The power of dreams works wonders. The magical power of dreams (based on the extravaganza story A

Magic power dreams (based on the extravaganza story by A. Green "Scarlet Sails").


All children believe in fairy tales and miracles, but few manage to maintain this belief when entering adult life. Immersed in everyday life and everyday problems, they become boring, gloomy, predictable ordinary people.

The main character of A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails" Assol is a happy exception to this rule. Having grown up among down-to-earth, embittered people, she managed not only to withstand their barbs and offensive ridicule, but also not to doubt her fate.

WITH early childhood Assol loved to listen fascinating stories about sea adventures that her father, an experienced sailor, told her about. Going to a city not far from Kaperna to “carry goods” to the store, she often plunged into a fantasy world, talking with the inhabitants of the ships and houses that Longren made. During one of these walks, the girl met the wandering storyteller Egle, who predicted that a prince from a distant country would sail for her on a ship with scarlet sails, and she would become a princess.

From that day on, the expectation of a miracle settled in Assol's soul - and it was so sincere, childishly innocent, that it found a response in the surrounding space.

At this time, far from the fishing village, in a family castle, a romantic and dreamy boy grew up, in love with the sea and ships. Being a purposeful, courageous and strong-willed person, the grown-up Gray decided to leave his father’s house in order to fulfill his dream. While still a cabin boy, he managed to gain the respect and approval of the experienced crew. Quickly accumulating knowledge in the field of navigation and acquiring the necessary skills, the young man eventually became a captain. His heart remained open to miracles, therefore, seeing Assol sleeping in a forest clearing, and then learning her story and prediction, he realized how dear she was to him, and decided to make the long-awaited fairy tale come true: “... when the soul conceals the grain of a fiery plant - a miracle, do It's a miracle for him if you're able to. New soul He will also have a new one for you."

So the magical power of a dream made two kind and loving people happy.

Essay “Dream and Reality” based on the extravaganza story by A. Green “Scarlet Sails”

Assol was poor girl. Her mother died and she lived with her father. No one in the city liked them, especially their father. Her father used to be a sailor, and when he returned, he began to make wooden Toys. One day Assol went to the store to give her father’s toys to the seller, and noticed a very beautiful boat with scarlet sails in the basket. Assol lowered him into the water, and suddenly the current caught him and carried him forward. Assol rushed after the boat. The toy led the girl to a man who introduced himself as a wizard. He predicted to her that one day a beautiful ship with scarlet sails, on which a handsome prince would sail, would sail to the shores of Kaperna. Under wonderful music a boat will separate from the ship. And the handsome prince will put her on a ship, and she will leave forever beautiful country. Assol was a dreamy girl and believed in this prediction. Since then, the city began to consider her completely crazy. But Assol didn’t care. She lived this dream. She really believed that one day a prince would sail for her under scarlet sails. At the same time, Arthur Gray was born far from Assol. He came into a rich, wealthy family and could have lived a calm, balanced life, but he was not like his parents. Gray was thirsty for adventure and one day he ran away from home and joined a ship as a cabin boy. Arthur tried very hard, practiced, and after a certain period of time he became a captain on his own ship from a cabin boy. One day he went fishing with his sailor. Gray saw a sleeping girl there. He really liked her. He took the most expensive beautiful ring from his finger and put it on her finger. Then he went with the sailor to a nearby tavern. There he learned about Assol and the prediction. He wanted to fulfill it. In this a wonderful fairy tale, as in all others, good and happy ending. Gray sailed to Assol under scarlet sails, put her on a ship, and they sailed away forever to a beautiful country. This work can partially be called a fairy tale. Firstly, Green has an area that does not exist on the map, names that do not exist in this world. And there, as in all fairy tales, a happy ending. There is another moment of magic in this work: the fact that the wizard’s prediction came true, although when he said this, he did not suspect that this would be exactly the case. He just wanted to please Assol. But, on the other hand, this is not about magic. After all, the main characters themselves ensured that the wizard’s prediction came true. The essence of this fairy tale is that if you really believe and make an effort, everything will come true. Although this work is more about idealism, I believe that in the real world this is impossible. And in general, in this fairy tale everything is very simple, but in life it is not.

The triumph of poetic love and sublime dreams in A. Green's extravaganza "Scarlet Sails".


Children and adults all over the world know and love A. Green's wonderful story-extravaganza "Scarlet Sails". It was published more than a hundred times in Russian alone. Why are people so attracted to such “fiction” and “fables”?

"Scarlet Sails" is a story about a sublime dream and poetic love of two people who believe in miracles. At the same time, the author himself calls his work an extravaganza, a fairy tale, which means that the events described in it could never have happened in reality. I don't want to agree with this. Couldn't a girl with a fair hair have lived in the world? poetic soul, believing more in goodness and love than in the misunderstanding and dullness surrounding her? Was there never a young man who loved to dream, whose heart belonged to the sea from childhood, and couldn’t he, having become an adult, realize what he had planned a long time ago? And couldn’t they have met: Assol and Gray, who believes in a miracle and seeks this faith, awaiting her destiny and managing to become destiny himself? Maybe they had a different name. Maybe Assol was not the daughter of a sailor, but a lumberjack, and Gray was not the heir of a noble family, but a wandering storyteller, like the collector of songs and legends Egl. All this does not matter when there are people who are able to selflessly love, selflessly dream and believe in miracles with all their hearts

A bright and joyful feeling remains in your soul when you finish reading Scarlet Sails. This feeling brings adults back to childhood, and convinces children that miracles are in their later life depend on themselves. That is why this work will never have indifferent and yawning readers.

A Tale of Love (based on A. Green's extravaganza story "Scarlet Sails").


The romantic story "Scarlet Sails" is one of best works Alexandra Green. The path to creating this story was long. The author repeatedly changed and rewrote the text until he achieved what he wanted. He sought to create perfect world, Where live wonderful heroes and where love, a dream, a fairy tale can overcome rudeness and callousness. And he achieved his goal. The writer depicted "extraordinary circumstances in which something decisive had to happen." "Scarlet Sails" is a fairy tale about poetic love, about an all-conquering sublime dream.

The life of the heroine of the story, young Assol, is quite unhappy: she had no friends, children avoided her, and adults transferred their dislike for her father to her. They laughed at the girl and insulted her. But the kind Longren encouraged his daughter: “Eh, Assol,” he said, “do they know how to love? They must be able to love, but they can’t do that.” And he took the girl in his arms and kissed her deeply. Under the influence of her father, who adored her, Assol created for herself a kind of dream world in which everything was beautiful, all people were kind and loved each other. And one day in the forest, captivated by playing with a toy ship and a story she had invented, the girl accidentally met a stranger who introduced himself as “the most important wizard” and told her incredible story, about what awaits her in the future. “One morning, in the distant sea, a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun. The shining bulk of the scarlet sails of a white ship will move, cutting through the waves, straight towards you... Then you will see a brave, handsome prince... “Hello, Assol! - he will say. “Far, far from here, I saw you in a dream and came to take you forever to my kingdom... And you will leave forever to a brilliant country where the sun rises and where the stars will descend from the sky to congratulate you on your arrival.” And the girl believed the mysterious wizard. And all subsequent years she continued to live with this faith and wait for her prince to come for her. She waited, not paying attention to the laughter, teasing and mockery of people.

And at this time, somewhere far away, a boy was growing up, dreaming of becoming a captain and not yet knowing that he was destined to fulfill the lifelong dream of one beautiful girl. Gray also lived in his own wonderful world. He dreamed of the sea, lived this dream, which for him constituted the only possible happiness, combining “danger, risk, the power of nature, the light of a distant country, wonderful uncertainty, flickering love, blooming with rendezvous and separation; a fascinating ebullience of meetings, faces, events ; the immense variety of life..."

They lived like this for seven long years, each living their own dreams, not knowing that they were gradually moving towards each other. And, of course, one day the day came when they met. Gray saw a girl sleeping in the shadow of the branches, and “everything moved, everything smiled in him.” She immediately captivated the young man’s heart, and, succumbing to his feelings, he took the ring off his finger and carefully put it on Assol’s little finger. The girl didn't feel anything. But when she woke up and found a ring on her finger, she no longer doubted that it belonged to her prince. Meanwhile, Gray accidentally learned about the girl's dream, and this pushed him to action. With unprecedented inspiration, he set about implementing his idea - and a few days later, a beautiful ship with scarlet sails was ready to take on board the most important jewel.

Gray made Assol's dream come true and achieved his own happiness. He knew that his happiness was this beautiful girl who helped him understand the truth. And this truth lies in “doing so-called miracles with your own hands.” Thanks to the power of love, sincere faith in their dream, the destinies of two people were united into one, which will now forever remain for them “in the scarlet reflection of the sails created by the depth of the heart, which knows what love is.”

The world of dreamers and the world of ordinary people in A. Green's story "Scarlet Sails".


The ancient Greeks believed that desire already creates and creates on its own. The forces of desire and dreams can turn life in a new direction and change the person himself. Alexander Green founded the the whole world, in which live brave, frank and sincere men, poetic and beautiful women, where towns with wonderful names are located by the sea - Liss, Zurbagan.

Green knew the power of dreams and the power of love. All his stories about love end with one phrase - “They lived long and died on the same day.” The most important thing is to meet and find each other.

In Alexander Green's fairy tale "Scarlet Sails" a sharp division of people into two worlds is clearly visible. This is the world of the dreamer Assol and the world of the inhabitants around her. Assol lost her mother early, and her father began making a living by making and selling toys. The world of toys in which Assol lived naturally shaped her character. And in life she had to face gossip and evil. It was quite natural that the real world scared her. Running away from him, trying to keep the feeling of beauty in her heart, she believed in a beautiful fairy tale about the scarlet sails, told to her kind person. This kind but unhappy man undoubtedly wished her well, but his fairy tale turned out to be suffering for her. And yet, it was the fairy tale that helped her not to sink into the swamp of philistine life.

There, in this swamp, lived people for whom dreams were inaccessible. They were ready to mock any person who lived, thought, and felt differently from the way they lived, thought, and felt. Therefore, Assol, with her beautiful inner world, with her magical dream, they considered her a village fool. It seems to me that these people were deeply unhappy. They thought and felt limitedly, their very desires were limited, but subconsciously they suffered from the thought that they were missing something. This “something” was not food, shelter, although for many even this was not what they would like, no, it was a person’s spiritual need to at least occasionally see the beautiful, to come into contact with the beautiful. It seems to me that this need in a person cannot be eradicated by anything.

And it is not their crime, but their misfortune that they have become so coarse in soul that they have not learned to see beauty in thoughts and feelings. They saw only a dirty world and lived in this reality. Assol lived in another, fictional world, incomprehensible and therefore not accepted by the average person. Dream and reality collided. This contradiction ruined Assol.

This fact of life, probably experienced by the writer himself. Very often, people who do not understand another person, perhaps even a great and beautiful one, consider him a fool. It's easier for them this way.

Assol was lucky in that Gray found her. Also a dreamer by nature, he still did not think about anything unrealizable. His dreams in rich family supported. It was easier for him than Assol, incomparably easier, but still he understood her, understood her impossible dream, which she could not give up, understood her when even her own father did not understand his daughter. But her father was a man of great soul, but he too was sucked in and crippled by the maelstrom of philistine life.

Little Assol, an outcast child raised by a kind and loving father, lives a solitary life. She is pushed away by her peers and disliked by adults, transferring their dislike for her father onto the girl. One day he meets her in the forest a strange man, tells a fairy tale about a ship with scarlet sails, and from that moment fate begins its work. Assol believed in the fairy tale and made it part of her soul. The girl was ready for a miracle - and a miracle found her.

Green shows how, through intricate paths, two people, created for each other, move towards a meeting. Gray lives in a completely different world. Wealth, luxury, power are given to him by birthright. And in the soul there lives a dream not about jewelry and feasts, but about the sea and sails. In defiance of his family, he becomes a sailor, sails around the world, and one day an accident brings him to the tavern of the village where Assol lives. Like a crude joke, they tell Gray the story of a madwoman who is waiting for the prince on a ship with scarlet sails.

It was as if two strings sounded together... Soon the morning will come when the ship approaches the shore, and Assol will shout: “I’m here! Here I am!” - and starts running straight through the water.

A dream, if you believe in it, that is, give your life to it, no matter what “reasonable” people say, becomes a powerful creative force.

Green's work is excellent for its optimism, unshakable faith in the dream, the victory of the dream over the bourgeois, philistine environment. Excellent because it gives hope for life in a society of people who are able to hear and understand each other. Assol, accustomed to mockery and ridicule of herself, nevertheless flew out of that ugly world and sailed to the ship, proving to everyone that any dream can come true if you strongly believe in it, do not change it, and do not doubt it. And perhaps this made someone much better, more noble, more chaste in soul, who in this story was ranked among the social “swamp” and who will crawl out of it for the new story about castles in the air.

THE POWER OF A DREAM WORKS WONDERS (based on the extravaganza story by A. Green “Scarlet Sails”)

A fairy tale is needed not only for children, but also for adults. It causes excitement - the source of high human passions. She does not allow us to calm down and always shows us new sparkling distances, a different life. It disturbs and makes you passionately desire this life.

K. G. Paustovsky

The extravaganza story by A. S. Green “Scarlet Sails” is truly magical, amazing work. This is a reverent, sincere poem about love, about the power of dreams. The writer firmly believed that it is the power of dreams, the power for which there are no barriers, nothing is impossible. can change lives, turn the whole world upside down, create a miracle. You just need to sincerely believe in your dream and wait for a miracle with all your heart. Green's own dream helped him create beautiful world, populated by brave, honest men and beautiful, loving women.

An amazing storyteller, Green calmly, but at the same time vividly tells about his heroes, their lives and work, dreams and aspirations. Each of them has a dream - Longren, who dearly loves his daughter, Assol, who devotedly takes care of her father, Lilian, who sees in her son a special child, unlike other children, who also strives for his own dream.

Assol's father, Longren, raised his daughter and dreamed of a good life for her. He made toys from wood - ships with masts, boats, cruisers - and took them to the shop for sale. Assol, when she grew up, began delivering toys to stores herself. When the family's debt began to exceed the money earned, Longren decided to go to work on a mail ship. After all, he had a dream - to raise his daughter and do everything to make Assol’s own dream of a ship with scarlet sails come true. “We shouldn’t take such a toy away from you,” Longren thought. - ...And about the scarlet sails, think like me: they will be for you Scarlet Sails”.

Assol, endowed with a pure, open heart, filled with the brightest and sincere feelings, lives in his fairy tale world, keeping in my heart the dream of a ship and a handsome prince.

The girl believed the story of a strange man whom she once met in the forest. This man told her magical story about a prince who will definitely sail on a ship with scarlet sails and take her to the unknown, wonderful country, where they will live in love and harmony. And every day, with faith and hope, she peers into the sea, hoping to see sun rays the ship of your dreams with scarlet sails. No, she was not “damaged in her mind,” as they said in the area. She, despite the ridicule and irony of those around her - callous, insensitive people - is waiting for a miracle and knows that it will certainly happen.

Arthur Gray also lives in his own fairy-tale world and keeps his your own dream- a dream about big ship and how one day he, having become the captain of this ship, will go on a long and interesting voyage. In the depths of his soul there was always a picture that hung in home. The dream became closer when he, a gentle young man, came to the ship to become a cabin boy. This dream helped him fulfill the difficult duties of a sailor, helped him from a chick to become a real, strong seabird.

Assol and Gray's dreams were so strong that one day, somewhere far, far away, Assol's dream met Gray's dream, both of them were surprised by this meeting and... came true!..

Gray bent down and her hands grabbed his belt. Assol closed her eyes; then, quickly opening her eyes, she boldly smiled at his shining face and, out of breath, said:

- Absolutely like that.

- And you too, my child! – Gray said, taking the wet jewel out of the water. - So I came. Do you recognize me?

The prince, who turned out to be Arthur Gray, really came for her and said the long-awaited words: “Hello, Assol! Far, far from here, I saw you in a dream and came to take you to my kingdom forever.”

The girl, and along with her, we, were convinced that the power of dreams is truly capable of working miracles. “So,” by chance, as people who can read and write say, “Gray and Assol found each other in the morning summer day, full of inevitability.” Of course, the silk for the scarlet sails of the “Secret” was bought in an ordinary shop, but did this make them lose the color of their dreams?

Alexander Greene is called the last romantic. His romanticism is the ability to create miracles with his own hands, this is faith in a dream, in his scarlet sails, this is the ability to love, which, with all their economic ingenuity, the inhabitants of Kaperna, who do not sing songs, do not tell fairy tales and do not believe in miracles, cannot . Green believed in a fairy tale and made this fairy tale a reality.

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THE POWER OF A DREAM WORKS WONDERS (based on the extravaganza story by A. Green “Scarlet Sails”)

Perhaps every girl in the world dreams that one day she will meet her prince on a white horse. A prince who will love her with all his heart and bring the whole world to her feet. But dreams do not always come true; the power of dreams does not always work miracles. In the extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails” all the dreams of young Assol come true. And what’s surprising is that they come true thanks to the prince, his faith in a miracle and his desire to bring this miracle to life.

Analyzing the extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails,” one cannot narrow the meaning of this work to the call “Believe in your dream!” In space art world Greena has a dream great importance. Green's characters believe in dreams, and this is their peculiarity - the dream is no less important for them than real life. For main character Assol's dream became her own inner essence, the searches and impulses of her soul - tender, deep, passionate. Moreover, the “world of dreams” almost completely replaced the “world of everyday reality” in her mind and life. The girl's mother died trying to get money to live. Neighbor Menners, who was considered a wealthy man, agreed to give money, but demanded love for it. The unfortunate woman, despite the cold windy weather, went to the city to pawn the ring, but the next day she fell ill with fever and delirium, and soon died. Father Longren, who returned from his voyage, began raising his daughter. The father was uncommunicative, and after the death of his wife he completely closed himself off. In addition, on one stormy day, he took revenge on Menners for the death of his wife, which is why the neighbors completely turned their backs on their small family. Father and daughter lived estrangedly, Assol grew up without friends: “When playing, the children chased Assol if she approached them, threw dirt and teased her that her father ate human flesh and was now making counterfeit money.”

One day, little Assol went to the city to take toys made by her father’s hands to the store. One of the toys caught her attention: it was a small boat with scarlet sails made from scraps of silk. Assol was delighted and wanted to launch the boat into the water. The fast current carried the ship deep into the forest. There she met Aigle, who was traveling on foot, a famous collector of songs, legends, tales and fairy tales. To the little girl he seemed like a wizard. For a long time, Egle could not understand what exactly attracted him to the girl’s face. And when he realized what struck him in the girl was “an involuntary expectation of a beautiful, blissful fate,” he decided to tell a fairy tale about a white ship with scarlet sails. A brave, handsome prince will stand on board the ship, who will take Assol to his kingdom forever.

Returning home, the girl told her father about the meeting with the wizard. The father, remembering that “in great cases of a child’s life, it behooves a person to be serious,” did not try to dissuade the girl. From that time on, a wonderful dream settled in her soul.

Gray also spent his childhood alone. He was born into a rich family: the boy was destined to live according to a pre-drawn plan. However, Arthur Gray was “born with a living soul”; he was destined by fate to take “out of the countless variety of roles in life, the most dangerous and touching - the role of providence.” As the author emphasizes, the boy lived “in his own world.”

That is why, in the fifteenth year of his life, he secretly left home to fulfill his dream of becoming a captain. Gray walked towards his goal “with clenched teeth and a pale face.” He endured restless work: it happened that a loop of the anchor chain knocked him off his feet, the rope tore out of his hands, tearing the skin off his palms. But soon Arthur felt that it was becoming “easier and easier for him as the harsh ship broke into his body, and inability was replaced by habit.”

As we see, young heroes weighs down usual life with its dullness, routine, aimlessness. They are looking for something different. Feeling false, "wrong" real world, they are trying to create - at least mentally - a world that, in their opinion, would be more “correct”, fulfilling true values. This is their dream - to strive for a world in which only “real values” can be found. In their dreams they seem to approach this world. The dream seems to guide and push the heroes, under its influence they begin to work on themselves, trying to move from the “false life” to the “true” one. This statement is especially true in relation to Arthur Gray.

Seeing Assol, he understands that he must come “to the one who is waiting and can only wait for him. Arthur is not stopped by Menners' gossip or the bewilderment of his friends. He sails to his beloved on a white ship with scarlet sails. And loud music filled the hearts of the young man and girl.

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The ancient Greeks said that desire itself creates creation. The power of desire and dreams can turn a life around and change a person. Alexander Green, with the power of his dreams, created a whole world in which brave, sincere men, poetic and beautiful women, where cities with wonderful names stand by the sea - Lise, Zurbagan.

Green knew the power of dreams and the power of love. All his stories about love end with one phrase - “They lived long and died on the same day.” The most important thing is to meet and find each other.

Little Assol, an outcast child raised by a kind and loving father, lives a solitary life. She is pushed away by her peers and disliked by adults, transferring their dislike for her father onto the girl.

One day a strange man meets her in the forest, tells her a fairy tale about a ship with scarlet sails, and from that moment fate begins its work. Assol believed in the fairy tale and made it part of her soul. The girl was ready for a miracle - and a miracle found her.

Green shows how, through intricate paths, two people, created for each other, move towards a meeting. Gray lives in a completely different world. Wealth, luxury, power are given to him by birthright. And in the soul there lives a dream not about jewelry and feasts, but about the sea and sails. In defiance of his family, he becomes a sailor, sails around the world, and one day an accident brings him to the tavern of the village where Assol lives. Like a crude joke, they tell Gray the story of a madwoman who is waiting for the prince on a ship with scarlet sails.

It was as if two strings sounded together... Soon the morning will come when the ship approaches the shore, and Assol shouts: “I’m here! Here I am!" - and starts running straight through the water.

A dream, if you believe in it, that is, give your life to it, no matter what “reasonable” people say, becomes a powerful creative force.

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A. Green's works are filled with sincerity, wisdom and observation. From early childhood, stories live in the memory of every person that at one time enriched the soul of each of us, instilled a sense of hope and faith in a dream.

“Scarlet Sails” is an amazing work that shapes the inner consciousness of people, making it more humane, open to new impressions and emotions. It is full of striking contrasts between the worldview of society and an individual person who was able to preserve in his soul what was long ago lost by others.

What is the story “Scarlet Sails” about?

The callous, spiritually poor inhabitants of a small seaside town are opposed by the girl Assol, who, due to life circumstances, has become an outcast of this society. Asol had no friends; she could only share her experiences, dreams and thoughts with her father.

It was the father who revealed all the mysterious mysteries of nature to the girl, talked about sea ​​travel, about the intricacies of human relationships. Assol absorbed what her father taught her and acquired her own worldview, which separated her even further from society.

But the negativity of society did not affect the girl, since she clearly understood that own opinion for her, it is more important than the biased attitude of the “blind” crowd. Assol believed that one day the person who would completely understand her would come to her, and with him she would find true happiness.

One day, while walking, Assol met Egl, famous storyteller and collector of legends. He told the girl that one morning a majestic ship with scarlet sails would enter the harbor. It will produce a handsome, brave prince, who is already looking for Assol and will take her with him to his kingdom, where they will live for a long time loving each other.

Assol sincerely believed Egl and began to wait for her prince. This became another reason for people to make fun of the girl. They teased her as a dreamer, did not take her words and gloated that the years went by, and Assol remained waiting for her fantastic prince.

But the girl, in spite of everything, believed that one day this would happen. And one day fate rewarded her for this: Egle’s prophecy came true, and she met her prince.

She met a young man who, having learned about her dream and how this dream was perceived in society, bought the most expensive scarlet sails for his ship. He left the ship to meet the girl, thus making her dreams come true.

Belief in beauty and the dream of happiness

The heroine Assol teaches us to believe in something that, at first glance, is absolutely impossible to achieve. After all, the power of human desire, supported by faith and hope, has no limits.

The main thing is to keep kindness and sincerity in your heart, which sooner or later will lead to the fulfillment of your dreams. “Scarlet Sails” should under no circumstances be perceived as a fairy tale, because a miracle can happen in the life of every person if he is open to it.

You should not be afraid to confront false and low social morals, but boldly go towards your dreams, despite difficulties and obstacles. But you should also remember about your loved ones, because each of us can fulfill them cherished dreams, the main thing is to just try to learn about them.