Literary reading lesson "Literature of foreign countries". General lesson on the section “Literature of foreign countries” General lesson on the topic literature of foreign countries

Goals: help students summarize knowledge of the section; diagnose reading speed; develop memory, attention, thinking, speech.

Planned results: students should know well the works they read and their authors; navigate the text of the studied work; perceive a work of art by ear; identify and characterize the heroes of works; come up with the ending of the work; retell in detail according to the drawn up plan.

Equipment: cards with excerpts from read works; text to test reading technique.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Setting lesson goals

— Today we will conduct a game lesson based on the works of foreign writers. Let's remember what works we read in this section. (Children name the works.)

III. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Game “Find out a fairy tale”

The teacher prepared cards with excerpts from fairy tales. The student goes to the board, pulls out a card, reads the passage and names the fairy tale.

Card 1

And the wolf rushed to run with all his might along the shortest road, and the girl walked with small steps along the longest one. On the way, she collected nuts, chased butterflies, and picked flowers. She was still amusing herself on the way, when the wolf had already galloped to her grandmother’s house. ("Little Red Riding Hood".)

Card 2

The outfit turned out to fit and suit him, and since the Marquis was already quite small - handsome and stately, then, having dressed up, he, of course, became even better, and the princess, looking at him, found that he was just in her taste. ("Puss in Boots".)

Card 3

In the pit from which people took sand to sprinkle the paths, two inseparable friends were busy: Oswald the ostrich and Willie the worm. When they heard about the meeting, they became very excited and immediately went to the barn. Louise the sheep was in the garden making a garland of daisies. As soon as the donkey mentioned a meeting, she flew as fast as she could into the barn... (“The Mafia and the Spider.”)

Card 4

The princess stood outside the gate. But, God, what shape she was in! Streams of rainwater flowed down her hair and dress onto the toes of her shoes and flowed out from under her heels. And she also insisted that she was a real princess. ("Princess on the Pea".)

Card 5

One day twenty-five tailors

We got into a fight with a snail.

In the hands of each of them

There was a needle and thread. (“Brave men.”)

3. Hogarth "Little Red Riding Hood"

C. Perrault "The Princess and the Pea"

G.H. Andersen "Kotausi and Mausi"

K. Chukovsky “Mafia and the Spider”

3. Game “Words and Names”

1. Make up the names of fairy tales from these words. Princess, spider, cat, cap, red, Mafia, pea, boots. (“The Princess and the Pea.” “Muffin and the Spider.” “Puss in Boots.” “Little Red Riding Hood.”)

2. Using the key words, guess the name of the fairy tale.

Grandmother, girl, wolf. ("Little Red Riding Hood".)

King, cat, ogre. ("Puss in Boots".)

Donkey, spider, sheep. (“Muffin and the Spider.”)

Princess, rain, pea. ("Princess on the Pea".)

IV. Physical education minute

Sat down, stood up, stood up, sat down

And they didn’t hurt each other.

Hands up! Wider your shoulders!

One two Three! Breathe more evenly!

Exercise will make you stronger

You will become stronger and stronger!

V. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

1. Test

1. What did your older brother inherit?

a) mill; +

2. Who did the cannibal not turn into?

a) into a tiger; +

b) into the mouse;

c) into a lion.

3. What did Little Red Riding Hood bring to her grandmother?

b) pie; +

c) cake.

4. What was the name of the sheep from the fairy tale “Muffin and the Spider”?

b) Louise; +

5. What kind of fluff was in the princess’s feather beds?

a) swan;

b) sheep;

c) eider. +

6. How many feather beds did the old queen lay out?

2. Diagnosis of reading technique

(See Test materials on literary reading.)

VI. Reflection

— Draw a smiley face in your notebook that reflects your attitude to the lesson material.

VII. Summing up the lesson

— We have finished working on the textbook “Literary Reading. 2nd grade." You have your favorite works: fairy tales, stories, poems.

— Which work do you particularly remember and become your favorite?

—What poem can you recite by heart?


Prepare an expressive reading of poems.

Literature of foreign countries
(summary lesson)

The purpose of the teacher's activity: create conditions for repeating and summarizing the material covered, checking the knowledge of knowledge on the topics studied.

Lesson type: control and correction of knowledge.

Planned educational results:

Subject: will learn: evaluate your answer, plan a possible option for correcting mistakes; will have the opportunity to learn: check yourself by checking your answer with the text; independently assess your capabilities.

Metasubject:educational: use the simplest types of text analysis, master the skills of semantic text reading in accordance with goals and objectives; regulatory: formulate and maintain the learning task; communicative : express their own opinion and position, construct a monologue, use available speech means to convey their impressions.

Personal: demonstrate artistic and aesthetic taste, aesthetic needs, values ​​based on the experience of listening and memorizing works of fiction.

mMethods and forms of training:forms: frontal, individual; methods: verbal, visual, practical.

Educational Resources:

Equipment: interactive whiteboard (screen), computer, projector; presentation; a black box (a pea, a piece of net, a spindle), costumes for the characters (two crowns, a kokoshnik, a cardboard sword, wolf and fly masks, a black eye patch, a foil earring).

Oorganizational structure of the lesson

I. Statement of the topic, goals of the lesson.

– Today we will conduct a general lesson on fairy tales of foreign writers, complete many interesting tasks, and even try to dramatize the fairy tale ourselves.

II. Work on the topic.

1. Find out the fairy tale.

Children read an excerpt from a fairy tale, name the author and the title of the fairy tale.

“The princess was placed in the kitchen. From the very first day the servants began to mock her rudely. However, little by little we got used to it. Besides, she worked very hard, and the owner did not allow her to be offended.” (Charles Perrault "Donkey Skin".)

“The sisters were very surprised. But they were even more surprised when she took the second shoe out of her pocket and put it on the other foot.” (Charles Perrault "Cinderella".)

“Come, cockerel, with us to the city of Bremen and become street musicians there. You have a good voice, you will sing and play the balalaika, the cat will sing and play the violin, the dog will sing and beat the drum, and I will sing and play the guitar.” (Brothers Grimm "Musicians of Bremen".)

“The first fairy endowed her with beauty, the second gave her kindness, the third gave her intelligence. Three other fairies gave her the ability to wonderfully sing, dance and play all musical instruments. Suddenly, amidst the general joy, a sharp laugh was heard, and a black silhouette appeared in the middle of the hall. It was an old fairy, evil and ugly, whom the king and queen did not invite to the holiday.” (Charles Perrault "Sleeping Beauty".)

“A river flowed in the garden, and near its very bank there was a marshy swamp. It was here, in the swamp mud, that the old toad lived with his son. The son was also wet and ugly - just like his mother, the old toad.” (H.-H. Andersen “Thumbelina”.)

“My dear king, you told me to take with me from the castle what is most dear and beloved to me; but for me there is nothing dearer and sweeter in the world than you, so I took you with me.” (The Brothers Grimm “The Clever Peasant’s Daughter.”)

2. The third wheel.

– Of the three objects for a certain fairy tale, choose one extra one and explain why.

3. Black box.

With the help of this item, the prince determined whether the princess was a real princess or not.

Thanks to this item, everyone fell asleep for a hundred years.

The peasant's daughter wrapped herself with this item before coming to the king.

4. Illustration for a fairy tale.

“Bluebeard”, C. Perrault.

“The Clever Peasant’s Daughter”, C. Perrault.

"The Little Mermaid", G.-H. Andersen.

“Puss in Boots”, C. Perrault.

"Musicians of Bremen", Brothers Grimm.

“Sleeping Beauty”, C. Perrault.

“The Princess and the Pea”, G.-H. Andersen.

“Cinderella”, C. Perrault.

5. Support words.

Using reference words, children determine the fairy tale.

Physical education lesson “We are artists.”

– Today we will listen to a fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich. But you will have to not only listen to it, but also show it. Let's choose the performers. So, the fairy tale begins.

“Once upon a time there lived a Tsar and a Queen. They lived in love and harmony. And they had a beautiful daughter, whom they loved very much. Her name was Tsarevna.

The princess comes out and sits next to her parents.

The Tsar and Queen often stroked the Princess on the head and never scolded her. And the Princess had a groom - Ivan Tsarevich.

Ivan comes out and proudly walks in front of the audience.

He was a brave, strong and heroic young man. He often came to visit his bride riding the Gray Wolf.

Ivan “riding” on the Gray Wolf rushes to the Princess and sits down next to her.

It used to be that Ivan Tsarevich would sit next to the Princess and look at her - he couldn’t get enough of it. He used to take the Princess by the white hands and look at her - he couldn’t see enough. Often Ivan Tsarevich told the Tsarevna about his exploits - how he fought bravely and heroically. He will tell you and ride off on the Gray Wolf.

Ivan leaves on the Gray Wolf.

But then one day the evil Nightingale the Robber and his robbers burst into the palace of the Tsar and Queen.

A gang of robbers bursts in screaming and scares those present.

The robbers first scared everyone, and then kidnapped the Princess - grabbed her and dragged her into a dense forest.

Kidnapping scene.

Ivan Tsarevich, suspecting nothing, rode on the Gray Wolf to the Tsar’s palace, and there the parents were sobbing bitterly. His parents told him everything. Ivan Tsarevich mounted the Gray Wolf and rode into the dense forest to free the Princess.

Jumps towards three trees.

How long or short did Ivan Tsarevich gallop, finally saw the robbers. He attacked them fearlessly. The robbers got scared and ran away. Then Ivan Tsarevich took the Princess by the hand, sat down with her on the Gray Wolf and galloped off to the royal palace. The Tsar and Princess began to hug their daughter and kiss her. And the Tsar said: “Since you saved her, then get married!” And they threw a feast for the whole world. This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever directed it is well done.

6. Crossword.

1. Fairy tale “Red...” (Hat.)

2. Which city did the donkey, the rooster, the dog and the cat go to? (Bremen.)

3. What did Cinderella lose at the ball? (Shoe.)

4. Fairy tale “Blue...” (Beard.)

5. What object did the king order to hide from his daughter? (Spindle.)

6. What object did the father and daughter find in the ground while digging up the ground? (Mortar.)

7. Who outwitted the cannibal? (Cat.)

8. The precious metal from which the goose was made. (Gold.)

9. Thumbelina's groom who hated the Sun. (Mole.)

10. What did they put under the princess’s feather bed? (Pea.)

III. Lesson summary. Reflection.

– What section did you study today?

– How do you feel when you leave class? What did you like most about the lesson?

- Continue the sentence:

It was interesting to me…

I wanted…

I found out that…

I managed…

Homework: complete a drawing for your favorite fairy tale.

Goals: introduce students to a new section; develop expressive fluent reading skills, memory, attention, imagination, interest in foreign literature.

Planned results: students should be able to predict the content of the section; choose a book for independent reading; read aloud with a gradual transition to silent reading; perceive a work of art by ear.

Equipment: exhibition of books on the topic; audio recording of M. Plyatskovsky’s song “Fairy tales walk around the world”; cards (text for speech warm-up, tasks).

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

- Read the poem calmly, pronouncing the words clearly.

Fairy tales travel around the world

Fairy tales travel around the world

Night harnessed to a carriage.

Fairy tales live in the clearings,

Wandering at dawn in the fogs.

And the prince will love Snow White,

And Koshchei’s greed will destroy...

Let Evil play cunning tricks,

But still Good wins!

The world has been illuminated with miracles.

Fairy tales fly over the forests.

They sit on the windowsill,

They look out of the windows like into rivers.

And the fairy will rescue Cinderella,

Gorynych the snake will no longer be...

Let Evil play cunning tricks.

But still Good wins!

Fairy tales are with me everywhere,

I will never forget them.

It’s worth closing my eyelashes -

In an instant Sivka-Burka will dream.

And the month will shine clear

In the eyes of Vasilisa the Beautiful.

Let Evil play cunning tricks,

But still Good wins!

- Read it expressively.

— A song was written based on these verses. Let's try to sing it.

III. Setting lesson goals

-What is this poem about?

— What fairy tales are these heroes from? (The teacher writes the names on the board.)

- Can you divide these tales into two groups? Try this.

(Perhaps the students will guess that the text mentions heroes of Russian and foreign fairy tales. If not, the teacher will lead them to this answer during the lesson.)

- Decipher what is written here.


- We succeeded... Read for yourself what happened. (“Literature of foreign countries.”)

- This is the name of the new section that we are starting to study today. How do you understand the name?

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Forecasting the content of the section

— What do you think we will get to know in this section?

- What will we learn?

- What are we going to learn? (Children's assumptions.)

- Let's check whether your assumptions are correct by reading about it on p. 169 textbook.

(Students read what they will become familiar with, what they will learn, and what they will learn.)

— Which countries are mentioned in the text? (England, France, America.)

— What country is the storyteller Hans Christian Andersen from? (From Denmark.)

— Who wrote the fairy tale “Cinderella”? (Charles Perrault.)

— Who translated English folk songs and riddles from the book “Rhymes of Mother Goose”? (Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak.)

V. Physical education minute

One, two - there is a rocket,

Three, four - plane.

One, two - clap your hands,

And then on every account.

One two three four -

Arms higher, shoulders wider.

One two three four -

And they walked around on the spot.

VI. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

1. Working with illustrations

- Us. 171 look at the illustrations.

— What did the artist mix up? How should it really be?

- Remember who wrote these fairy tales and what they are called. Tell us about them. (Students complete the task.)

Charles Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood".

Brothers Grimm "Musicians of Bremen".

Charles Perrault "Puss in Boots".

G.H. Andersen "Thumbelina".

G.H. Andersen "The Princess and the Pea." 2. Work with cards

(Students, having received the cards, prepare for reading for some time. Then everyone reads the text expressively, and at the end of reading, the class names him a fairy-tale character.)

Card 1


Tiny girl

I left the flower.

Life seemed wonderful

In scarlet petals.

Only a tender soul

Locked in darkness.

The animals are evil, greedy,

What do you need it for?

I wish the sky was blue

Take a look at least once.

Say goodbye to the sun

And fall asleep forever.

I hear: ringing in the sky

The song is yours.

Dear swallow!

You found me.

Card 2


I am Dunno-naughty

Famous shorty.

I have no need to study.

I'll understand everything without studying!

Card 3

Tin soldier

Steadfast little soldier

He stands like an acrobat

On a single leg

In a tin boot.

Steady, small, straight,

He will endure everything like a hero.

Can't run away from fate

It will burn in a hot flame.

Card 4


The brave Nutcracker will call the soldiers.

He will lead an army of soldiers into battle.

- Forward, my army! Faster and bolder!

We don't need evil kings like mice!

Card 5


A little boy was flying on a goose.

The gnome bewitched him.

But all the predictions will come true,

He will become the same later.

Card 6


That hung their noses,

Are you sad, kids?

I'll start the propeller.

I'll come to you straight from the rooftop.

Where are the buns, jam, cake?

Carlson will sweep away everything quickly.

And then play pranks, follow me!

I'm terribly groovy!

Card 7

Freken Bock

I was a housekeeper

And she took things seriously.

And now the housekeeper:

Everyone is leading me by the nose!

Card 8


Tender girl with a fish tail.

Then it will become sea foam.

He will lose everything without betraying love,

Giving my life for her.

VII. Reflection

- Select and continue any sentence.

In today's lesson I learned...

In this lesson I would praise myself for...

After the lesson I wanted...

Today I managed...

VIII. Summing up the lesson

- Which section did we start studying in class?


Make a selection of books on the topic of the section. Be able to talk about one of the books.

School of Russia

Interactive game

primary school teacher MCOU "Secondary School No. 44",

Miass city, Chelyabinsk region

Section summary


foreign countries

Words and titles

Find out the fairy tale

And the wolf began to run with all his might along the very

along the short road, and the girl walked away in small steps

by the longest one. On the way she collected nuts

I chased butterflies and picked flowers. She's still

I was amusing myself on the way, when the wolf had already galloped up

to grandma's house.

"Little Red Riding Hood"

Find out the fairy tale

The outfit turned out to fit and suit the face, and since the Marquis

and without that he would be small at least - handsome and stately,

then, having dressed up, he, of course, became even better,

and the princess, looking at him, found that he was just

to her taste.

"Puss in Boots"

Find out the fairy tale

In the pit where people took sand to sprinkle

paths, two inseparable friends were busy: an ostrich

Oswald and Wily the Worm. When they heard about the meeting, they

They became very animated and immediately went to the barn.

Louise the Sheep was in the garden weaving a garland of margarine.

ritok. As soon as the donkey mentioned the meeting,

how she flew as fast as she could into the barn...

"Marfin and the Spider"

Find out the fairy tale

The princess stood outside the gate. But, God, in what

she was in sight! Streams of rainwater flowed down

through her hair and dress onto the toes of her shoes and flowed

from under his heels. And she also assured that she was real

shining princess.

"Princess on the Pea"

Find out the fairy tale

One day twenty-five tailors

We got into a fight with a snail.

In the hands of each of them

There was a needle and thread.

their works:

"Little Red Riding Hood"

"Princess on the Pea"

"Marfin and the Spider"



Find out the fairy tale


"Princess on the Pea"

"Princess on the Pea"

"Marfin and the Spider"

"Marfin and the Spider"

"Puss in Boots"

"Puss in Boots"

"Little Red Riding Hood"

"Little Red Riding Hood"

Grandmother, girl, wolf.

"Little Red Riding Hood"

Find out the fairy tale

King, cat, ogre.

"Puss in Boots"

Find out the fairy tale

Donkey, spider, sheep.

"Marfin and the Spider"

Find out the fairy tale

Princess, rain, pea.

"Princess on the Pea"

Find out the fairy tale

What was inherited

older brother?


Who haven't you turned into?

What was the name of the sheep from the fairy tale?

"Marfin and the Spider"?

What did Little Red Riding Hood carry?


What kind of fluff was in the feather beds?


How many feather beds did you lay down?

old queen?

Test. Examination

Test. Examination

mill Puss in Boots, illustration 1 Puss in Boots, illustration 2 Marfin and his friends, illustration Little Red Riding Hood, illustration Princess and the Pea, illustration

Fokina Lidia Petrovna

primary school teacher

MCOU "Secondary school st. Evsino"

Iskitimsky district

Novosibirsk region