What happened to the Stark's younger brother? Rickon Stark is the main Stark who will have to restore Winterfell and restore order in the North

(Sean Bean) Eddard/Ned Stark

Second son of Lord Rickard Stark. Lord of Winterfell. Guardian of the North, heir to the ancient Kings of the North. Hand of the King and one of the possible regents for the heir to the throne after the death of Robert Baratheon.

Eddard Stark executes a Night's Watch deserter who claims that he and his companions were attacked by the Others. During way back In Winterfell, their party finds a dead direwolf, whose throat was pierced by a stag's antler, and several newborn wolf cubs. Under the influence of the persuasion of his bastard Jon Snow, Ned decides not to kill the dire wolf cubs, but to divide them between his children.

He soon receives news of the death of Jon Arryn, who raised him and Robert Baratheon and served as his Hand. After some time, the king arrives at Winterfell and persuades Ned to take the post of Hand. Eddard reluctantly agrees to accept the position, as well as the betrothal of his daughter Sansa to Prince Joffrey Baratheon. Soon another message comes from Catelyn's sister, Lysa Arryn, in which the woman reports that the Lannisters were involved in the death of her husband.
When Eddard ponders why Jon Arryn was so interested in Robert's bastards, he is horrified to discover that the king's three children are actually the products of incest between Queen Cersei and her brother Jaime Lannister. Eddard tells Cersei that he knows her secret and gives her a chance to escape with her children. However, Cersei uses the time given to her to organize the murder of Robert Baratheon and bribe the City Guard of King's Landing. When the king lay on his deathbed, Ned refused to accept Renly Baratheon's help and imprison the queen's children, and also refused to heed Petyr Baelish's advice to recognize Joffrey Baratheon as king and become regent under him. Instead, he plans to help Robert's next-eldest brother, Stannis Baratheon, win the throne. Littlefinger promises Ned to provide support for the golden cloaks, but betrays him immediately after the king's death. Eddard Stark was arrested for treason as a result of the queen's bribery of the City Guard and betrayal of Petyr Baelish. Varys visits Ned in the dungeon and tells him that if he admits to treason, his life will be spared and he will be given the opportunity to join The night Watch. Eddard at first refuses, but then agrees to step on the throat of his pride in order to save the life of Sansa, who is being held hostage by the Lannisters. His trial takes place at the foot of the Great Sept of Baelor, where, unbeknownst to Ned, Yoren, his daughter Arya, and the disguised Ser Barristan Selmy are also present among the crowd. He makes a false confession of his treason, but everything does not go according to plan, Joffrey, to the great amazement of Sansa, Cersei and Varys, says that the execution must be carried out. Ilyn Payne cuts off Eddard Stark's head with his own two-handed sword, which is called Ice. Joffrey places Ned's head on one of the pikes and forces Sansa to look at it.

(Michelle Fairley) Catelyn Stark

(Richard Madden) Robb Stark

Robb Stark, nicknamed the Young Wolf, is the eldest son of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully, his father's heir. As his father's eldest son and heir, Robb was groomed from childhood to be Lord of Winterfell. Maester Luwin taught him the sciences, and master-at-arms Ser Rodrik Cassel taught him how to hold a sword. At the head of an army of twenty thousand, Robb hurries to the aid of his mother's father Hoster Tully in Riverrun, besieged by Lannister troops. To do this, he was forced to enter into an alliance with Walder Frey, the Lord of the Crossing provided him with his army and stole a direct road to the south, in return Robb promised to marry one of the maidens of his house.

Robb wanted to lure Tywin Lannister's army to the west and there, finally, give him battle in a position advantageous to himself. However, this plan collapsed, Lord Tywin went south, where, having formed an alliance with the Tyrells, he defeated Stannis Baratheon in the Battle of the Blackwater. In addition, upon returning to Riverrun, Stark learned that Lady Catelyn had freed Jaime Lannister. He forgave her, but this event sparked a Karstark rebellion. Robb was forced to sentence Rickard Karstark to death and execute him himself. But worse than the obvious betrayal of the Karstarks was the secret betrayal of Roose Bolton. Its result was the defeat of the northerners at the Battle of Duskendale and at the Battle of Winterfell. The young king was betrayed by his vassals, had no allies, was cut off from his home and was forced to wage a war on two fronts against numerically superior enemies. Robb bitterly admitted to his mother that he was winning battles, but losing the war.
Taking advantage of the temporary lull in the war, Robb decided to return to the North and drive the ironborn out of the territories they occupied. But for this it was necessary to renew the alliance with the Freys. To atone for the damage done to the honor of House Frey, Edmure Tully agrees to marry Lord Walder's daughter instead of Robb. The northern army headed to the Twins, right into a trap set by Tywin Lannister, Roose Bolton and Walder Frey. It is noteworthy that the gift of the gods - Gray Wind twice tried to warn Robb of the danger: first by attacking Rolf Spicer, and then by refusing to enter the Twins, but Robb turned deaf to the voice of the gods.

King of the North and the Trident Robb Stark and most of his armies were treacherously killed at the Red Wedding. The enemies mocked his body for a long time; they cut off his head and sewed in its place the head of his dire wolf Gray Wind.

(Sophie Turner) Sansa Stark

Sansa inherited her mother's high, thin cheekbones, Blue colour eyes and thick, colors autumn leaves, Tully's hair. Smiling, charming, sweet, unusually graceful, polite, eager to please everyone - Sansa is the embodiment of a true lady. At the beginning of the saga, Sansa is eleven years old. During Robert Baratheon's visit to Winterfell, Ned Stark, her father, is appointed Hand of the King, and Sansa is betrothed to the heir to the throne, Prince Joffrey Baratheon. Sansa is delighted with the prospect of going to King's Landing and marrying a handsome prince - it seems to her that all her dreams are coming true, and life is becoming a beautiful song. At first, her relationship with Joffrey goes well - the beautiful and polite Sansa makes a pleasant impression on royal family. Sansa blindly falls in love with the prince, and considers the queen an example and admires her.
Sansa attends the tournament in honor of King Joffrey's thirteenth name day. When Ser Dontos Hollard confronts his rival drunk and naked, Joffrey intends to execute him (by drowning him in wine). However, Sansa, taking pity on the drunkard who did not wish harm to anyone, intervenes, lying that killing someone on his name day is Bad sign. Joffrey does not believe her at first, but the Hound supports this lie, and Ser Dontos is saved from death: the king agrees to leave him at court as a fool. Dontos remains grateful to Sansa for saving his life.

(Maisie Williams) Arya Stark

Bold and freedom-loving, since childhood preferring weapons and horses to embroidery, Arya is the complete opposite of Sansa Stark. Ned Stark noticed the similarities between Arya and his sister Lyanna: the same courage and determination, nobility and desire for justice, the same disregard for studies " a real lady" Arya learned to fight with swords, and she is also an excellent horsewoman. Catelyn believes that if Arya is forbidden to do something, she will want it even more. She also remembers that Arya always says whatever comes into her head.

Arya escapes King's Landing with Yoren and his squad of new recruits to the Night's Watch. To hide Arya's identity, Yoren cuts her hair and says that she is no longer Arya, but Arry, a recruit traveling to the Wall. In reality, Yoren wanted to take Arya home to Winterfell. Some time later, Yoren's squad took refuge in an abandoned castle near the Eye of God and was attacked by the people of Amori Lorch. Arry, Gendry, Hot Pie and Lommy Greenhands escape through an underground passage. Before escaping, Arya rescues three prisoners who were sent to the Night's Watch - Jaqen Hghar, Rorzh and Kusaka.

She continues her journey with the survivors until the entire company is captured by Ser Gregor Clegane and his squad. The prisoners were kept in a barn for eight days. Then they end up in Harrenhal and there they become servants of the Lannisters. A few days later, she again sees Jaqen and the others she saved, who now serve Amory Lorch. Arya creates her "list". There she brings people whom she hates and wants to kill.

One night, Jaqen came to Arya and said that he would kill any three people she named for the three she saved. First Man Becomes Chiswick: Arya overheard him bragging about being part of a gang rape. He dies three days later. Next man becomes Wiz, for constantly beating Arya's friends and herself; Arya also hated Whiz the dog. As a result, this same dog killed its owner. Arya thought for a long time about the third name, she realized that she needed to name someone more important - for example, Tywin Lannister or Amory Lorch.

When captured northerners are brought to the castle - Robett Glover and his squad - Arya asks Gendry to help her free them, but he refuses. That same night, Arya is found by Jaken and asks her for a third name. Arya asks Jaqen to help her free the Northmen, but he says he can only kill one sentry. Then Arya calls him Hgaru given name- Jaqen. The shocked killer agrees to help, in return Arya will have to give the name of another person. Arya, Jaqen, Rorge and Kusaka kill all the guards and free the prisoners. Arya fulfills her promise and takes Jaqen's name. She wants to name a new person, but Jaken points her to all the corpses lying near them and says that the debt to the Many-Faced and Arya has been paid. Then, to Arya's amazement, Jaqen changes his face right in front of her, saying that "it is time for this man [Jaqen] to die." As a farewell, he gives her a coin; if she ever wants to find him, let her approach any person from Braavos and say “Valar morghulis.” It is noteworthy that Jaqen calls Arya all of her names (Weasel, Arry, Arya), and later generally calls her “Milady Stark”.

(Isaac Hempstead-Wright) Brandon/Bran Stark

Impressionable and dreamy, he grew up on the tales of Old Woman Nan, exploring the world through legends and traditions, believing in what others considered fiction. His favorite pastime was climbing walls, and as a child he climbed all the walls and towers of Winterfell. Bran intended to become a knight of the Kingsguard when he grew up, but it was the arrival of the royal person who changed his fate once and for all. During Robert Baratheon's visit to Winterfell, Lord Stark's seven-year-old son turned out to be a bystander love scene between Cersei and Jaime Lannister. The latter, getting rid of the boy, threw Bran from a high wall. However, Bran did not die, as Cersei and Jaime had hoped. With numerous fractures he for a long time was on the verge of life and death. At this time, he discovered supernatural abilities: Bran learned to “inhabit” the body of his direwolf Leto and other people, and gained the ability to see “green” (prophetic) dreams. Also, during his injury and unconsciousness, he saw in his dreams a three-eyed crow, which ordered him to “fly”, showed the world, future and past. It was she who was one of the factors that helped Bran return to real world. After that, he often saw this crow in his dreams. Bran Stark was in Winterfell until the attack on Theon Greyjoy's castle. The younger Starks were declared dead. But Bran was lucky again: he and baby Rickon were saved by Mira and Jojen Reed, the children of Howland Reed, and Osha, a woman from the Wildlings. Later they had to split up: Rickon’s fate has since been unknown, and Bran, along with Hodor and the Lord’s children in the Swamps, headed beyond the Wall (according to “ green dreams"Jojen Bran had to go there to learn to fly). Once in the Nighthold, the fugitives met Samwell Tarly, who helped them cross the Wall by opening a secret passage under the castle.

(Art Parkinson) Rickon Stark

A cheerful and cheerful child, charming and smiling, like Tully, but even at a young age he showed the inherent self-esteem of the Starks. Looks like his mother: brown hair, blue eyes. He loved sweets and games, and was very stubborn for his age.

After his mother left for the south, Rickon refused to cut his hair: his hair became long and unruly. The boy's childhood became difficult, it was difficult for him to cope with the terrible changes that the war imposed on his life and family. These changes were reflected in his direwolf Shaggy Dog. Rickon took one of the dire wolf cubs found by the Starks and named him Shaggy Dog. After his father left Winterfell and his mother spent a long time grieving at Bran's bedside, he hovered around Robb and cried. The boy was very upset when he learned that Robb was also leaving, Rickon was later found in the crypts, where he attacked two men with Shaggy Dog and an iron sword taken from one of the coffins. When Robb left, Rickon refused to come out and say goodbye. Soon after death

(Kit Harington) Jon Snow

John is a thin, dark-haired, gray-eyed young man. Of all the sons of Eddard Stark, it is Jon who is most similar to him in appearance.
Jon was raised with legitimate children, despite the fact that this was not accepted (bastards were left to their own devices), and his stepmother Lady Catelyn Stark hated him (even admitting that it was unfair) and never tired of reminding her husband about this. One of the reasons for Lady Catelyn's hatred was the fact that Jon's face resembled his father more than 3 legitimate sons, each of whom inherited her red hair and face. In any case, John was taught horse riding, swordsmanship and literacy. He and his brothers accompanied their father to the trial, and in general the attitude of the brothers, sisters and father towards him was emphatically equal. John especially loved his younger sister Arya, who was the only one who could easily make him laugh. The book especially emphasizes the similarities between Jon and Arya and their “Stark” appearance. Interestingly, Benjen Stark considered the Wall a bad place for a boy like Jon, which he informed him about at the feast in honor of the arrival of King Robert. During this conversation, Ben advised John to think about the Wall later, when he himself became the father of several bastards, to which John passionately ruled out the very possibility of giving birth to a bastard and ran out in tears. Outside, he met Tyrion Lannister, and the two had a significant conversation, marking the beginning of a friendship between the dwarf and the bastard.

After Jon and some others were admitted to the next rank of the Night's Watch, Sam found himself alone. Fearing for his fate, Jon went to Maester Aemon and convinced him that Sam could be useful to him and that if he was left now, he would die. Following Jon's request, Maester Aemon hired Sam as his assistant to care for the ravens and the library. On the same day, the ceremony of taking oaths took place, and the distribution of recruits took place. Jon dreamed of becoming a ranger, but became a steward under Jeor Mormont. This decision (the personal wish of the Lord Commander, by the way) infuriated John, but in the evening he left the Wall to take his vows. It was then that the Phantom brought a rotting human hand. The terrible discovery pointed to a man from Benjen Stark's squad, and in confusion, Jeor ordered the two found corpses to be taken to Maester Aemon for further examination. Upon returning to the castle, Jeor Mormont summoned John and informed him of the death of King Robert Baratheon and the arrest of John's father, Eddard Stark. That same night, John woke up hearing the Phantom scratching the door with its claws. Behind her, John saw the corpses of the guards and hurried to the cell of the Lord Commander, where he found the “awakened” corpse of Othor. There, Jon saved Mormont's life at the cost of a mutilated hand, and the Lord Commander gave him the Valyrian bastard blade Longclaw, the Mormont family sword. By order of the commander, the head of the sword, which was previously an image of a bear, was remade into the head of a wolf.

That same day, Jon learned that his brother Robb had entered the War of the Five Kings. Maester Aemon, having learned about this, called Jon to him and told, in particular, that he had once been Aemon Targaryen. However, John considered it necessary to be close to his brother and fled from the castle at night, but was overtaken by his friends and escorted back to Castle Black. In the morning, Jeor Mormont summoned Jon to his place: of course, he knew about the night incident, and said that, by tradition, his personal steward is also his squire, but he has no desire to take Jon to him in such a capacity, if he at least has a shadow of suspicion that what happened last night will happen again. John made a promise that he would persevere.

Soon the sounds of Mance's approaching army began to reach Castle Black. It went slowly and John decided to use what time he had left to inspect all the defenses that the castle had. Now the defenders slept right on the Wall, with the exception of those who were too old and infirm. One night John was called to the council. Maester Aemon, Sellador, and Ser Wynton were there. John didn't know the rest. Among the strangers was Janos Slynt. He accused Jon of treason by providing the Bone Lord's testimony about Jon's murder of Halfhand, and demanded Jon's execution. Until the circumstances were clarified, he was put in a cage and kept there for five days, until Maester Aemon wrote to the Lord Commander of the Eastwatch, Cotter Pyke, and Janos Slynt was forced to release Jon. While John was imprisoned, Slynt agreed to negotiate with Mance, and sent John to them, demanding that he kill Mance at the first opportunity. Beyond the Wall, Jon was met by Tormund, who was mercifully friendly to him, but Mance was not. He told Jon that the Horn of Winter had been found and that if the Watch did not let his people pass the Wall, he would blow it and nothing would stop the Others from killing. At that moment, the sound of a horn was heard - these were the people of Stannis Baratheon. In a short battle, the soldiers from Dragonstone prevailed over the crowd of wildlings.

So, Stannis Baratheon's troops (albeit battered) ended up on the Wall. Stannis summoned John and told him that he did not believe in the justice of the charges brought against him, because he remembered who Janos Slynt was and who Eddard Stark was. Stannis also told Jon that after the deaths of Robb, Bran and Rickon, Bolton was appointed Warden of the North, and the iron men attacked the North with west coast; in connection with all this, Stannis needs a protege in the North, the son of Eddard Stark. However, Jon refused to bend the knee to Stannis and neglect his vows to the Old Gods, even though Melisandre considered them empty. In addition, Stannis expressed a desire to settle those of the wildlings who would bend the knee to him and accept the faith of R'hllor in the Gift, and in order to strengthen the alliance between him, the northerners and the wildlings, he wants to arrange a marriage between Jon, Lord of Winterfell, and Vel. princess of the wildlings (as Stannis decided). Jon, confused, asked Stannis for time to think, and the king replied that he was willing to wait, although not for long.

"Game of Thrones" is known not only for its explicit eroticism, but also for its horrific scenes of violence. Over the entire history of the television series, dozens of heroes have laid down their lives, and last minutes some of them were full of torment and suffering. As the inhabitants of the Seven Kingdoms continue to destroy each other in the most sophisticated ways, we will remember those who were killed with particular cruelty. Here are the 20 worst deaths Westeros has seen.

20. Shaya

Shae's death was as horrifying as it was heartbreaking, because even after the terrible betrayal she committed, Tyrion Lannister continued to love her. Finding Shae in his father Tywin's bed, he strangled her with a golden chain.

Time of Death: Season 4, episode "Children".

19. Vardis Egen

This hero's death may not be as spectacular as the others, but it showed us how strong Tyrion's protector Bronn is. At the trial by combat, he stabbed Vardis Egen in the throat and then threw the bleeding knight of the Vale through the Moon Door.

18. High Septon, Margaery Tyrell, Mace Tyrell, Loras Tyrell, Lancel Lannister, Kevan Lannister

Wild fire can melt stone and steel, and even melt flesh like butter. It was this that Cersei used to destroy her enemies. All the heroes who found themselves in the Great Sept of Baelor during its explosion were burned alive.

17. Jory Cassel

The captain of the House Stark guard died in battle. Cassel entered into a fight with Jaime Lannister, defending the right hand of King Robert, and was stabbed right in the eye with a dagger.

Time of Death: Season 1, episode "The Wolf and the Lion".

16. Ros

Littlefinger was not too happy to learn that Ros was spying on him for Lord Varys, and gave the girl to Joffrey. Petyr Baelish probably imagined how it would end: the sadistic king shot her with his favorite crossbow.

Time of Death: Season 3, episode "Rise".

15. The Flea Bottom Man Who Taunted Cersei

For mocking the queen during her shameful procession through the capital and subsequent boasting, Gregor Clegane smashed his head against the wall.

Time of Death: Season 6, episode "Home".

14. Grand Maester Pycelle

The worst thing about this murder is that it was committed by small children. On Qyburn's orders, the birds surrounded Grand Maester Pycelle and stabbed him to death.

Time of Death: Season 6, episode "The Winds of Winter".

13. Member of the Holy Host

We could barely see The Mountain tearing his head off, but the soundtrack of the scene was enough to make us feel sick.

Time of Death: Season 6, episode "Nobody".

12. Karsi

Watching someone get eaten alive by zombies is not the most pleasant experience, which is why Karsi's death was included in our review. She died in a battle with revived corpses, then joined the ranks of the wights in the army of white walkers.

Time of Death: Season 5, episode "Hardhome".

11. Commoner of King's Landing

After Myrcella went to Dorne, riots began in the capital, and while members royal family tried to get to their castle, a militant crowd tore apart one of local residents. The unnamed hero's death has not been confirmed, but is likely given that the rebels were brandishing his severed arm.

10. Little John Amber

This hero was brutally killed by the leader of the free people. Tormund tore out a piece of meat from the neck of the head of the House of Umber with his teeth, and then stabbed him several times.

9. Ramsay Bolton

Once upon a time, the bastard of Roose Bolton left his stepmother and stepbrother to be torn to pieces by the dogs. Ironically, his life ended the same way: Sansa Stark, without much regret, fed Ramsay to his own pets.

Time of Death: Season 6, episode "Battle of the Bastards".

8. Rickon Stark

Rickon's death was terrible, especially for Jon Snow, who was unable to save him. Before the start of the Battle of Winterfell, Ramsay took his prisoner out into the field and sent him to his brother, and then shot him with a bow.

Time of Death: Season 6, episode "Battle of the Bastards".

7. Catelyn Stark

Not the best terrible death, which you might have seen on Game of Thrones, but Catelyn's throat being cut by Black Walder remained in the frame for too long for viewers to bear.

6. Viserys Targaryen

No one could have imagined that Daenerys would allow Khal Drogo to kill her brother. However, with her permission, the Dothraki poured molten gold on Viserys’ head, and he died in terrible agony.

Time of Death: Season 1, episode "The Golden Crown".

5. Talisa Stark

The worst thing about Talisa's death was that she was pregnant when Lothar Frey stabbed her in the stomach one after another.

Time of Death: Season 3, episode "Reinas of Castamere".

4. Victim of rat torture

In Harrenhal, where Arya and Gendry were taken captives, the interrogations were accompanied by the most terrible tortures. So, a soldier of Gregor Clegane attached a bucket of rats to the chest of one prisoner. Having not received answers to his questions, the tickler warmed up his bottom. Trying to escape, the rats gnawed a way to escape in the unfortunate man’s body.

Time of Death: Season 2, episode "The Bone Garden".

3. Meryn Trant

Arya Stark had long been planning to kill Trant, and she carried out her plan with particular cruelty when she found out what the knight was doing in the brothels of Braavos. Arya gouged out Trant's eyes and stabbed him several times before slitting his throat in revenge for the murder of her teacher Syrio Forel.

Time of Death: Season 5, episode "Mother's Mercy".

2. Rodrick Cassel

The death of the master-at-arms of Winterfell was truly terrible, because Theon Greyjoy was not able to cut off his head the first time, and the scene of Cassel’s inhumane execution was watched by the young Stark brothers.

Time of Death: Season 2, episode "Old Gods and New".

1. Oberyn Martell

It's disgusting when one person breaks another's skull with his bare hands, but it's even worse when the victim of such a brutal murder is a charismatic hero whom you only recently met. This is exactly what happened to Oberyn Martell of Dorne. At his trial by combat, the wounded Gregor Clegane turned the Red Viper's head into a bloody pulp, in one of the most horrific scenes in Game of Thrones history.

Time of Death: Season 4, episode "The Mountain and the Serpent".

Rickon Stark - younger son Eddard Stark and Catelyn Stark, brother of Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Brandon (Bran) Stark and Arya Stark, half-brother of Jon Snow.

Rickon's direwolf is Shaggy Dog, the most ferocious of the entire brood. Like all Starks of this generation, he is a warg.

Appearance and character

A cheerful and cheerful child, charming and smiling, like Tully, but even at a young age he showed the inherent Stark self-esteem. He took after his mother in appearance: brown hair, blue eyes. He loved sweets and games, and was very stubborn for his age.

After his mother left for the south, Rickon refused to cut his hair: his hair became long and unruly. The boy's childhood became difficult, it was difficult for him to cope with the terrible changes that the war imposed on his life and family. These changes were reflected in his direwolf Shaggy Dog.


Game of Thrones

Rickon took one of the dire wolf cubs found by the Starks and named him Shaggy Dog. After his father left Winterfell and his mother spent a long time grieving at Bran's bedside, he hovered around Robb and cried. The boy was very upset when he learned that Robb was also leaving, Rickon was later found in the crypts, where he attacked two men with Shaggy Dog and an iron sword taken from one of the coffins. When Robb left, Rickon refused to come out and say goodbye. Shortly after Eddard's death in King's Landing, Bran and Rickon saw their father's spirit in the crypt.

Clash of Kings

The Starks are devastated by Eddard's death, and Rickon is left largely unattended as his older brother and mother go off to war while his sisters are held captive in King's Landing. Alone with his crippled brother Bran in Winterfell, Rickon becomes unruly and very hot-tempered. His fear and rage are reflected in Shaggy Dog, who bites the inhabitants of the castle. Rickon became friends with Greater and Lesser Walder Frey, they were sent to Winterfell under the treaty between Robb Stark and Walder Frey.

The boy became Theon Greyjoy's hostage when he captured Winterfell. He later managed to escape and hide in the castle crypt along with his brother, Hodor, Mira and Jojen Reed and a woman from the wild Osha. After Winterfell was sacked and burned by Ramsay Snow, the fugitives emerged. In the godswood, they found the dying Maester Luwin, who asks them to split into two groups. Osha agrees to take care of Rickon and takes him and the direwolf to an unknown location.

A Dance with Dragons

Most people in Westeros believe Rickon is dead. Vex Pike, an ironborn who survived the arrival of the Dreadforts in Winterfell, hid in a tree and traced the path of Osha, Rickon and Shaggy Dog to Skagos, after which he was captured and taken to White Harbor, where he told Lord Manderly and Robett Glover everything he knew.

When Davos Seaworth tried to convince Lord Manderly to swear allegiance to Stannis, he was arrested and sentenced to death. His death was the guarantee of the return of Lord Wyman's son and heir from captivity. Instead of Davos, a criminal similar to him was executed. Wyman Manderly introduced Vex to the Hand and explained his actions and future plans:

Roose Bolton is the daughter of Lord Eddard. To stop him, White Harbor needs Ned's son... And a direwolf. The wolf will prove that the boy is who we say he is if the Dreadfort tries to dispute his origins. This is my price, Lord Davos. Smuggle my liege in, and I will recognize Stannis Baratheon as my king.

A Dance with Dragons, Davos IV.

Thus, the Lord of White Harbor promised to swear allegiance to the king if Davos brought him his overlord - little Rickon Stark - and his direwolf. When Davos asked where Rickon was, Vex threw a dagger at a map hanging on the wall. To Davos' horror, he pointed to Skagos, and he has no choice but to go to the infamous island to find the boy.

TV series

Rickon, like all the Stark children, is older in the series - in the first season he is 6 years old, and therefore he not only already knows how to speak well, but is also quite independent. When Bran decides to split up and go beyond the Wall in the third season, Rickon initially resists and wants to go with his brother, but ultimately gives in to him. Later, at night, he and Osha go towards the Last Hearth - the house of the Ambers.

Rickon appears again in the sixth season. The Umbers, dissatisfied with the fact that Jon Snow let the wildlings in beyond the Wall, swear allegiance to the Boltons and, as a sign of loyalty, give Ramsay Rickon and Osha, as well as the head of Shaggy Dog, as proof of the boy’s identity. It is in order to save Rickon that John finally decides to recapture Winterfell from the Boltons. However, the boy still dies: Ramsay drags him to the battlefield for Winterfell, frees him and invites him to play a game - Rickon must run to his brother and his troops while Ramsay shoots at him. John rushes to help his brother, but does not have time and Ramsay's arrow hits the boy in the heart. With his death, the Battle of Winterfell begins.

After the fight, John says that Rickon will be buried in the crypt, next to his father.

Once we already encroached on the sacred - we wrote a monumental about George R.R. Martin’s saga “A Song of Ice and Fire” and its enchanting film adaptation “Game of Thrones”. On the nose new season, and this is a reason to refresh your memories of the work. If you don't have time to reread five volumes or rewatch five seasons, the easiest way to remember who did what to whom is to study fan theories about the future of the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. There is so much forgotten and interesting, and missed by the inattentive eye, that there is enough for more than one hour of heated discussions.

Once we have already encroached on the sacred - we wrote a monumental piece about George Martin’s saga “A Song of Ice and Fire” and its enchanting film adaptation “Game of Thrones”. A new season is just around the corner, and this is a reason to refresh your memories of the work. If you don't have time to re-read five volumes or rewatch five seasons, the easiest way to remember who did what to whom is to study fan theories about the future of the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. There is so much forgotten and interesting, and missed by the inattentive eye, that there is enough for more than one hour of heated discussions.

1. Ned and Rob are the wrong Starks, unfit to rule the North, so George Martin mercilessly kills them from book to book (series to series)

From the very beginning of the saga, these guys from the Stark family were positioned by the author as people of honor, stern but fair. And life for them is a huge struggle for honor and justice. In this way, they seemed to be contrasted with the Lannisters - dissolute and idle southerners (isn’t everything like that in life?). The death of Ned Stark, which capped the first volume of the work, rang with an impressive slap in the face under end credits. Good is defeated, that's life, baby.

But fans, not accepting the author’s bloodthirstiness, are convinced (and convince others of this) that the great Martin is destroying one Stark after another because they are not real Starks, brought up by the harshness of the North and capable of surviving in any conditions, keeping the lands from the horrors of winter. They are not real, because they were brought up not in the family nest (in general, this is a common thing for the nobility - to be brought up anywhere, in other decent houses in the world), but in the too moral house of Tully.

2. Cersei, Jaime and Tyrion's mother is alive

There are two bastards that Game of Thrones fans are 146% sure of: Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister. Jon Snow, according to most fans, is the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen (there are also versions that the father is Robert Baratheon, Ned Stark, Brandon Stark or Howland Reed, but they are not so popular). Tyrion Lannister, according to the suspicion of attentive readers, is the son of Joanna Lannister and Aerys II Targaryen. Several points indicate this. That Tywin Lannister regularly said that the dwarf was not his son (starting from the first volume, among other things: “By human law you have the right to bear my name and my colors, since I cannot prove that you are not my blood. Gods, To teach me humility, you condemned me to watch you wear a proud lion, the emblem of my father, grandfather and great-grandfather”). The fact that the child is a dwarf (the Targagiens had incest commonplace, so children could experience something like this side effects) and the fact that Tyrion’s hair color is not quite Lannister. And one eye is like the Lannisters, the other is like the Targaryens. But most of all, this origin of everyone’s favorite half-husband is supported by the fan theory that Tywin Lannister’s wife, Joanna, is alive.

This theory is supported by the scene in which Jaime Lannister dreams (or doesn’t dream, Martin doesn’t immediately understand this) over his father’s coffin. The one who comes to him at this moment, judging by their dialogue, is his mother. Who joined the ranks of the Silent Sisters. The second point is that the corpse of Lyvin Lannister stinks terribly. At the same time, Martin pointed out that all investigations were carried out on the deceased funeral rites, The silent sisters filled the corpse with herbs, that is, in theory, there should not be such a problem. Fans believe that this is all because posthumous procedures on the lord were carried out by him ex-wife, and she did everything wrong out of a desire for revenge. Why take revenge, you ask? Yes, because after the birth of Tyrion, her husband sent her to the Silent Sisters for treason and a bastard from a Targaryen, and told everyone that his wife died in childbirth. To see how this could happen, watch this video.

3. And the “iron throne” goes to... Jon Snow

Now it almost seems obvious. But Martin is not one of those who like obvious moves.

Well, what do you think of the theories? To be honest, it seems to me that Martin is mocking us by giving fans more and more room for misconceptions and speculation. There is a suspicion that in order to understand who will ascend to the throne of Westeros, it is better to read textbooks on the history of the Middle Ages, it seems that the plots are drawn from there.

4. The Seven Starks are the Seven (the belief in the Seven is almost the official religion of Westeros, or rather the seven faces of the same deity), in the face of each one can find his fate in the saga

Blacksmith, Warrior, Father, Unknown, Mother, Maiden, Old Woman - these are the Seven. According to fans, the Blacksmith is Rickon. The warrior is Robb. The father is Ned. The unknown is Arya. The mother is Katelyn. Virgo is Sansa. The oxbow is Bran. Fans in this video explain what is what and what leads to what, but are only a little lost in explaining why we and Martin need this, and what fate awaits the living Starks (if you follow their logic using the example of already dead characters, so-so fate).

5. Roose Bolton is immortal, soon he will kill Ramsay and wear his skin, because he is the son of the King of the North

Can cruelty be even more cruel? Maybe, fans of A Song of Ice and Fire say. And then they tell the story about the fate of the most cruel and perverted hero of the saga, Ramsay Bolton and his lord father. The former bastard, and now the heir of the Boltons, killed the legitimate child of Lord Dreadfort and provoked him to officially recognize himself. Why did the father agree to this and not put his son in his place? Fans believe it's all in the eyes. The bastard baby's are the same as his father's. And this will allow Ruse to soon kill the unfortunate man, remove his skin, put it on himself and continue his eternal rule without anyone noticing the substitution. And he reigns forever because he is the son of the King of the North. Not the one that HBO shows us in the films, but the real, legendary thirteenth Lord of the Night's Watch, who became entangled with a dead woman, made her royal and gave her his seed and soul. According to different versions, it was Bolton or someone else. But the fans really like the idea of ​​the Boltons. Because it also explains why this family was not seriously conquered by the powerful Stark wargs.

All the details of the insidious plan are in this video.

6. Benjen Stark and Daario Naharis are the same person

Two main theories regarding Benjen Stark (Night's Watch scout, brother of Ned Stark and uncle of Jon Snow, who disappeared behind the Wall for a long time). The first is that he is simply and boringly dead. The second is that he is the same “Cold Hands” - a hero of an incomprehensible kind who saved Sam and Lily (those who are not familiar with the book will not understand). There are confirmations for it (you will see them in the video below) and refutations (one supposedly draft of the sixth volume is wandering around the Internet, where the proofreader asks Martin if “Cold Hands” is the missing Stark. Martin says that he is not (in general, How can you believe in the originality of such material when we're talking about about such a treacherous person as George Martin?). At this point, we could forget about poor Benjen. But fans have come up with a third theory.

7. Gendry is the first-born son of Cersei and the late King Robert.

I don’t remember whether this phrase appears in the book or not, but in the series Cersei admits that she and Robert had a son, the black-haired firstborn. Fans are sure that this is Gendry. We are introduced to Gendry as Robert's bastard, who serves as an apprentice to the blacksmith Tobho Mott of King's Landing. He's practically the same age as Rob Stark. It is through his example that the heroes, one after another, learn about the “strong seed” of the reveler king, whose children, regardless of who the mother is, look the same (that is, not like Cersei’s). A friend of Arya, with whom he traveled a lot and helped out more than once. He, like a valuable bastard, was pursued by golden cloaks. In the book, Gendry's fate ends with meeting and wandering with Brienne of Tarth, we are all intrigued. In the series, as a bearer of royal blood, he is redeemed by Melissandra and has complete specific plans on the boy. But he is saved by Ser Davos, who has ideas human sacrifices They seem completely unattractive.

Fans decide that Cersei is telling the truth about the fourth child (even though she was only told three). And develop storyline. After all, the guy can be used very well later.

8. Cersei will be killed by Jaime Lannister

By the fifth book and fifth season of Game of Thrones, Cersei is increasingly going crazy. Her children are dying beautiful waist is spreading before our eyes, comrades are turning away, a path of shame is behind, alcoholism and even greater madness are ahead. What can a loving little brother do in such a situation? Of course, to strangle in order to stop the suffering (especially since this is exactly what the incredibly accurate witch-fortune teller promised Cersei until now). There's just one catch. One younger brother of Cersei is already very far away, the second is a one-armed cripple. We urgently need a third one! However, fans believe that the fortune teller has already screwed up one prediction - about the number of children. Perhaps a surprise awaits us here too.

9. Rickon Stark is the main Stark who will have to restore Winterfell and restore order in the North

Robert Stark is dead, Bran is caught up in his dreams, and clearly destined for less mundane things. What happened to John is unclear. But it is obvious that if he is left alive, it will only be so that the guy can fight for the “Iron Throne” or at least against the Others. But Stark must sit in the North. There is only one left - Rickon. The guy was left with the wildling, and both the series and the book contradict each other regarding his location. But he has the most fierce direwolf and every chance to survive, to be raised in normal conditions for the North - that is, in harsh conditions (and not like Ned and Rob) - and to restore the family nest. Rickon, success!

10. Who will be alive after season/book 6? (more likely)

Spoilers out of the way, let's jump straight to the video (with spoilers, of course).

In the sixth season, in the first five episodes, we lost two direwolves at once. The shaggy dog ​​that belonged to Rickon Stark was beheaded by Little John Umber and brought the head of the beast to Ramsay Bolton as proof that his captive was indeed Rickon Stark.

Summer - Bran's direwolf, died during the battle with the dead in the cave of the Three-Eyed Raven. A heroic death in the name of protecting his master... But was it really impossible to save the wolf’s life? After all, it was clear that he could not stop the dead, and the sacrifice was pointless.

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Bran's faithful assistant Hodor also died. Thus, the creators of the series revealed the secret of his name, it was formed from the phrase hold the door - “close the door.” Hodor essentially fulfilled his purpose and, by closing the door to the cave, saved Bran's life. It’s a pity, it’s a pity that the strong man couldn’t escape from them...

What a pity for Rickon Stark, who died almost reaching his brother Jon Snow.

For five whole seasons, Rickon managed to survive in hostile world, but when he got to Ramsay, he was doomed.

The Bastard of Bolton released Rickon onto the field before the battle and ordered him to run towards Jon Snow, while he himself simultaneously fired arrows at him, deliberately missing. And when Rickon was already at the target, the last arrow hit the heart. Another innocent Stark is dead... It’s scary to think how many goodies we'll be missing out on the next two seasons. We will wait with fear for the premiere next spring.