Archeology maps. A virtual map of archaeological excavations has been created for the first time in Russia (video)


Pentyukhov, Andrey Vladimirovich

Academic degree:

Candidate sociological sciences

Place of thesis defense:

Nizhny Novgorod

HAC specialty code:


Sociology of management

Number of pages:

Chapter 1. Historical and theoretical aspects of the problem of forming the category of citizens involved in vagrancy.

1.1. Historical and sociological aspect of vagrancy.

1.2. Vagrancy: causes and consequences.

1.3. Social and legal prerequisites for homelessness and vagrancy in Russia.

Chapter 2. Social situation of homeless people engaged in vagrancy in Moscow.

2.1. Socio-demographic portrait of people involved in vagrancy in Moscow.

2.2. System social institutions capitals in overcoming vagrancy.

Chapter 3. Ways to solve the problem of vagrancy at the regional level.

3.1. Socio-psychological technologies for preventing and regulating vagrancy in the regions.

3.2. Regulatory and legal aspects of vagrancy regulation at the federal and regional levels.

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) On the topic "vagrancy as a social phenomenon: Genesis, technologies of prevention and regulation"

Relevance of the problem.

The current socio-economic situation in Russia is characterized by instability, uncertainty of long-term economic programs, and inconsistency in their implementation. In a situation of the emergence of market relations, political instability, and a deepening economic crisis, the population is in a state of uncertainty about the future. The economic situation in the country is not in favor of the general population, most of whom are below the poverty line. Society is especially concerned about citizens whose situation is characterized not just by poverty, but by lack of housing, work and personal degradation.

Vagrancy appears as a social phenomenon, in the occurrence of which both subjective and objective reasons are concentrated.

The relevance of vagrancy as a social problem is mediated through its carriers - citizens engaged in vagrancy, the number of whom cannot be precisely named, but the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs claims that it reaches 4 million people in Russia1.

Finding themselves on the margins of life, tramps experience moral and material deprivation and physical suffering. Rejected by society and living in extreme living conditions, tramps need social help and support. Being forced to stay in unsanitary conditions, tramps themselves can serve as a source of infectious diseases. Without a means of subsistence due to lack of a place to work, tramps can take the path of crime, further aggravating their social situation.

Vagrants deprived of housing, like all other citizens, have the right to a decent life: to work, get an education, create

1 Gazette. 10/15/2002. No. 187 (750) family, have access to culture and therefore must be returned to society as its full members.

Russia is now going through a period of acute social crisis, and an intensive process of reforming society is underway. The emergence of new elements and structures is accompanied by the destruction of old ones. Social institutions are changing - that is, everything that, in stable conditions, “cements” the life of society. In Russia there are almost no segments of the population whose situation would be stable, and there are no common ideals and values. In this situation, social control comes in the form of coercion and is implemented in special crisis management1. In conditions of social crisis, the most acute social problems, among which is the problem of vagrancy.

These circumstances indicate the relevance of the problem of vagrancy and pose the task of identifying citizens involved in vagrancy, finding out the reasons for the formation of this category of the population, studying their social status, predicting their fate and developing ways to solve the problem of vagrancy itself.

Authorities, management structures and social institutions must create decent living conditions for vagabonds (homeless citizens) and provide them with the opportunity to work.

The degree of development of the problem.

Vagrancy as a social phenomenon arises in society in the presence of certain social conditions. To understand it, one should turn to the theoretical studies of P.A. Sorokin about social mobility, E. Durkheim and R. K. Merton on anomie 2, as well as

1 Guryeva JI. From the crisis of power to crisis management // World economy And international relationships. 1993, no. 7. - P.40

2 Sorokin P.A. Man, Civilization. Society. Transl. from English - M.: Politizdat. 1992. - P.373-392; Durkheim E. Suicide. Sociological study. Transl. from fr. -SPb., 1995. - P.494; Merton R.K. Social structure and anomie // Sociological research, 1993, no. 3. - P.72-76 sociological research by M. Weber, T. Parsons, E. Fromm on the structure of society, the relationship between the individual and society, the forms of connection between the individual’s psyche and social structure society1.

The problem of vagrancy, in particular, and homelessness in general, as one of the most pressing, occupies sociologists not only at the present time and not only in Russia. Vagrancy as a social phenomenon does not exist in its “pure form” and is the main consequence of homelessness. It is associated, among other things, with such social phenomena as begging (begging) and poverty. From these positions, vagrancy was considered by Russian sociologists in pre-revolutionary Russia and in the first years of the existence of Soviet power (E. Maksimov, I. Meshchaninov, A. Gertsenzon).

The category of tramps was formed in Tsarist Russia due to the ruin of peasant farms, from former exiles, escaped convicts. Most of them, fearing persecution and punishment, joined the army of vagabonds (L. Semiluzhinsky)3.

Vagrancy as an independent social phenomenon is not necessarily a consequence of homelessness. It is known that people who have a home or family also become vagabonds. In this case, vagrancy is based on other motives and drives, in particular, the desire to change places, the desire to understand the world around us.

1 Weber M. On some categories of understanding sociology. - M.: Progress, 1910. -P.810; Parsons T. The concept of society: components and their relationships // American sociological thought. - M., 1996. - P.344-402; Fromm E. Anatomy of human destructiveness. Transl. from English - M.: Republic, 1994. - P.448

2 Maksimov E. The origin of beggary and measures to combat it. Anthology of social work in 5 volumes. T.2 Phenomenology of social pathology - M.: Svarog - NVF SPT, 1995. - P.43-52; Meshchaninov I. About beggary in Russia and ways to combat this phenomenon. Anthology of social work in 5 volumes. T.2. Phenomenology of social pathology. - M.: Svarog - NVF SPT, 1995. p.52-68; Gertsenzon A. Beggary and the fight against it in the transition period. Anthology of social work in 5 volumes. T.2 - M.: Svarog - NVF SPT, 1995. - P.68-90

3 Semiluzhinsky JI. The wandering population of Siberia. Anthology of social work in 5 volumes. T.2. Phenomenology of social pathology - M.: Svarog - NVF SPT, 1995. - P.19-34

Vagrancy of this kind is a way of life and is connected with the problem of homelessness only in the essence of a person living outside the home.

Homelessness in terms of lack of own housing was studied from the point of view of origin, finding out the reasons for the appearance of homeless people, and the reasons for their existence. Having appeared in America in the 80s of the 20th century, the term “skid row”, which comes from the name of a peculiar area of ​​​​cheap hotels and hangouts in New York, later began to mean not so much a person’s place of residence, but his social status (S.A .Perales)1.

The problem of homelessness, which affected single men, young people and even families due to unemployment in America, became especially acute in connection with the program of deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill in the early 1980s (H. Goldman et al, R. H. Gamb). As a result of many years of stay in psychiatric hospitals, patients lost contact with society and found themselves without specific place residence.

The problem of homelessness and vagrancy is accompanied by another social problem - the problem of poverty. The first may precede the second, and at the same time, poverty is not necessarily related to homelessness and vagrancy in a cause-and-effect relationship, but as a social problem it definitely characterizes citizens involved in vagrancy. It is precisely as a social cause of vagrancy that poverty is reflected in a number of works by foreign and domestic authors (R. Lampman, I. Tobin, N.D. Vavilina, V.I. Zhukov,

1 Perales S.A. Homeless in New York City State: Albany: New York State Department of Social Services, 1984

Goldman H. et al. Deinstitutialization: the data Demythologized. Hospital and Community Psychiatry. 1984. 34(2) p. 129-134; Gamb R.H. The homeless Mentally ill wash. D.S. American Psychiatric Association, 1984

N. M. Rimashevskaya, N. E. Tikhonova, E. S. Romanovskaya, G. A. Chervyakova, F. Zavyalov, E. Spiridonova)1.

Vagrancy as independent phenomenon received coverage in domestic and foreign sociological literature. Sociologists are interested in a conceptual apparatus that reveals the general and the different in terms of “ person of no fixed abode" and "homeless" (P.D. Pavlenok, V.V. Kurushin, E. Bassuk). The problem of vagrancy and homelessness in the structure of modern Russian society(T.F. Zolotareva, L.P. Timoshenko, N.V. Gudkov, Z.A. Solovyova)3. The issue of classifying tramps as a marginal group of society is considered (Yu.G. Volkov, I.V. Mostovaya, M. Sokolowska et al., N.F. Dementieva et al., A.V. Ermilova)4. No special studies have been carried out within the framework of the sociology of vagrancy management.

1 Lampman R. What Do It Do for the Poor? A New Test for national Policy - Public interest. 4 1974, no. 3. p.66-82; Tobin I. Raising the Incomes of the Poor: In K. Gordon (Ed). Agenda for the nation. 1969. p.77-116. Garden City N.J. Doubleday; Vavilova N.D. Poverty in Russia as a social phenomenon and social problem. - Novosibirsk, 2000; Zhukov V.I. Social policy: paradigms and priorities. - M., 2000; Rimashevskaya N.M. Population and globalization. - M., 2002; Tikhonova N.E. The phenomenon of urban poverty in modern Russia. - M., 2003; Romanovskaya E.S. Integrated system of social protection of the population in the region (based on materials from the city of Magadan) Abstract. diss. Ph.D. sociol. Sci. - M., 2004. - P.27; Chervyakova G.A. Poverty // Russian encyclopedia of social work in 2 volumes, Vol.1. - M.: IRS, 1997. - P.39-43; Zavyalov F., Spiridonova E. Level and lifestyle of homeless people // Sociological research. 1996, no. 2. - P.25-32

Pavlenok P.D. Homelessness // Russian encyclopedia of modern work in 2 volumes, Vol. 1 - M.: ISR. 1997. - P.44-47; Kurushin V.V. System of social adaptation of persons without a fixed place of residence in a metropolis: sociological aspect. Author's abstract. diss. Ph.D. Sociol Sciences. M., 2004. - P.26; Bassuk E. The Homelessness Problem w - Scientific American, 1984,251, No. 1, p.40-45.

3 Zolotareva T.F. The problem of homelessness: ways and methods of solving it // Theory and practice of social work: problems, forecasts, technologies. - M.: RGSU, 1992. -P.137-143; Timoshenko L.P. et al. Homelessness and vagrancy: historical experience and modern practice of problem solving // Social services. 2003, no. 2. - P.46-49; Gudkov N.V. Homeless people in the Ivanovo region: socio-demographic portrait // Social work for older people: professionalism, partnership, responsibility. Mater. All-Russian Congress social workers. -Saratov, 2005. - P.85-89; Solovyova Z.A. Rehabilitation of the homeless: a study of the “night shelter” // Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 2001, t.IV, No. 3. - P.37-42.

4 Volkov Yu.G., Mostovaya I.V., Sociology (edited by V.I. Dobrenkov). - M.: Gardariki, 1996. - P.432; Sokolowska et al. Socrologra katestwa: rehabilitacyi. Wroclaw, 1975; Dementieva N.F. et al. Persons without a fixed place of residence

In the conditions of modern Russian society, during the period of formation and strengthening of market relations, a prerequisite is created for the formation of a special category of citizens who, due to emergency circumstances, are in an extreme situation. Vagrancy as a social phenomenon requires not only an understanding of its genesis. It is necessary to find ways to, if not eliminate, then at least weaken the intensity of its expansion in society. This circumstance justifies the expediency of carrying out sociological research on the model of a special, densely populated region, such as Moscow, with the need to study the role of management structures in influencing vagrancy, its prevention and regulation, with the transfer of research results to the federal level.

Purpose of the study: the genesis of vagrancy and the development of technology for preventing and regulating vagrancy as a social phenomenon.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Conduct an analysis of the historical genesis of vagrancy as a social phenomenon.

2. Explore the reasons that led to vagrancy and the social status of people involved in vagrancy, determine the typology.

3. Identify the sociocultural and socio-psychological consequences of vagrancy in modern conditions.

4. To study the socio-demographic portrait of people involved in vagrancy in the city of Moscow, with the aim of being a marginal group // Mater. Intl. Scientific and practical conference " Small group: socio-cultural and socio-psychological aspects” March 18-19, 2004 -N.Novgorod: NISOTS, 2004. - P.88-90; Ermilova A.V. Persons without a fixed place of residence as a marginal group of modern Russian society. Author's abstract. diss. Ph.D. sociol. Sci. - N.Novgorod, 2003. - P.24. subsequent development of management technologies to influence this social phenomenon.

5. Conduct an analysis of the system of social institutions and organizations that regulate the processes of vagrancy.

6. Develop social technologies for preventing and regulating the processes that cause and accompany vagrancy.

7. Identify approaches to creating a regulatory framework for solving regulatory problems of vagrancy at the regional and federal levels.

The object of the study is vagrancy as a social phenomenon.

The subject of the research is social technologies for preventing and regulating vagrancy at the regional and federal levels.

The research problem arises from the formation and expansion of the category of citizens engaged in vagrancy, the formation of the phenomenon of vagrancy as an independent social education and the lack of a regulatory framework to overcome negative consequences this phenomenon. The severity of the problem, which entails not only the degradation of a large layer of Russian society, but also the need to prevent their threat to society, requires solving the problem with the participation of management structures.

Hypothesis. Vagrancy as a social phenomenon in the conditions of the crisis socio-economic situation of modern Russian society tends to develop and expand, acquires the features of an uncontrollable social process and therefore needs to be streamlined and corrected by management structures.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study.

The research methodology is based on a conceptual approach to vagrancy as a social process closely related to the socio-economic situation in the country. Vagrancy and accompanying poverty, begging, crime and other negative phenomena constitute a single conglomerate in its interdependence. Identifying the factors that precede vagrancy and constitute its consequences becomes important for analyzing the genesis of this social phenomenon and developing management ways to mitigate it in modern conditions.

The theoretical basis of the research is the fundamental works of T. Parsons, R. Merton, E. Fromm, E. Durkheim on the structure and reorganization of society, on the interaction of the individual and society, on anomie as a social process. Theoretical studies of foreign and domestic sociologists in the field of social relations, level and quality of life are methodological basis for a conceptual approach to vagrancy as a social phenomenon and to develop proposals to reduce its intensity.

The empirical basis of the study is presented:

Data from a questionnaire survey of homeless people in government institutions social assistance in Moscow for homeless citizens (2 social adaptation centers, 3 night houses, 3 social hotels, sample size 820 people with a total population of 1800 people, 2004);

Data from the author's sample interviews of homeless people in public charitable centers and shelters (Center of the charitable organization "Caritas", Shelter for the Homeless of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, 2000-2001);

Data from the unified information system for recording homeless citizens located in state social assistance institutions in the city of Moscow (general population 2164 people, 2005);

Secondary analysis sociological data on the problem of homelessness1;

Data from a questionnaire survey of citizens who were involved in vagrancy and applied to the medical center of the International Humanitarian Organization " Doctors Without Borders"(general population 28,230 people, 1995-2003);

State statistics data on the number of citizens engaged in vagrancy;

Regulatory and legal documents of the federal and regional (Moscow) level;

Data on the number and nomenclature of bodies and institutions involved in organizing and providing social and other assistance to citizens engaged in vagrancy in the city of Moscow;

Data from the Moscow Central Bureau of Forensic Medicine on citizens who died from general hypothermia (sample size 535 people with a total population of 2673 people, 2003-2005).

The following sociological methods of collecting and analyzing information were used in the work:

Historical method;

Method of logical analysis of the processes of formation of the category of citizens involved in vagrancy;

Structural-functional analysis to study the social status of citizens involved in vagrancy from the perspective of a systems approach;

Comparative analysis method;

1 Kurushin V.V. The system of social adaptation of persons without a fixed place of residence in a metropolis: a sociological aspect. Author's abstract. diss. Ph.D. sociol. Sci. M., 2004. - 26 p. Moskvina N.R. Beggary in modern Russia: sociological analysis using the example of the city of Tyumen. Author's abstract. diss. Ph.D. sociol. Sci. Tyumen, 2002. - 24 p.

Questionnaire method and method of standardized interviews of homeless citizens;

Direct observation method;

A method for analyzing documents, archival data and scientific publications.

Scientific novelty of the research:

A conceptual analysis of vagrancy as a social phenomenon was carried out;

The sociocultural and socio-psychological consequences of vagrancy have been identified;

A typology of vagrancy has been determined based on a study of its genesis;

A socio-demographic portrait of citizens engaged in vagrancy in the city of Moscow is presented;

Based on the typology and socio-demographic portrait of citizens involved in vagrancy, management technologies for preventing and regulating vagrancy have been developed;

An analysis of the attitudes of the management structures of the federal social protection system in regulating the processes of vagrancy was carried out;

Proposals for the legal regulation of vagrancy in Russia have been formed.

The theoretical significance of the research results lies in the development of a conceptual management approach to the prevention and regulation of social processes that accompany vagrancy, and the development of practical technologies for working with groups of people involved in vagrancy. The results of the dissertation research may be of interest to specialists in the field of sociology of management social processes, social work, psychology and psychiatry.

Practical significance of the work.

The factors that shape the category of citizens involved in vagrancy, identified during the study, can be used to analyze the structure of vagrancy and determine tactics for helping homeless citizens.

Proposals for legal and regulatory support for the problem of vagrancy can be used in other regions.

The dissertation materials may be useful in educational process in the training of sociologists, psychologists, rehabilitation specialists, and social work specialists.

Provisions for defense:

1. Vagrancy as a social phenomenon is formed within the framework of the existing social system and is aggravated in crisis situations (conditions for the formation of market relations in Russia), which help to identify the most acute aspects of the problem.

2. Taking into account the typology of vagrancy and the generalized social portrait of a homeless person engaged in vagrancy in Moscow (male 50 years old, with secondary education, working profession, subject to alcoholism, criminal record, living without a home for more than 5 years), it is possible to develop social technologies aimed at resocialization vagrancy and regulation of processes preceding and accompanying vagrancy.

3. Vagrancy, which has subjective and objective factors in its genesis, in turn, gives rise to other negative social phenomena (poverty, begging, crime), which complicate the problem as a whole and require its comprehensive solution at the management level.

5. Successful approaches to solving the problem of vagrancy are possible taking into account socio-psychological factors that make it possible to identify the potential abilities, value orientations of vagrants, their social attitudes, and life prospects.

6. The problem of vagrancy and homelessness as a global social problem in modern Russia requires the development and implementation of a regulatory framework that provides homeless citizens with the opportunity to live a decent life in society and guarantees their right to work as a source of livelihood.

Approbation of work.

The provisions of the dissertation were presented during 1995-2005 in speeches:

At scientific and practical conferences (“ Legal issues forced migrants in Russia" - Moscow, 1999; "About interaction public organizations on working with people with disabilities in solving socially significant projects in Moscow" - Moscow, 2002; " Social and spiritual rehabilitation of former convicts and homeless people" - Moscow, 2003; “Sorokin Readings - 2004. Russian society and the challenges of globalization” - Moscow, 2004; “Research on homeless and socially excluded residents of Russia” - Moscow, 2004; "" - N. Novgorod, 2005);

At international seminars and conferences Moscow-Berlin 2004, Moscow-Paris 2004-2005;

At meetings of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Moscow Government on the prevention of vagrancy;

At meetings of the Operational Group under the Interdepartmental Commission of the Moscow Government on the prevention of vagrancy;

At meetings of the Board of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow;

At meetings of the working group of representatives of federal ministries on the development of federal legislation on vagrancy;

At press conferences held by the press service of the Moscow City Hall;

In socio-political programs of Russian television channels ORT, RTR, TVC, NTV, TV-6, REN-TV, TV-Stolitsa and television in Canada and Japan;

In radio programs of all-Russian radio channels (Radio Russia, Mayak, etc.) and foreign radio stations (Netherlands, Hungary, etc.);

In periodicals of the media.

The provisions of the dissertation are reflected:

IN comprehensive programs The Moscow Government has taken measures to prevent vagrancy and begging in the city of Moscow;

In developing regulations on social assistance institutions for homeless citizens;

In the development of the Procedure for interaction between internal affairs bodies, social protection of the population, healthcare and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the city of Moscow to provide assistance to homeless citizens;

In developing the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for providing assistance to nonresident homeless citizens in purchasing railway tickets;

In preparing the draft Federal Law " On the basics of the system for preventing and regulating vagrancy"(in agreement with the Moscow City Duma will be submitted to the State Duma

Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation as a legislative initiative of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

The dissertation was discussed at a department meeting general sociology and social work faculty social sciences Nizhny Novgorod state university them. N.I. Lobachevsky.

The dissertation materials are covered in eight printed and three electronic publications total volume 4.5 p.l.:

1. Pentyukhov A.V. On the procedure for placing forced migrants in permanent institutions of the Committee for Social Protection of the Moscow Population. On organizing work with persons without a fixed place of residence // Materials of the VI seminar " Migration and Law» - « Legal problems of social protection of forced migrants in Russia"Part 1. / Human Rights Center "Memorial" - M.: Valent, 2000. - 248 p.

2. Pentyukhov A.V. Homeless people: what can society do? // Radio Russia. Information and analytical program " Open studio", broadcast on March 25, 2004. audio version: news.html?rid=342&date=30-04-2005&id=65760

3. Pentyukhov A.V. About assistance to victims of apartment fraud // Apartment Row. No. 19 (382) 05/14/2002 print.php?article=265

4. Pentyukhov A.V. Social aspects of internal migration of persons without a fixed place of residence (on the example of Moscow) // Materials of the X and XI Moscow-Berlin international seminar“Migration processes. Past present Future." M., 2005.-P.218

5. Pentyukhov A.V. Solving the problems of homelessness in a metropolitan area. // Person and law. 2004. No. 7. - P.49-54

6. Pentyukhov A.V. Social and legal situation of homeless youth // Abstracts of reports of the 1st All-Russian scientific conference"Sorokin Readings - 2004: Russian Society and the Challenges of Globalization." - M.: Alfa-M, 2005. -T.4

7. Pentyukhov A.V. Problems of medical and social examination and rehabilitation of homeless people with disabilities in Moscow // Current issues of medical and social examination and rehabilitation of disabled people. Materials of the republican scientific and practical seminar" with international participation - Tashkent. Uzbekistan. 2004. - P.51-52

8. Pentyukhov A.V. State legislative policy in the formation of homelessness // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference " Organization in the focus of sociological research", N. Novgorod, 2005. T. 1 - P.311-313

9. Pentyukhov A.V. State organizations and interdepartmental interaction in solving problems of vagrancy (using the example of Moscow) // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Organization in. focus of sociological research", N. Novgorod, 2005. T.2 - pp. 139-146

Yu. Dementyeva N.F., Pentyukhov A.V. Social and psychological aspects of homelessness // Psychology of maturity and aging, 2005, No. 1 (29). - P.80-86

11.Pentyukhov A.V., Krasnov G.V. Social rehabilitation of homeless people // Radio Mayak. Information and analytical program “Panorama”, broadcast on June 24, 2005. electronic version: http://www.

Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic "Sociology of Management", Pentyukhov, Andrey Vladimirovich


Discussion of the problem of vagrancy from the perspective sociological approach is understandable taking into account both objective socio-economic conditions and the personal and psychological characteristics of citizens who find themselves in the category of homeless vagabonds.

The relevance of sociological research lies in the need to identify citizens engaged in vagrancy, to establish the causes of vagrancy and other negative social phenomena associated with it, and the need to develop management approaches to prevent vagrancy and mitigate its negative consequences for society.

Separate sociological problems of vagrancy (adaptation, resocialization, poverty, etc.) were reflected in the studies of domestic and foreign scientists. At the same time, the management approach was not adequately covered in them.

Methodological basis for the formation sociological approach The problem of vagrancy was influenced by the studies of E. Durkheim and R. K. Merton on anomie, and the ideas of domestic sociologists about marginal, deviant behavior.

The conducted research is based on data from studying the history of the emergence of the problem of vagrancy in Russia and abroad. The connection between the appearance of homeless vagrants and socio-economic conditions as objective circumstances of the development of vagrancy has been traced.

The study of the causes of vagrancy showed that, although the factors are common, there are their peculiarities in Russia and abroad. This is due both to the legislative framework and to specific social circumstances. It has been established that for 10 years in Russia, the first place among the causes of homelessness and vagrancy is having a criminal record and serving long sentences.

The study revealed complex relationships between vagrancy and other negative social phenomena: homelessness, poverty, begging, and crime. The socio-legal prerequisites for homelessness and vagrancy in Russia are shown, which are represented by imperfection legislative framework Soviet period of the country's history, non-compliance with constitutional rights and lack of legal literacy of the population, which allows us to talk about the need to develop new legal documents and educate the legal literacy of the population.

When considering the social status of homeless citizens engaged in vagrancy in Moscow, they are assessed as representatives of a marginal group. They are characterized by such features as social maladaptation, personality degradation, deformation of social needs, a unique disposition system, and deviant behavior.

When “creating” a socio-demographic portrait of homeless people, data from our own empirical research was used - a survey of 820 people in inpatient social assistance institutions in Moscow in 2004; statistics from the International Humanitarian Organization " Doctors Without Borders"(28,230 people over 9 years of observation); data from the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate on citizens detained annually for vagrancy and begging (about 60 thousand people). Data from sanitary inspection stations of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center in Moscow were also analyzed. However, these data do not reflect true number homeless tramps, since due to continuous migration in the city and region they could be counted more than once or not counted at all.

It was found that among all those detained for vagrancy in Moscow, the predominant category were persons arriving from other regions of Russia, the number of which increased from 38.7% in 1997 to 46.4% in 2002.

An analysis of the educational level of homeless tramps made it possible to establish the predominance of people with secondary education. At the same time, persons with higher education were identified, whose share in 1999 reached 9.3%. This circumstance requires a special targeted study of the reasons for their homelessness and vagrancy.

A comparative study of the social status of homeless citizens revealed a significant predominance of workers (88.2% in 2003); in 2000, the number of employees also increased to 16.3%. This circumstance requires a restructuring of resocialization approaches with an emphasis on finding appropriate jobs for homeless citizens from the employee category, possibly with professional retraining.

Despite the universal literacy of the population, which has been characteristic of Russia for many years, people without education began to appear among the homeless, which reflects the extremely poor situation of this category of citizens and the lack of educational opportunities. It can be assumed that in subsequent years the number of illiterate people will increase, that is, the next generation will be produced by the homeless themselves. All this threatens the country’s gene pool, the social well-being of society and requires the intervention of management structures.

The accumulation of elderly homeless citizens in the population by 2003, the bulk of whom were formed by the mid-90s, explains the aging of this category of people.

The source of livelihood for vagabonds and homeless citizens is predominantly temporary work (63.9%), followed by beggary (11.8%). The survey does not allow us to obtain data on crimes as a source of livelihood, however, this source cannot be excluded, since according to the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate, from 2.5 to 3% of vagrants who were wanted for crimes committed and offenses.

The main socio-demographic characteristics of homeless tramps are: the following features: predominance of men, predominantly middle-aged with secondary education, working profession, who have lost their apartments for the most part due to a criminal record, living without a home for more than 5 years, without means of subsistence.

The life activity of homeless citizens, their inferior social functioning, the need to protect their rights and interests - all this poses the task of developing forms and methods for improving the situation of this category of citizens on the basis of management decisions.

The current practice of providing social assistance to homeless people is quite complex, manifested in its interdepartmental implementation, on the one hand, and in a two-level approach (emergency and inpatient care), on the other. The lack of proper effectiveness in providing social assistance to homeless citizens is explained by insufficient legislative and regulatory support for the problem of homelessness and vagrancy.

The actual system of social institutions for providing assistance to the homeless needs reorganization.

The essence of the reorganization is that the system of social assistance to homeless people should be more diverse, on the one hand, that is, include both outpatient and inpatient types, and on the other hand, the vertical of social assistance should change by supplementing existing institutions with others that have a comprehensive nature with the complication of their functions, with their greater socio-legal orientation, interaction and continuity in the activities of all institutions.

The socio-psychological factors that make up the main characteristics of vagrancy have been studied. These include: the reasons for the loss of housing, their needs for various types of services, sources of livelihood in the status of homeless people, self-assessment of their own situation and the attitude of others towards homeless people, their life prospects.

These factors can be used in the development of programs for the resocialization of tramps and homeless citizens. The technology of influencing this category of citizens is of a multi-stage managerial nature, manifesting itself at the stages of: preventing the occurrence of homelessness and vagrancy, studying the essence of the motivational-need sphere of homeless vagabonds, satisfying their needs for various fields life activity.

In the process of resocialization of homeless tramps, the main place belongs to their activation, full social reorientation towards independent employment, restoration social connections, creating a family.

From the outside power structures Clear management decisions regarding providing this category of citizens with living conditions, job creation, and reliable employment become important.

The main direction of the management approach to the problem of vagrancy is the development of a legislative act that will clearly define social status homeless people in society, formulate directions for their resocialization and ways of returning to society as equal citizens.

A legislative document that requires designating ways to use the personal, socio-psychological and labor potential of homeless citizens should not only have a positive impact on their fate, but also radically change the negative attitude of society towards this category of citizens.

General suggestions for resolving the problem of vagrancy:

Creation of an information bank on homeless citizens;

Monitoring the migration of homeless citizens;

Carrying out a taxonomy of categories of homeless citizens based on criteria such as previous place of residence, age, health status, disability;

Strengthening the differentiation of the functions of social assistance institutions, taking into account the attitudes of homeless citizens and their reintegration forecast;

Development of principles for the continuity of activities of social assistance institutions based on the possibilities of the reintegration route for homeless citizens;

Orientation of social assistance institutions with adaptive functions to strengthening the activating influence, involving homeless citizens in work activities, overcoming their dependent attitudes;

A thorough study of the socio-psychological factors underlying vagrancy, with the aim of developing differentiated programs for the resocialization and reintegration of homeless citizens;

Providing homeless citizens with real opportunities for reintegration into society (social housing, stable employment, socially useful employment);

Strengthening the management aspect in resolving the problem of vagrancy through the development of a legislative document regulating the social situation and the prospects for the reintegration of homeless citizens into society.

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Scientists from the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences have developed and launched a geographic information system " Archaeological sites Russia" is the first electronic archaeological map of a national scale in our country, which contains data on more than 15 thousand objects. ...Scientists have developed a standard for describing an archaeological site (it includes the name of the object, type, chronological attribution, belonging to a river/sea basin, microrelief features, geographical coordinates and information about the study).

The Institute of Archeology of Russia became the developer of a special map, which indicates the locations of 15 thousand excavations. ...All of these cultural heritage monuments are located on Russian territory. In Russia, an electronic map of archaeological monuments has been created, which has collected information about 15 thousand heritage sites. The press service of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences reported on a unique database of historical objects.

The archives of the institute contain information about 133 thousand objects that archaeologists have explored since 1945. Specialists from the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences have created a unique electronic file cabinet containing information about 15 thousand archaeological objects in Russia. ...Gradually, scientists will replenish the map with new discoveries, since the archives of the institute contain information about 133 thousand objects that archaeologists have explored since 1945. A database of archaeological excavations has been created in Russia. An electronic file cabinet can provide information on 15 thousand archaeological sites countries. ...According to the director of the Institute of Archeology, Nikolai Makarov, the new map is unique opportunity study Russia from the point of view of history and its fossil monuments.

Scientists from the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences have created an information system that includes data on more than 15 thousand objects in Russia. Russian scientists have created the country's first geographic information system, “Archaeological Monuments of Russia.” The press service of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences announced the development of the first electronic archaeological map, which included data on more than 15 thousand objects in Russia. “Today, information about monuments studied from 2009 to 2012 has been loaded into the database that forms the basis of the archaeological map - this is information about 15 thousand 367 objects of archaeological heritage,” the message says.

The map, according to the archaeologists' idea, shows the country from all sides, including areas that have yet to be explored. ...Previously IA " People's news“reported that archaeologists had found a cemetery city in Egypt more than seven thousand years old. Archaeologists from the Russian Academy of Sciences have created an electronic map of archaeological sites in Russia. ...Director of the Institute of Architecture of the Russian Academy of Sciences Makarov said that the map showed Russia from all sides, including white spots on it that still need to be explored.

According to the press service of the Information Agency of the Russian Academy of Sciences, work on a national electronic map began in 2014. ...Project manager Nikolai Makarov noted that work on the electronic map has just begun; the institute’s archives contain information about another 133 thousand archaeological monuments that scientists have studied since 1945. Scientists from the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences have developed the first electronic archaeological map of a national scale in our country, which contains data on more than 15 thousand objects. As MK was told at the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in Russia, a group of scientists under the leadership of the director of the institute, Nikolai Makarov, worked on the map for two years.
The country's first electronic map of a national scale, the country's first electronic archaeological map of a national scale! Map of the island of the Mother of God Dormition Monastery - a map of Sviyazhsk, which became the country's first electronic map on a national scale. Archeology is going through a period of organization: the basis for drawing up a general archaeological map of Russia. Although it must be admitted that it has not yet been sufficiently developed - home science scientists, Russian Federation like an archaeological excavation site. Pokrovskaya developed and maintains the department’s website - that as of today, information about the excavations has been loaded into the map.
A standard for describing archaeological sites has been developed, and about 1,200 archaeological sites have been plotted on the map of the province. The first scientific repository of archaeological collections in Russia, archaeological monuments are scattered unevenly across Russia.

Scientists from the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences have developed and launched the geoinformation system “Archaeological Monuments of Russia” - the first electronic archaeological map of a national scale in our country, which contains data on more than 15 thousand objects.

Attempts to create nationwide registers of archaeological sites have been made in European countries since the beginning of the 19th century; today they exist in Austria, Hungary, Poland, France, Scandinavian countries, while in some other countries, for example, Germany and the UK, there are no centralized databases, the information is dispersed across regional registries.

In Russia, starting from the late 1980s, the publication “Archaeological Map of Russia” has been published. A total of 29 issues of the map were published, they provided information about monuments in the European part of the country. However, the data presented in them was fragmentary, and there was often no precise geographical reference.

Since 2014, a group led by Nikolai Makarov, director of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, began to create the basis for a nationwide electronic archaeological map. Scientists have developed a standard for describing an archaeological site (it includes the name of the object, type, chronological attribution, belonging to a river/sea basin, microrelief features, geographic coordinates and information about the study). With the support of the Russian Science Foundation, a software shell was developed for the map - an automated information processing system.

Today, information about monuments studied from 2009 to 2012 has been loaded into the database that forms the basis of the archaeological map - this is information about 15,367 objects of archaeological heritage, as well as about 11,230 “empty” pits where no cultural strata were found.

« This map itself is a unique tool that for the first time allowed us to see Russia as a single field of archaeological work, allowed us to see the white spots on it"- says Nikolai Makarov.

In particular, it turned out that archaeological sites in Russia are distributed very unevenly. The higher density of monuments in the south and their significantly higher concentration in the European part of Russia compared to Siberia are not a surprise to archaeologists. However, the maps show the sharp contrasts that characterize almost all chronological sections and the situation of different historical eras. Almost 73% of Russian archaeological sites affected by the 2009-2012 surveys (11,176 objects) are located west of the Urals.

« This picture reflects not only modern research activity, but also to a greater extent– general patterns in the distribution of the population and development of the territory that have existed since ancient times", noted Nikolai Makarov.

He emphasized that this is only the beginning of the work; the institute’s archives contain information about 133 thousand monuments examined since 1945. " We decided that the core of the map would be the most recent information, and it is representative enough to allow us to compile general idea about archaeological geography. Of course, we will continue to add data and after some time it will become much more complete"- noted the scientist.

In Russia, archaeologists have most studied the European part and the southern regions. Everything beyond the Urals is practically a white spot.

Tiles with a camel. XVII century / turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries (?). From the new finds of archaeologists of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in New Jerusalem: season 2016. Work in the Resurrection Monastery on the river. Istres associated with its restoration.

What is the general degree of knowledge of the archaeological heritage of Russia? Less than one percent. This is largely due to the fact that the history of archeology in our country goes back about 150 years, while in other countries it is 300-400 years. In Denmark, for example, it is believed that almost everything has been studied during this time. We have a huge territory and a tiny number of archaeological scientists, so the white spots are colossal. Judge for yourself: this year 1,500 open sheets have been issued throughout Russia, while the Federal State of Brandenburg in Germany alone issues 1,000 licenses for archaeological research annually! [Dmitry Korobov, Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences // From material in the newspaper of the scientific community "Poisk", 02/05/2016]

The Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in a press release dated November 29, 2016, announced the creation of the first electronic map of archaeological monuments in Russia:

The first electronic map of archaeological monuments in Russia has been created

Today, information about monuments studied from 2009 to 2012 has been loaded into the database that forms the basis of the archaeological map - this is information about 15,367 objects of archaeological heritage, as well as about 11,230 “empty” pits where no cultural strata were found.


Tiles with a unicorn. XVII century / turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries (?). From the new finds of archaeologists of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in New Jerusalem: season 2016. Resurrection Monastery on the river. Istra.

“This map itself is a unique tool that for the first time allowed us to see Russia as a unified field of archaeological work, allowed us to see the white spots on it,” says Nikolai Makarov.


Tiles with a wolf. XVII century / turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries (?). From the new finds of archaeologists of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in New Jerusalem: season 2016. Resurrection Monastery on the river. Istra.

In particular, it turned out that archaeological sites in Russia are distributed very unevenly. The higher density of monuments in the south and their significantly higher concentration in the European part of Russia compared to Siberia are not a surprise to archaeologists. However, the maps show the sharp contrasts that characterize almost all chronological sections and the situation of different historical eras. Almost 73% of Russian archaeological sites affected by the 2009-2012 surveys (11,176 objects) are located west of the Urals.


Tiles with an antelope. XVII century / turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries (?). From the new finds of archaeologists of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in New Jerusalem: season 2016. Resurrection Monastery on the river. Istra.

“This picture reflects not only modern research activity, but to a greater extent the general patterns in the distribution of the population and the development of the territory that have existed since ancient times,” noted Nikolai Makarov.

He emphasized that this is only the beginning of the work; the institute’s archives contain information about 133 thousand monuments examined since 1945. “We decided that the core of the map would be the most recent information, and it is quite representative, allowing us to get a general idea of ​​archaeological geography. Of course, we will continue to add data and after some time it will become much more complete,” the scientist noted.


Applied printing of the late 17th century. From the new finds of archaeologists of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in New Jerusalem: season 2016. Resurrection Monastery on the river. Istra.

- Who will have access to this system?

For us, this is a “sore” issue – after all, monuments may turn out to be very vulnerable if this information becomes publicly available. The policy for its provision should be carefully considered. [Alexey Voroshilov]

There is very serious problem looting at archaeological sites. Any information we publish is immediately scrutinized by robbers armed with metal detectors. [Dmitry Korobov]

It is necessary to ensure that, on the one hand, the accessibility stipulated by the terms of the grant is observed, and on the other, the information does not fall into the hands of looters. I think it will be necessary to dose it so that someone can look at the location of monuments without clear coordinates or simply get fresh data on them, but specialists would have the most complete information. [Olga Zelentsova]

- “Black diggers”, as a rule, are interested in ancient coins, weapons, and other valuable relics. Why don’t you confiscate these treasures yourself if you know where they are?

It is important to clarify here that treasure is not archaeology. Archeology is about context. In some ways, our science is similar to criminology. That is, we study antiquities, and it is important for us to know what, how and where was discovered. If you simply pull something out of the ground and place it in a museum, valuable archaeological information will be lost. Therefore, it is important that some reserved places remain at archaeological heritage sites for future excavations, when scientists have opportunities that are not comparable to ours.

Take the same genetic analysis, which is now being actively implemented in archeology - today we know that we need to work in disposable gloves so as not to introduce our own into ancient samples genetic information. It turns out that all the excavations that were made up to a certain point did not meet this condition. [Dmitry Korobov]

[Alexey Voroshilov – employee of the information and publishing group, candidate of historical sciences; employees of the Department for the Preservation of Archaeological Heritage of the Institute of Archeology: Dmitry Korobov, Doctor of Historical Sciences; Olga Zelentsova, Candidate of Historical Sciences // From material in the newspaper of the scientific community "

Archaeological map of Moscow

Archaeological sites and finds indicated on maps by numbers:

I. Stone Age

1. Skull cover of a Neanderthaloid man (bank of the Skhodnya River)

Neolithic sites, 2nd millennium BC. e.
2. Alyoshkinskaya (near the village of Alyoshkino)
3. Krutitskaya (district of Krutitsky lanes)
4. Serebryanoborskaya (Serebryany Bor)
5. Trinity-Lykovskaya (near the village of Troitse-Lykovo)
6. Shchukinskaya (near the village of Shchukino)
7. Dyakovskaya (Kolomenskoye)

Selected finds from the Neolithic era
8. Ceramics (at the Pokrovsky Gate)
9. Flint chisel, flake (Zaryadye)
10. Nucleus (near the Crimean shaft)
11. Flint tools (near the Dyakov settlement)

II. Bronze Age
(Fatyanovo culture, 2nd millennium BC)

Findings of stone tools
17. Krylatskoye
18. Chertanovo
19. Sofia embankment
20. Butyrsky farm
21. Zelyev Lane (Sokolniki)
22. Perovo
23. Nagatino
24. Khimki-Khovrino
25. Vorobyovy Gory
26. Rusakovskaya street
27. Sivtsev Vrazhek Lane
28. Dorogomilovo
29. Andronevskaya Square
30. Kosino

III. Early Iron Age settlements
(Dyakovskaya culture VII V. BC e. - VI-VII centuries n. e.)

VIII. Monuments of production and trade of the XI-XVII centuries.

IX. Separate buildings of the XV-XVII centuries.

183. Estate of a 15th century townsman. (mouth of the Yauza River)
184. House of the late 15th century. (foundation of "Teremka", Nikolskaya street)
185. Church of the Annunciation in Old Vagankovo, XVI century. (Starovagankovsky Lane)
186. Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Stary Vagankovo, 16th century. (Starovagankovsky Lane)
187. Oprichnina Palace of Ivan the Terrible, 16th century. (Mokhovaya street)
188. House of the 16th century. (Maly Kislovsky Lane)
189. House of the 16th century. (Krestovozdvizhensky Lane)
190. House of the Troekurov boyars, XVI-XVII centuries. (Georgievsky Lane, 4)
191. Metochion of the Ryazan metropolitans of the 17th century. (Lubyanskaya Square)
192. Houses and estates on the Great Posad (Zaryadye): two estates of the 15th century, the estate of Prince I. Patrikeev of the 15th century, Old English Gostiny Dvor 16th century, boyar estate of the 16th century, clerk's house of the 17th century, house of Prince Suleshov of the 17th century, Church of the Myrrh-Bearers of the 16th century.
193. Cathedral of the Epiphany Monastery of the 15th century.
194. Danilovsky Monastery
195. Vysokopetrovsky Monastery
196. Chambers of Princes Tatev (Ipatievsky Lane)
197. Chambers of clerk Averky Kirillov, XVII-XVIII centuries. (Bersenevskaya embankment, 20)
198. Borovsky farmstead of the 17th century. (Ipatievsky Lane)
199. Chambers of the Shuisky princes of the 17th century. (Podkopaevsky Lane, 5)
200. Church of All Saints on Kulishki XV-XVII centuries. (Slavyanskaya Square)
201. Palace buildings of Vinogradny Island in the 17th century. (Izmailovo)
202. Refectory of the Simonov Monastery of the 17th century. ( East street, 4)
203. Kazan Cathedral of the 17th century. (Red Square)
204. Chambers of the Miloslavsky boyars of the 17th century. (Volkhonka street)
205. Old Sovereign's yard XVII century (Kolomenskoye)
206. Chambers of the Polibin boyars, XVII-XVIII centuries. (Bolshoi Chernyshevsky Lane)
207. Chambers of the Lopukhin boyars of the 17th century. (Maly Znamensky Lane)

X. Municipal buildings of the XIV-XVIII centuries.

208. Structures on Velikiy Posad (Zaryadye): a system of drainage canals and pipes of the 14th-16th centuries, a moat lining of the 15th century, pavements of Velikaya Street of the 15th-17th centuries.
209. Wooden and stone pavements of the 17th century. (Revolution square)
210. Wooden pavements of the XIV-XVII centuries. (Tverskaya street)
211. Wooden pavements of the 16th-17th centuries. (Myasnitskaya street)
212. Wooden pavements of the 17th century. (mouth of the Yauza River)
213. Wooden pavements of the 16th-17th centuries. (Nikolskaya street)
214. Wooden pavements of the XVI-XVII centuries. (Mokhovaya street)
215. Wooden and stone pavements of the 17th-19th centuries. (Loskutny Lane, Manezhnaya Square)
216. Wooden pavements of the XVI-XVII centuries. (Resurrection Gate passage)
217. Wooden pavements of the 16th-17th centuries. (Bogoyavlensky Lane, Ilyinka Street)
218. Wooden pavements of the 17th century. (Bolshaya Yakimanka street)
219. Wooden pavements of the 17th century. (Bolshaya Polyanka street)
220. Wooden pavements of the 16th-17th centuries. (Arbat)
221. Wooden bridge across the river Neglinnaya XVI-XVII centuries. (Theatre square)
222. Stone bridge over the river. Neglinnaya XVIII century. (Kuznetsky Most street)
223. Stone Resurrection Bridge over the river. Neglinnaya XVII-XVIII centuries. (Revolution square)
224. Remains of the drawbridge at the Kutafya Tower, dam and fastening of the river banks. Neglinnaya and ponds XV-XVII centuries. (Alexander Garden)
225. Dam and fastening of the banks of the Red Pond XV-XIX centuries. (Krasnoprudnaya street)
226. Dam-bridge in the moat of Kitai-Gorod, at the Ilyinsky Gate, 16th century. (Ilyinsky Gate Square)
227. Court pharmacy of the 17th century. (Alexander Garden)
228. Wells with finds of jugs from the 16th century. (Mokhovaya street)
229. Well with the discovery of a jug with an inscription from the 17th century. (Barracks Lane)
230. Wells with finds of clay and metal jugs of the 17th century. (Slavyanskaya Square)
231. A well with the discovery of a metal jug of Caucasian work from the 17th century. (Taganskaya Square)
232. Well with finds of jugs and tiles from the 17th century. (Maly Trekhsvyatitelsky Lane)
233. Well with the discovery of a butcher's ax of the 17th century. (Bolshaya Lubyanka street)
234. White stone well of the 18th century. (ensemble “House of Pashkov”)

XI. Ancient cemeteries with stone slabs-tombstones of the 16th-18th centuries.

235. Burials with tombstones of the 17th-19th centuries. (35 tombstones, Georgievsky Lane)
236. Tombstones of the 17th century. (Maly Kislovsky Lane)
237. Tombstones of the 17th century. (Kudrinskaya Square)
238. Tombstones of the 17th century. (Bersenevskaya embankment)
239. Tombstones of the 16th century. (Prechistenskie Gate Square)
240. Tombstones of the 16th-17th centuries. (Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street)
241. Burials with tombstones (Nikitsky Gate Square)
242. Tombstones of the 16th century. (1st Neglinny Lane)
243. Tombstones of the 16th century. (Bolshaya Yakimanka street)
244. Tombstones of the 16th-17th centuries. (Goncharnaya street)
245. Tombstones of the 16th century. (Andronevskaya Square)
246. Tombstones of the 16th-17th centuries. (Malaya Dmitrovka street)
247. Tombstones of the 17th century. (Armenian Lane)
248. Tombstones of the 17th century. (Slavyanskaya Square)
249. Burials with tombstones of the 16th-18th centuries. Epiphany Monastery
250. Burials with tombstones of the 17th-18th centuries. Moiseevsky Monastery (Manezhnaya Square)
251. Tombstones with a Latin inscription from the 16th century. (Taganskaya Square)
252. Tombstones with foreign inscriptions of the 16th-17th centuries. (Serpukhovskaya Square)
253. Tombstone with Greek inscription 1723 (Nikolskaya Street)
254. German cemetery of the 17th-18th centuries. (Vorontsovskaya street)

XII. Treasures and finds of coins of the 2nd century. BC e. - XVII century n. e.

255. Parthian (II century BC) and Roman (III century AD) coins (Izmailovo)
256. Kufic coins (dirhams) of the 9th century. (Prechistenskaya embankment)
257. Kufic coins (dirhams) of the 9th century. (at the Simonov Monastery)
258. Silver bars - rubles and half rubles of the 14th - early 15th centuries. (Varvarka street)
259. Treasure of Russian coins of the XIV-XV centuries. (Derevlevo)
260. Treasure of Russian coins of the 15th century. (Dubrovsky passage)
261. Treasure of Russian coins of the 15th century. (Myasnitskaya street)
262. Treasure of Russian coins of the 15th - early 16th centuries. (near the Novodevichy Convent)
263. Treasure of Russian coins of the 15th - early 16th centuries. (Gravity Square)
264. Treasure of Russian coins of the 15th - early 16th centuries. (former Pechatniki village)
265. Treasure of Russian coins of the 15th - early 16th centuries. (near Chesme Pond, Lyublino)
266. Treasure of Russian coins from the early 16th century. (Solyanka street)
267. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th century. (Ipatievsky Lane)
268. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th century. (Marxist Street)
269. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th century. (Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street)
270. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th century. (Gagarinsky Lane)
271. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th century. (Kuzminki)
272. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th century. (Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street)
273. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th century. (Cherkizovo)
274. Treasure of Russian coins XVI - early XVII centuries (Leninsky Prospekt)
275. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th - early 17th centuries. (Savvinskaya embankment)
276. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th - early 17th centuries. (Solyanka street)
277. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th - early 17th centuries. (2nd Spasobolvanovsky Lane)
278. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th - early 17th centuries. (Vorontsovo Pole street)
279. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th - early 17th centuries. (Pestovsky Lane)
280. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th - early 17th centuries. (Bolshaya Pirogovskaya street)
281-282. Treasures of Russian coins of the 16th - early 17th centuries. (Karacharovo)
283. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th - early 17th centuries. (Serebryanichesky Lane)
284. Treasure of Russian coins of the 16th - early 17th centuries. (Chistye Prudy)
285. Treasure of Spanish coins of the 16th-17th centuries. (Ipatievsky Lane)
286. Treasure of Spanish coins of the 16th-17th centuries. (