Nations and international relations social studies. Abstract on social studies "nations and interethnic relations"

Sai Alexandra

Abstract. It examines the main features of a nation, national identity, relations between nations, history and traditions of the people. A special place is occupied by such questions as interethnic relations, as well as the main reasons for the emergence and ways to overcome interethnic conflicts.



Municipal state educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 14 village Prietoksky"



Prepared by:

9th grade student

Sai Alexandra

year 2014


  1. The nation and its main features
  2. National identity
  3. Relations between nations
  4. Attitude to the history and traditions of the people
  1. Interethnic conflicts: the main causes and ways to overcome them

Used Books


Today, tolerance in society is a necessary component of further successful development. Tolerance, that is, equal recognition of the opportunity of all people to realize themselves in society, regardless of religious, national, or racial differences, is the key to economic and political stability in society. Tolerance gives people the opportunity to realize themselves and cooperate with each other. In a society in which there is high level tolerance, people are protected and feel free, which means they will work to strengthen such a society. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching tolerance among young people.

We present to your attention an essay that will help deepen your knowledge about historically established forms social society people, about the leading trends in the development of nations and interethnic relations in the modern world and in our country, possible ways of interethnic integration and harmonization of interethnic relations. We will consider a number of ideas that make up the value base of the culture of interethnic relations as part of the general moral and legal culture. It is based on the accepted modern civilization the principle of a humanistic approach to ethnic problems, the essence of which is discussed in the abstract.

  1. The nation and its main features

Throughout recorded history, humanity has consisted of different peoples, or, to put it in scientific terms, ethnic groups. Let's compare total number peoples living on Earth today (according to various estimates, from two to three thousand, if we take into account small nations), with the total number of currently existing sovereign states (about two hundred). Almost all modern states multinational. Multinational all capitals of the world, all big cities and even large villages. Teams with a diverse national composition have become the norm these days not only in the most remote corners of the earth, but also in outer space.

A multinational environment is an objectively existing, typical feature and condition of the life of modern man; peoples not only coexist, but also actively interact; the process of interaction has also been carried out throughout almost the entire history of mankind.

From history we know about the interaction of peoples and continents, different states and various civilizations, national groups And individuals. The modern scientific and technological revolution has raised the intensity of interaction to a new level: it has become fully global. Everywhere where people coexist, collaborate, interact, not only business, but also personal, physical contacts. There are so-called mixed marriages the most different nations, a new family will be born in which children combine different ethnic branches into one tree human life. Science says: today there are not only pure-blooded peoples, but also individual people, among whose ancestors there would certainly (or with a greater degree of probability) not be representatives of different ethnic groups.

The leading Russian ethnologist L.N. Gumilyov has repeatedly emphasized that one cannot talk about any “purity of blood,” “exclusivity,” or “chosenness.”

Based on convincing scientific arguments, let us formulate an important position from a moral point of view: any claims to “pure blood”, both from the standpoint of science and from the standpoint of morality, are a racist fantasy or calculated political demagoguery, deception. And the deception is not harmless: it is on this soil that nationalism, chauvinism, and fascism grow, which mean a dead end on the path to the future, and a bloody dead end, as evidenced by both the experience of history and the experience of our days.

A person’s belonging to one or another nation is neither an advantage nor a disadvantage. National identity is not subject to any moral assessment at all, because there is actually nothing to evaluate: it does not contain any human (social) act, action, relationship, accomplishment, etc., which could be considered from the standpoint of good and evil. At the same time, in reality, there are often cases when a person’s dignity is grossly belittled and insulted. Such behavior can only be regarded as immoral, as a vile act. Unworthy decent person, because in fact it humiliates the personal dignity of a person, which, based on civilized, humane principles, should be understood as the right of everyone to respect, regardless of origin, social status, worldview, etc. This is firstly, and secondly, such behavior is illegal. Throughout the civilized world, there are norms of international law that protect the rights and dignity of individuals, regardless of national origin (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Articles 1-2), and they apply in every country (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Articles 19,21).

How should you build your relationships with people of other nationalities, how should you treat them? How to deal with them?

Modern civilized ethics of interethnic relations gives a clear, completely definite answer: these relations should always, in any situation, be built only on the basis of moral and legal norms. This idea can be expressed more specifically: since we have all always lived, and will continue to live, in a multinational environment, each of us is obliged to show special sensitivity and responsibility in relation to people of a different nationality. A responsible person must always foresee the consequences of his actions and know that he will have to answer for them according to the laws of morality and law. And the word “delicacy” in the Russian language has always meant and means politeness, attentiveness, tact, and subtlety in handling.

  1. National identity

If speak about national identity, then the conversation will touch on such complex and sacred concepts as “patriotism” and “national pride”. These concepts are interconnected by the commonality of their constituent aspects. Such aspects include, first of all, the consciousness of belonging to one’s people and the feeling of love for the Fatherland. The very feeling of love is an infinitely complex inner world, including a sense of respect for historical heritage(material and spiritual), a sense of responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland, and pain for it, and at the same time a critical attitude towards shortcomings, the desire to see the Motherland prosperous, free, etc. There is no place for arrogance, pride and conceit, but it certainly includes a sense of respect for the creative experience of other peoples and universal human values.

  1. Relations between nations

In structure human society occupy an important place large groups(communities) that unite people along national lines. A person’s nationality is his belonging to a particular nation or nationality. There are now about 2 thousand nations, nationalities, and tribes on this earth. They are part of l80 states. It is not difficult to realize that there are many more nations and nationalities than states in the world, therefore among these states there are many that are multinational.

From history courses we know that in primitive society people were united by the tribe. After the emergence of classes and states (during the period of slave-owning and feudal societies), nationalities took shape: on the basis of strengthening inter-tribal ties and mixing of tribes, a single language for a given nationality was formed, and a territorial and cultural community emerged.

Capitalism has significantly strengthened economic ties within nationalities, thanks to which nationalities have turned into nations. Nations arose from both related and unrelated tribes and nationalities as a result of their connection, “mixing”, “fusion”. People belonging to the same nation are united by common economic ties, territory, and culture. They speak the same language. They are inherent common features national character.

The history of relations between tribes, nationalities, and nations is complex and dramatic. Often there were strife and bloody conflicts between them. The ruling classes, seeking to increase the territory and wealth they owned, more than once set one people against another. Inciting national hatred, they used the tension to strengthen anti-democratic regimes. And in the modern world, national conflicts continue.

Dream the best people of all times and peoples was the creation of a state of friendship and brotherhood, a society of harmony between nations. A. S. Pushkin thought “about the times to come, when peoples, having forgotten their strife, great family will unite."

  1. Attitude to the history and traditions of the people.

The fate of an individual cannot be separated from the fate of his people. When the German fascists decided to destroy entire nations or a significant part of them - Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, etc.), Jews, Gypsies - their criminal actions ruined the fate of millions of families and brought misfortune to countless people. Therefore, a person cannot be indifferent to the successes or misfortunes of his people. People of any nation have a sense of national pride. But they understand national pride differently. For example, the best representatives of the Russian people have always been proud of the creations of Russian craftsmen, the outstanding achievements of Russian culture, and the exploits of their soldiers on the battlefields. The national pride of the best Russian people included respect for the national feelings of other peoples, recognition that other peoples also have the right to national pride.

This position is opposed by another: “Everything that is ours is good, everything that is alien (that is, characteristic of another nation) is bad.” People who share this position are ready, without hesitation, to justify everything that happened in the history of their people - both good and bad, and to denigrate everything that happened in the history of another people. Such limitations lead to national discord, and therefore to new troubles not only for other peoples, but also for our own.

There were glorious pages in the historical past of different nations. The achievements of the material and spiritual culture of the people evoke admiration not only among people belonging to a given nation, but also among representatives of other nations. But if there are dark pages in history, then they must be perceived accordingly with pain or indignation. Do not hide the “inconvenient” facts of the historical past, but evaluate them as they deserve.

The historical path of each people explains the emergence of national traditions and customs. Many nations have a tradition of hospitality. A tradition has developed of helping other nations in trouble.

But there are other traditions. For example, blood feud.

The younger generation cannot blindly accept any national traditions and customs. It must independently determine what in historical experience is worthy of admiration and what is condemnable.

German fascists attacked in 1941. on the Soviet Union, they counted on the emergence of national clashes in the USSR. They miscalculated. All the peoples of the country courageously defended their common Motherland, fought shoulder to shoulder at the front, and helped each other in the rear. Among 11 thousand Heroes Soviet Union thousands of Russians and Ukrainians, hundreds of Belarusians, Tatars, Jews, dozens of Kazakhs, Georgians, Armenians, Uzbeks, Mordvins, Chuvash, Azerbaijanis, Bashkirs, Ossetians, Mari, Turkmen, Tajiks, Latvians, Kyrgyz, warriors of many other nationalities.

Cooperation and mutual understanding between nations, achieved in any multinational country, is a great achievement of peoples, which must be protected and strengthened in every possible way.

  1. Interethnic relations in modern society

In the second half of the 80s, in some areas of our country there was a deterioration in interethnic relations. Intolerance, friction, and conflicts on an interethnic basis arose in a number of areas. They knocked people out of their normal life rut, and in some cases resulted in numerous casualties. People were injured, including old people, women, and children. Instigators have emerged who would like to use interethnic tensions for criminal purposes. Such actions can lead to general disaster.

The peace and well-being of people and the fate of the country largely depend on the problems of interethnic relations. It is important to understand well the danger of aggravating relations between people different nationalities, a danger to society, to every family, to every person. It is necessary to implement measures to normalize interethnic relations and solve the problems that have accumulated in this area.

Much depends on each person. No one should put up with manifestations of national hatred in any form, with artificial opposition of nations, with the intention of displacing some nations by others. These manifestations are humiliating from the point of view of human dignity.

We must be guided by the fundamental criterion: every person, no matter what nation he belongs to, must feel like an equal citizen in any part of our country and have the opportunity to enjoy all the rights guaranteed by law. The equality of nations and peoples is inextricably linked with the equality of people, regardless of their nationality. This is the highest principle of humanism.

The experience of human civilization shows that national conflicts can be eliminated or mitigated by combining the principles of territorial, national-territorial and personal autonomy. The latter means a guarantee of human rights: the rights of national self-determination, cultural autonomy, freedom of movement, economic and political protection regardless of place of residence. These rights are reflected in the legislation of the Russian Federation. First of all, it states that everyone has the right to freely determine their nationality. No one should be forced to determine and indicate his nationality. National self-determination means that a person himself determines his nationality not by the nationality of his parents, but by self-awareness, by the language in which he always speaks and thinks and which is therefore native to him, by the traditions and customs that he observes, by the culture that closest to him.

Russian laws proclaim that everyone has the right to use their native language, including education and upbringing in on native language. For this purpose, schools teaching in their native language are being created for children from national minorities.

People who consider themselves to be one nation and live among people of other nationalities can unite to preserve and develop their culture, communicate in their native language, create schools, clubs, theaters, and publish books and magazines. International law contains the following rule: in those countries where ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities exist, persons belonging to these minorities shall not be denied the right, in community with other members of the same group, to enjoy their own culture, profess their own religion and practice, and also use your native language.

And one more important norm of international law: any speech aimed at inciting national, racial or religious hatred, constituting incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence, must be prohibited by law. The laws of our country provide for criminal liability for actions aimed at inciting national, racial or religious hatred, humiliation national dignity. Any propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens based on their attitude to religion, nationality or race also entails criminal punishment.

  1. Interethnic conflicts:

main causes and ways to overcome them

What vital causes of interethnic tension are considered relevant?

Today? Nowadays, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, all subjects of the Federation are equal, and the trend towards the growth of self-government is growing. Miscalculations in cultural and language policy are being corrected - an increase in cultural autonomy is planned, etc. we can conclude that the process of reform and democratization public life, building a rule of law state in our country has a positive effect on the nature of interethnic relations. And vice versa: when national policies lack wisdom, when democratic principles are abandoned and human rights are violated, tensions and even conflicts arise.

There are always and everywhere people interested in inciting ethnic hatred. Who are they? Perhaps these are careerist politicians who, on the wave of nationalism, would like to climb to key administrative positions, or incompetent leaders who like to write off their mistakes at the expense of “foreigners” who constantly “plant” something “very bad and harmful for the people”; These are those writers and journalists who seek to gain cheap popularity by inflating chauvinist ideas in their writings. These, of course, are mafia groups hungry for easy money in conditions of instability and weakness of law enforcement agencies; These are, finally, people with a sick psyche, an inferiority complex, who are trying to assert themselves by insulting and persecuting people of other nationalities.

Is it possible to live without ethnic conflicts? Are there any countries where the national issue has been successfully resolved? What are the ways to harmonize interethnic relations?

Analyzing the relatively successful experience of harmonizing interethnic relations in a number of countries of the world (Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, the USA), experts believe that consistent democratization, adherence to the principles of humanism in solving ethnic problems and, as the main condition for the freedom of the entire people, the protection of human rights are manifested in a number of specific conditions, including:

In providing all peoples living in a given country with the broadest possible self-government - autonomy (in all its forms);

In the refusal of national minorities to separatism, i.e. isolation, secession in order to create a new independent state, which violates the sovereignty of the country, poses a threat to its integrity, creates a lot of complex problems (Russia - the problem of Chechnya; Canada - the problem of the French-Canadians; Spain - the problem of the Basques; India - the problem of the Sikhs, Tamils; Ethiopia – the problem of the Eritreans; Indonesia – the problem of the Moluccans, Sumtrans separatists, etc.);

In constant search for consensus;

Finally, in a persistent struggle against the insurmountable vice - everyday nationalism and chauvinism, contrasting it with the consistent implementation of the principle of respect for people of other nationalities. This is the duty of every thinking citizen, just a decent person.

In conclusion, I would like to get acquainted with the opinion of experts. Science says: in an absolute sense - no, but in a relative sense - yes. In other words, building harmonious interethnic relations is not a hopeless task. The scientists' cautious optimism has reason. The world is full of contradictions and conflicts - this is a reality that cannot be embellished. And while there are social and even interpersonal conflicts(and they, apparently, will always exist), in any multinational society there remains the danger of transferring the conflict to the interethnic plane, that is, the possibility of blaming “foreigners” for all the troubles. In addition to wise national policies in general, only one thing can be opposed to this - the personal culture of interethnic and broader - interpersonal relationships which everyone must develop within themselves. Such a culture, said the Russian scientist L.N. Gumilyov, who considered the friendship of peoples priceless gift, is based on a simple formula:respect the national identity of others, be tolerant, responsive and sincerely friendly, in short, show others the attitude that you expect from them.

Used Books

  1. Introduction to social studies: Proc. allowance for 8-9 grades. general education institutions / L.N. Bogolyubov, L.F. Ivanova, A.I. Matveev, etc.; Ed. L.N. Bogolyubova. – 6th ed. – M.: Education, 2001.
  2. All are different - all are equal: Educational Sat. Ideas, means, methods and work in the field of intercultural education of adults and youth / European Youth Center. - Strasbourg.
  3. Constitution of the Russian Federation. 2004.
  4. Melnikova E.V. Culture and traditions of the peoples of the world: [ethnopsychological aspect]/E.V. Melnikova. – M.: Dialogue of Cultures, 2006.
  5. Selishcheva L. Tolerance is the key to the well-being of society / L. Selishcheva // Bibliopol. – 2008. - No. 5.
  6. Eliasberg N.I. Social science. Social practice: Textbook. social studies manual for 6-7 grades. basic general education school – St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 2006.

Behind long history of humanity, various nations formed and changed, mixing with others and introducing their own characteristics into them. These processes are associated with the settlement and movement of large groups of people.


In modern society, the formation of nations has become established, although there is still room for local changes. Nations do not exist in isolation; on the contrary, they are in constant interaction. Let's find out what interethnic relations are and briefly consider their varieties.

Interethnic relations are a type social relations, the participants of which are various nations.

There are two main types of interethnic relations:

  • within one state;
  • between nations of different countries.

The study of the problem of interethnic relations began in America. In this country, the question of the relationship between the white and black population, which, due to the peculiarities of historical development, had to adjust joint activities within one state.

Problems of interethnic relations

The interaction of nations does not always proceed peacefully; sometimes difficulties and contradictions that arise cause aggression and even military clashes.
The reasons for this may be:

  • different levels of development and culture of peoples;
  • the desire to survive and achieve privileges, get rid of discrimination;
  • struggle for economic resources.

We can give examples of countries in which relations between nations were peaceful ( Modern America) and non-peacefully (Conquest of neighboring peoples by the Roman Empire).

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The most acceptable way to establish ties between peoples is the formation of multinational states. They recognize the rights and freedoms of all nations, prohibit discrimination on national grounds, and allow the use of their native language in everyday life and education.

Despite the universal recognition of the right of nations to preserve their traditions, free use of language, Everyday life Conflicts between representatives of different nations happen quite often. They occur because some people are not ready to put up with a foreign culture that seems strange and wrong to them. This attitude towards the traditions of other peoples and confidence in the correctness of only one’s way of life is called ethnocentrism.

Racial and national discrimination does not correspond to the principles operating in the modern world community, therefore any forms of its manifestation raise the need to regulate and take measures to prevent such cases.

National politics

In Russia, as in multinational state, in conditions of constant international integration (establishing relations with other states), the issue of national policy is one of the most important.

The state strives to prevent national hatred by destroying and preventing any differences in the rights of peoples. Thus, the use of the native language is permitted, including in educational institutions, as school subject. Trends in the development of interethnic relations in Russia are associated with the organization of peaceful and constructive dialogue different cultures, their mutual enrichment, mutual acceptance and respect (tolerance).

What have we learned?

Having studied the topic of 11th grade social studies, we found out that interethnic relations are relations between the peoples of one or several states. The issue of nations and interethnic relations is of particular importance in modern society. It is called upon to eliminate any manifestations of discrimination against nations, to open Free access every person for the benefit of society.

Pre-class society is represented by such forms of community of people as clan and tribe.

Genus- a group of blood relatives descended from the same line.

Tribe- association of several genera.

Nationality- a historically established community of people, united by a common territory, language, culture, follows the tribe and precedes the nation.

Nations emerge during the period of development of capitalist relations.

Nation- a historically established community, characterized by developed economic ties, common territory, language, culture, psychological make-up, and self-awareness.

Signs of a nation:

1. unity of territory

2. unity of language

3. commonality historical fate

4. general culture

5. general self-awareness - knowledge of the history of one’s people, careful attitude to the national traditions, sense of nationality dignity

6. stable statehood

7. unity of economic relations

8. developed social structure

Nationality- belonging to a certain nation

National minority- a significant group of people of a certain nationality living on the territory of a certain state, who are its citizens, but do not belong to the indigenous nationality.

Diaspora – the presence of a significant part of the population outside the country.

Ethnos-a set of people who have a common culture and are aware of this commonality as an expression of a common historical destinies. It is a general concept for a tribe, nationality, nation.

Gumilev. Theories of passionarity. The selected biochemical energy erupts streams of energetic lava onto the earth, which leads to the emergence of an ethnos. When passionarity leaves ethnic groups, they die.

Interethnic relations:

1. relations between different states

2. relations between different nationalities within one country

Forms of interethnic relations:

1. peaceful cooperation

Ethnic mixing (inter-ethnic marriages)

Ethnic absorption- assimilation- complete dissolution of one people into another (VPN, development of North America)

2. ethnic conflict

Main directions in the development of interethnic relations:

1. integration- desire for interaction, expansion of connections, perception of the best (EU)

2. differentiation- the nation’s desire for self-development, sovereignty, confrontation between different ethnic groups (protectionism, extremism, separatism, etc.). Separatism- the nation’s desire for separation, isolation.

Interethnic conflict- extreme form of contradiction between rivals national formations created to protect national interests.

Causes of interethnic conflicts:

1. socio-economic - inequality in living standards, access to benefits

2. cultural and linguistic - insufficient use of language and culture in public life

3. ethnodemographic - differences in the level of natural population growth

4. environmental

5. extraterritorial - non-coincidence of borders with the boundaries of settlement of peoples

6. historical - past relationships between peoples

7. confessional

Types of interethnic conflicts:

1. state-legal - dissatisfaction with the legal status of the nation (Chechnya-Russia)

2. ethno-territorial (Nagorno-Karabakh)

3. ethno-demographic - restrictions for newcomers compared to the indigenous nationality (Confederation of Peoples of the Caucasus and Russian authorities)

4. socio-psychological - violation of human rights (rights of Russians in the Baltic states)

Discrimination- belittlement, belittlement, infringement of rights

Nationalism-ideology and politics based on the idea of ​​national superiority and national exclusivity.

Chauvinism- extreme degree of nationalism.

Genocide - deliberate and systematic destruction of a population on racial, national or religious grounds.

Segregation-type of racial discrimination.

Ways to resolve interethnic conflicts:

1. humanistic approach to solving national problems. problems

Voluntary search for consent and non-violence

Recognition of the priority of human rights over the rights of the state, society, peoples

Respect for the sovereignty of peoples

2. negotiations between conflicting parties

3. information path - exchange of information between the parties about possible measures to overcome conflict situations.

4. application of the legal mechanism.

Nations and interethnic relations

Ethnic communities (ethnic groups) - stable groups of people united by economic ties, territory, customs, beliefs, language and

other connecting factors.

Basic forms ethnic communities

For example: on the basis of the unification of eastern tribes, such as the Krivichi and others, the Old Russian people were formed. It was the common root of the Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian nationalities, which subsequently formed into a nation.

A person? Are the words “nation” and “nationality” synonymous? Why do ethnic conflicts arise? How to prevent them?

There are now about 2 thousand nations, nationalities, and tribes on Earth. Among them there are numerous and sparsely populated ones, the latter are called ethnic minorities. All of them are part of almost 200 states. It is not difficult to realize that there are many more nations and nationalities than states in the world, therefore among these states there are many that are multinational.

Data. It is generally accepted that Russian Federation- one of the world's largest multinational states, home to more than a hundred peoples, each of which has unique characteristics of material and spiritual culture. The overwhelming majority of the peoples of the country have developed over the centuries as ethnic communities on the territory of Russia, and in this sense they are indigenous peoples who have played historical role in the formation Russian statehood. Thanks to the unifying role of the Russian people, unique unity and diversity have been preserved on the territory of the country, spiritual community and the union of different peoples.

You have probably heard the word “nationality” more than once. It means a person’s awareness of his belonging to one or another ethnic (from the Greek ethnos - people) community. Actually, the most important feature such a community is precisely the consciousness of its members of a common cultural identity(the word "identical" comes from Latin word, meaning “identical, identical”). In other words, an ethnic group is a community cultural traditions which unites members of a given group and distinguishes it from other groups; they have mutual language, religion, common features of material and spiritual culture, ideas about a common origin and historical destiny, common features of psychological make-up. Scientists in our country usually understand the main types of ethnic communities as a tribe, a nationality, a nation. Many scholars use the word "nation" in a different sense: a nation is all the citizens of a particular country, regardless of their ethnic differences.

Relations between nations. From your history course you know that in primitive society people were united by a tribe. After the emergence of states (during the period of slave and feudal societies), nationalities emerged; Based on the strengthening of intertribal ties and the mixing of tribes, a single language for a given nationality is formed, and a territorial and cultural community arises.

The development of economic ties within and between nations led to their transformation into nations. People belonging to the same nation are united by common economic ties, territory, and culture. They speak the same language. They share common features of national character.

The history of relations between tribes, nationalities, and nations is complex and dramatic. Bloody feuds often erupted between them. And in the modern world, national conflicts continue. In the Middle East, there have been armed clashes between Arabs and Israelis for many years. National conflicts are common in other countries of Asia and Africa. National contradictions are at times intensifying in the USA, Belgium, and Canada. A protracted conflict occurred between the peoples of the former Yugoslavia. Acute conflicts also arose on the territory of the former USSR.

The dream of the best people of all times and peoples was the creation of a state of friendship and brotherhood, a society of harmony between nations, “when peoples, having forgotten their strife, will unite into a great family,” as A. S. Pushkin wrote.

Attitude to the history and traditions of the people. The fate of an individual cannot be separated from the fate of his people. When the German fascists decided to destroy entire nations or a significant part of them - Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, etc.), Jews, Gypsies - their criminal actions ruined the fate of millions of families and brought misfortune to countless people. Therefore, a person cannot be indifferent to the successes or misfortunes of his people. People of any nation have a sense of national pride. But they understand national pride differently. For example, the best representatives of the Russian people have always been proud of the creations of Russian craftsmen, the outstanding achievements of Russian culture, and the exploits of their soldiers on the battlefields. The national pride of the best Russian people included respect for the national feelings of other peoples, recognition that other peoples also have the right to national pride.

This position is opposed by another; “Everything that is our own is good, everything that is alien (characteristic of another nation) is bad. People who share this position are ready, without hesitation, to justify everything that happened in the history of their people, both good and bad, and at the same time denigrate everything that happened in the history of another nation. Such limitations lead to national discord, and therefore to new troubles not only for other peoples, but also for our own.

There were glorious pages in the historical past of different nations. The achievements of the material and spiritual culture of the people evoke admiration not only among people belonging to a given nation, but also among representatives of other nations. But if there are dark pages in history, then they must be perceived accordingly - with pain or indignation - not to hide the “inconvenient” facts of the historical past, but to evaluate them as they deserve.

The historical path of each people explains the emergence of national traditions and customs. Many nations have a tradition of hospitality. A tradition has developed of helping other nations in trouble. Thus, after the terrible earthquake in 1088 in Armenia, representatives of other peoples of our country and foreign countries They donated blood, sent medicines and clothes, helped remove rubble and restore cities and villages. But there are other traditions, such as blood feud. The younger generation cannot blindly accept any national traditions and customs. It must independently determine what in historical experience is worthy of admiration and what is condemnable.

The German fascists, having attacked the Soviet Union in 1941, counted on national disunity in the USSR and the emergence of national clashes. They miscalculated. All the peoples of the country courageously defended their common Motherland, fought shoulder to shoulder at the Front, and helped each other in the rear. Among the 11 thousand heroes of the Soviet Union, thousands of Russians and Ukrainians, hundreds of Belarusians, Tatars, Jews, dozens of Kazakhs, Georgians, Armenians, Uzbeks, Mordvins, Chuvashs, Azerbaijanis, Bashkirs, Ossetians, Maris, Turkmen, Tajiks, Latvians, Kyrgyz, warriors of many others nationalities.

Document. Fragment from the work of Russian scientist V.L. Tishkov:

“Until we begin to affirm, along with the concept of “peoples of Russia,” the concept “ Russian people", nothing good will come of it. It's about It’s not about turning Tatars or Buryats into Russians, and especially into Russians. The task of responsible experts, scientists and educators is to patiently and persistently explain that “Russianness” as an identity and the Russian people as a nation is not the result of internal unification, but a natural overlay of a broader historical, cultural and socio-political identity on the many internal ethnocultural differences that exist among population of the country."

Cooperation and mutual understanding between nations, achieved in any multinational country, is a great achievement of peoples, which must be protected and strengthened in every possible way.

Interethnic relations in modern society. In the second half of the 80s. XX century In some republics of the USSR there was a deterioration in interethnic relations. Intolerance, friction, and conflicts on an interethnic basis arose in a number of areas. Among them are events in Almaty, Sumgaiti, Abkhazia, Fergana, Nagorno-Karabakh, etc. These numerous conflicts knocked people out of their normal lives, and in some cases resulted in numerous casualties. People were injured, including old people, women, and children. Instigators have emerged who would like to use interethnic tensions for criminal purposes. Such actions can lead to general disaster.

What are the causes of these conflicts? One of the main reasons is territorial disputes. History is often cited in these disputes. From the course of history you know that in different periods there was a movement of peoples, conquests, resettlement, during which the territory occupied by one or another people changed repeatedly. If a territorial dispute arises, “beneficial” is often arbitrarily chosen as an argument. historical period: “We once lived in this territory.” Since territorial boundaries were not always clearly defined and changed several times, it is difficult to prove anything, and attempts to solve this problem by force entail unimaginable disasters.

The cause of conflicts is also the inequality of socio-economic conditions in which certain peoples live. Differences in living standards, different representation in highly paid professions, in government bodies - all this can become a source of discontent and give rise to a conflict situation.

Among the causes of conflicts, a special place is occupied by contradictions associated with the use of the language of a people who are a minority. If a state introduces restrictions on the use of this language, bans on teaching children in their native language, and as a result of this, national movements arise in defense of their language and culture, then relations in society become tense.

Any infringement of rights based on nationality, oppression and arbitrariness against a particular people cause public discontent and a desire to restore justice. Sometimes conflicts arise at the everyday level.

Some people believe that there are “bad” and “good” nationalities; they are irritated by people who are different from them in language, religion, and way of life. Prejudices, which are the result of ignorance of the history, traditions, culture of other peoples, and often the result of malicious lies, give rise to offensive statements towards people of other nationalities, and sometimes actions that result in interethnic clashes. Such words and actions are, as a rule, a reflection of low culture, increased aggressiveness of individuals; everyday conflicts arise in markets, among housemates, and in transport. They pose a threat of increasing interethnic hatred.

The peace and well-being of people and the fate of the country largely depend on the solution of problems of interethnic relations. It is important to understand well that aggravation of relations between people of different nationalities is dangerous for society, for every family, for every person. It is necessary to take measures to normalize interethnic relations and solve the problems that have accumulated in this area.

Much depends on each person. No one should put up with manifestations of national hatred in any form, with artificial opposition of nations, with an attitude toward the displacement of some nations by others. These manifestations are humiliating from the point of view of human dignity.

We must be guided by the fundamental criterion: every person, no matter what nation he belongs to, must feel like an equal citizen in any part of our country and have the opportunity to enjoy all the rights guaranteed by law.

The equality of nations and peoples is inextricably linked with the equality of people, regardless of their nationality. This is the highest principle of humanism.

The experience of human civilization shows that national conflicts can be eliminated or mitigated by combining the principles of national-territorial and national-cultural autonomy; guarantees of human rights are of great importance: the rights to national self-determination, cultural autonomy, freedom of movement, economic and political protection regardless of place of residence . These rights are reflected in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

First of all, it states that everyone has the right to freely determine their nationality. No one should be forced to determine and indicate his nationality. National self-determination means that a person himself determines his nationality not by the nationality of his parents, but by self-awareness, but by the language in which he always speaks and thinks and which is therefore native to him according to the traditions and customs that he observes, according to the culture that he closest.

Opinions. Sociologists in 2001-2002 conducted a study of how students in grades 7, 9, 11 relate to people of a different nationality. Among the questions asked was this: “Do you consider it possible for yourself to marry a representative of another nationality?” Opinions were divided. 10.3% answered: “No, because I want my children to be of the same nationality as me.” 7.4% answered: “No, this will inevitably cause conflicts in the family. Meanwhile, 61.4% of respondents occupied opposite position: “For me, nationality and spouse will not matter.” Moreover, it was discovered that among high school students the number of those who do not attach special significance nationality of the future/future spouse, more than among 7th grade students.

What is your attitude to this issue?

The laws of Russia proclaim that everyone has the right to use their native language, including education and upbringing in their native language. For this purpose, schools teaching in their native language are being created for children from national minorities.

People who consider themselves to be one nation and live among people of other nationalities can unite to preserve and develop their culture, communicate in their native language, create schools, clubs, theaters, and publish books and magazines. International law contains the following rule: in those countries where ethnic and linguistic minorities exist, persons belonging to these minorities cannot be denied the right, together with other members of the same group, to enjoy their culture, profess their religion and perform rituals, as well as use your native language.

Situation. Behind last years In a number of Western European countries and in Russia, large groups of immigrants from other countries with a different language, different culture, and different customs appeared. Representatives of the public in countries that have received immigrants believe that they must respect the culture and traditions of the country they came to and strictly observe its laws.

Another important norm of international law: any speech aimed at inciting national, racial or religious hatred, constituting incitement to discrimination, i.e. infringement of rights, hostility or violence, must be prohibited by law. The laws of our country provide for criminal liability for actions aimed at inciting national, racial or religious hatred, or destroying national dignity. Any propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens based on their attitude to religion, nationality or race also entails criminal punishment.

check yourself

1. What is a nation? What is the relationship between the concepts “nation” and “even”?

2. What are various concepts national pride?

3. What is the importance of national traditions?

4. Why are all nations interested in cooperation?

5. What is the danger of interethnic conflicts?

6. How can national conflicts be prevented?

7. What norms on the development of nations and national relations are contained in the laws of Russia?

"" In the classroom and at home

1. Find in a history textbook a description of the process of formation of nationalities. What nationalities that existed in the Ancient World, in the Middle Ages, do you know? Name the nations and nationalities living in different countries in our time.

2. Give examples of conflicts between peoples, the oppression of some peoples by others in different periods of history.

3. A parable from ancient times tells of two tribes that were at war with each other and lived on opposite banks of the river. It happened that the wizard met a man from one tribe and said to him: “I will give you everything you want, provided that the representative of the tribe living on the other side learns twice as much.” And the man replied: “Poke out one of my eyes.” He wanted the one from the hostile tribe to lose both eyes.

Think about what this parable is saying. Explain how you evaluate the person's answer to the wizard.

4. Illustrate the topic of interethnic contradictions in different countries of the world at the present time using material from newspapers.

5. The French writer V. Hugo said: “There are no small nations in the world. The greatness of a people is not at all measured by its numbers, just as the greatness of a person is not measured by its height.” Do you agree with the writer? Show with examples that the greatness of a people does not depend on its numbers.

6. In our country there are many families where the father is of one nationality and the mother is of another. Explain what this fact indicates. Imagine how you would determine the nationality of the children in these families.

Ethnic groups - these are historically established large groups of people who have a common culture, language, and awareness of the indissolubility of historical destiny.

Nation - this is the historically highest form of ethnosocial community of people, characterized by the unity of the territory, economic life, historical path, language and culture.

A nation is a historically established community of people with statehood. Nations are formed during the development of commodity-money relations. They are preceded by tribe and nationality.

A nation is a historically established community of people with statehood.

The main characteristics of a nation:

National cultural language

National culture (music, theater, cinema, etc.)

Unity of social and economic life

Traditions and customs

Community of territory

National culture - includes all the property of the people, their way of existence, adaptation to the natural-geographical and socio-historical environment in which they live.

National culture includes:

Language, literature, music


All types of food

design and interior decoration dwellings


Traditions, customs

Forms of etiquette

In the modern world, no nation can live in complete isolation and necessarily enters into interethnic relations, establishes economic, political, ideological, cultural, legal, diplomatic and other connections.

They can be stable (permanent) and unstable (periodic), based on competition and cooperation, equal and unequal.

Interethnic relations can manifest themselves in the form of economic, political, linguistic, cultural, environmental and other relations between nations. Each of these manifestations of interethnic relations has its own specific content. Let's give brief description some of them.

Economic interethnic relations are aimed at meeting the economic needs of nations (peoples, ethnic groups). They are formed spontaneously, in the process of development of, say, trade relations of independent states, as well as within the framework of federal states between republics, autonomies, etc. the objective basis of interethnic economic relations is the established social division of labor between different national entities, economic relations between them.

Political interethnic relations in a multinational state concern, first of all, the participation of all peoples (nations) in the exercise of political power and decisions at the state level the most important problems their lives. IN in this case the question arises about state structure: whether the given state is unitary, in which there are no mechanisms for representing and implementing the interests of individual nations at the state level, or whether it is a federation in which such mechanisms exist. Political interethnic relations are also aimed at the implementation of civil rights and freedoms of representatives of different nations.

The most important role in the life and development of every nation is played by interethnic relations in the sphere of their spiritual life. They are aimed at the mutual enrichment of peoples in the field of spiritual culture and at the same time at the preservation and development of their national identity. This is facilitated by exchanges in the field of folk and professional arts, including song, dance, music, applied arts, as well as cooperation in the field of literature, modern monumental art, painting, architecture, etc. National spiritual culture, being, as a rule, a very complex, rich and multifaceted phenomenon, develops in the context of the economic, political, moral, religious and other social relations existing in a given society, is influenced by them and depends to a large extent on them. At the same time, it develops in close interaction between the national cultures of many peoples, in the process of which a world spiritual culture is formed.

You can point to interethnic environmental relations, arising, in particular, in connection with nature conservation in territories where certain peoples have long lived. And not only protection, but also reproduction natural resources, including land, forest, water, etc.

The course of development of interethnic relations depends on many objective and subjective factors.

Interethnic conflicts - this is an extreme aggravation of contradictions between nations (peoples) that arise in the course of solving political, territorial, economic, linguistic, cultural, and religious problems.

Causes of interethnic conflicts:

Dissatisfaction with a nation that does not have its own statehood

Arbitrarily established national-territorial boundaries

The danger of erosion of ethnicity as a result of the influx of foreign-speaking populations

Restrictions on use national language

Infringement of rights and freedoms based on nationality

When resolving interethnic conflicts, it is necessary to observe the humanistic principles of national policy. relations:

Refusal of violence and coercion;

Seeking agreement based on the unanimity of all participants;

Recognition of human rights and freedoms as the most important value;

Willingness to peacefully resolve controversial issues.

Ability multinational society to anticipate and resolve interethnic conflicts in a timely manner in a civilized manner is an important indicator of its civic maturity and democracy. This is facilitated by legal regulation interethnic relations, which constitutes the most important area of ​​activity of the rule of law state. Comprehensive development civil society, democratization political system and the creation of a rule of law state are the most important social prerequisites for a civilized solution national question in modern conditions.

Family. Legal basis marriage

The family is recognized by scientists as the main carrier of cultural patterns inherited from generation to generation, as well as a necessary condition for the socialization of the individual.

Family -- a group consisting of two or more people related to each other by marriage, blood connection or adoption, leading a joint household, interacting in family roles and preserving the inherited culture, adding to it new common features developed jointly.

Family and society are small and large parts of the same system. The family regulates gender relations and prevents promiscuous sexual relations. Its main tasks are: giving birth to children; formation and education of the younger generation; emotional release; physical, economic and psychological protection of family members; establishing close economic relations.

There are two main forms of family organization - marital and kinship.

In a married family, the participants in the relationship are the husband, wife and their children. They live separately, have their own household, and are quite independent financially. Relations with other relatives may be more or less close, but in any case there is no strong dependence on them.

In a kinship family organization, spouses and their children live together with other relatives and run a common household. This tradition is typical for many eastern peoples.

Marriage is a socially recognized union of two adults of different sexes; they become relatives. There is an “open marriage” (civil) - a form of cohabitation, a union of two people without official registration. The main forms of marriage are:

monogamy (monogamy) - a person can have one wife or one husband at the same time;

polygamy (polygamy, group marriage, polygyny or polyandry) - husband or wife
have more than one spouse.