a sight for sore eyes!
They walked and walked, climbed to the top of the mountain, and saw a birch grove between two rivers.
“Wait,” said the guy, “this is a nice place, you can take a break here.”
All three of them got hungry on the way, and there wasn’t a crumb of bread. What should I do?
“Here you go,” the lion laughs, “we’re sitting on horseback, but we don’t notice the horses: what’s the use of a mirror?” Should we grieve about bread? Come on, turn the screw.
OK. Twisted it. The first spirit in human form is right there: what do you want?
- All three of us should eat. That's all. The spirit rushed off headlong. Soon various dishes appeared. All three ate.
The next day the guy doesn’t know what to do with boredom.
“Here you go,” says the lion, “but what about the mirror?” It's time for you to think about shelter over your head. Where will we live? Turn the second screw.
OK. Twisted it. The second spirit in human form is right there: what do you want?
- A palace for the three of us. That's all.
The spirit rushed off headlong. Soon a beautiful diamond palace descended from the sky - right on the mountain, between two rivers. The guy went to the palace to rest, the lion remained to guard the gate, and the cat jumped onto the stove to guard the house. Everything is so wonderful, just amazing!
But the next morning the guy got bored. Doesn't know what to do.
- What to do? - says the lion, - what is the mirror for? There should be a garden around the palace, just think about it.
OK. The guy turned the third screw. The third spirit in human form is right there: what do you want?
- There should be a garden around the palace.
The spirit rushed off headlong. Soon trees flew through the air - both this and that - and dug themselves into the ground. All sorts of singing birds flew in, forest animals came running. Life has changed differently: birds sing, animals growl, trees bloom - you can’t see enough, you can’t hear enough.
But the next morning the guy got bored again: how to relieve boredom?
- How to speed it up? - the lion is surprised, - I know why. What is your mirror for? It’s time for you to get married, tell yourself to bring a wife: live like this to the fullest. The king lives by the river and near the sea, and with him his daughter is a beautiful woman, the most beautiful you could not find. Here's your betrothed. Order it to be brought.
The guy turned the fourth screw - a fourth spirit flew in in human form: what do you want?
- The king lives by the river and near the sea, and with him is the beauty of the princess. Bring her to me as my wife.
The spirit rushed off headlong. One-two! And the princess is right there. Her boyfriend took her for himself, and they lived in complete harmony.
But the old king grieved greatly for his daughter. He sent ships along the rivers and across the seas, sent messengers overland - they searched and searched, but returned with nothing. There was nothing to do, the king went to the witch. The witch wondered, wondered, and found out: the princess was on a steep mountain, in a diamond palace, living with her husband.
- Give me a ship with servants: I will go up the river and return your daughter. The king responded:
- What's the use of one ship? And what can you, woman, do alone? I will send an army and grind the diamond palace into powder.
And the witch: no, they say, the lion guards that palace, he alone will tear the whole army to shreds.
“Well,” he says, “let me cheat, you’ll see what happens.”
- Well! “Be it your way,” the king answered and gave the witch a ship with servants. The ship went up the river, but did not dock at the palace itself: the witch left the ship at a distance, at the foot of the mountain, dressed herself as a beggar and went to the palace. And God knows how she did it, but while she was carefully walking, the princess fell ill in the palace. The guy wasn’t at home at that time; he went out hunting with a lion and a cat. Of course, at such a time it would be convenient for a witch to sneak into the palace. I went to see the sick woman, and she groaned and groaned. The witch to her: what happened?
- Oh, it’s hard and dreary...
“Yes, this is empty,” says the witch. - How many times have I, a poor old woman, wandered around the world to see the sick? Let me stroke it a little and it will feel better.
And indeed: I stroked it a little, the patient got better.


Storyteller. A man walks around the fair and is surprised. His mouth opens in surprise. All sorts of goods, my eyes run wild. And the man is lost (doesn’t know) what to buy his wife as a gift. Music is playing.

A man walks past the stalls, touches the goods, but does not buy anything. He sighs and gets ready to leave.

Salesman. Hey man, take your time, stay a minute!

Look here quickly, this little thing is where it’s at! (shows mirror)

Man(admires). I'll take it! (pays and leaves)

(The scenery of the city changes to a hut)

Storyteller. And the man bought his wife a pocket mirror as a gift. He brought him to his village, but he hides it from people and doesn’t show it to her. A man secretly looks at a mirror from the chest and hides it.

(The wife sits on the bench and embroiders and sneaks a peek at her husband)

Wife. Oh, I'm all exhausted! What is it that your husband looks at early in the morning and late in the evening? But I don’t dare ask... Master!

(the man leaves, the wife looks towards her husband)

^ Wife. I left, I'll look in the chest.

Storyteller. Jaune put it in the chest and fished out a mirror.

Wife. What's taco? Some kind of empty thing sparkles! Oh! Woman's face! Oh! I'm sick of it! It was he who made a girlfriend in the city, copied her face into a portrait and brought it home, he was not ashamed. (the wife stands and yells at the whole house)

^ Wife. Oh, help me, good people! What to do?

Wife. Look, my dears! I made a girlfriend in the city. I copied her face into a portrait and brought it home, I wasn’t ashamed. (the neighbors sigh and feel sorry for the wife)

Storyteller. The neighbors had never seen or heard of mirrors. (they started looking at each other in the mirror)

1st. Come on, come on, what kind of girlfriend does your neighbor have in town? (the old woman stared at the mirror) Oh! Trouble! After all, I fell in love with a monkey. She is wrinkled, her mouth is pitted and there are no teeth!

2nd. How come there are no teeth!? Her teeth are like a horse’s, and her lips... her lips are like jelly. What a face!

(a grandfather appears in the hut, he runs around the neighbors and tries to see what they are looking at)

^ 3rd. Her personality is plump and cannot be covered with a sieve. Her eyes are swollen, her toe is like a button, and her mouth is like a piggy bank.

Grandfather. Come on, women, let me see what kind of girlfriend my neighbor has in town! ABOUT! Lord have mercy! She has a red beard too!

^ All. Oh!

(a man enters the hut)

Man. What did you think of that! This mirror is a city curiosity! I bought your wife as a birthday gift at the fair.

^ All in chorus. Mirror!?

Man. YES! Whoever looks into this mirror sees his entire appearance. Everything is as it is. This is such an amazing thing. Shows the whole truth about a person. (everyone stands in surprise and looks at each other)

^ Grandfather. Oh! Hold me! (points to the old woman - a toothless monkey, turns to another - her mouth is like a piggy bank)

1st.( he snatches the mirror from the man’s hands and looks at himself) Just think, the mirror, maybe it’s ruined!

^2i. And my teeth are straight and strong! This is because I am not offended by my health.

3rd. And my personality is very sweet and kind. And what about the narrow eyes, they squint with spiritual joy and pleasantness.

1st. Take your mirror! We still need to check what truth it shows! (leaves)

2nd. And my husband is waiting for me at home. (Leaves)

3rd. Oh! And I put the dough on the pies! It's all sour now! (runs away)

Grandfather(smirks). Go, go magpies! (leaves)

(a husband and wife stand in the middle of the hall. The wife looks in the mirror, smiles and presses the mirror to herself. She approaches her husband and puts her head on his shoulder)

Storyteller. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened!

Russian folktale

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a widower merchant; he had a son, a daughter, and a brother... At one time, this merchant is going to go to foreign lands, buy various goods, takes his son with him, and leaves his daughter at home; He calls his brother and says to him: “I entrust to you, dear brother, my entire house and household, and I earnestly ask: look after my daughter more closely, teach her to read and write, and do not allow her to be spoiled!” After that, the merchant said goodbye to his brother and daughter and set off on his journey. And the merchant’s daughter was already old and of such indescribable beauty that even if you walked around the world, you wouldn’t find another like her! An unclean thought came into his uncle’s head, it gave him no rest day or night, and he began to pester the red maiden. “Either,” he says, “commit a sin to me, or you won’t live in the world; and I myself will disappear and kill you!..”

Once a girl went to the bathhouse, her uncle followed her - just through the door, she grabbed a basin full of boiling water and doused him from head to toe. He lay there for three weeks and barely recovered; terrible hatred gnawed at his heart, and he began to think: how to laugh off this ridicule? I thought and thought, and finally wrote a letter to my brother: your daughter is doing bad things, wandering around other people’s yards, doesn’t spend the night at home and doesn’t listen to me. The merchant received this letter, read it and became very angry; says to his son: “Your sister has disgraced the whole house! I don’t want to have mercy on her: go this very minute, chop the scoundrel into small pieces and bring her heart with this knife. Let good people not laugh at our kind-tribe!”

The son took a sharp knife and went home; I arrived in my hometown on the sly, without telling anyone, and began to scout around: how does such and such a merchant’s daughter live? Everyone praises her with one voice - they cannot boast enough: she is quiet, and modest, and knows God, and listens to good people. Having found out everything, he went to his sister; she was delighted, rushed to meet him, hugs him, kisses him: “Dear brother! How did the Lord bring you? What about our dear father? - “Oh, dear sister, don’t rush to rejoice. My arrival is not good: my father sent me and ordered your white body to be chopped into small pieces, your heart to be taken out and delivered to him on this knife.”

My sister started crying. “My God,” he says, “why such disfavor?” - “But for what!” - the brother answered and told her about his uncle’s letter. “Oh, brother, I’m not guilty of anything!” The merchant’s son listened to how and what happened and said: “Don’t cry, sister! I myself know that you are not guilty, and even though the priest did not order you to accept any excuses, I still don’t want to execute you. You’d better get ready and leave your father’s house wherever you look; God will not leave you!” The merchant's daughter did not think long, got ready for the journey, said goodbye to her brother and went where - she herself does not know. And her brother killed a yard dog, took out the heart, put it on a sharp knife and took it to his father. He gives him the dog’s heart: “So and so,” he says, “on your parental orders, I executed my sister.” - “Come on! Death for a dog!” - answered the father.

How long or how short did the red maiden wander around the white world, and finally entered a dense, dense forest: from behind the tall trees the sky was barely visible. She began to walk through this forest and accidentally came out into a wide clearing; in this clearing there is a white stone palace, around the palace there is an iron lattice. “Let me go,” the girl thinks, “I’ll go into this palace, not everyone is evil, maybe the worst will happen!” She enters the chambers - there is not a human soul in the chambers; I was about to turn back - suddenly two powerful heroes galloped into the courtyard, entered the palace, saw the girl and said: “Hello, beauty!” - “Hello, honest knights!” “Here, brother,” said one hero to another, “you and I were grieving that there was no one to manage our house; and God sent us a sister.” The heroes left the merchant's daughter to live with them, called her their own sister, gave her the keys and made her the mistress of the whole house; then they took out sharp sabers, pointed them at each other’s chests and made the following agreement: “If any of us dares to encroach on our sister, then we will chop him up without mercy with this very saber.”

Here is a red maiden living with two heroes; and her father bought overseas goods, returned home and a little later married another wife. This merchant's wife was of indescribable beauty and had a magic mirror; look in the mirror - you will immediately find out where everything is being done. Once the heroes gathered for a hunt and told their sister: “Be careful, don’t let anyone in until we arrive!” They said goodbye to her and left. At this very time, the merchant’s wife looked into the mirror, admired her beauty and said: “There is no one more beautiful than me in the world!” And the mirror answered: “You are good - no doubt about it! And you have a stepdaughter, she lives with two heroes in a dense forest - she’s even more beautiful!”

The stepmother did not like these speeches and immediately called the evil old woman to her. “Here,” he says, “here’s a ring for you; go into the dense forest, in that forest there is a white-stone palace, my stepdaughter lives in the palace; bow to her and give her this ring - say: brother sent it as a souvenir!” The old woman took the ring and went where she was told; comes to the white-stone palace, the red maiden saw her, ran out to meet her - she wanted, therefore, to try for news from her native side. “Hello, grandma! How did God bring you? Is everyone alive and well? - “They live, chew bread! My brother asked me to check on your health and sent me a ring as a gift; come on, show off!” The girl is so happy, so glad that it’s impossible to tell; She brought the old woman into the room, treated her to all sorts of snacks and drinks, and ordered her brother to bow deeply. After an hour, the old woman trudged back, and the girl began to admire the ring and decided to put it on her finger; put it on - and at that very moment she fell dead.

Two heroes arrive, enter the chambers, but the sister does not greet them: what is it? We looked into her bedroom; and she lies dead, doesn’t say a word. The heroes were inflamed: what was most beautiful was that death suddenly took hold! “We must,” they say, “put her in new clothes and put her in a coffin.” They began to clean up, and one noticed a ring on the red girl’s hand: “Is it really possible to bury her with this ring? Let me take it off, I’ll leave it as a souvenir.” As soon as he took off the ring, the red maiden immediately opened her eyes, sighed and came to life. “What happened to you, sister? Didn’t anyone come to see you?” - the heroes ask. “An old lady I know came from home and brought me a ring.” - “Oh, how naughty you are! After all, it was not for nothing that we punished you so that you wouldn’t let anyone into the house without us. Make sure you don’t do this next time!”

After some time, the merchant's wife looked into her mirror and found out that her stepdaughter was still alive and beautiful; she called the old woman, gave her a ribbon and said: “Go to the white-stone palace where my stepdaughter lives, and give her this gift; say: brother sent! Again the old woman came to the red maiden, told her about three boxes of different things and gave her the ribbon. The girl was delighted, tied a ribbon around her neck - and at that very moment fell onto the bed, dead. The heroes came from the hunt, looked - my sister was lying dead, they began to put her in new outfits and as soon as they took off the ribbon, she immediately opened her eyes, sighed and came to life. “What's wrong with you, sister? Was there an old woman again? “Yes,” he says, “an old woman came from home and brought me a ribbon.” - “Oh, what you are! After all, we asked you: don’t accept anyone without us!” - “Sorry, dear brothers! I couldn’t stand it, I wanted to hear news from home.”

A few more days passed - the merchant's wife looked in the mirror: her stepdaughter was alive again. She called the old woman. “Only,” he says, “a hair’s breadth!” Go to your stepdaughter, be sure to kill her!” The old woman took advantage of the time when the heroes went hunting, and came to the white stone palace; The red maiden saw her through the window, could not stand it, ran out to meet her: “Hello, grandma! How does God have mercy on you? - “As long as you’re alive, my dear!” I was wandering around the world and came here to visit you.” The red maiden brought her into the room, treated her to all sorts of snacks and drinks, asked about her relatives and ordered her to bow to her brother. “Okay,” says the old woman, “I will bow.” But you, my dear, have no one to look for tea in your head? Let me look.” - “Look, grandma!” She began to look in the head of the red maiden and wove a magic hair into her braid; As soon as she wove this hair, the girl at that very moment became dead. The old woman grinned evilly and left quickly so that no one would catch her or see her.

The heroes arrive, enter the rooms - the sister lies dead; For a long time they peered and looked closely to see if there was anything superfluous on it? No, you can't see anything! So they made a crystal coffin - so wonderful that you couldn’t even think of it, couldn’t imagine it, only say it in a fairy tale; they dressed the merchant's daughter in a shiny dress, like a bride to the crown, and placed her in a crystal coffin; That coffin was placed in the middle of the large chamber, and above it they placed a canopy of red velvet with diamond tassels with gold fringes, and twelve lamps were hung on twelve crystal pillars. After that, the heroes burst into burning tears; They were overcome with great melancholy. “What,” they say, “are we supposed to live on in this world? Let’s go and decide for ourselves!” They hugged, said goodbye to each other, went out onto the high balcony, held hands and rushed down; hit sharp stones and ended their lives.

Many, many years have passed. It happened that one prince was out hunting; He drove into a dense forest, sent his dogs loose in different directions, separated from the hunters and rode alone along a dead path. He drove and drove, and there was a clearing in front of him, in the clearing there was a white stone palace. The prince dismounted from his horse, climbed the stairs, and began to inspect the chambers; Everywhere the decorations are rich, luxurious, but the owner’s hand is not visible on anything: everything was abandoned a long time ago, everything was neglected! In one chamber there is a crystal coffin, and in the coffin lies a dead girl of indescribable beauty: there is a blush on her cheeks, a smile on her lips, as if she were alive, she is sleeping.

The prince approached, looked at the girl, and remained in place, as if an invisible force was holding him. He stands there from morning until late evening, unable to take his eyes off, anxiety in his heart: he was riveted by a girl’s beauty - wonderful, unprecedented, which cannot be found anywhere else in the whole world! And hunters have been looking for him for a long time; They were already scouring the forest, blowing trumpets, and raising voices - the prince was standing at the crystal coffin, hearing nothing. The sun set, the darkness deepened, and only then did he come to his senses - he kissed the dead girl and drove back. “Ah, your highness, where have you been?” - the hunters ask. “I was chasing an animal, but I got a little lost.” The next day, just before it’s light, the prince is getting ready to go hunting; galloped into the forest, separated from the hunters and along the same path arrived at the white-stone palace. Again I stood at the crystal coffin all day, not taking my eyes off the dead beauty; I only returned home late at night. On the third day, on the fourth everything was the same, and so a whole week passed. “What happened to our prince? - say the hunters. “Let us, brothers, keep an eye on him, make sure that no harm happens.”

So the prince went hunting, released his dogs through the forest, separated from his retinue and headed his way to the white-stone palace; The hunters immediately follow him, come to the clearing, enter the palace - there is a crystal coffin in the chamber, a dead girl lies in the coffin, the prince stands in front of the girl. “Well, Your Highness, it’s not for nothing that you’ve been lost in the forest for a whole week! Now we won’t be able to leave here until the evening.” They surrounded the crystal coffin, looked at the girl, admired her beauty, and stood in one place from morning until late evening. When it got completely dark, the prince turned to the hunters: “Do me, brothers, a great service: take the coffin with the dead girl, bring it and place it in my bedroom; Yes, quietly, secretly, so that no one finds out about it, does not find out. I will reward you in every possible way, I will reward you with a golden treasury, like no one has rewarded you.” - “Your will is to favor; and we, Tsarevich, are happy to serve you anyway!” - said the hunters, picked up the crystal coffin, took it out into the courtyard, set it up on horseback and took it to the royal palace; They brought it and placed it in the prince’s bedroom.

From that very day the prince stopped even thinking about hunting; he sits at home, doesn’t leave his room anywhere - he keeps admiring the girl. “What happened to our son? - the queen thinks. “It’s been a long time, but he’s still sitting at home, doesn’t leave his room and doesn’t let anyone in.” Did sadness or melancholy set in, or did you feign some kind of illness? Let me go look at him.” The queen enters his bedroom and sees a crystal coffin. How and what? She asked and found out and immediately gave the order to bury that girl, as was customary, in the damp earth.

The prince began to cry, went into the garden, picked wonderful flowers, brought them back and began to comb the dead beauty’s brown hair and cover her head with flowers. Suddenly a magic hair fell out of her braid - the beauty opened her eyes, sighed, rose from the crystal coffin and said: “Oh, how long I slept!” The prince was incredibly happy, took her hand, led her to her father, to her mother. “God gave it to me,” he says! I can't live without her for a single minute. Allow me, dear father, and you, dear mother, allow me to get married.” - “Get married, son! We won’t go against God, and we can’t look for such beauty in the whole world!” Tsars never stop for anything: an honest feast on the same day and even for a wedding.

The prince married a merchant's daughter and lives with her - he couldn't be happier. Some time passed - she decided to go in her direction, to visit her father and brother; The prince, not averse to it, began to ask his father. “Okay,” says the king, “go, my dear children! You, prince, go on a detour by land, inspect all our lands and find out the order, and let your wife sail on the ship in a direct way.” So they prepared the ship for the voyage, dressed the sailors, appointed the initial general; The princess boarded the ship and went out to the open sea, and the prince went by land.

The leading general, seeing the beautiful princess, envied her beauty and began to flatter her; Why be afraid, he thinks, - after all, she is now in my hands, I do whatever I want! “Love me,” he says to the princess, “if you don’t love me, I’ll throw you into the sea!” The princess turned away, did not give him an answer, only burst into tears. One sailor overheard the general’s speeches, came to the princess in the evening and began to say: “Don’t cry, princess! Dress yourself in my dress, and I will put on yours; You go on deck, and I’ll stay in the cabin. Let the general throw me into the sea - I’m not afraid of that; Maybe I can handle it, I’ll swim to the pier: fortunately the land is close now!” They exchanged dresses; the princess went on deck, and the sailor lay down on her bed. At night, the leading general appeared in the cabin, grabbed the sailor and threw him into the sea. The sailor set off swimming and reached the shore by morning. The ship arrived at the pier, the sailors began to go ashore; The princess also went down, rushed to the market, bought herself a cook's clothes, dressed up as a cook and hired herself to serve in the kitchen for her own father.

A little later, the prince comes to the merchant. “Hello,” he says, “father! Accept your son-in-law, because I am married to your daughter. Where is she? Al hasn’t been there yet?” And then the initial general appears with a report: “So and so, Your Highness! A misfortune happened: the princess was standing on the deck, a storm arose, rocking began, her head began to spin - and before she could blink, the princess fell into the sea and drowned!” The prince strained and cried, but you can’t turn him back from the bottom of the sea; Apparently, this is her destiny! The prince stayed with his father-in-law for some time and ordered his retinue to prepare for departure; the merchant gave a big feast at parting; Merchants, boyars, and all his relatives gathered to see him: his brother, the evil old woman, and the chief general were there.

They drank, ate, cooled off; one of the guests says: “Listen, honest gentlemen! If you keep drinking and drinking, it won’t do any good; Let’s tell better stories.” - "OK OK! - they shouted from all sides. - Who will start? One doesn’t know how, the other is not good at it, and the third has lost his memory of wine. What should I do? The merchant clerk responded: “We have a new cook in the kitchen, he has traveled a lot in foreign lands, he has seen many different wonders and is such a master at telling fairy tales - guess what!” The merchant called that cook. “Sweat,” he says, “my guests!” The cook-princess answers him: “What should I tell you: a fairy tale or an incident?” - “Tell something that happened!” - “Perhaps, it’s possible to have a blast, only with this agreement: whoever interrupts me will get a plague in the forehead.”

Everyone agreed to this. And the princess began to tell everything that happened to her. “So and so,” he says, “the merchant had a daughter; the merchant went overseas and instructed his brother to look after the girl; Uncle coveted her beauty and doesn’t give her a moment of peace...” And Uncle hears that they are talking about him and says: “This, gentlemen, is not true!” - “Oh, don’t you think it’s true? Here's a plague to your forehead! " After that, it came to the stepmother, how she interrogated the magic mirror, and to the evil old woman, how she came to the heroes in the white stone palace - and the old woman and stepmother shouted in one voice: “What nonsense! This cannot be." The princess hit them on the forehead with a chumichka and began to tell how she lay in a crystal coffin, how the prince found her, revived her and married her, and how she went to visit her father.

The general realized that things were not going well, and asked the prince: “Let me go home; I have a headache!” - “Nothing, sit for a while!” The princess began to talk about the general; Well, he couldn’t bear it either. “All this,” he says, “is not true!” With a blow to his forehead, the princess threw off her chef’s dress and revealed herself to the prince: “I’m not a cook, I’m your lawful wife!” The prince was delighted, and so was the merchant; they rushed to hug and kiss her; and then they began to judge the court; the evil old woman and her uncle were shot at the gate, the stepmother-sorceress was tied to a stallion by the tail, the stallion flew into an open field and scattered her bones through the bushes, along the yarugs; The prince sent the general to hard labor, and in his place he gave a sailor, who saved the princess from trouble. From that time on, the prince, his wife and the merchant lived together - happily ever after.