My live journal Kuprin. Welcome to my live journal! All works of the Strugatsky brothers are officially available for free access

Biography Born on August 26, 1870 in the district town of Narovchat, Penza province, in the family of an official, hereditary nobleman, Ivan Ivanovich Kuprin (), who died a year after the birth of his son. Mother, Lyubov Alekseevna (), nee Kulunchakova, came from a family of Tatar princes (a noblewoman, she did not have a princely title). After the death of her husband, she moved to Moscow, where the future writer spent his childhood and adolescence. At the age of six, the boy was sent to the Moscow Razumovsky boarding school (orphanage), from where he left in 1880. In the same year he entered the Second Moscow Cadet Corps. In 1887 he was graduated from the Alexander Military School. Subsequently, he would describe his “military youth” in the stories “At the Turning Point (Cadets)” and in the novel “Junkers.” Kuprin’s first literary experience were poems that remained unpublished. The first work to see the light was the story “The Last Debut” (1889). In 1890, Kuprin, with the rank of second lieutenant, was released into the 46th Dnieper Infantry Regiment, stationed in the Podolsk province (in Proskurov). The life of an officer, which he led for four years, provided rich material for his future works. Over the years, his story “In the Dark,” the stories “On a Moonlit Night” and “Inquiry” were published in the St. Petersburg magazine “Russian Wealth.” Kuprin has several stories on the army theme: “Overnight” (1897), “Night Shift” (1899), “Hike.” In 1894, Kuprin retired and moved to Kyiv, without any civilian profession. In the following years, he traveled a lot around Russia, trying many professions, greedily absorbing life impressions, which became the basis of his future works. In the 1890s, he published the essay “Yuzovsky Plant” and the story “Moloch”, the story “Wilderness of the Forest”, the story “Olesya " and "Kat" ("Army Ensign"), in 1901 the story "The Werewolf." During these years, Kuprin met Bunin, Chekhov and Gorky. In 1901 he moved to St. Petersburg and began working as secretary of the “Magazine for Everyone.” Kuprin's stories appeared in St. Petersburg magazines: “Swamp” (1902), “Horse Thieves” (1903), “White Poodle” (1903). In 1905, his most significant work, the story “The Duel,” was published, which was a great success. The writer’s performances reading individual chapters of “The Duel” became an event in the cultural life of the capital. His other works of this time: the stories “Staff Captain Rybnikov” (1906), “River of Life”, “Gambrinus” (1907), the essay “Events in Sevastopol” (1905). Kuprin’s work in the years between the two revolutions resisted the decadent mood of those years: the cycle of essays “Listrigons” (), stories about animals, the stories “Shulamith” (1908), “Garnet Bracelet” (1911). His prose has become a notable phenomenon in Russian literature. In 1915, Kuprin completed work on the story “The Pit,” in which he talks about the life of prostitutes in Russian brothels. The story was condemned for being, according to critics, excessive naturalism. After the Bolsheviks seized power, the writer did not accept the policy of war communism and the terror associated with it. In 1918, I went to Lenin with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village “Zemlya”. He worked at the World Literature publishing house, founded by Gorky. He was arrested, spent three days in prison, was released and added to the list of hostages. He lived in Gatchina. In the fall of 1919, with the arrival of the Whites, he entered the North-Western Army with the rank of lieutenant and was appointed editor of the army newspaper "Prinevsky Krai", headed by General P. N. Krasnov. After the defeat of the North-Western Army, he emigrated abroad. For seventeen years, which the writer spent in Paris, contrary to the opinion of Soviet literary studies, was a fruitful period. In 1937, at the invitation of the USSR government, he returned to his homeland. On the night of August 25, 1938, he died after a serious illness. He was buried in Leningrad on the Literary Bridge, next to Turgenev’s grave. Born on August 26, 1870 in the district town of Narovchat, Penza province, in the family of an official, hereditary nobleman, Ivan Ivanovich Kuprin (), who died a year after the birth of his son. Mother, Lyubov Alekseevna (), nee Kulunchakova, came from a family of Tatar princes (a noblewoman, she did not have a princely title). After the death of her husband, she moved to Moscow, where the future writer spent his childhood and adolescence. At the age of six, the boy was sent to the Moscow Razumovsky boarding school (orphanage), from where he left in 1880. In the same year he entered the Second Moscow Cadet Corps. In 1887 he was graduated from the Alexander Military School. Subsequently, he would describe his “military youth” in the stories “At the Turning Point (Cadets)” and in the novel “Junkers.” Kuprin’s first literary experience were poems that remained unpublished. The first work to see the light was the story “The Last Debut” (1889). In 1890, Kuprin, with the rank of second lieutenant, was released into the 46th Dnieper Infantry Regiment, stationed in the Podolsk province (in Proskurov). The life of an officer, which he led for four years, provided rich material for his future works. Over the years, his story “In the Dark,” the stories “On a Moonlit Night” and “Inquiry” were published in the St. Petersburg magazine “Russian Wealth.” Kuprin has several stories on an army theme: “Overnight” (1897), “Night Shift” (1899), “Hike”. In 1894, Kuprin retired and moved to Kyiv, without any civilian profession. In the following years, he traveled a lot around Russia, trying many professions, greedily absorbing life impressions, which became the basis of his future works. In the 1890s, he published the essay “Yuzovsky Plant” and the story “Moloch”, the story “Wilderness of the Forest”, the story “Olesya " and "Kat" ("Army Ensign"), in 1901 the story "The Werewolf." During these years, Kuprin met Bunin, Chekhov and Gorky. In 1901 he moved to St. Petersburg and began working as secretary of the “Magazine for Everyone.” Kuprin's stories appeared in St. Petersburg magazines: “Swamp” (1902), “Horse Thieves” (1903), “White Poodle” (1903). In 1905, his most significant work, the story “The Duel,” was published, which was a great success. The writer’s performances reading individual chapters of “The Duel” became an event in the cultural life of the capital. His other works of this time: the stories “Staff Captain Rybnikov” (1906), “River of Life”, “Gambrinus” (1907), the essay “Events in Sevastopol” (1905). Kuprin’s work in the years between the two revolutions resisted the decadent mood of those years: the cycle of essays “Listrigons” (), stories about animals, the stories “Shulamith” (1908), “Garnet Bracelet” (1911). His prose has become a notable phenomenon in Russian literature. In 1915, Kuprin completed work on the story “The Pit,” in which he talks about the life of prostitutes in Russian brothels. The story was condemned for being, according to critics, excessive naturalism. After the Bolsheviks seized power, the writer did not accept the policy of war communism and the terror associated with it. In 1918, I went to Lenin with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village “Zemlya”. He worked at the World Literature publishing house, founded by Gorky. He was arrested, spent three days in prison, was released and added to the list of hostages. He lived in Gatchina. In the fall of 1919, with the arrival of the Whites, he entered the North-Western Army with the rank of lieutenant and was appointed editor of the army newspaper "Prinevsky Krai", headed by General P. N. Krasnov. After the defeat of the North-Western Army, he emigrated abroad. For seventeen years, which the writer spent in Paris, contrary to the opinion of Soviet literary studies, was a fruitful period. In 1937, at the invitation of the USSR government, he returned to his homeland. On the night of August 25, 1938, he died after a serious illness. He was buried in Leningrad on the Literatorskie Mostki, next to the grave of Turgenev. 1870 Narovchat hereditary nobleman Kulunchakova Moscow Second Moscow Cadet Corps Alexander Military School second lieutenant infantry regiment Proskurovo Russian wealth In the dark Kiev 1890s Olesya Bunin Chekhov Gorky Magazine for allWhite poodleDuel"Staff-Captain Rybnikov"Garnet bracelet"Pit"seizure of power by the Bolsheviksmilitary communismterror to LeninWorld literaturehostagesGatchinanon-arrival of the WhitesNorth-Western Army"Prinevsky region "P. N. Krasnov emigrated abroad Paris August 25, 1938 Buried Leningrad Turgenev's literary bridge 1870 Narovchat hereditary nobleman Kulunchakova Moscow Second Moscow Cadet Corps Alexander Military School sub-lieutenant infantry regiment Proskurove Russian wealth In the dark Kiev 1890s Olesya Buni ChekhovGorkyMagazine for everyoneWhite poodleDuel"Staff Captain Rybnikov"Garnet bracelet"Pit"bolshevik seizure of powermilitary communismterror to LeninWorld literaturehostagesGatchinaarrival of the whitesNorth-Western army"Prinevsky region"P. N. Krasnov emigrated abroad to Paris on August 25, 1938. Buried in Leningrad, Turgenev’s Literary Bridge

………………………………………………………According to the version of Soviet literary criticism, Kuprin, almost forcibly mobilized by the whites and ending up in exile due to a misunderstanding, did not write anything worthwhile abroad. In fact, he was exempt from military service due to For health reasons, fifty-year-old Kuprin volunteered to join the White Army; he wrote about the officers of the North-Western Army: “Only people of excessively high fighting qualities coexisted among the officers. In this army it was impossible to hear such definitions about an officer as brave, courageous, courageous, heroic, and so on. There were two definitions: a good officer or, occasionally, yes, if in hand.” Seeing his duty in the fight against the Bolsheviks, he was proud of serving in this army; he could have gone into formation and into position. As an expensive relic in exile, he kept the field shoulder straps of a lieutenant and a three-color sleeve corner sewn by Elizaveta Moritsevna. After the defeat, having already been in prison and as a hostage, he saved himself and his family from terror. The writer did not accept dictatorship as a form of power; he called Soviet Russia the Soviet Russia. About Kuprin’s return to the USSR, 1937, “Pravda” During the years of emigration, Kuprin wrote three long stories, many short stories, articles and essays. His prose brightened noticeably. If “The Duel” reduces the image of a noble tsarist officer almost to the level of a modern officer, then “Junkers” are filled with the spirit of the Russian army, invincible and immortal. “I would like,” Kuprin said, for the past that is gone forever, our schools, our cadets, our life, customs, traditions to remain at least on paper and not disappear not only from the world, but even from the memory of people. Juncker is my testament to Russian youth.” According to the version of Soviet literary criticism, Kuprin, who was almost forcibly mobilized by the Whites and ended up in emigration due to a misunderstanding, did not write anything worthwhile abroad. In fact, exempt from military service for health reasons, fifty-year-old Kuprin volunteered for the White Army; he talks about the officers of the North-Western Army wrote: “Only people of excessively high fighting qualities coexisted among the officers. In this army it was impossible to hear such definitions about an officer as brave, courageous, courageous, heroic, and so on. There were two definitions: a good officer or, occasionally, yes, if in hand.” Seeing his duty in the fight against the Bolsheviks, he was proud of serving in this army; he could have gone into formation and into position. As an expensive relic in exile, he kept the field shoulder straps of a lieutenant and a three-color sleeve corner sewn by Elizaveta Moritsevna. After the defeat, having already been in prison and as a hostage, he saved himself and his family from terror. The writer did not accept dictatorship as a form of power; he called Soviet Russia the Soviet Russia. About Kuprin’s return to the USSR, 1937, “Pravda” During the years of emigration, Kuprin wrote three long stories, many short stories, articles and essays. His prose brightened noticeably. If “The Duel” reduces the image of a noble tsarist officer almost to the level of a modern officer, then “Junkers” are filled with the spirit of the Russian army, invincible and immortal. “I would like,” Kuprin said, for the past that is gone forever, our schools, our cadets, our life, customs, traditions to remain at least on paper and not disappear not only from the world, but even from the memory of people. Juncker is my testament to the Russian youth.”

Davydov family Maria Karlovna (March 25) first wife, daughter of cellist Karl Yulievich Davydov and publisher of the magazine “World of God” Alexandra Arkadyevna Gorozhanskaya (wedding took place on February 3, 1902, divorce in March 1907, but officially divorce documents were received only in 1909 year).Kuprina, Lidia Alexandrovna (January 3, November 1924) daughter from her first marriage. Graduated from high school. At the age of sixteen she married a certain Leontyev, but divorced a year later. In 1923 she married Boris Egorov. At the beginning of 1924, she gave birth to a son, Alexei () and soon separated from her husband. When her son was ten months old, she died. Alexey was raised by his father. Davydova Maria Karlovna (March 25) first wife, daughter of cellist Karl Yulievich Davydov and publisher of the magazine “World of God” Alexandra Arkadyevna Gorozhanskaya (wedding took place on February 3, 1902, divorce in March 1907, but officially divorce documents were received only in 1909 ).Kuprina, Lidiya Aleksandrovna (January 3, November 1924) daughter from her first marriage. Graduated from high school. At the age of sixteen she married a certain Leontyev, but divorced a year later. In 1923 she married Boris Egorov. At the beginning of 1924, she gave birth to a son, Alexei () and soon separated from her husband. When her son was ten months old, she died. Alexey was brought up by his father. Karl Yulievich Davydov Karl Yulievich Davydova Heinrich Elizaveta Moritsovna () second wife (since 1907, married on August 16, 1909). Daughter of Perm photographer Moritz Heinrich, younger sister of actress Maria Abramova (Heinrich). She worked as a nurse. She committed suicide during the siege of Leningrad. Heinrich Elizaveta Moritsovna () second wife (since 1907, married on August 16, 1909). Daughter of Perm photographer Moritz Heinrich, younger sister of actress Maria Abramova (Heinrich). She worked as a nurse. She committed suicide during the siege of Leningrad. Heinrich Elizaveta Moritsovna Moritz Heinrich Maria Abramova (Heinrich) siege of Leningrad Heinrich Elizaveta Moritsovna Moritz Heinrich Maria Abramova (Heinrich) siege of Leningrad – Ksenia Aleksandrovna Kuprina (April 21, November 1981) daughter from her second marriage. Model and actress. She worked at the Paul Poiret Fashion House. In 1958 she moved from France to the USSR. She played at the A. S. Pushkin Theater in Moscow. She left her memories “Kuprin is my father.” She was buried with her parents. Kuprina Zinaida Alexandrovna (October 6), daughter from her second marriage, died of pneumonia. She was buried at the Gatchina cemetery. Fields of A. S. Pushkin's PoiretheaterFields of A. S. Pushkin's Poireteatre

Memory In Russia, 7 settlements and 35 streets and alleys in cities and villages of Russia are named after Kuprin, 4 of them in the Penza region (Penza, Narovchat, Nizhny Lomov and Kamenka). In Russia, 7 settlements and 35 streets and alleys in cities and villages of Russia are named after Kuprin, 4 of them in the Penza region (in Penza, Narovchat, Nizhny Lomov and Kamenka).Penza regionPenza region In the village of Narovchat, Penza region, in the homeland of Kuprin, On September 8, 1981, the only Kuprin house-museum in the world was opened and the first monument to the writer in Russia was erected (a marble bust by sculptor V. G. Kurdov). The writer’s daughter Ksenia Aleksandrovna Kuprina () took part in the opening of the museum and monument. In the village of Narovchat, Penza region, in Kuprin’s homeland, on September 8, 1981, the world’s only house-museum of Kuprin was opened and the first monument to the writer in Russia was erected (a marble bust by sculptor V. G. Kurdov). The writer’s daughter Ksenia Aleksandrovna Kuprina () took part in the opening of the museum and monument. Narovchat, Penza region, September 8, 1981. G. Kurdova Narovchat, Penza region September 8, 1981 V. G. Kurdova In Gatchina, the central city library (since 1959) and one of the streets of the Marienburg microdistrict (since 1960) are named after Kuprin. Also in 1989, a bust-monument to Kuprin by sculptor V.V. Shevchenko was erected in the city. In Gatchina, the central city library (since 1959) and one of the streets in the Marienburg microdistrict (since 1960) bear Kuprin’s name. Also in 1989, a bust-monument to Kuprin by sculptor V.V. Shevchenko was erected in the city. Gatchina 1959 Marienburg 1960 1989 Gatchina 1959 Marienburg 1960 1989 In Kyiv, at house 4 on the street. Sagaidachny (Podol, former Aleksandrovskaya), where the writer lived in years, a memorial plaque was unveiled in 1958. A street in Kyiv is named after Kuprin. In Kyiv, at house 4 on the street. Sagaidachny (Podol, former Aleksandrovskaya), where the writer lived in years, a memorial plaque was unveiled in 1958. A street in Kiev is named after Kuprin. In St. Petersburg, on the site of the “Vena” restaurant, which A.I. Kuprin often visited, there is a mini-hotel “Old Vienna”, one of the rooms of which is entirely dedicated to the writer. There are also rare pre-revolutionary editions of his books and many archival photographs. In St. Petersburg, on the site of the “Vienna” restaurant, which A.I. Kuprin often visited, there is a mini-hotel “Old Vienna”, one of the rooms of which is entirely dedicated to the writer. There are also rare pre-revolutionary editions of his books and many archival photographs. In 1990, a memorial marker was installed in Balaklava in the area of ​​Remizov’s dacha, where Kuprin lived twice. In 1994, the Balaklava library 21 on the embankment received the name of the writer. In May 2009, a monument to Kuprin by sculptor S. A. Chizh was unveiled. In 1990, a memorial marker was installed in Balaklava in the area of ​​Remizov’s dacha, where Kuprin lived twice. In 1994, the Balaklava library 21 on the embankment received the name of the writer. In May 2009, a monument to Kuprin by sculptor S. A. Chizh was unveiled. 1994 2009 1994 2009 A memorial plaque was erected to the writer in Kolomna. A memorial plaque was erected to the writer in Kolomna. Kolomna

This blog is dedicated to high culture, science and education. The author of the magazine is Nikolai Podosokorsky, publicist, critic, culturologist.

* One of my favorite quotes: “Eyes and ears are poor witnesses for those who have a barbaric soul” (Heraclitus)
* If you want to get to know a person, don’t listen to what others say about him, better listen to what he says about others.

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01. Denis Vasilievich Davydov, Little Denis, July 29, 1784, military man, poet
What do you think about your education? Who served as your role model? What inspired your talent? Which relatives influenced you? How do you deal with troubles? Can you be called a stubborn person?.. Lieutenant General, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. On the eve of the Battle of Borodino, he organized a partisan detachment. For military exploits he was awarded the Order of St. George. A gifted and original poet. He entered the history of Russian literature as the creator of the genre of “hussar lyrics” (“Hussar Feast”, “Song of the Old Hussar”, “Half-Soldier”, “Borodin Field”). He left interesting notes about 1812: “An experience in the theory of partisan action”, “Meeting with the great Suvorov”, “Did frost destroy the French army in 1812?”, “Diary of partisan actions”. (1784-1839) “A good example is more effective than any verbal instruction!”

02. Sergei Timofnvich Aksakov, Bagrov, September 20, 1791, writer
03. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol-Yanovsky, Nikolai Gogol, 04/01/1809, writer
04. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov,Nikolay Pirogov, November 26, 1810, surgeon, scientist
05. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, Lutovinov, November 9, 1818, writer
06. Sergei Mikhailovich Soloviev, S.S., 05/17/1820, historian, writer
07. Afanasy Afanasyevich Shenshin, Fet, November 23, 1820, poet

08. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, Nechaev, November 11, 1821, writer
What is your first memory? What can you tell us about your father? What's your first feeling? Your childhood games? What can you tell us about your mother? An event that changed your life? What don't you like to remember? An example of a kind person from your childhood? How do you see the future?.. Great Russian writer and thinker. Author of the novels “Poor People”, “Notes from the House of the Dead”, “Humiliated and Insulted”, “Crime and Punishment”, “The Gambler”, “The Idiot”, “Demons”, “The Brothers Karamazov”. He wrote the stories “Netochka Nezvanova”, “White Nights”, “Uncle’s Dream” and many others. All of the writer’s novels have been filmed more than once in Russia and abroad. He was engaged in translations (Eugene Grande by Balzac). He was buried in St. Petersburg at the cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. “Man is a mystery. It must be solved; and if you spend your whole life solving it, don’t say you wasted your time; I am engaged in this mystery because I want to be a man.”

09. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, N.N., December 10, 1821, writer
10. Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov, N. Shchedrin, January 27, 1826, writer

11. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, L.N., 09.09.1828, writer
First memory? What can you say about your mother? What don't you like to remember? What can you tell us about your father? An event that changed your life? What is the deepest impression of your childhood? What's your first feeling? An action for which you are ashamed? What don't you like about yourself? What is your happiest memory?.. Fragments from the films “Tyoma’s Childhood”, dir. E. Strizhevskaya (1991), “Mu-mu”, dir. A. Bobrovsky and E. Teterin (1959), “Lermontov”, dir. N. Burlyaev (1986), “Dubrovsky”, dir. A. Ivanovsky (1936), “The Thunderstorm”, dir. V. Petrov (1933). “Happy, happy, irrevocable time of childhood! How not to love, not to cherish the memories of her? These memories refresh, elevate the soul and serve as a source of the best pleasures..."

12. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov, Stebnitsky, 02/17/1831, writer
13. Sofya Vasilievna Korvin-Krukovskaya,Sofia Kovalevskaya, January 15, 1850, mathematician, Russian writer
14. Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko, V.K., July 28, 1853, writer
15. Alexey Alekseevich Brusilov, General Brusilov, 08/31/1853, military
16. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, Antosha Chekhonte, January 30, 1860, writer
17. Mikhail Vasilievich Nesterov,Mikhail Nesterov, 05/31/1862, artist, writer
18. Semyon Yakovlevich Nadson, Familiar Stranger, December 26, 1862, poet
19. Vikenty Vikentyevich Smidovich, Veresaev, January 16, 1867, doctor, writer

20. Alexander Nikolaevich Benois, Servant of Apollo, 05/03/1870, artist, critic, art historian
What do you think about your appearance? What were you afraid of as a child? What toys did you like? When did you experience your first disappointment? Have you ever had star fever? What gift will you remember for the rest of your life? Have you ever found yourself in funny situations? What kind of music did you like?.. Russian artist, theater figure, historian and art critic. Founder of the World of Art association. Wrote a series of watercolors The Last Walks of Louis XIV, gouaches for the publication Russian History in Pictures, illustrations for the Queen of Spades and the Bronze Horseman by Pushkin. Author of the History of Russian painting in the 19th century, the Russian school of painting, the History of painting of all times and peoples. As a stage designer he worked at the Mariinsky and Moscow Art Theaters, and with Diaghilev in the Russian Seasons. While in exile, he wrote the book My Memoirs (1870-1960). “The interest is not in whether the artist is higher or lower compared to other people, but in the fact that he finds himself on some other plane and, perhaps, this is precisely the whole meaning of his existence.”

21. Ivan Andreevich Bunin, Ivan Bunin, October 23, 1870, writer
22. Anton Ivanovich Denikin, A. Denikin, December 17, 1872, military man, writer

23. Alexander Alexandrovich Blok, Alexander Blok, November 28, 1880, poet
First trip abroad? What's your main flaw? Tell me about your mom? What did you like to play? What can you tell us about your father? The book that amazed you as a child? What is your deepest experience? First failure? Person who influenced you the most? Your first love?
Fragments from the films “A Few Days in the Life of Oblomov”, dir. N. Mikhalkov (1979), “Living Corpse”, dir. V. Vengerov (1969), “Tema’s Childhood”, dir. E. Strizhevskaya (1991), “Dowry”, dir. Y. Protazanov (1937). Russian poet, playwright, one of the most prominent representatives of Russian symbolism. Author of the poetry collections “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”, “Unexpected Joy”, “Snow Mask”, “Night Hours”, “Rus”, drama “Balaganchik”. He perceived the October events of 1917 as an explosion of cleansing elements. The creative upsurge was crowned with the poems “The Twelve” and “Scythians”. Buried in St. Petersburg at the Volkov cemetery (1880-1921). “Russia is not a state, not a nation, but a kind of lyrical quantity.”

24. Movsha Khatskelevich Chagall, Marc Chagall, 07/06/1887, artist, writer, poet
25. Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky, Konstantin Paustovsky, 05/31/1892, writer
26. Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva,Marina Tsvetaeva, 09/26/1892, poet
27. Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin, Sibiryak, October 25, 1892, writer
28. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky,Vladimir Mayakovsky, July 19, 1893, poet, artist

29. Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko, MM. Chirkov, 08/09/1894, writer
What is your first memory? What can you tell us about your father? What's your first feeling? Worst day of your life? Your first school conflict? An action for which you are ashamed? What is your deepest experience? An act that you are pleased to remember?.. Fragments from the films “Mother's Heart”, dir. M. Donskoy (1965), “Walking through torment”, dir. V. Ordynsky (1977), “Tema’s Childhood”, dir. E. Strizhevskaya (1991), “The Lonely Sail Is White,” dir. V. Legoshin (1937), “Heart of a Dog”, dir. V. Bortko (1988). Russian writer, master of humorous storytelling. Author of the collections of stories “Dear Citizens”, “Nervous People”, “Happy Life”, “Blue Book”, the stories “Youth Restored”, “The Goat”, “The Story of a Life”, “What the Nightingale Sang About”, the books “Letters to to the writer." He wrote many feuilletons, plays, film scripts, and stories for children (“Overshoes and Ice Cream,” “Yolka,” “Grandma’s Gift,” “Don’t Lie,” and others). He considered the scientific and artistic study of the subconscious “Before Sunrise” to be the main book of his life. Buried in the city of Sestroretsk (1894-1958). “The happiness of mankind does not lie in free will or free mind. Happiness is in those vices that limit people in their desires.”

30. Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin, Yasenin, October 3, 1895, poet
31. Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov, Vladimir Sirin, 04/22/1899, writer
32. Nina Nikolaevna Berberova, Nina Berberova, 08/08/1901, writer, critic
33. Veniamin Alexandrovich Zilber,Veniamin Kaverin, 04/06/1902, pi

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