Miguel Cervantes story. Last decade of life

Miguel de Cervantes - world famous spanish writer, playwright, poet and soldier. The novel " Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha", which is considered one of the greatest works in the world classics.

There are many interesting and unusual moments in Cervantes that you can learn about right now.

So, in front of you short biography Miguel Cervantes.

Biography of Cervantes

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was born on September 29, 1547 in the Spanish city of Alcale de Henares. He grew up in a simple family, descended from a noble family.

His father, Rodrigo de Cervantes, worked as a doctor. Mother, Leonor de Cortina, was the daughter of a bankrupt nobleman. In addition to Miguel, Cervantes' parents had six more children.

Childhood and youth

It is worth noting that we do not know much about the first years of the life of Miguel Cervantes. It is known that elementary education he received in different schools due to his family's frequent moves.

Having reached the age of 22, Cervantes became a casual participant street fight, as a result of which he had to leave the country to avoid criminal prosecution.

He went to Italy, where he soon found himself in the retinue of Cardinal Acquaviva. It played important role in his biography.

According to some sources, by 1570 Miguel Cervantes became a marine in Spain. In 1971, Cervantes took part in a bloody battle near Lepanto. In this battle he was seriously wounded in his left arm, which remained immobile for the rest of his life.

An interesting fact is that after recovering from his wound, Cervantes continued to serve in the navy. The writer repeatedly visited various sea expeditions and even took part in the assault on Navarino.

Captivity and release

Miguel de Cervantes in his youth

These letters were supposed to help the brave soldier get a promotion. However, this was not destined to happen, since a sharp turn took place in Cervantes’ biography.

Returning to his homeland in the fall of 1575, Miguel Cervantes's galley was attacked by Algerian corsairs, after which the future writer, along with his colleagues, was captured.

Miguel Cervantes was enslaved by pirates for 5 years. And although he repeatedly tried to escape, they all ended in failure.

The time spent in captivity seriously influenced his biography in general, and the formation of his personality in particular.

In the future, Cervantes will describe all kinds of bullying to which the heroes of his works are regularly subjected. This is not surprising, because Cervantes knew about all this first-hand.

In 1580, in order to ransom her son from captivity, Miguel's mother sold everything she had. Thanks to this, the writer was freed and was able to return home.

Creative biography of Cervantes

On December 12, 1584, Cervantes married 19-year-old Catalina Palacios de Salazar, from whom he received a small dowry. It is interesting that during this period of his biography he was born illegitimate daughter Isabel.

Soon the Cervantes family began to experience serious financial difficulties, which is why Miguel went to work again. He took part in the campaign to Lisbon, and also took part in the battles to conquer the Azov Islands.

Returning home, Cervantes seriously took up writing. An interesting fact is that he began to compose his first poems and plays during his captivity.

Cervantes's first novel, entitled Galatea, brought him some popularity, but money was still sorely lacking. He had practically nothing to support his family.

Works of Cervantes

Experiencing financial difficulties, Miguel Cervantes decided to leave for Seville. In this city he received a position in one financial department.

And although the payment for his work was not so great, he believed that he would soon financial situation will change for the better. The writer also hoped that he might be transferred to work in America, but this never happened.

As a result, after living in Seville for 10 years, Cervantes failed to make any fortune. During this biographical period, he wrote the short stories “Rinconet and Cortadilla” and “Spanish Flu in England.” In addition, several poems and sonnets came from his pen.

Don Quixote by Cervantes

At the beginning of the 17th century, Cervantes moved to live in Valladolid. There he made a living by carrying out various assignments from private individuals, as well as by writing.

Cervantes' biographers claim that he once witnessed a duel in which one of the opponents was mortally wounded. As a result of this incident, Miguel was summoned to court and then kept in prison until all the circumstances of the case were clarified.

One of Cervantes’s personal notes contains information that it was in prison that he wanted to write a work about a man who, having lost his mind from reading books about knights, set off to perform various feats.

Upon his release, Miguel began writing the novel Don Quixote, which would make him one of the most popular authors in the world.

Many people wanted to buy a book whose hero they liked so much to the common people. Later the novel began to be translated into different languages peace.

last years of life

In 1606, Miguel de Cervantes left for Madrid. An interesting fact is that, having gained great fame and being at the peak of his popularity, he still needed money.

In 1615, the 2nd part of the novel “Don Quixote” was published. Shortly before his death, he completed writing the book “The Wanderings of Persiles and Sikhismunda.”


Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra died on April 22, 1616 in Madrid. An interesting fact is that a few days before his death he decided to become a monk.

It is still unknown exactly where he was buried great writer. A number of Cervantes biographers believe that his grave is located on the territory of one of the Spanish temples.

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Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra(Spanish: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra; September 29, 1547, Alcala de Henares, Castile - April 23, 1616, Madrid) - world famous Spanish writer and soldier.
Born in Alcala de Henares (Province of Madrid). His father, hidalgo Rodrigo de Cervantes (the origin of Cervantes’s second surname, “Saavedra,” on the titles of his books, has not been established), was a modest surgeon, a nobleman by blood, his mother was Dona Leonor de Cortina; their large family constantly lived in poverty, which did not leave the future writer throughout his sorrowful life. Very little is known about early stages his life. Since the 1970s in Spain there is a widespread version about Jewish origin Cervantes' influence on his work was probably his mother, who came from a family of baptized Jews.
Cervantes's family often moved from city to city, so the future writer was not able to receive a systematic education. In 1566-1569, Miguel studied at the Madrid city school with the famous humanist grammarian Juan Lopez de Hoyos, a follower of Erasmus of Rotterdam.
Miguel made his debut in literature with four poems published in Madrid under the patronage of his teacher Lopez de Hoyos.
In 1569, after a street skirmish that ended with the injury of one of its participants, Cervantes fled to Italy, where he served in Rome in the retinue of Cardinal Acquaviva, and then enlisted as a soldier. On October 7, 1571, he took part in the naval battle of Lepanto and was wounded in the forearm (his left hand remained inactive for the rest of his life).
Miguel Cervantes participated in military campaigns in Italy (he was in Naples), Navarino (1572), Portugal, and also carried out service trips to Oran (1580s); served in Seville. He also took part in a number of sea expeditions, including to Tunisia. In 1575, carrying a letter of recommendation (lost by Miguel during captivity) from Juan of Austria, commander-in-chief of the Spanish army in Italy, he sailed from Italy to Spain. The galley on which Cervantes and his younger brother Rodrigo, was attacked by Algerian pirates. He spent five years in captivity. He tried to escape four times, but failed each time, and was only miraculously not executed; in captivity he was subjected to various tortures. In the end he was ransomed from captivity by the monks of the Brotherhood of the Holy Trinity and returned to Madrid.
In 1585 he married Catalina de Salazar and published a pastoral novel, La Galatea. At the same time, his plays began to be staged in Madrid theaters, the vast majority of which, unfortunately, have not survived to this day. Of Cervantes' early dramatic experiments, the tragedy "Numancia" and the "comedy" "Algerian Manners" have been preserved.
Two years later, he moved from the capital to Andalusia, where for ten years he first served as a supplier to the “Great Armada” and then as a tax collector. For financial shortfalls in 1597 (In 1597 he was imprisoned in a Seville prison for a period of seven months on charges of embezzlement of government money (the bank in which Cervantes kept the collected taxes burst) was imprisoned in a Seville prison, where he began writing a novel " The cunning hidalgo Don Quixote de La Mancha" ("Del ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de La Mancha").
In 1605 he was released, and in the same year the first part of Don Quixote was published, which immediately became incredibly popular.
In 1607, Cervantes arrived in Madrid, where he spent the last nine years of his life. In 1613 he published the collection “Edifying Stories” (“Novelas ejemplares”), and in 1615 the second part of “Don Quixote”. In 1614 - in the midst of Cervantes's work on it - a false continuation of the novel appeared, written by an anonymous person hiding under the pseudonym "Alonso Fernandez de Avellaneda". The Prologue to "The False Quixote" contained rude attacks personally against Cervantes, and its content demonstrated a complete lack of understanding by the author (or authors?) of the forgery of the full complexity of the original's plan. “The False Quixote” contains a number of episodes that plotally coincide with episodes from the second part of Cervantes’s novel. The dispute among researchers about the priority of Cervantes or the anonymous author cannot be resolved definitively. Most likely, Miguel Cervantes specifically included revised episodes from Avellaneda’s work in the second part of Don Quixote in order to once again demonstrate his ability to turn insignificant things into art. artistically texts (his treatment of knightly epic is similar).
“The second part of the cunning caballero Don Quixote of La Mancha” was published in 1615 in Madrid in the same printing house as the “Don Quixote” edition of 1605. For the first time, both parts of “Don Quixote” were published under the same cover in 1637.
His last book, “The Wanderings of Persiles and Sigismunda” (“Los trabajos de Persiles y Sigismunda”), a love adventure novel in the style ancient novel Cervantes finished "Ethiopica" just three days before his death on April 23, 1616; This book was published by the writer's widow in 1617.
A few days before his death, he became a monk. His grave remained lost for a long time, since there was not even an inscription on his tomb (in one of the churches). A monument to him was erected in Madrid only in 1835; on the pedestal there is a Latin inscription: “To Michael Cervantes Saavedra, king of the Spanish poets.” A crater on Mercury is named after Cervantes.
According to the latest data, the first Russian translator of Cervantes is N. I. Oznobishin, who translated the short story “Cornelia” in 1761.


novelist, short story writer, playwright, poet

Direction: Genre:

novel, short story, tragedy, interlude


Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra(Spanish) Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra; September 29, Alcala de Henares - April 23, Madrid) is a world famous Spanish writer. First of all, he is known as the author of one of the greatest works of world literature - the novel “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha.”


Born in Alcala de Henares (Province of Madrid). His father, Rodrigo de Cervantes, was a modest surgeon, and his large family constantly lived in poverty, which did not leave the future writer throughout his sorrowful life. Very little is known about the early stages of his life. Since the 1970s In Spain, there is a widespread version about the Jewish origin of Cervantes, which influenced his work.

There are several versions of his biography. The first, generally accepted version says that “at the very height of the war between Spain and the Turks, he entered military service under the banner. In the Battle of Lepanta he appeared everywhere at the very dangerous place and, fighting with truly poetic enthusiasm, received four wounds and lost an arm.” However, there is a more realistic version of his irreparable loss. Due to the poverty of his parents, Cervantes received a meager education and, unable to find a means of subsistence, was forced to steal. It was for theft that he was deprived of his hand, after which he had to leave for Italy. However, this version is not critical - at that time thieves’ hands were no longer cut off, since they were sent to the galleys, where both hands were required. He spent the next three years on campaigns again (in Portugal), but military service becomes an unbearable burden for him, and he finally retires, without any means of subsistence. On way back In Spain he was captured in Algeria, where he spent 5 years (1575-80), tried to escape four times and was only miraculously not executed. Bought by Trinitarian monks.

Literary activity

Miguel de Cervantes

Now his literary activity begins. The first work, Galatea, is followed by a large number of dramatic plays that enjoyed little success.

To get for yourself daily bread the future author of Don Quixote enters the quartermaster service; he is entrusted with purchasing provisions for the “Invincible Armada”. In fulfilling these duties, he suffers great failures, even ends up on trial and spends some time in prison. His life in those years was a whole chain of severe hardships, hardships and disasters.

In the midst of all this, he does not stop his writing activity, not yet publishing anything. Wanderings prepare material for him future work, serving as a means for studying spanish life in its various manifestations.

Russian translations

USSR postage stamp dedicated to Cervantes

According to the latest data, the first Russian translator of Cervantes is N. I. Oznobishin, who translated the short story “Cornelia” in the year.


  • Russian-language site about Cervantes. Complete works (read online and download). Biography. Articles.
  • Buranok O. M. The first Russian translation of Cervantes // Electronic journal"Knowledge. Understanding. Skill ». - 2008. - No. 5 - Philology. - S. Edifying short stories.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    - (Cervantes) Cervantes Saavedra (Cervantes Saavedra) Miguel de (1547 1616) Spanish writer. Aphorisms, quotes by Cervantes Miguel de (Cervantes). Biography. If all that glitters were gold, gold would cost a lot less. In misfortune... ...

    The request for "Cervantes" is redirected here; see also other meanings. Miguel Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra ... Wikipedia

    Cervantes Miguel de (Cervantes). Biography. Cervantes Saavedra Miguel de (1547 1616) Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes. Biography of Spanish writer. The date of birth is September 29 (St. Miguel's Day). Born into a family... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Cervantes, Miguel de Saavedra- (1547 1616) famous Spanish writer. In his youth he served in Rome, then took part in the naval battle with the Turks at Lepanto; Later he was captured by corsairs and sold into slavery in Algeria, where he stayed for 5 years. Subsequently, Cervantes received... ... Historical reference book of Russian Marxist

    Miguel Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Date of birth: September 29, 1547 Place of birth: Alcala de Henares, Spain Date of death: April 23, 1616 Place of death ... Wikipedia

    Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Date of birth: September 29, 1547 Place of birth: Alcala de Henares, Spain Date of death: April 23, 1616 Place of death ... Wikipedia

    Miguel Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Date of birth: September 29, 1547 Place of birth: Alcala de Henares, Spain Date of death: April 23, 1616 Place of death ... Wikipedia

    Miguel Cervantes Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Date of birth: September 29, 1547 Place of birth: Alcala de Henares, Spain Date of death: April 23, 1616 Place of death ... Wikipedia

Born in 1547 in the provincial town of Alcala de Henares, thirty kilometers from Madrid, in the family of a surgeon.

The future writer's large family lived in poverty, but was famous for the title of hidalgo. In the Cervantes family, Miguel was the fourth among seven children.

Even with such a title, the Cervantes family, led by father Rodrigo, had to move from place to place in search of income.

There are unverified reports that he studied at the University of Salamanca. Cervantes left his native land and, having arrived in Italy, became acquainted with the art of ancient times and the Renaissance.

In Rome he drew inspiration, studied the works Italian writers, which left its mark for more late works author.

In 1570 he entered service in marines Naples. It is also known that he participated in the Battle of Lepanto, where he lost his left arm. During this battle, the writer showed heroism and courage, of which he was rightfully proud.

In addition, during his service, the writer took part in campaigns to Corfu and Navarino. He was present at the surrender of Tunisia and La Gleta to the Ottoman Empire. Returning home from service, Cervantes is captured by Algerian pirates, who sell him into slavery. Future writer made several unsuccessful attempts to escape and miraculously escaped execution. After spending five years in captivity, he was ransomed by missionaries.

Miguel de Cervantes started quite late. Upon returning home, he wrote his first work, Galatea, followed by many others. dramatic plays. Unfortunately, his works were not in great demand, which forced him to look for other sources of income: he either took on the purchase of provisions for ships, or worked as a collector of arrears.

The life of the future author was difficult, full of hardships and hardships. He had to go through a lot, nevertheless, Miguel constantly worked on the work of his whole life, and in 1604 the first part of the immortal novel “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha” was published for the first time. The work immediately created a sensation, the book literally flew off the shelves, and translations were made into many languages. However, this did not improve the author’s financial situation.

Cervantes continued to write actively for 12 years, from 1604 to 1616. Numerous short stories were born dramatic works, a continuation of the bestselling Don Quixote, as well as a novel published only after the death of the author of Persiles and Sikhismund.

Miguel allegedly became a monk in 1616, the same year the world-famous writer, who lived a difficult life, died. For a long time, the writer’s grave remained lost due to the lack of an inscription on his tomb. Cervantes's contribution to world literature, he became the founder of a personal epic.

Cervantes's importance is based mainly on the novel Don Quixote. This work, known today throughout the world, fully reveals his versatile genius. There is a deep analysis of the nature of people here, from two angles: idealism and realism. The destinies of his heroes, who complement each other in the best possible way, reflect all the salt of world irony. Leading your knight through real life, the author reveals a diverse panorama of Spanish society.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, the famous Spanish writer, author of Don Quixote, was born in 1547. It is known that he was baptized on October 9; perhaps the date of birth was September 29, St. Miguel. His family, noble but poor, lived in the town of Alcala de Henares. When Miguel grew up, his parents were close to ruin, so he entered the service of Giulio Acquaviva y Aragon, the ambassador of the Pope, and worked for him as a housekeeper. Together they left Madrid for Rome in 1569.

Cervantes stayed under Acquaviva for about a year, and in the second half of 1570 he became a soldier in the Spanish army, a regiment stationed in Italy. This period of his biography took him 5 years and had a significant impact on later life, since Cervantes had the opportunity to become closely acquainted with Italy, her richest culture, social order. The famous naval battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571 became significant for Cervantes as well. he was wounded, as a result of which he only had a working right hand. He left the hospital in Messina only in the spring of 1572, but continued his military service.

In 1575, Miguel and his brother Rodrigo, also a soldier, were captured by pirates on a ship heading from Naples to Spain. They were sold into slavery and ended up in Algeria. The presence of letters of recommendation to the king helped Cervantes avoid heavy punishments and death. Four attempts to escape ended in failure, and only 5 years later, in 1580, Christian missionaries helped him gain freedom.

A life full of misadventures was replaced by the monotony of civil service and the constant search for a means of livelihood. This period also includes the beginning literary activity. Almost 40-year-old Cervantes wrote in 1585 the pastoral novel Galatea and about 30 plays, which did not make much of an impression on the public. Income from writing work were too small, and the writer moved from Madrid to Seville, where he hired a job - as a commissioner for food supplies. During the 6-year period of service, he had to be arrested three times: such consequences were caused by negligence in record keeping.

In 1603, Cervantes retired, next year moved from Seville to Valladolid, which was the temporary capital of Spain. In 1606, Madrid was proclaimed the main city of the kingdom - Cervantes moved there, and the most successful creative period is associated with this city in his biography. The first part was published in 1605 greatest novel Cervantes - “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha”, which, being a parody of chivalric novels, became a real encyclopedia life of Spain in the 17th century, literary work, filled with the deepest philosophical and social content. The name of its main character has long become a household name. World fame did not come to Cervantes right away; the author of Don Quixote was known more as a man with a rich life experience, a survivor of Algerian captivity.

The second part of the novel was written only 10 years later, and during this period it was published whole line works that strengthen his fame as a writer: the second most important work is “Edifying Novels” (1613), a collection of “8 comedies and 8 interludes”. At the end creative path a love adventure novel appeared called “The Wanderings of Persilius and Sikhismunda”. Despite his fame, Cervantes remained a poor man, living in a low-income area of ​​Madrid.

In 1609 he became a member of the Brotherhood of Slaves holy communion; his two sisters and wife took monastic vows. Cervantes himself did the same thing - he became a monk - literally on the eve of his death. On April 22, 1616, while in Madrid, the author of the “knight of the sad image” died of dropsy. An interesting detail: on the same day, the life of another famous writer– W. Shakespeare. Bad luck followed Cervantes even after his death: the lack of an inscription on his grave led to the fact that for a long time The burial place remained unknown.