The woodcutter is a lion and a scarecrow. Why do young Ellies have either a bogeyman or a tin woodcutter?


The Cowardly Lion was terribly happy when he heard about the unexpected death of Bastinda. Ellie opened the cage, and he happily ran around the yard, stretching his paws.
Totoshka came to the kitchen to look at the remains of the terrible Bastinda with his own eyes.
- Ha-ha-ha! - Totoshka admired when he saw a bundle of dirty clothes in the corner. “It turns out that Bastinda was no stronger than those snow women that our boys make in the winter in Kansas.” And what a pity that you, Ellie, didn’t think of this earlier.
“And it’s good that I didn’t guess,” Ellie objected. “Otherwise it’s unlikely that I would have had the courage to douse the sorceress if I knew that this would cause her death...
“Well, all’s well that ends well,” Toto agreed cheerfully. – The important thing is that we return to the Emerald City with victory!
Many Miguns from the surrounding area gathered near the Violet Palace, and Ellie announced to them that from now on they were free. The joy of the people was indescribable. The twinklings danced, snapped their fingers and winked at each other so earnestly that by evening their eyes began to water and they could no longer see anything around them!
Freed from slavery, Ellie and Lev first of all thought about the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman: they had to take care of saving their faithful friends.
Several dozen quick miguns immediately set off on a search under the leadership of Ellie and Lev. Totoshka did not stay in the palace - he sat importantly on the back of his large four-legged friend. They walked until they reached the site of the battle with the flying monkeys, and there they began searching. The Tin Woodman was pulled out of the gorge along with his axe. The bundle with the dress and the Scarecrow's head, faded and covered with dust, were found on the top of the mountain. Ellie could not help but cry at the sight of the pathetic remains of her faithful friends.
The expedition returned to the palace, and the Miguns got to work. The Scarecrow's costume was washed, sewn up, cleaned, stuffed with fresh straw, and - here you go! – her dear Scarecrow stood in front of Ellie. But he could neither speak nor see, because the paint on his face was faded from the sun and he had neither eyes nor mouth.
The Winks brought a brush and paints, and Ellie began to paint the Scarecrow's eyes and mouth. As soon as the first eye began to appear, he immediately winked cheerfully at the girl.

- Be patient, my friend! – Ellie said affectionately. – Otherwise you’ll be left with cross-eyed eyes...
But the Scarecrow simply could not bear it. His mouth was not yet finished, but he was already chatting.
- Prsht... frsht... strsh... fast... brave... I am Scarecrow, brave, dexterous... Oh, what joy! I'm back with Ellie again!
The cheerful Scarecrow hugged Ellie, Lev and Totoshka with his soft arms...
Ellie asked the Miguns if there were any skilled blacksmiths among them. It turned out that from time immemorial the country was famous for its wonderful watchmakers, jewelers, and mechanics. Having learned that it is a matter of restoration iron man, Ellie’s comrade, the miguns assured her that each of them was ready to do everything for the fairy of saving water - that’s what they nicknamed the girl.
Restoring the Tin Woodman was not as easy as the Scarecrow. The country's most skilled craftsmen worked for three days and four nights on the twisted, complex mechanism. They knocked with hammers, sawed with files, riveted, soldered, polished...
And now it has come happy moment, as the Tin Woodman stood in front of Ellie. It was just like new, except for a few patches where the iron had penetrated through the rocks. But the Woodcutter did not pay attention to the patches. After the repair it became even more beautiful. The twinks polished it, and it shone so much that it was painful to look at. They also repaired his ax and made a gold one instead of the broken wooden one. Winkers generally loved everything shiny. Then crowds of children and adults followed the Tin Woodman, blinking and staring at him.
Tears of joy flowed from the Tin Woodman's eyes when he saw his friends again. The Scarecrow and Ellie wiped his tears with a purple towel, afraid that his jaws would rust. Ellie cried with joy and even the cowardly Leo shed tears. He wiped his eyes with his tail so often that the brush at the end of it became wet; The lion had to run to the backyard and dry his tail in the sun.
On the occasion of all these joyful events, a cheerful feast was organized in the palace. Ellie and her friends sat in places of honor and many glasses of lemonade and fruit kvass were drunk for their health.
One of the feasters suggested that from now on, in honor of the fairy of saving water, every migun should wash himself five times a day. After much debate, they agreed that three times would be enough.
Friends spent a few more have fun days in the Violet Palace among the Miguns and began to gather in Return trip.
– We must go to Goodwin: he must fulfill his promises! - Ellie said.
– Oh, finally I’ll get my brains! - shouted the Scarecrow.
- And I am the heart! - said the Tin Woodman.
- And I am courage! - the cowardly Lion barked.
– And I’ll go back to mom and dad in Kansas! – Ellie said and clapped her hands.
“And there I’ll teach that braggart Hector a lesson,” Toto added.
In the morning they gathered the Miguns and bid them a hearty farewell.
Three gray-bearded old men came out of the crowd, turned to the Tin Woodman and respectfully asked to become his ruler of their country. The winks were terribly pleased with the dazzlingly brilliant Woodcutter, with his slender posture as he walked majestically with a golden ax on his shoulder.
- Stay with us! - the blinkers asked him. “We are so helpless and timid.” We need a sovereign who could protect us from our enemies. What if some evil sorceress attacks us and enslaves us again! We ask you very much!
At the mere thought of the evil sorceress, the blinkers howled in horror.
– There are no more evil witches in the country of Goodwin! – the Scarecrow objected proudly. “Ellie and I destroyed them all!”
The blinkers wiped away their tears and continued:
– Think about how convenient such a ruler is: he does not eat, does not drink, and, therefore, will not burden us with taxes. And if he gets hurt in a battle with enemies, we can repair him: we already have experience.
The Tin Woodman was flattered.
“I can’t part with Ellie now,” he said. “And I need to get a heart in the Emerald City.” But then... I'll think about it and maybe come back to you.
The twinklings rejoiced and saw off the travelers with cheerful cries of “Hurray.”
The whole company received rich gifts. Ellie was given a bracelet with diamonds. The Tin Woodman was given a beautiful golden oil dish, decorated precious stones. The Scarecrow, knowing that he was not steady on his feet, the miguns presented him with a magnificent cane with an ivory knob, and silver bells of a wonderful tone were hung from his hat. The Scarecrow became extremely proud of the gifts. When walking, he extended his hand with a cane far away and shook his head in order to fully enjoy the wonderful ringing of the bells. However, he soon got tired of it, and began to behave as simply as before.
Leo and Totoshka received wonderful golden collars. Lev didn’t like the collar at first, but one of the Miguns told him that all kings wear golden collars, and then Lev came to terms with this unpleasant decoration.
“When I get courage,” said Lev. – I will become the king of beasts, which means I need to get used to this nasty thing in advance...


The purple city of the Miguns was left behind. The travelers were heading west. Ellie was wearing a gold hat. The girl accidentally found a hat in Bastinda's room. She didn't know her magical power, but the girl liked the hat and Ellie put it on.
They walked merrily and hoped to reach Emerald City. But in the mountains, where they fought with flying monkeys, the travelers got lost: having lost their way, they went in the other direction.
Days passed after days, and the towers of the Emerald City did not appear on the horizon.
Provisions were running out and Ellie was worried about the future.
One day, when the travelers were resting, the girl suddenly remembered the whistle given to her by the mouse queen.
– What if I whistle?
Ellie brought the whistle to her lips. There was a rustling sound in the grass and the queen of the field mice ran out into the clearing.
- Welcome! - the travelers shouted joyfully, and the Woodcutter grabbed the restless Toto by the collar.
-What do you want, my friends? – Queen Ramina asked in her thin voice.
“We are returning to the Emerald City from the land of the Miguns and got lost. - Ellie said. – Help us find the way!
- You go to reverse side, said the mouse. - It will soon open before you Mountain chain, surrounding Goodwin Country. And from here to the Emerald City is many, many days' journey.
Ellie was saddened.
– And we thought that we would soon see the Emerald City.
– What can a person who has a golden hat on his head be sad about? – the mouse queen asked in surprise. Although she was small in stature, she belonged to the family of fairies and knew the use of all magical things. – Call the flying monkeys and they will take you where you need to go.
Hearing about the flying monkeys, the Tin Woodman began to tremble, and the Scarecrow cowered in horror. The Cowardly Lion waved his shaggy mane:
- Flying monkeys again? Thank you very much! I am quite familiar with them, and for me, these creatures are worse than saber-toothed tigers!
Ramina laughed:
– The monkeys obediently serve the owner of the golden cap. Look at the lining: it says what to do.
Ellie looked inside.
- We are saved, my friends! – she cried cheerfully.
“I’m leaving,” the mouse queen said with dignity. “Our kind is not in harmony with the kind of flying monkeys.” Goodbye!
- Goodbye! Thank you! – the travelers shouted and Ramina disappeared.
Ellie started talking magic words written on the lining:
- Bambara, chufara, loriki, eriki...

– Bambara, chufara? – the Scarecrow asked in surprise.
“Oh, please don’t bother me,” Ellie asked and continued: pikapu, trikapu, skoriki, moriki...
“Skoriki, moriki...” whispered the Scarecrow.
- Appear before me, flying monkeys! – Ellie finished loudly and a flock of flying monkeys rustled in the air.
The travelers involuntarily bowed their heads to the ground, remembering their previous meeting with the monkeys. But the flock quietly descended, and the leader bowed respectfully to Ellie.
- What do you order, owner of the golden cap?
– Take us to the Emerald City!
- Will be done!
One moment and the travelers found themselves high in the air. Ellie was carried by the leader of the flying monkeys and his wife; The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman were sitting on horseback; The lion was raised by several strong monkeys; a young monkey was dragging Totoshka, and the dog was barking at her and trying to bite her. At first the travelers were scared, but they soon calmed down, seeing how freely the monkeys felt in the air.
-Why do you obey the owner of the golden cap? – Ellie asked.
The leader of the flying monkeys told Ellie the story of how many centuries ago a tribe of flying monkeys offended a powerful fairy. As punishment, the fairy made a magic hat. The flying monkeys had to fulfill three wishes of the owner of the hat and after that he had no power over them. But if the hat passes to another, that one can again command the monkey tribe. The first owner of the golden cap was the fairy who made it. Then the hat changed hands many times until it came to the evil Bastinda, and from her to Ellie.
An hour later, the towers of the Emerald City appeared and the monkeys carefully lowered Ellie and her companions at the very gate, onto the road paved with yellow brick.
The flock flew into the air and disappeared with a noise.
Ellie called. Faramant came out and was terribly surprised:
- You're back!?
- As you can see! – the Scarecrow said with dignity.
– But you went to the evil sorceress of the Violet Country?
“We were with her,” answered the Scarecrow and importantly tapped his cane on the ground. – True, we can’t boast that we had a fun time there.
– And you left the Violet Country without the permission of the evil Bastinda? - the surprised gatekeeper asked.
– We didn’t ask her permission! - continued the Scarecrow. – You know, she melted!
- How? Has it melted? Wonderful, amazing news! But who melted it?
- Ellie, of course! – Lev said importantly.
The gate guard bowed low to Ellie, led the travelers to his room and again put on the glasses they were already familiar with. And again everything around was magically transformed, everything shone with a soft green light...

Yesterday I spoke at the seminar “Politics and Media”, I chose the topic “Political Leadership” Russian media after Crimea." While I was preparing, I began to delve into different periods of the “evolution of the system.” And somehow I acutely realized that all this that interests us - political language, the formation of a new “majority”, a strange “combination of the incongruous” in the figurative system of the new patriotism, etc. - all this was not created by Putin. It turns out that Putin and his entourage are only an accumulation of financial flows and a certain style of “resolving issues.” Whatever one may say, the “image factory” that has arisen between the Kremlin and the population is entirely the “merit” of media managers and television producers.

“People who control financial flows control people who are looking for their identity” - this is a very bright phrase by Alexey Tsvetkov Jr. Indeed, the central collision of everything post-Soviet period- this is a search for identity and, as it were, a need to “replenish what was lost.” The Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Lion were short of brains, one of hearts, and one of courage. And thanks to " magic screen"They set out to search.

And it turned out that the political scientist M. could make up for his lack of brains by finding himself in criticism of American hegemony, and the writer P. could make up for his lack of valor by going to the Donbass, and the Tin Woodman, Bishop Sh., could develop warmth in himself by fighting for family values. Even Totoshka was faced with the question: “Who am I? What is my mission on Earth after I was taken away from Kansas?” (that is, after the “great geopolitical catastrophe of the twentieth century”).

And all this was not proposed by Putin and the Ozero cooperative - they offered only favorable working conditions in exchange for one thing: so that the “search for identity” would not conflict with the style of “resolving issues.” The work itself was done by specialists from the “image factory”. Absolutely all patterns into which the search could “flow” self-identity for large contingents of the post-Soviet population, were created completely independently and creatively large group media workers in in a broad sense- that is, producers, film directors, science fiction writers, journalists, etc.

And all these people acted not only without “malice”, not only without some pre-thought-out plan for instilling new patriotism and creating a new “moral majority”, but even vice versa: in most cases, completely sincerely, freely and obeying only their own hearts - created.

When you look back, every episode of evolution contains nothing deliberately malicious. For example, it all started with Ernst’s “Old Songs about the Main Thing.” It was a long time ago. Everyone laughed then. Everything was subtle. And filled with irony regarding " Soviet images" No one at that moment could have said that the appearance of this project was a deliberate re-Sovietization.

Or, for example, the project “Name Russia”. It is impossible to blame Lyubimov for anything here. The format is “worldwide”, everywhere there is this “Name of Britain”, “Name of Tanzania” - and why not “Name of Russia”. At the moment when it became clear that Stalin was also very good and even better than Alexander Nevsky, one could say: oh yes, this is terrible! And even consider that the program revealed a social problem that was invisible to applied sociologists.

Of course, there were specific “villains”: Pushkov’s “After the Fact” program or the “Russian House” with General Leonov spent the entire 90s preparing us for the final battle with American imperialism. But, from the point of view of the then Ernst or Lyubimov, these were “marginals” who worked with some insignificant segment of the audience, so to speak, with the readers of the newspaper “Zavtra” who were forever captivated.

I remember that people in my circle in the late 90s and early 2000s considered themselves liberal-conservatives. “Liberal” in the sense that he is for civil and political freedoms, and “conservative” - because it seemed to us that it would be good to add to the post-Soviet development of the Russian Federation a normal “bureaucracy” (rational, according to Weber), normal business (with “ religious ethics”, again according to Weber), restore the “ethics of civil service” (for example, at least according to Stolypin).

Now, in the second half of the tenth, it is no longer possible to call oneself a liberal-conservative, since there is complete conservatism all around, far beyond the limits of any rationality. Now, in order to distance oneself from the results of the “conservative revolution”, one has to call oneself a Republican. Because “where is our republic?”, “where did it go?”, “it no longer exists.” A society was formed that was directly opposed to the republican political ideal. Power has been usurped. This is an obvious fact. The same group has been in power for a long time, but seeks to gain a foothold forever by transferring the farm specifically to their children.

This is how I continue the theme of “identity”. Your own, personal. So I witnessed a historical drama, known since antiquity: by manipulating expectations, the usurper forms a majority - and that’s it, it’s too late to shout: “Citizens, the republic is in danger!”, because for more than ten years the remnants of republican fragments (albeit weak ones) have been replaced by "corporate". Nothing exclusive: even stronger democracies than post-Soviet Russia, faced such an anti-republican attempt - and not without success. Berlusconi was barely knocked out of the already degenerated body of the Italian Republic.

Now we need some new Walter Lippman, who would day after day in simple language, available to every junior officer and every teacher primary school, would explain why we are a republic and why it is better than a “corporate state.” And why can’t we give up this identity and exchange it for a comfortable stay in the emerging “majority”.

Now it is clearly visible that re-Sovietization and, in general, “images of the past” have already been worked out, as it were, by the “dream factory”, and it is clear that media management is using the same indulgence (“it’s not us who are doing this, it’s the audience itself that wants it, it’s interesting to them!” moves from the “historical-ideological majority” to the “moral majority.” The film about the love of Admiral Kolchak went off with a bang, but the film about the love of the heir to the throne is no longer going well. Because the period of “morality” has already begun here.

And now there is a stream of current events that urgently require us to make a moral assessment and join the “moral majority.” Everyone is already tired of arguing why Crimea is ours. Let's just tell ourselves: we are good, we live “justly” (that is, morally), and therefore it is obvious that “Crimea is ours.”

Let's more actively discuss whether sex with drunken teenagers is moral, where suicides among teenagers come from, whether it is good to beat each other in the family - a million topics arise that require our moral assessment. Ultimately, even institutional events - the defeat of the Academy of Sciences, the position of the rector of Moscow State University, a long sentence for a Pokemon catcher in a temple, etc. - all this has now finally come to a moral perspective. “But what’s wrong with that?” - anyone will ask.

The only bad thing about this is that at the top there is a group that abolished the republic. Beneath it is a population that continues to search for its identity. And between them is the “dream factory,” which works like a machine that allows those who “manage financial flows” to control those who “are looking for identity.” And the main condition for the functioning of this factory is not to let this search for identity stop, to maintain the “blue light” in the wick.

It seems like it turns out: we “restored the vertical” in the period 1999-2005, but it seems like we didn’t. It seems that we have gone through the crucible of ten years of debate about our historical identity, but you look back - Lenin is still lying where he was, the emperor has cast myrrh, but somehow anecdotally, they argued about the fascists for a long time, it turned out that the fascists are “out there” - among the Lithuanians and Ukrainians (for which there is no forgiveness), we never had our own. And now - as we move towards a moral majority - it is even absurd to assume that we could have our own fascists.

And it turns out that all this work of media management to create products that satisfy the expectations of the audience, in the conditions of the “corporate state”, usurpation of power and betrayal of the republic, is simply a game of identity, swinging the consciousness of the audience back and forth, from one corner to another, without any "added value" to this weak identity.

Of course, at some point it seems to the Scarecrow that his brains are already in place, and to the Cowardly Lion that he is the liberator of Donbass, or even the whole of Eastern Europe. But in reality, they are simply led in circles...

The Cowardly Lion was terribly happy when he heard about the unexpected death of Bastinda. Ellie opened the cage, and he happily ran around the yard, stretching his paws.

Totoshka came to the kitchen to look at the remains of the terrible Bastinda with his own eyes.

- Ha-ha-ha! - Totoshka admired when he saw a bundle of dirty clothes in the corner. “It turns out that Bastinda was no stronger than those snow women that our boys make in the winter in Kansas.” And what a pity that you, Ellie, didn’t think of this earlier.

“And it’s good that I didn’t guess,” Ellie objected. “Otherwise it’s unlikely that I would have had the courage to douse the sorceress if I knew that this would cause her death...

“Well, all’s well that ends well,” Toto agreed cheerfully. – The important thing is that we return to the Emerald City with victory!

Many Miguns from the surrounding area gathered near the Violet Palace, and Ellie announced to them that from now on they were free. The joy of the people was indescribable. The twinklings danced, snapped their fingers and winked at each other so earnestly that by evening their eyes began to water and they could no longer see anything around them!

Freed from slavery, Ellie and Lev first of all thought about the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman: they had to take care of saving their faithful friends.

Several dozen quick miguns immediately set off on a search under the leadership of Ellie and Lev. Totoshka did not stay in the palace - he sat importantly on the back of his large four-legged friend. They walked until they reached the site of the battle with the flying monkeys, and there they began searching. The Tin Woodman was pulled out of the gorge along with his axe. The bundle with the dress and the Scarecrow's head, faded and covered with dust, were found on the top of the mountain. Ellie could not help but cry at the sight of the pathetic remains of her faithful friends.

The expedition returned to the palace, and the Miguns got to work. The Scarecrow's costume was washed, sewn up, cleaned, stuffed with fresh straw, and - here you go! – her dear Scarecrow stood in front of Ellie. But he could neither speak nor see, because the paint on his face was faded from the sun and he had neither eyes nor mouth.

The Winks brought a brush and paints, and Ellie began to paint the Scarecrow's eyes and mouth. As soon as the first eye began to appear, he immediately winked cheerfully at the girl.

- Be patient, my friend! – Ellie said affectionately. – Otherwise you’ll be left with cross-eyed eyes...

But the Scarecrow simply could not bear it. His mouth was not yet finished, but he was already chatting.

- Prsht... frsht... strsh... fast... brave... I am Scarecrow, brave, dexterous... Oh, what joy! I'm back with Ellie again!

The cheerful Scarecrow hugged Ellie, Lev and Totoshka with his soft arms...

Ellie asked the Miguns if there were any skilled blacksmiths among them. It turned out that from time immemorial the country was famous for its wonderful watchmakers, jewelers, and mechanics. Having learned that the matter was about restoring the iron man, Ellie’s comrade, the miguns assured her that each of them was ready to do everything for the fairy of saving water - that’s what they nicknamed the girl.

Restoring the Tin Woodman was not as easy as the Scarecrow. The country's most skilled craftsmen worked for three days and four nights on the twisted, complex mechanism. They knocked with hammers, sawed with files, riveted, soldered, polished...

And then the happy moment came when the Tin Woodman stood in front of Ellie. It was just like new, except for a few patches where the iron had penetrated through the rocks. But the Woodcutter did not pay attention to the patches. After the repair it became even more beautiful. The twinks polished it, and it shone so much that it was painful to look at. They also repaired his ax and made a gold one instead of the broken wooden one. Winkers generally loved everything shiny. Then crowds of children and adults followed the Tin Woodman, blinking and staring at him.

Tears of joy flowed from the Tin Woodman's eyes when he saw his friends again. The Scarecrow and Ellie wiped his tears with a purple towel, afraid that his jaws would rust. Ellie cried with joy and even the cowardly Leo shed tears. He wiped his eyes with his tail so often that the brush at the end of it became wet; The lion had to run to the backyard and dry his tail in the sun.

On the occasion of all these joyful events, a cheerful feast was organized in the palace. Ellie and her friends sat in places of honor and many glasses of lemonade and fruit kvass were drunk for their health.

One of the feasters suggested that from now on, in honor of the fairy of saving water, every migun should wash himself five times a day. After much debate, they agreed that three times would be enough.

The friends spent a few more fun days in the Violet Palace among the Miguns and began to get ready for the return trip.

– We must go to Goodwin: he must fulfill his promises! - Ellie said.

– Oh, finally I’ll get my brains! - shouted the Scarecrow.

- And I am the heart! - said the Tin Woodman.

- And I am courage! - the cowardly Lion barked.

– And I’ll go back to mom and dad in Kansas! – Ellie said and clapped her hands.

“And there I’ll teach that braggart Hector a lesson,” Toto added.

In the morning they gathered the Miguns and bid them a hearty farewell.

Three gray-bearded old men came out of the crowd, turned to the Tin Woodman and respectfully asked to become his ruler of their country. The winks were terribly pleased with the dazzlingly brilliant Woodcutter, with his slender posture as he walked majestically with a golden ax on his shoulder.

- Stay with us! - the blinkers asked him. “We are so helpless and timid.” We need a sovereign who could protect us from our enemies. What if some evil sorceress attacks us and enslaves us again! We ask you very much!

At the mere thought of the evil sorceress, the blinkers howled in horror.

– There are no more evil witches in the country of Goodwin! – the Scarecrow objected proudly. “Ellie and I destroyed them all!”

The blinkers wiped away their tears and continued:

– Think about how convenient such a ruler is: he does not eat, does not drink, and, therefore, will not burden us with taxes. And if he gets hurt in a battle with enemies, we can repair him: we already have experience.

The Tin Woodman was flattered.

“I can’t part with Ellie now,” he said. “And I need to get a heart in the Emerald City.” But then... I'll think about it and maybe come back to you.

The twinklings rejoiced and saw off the travelers with cheerful cries of “Hurray.”

The whole company received rich gifts. Ellie was given a bracelet with diamonds. The Tin Woodman was given a beautiful golden oil dish trimmed with precious stones. The Scarecrow, knowing that he was not steady on his feet, the miguns presented him with a magnificent cane with an ivory knob, and silver bells of a wonderful tone were hung from his hat. The Scarecrow became extremely proud of the gifts. When walking, he extended his hand with a cane far away and shook his head in order to fully enjoy the wonderful ringing of the bells. However, he soon got tired of it, and began to behave as simply as before.

Leo and Totoshka received wonderful golden collars. Lev didn’t like the collar at first, but one of the miguns told him that all kings wear golden collars, and then Lev came to terms with this unpleasant decoration.

“When I get courage,” said Lev. – I will become the king of beasts, which means I need to get used to this nasty thing in advance...