What series does Ash catch Pokemon? Ash Ketchum: Worst Poké Trainer of All Time

The Legend of Pokemon is a long story about a man with a dream who lives in a fantasy world inhabited by unique creatures. This is an adventure story where fate confronts many people with different purposes. Some of them help each other, while others regularly fight with rivals, trying to achieve their goals by any means necessary.

Ash Ketchum is the main character of Pokemon. From the age of ten, the boy goes towards the only goal in his life - to achieve the title of Master. To win, Ash needs to overcome all sorts of difficulties, diligently train his Pokémon and meet companions. Ketchum went on an excursion to the rainy forest and got lost. Scared to tears, he hid in a hollow tree. He was joined by a group of local Pokémon. The teenager really liked the animals. After that, he had a desire to become their coach. In the article we will talk a little about Ketchum and what Pokemon Ash has.

Appearance and character

At the beginning of the animated series, the boy appears before the audience in a blue and white jacket with gold trim and short sleeves, black T-shirt, blue jeans with light cuffs, black and white sneakers with red dots, cap with a symbol L and green fingerless gloves. In subsequent episodes, the outfit changed. Although the style remained the same - gloves, sneakers, jeans, T-shirt and cap.

How does Ash Ketchum play as a personality? positive role. He is a kind, purposeful and determined boy. On his travels, he helps his companions and supports the Pokémon he meets. Ash strives to prevent cruelty and does not like trainers who torture their creatures. To his friends, Ketchum is a role model - kind-hearted, honest, stubborn and athletic. In battles, the boy never changes his strategy, trying not to harm his own Pokémon. His principle is this: it is better to lose than to do something bad to a student.

Ketchum travels through different regions, meets companions: Iris, Dyne, Tracy, Max, Serena, Misty and others, fights opponents, gains experience and collects new Pokemon. He does all this to make his own dreams come true.

Good coach

Having decided to start preparing Pokémon for battles, Ash received his first pet from Professor Doom - the electric Pikachu. His character was very similar to Ketchum. Pikachu did not follow his master's commands and did not listen. This made the guy work even harder on his training methods.

Ketchum is a kind mentor. During the rest between training sessions, he tried to make friends with his pet. And he succeeded. Seeing how the owner strives to ensure his safety, Pikachu reciprocated Ash's feelings. From that moment on, they became best friends and constantly looked out for each other. The animal really wanted Ketchum to receive the title of Master. Therefore, he even secretly trained to improve his skills.

Ash was not trying to collect huge collection Pokemon. The boy considered each new animal as a close comrade. He never forced his pet to serve him. It is for this reason that Ash's Pokémon are so numerous. The boy collected more than sixty different animals. Below we list the main ones.

Ash's Pokemon: List

  • Pikachu;
  • Froakie;
  • Holucha;
  • Goodra;
  • Noivern.

Here are Ash's main Pokémon that he used in his travels and battles. Now we will tell you more about them.


An electric Pokémon who became Ketchum's best friend. He is the leader of Ash's pet team. He is friendly, smart and curious. Pikachu's most noticeable feature is his determination and desire to finish what he has started, even in the most difficult situations. Despite his stubbornness, the animal follows the boy's orders in battle and in very in rare cases leaves his side.


This animal can control water. Ash received it in Kalos after a difficult battle. Ketchum upgraded the creature to Greninja. The pet seems unfriendly and cruel. By nature, Froakie is a loner, but, like Ash's other Pokémon, he happily follows the boy's orders.


Flying animal. The third Pokémon that Ketchum found in Kalos. The pet has strong will and a sense of honor. Always protects loved ones from danger. Many of Ash's Pokémon told Holucha about their kind master. Therefore, the animal himself came to the tournament and, of his own free will, joined Ketchum’s team.

Kholucha is very collected, calm and serious. During the battle, he never loses hope of victory. Despite his courage, the pet is shy and embarrassed in front of the audience. Holucha also does not like to lose brothers in battles. The animal participated in both singles and team competitions. His abilities regularly improved and new ones appeared.


The fourth dragon pet captured by Ketchum in Kalos. Goodra is Ash's strongest Pokemon. When the boy's friends met this pet, he was calm, friendly and a little cowardly. But timidity did not stop Goodra from performing powerful attacks like "Waiting" and "Rain Dance". The Pokemon has durability and high physical activity.

Goodra hates being criticized or insulted. Against those who speak bad words, the Pokemon uses Rain Dance. This forces foul-mouthed people to apologize. The animal was also resourceful in using its own abilities. Goodra used them very competently to repel enemy attacks.


One of Ash's few Pokémon hatched from an egg. Became the fifth pet from the Kalos region. Before he turned into a flying dragon, Noivern was a crybaby and an inexperienced pilot. However, the animal really wanted to learn how to fly. high level. Noivern loves Ketchum. After all, only the trainer calmed him down when the pet cried.


Ash's Pokemon, the list of which was presented above, loved Ketchum and followed his orders. The guy reciprocated their feelings, protected them and trained them hard. Thanks to Ash's kindness, the pets also became friends with each other. This made Ketchum's team strong in spirit. The animals fought bravely in tournaments and overcame troubles. As the seasons progressed, all of the boy's pets improved, became more familiar, and received new abilities.

In conclusion, it remains to note only one feature of the series. The fact is that anime characters hardly age. Even though 800 episodes have already been released, Ketchum is still 10 years old. The creators of the animated series explained this feature. According to them, Ash does not grow up because the main audience for Pokémon is teenagers. In the plot of the film, the scriptwriters included a childhood dream that absolutely all travelers strive for. Nice, kind and helpful people help them achieve their goals in a fantasy world. unique creations. Perhaps that is why, after so many episodes, Pokémon, Ash's friends and the boy himself remain the same. After all, if they grew up, they would strive to achieve completely different goals.

Even if the Pokémon cartoon screensaver doesn't fill your heart with nostalgia, you may still have Pokémon GO installed on your smartphone and often wander around the city in hopes of catching the next monster. Pokémon GO doesn't require knowledge of the context of the original series - however, for those especially interested, we decided to put together a guide to the most important episodes of the TV show.

The stated mission of the Pokémon anime, aimed at elementary school students, is to bring goodness to children, teach them compassion, self-sacrifice, honesty and, oddly enough, the basics fire safety and life safety. It is difficult to recommend the series to everyone, given its target audience. At the same time, in just a few hours, you can watch a dozen major episodes that will fill gaps in your knowledge (the first 52 episodes are available on Netflix).

#1 “Pokemon! I choose you!"

In the first episode, we are introduced to the protagonist Ash Ketchum - a bungler with a big heart, living in a world where there is no sport more popular than Pokemon battles. Each child, upon reaching the age of ten, receives from a local specialist (in the Kanto region, where Ash lives, this is Professor Oak) the right to his first Pokemon.

On the most important day of his life, Ash wakes up. Arriving at the professor, he discovers that all the worthy Pokemon have already been taken away. Ash begs the scientist to give him at least something and receives a naughty electric mouse, the icon and face of the franchise - Pikachu. According to the logic that only cartoons obey, the mother of our young hero sends him on a journey around the country, which to date has already lasted 930 episodes.

On the road, Ash realizes that without the help of his pet he will not become an honored trainer, so he does not give up trying to find a common language with him. Pikachu, as befits the embodiment of electricity, does not recognize authorities, does not want to get into the pokeball and constantly shocks Ash. The episode ends with a dramatic confrontation that can give chills to more than just a second grader. The viewer receives the first lesson out of a thousand: we are responsible for those we have tamed.

#10 “Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village”, #11 “Charmander - Abandoned Pokemon”, #12 “Squirtle Squad Arrives”

At the beginning of each of the Pokémon series games for Nintendo handheld consoles, the player is asked to choose his first Pokémon - Grass, Fire or Water. In the early parts, these are Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle, respectively. The choice does not greatly affect the difficulty of the passage or the plot, but by choosing one, you forever give up the other two, so it is very difficult to decide. Ash is lucky, he meets these Pokemon one after another.

All three Pokémon, upon closer inspection, turn out to be not entirely wild. All of them were let down by former coaches, so they are wary of people. Ash receives Bulbasaur from the owner of a shelter for abandoned Pokémon, Charmander joins the company after he realizes that the former owner sees him only as a tool, and Squirtle goes on a journey with Ash only after he returns his lost faith in people. The triptych draws attention to an important problem: not all Pokemon in this world are equally loved and appreciated. Ash, of course, makes it his mission to fix this.

#14 “The Decisive Lightning Strike”

Every major city has a stadium - the venue for official battles Pokemon, one of the key locations in both games and anime. For defeating the strongest trainer in the city, other trainers receive a badge - you need to collect eight to be allowed to participate in the Pokemon League. This is Ash's main goal. "The Decisive Lightning Strike" is not the first episode in which Ash gets to compete for the badge. So, in “The Fight in Pewter” and “Water Flowers of Cerulean” he has already obtained two insignia and met two true friends in the person of the Pokémon breeder Brock and the water Pokémon trainer Misty. But since the episodes about stadiums are very monotonous, it makes sense to watch only one of them.

In Decisive Lightning Strike, Ash's Pikachu encounters Raichu, a stronger and larger version of itself, a Pokémon that Pikachu can evolve into when it comes into contact with a rare mineral, the Lightning Stone. Raichu's master - Lieutenant Sarge, an American veteran who settled in Japan and runs a stadium in the city of Vermilion - defeats Ash without much effort. The beaten Pikachu finds himself at a crossroads: remain himself and re-engage in an unequal battle, or gain mass through evolution, increasing his chances of winning. This is another emotional moment that the series is so rich in, and Pikachu teaches us another lesson: the strongest does not always win.

#21 “Goodbye Butterfree!”

Butterfree is the first Pokemon that Ash caught with his own hands. More precisely, he caught the caterpillar Pokemon Caterpie, and it evolved into Butterfree, a big-nosed purple butterfly. While traveling, the friends notice a swarm of Butterfries flying over the sea - it's mating season for the Pokémon, and Ash decides to let his butterfly join his.

Butterfree falls in love and flies off into the sunset, leaving Ash and millions of schoolchildren in tears - after all, there is hardly a stronger experience for a child than the loss of a pet. "Goodbye Butterfree!" not only teaches you how to come to terms with loss, but also answers some questions about how Pokemon reproduce.

#27 “Hypno-Pokemon Dream”

If you play Pokémon GO, you've probably already hated the tapir-like Drowzee and his evolution Hypno for being so ubiquitous. Despite the title, this episode is not about them. Here we get to know more important character- Psyduck, a Pokemon with a persistent migraine. Psyduck - an awkward, ugly, useless upright platypus - meets Ash and friends in the Pokémon hospital, where those suffering from the waves emitted by Hypno have gathered. It turns out that not all Pokémon are equally desirable for trainers, and Misty tries with all her might not to catch Psyduck, but she fails - the platypus still joins the company.

#35 “The Legend of Dratini”

The first of two banned episodes: Ash and his friends end up in the safari zone. This is a special place where Pokemon can only be caught with special Pokeballs. There, the heroes are met by a man named Kaiza and the first thing he does is point a gun at ten-year-old children - this is the first reason why the episode caused public indignation.

Kaiza thought that the children were poachers who had come to catch the legendary Pokémon Dratini, who lived somewhere in the reserve. Ash convinces Kaiza that they don't want to hurt anyone, and then catches a whole herd of Tauros, buffalo Pokémon - isn't it poaching. Propaganda of poaching is the second reason why “The Legend of Dratini” was removed from broadcasting. Not too much important episode to understand the phenomenal popularity of Pokemon, but it is possible that if you watched Pokemon as a child, then you have not seen this series.

#38 “Electronic warrior Porygon”

In this episode, Ash, Misty, and Brock travel to cyberspace to cure a virus in the Pokémon Center's computers. The cause of the virus turns out to be Porygon, the world's first artificially created Pokemon, a Pokemon program. It turns out that not all pocket monsters are creatures of nature. In addition, the episode is interesting for its influence on the public perception of the series and on the Japanese animation industry as a whole.

Many people remember horror stories about how, after watching enough anime, children buried themselves alive in sandboxes or jumped out of windows. All of these, of course, are either myths or isolated cases, in which, most likely, it was not the fault of the series. “Electronic Warrior Porygon” is a different story: during the premiere, almost seven hundred Japanese children were urgently hospitalized, some with epileptic seizures, some simply with sharp deterioration well-being. The reason was a scene during which the viewer is exposed to red and blue strobe light. The broadcast of the series was interrupted for several months, which the television company spent investigating the incident. Based on the results of the investigation, they compiled a set of rules governing the use of flickering light in animation. “Electronic Warrior Porygon” is the second banned episode, and we, of course, do not recommend watching it.

#43 “Song of Jigglypuff”

On the way to the fictional analogue of Las Vegas, the city of Neon, the friends meet Jigglypuff, a Pokémon singer with a soporific voice who dreams of an audience that will not snore at the very beginning of the performance. Jigglypuff's voice turns out to be the key to solving Neon's big problem - insomnia, which affects all the city's residents, making them irritable and rude. The series about the benefits of sleep gave the franchise a second mascot, albeit an unofficial one - Jigglypuff appears in almost every episode until the end of the season.

#46 “The Sacred Bonds of Marriage”

This is the first episode to focus on Team Rocket, the recurring antagonists of the first season. Jesse, James and the unique talking Pokémon Meowth are a gang of misfits: in the hope of getting rich, they unsuccessfully try to capture Ash's Pikachu and any other Pokémon that come to hand with the help of ridiculous wunderwaffes. Why the Rocket team needs money is unclear - their budget for wild gadgets and camouflage suits, new in each episode, already seems inexhaustible.

In this episode, James's parents force him to marry with the promise of a huge dowry. Jessie and Meowth, of course, support them in every possible way. It turns out that for James, wealth is not the main thing: he was brought to Team R by a thirst for adventure - and puns, which the gang members often throw around in conversations.

#48 “Who will get Togepi?”

The world of Pokémon, already a mysterious place, becomes even more mysterious when it comes to breeding. For example, over time it became clear that Pokémon do not have to belong to the same species in order to leave offspring. No one has ever seen a Pokémon lay eggs, but most of them hatch from them.

In this episode, the mechanics familiar to you from Pokémon GO come into play - if you walk around with an egg in your backpack for enough time, then something will definitely hatch from it. In the egg that Ash finds four episodes ago in "Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon" , it turns out to be Togepi, a Pokémon that our heroes have not previously encountered and about which there is no information in the Pokédex (a trainer’s pocket guide).

#60 “The Tale of Clefairy”

We've already learned that not all Pokemon appear naturally - and in "The Tale of the Clefairy" it turns out that some Pokemon even came from outer space. Clefairies' bodies vaguely resemble stars, and they fall to Earth in meteorites falling on its surface. Tired of life on the planet, a group of clefaeries clean out the city's inhabitants and build a spaceship from all the rubbish they can collect.

#64 “Blizzard”

If you only have the strength and patience for one episode, then let the last one be “Blizzard.” It's the emotional pinnacle of the first season, with all the love Ash gave to Pokémon coming back to him at a vital moment.

text: Philip Timofeev

photos: cover, 1, 2 – Nintendo

It is always important for beginners and experienced trainers studying the Pokedex to know how many Pokemon there are in Pokemon GO in order to mark their progress in the game not only in terms of the level and CP of monsters.

The number of Pokemon of the same type caught is not success; new monsters bring more pleasure from the game. But the higher the trainer’s rating, the less chance he has every day of meeting the original resident of the Pokédex.

How many Pokemon are there in Pokemon GO?

151 is the official number of Pokemon in the 2016 Nintendo franchise. However, it is almost impossible to catch all the monsters in the “natural environment” - rare Pokemon are found only on a certain “day and hour”, and are within no more than 30 minutes. Having appeared once, a pokemon like Lapras may not be found in the same area for a month, which drives experienced trainers crazy, and forces many to use forbidden gadgets in their search (like virtual cards locations of monsters online).

With an average gaming passion and dedication of 1.5 hours a day to Pokemon GO, the player’s progress in 1 month will be at least level 20. But the number of Pokemon among trainers living in cities with a population of up to 250 thousand people and residents of megacities will differ by up to 80%.

The secret of big cities is PokeStops, which are located at almost every step in the city center.

Villagers have to be content with little: 1–3 PokeStops and 1 Gym practically create a monopoly for the leading trainer, and limit the Pokedex capacity by 3.7 times.

List of Pokemon

151 Pokemon are characterized by 17 elemental types.

Fire monsters occupy 12 positions: Charmander and its 2 evolutions, three species have one stage of improvement each - Ponyta, Growlithe, Vulpix. Magmar, the legendary Moltres and the evolution of Eevee - Flareon are also fire.

The inhabitants of forests and parks - grass Pokemon - are represented in the number of 14 characters. Bulbasaur, Oddish and Belspruit have two stages of development each, Paras and Exegut evolve once, and Tangela is the only vine Pokémon of its kind.

Electric monsters led by Ash's friend Pikachu are one of the fewest in total 9 monsters in Pokemon GO. According to one evolution in Pikachu, Voltorb and Magnemite, Jolteon has already been reborn from Eevee, Electabuzz hatches from eggs 10 km away, and catching the legendary Zapdos is on the verge of augmented reality.

Stone monsters are rare and powerful. 11 Pokemon, including the famous monster of trainer Brock, friend Ketchum, Onyx, Golem and two pre-stages, Omastar, Rhyhorn and Kabuto with evolutions, as well as the legendary Aerodactyl.

Psychic monsters have different attacking abilities relative to all types of Pokemon. There are also 11 of them: Abracadabra and two previous forms, Drowzee and Slowpoke - one subsequent perfect stage each, Mister Mine, Jinx, as well as the strongest Mew and Mewtwo. Exegut and Exegutor - included in the 11 psychic ones.

The subspecies of the smallest monsters is called Insect Pokemon. Caterpie and Widley are among the regulars of the Pokédex and are in the top 5 in terms of prevalence. Each has two stages of development. Paras and Venonat evolve once, and Scyther and Pinsir are powerful fighters with an average CP of 500+.

Earth monsters love landscaped areas near houses. The most famous are Pokemon rights advocates Diglett and their evolution, Kabon with Marowak, Geodute evolutions, Sandshrew, Rhyhorn, Nidoqueen - all three have the next form, as well as Onyx.

The most common type of monsters is poisonous. Pokemon GO has given poisonous Pokemon the ability to combine several types, so they are often found in the Pokédex. TO Poisonous ones include ghosts from the Pokemon anime, R - Eikans and Koffing and their evolutions, Mack with the pre-stage, the development stages of Tentacool and Nidoran of both sexes, the “bats” Zubat and Golbat, as well as with subsequent forms: Bulbasaur, Belspruit , Oddish, Venonat, Widley.

Normal Pokemon are as naturalized as possible - they look like birds, wild animals, but 1/3 of the monsters are unique: Snorlax, Porygon, Jigglypuff stages, Lickitung, Chansey, Ditto. Trainers complain about the impossibility of catching Ditto and hatching Pokemon from eggs of any mileage, and Nintendo representatives do not hide the company’s interest in keeping players in the game in this way. All non-legendary birds are included in 22-Normal. Meowth and evolution, Kangaskhan, Tauros and Eevee are also considered normal.

The smallest types of Pokemon are ghosts and dragons (3 each). The first ones are found in cemeteries, churches and at night. The second ones love popular places for tourists.

The magic of Pokemon GO also affected the creators - that’s why among all the monsters there are 5 that have magic: Mister Mine, Jigglypuff and pre-stage, Clafairy with evolution.

Sports in the Pokemon GO game are reflected in 8 fighting monsters: the “devil of the ring” Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Poliwrath, Monkey, Primemap and Machop stages. Trainers who love morning jogging can combine benefit and pleasure: fighting monsters love stadiums and playgrounds.

Not afraid of the winter cold, ice monsters led by the legendary Articuno are a few of their representatives. Jinx, Dewgong, Cloister and Lapras, unlike Articuno, are found in the natural environment (2-3% chance).

How many seasons about Pokemon have been filmed?

The popularity of the brand is reflected not only in Nintendo games, but also in Japanese animation.

“Pokemon” is still being filmed, the number of seasons has exceeded 19, and the number of episodes is 900+.

The series is received favorably by critics from all over the world, since in the entire history of Pokémon not a single character has been killed. The idea of ​​the cartoon teaches kindness and respect for nature and its inhabitants, which has positive influence on the psychology of children.

How many Pokemon are there in the Pokemon cartoon?

In the Pokemon anime, the 1st season was the most popular. The monsters of the first generation described in this season remain popular to this day, which is why Nintendo took them as the basis for Pokemon GO. 151 Pokemon are officially stated as the number of all monsters available to trainers.

In Japanese animation, the franchise did not limit itself to filming one season. Filming for the anime continues today, and the number of Pokemon from the 6th generation is 721.

How many levels are there in Pokemon?

The maximum studied number of levels completed by Russian trainers is 40.
To earn level 40, a player must reach 5 million ratings. The trainer was helped to achieve results by a bot program designed to promote the account. But it is prohibited to promote progress with bots - if a violation is detected, the coach faces an eternal BAN and account freezing.

The developers do not officially announce any restrictions on gameplay regarding the number of levels. However, 88% of players are below 20th, 3% are 20–23, and only 0.1% are above 23rd. There are no innovations or legendary monsters at level 30+, so experienced trainers are convinced that a high rating is independent of the chance to catch a legendary.

Ash Ketchum's Pokemon

The legendary trainer Ash gained popularity among millions of fans not for the number of catches Pokemon, but thanks to the reverent relationship with the wards. In total, there were 46 monsters in the hero’s collection.

However, Ash did not seek to catch them all or select the strongest, like his opponents. The main character of the Pokemon anime was looking for an opportunity to make friends with monsters, to become their mentor and friend.

The public's favorite, Pikachu, is the most famous Pokemon. Ash did not evolve his friend, since the Pokemon wanted to remain in its previous form.

Of all of Ash's monsters, the game is based on relationships with Pikachu, Charmander and his evolutions, Bulbasaur, Krabby, Poppy, Caterpie, Lapras, Primeape, Squirtle, Snorlax, Raticate, Pidgeotto, Thoros and Beedrilla.

Episode 1: Pokemon! I choose you! Pokémon, I Choose You!

Ash Ketchum is a boy living in the city of Pallet. He turned ten years old and received the right to train Pokémon. Ash must get his first Pokémon from Professor Oak, a Pokémon expert. Having reached the laboratory where he must take the first Pokémon, Ash meets Gary Oak, the grandson of the professor who has just become a Pokémon trainer, who makes Ash a laughing stock. Since Ash slept through the distribution of Pokemon, the professor only had one left - Pikachu. In addition to Pokemon, the professor gives Ash a Pokédex, a computer encyclopedia about Pokemon. Ash goes on a journey with Pikachu. Pikachu does not listen to his trainer's orders and does not take him seriously. In an attempt to catch the Pokémon himself, Ash accidentally enrages a flock of wild Spearows, who attack him and Pikachu. Trying to escape from them, Ash steals the bike of a girl fishing nearby. The Spearows catch up with Ash and he falls off his bike. Ash shields Pikachu from Spearow with his body, wanting to protect him. Surprised by Ash's dedication, Pikachu trusts him and attacks Spearow with lightning. When Ash and Pikachu wake up, they see a strange bird Pokémon flying through a rainbow, which has no data in the Pokédex. Together, Ash and Pikachu set off towards the city of Viridian.

Episode 2: Pokémon Ambulance Pokémon Emergency!

Once Ash reaches Viridian, he is apprehended by Officer Jenny. Officer Jenny decides that Ash stole Pikachu, but after Ash explains everything to her, the officer takes him on his motorcycle to the Pokémon Center so Ash can heal his injured Pikachu. While Ash waits during surgery, Misty walks into the Pokémon Center. Misty demands Ash pay for the bicycle he stole and was subsequently broken by Pikachu's lightning strike. Suddenly, Team Rocket: Jessie, James and Meowth appear. Team Rocket wants to steal Pokémon from the Center. Pikachu, with the support of other Pikachu living in the Center, uses a very strong lightning strike and thus blows up the Pokémon Center building. Ash and Pikachu travel further into the Viridian Forest, and Misty tags along in hopes of getting money for the bike. Meanwhile, Team Rocket decides to kidnap Pikachu

Episode 3: Ash catches a Pokemon Ash Catches a Pokémon

Entering the Viridian Forest, Ash throws a Pokeball at the nearby Caterpie Pokémon to catch it. The capture is successful, and Ash is incredibly happy about it. As it turns out, Misty is deathly afraid of bug Pokémon like Caterpie. Night falls, Ash and Misty go to bed. Meanwhile, Caterpie tells Pikachu about his cherished dream- become Butterfree and learn to fly. The next morning, Ash catches another Pokémon, Pidgeotto. Team Rocket suddenly appears. Jessie and James pit their Pokémon Ekans and Koffing against Ash. Ash uses Pidgeotto and Pikachu, but they are defeated. Only Caterpie remains. To Team Rocket's surprise, Caterpie defeats their Pokémon, causing the bandits to flee. Ash invites Misty to pet Caterpie for saving them, but then Caterpie evolves - he turns into a Metapod, which again disgusts her

Episode 4: Samurai Challenges Challenge of the Samurai

Ash, continuing to walk with Misty through the Viridian Forest, comes across the Pokémon Weedle and tries to catch it. Ash almost managed to catch a Pokemon, but then he is distracted by a guy in a samurai costume and challenges him to a Pokemon battle. The fight is interrupted by a swarm of Beedrill, brought by Weedle, who escaped from Ash. One Beedrill kidnapped Ash's Metapod. Ash, Misty and the samurai are hiding from the swarm in the samurai's house. The samurai blames Ash for leaving Metapod in the lurch and says that Ash is no match for the other Pallet trainers he previously fought (among them Gary, Ash's main rival). At night, Ash is tormented by his conscience because of the incident with the Metapod, and in the morning he goes after it. He kidnaps Metapod from the Beedrills and apologizes to him for what he did. Metapod evolves into Butterfree to protect Ash

Episode 5: Showdown in Pewter Showdown in Pewter City

Ash and Misty reach the city of Pewter. Ash decides to sit down on a boulder lying nearby, but is stopped by a man named Flint, who tells him that he sells these stones - Pewter is famous for its stone. Ash intends to challenge the local Gym Leader, Rock Pokémon specialist Brock, to a duel to receive his badge and thus take the next step toward participating in the Pokémon League. Ash fights Brock but loses to him. Flint says that Brock has great talent to train Pokémon, but he is unable to implement it because he needs to take care of his many brothers and sisters, and then suggests that Ash take Pikachu to a hydroelectric power plant to strengthen it by charging it with additional electricity. The next day, Ash pits a powered-up Pikachu against Brock's Onyx and almost defeats him, but Brock's siblings stop Ash. Ash, considering his victory unfair, leaves the stadium, but Brock catches up with him and gives him the Stone Badge. It is revealed that Flint is Brock's father, and thus Brock goes on the road with Ash and Misty, while Flint takes care of the children

Episode 6: Clefairy and the Moonstone Clefairy and the Moon Stone

The path of Ash, Misty and Brock lies through the Moon Cave. Having reached the entrance to it, they see a scientist who is attacked by enraged Zubats (one of them is caught by Brock). Pikachu disperses the Zubatov, and the scientist introduces himself as Seymour. Seymour, leading the heroes through the cave, tells them that someone has illuminated the caves and thereby causes terrible inconvenience to the cave Pokémon, accustomed to the dark. It turns out that this is the work of Team Rocket: they illuminated the cave to find the legendary Moonstone. With the help of Clefairy and Seymour, the heroes save the stone from the hands of the villains.

Episode 7: Water Flowers of CerulineThe Water Flowers of Cerulean City

Leaving the Moon Cave, Ash and his friends set off towards the city of Cerulean for the next badge. For some reason, Misty really doesn’t want to go there and tries to talk Ash out of it. In the end, unable to persuade him, Misty runs away in an unknown direction. Ash goes to the water stadium, where he is met by three sisters - Lily, Daisy and Violet. They don’t want to fight Ash and are ready to give up the badge just like that, but then Misty appears. It turns out that she is the fourth sister, and therefore Ash has the right to challenge her to a duel. According to her sisters, Misty left home to gain their respect. The fight is interrupted by Team Rocket. Ash saves everyone, and for this the sisters reward him with the Cascade Badge

Episode 8: Path to the Pokemon LeagueThe Path to the Pokémon League

The episode begins with Ash defeating another trainer and becoming very arrogant about it. The coach recommends Ash to challenge AJ, the leader of the unofficial stadium, to a duel. Ash, arriving at the stadium, sees that AJ has made 98 victories in a row with his Sandshru, but this does not bother him, and Ash challenges the trainer to a duel. A battle begins, which Ash loses in disgrace. As it turns out, AJ trains his Pokémon very hard, and that's why he won. Immediately after this, Team Rocket mistakenly steals Sandshru, thinking it is Pikachu. AJ is worried about his missing Pokémon, but Ash says that Sandshru ran away from him because he hates it. Sandshru finally returns to the stadium, and Ash realizes that he was wrong: AJ and his Pokémon are best friends. Team Rocket appears and is defeated by AJ and Sandshru. AJ keeps his promise - after a hundred victories, he goes on a journey to get badges, and Ash, Misty and Brock go their own way

Episode 9: School of Hard Knocks The School of Hard Knocks

Ash, Misty and Brock meet a boy named Joe, a student at Pokémon Tech. Pokémon Tech is a high school boarding school for children from wealthy families that trains qualified Pokémon trainers; After graduation, graduates are given the right to participate in Pokémon League competitions without receiving badges. This school is about bad reputation— in order not to be expelled, you need to study literally around the clock, and besides, those who study worse are bullied by their elders. As it turns out, the culprit of all this is a beautiful girl named Gisella, who with her friends terrorizes the students. Ash fights her and defeats her Cubone. Gisella's arrogance diminishes and she stops mocking Joe. Joe and Gisella leave Ash as good friends

Episode 10: Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village Kakurezato no Fushigidane

Relying on his intuition, Ash tried to go through the forest to Vermilion, but in the end his friends got lost. Stopping for a rest, the heroes discover Oddish. Misty tries to catch him, but is prevented from doing so by the suddenly appearing Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur goes into hiding with Oddish. Ash and his friends run after him, but the rope bridge breaks and Brock falls into the river. Ash and Misty go looking for Brock and fall into a trap. Brock pulls them out of the trap. As it turns out, Brock was saved by Melanie, a girl who takes care of injured wild Pokémon. Bulbasaur guards their village, and she set the traps so that trainers would not disturb the Pokemon. Then Team R appears, whose goal is to kidnap all the Pokémon from the village. Ash and Bulbasaur defeat her. Melanie suggests that Ash take Bulbasaur with him, since this Pokemon needs a strong trainer.

Episode 11: Charmander - Abandoned PokemonCharmander – The Stray Pokémon

On the way to Vermilion, the heroes see Charmander sitting on a rock. Ash wants to catch him, but Charmander breaks out of the Pokeball. Pikachu, after talking with Charmander, explains with gestures to his friends that Charmander is waiting for his trainer. Ash, Misty and Brock decide to leave him and go to the nearby Pokémon Center. A thunderstorm begins. At the Pokémon Center, the heroes see Trainer Damian showing off his powerful Pokémon. He mentions that he ordered his Charmander to wait for him in the forest, and he abandoned it because he considered it too weak. Ash and Brock demand that Damian return for Charmander, otherwise he may die, but Damian does not listen to them. As a result, friends rush during a thunderstorm to the dying Charmander and take him to the Pokemon Center. In the morning, Charmander disappears - friends understand that he has returned to the forest to wait for Damian. Team Rocket makes another attempt to capture Pikachu, but the heroes are saved by Charmander. Damian crawls out of the bushes. Seeing Charmander's power, he wishes to take him with him, but Charmander refuses to go with him and sends him running with fire attacks. After this, Charmander decides to become Ash's Pokemon.

Walking along the road, the heroes fall into a pit trap. It turns out that it was dug by a group of Squirtles. Officer Jenny appears and tells the heroes about the so-called Squirtle squad - as it turns out, this is a gang of Squirtles who ran away from their trainers, engaged in theft and hooliganism. Meanwhile, Team Rocket hatches a plan to kidnap Pikachu, but the Squirtles capture her and, to the anger of Jessie and James, eat all their food supplies. Meowth gains their trust and they untie him, together they agree on something. The Squirtles and Meowth work together to capture Ash, Misty and Brock, injuring Pikachu in the process. Ash asks the Squirtles to let him go into town to get medicine for his injured Pokémon. At first, the Squirtles believe that he wants to run away, but then, seeing Ash's tears, they decide to let him go. Upon reaching the store, Ash learns that Team Rocket took the gunpowder from there. Ash buys the medicine and returns to the cave. Suddenly a crash is heard: Team Rocket has made bombs from gunpowder and is dropping them on the heroes. Ash shields the leader of the Squirtles from the explosion with his body, thereby inspiring him with respect. The Squirtles defeat Team Rocket, but the bombs start a fire, which the Squirtles put out with their Water Cannons. For this, the detachment was awarded by the residents of the city. After this, the leader of the Squirtle Squad joins Ash

Episode 13: The Mystery of the Lighthouse Mystery At The Lighthouse

The heroes got lost again, as Ash again led them to an unknown place. Ash boasts about his two badges and six Pokémon, but Misty and Brock insult him, saying that he was just lucky. Ash, wanting to prove his strength as a trainer, runs to the beach and catches Krabby there. The Pokeball with Krabby disappears from Ash's hand - as it turns out, you can only carry a maximum of six. Friends see a lighthouse standing on a cliff. When they go there, they discover the ancient Pokémon Kabuto, but in reality he turns out to be Bill, the owner of the lighthouse and a Pokémon researcher. Bill tells Ash and his friends that there are over 150 species of Pokémon, and that there are many more that have not been discovered. He also says that he is looking for one Pokemon - all that is known about him is that he is very huge and that he wanders around the world and looks for friends. Bill manages to lure this Pokémon, but it turns out to be a giant Dragonite. Bill wants to make friends with a Pokemon, but then Team Rocket shoots at him with a bazooka - they want to catch him. The Pokémon goes berserk and destroys the lighthouse. He then goes into the ocean, despite Bill's pleas to stay. Friends say goodbye to him and continue on their way to Vermilion

Episode 14: The Decisive Lightning Strike Electric Shock Showdown

After much wandering, the friends finally reach Vermilion. Ash immediately wants to go to the stadium for a new badge, but since Pikachu is exhausted and hungry, he first takes his Pokémon for treatment at the Pokémon Center. Sister Joy tells Ash that the local leader, Lieutenant Serge, is extremely powerful, but Ash decides to challenge him to a duel anyway. Arriving at the stadium, Ash fights with Lieutenant Serge. Lt. Serge deploys his Raichu, an evolved form of Pikachu, while Ash uses Pikachu. Pikachu loses. At the Pokemon Center, while Ash was sitting in Pikachu's room, Sister Joy approached him and suggested that he turn Pikachu into Raichu using the Lightning Stone - the only way, in her opinion, Ash is able to win. Ash wants to use the Lightning Stone, but Pikachu flatly refuses to evolve. Once Pikachu recovers, Ash fights Lieutenant Serge again and wins, this time using tactics. Serge praises Ash and rewards him with the Lightning Bolt Badge, and Misty says that this is the first badge Ash has truly earned.

Episode 15: Fight on board the St. Anna Battle Aboard the St. Anne

Ash, Misty and Brock reach the port of Vermilion. There they see a large luxury ship, the St. Anna. Suddenly they are stopped by two girls who give their friends free tickets on this liner. The strangers turn out to be disguised as Jessie and James. Ash and his friends board the ship, as it turns out, it is full of Pokemon trainers. On the ship, Ash offered a battle to an unfamiliar trainer - his Raticate against Ash's Butterfree. After Ash's victory, the trainer exchanges Pokemon with him: Butterfree was exchanged for Raticate. Meanwhile, James, disguised as a doorman, is sold a Magikarp by a merchant. Jessie and Meowth felt that this purchase was useless and James was simply deceived. Ash is tormented by his conscience for trading Butterfree. Suddenly, the trainers on the ship are attacked by dozens of Team Rocket members: they lured them onto the ship in order to take their Pokemon away. The heroes, together with other trainers, drive Team R away, but then a strong storm begins and the ship sinks. Ash trades his Butterfree back. All passengers sail away with the crew on lifeboats, while Ash, Misty, Brock, Jessie, James and Meowth remain on the ship, which plunged into the depths of the ocean.

Episode 16: Shipwreck Pokémon Shipwreck

The heroes are actually buried on the surface of the water: Officer Jenny throws a bouquet of flowers into the water from a warship. Meanwhile, Ash and his friends and Team Rocket are trying to find a way out of the sunken ship. With the help of the water Pokémon, Ash, Misty and Brock climb out and sit on one of the floating debris. Since Team Rocket doesn't have any water Pokémon, Jessie and Meowth panic, but James just laughs: he has a water Magikarp. Jessie and Meowth tell James that if the "useless" Magikarp helps them get out, they will forgive him for wasting money on him. Magikarp can't get Team Rocket out because he's too weak, but somehow Team Rocket manages to swim to the raft where Ash and his friends are. The heroes sit on the raft with Team R for the whole day. In the end everyone is exhausted from hunger. Meowth tries to eat Magikarp, but breaks his teeth. James angrily kicks Magikarp into the water: not only was he unable to pull them out, but he is also inedible. Suddenly, Magikarp evolves into Gayardos and, using the Dragon's Fury attack, raises a tornado that sucks in everyone who was on the raft

Episode 17: Island of Giant Pokemon Island of the Giant Pokémon

Ash, Misty and Brock wake up on the beach. Suddenly, Ash discovers that his Pikachu, as well as the Pokeballs with Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur, have disappeared somewhere. On the same beach, Jessie and James come to their senses; they notice that Ekans, Koffing and Meowth have also disappeared. Meanwhile, Pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur meet Koffing, Ekans and Meowth and together search for their trainers. Jessie and James find a telephone booth and use the cable coming from it to find people. Suddenly, they see Pikachu and decide to catch it, but upon taking a closer look, they realize that it is a giant Pikachu. The huge Pokemon crushed the booth and, without looking down, moved on, and Ash and his friends were attacked by a huge Charizard, whose fire they barely managed to dodge. As a result, Jessie and James stumble upon a giant Kabutops, and while running away from it, they find a cart on the tracks. Having sat in it, they drove in the opposite direction, straight towards Kabutops, and hooked his leg with the same cable from the telephone booth, pulling him along with them. Jessie and James decide to stop, but break the brake lever. Ash, Brock and Misty run to a small stone bridge, but then it collapses under their feet, and they fall straight into the cart with Jesse and James. Then Ash sees his Pokémon running from a whole crowd of giants. Pikachu and the others jump into the cart, which now drags along almost all the giants of the island. At that time, an excursion ship was sailing past the island. The guide sees that all the exhibits on this island have been destroyed. Team Rocket's boss receives a call that the giant Pokémon island he has invested millions in has been destroyed.

Episode 18: Beauty and the Beach Beauty and the Beach

Ash, Misty and Brock reach the resort town of Porta Vista. They rent a boat, but while sailing they collide with Team Rocket's submarine and destroy the dock. An old man named Mo approaches the heroes - it turns out that both the boat and the pier belonged to him. Team R also gets ashore and is hired by the old woman Brutella in the restaurant. Ash, Misty and Brock, wanting to pay Moe's bills, also hire him at his restaurant - there is fierce competition between both restaurants. Ash uses the Pokémon in the kitchen, but Team Rocket interferes with them. People began to leave Mo's restaurant. The old man says that he will not be able to give the money to Brutella, and he will have to give her his boat. Ash says that you should never give up on your dream. Here, to the great surprise of everyone present, Professor Oak and Ash’s mother enter the restaurant. Professor Oak shows Ash a newspaper in which it is written about a competition being held among girls and Pokemon for the best bathing suit; the money won can be used to pay for everything. Team R tries to disrupt the competition, but is unsuccessful. As a result, Ash's mom, who won the competition, pays off Mo's debts, and Ash, Misty and Brock continue on their way

Episode 19: Tentacool and Tentacruel Tentacool & Tentacruel

The heroes want to leave Port Vista, but they missed the ferry and will have to wait another three hours for the next one. Suddenly, Misty notices the Horsey Pokémon in the water. Horsey looks beat up and there is no Pokemon Center in this town. Horsey releases a stream of ink from his mouth, and something like a drawing is formed on the water, but Misty and the others cannot understand what exactly is depicted. Suddenly, the ferry, which Ash missed, explodes; Misty, with the help of her water Pokémon, saves the sailors. The mayor of Nastina thanks his friends for saving the sailors. She wants to build a luxury hotel on a coral reef, but the Tentacools prevent her from doing this. Nastina sets a reward for exterminating the Tentacools, but Misty sharply refuses and leaves - she says that if the Tentacools attack people, there must be a very serious reason for this. Then Team R appears, promising that they will easily destroy all the Tentacools for the sake of a million dollars. When they want to do this, one of the Tentacools evolves into a giant Tentacruel and begins to destroy the city. Using Meowth, Tentacruel tells the people that they have come to take revenge on the people for their destroyed homes. Ash, Misty and Brock use Pokémon, but they are unable to defeat countless Tentacools. Misty eventually begs Tentacruel to give the humans another chance, and he returns to the ocean. Nastina continues to shoot at Tentacruel, but he sends her into the sky with one blow. Misty gets a new Pokemon - Horsey

Episode 20: The Ghost of Maiden Rock The Ghost of Maiden's Peak

From Port Vista, travelers take a ferry to Maiden Rock. There is a holiday in the city where they arrive. Brock stops when he sees beautiful girl, which immediately disappears, only Brock was distracted. James also sees the same girl while Jessie and Meowth were looking for money defended by passers-by. An old woman warns Brock and James that they need to beware of this girl. At the celebration, the old man shows a painting of a girl - both Brock and James recognize her. The old man says that she died two thousand years ago. Her husband went to war, and she promised to wait for him forever, but he was not destined to return, and she continued to wait for him until she turned to stone. That is why the rock is called Maiden Rock. The old man says that she is still waiting for her lover. At night, James, who wakes up, sees her, she beckons him to follow her, and he follows her. Then the girl lures Brock too. The next morning, Ash, Misty, Jessie and Meowth find Brock and James in the house. The same old woman appears and offers to buy talisman stickers against ghosts. The next night, the wind tears off all the stickers, and the ghost of a girl enters the house. When Ash points the Pokédex at the ghost, it is revealed to be the ghost Pokémon Ghastly. Gastly turns out to be an old woman who sold stickers. The heroes unsuccessfully try to fight him, but at dawn Gastly disappears, as he cannot stand the sun. As the summer festival comes to an end, Ash and the others perform the traditional dance of this holiday. It turns out that the girl’s ghost really exists, and Gastly was simply helping her, because, as he says, he likes to revive ancient legends. Gastly promises her that if he ever meets her husband's soul, he will tell him that she is still waiting for him.

Episode 21: Goodbye Butterfree Bye Bye Butterfree

The heroes reach a cliff and see many Butterfrees flying over the sea. As it turns out, Butterfree is in mating season—once a year, trainers release their Butterfrees to find a mate and fly overseas. Ash decides to let his Butterfree go. He falls in love with pink Butterfree, but she rejects him. Suddenly, Team Rocket appears and catches all of the Butterfrees. Ash's Butterfree saves them all, impressing the pink Butterfree. It was not easy for Ash to part with his first caught Pokemon, but he still says goodbye to him, hoping to meet him again

Episode 22: Abra and the Psychic Attack Abra and the Psychic Showdown

Ash and his friends go to Saffron, but get lost in the forest. Suddenly they see a little girl. Ash asks if she is from around here, but the girl turns around and runs into the forest. Ash runs after her and comes out to Saffron. Brock says that the leader of the stadium here is Sabrina, and Ash wants her Gold Badge. Entering the city, the friends stumble upon two "girls" who were actually just Jessie and James from Team Rocket in disguise. They tell their friends that the latter have won a prize for becoming Saffron's millionth visitor. The “girls” lead them to a building where, according to them, the prize is kept, and then they capture Pikachu and teleport their friends to a room without windows or doors. But suddenly that girl appears who frees her friends. At the stadium, friends are met by a bearded man who advises them to stay away from Sabrina. Ash challenges Sabrina, the same girl sitting on the lap of an adult girl, to a fight. Sabrina says that if she loses, Ash will have to play with her. Ash uses Pikachu, and Sabrina uses Abra. Abra evolves into Kadabra and easily defeats Pikachu. Sabrina teleports her friends to some place - as it turns out later, she shrunk them and moved them to a doll town. Friends are saved by the same bearded man. The bearded man says that Ash shouldn't even try to defeat Sabrina, but Ash is adamant in his desire to defeat her. Then the bearded man says that the only Pokemon that can defeat her psychic Pokemon are the ghost Pokemon from Lavender

Episode 23: The Sinister Tower The Tower of Terror

After losing their battle with Sabrina, Ash and his friends, following the advice of a mysterious bearded man, go to the city of Lavender to catch a ghost Pokémon living in an ominous tower. Meanwhile, Team Rocket wants to make a trap in the tower, but the ghost Pokémon Gastly, Haunter and Gengar prevent them from doing so. Ash and Pikachu enter the tower, but Misty and Brock are afraid to go there and stay outside. A chandelier falls on Ash and Pikachu, Haunter pulls their souls out of their bodies. Ash and Pikachu are having fun with Gastly, Haunter and Gengar, but Ash says that he can't stay with them since he has to defeat Sabrina. Haunter places the souls of Ash and Pikachu back into their bodies, with Misty and Brock bending over them. Haunter decides to go with Ash to Saffron

Episode 24: Haunter vs. Kadabra Haunter versus Kadabra

Ash returns to Sabrina. She warns him that if he loses, Ash will have to play with her again. Ash wants to use Haunter, but he disappears somewhere. Ash then tries to escape, but Sabrina turns Misty and Brock into dolls. Ash meets a bearded man who says that Sabrina was not always like this - as a child she had no friends, she only trained her telepathic abilities. Then the man takes out a photo and says that Sabrina suffers from a split personality: on the one hand, she is a strong trainer and an adult girl; and on the other, a little girl who wants to have friends. It turns out that the bearded man is Sabrina's father. Ash finds Haunter and returns to the stadium. Ash wants to put him up for battle again, but he disappears again, and he has to use Pikachu. During the fight, Haunter suddenly appears and manages to make Sabrina laugh. Sabrina's father says he has never seen Sabrina laugh. Kadabra is also rolling on the floor laughing: there is a telepathic connection between him and Sabrina. The little girl disappears, leaving only the adult Sabrina. Sabrina keeps Haunter and gives Ash the Gold Badge

Episode 25: Primeape is crazy! Primeape Goes Bananas

On the way to the city of Celadon, the friends decide to stop for a rest. They meet Monkey. Brock immediately realizes that Monkey wants a rice ball and gives it to him. Ash decides to catch Monkey while he is eating, which infuriates him. Monkey beats Ash up and steals his cap. Team Rocket appears. Monkey becomes interested in them, but James chases him away. Monkey becomes so enraged that he transforms into Primeape. Primeape beats up Team Rocket and then turns on Ash. Ash and his friends run away from him. Ash eventually remembers Professor Oak's words that without a good trainer, there is no Pokemon, and catches Primeape, defeating it with Charmander

Episode 26: Pokemon in the Land of Smells Pokémon Scent-sation

Ash and his friends arrived in Celadon - Big City with skyscrapers. Misty, Brock and Pikachu smelled it and ran to the perfume store. Ash tries to lead them away, saying that perfumes are money down the drain. The store owner kicks Ash out because he insulted her product. Ash tries to enter Celadon's stadium alone, but is not allowed in as the perfume is produced at the stadium. Team Rocket, wanting to steal the perfume recipe, makes a deal with Ash: he unties them and removes them from the tree (they were caught for stealing), and Jessie, James and Meowth help him get into the stadium. Ash, disguised as a girl, enters the stadium, but Pikachu recognizes him. The leader of the stadium, Erica, turns out to be the owner of a perfume store. Ash challenges Erica to a fight as the leader of the stadium. During the battle, an explosion occurs: Team Rocket stole the secret formula from the safe and planted a bomb in the stadium. A fire starts. Ash saves Erica's Gloom from the fire, and for this she rewards him with the Rainbow Badge

Episode 27: Hypno-Pokemon Dream Hypno's Naptime

Friends find themselves in an unfamiliar city with tall skyscrapers. Suddenly, a woman calls out to Ash, calling him Arnold. Ash says she messed up. The woman admits her mistake and says that three days ago her son Arnold disappeared, like many other children from the city. Ash decides to help the woman, and the friends head to the Pokémon Center to gather information. Nurse Joy complains that all the Pokémon at the Center have been feeling unwell for three days now, the worst case being Psyduck. Officer Jenny learns that it is due to the waves causing drowsiness. Together they find their source in a mansion on the roof of a skyscraper. There is a club in the mansion, all of its members suffer from insomnia and use the hypnosis of the Pokemon Hypno as a sleeping pill. Ash says that these waves affect the Pokémon in the Center. Misty decides to get closer to Hypno, who hypnotizes her, forcing her to believe that he is the Pokemon Seal, after which Misty runs away from the mansion somewhere in the park. That's where the missing children end up: they all think they're Pokémon. With the help of another Pokemon from the club, Drowzee, the children wake up and go home. In the center, all the Pokemon are healthy, but Psyduck continues to hold his head. Ash's Pokédex explains that Psyducks constantly suffer from headaches. Psydak decides to go after Misty

Episode 28: Alley of future Pokemon breeders Rokon! Burīdā Taiketsu

Ash walks down Scissor Street, where there are many beauty salons for Pokémon. Misty talks about how Scissor Street is also called Pokémon Alley. Brock brought them here, which is why Ash assumes that Brock, as a Pokemon breeder, always follows the latest innovations in Pokemon breeding. Finally, Brock finds the right salon. Extremely nervous, he goes inside to see the owner of the salon named Susie. Having overcome his fear, Brock asks Susie to take him on as her student, but Susie says she doesn't have time. Over lunch, Susie tells her friends about herself and her Pokémon Vulpix. An argument breaks out between Ash and Misty: Ash says that internal qualities are more important external beauty, Misty doesn't agree. Ash tells Misty that if appearance is more important to her, then she should take her Psyduck to Salon R, to which Misty agrees and calls her Pokemon. Misty takes Psyduck to Salon R, where they paint her. As it turns out, its owners are Team R. Misty tries to escape from the salon, but James catches her. Psyduck runs to Ash and his friends and leads them to Misty. Ash and Brock fight Team Rocket, but lose; everyone is saved by Vulpix Susie. After this, Suzy announces that she is going on a trip and asks Brock to take care of Vulpix, since, besides Suzy, this Pokémon only has friendly feelings towards him

Episode 29: Fighting Pokemon The Punchy Pokémon

Hitmonchan runs along the road, whom Ash sees. Ash thinks it is wild, but it turns out that it belongs to a trainer named Anthony. His daughter, Rebecca, asks her friends to convince her father not to participate in the R-1 tournament for fighting-type Pokémon. Anthony trains Hitmonchan all the time and does not devote time to his family. Ash and Brock decide to participate in the tournament: Ash uses Primeape, and Brock uses Geodude. Team R also infiltrates the tournament, using the stolen Hitmonlee to win the championship by cheating. As a result, Ash's Primeape wins the tournament. Anthony realizes he was wrong. Ash leaves Primeape for training with Anthony. Hitmonchan runs away, whom Ash sees. Ash thinks it is wild, but it turns out that it belongs to a trainer named Anthony. His daughter, Rebecca, asks her friends to convince her father not to participate in the R-1 tournament for fighting-type Pokémon. Anthony trains Hitmonchan all the time and does not devote time to his family. Ash and Brock decide to participate in the tournament: Ash uses Primeape, and Brock uses Geodude. Team R also infiltrates the tournament, using the stolen Hitmonlee to win the championship by cheating. As a result, Ash's Primeape wins the tournament. Anthony realizes he was wrong. Ash leaves Primeape to train with Anthony

Episode 30: Magnemite's Strange Attraction Sparks Fly for Magnemite

Friends arrive in the city of Gringi. There are a lot of factories there and due to environmental pollution there are almost no residents left. Suddenly Pikachu becomes ill. Ash takes him to the Pokémon Center, and Nurse Joy says it's just a cold. Suddenly the electricity went out. If there is no electricity, the Pokemon being treated at the Center may die. Ash and his friends decide to go to the power plant and find out the cause of the accident. At the station they met Magnemite, who for some reason was chasing Pikachu. Suddenly Magnemite disappears in an unknown direction, and the heroes are attacked by a group of Grimers and their leader Mack. The workers say that because of the Grimers, the power plant is not working. Magnemites and their developed forms Magnetons help the heroes drive out the Grimers, and Ash catches their leader Mack himself, but sends him to Professor Oak, since Mack stinks terribly even through his pokeball

Episode 31: Dig Diglett! Dig Those Diglett

Ash comes to an area somewhere in the mountains. The friends decide to stop for a rest when they see that the nearest highway is falling down. It turns out that Diglett's Pokémon are to blame for everything: they dig passages under buildings and thereby destroy them. The dam builders offer a reward for getting rid of the Digletts. Ash, like Gary who was nearby, offers help. Ash and Gary use Pokemon, but for some reason they don't want to come out of their Pokeballs. Gary assumes that the Pokémon don't want to fight the Digletts and leaves. In the evening, the heroes reflect on what happened. Suddenly Diglett appears, followed by his friends. Brock realizes what's going on: these mountains are the home of the Digletts and their evolved forms of Dugtrio. The Pokémon realized that if they built a dam, the water would flood everything. It was decided to stop construction of the dam. Then Team Rocket appears - their Ekans and Koffing have turned into Arbok and Weezing, respectively. After a small battle in which the Digletts help the heroes, Ash goes further to the city of Fuchsia for the next badge

Episode 32: Battle with Ninja Pokemon The Ninja Poké-Showdown

While searching for the city of Fuchsia, Ash and his friends find a large house in the ancient Japanese style in the middle of the forest. The friends go inside, but it seems like no one is there. As it turns out, that house is full of traps like invisible walls and secret doors. The Pokémon Venonat appears and the heroes rush after it. As soon as Ash entered the room, shurikens flew at him. They are greeted by a girl named Aya, who says that she is a ninja. She explains to the heroes that she wants a battle. Aya puts out Venonat, and Ash puts up Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur wins. Suddenly the girl’s brother appears, who says that she still has to study and study. This is Koga, the leader of Fuchsia Stadium. Koga challenges Ash to a fight, he agrees. A battle ensues, with Kouga deploying his Venonat and Ash deploying his Pidgeotto. Venonat evolves into Venomoth and wins. Ash then uses Charmander, but Team Rocket appears and captures all the Pokémon. The situation is saved by Psydak - he easily wins with the help of his telekinesis attack. In the Pokédex, Ash learns that Psyduck's power increases as his headache increases. Kouga thanks Ash and his friends and resumes the fight on outdoors. Ash's Charmander defeats Koga's Golbat and thus Ash receives the Heart Badge.

Episode 33: Crazy Races The Flame Pokémon-athon!

The heroes go out into the open. Ash sees a herd of Toros and decides to catch at least one, but is stopped by a girl riding a Ponyta named Laura. She explains that this is a Pokemon sanctuary and catching Pokemon is prohibited here. Ash apologizes, and Laura invites her friends to a party and a Pokemon race. At the celebration, everyone wishes Laura victory. Suddenly a guy on Dodrio named Dario comes running and says that the Toros have gone berserk. Friends resort to the corral, this is true. Suddenly Ponyta gets scared and throws Laura off, who breaks her arm. It turns out that these are the tricks of Dario - he is also participating in the race and wants to eliminate his rivals. Team R helps him in this. Laura invites Ash to take part in the race for her. Misty and Brock also compete on Starmie and Onyx, respectively. The races begin in the morning. Team Rocket sits in secluded place and activates traps - all participants are eliminated except Dario and Ash. Here Ponyta evolves into Rapidash and into the most last moment wins the race. Laura advises Ash to catch Pokemon in the Safari Zone - that's where he goes

Episode 34: Kangaskhan Cub The Kangaskhan Kid

Arriving at the Safari Zone, Ash is about to catch Pokémon, but then Officer Jenny catches him, telling him that he is still on private property. Ash apologizes, and then Jenny is told on the radio that they have spotted several more poachers. Ash, Misty, Brock and Jenny see Team Rocket trying to capture a herd of Kangaskhans, but are interrupted by a feral child who suddenly appears. After some time, a man and a woman appear and say that they are looking for their child named Tommy, who disappeared five years ago. They show his photo to their friends, they recognize that wild child. After some time, Brock sees the wounded Kangaskhan cub and heals him. Tommy appears and Misty tries to explain to him that Brock was only helping the baby. Tommy's parents then inform him that they are his real parents. Tommy's father hits him on the head and he remembers his family. Tommy doesn't know who to stay with: the Kangaskhans or his parents. Then Officer Jenny appears and says that the Kangaskhans are in trouble again. Using a giant mechanical Kangaskhan, Team Rocket once again wants to capture the entire herd. With the help of Tommy and his parents, the heroes defeat Team R. As a result, Tommy's parents settle with him in the Kangaskhan herd, and the heroes continue their journey through the Safari Zone

Episode 35: The Legend of Dratini The Legend of Dratini

The heroes crossing the Safari Zone are stopped by an armed man. He mistakes them for poachers and points a revolver at them, but his friends quickly explain that they are not poachers. Relenting, the man introduces himself as Kaiser, the caretaker of the Safari Zone. Kaiser allows heroes to catch Pokemon only with the help of special pokeballs - safari balls, and only with their help, without using Pokemon. Brock notices a photo of the Pokémon Dratini and asks if they really live in the Safari Zone, but the guard yells that they don't. Friends ask Professor Oak on the phone, he tells them that Kaiser found Dratini here 30 years ago. The trainers, having learned about this, searched the entire Safari Zone in search of him, catching almost all the Pokemon - since then, only safari balls are allowed here, and Kaiser does not want to talk about Dratini. Ash catches 30 Hummocks, and then Team R captures the guard and asks him where Dratini is. Meowth throws an electric bomb into the lake to make Dratini float up. Ash dives into the water to retrieve the bomb from the lake, but begins to drown. Ash is saved by Dragonair, the same Dratini who evolved.

Episode 36: Bikers operating on the bridge The Bridge Bike Gang

Leaving the Safari Zone, the friends reach a giant bridge across the bay, which could greatly shorten the road to Sunny City, but only bicycles are allowed there. Trying to find a way out of the situation, the heroes come to the Pokemon Center. Sister Joy asks her friends to deliver medicine for Pokémon in Sunny City and gives them bicycles. When Ash and his friends are driving across a bridge, they are stopped by a gang of bikers. A biker named Chopper challenges Ash to a fight and uses Golem. Ash first uses Bulbasaur, which loses, then Charmander, which defeats Golem. Another biker, Tira, performs with her Cloyster. Misty wants to fight her and use Starmie, when suddenly Psyduck comes out instead of Starmie, who behaves like an idiot. During the battle, Jesse and James arrive and claim that they were also in this gang when they were young. The bikers and Team Rocket are scared away by Officer Jenny who appears here. Ash continues to drive on, even though it's starting to rain. The bikers admire Ash's action and help him deliver the medicine.

Episode 37: Ditto's Mystery House Ditto's Mysterious Mansion

Caught in a rainstorm, Ash, Misty and Brock enter a mysterious house. There they see Pikachu , but with some strange face. Ash wants to catch him using his Pikachu, but a girl dressed like him stops him. It turns out that it wasn't Pikachu - it was Ditto. The girl's name is Duplika, she is a parodist and performs on stage with Ditto, and this house is a theater. Ditto can transform into other Pokémon, but cannot copy faces. People don't like it and don't go to her shows. Meanwhile, Team Rocket kidnaps Ditto and threatens him into turning into Meowth, with a frightened Ditto learning to copy faces. When the heroes come running to rescue Ditto, they mistakenly take Meowth, but in the end Ditto is returned

Episode 38: Electronic Warrior Porygon Cyber ​​Soldier Porygon

Ash, Misty and Brock learn that at the Pokémon Center, the system for teleporting Pokémon in Pokeballs through a virtual network does not work. At the request of Sister Joy, they go to Professor Akihabara, the man who created this network. Professor Akihabara tells them that Team Rocket has stolen the prototype of Porygon, a Pokémon capable of living in virtual space, and is using it to steal Pokémon transported through the network. Akihabara sends Ash and his friends into cyberspace to stop Team Rocket by giving them his other Porygon for the time being. When meeting with Team R, it turns out that they were the ones who organized the blockade of the network. The heroes' Porygon defeats Team Rocket's Porygon, but Sister Joy, observing the situation through a computer monitor, activates an antivirus program, assuming that the network is infected with a computer virus. In an attempt to protect his friends, Pikachu uses Thunderbolt on the antivirus, causing an explosion. The heroes, along with Team R, leave the network. After these events, the Pokémon transportation mode of operation returns to normal.

Episode 39: Goodbye Pikachu! Pikachu's Goodbye

While Ash, Misty and Brock stopped for a rest in the forest, Pikachu sees another, wild Pikachu, but he gets scared and runs away. Ash and Pikachu run after him and come across a flock of Pikachu. Ash's Pikachu wants to come to them, but Ash scares them all away, which upsets him. Then, some time later, a wild Pikachu falls into the river and is saved by Ash's Pikachu. At night, Ash's Pikachu is having fun with his fellow tribesmen, when suddenly Team R appears, who wants to kidnap the entire flock, but they fail. Ash comes to the conclusion that it would be better to leave him in the pack, and, saying goodbye, runs away with tears in his eyes. Dawn comes, Ash's Pikachu appears and rushes into his arms: he decided to go further with Ash

Episode 40: Evie's Four Brothers he Battling Eevee Brothers

While traveling through the forest, the friends find little Eevee tied to a tree. They find out where the Pokémon lives and return it to its owner, who lives in Stone Town. It turns out that Eevee's owner is a little boy named Mikey, who is forced by his older brothers to evolve his pet into one of three forms: Jolteon, Vaporeon or Flyeron. Mikey doesn't want to turn Eevee, so he hid him. Additionally, each of the older brothers already has one of these Pokémon. Suddenly, Team Rocket steals the brothers' Pokémon. Only Mikey, who acts with his Eevee, can stop the Team and return the Pokémon.

Episode 41: Snorlax, Wake Up! Wake Up Snorlax!

Ash, Misty and Brock see an old man playing the flute. He asks them for food for the “concert,” but his friends have nothing. The heroes go to the city for food, but there is no food there - the river has dried up and a drought has begun. Friends walk along a dry riverbed and discover that the river is blocked by thickets of thorns. Having made their way through the thickets, the guys see that the riverbed is blocked by the Pokemon Snorlax. He went to bed right next to the spring and blocked it. Friends are trying in every way to wake him up, when suddenly Ash learns from the Pokédex that you can easily wake up a sleeping Pokemon using a Pokéflute. Everyone remembers seeing such a flute from the old man. The old man, playing the flute, wakes up Snorlax, he eats all the thorns and the river begins to flow again. The mayor of the city thanks Ash, Misty and Brock for this and arranges a festive banquet in their honor. Ash, Misty and Brock see an old man playing the flute. He asks them for food for the “concert,” but his friends have nothing. The heroes go to the city for food, but there is no food there - the river has dried up and a drought has begun. Friends walk along a dry riverbed and discover that the river is blocked by thickets of thorns. Having made their way through the thickets, the guys see that the riverbed is blocked by the Pokemon Snorlax. He went to bed right next to the spring and blocked it. Friends are trying in every way to wake him up, when suddenly Ash learns from the Pokédex that you can easily wake up a sleeping Pokemon using a Pokéflute. Everyone remembers seeing such a flute from the old man. The old man, playing the flute, wakes up Snorlax, he eats all the thorns and the river begins to flow again. The mayor of the city thanks Ash, Misty and Brock for this and arranges a festive banquet in their honor.

Episode 42: The Mystery of the Gloomy City Showdown at Dark City

Ash and his friends reach the Gloomy City, where residents are very afraid of Pokemon trainers and are not very happy with travelers. The heroes find out that residents have reasons to be wary of trainers: two groups of trainers, “Yas” and “Kaz,” constantly clash on the streets of the city. Each group wants to set up their own stadium in the city, but since there can only be one stadium in the city, each group wants to destroy the other before the Pokémon League inspector arrives. The Yas Stadium leader has Scyther, and the Kaz leader has Electrobuzz. Ash, Misty and Brock go to Yas Stadium. Pikachu accidentally spills a bottle of ketchup on Scyther's face, he goes berserk and his owner calls him back to the Pokeball. The leader invites Ash to join, but is refused. Ash is beaten, he barely escapes. In the Pokédex, Ash learns that Electbuzz and Scyther get mad at the color red - that's why Scyther got mad because of ketchup. During a skirmish, friends pour barrels of ketchup on Electabuzz and Scyther, and they begin to attack their own trainers. Both leaders ask for forgiveness from the residents and repair the city destroyed by their groups.

Episode 43: March of the ExeggutorsThe March of the Exeggutor Squad

The heroes reach the fair and decide to have a little fun. Misty and Pikachu walk separately and notice a magician with an Exeggute being shouted at by an angry woman. She leaves, Misty wants to know what's going on. The magician introduces himself as Melvin and asks Misty to become his assistant for one day. Ash and Brock also come to the show. Melvin fails the performance and Ash mocks him. The magician hypnotizes Ash with the help of Exeggut, and then takes him into the forest to catch the local Exeggutor. Team Rocket appears. Melvin's Exeggutor hypnotizes Team Rocket, the wild Exeggutors do the same and, hypnotizing each other, march in a large crowd towards the city. Team Rocket also goes along with the Exeggutors, believing themselves to be them. Ash comes to his senses. The organizer of the festival says that he planted a bomb on the empty fair to get rid of the Exeggutors, but Ash wants to stop them in time and thereby save them. He uses Bulbasaur and Squirtle, but it doesn't help. Then Ash uses Charmander, who stops them with his fire attacks. The bomb explodes, but no one is hurt. Suddenly, Ash's Charmander transforms into Charmeleon. Charmeleon stops obeying Ash.

Episode 44: Cowardly Paras The Problem with Paras

The travelers are running out of Pokémon medicine, so they stop by a local village to replenish their supply. Meanwhile, Jessie and James see that Meowth is sick and leave him. Meowth is nursed by a girl named Cassandra, to whom Meowth becomes very attached. The heroes come to Cassandra, who asks them to participate with her in a Pokemon battle. Her Paras must evolve into a Parasect in order for Cassandra to use its spores in medicine, but in order to achieve this, the Paras must gain experience in battle. Paras is very afraid to fight and Ash tries to give in to him. Pikachu's Lightning Bolt and Squirtle's Water Cannon scare the cowardly Pokémon. Desperate, Ash summons Charmeleon, but he acts too cruelly towards Paras, Ash has difficulty recalling him. Paras runs into the forest right into the hands of Team R. Meowth talks about the medicines that Parasect produces, and Jessie and James, wanting to make money on him, teach him to fight. Friends find Paras, Team Rocket watches Ash and his friends. Ash sends out Pikachu, but Paras defeats him. Ash then releases Charmeleon, who again disobeys him. Paras transforms into Parasect and puts Charmeleon to sleep using Sleep Spores.

Episode 45: Jigglypuff's Song The Song of Jigglypuff

Ash, Misty and Brock walk through the desert looking for a place to sleep. They enter the city of Neon, where residents sleep little and play in the casino around the clock. The locals are very angry and always irritated. Friends left noisy city and headed into a calm and quiet forest. There they met Jigglypuff. Misty tries to catch him, but she fails. Suddenly, friends notice that Jigglypuff can't sing because of his sore throat, and decide to help him. They find a fruit in the forest that soothes a sore throat. Jigglypuff eats the fruit and begins to sing. The song Jigglypuff sings makes everyone fall asleep. This makes Jigglypuff very upset, and he paints his friends' faces. Waking up, they decide to take Jigglypuff to Neon so that the inhabitants of this city will fall asleep. Everything works out and all the residents fall asleep. In the morning they wake up, and after sleeping, they become much calmer and kinder.

Episode 46: Attack of the Prehistoric PokemonAttack of the Prehistoric Pokémon

Friends pass through a canyon, where archaeologists are digging the earth and looking for fossils of ancient Pokemon, among the archaeologists is Gary. Meanwhile, Team Rocket plants a bomb in the canyon. Ash notices Meowth lighting the fuse and tries to put it out with Squirtle's help. The bomb goes off and opens a cave, where Ash, Jessie, James and Meowth fall through. In the cave, they meet Pokemon that were considered extinct long ago: Omanite, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops and Aerodactyl. Ash calls Charmeleon to protect them, but Charmeleon doesn't want to fight. Aerodactyl grabs Ash and flies out of the cave. Charmeleon transforms into Charizard and flies after Ash. Jigglypuff appears and starts singing. Everyone falls asleep, Aerodactyl, falling asleep, falls back into the cave, and Charizard manages to catch Ash before falling asleep. When everyone wakes up, Officer Jenny tells them it was just a dream and sends everyone off to do their own thing. Ash finds a Pokémon egg, which Brock decides to take care of.

Episode 47: Operation Chansey A chance operation

Pikachu accidentally swallows an apple whole and it gets stuck in his throat. The friends decide to take him to the Pokemon Center, but there is no Center nearby. Then they take him to a regular human hospital. Dr. Proctor, the local doctor, removes the apple from Pikachu. Nurse Joy then calls the hospital and reports that due to one accident, many Pokémon have been hurt and the Pokémon Centers are overcrowded, and asks Dr. Proctor to help, and then sends a group of Pokémon Chansey to help the doctor. Ash and his friends also help, as do Jessie and James who were here: their Pokémon were also injured. By accident, a syringe with sleeping pills hits the doctor. The doctor falls asleep, and the friends have to treat the Pokémon themselves. Team Rocket wants to steal all the Pokémon and attacks Ash, Misty and Brock. Chansey stands in front of them to protect the heroes. Team Rocket's Pokémon Weezing and Arbok do not attack Chansey since she healed them previously. The Chanseys free their friends and a doctor appears to help their friends defeat Team Rocket.

Episode 48: Sacred Bonds of Marriage Holy Matrimony!

Ash, Misty and Brock see a wanted poster with a photo of little James on it. At this time, a limousine drives up to them, and the friends are taken to the mansion where James lived as a child. When they arrive, they are informed that James's parents have died and he is only entitled to the inheritance if he marries. Jessie and Meowth force James to go and get the money, but it all turns out to be a ruse. James's parents weren't dead, they lured James home with wealth to marry him to Jessibel. This girl has been trying to re-educate James since childhood, which is why he ran away from home. She attacks him along with Vileplum, but James's faithful childhood friend, the Pokémon Growlithe, helps him get rid of them. James thanks Growlithe and leaves him at the mansion while he returns to Team Rocket.

Episode 49: Chasing Farfechtdom So Near, Yet So Farfetch"d

The friends stopped for a rest in the forest, in which the Farfechts were supposedly found. Ash and Brock go to get water, while Misty is left to rest. Seeing Farfechtd alone, she tries to catch him, but he runs away from her. Misty runs after him and runs into his trainer, Kate, who quietly exchanges her backpack with Pokemon for his own with stones. This trainer turns out to be a thief, with the help of Farfechtd he distracts his victims. He also steals Pokémon from Team Rocket, but James, Jessie, and Meowth find him and threaten him. Kate returns their Pokémon to them and in addition gives them a bunch of Pokeballs with Pokémon in them. When James, Jessie and Meowth fly hot-air balloon, they open these pokeballs and there are only Voltorbs in them, which explode. While this guy is preparing lunch for himself and Farfecht, Psyduck himself gets out of the pokeball and returns to Misty. He then leads his friends and Officer Jenny to the guy who stole the Pokémon. Ash challenges him to a duel, choosing Farfechtd Bulbasaur against him. Farfechtd wins, which surprises Keith. Then Misty decides to fight him too, choosing Psyduck. Farfechtd hits Psyduck on the head with his stalk. Psyduck gets a migraine and easily defeats Farfechtd with the help of telekinesis. Kate realizes that he was wrong and gives all the stolen Pokémon to Officer Jenny, and then promises that he will train Farfechtd properly and catch the Pokémon instead of stealing them.

Episode 50: Who will get Togepi? Who Gets to Keep Togepi?

The heroes enter the Pokemon Center. Ash calls Professor Oak and he updates his Pokédex with new data about Pokémon. The friends begin to speculate on who might hatch from the egg that Brock has been caring for since Ash found it. James, Jessie and Meowth steal the egg from them and hide. Meowth takes great care of the egg. Friends find them and fight with them for the egg. The egg's shell cracks and Misty takes the egg to see who will hatch. Togepi hatches from the egg, and the friends and Team Rocket decide to fight to decide who gets it. Ash wins, but Togepi wants to stay with Misty, so the first thing he saw was her. Thus, Togepi mistakes Misty for its mother and becomes her Pokémon.

Episode 51: The Secret Garden of Bulbasaur Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden

Ash battles Rhyhorn's trainer using his Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur wins, and suddenly the bulb on his back begins to glow. The friends take Bulbasaur to the Pokémon Center, where Nurse Joy, after examining it, explains that the bulb is blinking because Bulbasaur will soon evolve. At night, Bulbasaur leaves the Pokemon Center. On the street, other Bulbasaurs catch him with the help of grape lashes, and take him to the “Secret Garden”, where Bulbasaurs evolve into Ivysaurs every year. Pikachu, who saw Bulbasaur being kidnapped, wakes Ash up with a lightning strike and explains with facial expressions that Bulbasaur is not there. Before the vines block the entrance to the Secret Garden, the friends enter and begin to watch the evolution ceremony. Ash's Bulbasaur does not want to evolve, which infuriates Venusaur, who was leading the ceremony. Ash runs down the mountain and then tries to explain to Venusaur that his Bulbasaur has the right to choose. Meanwhile, Jessie, James and Meowth arrive. Using a vacuum device, they suck in all the Ivysaurs. Bulbasaur uses his most powerful attack, Solar Beam, thus saving the Ivysaurs, and Venusaur agrees that Bulbasaur should evolve whenever he wants.

Episode 52: Princess vs. Princess Princess vs. Princess

Misty and Jessie are very happy as Princess Day begins. During this, Jesse catches Lickitung. On this day it is customary to congratulate and give gifts to women. A tournament is announced to crown the Queen of the Princess Festival, where both Jessie and Misty decide to participate. Misty borrows Bulbasaur, Pikachu and Vulpix from Ash and Brock, and also takes her own Starmie. Jessie takes Weezing James and Meowth. In the finals of the tournament, Misty fights Jesse. Pikachu defeats Weezing, Arbok, and Meowth, but Meowth reminds Jessie that she also has Lickitung. Lickitung defeats Vulpix, Bulbasaur and Pikachu. Misty wants to use Starmie, but Psyduck comes out instead. Lickitung gives Psyduck a headache, and he uses the Confusion attack to send Team Rocket fleeing.

Episode 53: The Purring Hero The Purr-fect Hero

Friends approach the kindergarten where Children's Day is being celebrated. The teacher meets them and tells them that they asked the trainers to show the children their Pokemon, but they did not come. She then asks her friends to let the kids play with their Pokémon. One of the children, a boy named Timmy, tells the story of how wild Meowth saved him from an angry Beedrill, but no one believes him. He only wants to play with Meowth. Suddenly Team Rocket arrives, disguised as magicians. They attempt to kidnap Pikachu, but mistakenly kidnap Timmy. Timmy, seeing Meowth, asks him for help, Meowth says that he has the wrong Pokemon. Jessie and James advise Meowth to go with Timmy. Meowth pretends to protect Timmy from Jessie and James and returns to kindergarten, now everyone believes him. Upon returning, Meowth accidentally says a few words and the heroes recognize him. Meowth runs away in fear, and Timmy and the children run after him. After this, the heroes protect the children from Team R, but during the battle, a boulder falls off the mountain, from which the same wild Meowth saves Timmy. Timmy promises to become a Pokemon trainer, and the heroes continue on their way.

Episode 54: The Case of the K-9 Unit The Case of the K-9 Capers

Ash sees Officer Jenny training Growlithes for police service and decides to give his Pikachu a similar special training course. The training is very grueling and exhausting, Pikachu can barely stand on his feet after it. Then Team R appears, which releases a special gas that changes the voice - as a result, the heroes and Officer Jenny began to speak in a thin voice. In addition, the villains connect them. Next, Jessie and James use an object that looks like a megaphone and changes their voice. By faking Officer Jenny's voice, they began to control a group of Growlithe. Jessie wants to fake Ash's voice to subdue Pikachu, but he takes Ash's side. Team Rocket then orders the Growlithe to attack Pikachu, but Jigglypuff suddenly appears, unable to sing due to the gas. Taking advantage of Jigglypuff's distraction, Jenny convinces the Growlithe to be on her side, and they drive Team Rocket away.

Episode 55: Paparazzi Pokémon Paparazzi

Ash, Misty and Brock meet a photographer named Todd Snap. Todd wants to take a photo of Pikachu, but doesn't want to tell his friends why he needs it. It turns out that Team Rocket forced him to capture Pikachu, but Todd misunderstood it as "caught on film." Todd still manages to take a photo of Pikachu, but Team Rocket appears. Falling into their trap, Ash falls from the waterfall, but Todd sacrifices his camera and uses it to pull Ash out. Jessie, James, and Meowth realize that Todd is just a photographer and engage in battle, but are pushed into the water by Ash's Bulbasaur.

Episode 56: Important Exam The Ultimate Test

Todd advises Ash to take the Pokémon League exam. This exam, if passed successfully, allows you to participate in Pokémon League competitions without receiving badges. Jessie and James also go to the exam. The exam consists of two parts: in the first part, trainers take a test on their knowledge of Pokemon species. In the second part, you need to recognize a Pokemon by part of its body. Ash fails the first and second parts, the examinees proceed to the third. They are given three Pokemon and must take part in the battle. Ash gets Weezing, Arbok and Meowth, and James gets Charizard, Ivysaur and Pikachu. James fails to defeat the examiner, so Ash begins the fight. When the Meowth given to Ash loses, Team Rocket's Meowth goes berserk and scratches Ash's face. Team Rocket sends Charizard, Ivysaur and Pikachu to fight Ash, but the examiner orders the Pokémon to stop. Ash's Weezing uses Explosion and Team Rocket is defeated again. Ash decides to earn his badges on his own rather than take the exam.

Episode 57: The Mystery of the Poke Sanatorium The Breeding Center Secret

Episode 58: Riddle Lover Riddle Me This

On the ship, the heroes sail to Cinnabar Island for the next badge. They meet Gary, who tells them that they are in vain going there, since there is no stadium on Cinnabar, only a resort for tourists. In the evening, Ash and his friends look for the stadium, but do not find it. A stranger approaches them and tells them a riddle. Misty solves the riddle and thanks to the answer, her friends find an abandoned stadium. The leader of the stadium, Blaine, closed his stadium due to the influx of tourists who did not want to fight him. The heroes protect the Pokémon laboratory from Team R, and the stranger as a reward tells them that Blaine still has a stadium, but in a place “where even a fire brigade can’t handle it.” The heroes find a stadium in the mouth of a volcano, the stranger turns out to be Blaine. Ash challenges him to a fight. Ash decides to release Squirtle first since he is a water type. Blaine defeats him with his Ninetales and then summons Rhydon. Ash then calls Charizard, but he does not listen to him, and Ash is forced to call him off. Ash uses Pikachu, who defeats Rhydon by hitting its horn with lightning: electricity does not work on Ground Pokémon like Rhydon does, and the horn is its weak point. Blaine then summons Magmar, who uses the Fire Barrage attack.

Episode 59: Panic on the Volcano Volcanic Panic

Pikachu almost falls into the lava due to Magmar's Fire Barrage, and Ash asks Blaine to stop the battle, not wanting to risk the life of his Pokemon. Brock and Misty try to talk Ash out of a rematch, but Ash says he won't leave the island without his badge. The next day, while Pikachu's friends are treating his burns, Jessie, James and Meowth sneak into the volcano to freeze and steal Magmar. They fire missiles at him, freezing them on impact, but Magmar simply melts the ice. Team Rocket hits walls several times. Due to the sudden cooling, the hot walls begin to break and the volcano begins to erupt. Blaine asks his friends to help him and fill up the lava river with stones. Everyone uses their Pokemon. Ash even calls Charizard, he doesn’t want to help, but seeing how Magmar puts the stones, Charizard also starts working. After covering the lava with stones, Ash and Blaine continue their battle at the top of the volcano. Blaine uses Magmar, Ash wants to use Pikachu, but to his surprise, Charizard wants to fight, so Ash uses Charizard. After a short fight, Ash's Charizard wins. Ash wants to congratulate Charizard, but he breathes fire on him, not wanting to listen to him. Blaine gives Ash the Volcano Badge.

Episode 60: Blastoise's Protected Beach Beach Blank-Out Blastoise

Ash, Misty and Brock want to leave Cinnabar by ship, but when they reach the pier, they see Wartortle. Suddenly, Squirtle comes out of Ash's pokeball and talks to Wartortle about something. Squirtle then asks Ash to follow him as he swims into the ocean with Wartortle. The heroes follow them on a boat. Wartortle leads them to an island full of Squirtles and Wartortles hidden in their shells. In the middle lies a large shell - this is Blastoise. Friends find out that Squirtles, Wartortles and Blastoise are just sleeping, and Jigglypuff is to blame for everything, who got stuck in Blastoise's cannon and sang there, which made everyone fall asleep. Meanwhile, Team Rocket wants to kidnap Blastoise and sends Meowth. Jigglypuff starts singing again and everyone on the beach, including Meowth, falls asleep. Jessie and James tie Blastoise to their submarine, but by then the friends wake up and free Jigglypuff. The heroes eventually save Blastoise from the thieves.

Episode 61: Misty the Little Mermaid The Misty Mermaid

The friends decide to go to the city of Cerulean to leave Horsey Misty at the water stadium, since he feels bad without a lot of water. At Cerulean Stadium, Misty's sisters Daisy, Violet and Lily ask her to participate in an underwater pageant. Team Rocket captures Lily and Violet and changes into their costumes to infiltrate the stage. An underwater battle begins, in which Ash also intervenes. Syl, who lives in the Cerulean Stadium, turns into Dewgong and, together with Pikachu, defeats Team R. The audience all this time thought that this was part of the performance and began to applaud. Leaving the stadium, Misty leaves Starmie and Horsey there, while she continues her journey with Ash and Brock.

Episode 62: Tales of the Clefairys Clefairy Tales

Clefairy steals ice cream from Ash, Misty and Brock. They contact the police, but Officer Jenny tells them that Clefairy is in Lately They began to steal things often. Together with a man named Oswald, the friends search for Clefairy, but stumble upon two aliens. Aliens steal Pikachu and put him in a flying saucer, but they turn out to be Jessie and James disguised as them. Team Rocket's plan is foiled when the Clefairies take Pikachu away from them. Ash and his friends follow Clefairy, and their search leads them to a spaceship. The Clefairies captured Pikachu to provide them with electricity. With the help of Jigglypuff, the heroes rescue Pikachu and return the stolen items to their owners, and the Clefairies fly away on a spaceship.

Episode 63: Battle for the Badge The Battle of the Badge

Ash returns to Viridian City and learns that there is a stadium there. Togepi goes missing and his friends go looking for him. His rival Gary is coming to the stadium. Gary battles the stadium leader and defeats his Pokémon, but the leader sends out a strange armored Pokémon that easily defeats all of Gary's Pokémon. Togepi is taken by Giovanni, Team Rocket's boss, but then escapes through a door. As it turns out, Giovanni is the leader of the stadium. Friends find Togepi at the stadium, where they see a beaten Gary. Gary warns Ash that the Pokémon that defeated him, Giovanni, is not only very strong, but also very angry, despite Ash's belief that there are no evil Pokémon. Giovanni goes somewhere and leaves his stadium to Jesse and James. Ash challenges them to a fight and, with the help of Squirtle, Bulbasaur and Pidgeotto, defeats Machamp, Kingler and Rhydon Giovanni. Jessie then uses Arbok and Weezing, who are defeated by Pikachu. The stadium explodes and the Earth Badge falls into Ash's hands. Everyone, even Gary, admits that Ash is a strong trainer.

Episode 64: Mister Mime's Exit It's Mr. Mime Time!

The heroes return to Pallet Town to talk with Professor Oak, but on their way they see Mister Mime, a Pokémon that can create invisible walls. Ash wants to catch him, but is stopped by a girl named Stella, who also wants to catch Mister Mime. Mister Mime runs away, her friends find out that Stella works in the circus, but her Mister Mime, with whom she performs, has become lazy, and she wants to catch someone else. She then asks Ash to dress up as Mister Mime so that the audience won't notice the switch. Meanwhile, Jessie, James and Meowth go to see Giovanni. He is angry at them for losing at Viridian Stadium. Team Rocket decides to kidnap Mister Mime from the show, but kidnaps Ash. Ash runs away from them, stealing their balloon. Team Rocket brings a tank to the circus to steal the Pokémon from the circus, but the wild Mister Mime that Ash saw and Stella's Mister Mime defeat them. As a result, Stella's Mister Mime decides to work in the circus again, and the wild Mister Mime remains with Ash's mother.

Snow Way Out

The heroes pass through the snow-capped mountains, but lose their way. A snowstorm begins, Brock and Misty want to find shelter. Suddenly, Pikachu falls off a cliff. After saving him, Ash falls down behind him and is separated from Misty and Brock. The storm intensifies, with the help of Charmander, Ash creates a cave, and then, calling Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Pidgeotto, fills the passage with snowballs. Charmander tries to warm everyone with his fire, but after a while he weakens. To keep the Pokémon from freezing, Ash forces the Pokémon back into their Pokeballs against their will. Pikachu doesn't want to go to the pokeball, Ash tries to force him, but he doesn't succeed. Suddenly, Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Pidgeotto emerge from their Pokeballs and, along with Pikachu, all cuddle up to Ash. Ash is touched by his Pokémon's dedication and begins to cry. The next day, Ash and his Pokémon leave the cave, find Misty and Brock, and continue on their way.

The Evolution Solution

Misty and Brock go to a resort on the Seafoam Islands with Ash's mom, while Ash stays at home to prepare for the Pokémon League tournament. When Ash enters Professor Oak's laboratory, he asks him to go to the Seafoam Islands, since Professor Westwood lives there. Only he, according to Oak, can help him in researching the principle of evolution of Slowpoke into Slowbro - if Slowpoke is bitten by the tail by Shellder, then he turns into Slowbro. Meanwhile, on the beach of Seafoam Island, Jesse catches Shellder. As Ash, Misty, and Brock watch Slowpoke with Professor Westwood, Jessie and James fly in on hang gliders and want to turn Slowpoke into Slowbro using Jessie's Shellder. With the help of Psyduck and Slowpoke, who turned into Slowbro, the heroes defeat Team Rocket and understand why Slowpoke is teaming up with Shellder: Shellder on Slowbro's tail gives him the ability to walk on his hind legs, and Slowbro, in turn, feeds Shellder with leftover food - a kind of symbiosis .

Episode 69: Pi-Kahuna The Pi-Kahuna

Ash continues training for competitions on the seashore and learns that surfers come here to conquer the giant wave of Houmangadanga, which comes here once every twenty years. Ash wants to go surfing, but almost drowns. He is rescued by a surfer named Victor with his Pikachu named Pucca. When Ash comes to his senses at Victor's house, Victor tells his friends that twice in his life he wanted to conquer Houmangadanga, like the legendary surfer Jean, but he didn't succeed. He also mentions that his Pucca can sense someone approaching big waves. Suddenly, Team Rocket kidnaps Pikachu and Pucca and puts them on their submarine. Underwater, the submarine is attacked by wild Gayardos, thereby destroying it and freeing the two Pikachu. When Humangadanga approaches, Victor, along with Pucca, conquers it and becomes famous.

Episode 70: A Place for Glum Make Room for Gloom

Ash's mom wants to force Ash, Misty and Brock to work in the garden, but Ash, wanting to get rid of work, runs away with Misty and Brock. They come to the Xanadu nursery, where they grow plants, and meet its owner, Florinda, and her assistant, Potter. Florinda has Gloom, which she wants to turn into Vileplume, she even bought a Leaf Stone, but it didn't work. Professor Oak, who came to the nursery, says that the stone is a fake, it turns out that Florinda was deceived by Team Rocket by selling her a fake stone. Meanwhile, Team Rocket breaks into the nursery and steals the plants. Using a mixture of plants, they paralyze their friends, leaving only Florinda and Glum. Gloom overpowers Team Rocket with his Solar Beam attack.

Episode 71: Lights, camera, motor! Lights, Camera, Quack-tion!

Ash, Misty and Brock meet a trainer named Catherine, who offers Ash a battle. Ash's Pikachu fights Katrin's Raichu, but then the battle is suddenly interrupted by director Cleavon Spielbank, who has been filming the battle all this time. Kleavon Spielbank tells his friends about a film he plans to make about two Pokemon who fall in love, the plot of the film follows the plot of Romeo and Juliet. Wigglytuff is chosen for the role of one Pokemon, and screen tests are underway for the role of another Pokemon, where friends and Team R send their Pokemon. As a result, Psyduck Misty is chosen. Team Rocket is unhappy that Weezing, Arbok and Meowth were not chosen, and attempts to disrupt the filming and kidnap the Pokémon actors. Team R almost succeeds, but Psyduck saves the situation using his telekinesis.

Episode 72: Go West, Young Meowth! Go West Young Meowth

Friends, along with Ash's mother, go to Hollywood for the premiere of a film shot by Shpilbank, Team R also goes there. Meowth walks alone around the city, remembering episodes from his past. In his youth, he lived in this city, here he joined a gang of Meowths and stole food from stores with them. One day, Meowth met a female Meowth named Meowsy, with whom he fell in love. She rejected him, and in order to impress her, Meowth learned to walk on his hind legs and talk. However, Meowsi rejected him again, considering him crazy. Then Meowth joined Team Rocket to get rich and become powerful, but he didn't succeed. Suddenly Meowth meets his gang; as it turns out, Meowsy also joined it, and was kicked out by the owner. Meowth wants to take her, but Persian, the leader of the pack, fights Meowth for Meowsy. Persian loses, but Meowsy doesn't want to go with Meowth: she wants to stay with Persian. Meowth is very sad about this.

Episode 73: Rock Pokemon Tamer To Master the Onix-pected

The heroes decide to find Bruno, one of the Kanto Elite Four, to help them with their training. They find out that Bruno is training in the mountains and head there. It also becomes known that giant Onyxes live in the mountains. While Bruno pretends to train Ash, Team Rocket wants to capture the giant Onyx, infuriating him. Bruno tells his friends that he has no secrets and they leave. Ash, Misty and Brock want to save them and summon Squirtle, Staryu and Onyx, but the giant Onyx easily defeats them. Then Bruno intervenes: he finds out that Onyx is furious because Sandslash got into his wound, tormenting him from the inside. Giant Onyx agrees to become Bruno's Pokemon. Ash bids him farewell in hopes of battling him in the Pokémon League.

Episode 74: The Ancient Mystery of PokémonopolisThe Ancient Puzzle of Pokemopolis

During training, Ash, Misty and Brock accidentally find a strange artifact, which a girl archaeologist named Eve takes from them. Eve says she and a team of architects are looking for artifacts related to Pokémonopolis, an ancient lost city. Team Rocket, wanting to steal the artifacts, accidentally summons a giant Gengar. Gengar goes towards the Pallet to destroy it, and his friends unsuccessfully try to stop him. By chance, friends, with the help of another artifact, summon a giant Alakazam, who fights Gengar, destroying everything around. Then Jigglypuff appears and starts singing to pacify the Pokemon, but it doesn’t work. Jigglypuff's singing accidentally summons a giant Jigglypuff, who subdues Gengar and Alakazam with his singing and makes them disappear. As it turns out, those artifacts were ancient Pokeballs.

Episode 75: Bad for the Bones! Bad to the Bone

The friends leave Pallet and go to the Indigo Plateau for the championship. On the way, a trainer in a samurai costume named Otoshi challenges Ash to a fight and provokes him to put all his badges on the line. Ash wins and Otoshi says his badges were stolen. It turns out that this is the work of Team R. The friends decide to help Otoshi and find James and Meowth, but find out that Jessie took the badges. Marowak Otoshi leaves as he believes that all the hardships he went through to get the badges were for nothing. James and Meowth find Jessie and agree to steal more badges. The heroes catch up with Team Rocket and Otoshi challenges them to a fight. With the help of the returned Marowak, Otoshi wins back his badges.

Episode 76: Everything is on fire! All Fired Up!

Ash arrives at the Indigo Plateau and sees a motorcade, in front of which an athlete with a torch is running. Ash learns that this is a fire lit by the legendary Pokémon Moltres, which, like the Olympic Flame, burns on a large torch in the main stadium throughout the competition, thus keeping the spirit of the participating trainers alive. Ash asks permission to carry the torch to the stadium, the president of the Pokemon League allows him. When Ash carries the torch to the stadium, a giant torch is lit. Then a giant mechanical monster appears, controlled by Team R. Team R wants to steal the fire of Moltres, but Ash, risking his life, tries to protect the fire and, as he himself says, the honor of the Pokémon League. Suddenly, Moltres himself appears from the flames, defeats the monster, and then sits on the torch and turns back into fire. The President of the Pokémon League declares the competition open.

Episode 77: First round - let's start! Round One – Begin!

Ash learns that he will have to play the first four rounds on four fields: stone, grass, water and ice. You can only use three Pokemon in a match. The computer determines that Ash will start at the water stadium, and his opponent will be Mandy, a narcissistic coach. Since the stadium is water, Ash decides to use his Krabby, since he is a water-type Pokémon, but Misty and Brock want to dissuade him, since Krabby does not have the slightest experience in battles. However, Ash brings Krabby to the competition. Krabby defeats Mandy's Exeggutor, evolves into Kingler, defeats his Sidra and Golbat. Ash thus passes the first round of the competition.

Episode 78: Fire and Ice Fire and Ice

Ash advances to the second round of the stone field competition, where his Squirtle defeats Nidorino, and therefore Ash advances to the third round. His Pokémon are exhausted, but in the evening the Pokémon Centers are crowded, however, Ash finds a Pokémon Center with no lines. He gives his Pokémon there, but in reality the Pokémon Center turns out to be a disguised Team R balloon, and only thanks to Brock and his Onyx are they able to save Ash's Pokémon. Ash manages to give the Pokémon to the nearest Center, and the next day he participates in the third round at the ice stadium. Ash fights a trainer named Pete. Ash's Kingler defeats Pete's Cloyster, but Pete summons Arcanine, who defeats Kingler with his Dragon's Fury attack. Then Ash uses Pikachu and orders him to use a quick attack, but Arcanine melts all the ice on the field with a Fire Volley. With only water left in the arena, Pikachu uses Thunderbolt. Since water conducts electricity, the damage dealt to Arcanine is multiplied, and Ash wins in the third round.

Episode 79: The Twist of the Fourth Round The Fourth Round Rumble

Ash, Misty and Brock witness Gary's defeat in the fourth round. After Gary leaves the stadium, Ash considers giving up due to the tournament's difficulty level, but Brock convinces Ash to give up. On a grassy field, Ash begins a fight with a trainer named Jeanette. Ash uses Bulbasaur, which defeats Beedrill and Jeanette's Scyther. Jeanette then chooses Bellsprout, who turns out to be unusually strong and knocks out Bulbasaur. Ash then uses Pikachu, but Pikachu fails to defeat Bellsprout. Then, to Misty and Brock's surprise, Ash uses Mack: Ash knows that Poison-type Mack has an advantage over Grass-type Bellsprout. Bellsprout doesn't stand a chance against Mack, and Ash advances to the quarterfinals.

Episode 80: A True Friend A Friend in Deed

Ash and his friends, his mother and Professor Oak decide to go to a restaurant to have lunch and celebrate Ash's victory. Leaving the restaurant, Ash meets a boy named Richie, who, as it turns out, is also a Pokemon trainer and also a participant in the tournament. Some people are collecting Pokemon from trainers, Ash and Richie are also renting them out. Then it becomes clear that this is Team R. Jessie, James and Meowth leave in the truck, and Ash and Richie try to find them. Night falls, Ash and Richie decide to stop for the night in the forest, without noticing it themselves, they become best friends. The next morning, they find Team Rocket and try to steal a bag of Pokeballs from the truck, but Jessie, James, and Meowth wake up and lock them in the cargo area. Ash and Richie find their Pokémon in the bag and use them to defeat Team Rocket, take the Pokeballs, and get out of the truck. As Ash begins to recognize his opponent for the next round, it is revealed that Richie will be his next opponent - both Ash and Richie are shocked by this.

Episode 81: Friend and Rival Friend and Foe Alike

As Ash prepares for the match, he is lured outside of the city by Team Rocket to kidnap his Pikachu. When Ash learns that he has been tricked, he tries to escape, sometimes fighting off Team Rocket. The situation is complicated by the fact that Ash may be late for the match and may be disqualified. Ash is already starting to be late, but Richie asks the judge to wait another ten minutes. Ash still manages to get to the stadium in the stolen Team Rocket balloon with the help of Pidgeotto, almost being late. The battle begins. At first, Ash uses Squirtle, and Richie uses Butterfree, nicknamed Happy. Butterfree puts Squirtle to sleep with Sleepy Pollen, then Ash uses Pikachu, knocking out Butterfree with one Thunderbolt. Richie uses Charmander named Zippo, Pikachu, being exhausted to the limit, loses. Ash thinks about what Pokemon to use, since Bulbasaur can't be used against a Fire Pokemon, and decides to take a chance by summoning Charizard. Charizard easily defeats Charmander, and Richie, seeing the situation worsening, summons his Pikachu Sparky. Charizard suddenly stops obeying and goes to sleep right on the field. Thus, Ash loses three Pokémon and is eliminated from the championship. Overcoming himself, Ash congratulates his friend on his victory with a smile on his face.

Episode 82: Friendship for Life Friends to the End

After losing the match, Ash suffers from depression and blames himself for the loss. Misty wants to cheer him up, but Ash only snaps. Professor Oak tells Ash that he is to blame for the loss because he trained Charizard incorrectly. Richie has a match, which Ash and his friends come to. Richie loses, Sparky is defeated by his rival's Ivysaur. After the match, Richie tells Ash that he will learn from his mistakes, and Ash realizes how wrong he was. Ash and Richie then promise each other to become Pokémon Masters no matter what. Team Rocket Once again tries to kidnap Pikachu, and at the same time Sparky, but Ash and Richie prevent them from doing this. Friends go to the closing ceremony of the tournament, and after a while they sit in an empty stadium. In the end, Ash and Richie agree that although they both didn't win the tournament, they had a lot of fun. Ash eventually says goodbye to Richie, reminding him of their promise, and begins to remember all of his matches in the tournament. He is suddenly called out by Misty, Brock, his mom, and Professor Oak. Ash says it's time to return to Pallet, and this ends his adventures in the Indigo League.

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In anime

In the anime, Ash is a very energetic and outgoing person. He is firm in battle with rivals, soft and affectionate with friends and Pokémon. Ready to fight anyone who challenges him. He is easily angered, but knows how to pull himself together when necessary. He is distinguished by his caring nature; he does not consider it shameful to inquire about the health of his opponent’s Pokemon after a battle. Ash is not the smartest or most outstanding trainer, however, he learns from his mistakes. He does not like to give up and tries to find a way out of even the most difficult situations. Sometimes he makes truly brilliant decisions, but still often loses. There is an opinion among many fans that Misty is not indifferent to Ash: the song of the American version of “Misty's Song” says this directly, in addition, there are many facts, according to fans, hinting at this. However, one of the creators of the anime Masamitsu Hidaka said that Ash and Misty's relationship is closer to a brother-sister relationship than a romantic one. In addition, many fans are wondering who Ash's father is. Masamitsu Hidaka replied that Ash's father is a Pokémon trainer and will appear in the series if the writers will decide to develop Ash's character.

At the beginning of the series, Ash, who is ten years old, gains the right to train Pokémon. Since he overslept and the starting Pokemon were sorted out before him, Professor Oak gives him Pikachu as his first Pokemon. Ash and Pikachu didn't get along at first, but later became best friends. Ash traveled through the Kanto region with his friends Misty and Brock. He is followed on his heels by members of Team Rocket (Jesse, James and Meowth), who throughout the series intend to kidnap Pikachu, but fail over and over again. Ash received new Pokemon mainly not by catching them, but by becoming friends with them, he had little understanding of Pokemon battles, and many of the badges that he received, he did not receive in a fair fight, but for some other reason. However, he became a strong enough coach and entered the list of 16 best trainers championship of the Indigo League (and his rival Gary Oak, always several steps ahead of Ash, was only included in the list of 32). After losing the championship at Indigo Plateau, Ash goes to the Orange Islands to retrieve the GS Ball for Professor Oak, a mysterious Poke Ball for Professor Oak. Having learned that the Orange Islands have their own Pokémon League, Ash decides to participate in it and becomes the champion of the Orange League.

Emboldened, Ash travels with Misty and Brock to the Johto region. He wins all eight Johto Badges and competes in the Silver Conference, where he reaches the quarterfinals. At the championship, he defeats Gary and thereby knocks down his arrogance, after which they become friends. Ash then travels to the Hoenn region, accompanied by Brock, aspiring trainer May, and her younger brother Max. Ash collects all eight Hoenn badges, competes in the regional championship and is defeated, once again making it to the quarterfinals. Accompanied by his friends, he goes to the Land of Battles in Kanto, obtains all seven symbols, defeating the seven Heads of the Land. He is offered to become the Head of the Edge, but Ash refuses and goes to the Sinnoh region, traveling there with Brock and Dawn, the Pokemon coordinator. He competes in the Sinnoh Championship and advances to the semi-finals.

After participating in the Sinnoh Championship, Ash travels to the Unova region. This time, Ash is accompanied by Iris and Cilan, the leaders of the stadiums in Unova.

In games

Red, what does he look like in Red And Blue

Although Ash himself does not appear in the main series games, he is based on the main character of the first games in the series Pokémon Red And Blue- Rede. Red, like Ash, travels through the Kanto region, collecting badges, competing with Professor Oak's grandson Blue, confronting Team Rocket and striving to become the Pokémon League champion. IN Pokémon Yellow, addition Red And Blue Red's starting Pokemon is Pikachu, in addition, like Ash in the anime, he receives all three Kanto starting Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle, and he is also opposed by Jessie and James. Red is the main character of the remakes Red And Blue Pokémon FireRed And LeafGreen and appears as the final boss in the sequels Pokémon Gold, Silver And Crystal and in their remakes Pokémon HeartGold And SoulSilver, as well as in Pokémon Stadium 2 in the Silver Mountain location. Red has Pikachu there, as well as Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise, the evolved forms of Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle, respectively. Red appears as one of the heroes in Nintendo's crossover fighting game Super Smash Bros. Brawl under the name "Pokémon Trainer".

The only game where Ash appears by himself is Pokémon Puzzle League for the Nintendo 64 game console. IN Puzzle League Ash is the main character.

In the manga

Ash appears in the manga The Electric Tale of Pikachu, based on the first two seasons of the anime series, as well as another manga Ash & Pikachu, also based on the anime. In the manga, Ash mostly travels alone, with Misty and Brock joining him only occasionally. Manga author The Electric Tale of Pikachu Toshihiro Ono said that Ash is one of his favorite characters to draw and added that he "would like to go on a journey just like him! And forget about work, rent, etc.” . A character named Satoshi is the main character of the manga. Pokémon Zensho.

Ash's prototype, Red, appears in the manga Pokémon Adventures, where he is one of the main characters. IN Pokémon Pocket Monsters The main character is Isamu Akai, nicknamed "Red".

History of creation

The character was based on Red, the main character of the games Pokémon Red And Blue. Red was designed by Ken Sugimori, a character designer for the main series games. In the Japanese original, he was named Satoshi, after Satoshi Tajiri, the creator of Pokémon. For the anime, his image was slightly changed by artist Sayuri Ichishi. In the American version, Satoshi was renamed Ash, in addition, he was given the surname "Ketchum" - a derivative of the slogan of the media franchise "Gotta" Catch'Em All!” (English) Catch them all!) .

Tajiri noted in an interview that in Japan they buy more things with Pikachu, and in the USA - things with Ash and Pikachu at the same time. The creator of "Pokemon" concluded that in America his idea is better understood, since humans are no less important than Pokemon. Ash, like Red, has a rival - the grandson of Professor Oak Gary Oak (Blue in the games), who Japanese version The anime's name is Shigeru, after Shigeru Miyamoto, whom Tajiri considers his teacher. Tajiri emphasized the difference between the relationships of Red and Blue and Ash and Gary: while the first two are real rivals, then Gary is more like Ash's older friend. When asked if Ash will ever surpass Gary, Tajiri replied, “No! Never!" . Ash's age does not change throughout the series: he is always 10 years old. The anime's creators explain that otherwise the series would have been aimed at a more mature audience.

Voice acting

In the Japanese version of the anime, Ash is voiced by voice actor Rika Matsumoto. As she herself said, it is easy for her to voice the main boy characters, since she had a very lively personality as a child, and that is why she enjoys voicing Satoshi. In the American dub by 4Kids Entertainment, Ash is voiced by Veronica Taylor, after the eighth season, in the dub of The Pokémon Company by Sarah Natochenny. After the dialogues are translated from Japanese, they are changed to suit the length. dubbing took place in complete isolation, so Taylor spent six to eight hours in the scoring room. Her voice was often recorded first, so she had to imagine the lines spoken before her words. “Luckily, I worked with a good director who helped me understand the meaning of the dialogue and maintain intonation.” Taylor said she enjoyed voicing Ash because of his "husky and deep voice" and "energy and joie de vivre." In addition, Taylor noted that Ash and his friends "got into a frenzy" after the first ten episodes of the anime: she felt that the writers' work became less stressful, which is why she enjoyed voicing Ash more in the later episodes.

Reviews and popularity

Book The Japanification of Children's Popular Culture called Ash an example collective image all players: like the players, he is new to the gaming world and is just discovering it for himself. In addition, the book notes that throughout the anime series, Ash becomes more and more experienced and his character develops. UGO.com ranked Ash as the fifteenth most memorable hat wearer, noting that "love him or hate him, everyone knows Ash Ketchum for his red and white cap." The 2011 Guinness Book of Records - Gamer's Edition placed Ash in 37th place on the list of readers' favorite computer game characters, although Ash himself almost never appeared in games. IGN criticized Ash for not growing up or changing throughout the series, and it is still unknown who his father is.


  1. Water Pokémon Master Interview with Masamitsu Hidaka at Anime Expo (July 3, 2008). Archived from the original on May 20, 2012. Retrieved April 3, 2012.
  2. The name "Ash" in the American version of the games and "Satoshi" in the Japanese version are the default name options for Red.
  3. Animerica Interview Toshihiro Ono. VIZ Media. Archived from the original on May 10, 2000. Retrieved August 5, 2009.
  4. Pokeani Data. Archived from the original on March 21, 2008. Retrieved March 20, 2008.
  5. Tobin, Joseph Jay ISBN 0-822-33287-6
  6. Tobin Joseph Jay Pikachu's Global Adventure: The Rise and Fall of Pokémon. - Duke University Press, 2004. - P. 16. - ISBN 0-8223-3287-6
  7. (November 22, 1999) "The Ultimate Game Freak." Time Asia 154 (20). Retrieved September 25, 2009.
  8. (November 22, 1999) "The Ultimate Game Freak." Time Asia 154 (20). Retrieved September 25, 2009.
  9. Chan, Chi-Che Interview: Rica Matsumoto. Anime News Network (September 1, 2006). Retrieved June 13, 2012.
  10. (August 2000) “Veronica Taylor interview” (Viz Media) 8 (6). Retrieved December 10, 2009.
  11. West Mark I. The Japanification of Children's Popular Culture. - Rowman & Littlefield, 2008. - P. 63. - ISBN 0-8108-5121-0
  12. West Mark I. The Japanification of Children's Popular Culture. - Rowman & Littlefield, 2008. - P. 78. - ISBN 0-8108-5121-0
  13. Marissa Meli The Coolest Helmets and Headgear in Video Games - UGO.com. UGO.com (March 4, 2011). Archived from the original on June 30, 2012. Retrieved March 21, 2011.
  14. Wii News: Mario is the best videogame character of all time. Official Nintendo Magazine (February 16, 2011). Archived
  15. Lucas M. Thomas The Pokemon TV Retrospective – DS Feature at IGN. Ds.ign.com (July 7, 2010). Archived from the original on June 30, 2012. Retrieved April 28, 2011.


  • Ash Ketchum on Bulbapedia, the Pokémon wiki.
  • Ash Ketchum (English) on the website Internet Movie Database