About the benefits of poultry meat. Poultry meat - types and composition

In a healthy diet, dietary preference has long been given to chicken over beef or pork. Chicken dishes are included in the diet of people of different ages, different countries, and different times.

It is no coincidence, just according to rough estimates, that there are over 700 different breeds of poultry. The unpretentiousness, ease of breeding chickens, and the enormous benefits of meat for the full functioning of the human body are also valued.

About the composition of chicken

The smell of chicken during cooking is easy to recognize. The pleasant aroma comes from the characteristic essential oils.

The unique composition of the low-calorie product is rich in vitamins of groups A, B, E, C, PP, and various microelements. Provides the required components:

  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • gray;
  • sodium;
  • silver;
  • animal protein

In terms of 100 grams of chicken meat: protein content - 23.2 g, fat - 1.65 g, calorie content is 110-210 kcal. depending on the selected part of the carcass and the cooking method.

Raw meat has the least calories. Boiled, smoked, stewed and fried chicken is higher in calories. The lowest indicator corresponds to chicken skewers.

About the benefits of chicken meat

Nutritionists place chicken meat one of the first places in the ranking of healthy and nutritious foods.

Enriching the body with essential protein promotes rapid recovery during periods of fatigue, mental and physical exhaustion.

Sports loads, stress, intense work take away strength. Regular consumption of chicken dishes will help strengthen the functioning of the nervous system, avoid insomnia and depression. The body's endurance and immune defense increases.

Low calorie chicken allows you to include the product in diets to normalize weight. It is important to eat the healthiest boiled breast recommended for your daily diet.

Chicken meat, rich in vitamin E, protects against premature aging of the skin, strengthens nails and hair, and prevents general aging of the body by improving fat metabolism and sugar levels.

The product is easily absorbed due to the small amount of connective tissue. Therefore, it is so important for those who want to be beautiful and young to eat right, and not to forget how chicken meat is beneficial.

Doctors note the composition of amino acids in chicken meat, which affects the proper nutrition and development of children, the formation of their skeletal and muscular systems.

It is important for expectant mothers to know that dietary chicken has a beneficial effect on pregnancy. Vitamins B9 and B12 are needed by the reproductive organs of the female body.

  • Warm chicken broth is traditionally recommended during flu periods, ARVI, other colds to restore the immune system;
  • the healing composition of the product with the presence of glutamine helps during recovery after surgery for building muscle mass;
  • For diabetics, white chicken meat is the main dish of the daily menu. Thanks to it, metabolism and the functioning of the pancreas are normalized;
  • for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is important that meat contains polyunsaturated acids that help prevent atherosclerosis, remove unnecessary cholesterol, prevent stroke, and hypertension;
  • “heart patients” need chicken broth to restore normal heart rhythm;
  • during the period of peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, with chronic gastritis, chicken meat becomes a medicine for the patient;
  • Boiled chicken dishes alleviate the condition of patients with gout and polyarthritis;
  • Treatment of anemia and improvement of blood circulation is carried out by adding domestic chicken meat to the diet.

Connoisseurs of chicken meat, the benefits and harms of which depend on the method of preparation, recommend giving preference to boiling, stewing, but not frying or smoking.

White and red meat

The question often arises about the differences between white and red chicken meat. There cannot be a clear answer which is better.

White meat has more magnesium and slightly fewer calories, but the difference is so tiny that it only matters in cases of very strict diets.

Red meat gets its color from the presence of iron and various minerals. All components are vital for humans. The red part of the carcass contains more zinc, riboflavin, and vitamins of various groups.

Thus, the combination of white and red chicken meat equally strengthens the body, gives energy and strength. Features of physical condition and preferences will tell you which meat to choose: white or red.


Please note that rooster meat is tougher than chicken. When choosing, you need to be guided by determining the age of the bird. Young rooster meat is suitable and healthy, but old rooster meat threatens indigestion. The most tender and low-calorie meat is chicken.

Modern technologies make it possible to obtain dehydrated chicken meat, that is, dried, freed from liquid. This product is intended for the preparation of animal feed.

About the dangers of chicken meat

Harm comes from improper preparation or use of the product. Most of the fat and bacteria accumulation occurs in the skin of the chicken.. Eating natural fatty tissue is unsafe for the stomach and pancreas.

The skin on the bird's wings is different from the skin on other parts of the carcass. It is safe, especially in poultry that have been fed without antibiotics for growth.

Thorough heat treatment of meat is important to ensure product safety and destroy pathogenic bacteria. Otherwise, poisoning, dysbacteriosis, and the appearance of helminths cannot be avoided.

There is a danger of allergy to chicken protein. It is important to observe moderation and not overeat the product, so as not to provoke manifestations of the disease.

How many calories are in chicken and chicken by-products?

There is a significant difference in the calorie content of dishes from different parts of the chicken carcass. These factors are important considering the cooking method.


  1. Low calorie advantage of chicken breast, only 115 kcal per 100 g of product.
  2. White meat contains less fat.
  3. The shins, thighs, and necks differ from each other in terms of caloric content slightly and occupy the second position.
  4. Wings and backs are the leaders in calories, they are almost twice as many as the breast.


Chicken by-products also differ from each other.

  1. Navels and ventricles contain 110-130 kcal per 100 grams of weight.
  2. Liver – 140-145 kcal.
  3. Hearts and skin are the highest in calories, 165-205 kcal.
  4. Chicken offal from liver, hearts and stomachs averages 130-140 kcal per 100 grams.


The constant advantage of chicken meat is its availability to the population. Chicken is inexpensive.

Even during the “dark” times for our economy, the dietary product did not disappear from the shelves. The price of a product in different regions depends on supplies, domestic or imported, the quality of raw materials, and the conditions for selling products.

The market dictates price fluctuations and sets upper and lower limits. 1 kg of meat can cost much less in a rural area than in a metropolitan supermarket.

In the private sector, many people independently breed and keep chickens on their farms.

Expenses on feed and creating conditions for keeping chickens pay off and bring “income” in the form of fresh chicken meat and eggs.


In search of ways to eat healthy, people often forget about what is familiar and available at all times. You need to use the knowledge and recommendations of nutritionists, choose chicken or chicken meat, and cook taking into account the preferences of your household.

There are a huge number of recipes with chicken in dishes. Listen to your body and find your solution to your dietary problem.

Composition of chicken meat

Chicken meat consists of nitrogen-containing substances, essential oils, glutamic acid, it is thanks to these components that chicken differs from other types of meat by its specific smell. Chicken meat also contains: (A, E, C, PP, B), micro- and macroelements (phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron), carbohydrates, fats, proteins and water.

Healthy chicken meat

The health benefits of chicken meat have been known to the world since ancient times. Many countries to this day use chicken meat to restore physically exhausted people and the sick and, of course, for immunity.

Numerous studies have revealed other properties of chicken meat, but it must be remembered that chicken meat can only be considered healthy if it is prepared as boiled or stewed.

Squirrels. There is a sufficient amount of this element in chicken meat. As you know, protein is a building material for muscle tissue. It has a beneficial effect on bone building, cell division and brain development, and it is well absorbed.

Collagen. The presence of a reduced collagen content in chicken meat is characterized by easy digestibility, which has a positive effect on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, obesity and diabetes.

Vitamins. B vitamins contained in chicken meat have a good effect on metabolic processes in the body, including fat, protein and carbohydrates. Vitamins B6 and B2 are responsible for the beauty and health of nails and skin, vitamin B12 actively copes with insomnia and depression, vitamin B9 regulates the process of hematopoiesis.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids. Chicken meat contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are a preventive measure for stroke, myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease.

Indications for eating chicken meat

First of all, regular consumption of this type of meat is taking care of your figure and health. Many nutritionists around the world recommend including chicken meat in your diet.

The presence of B vitamins in chicken meat has a beneficial effect on the development of the female body, as they have a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive organs.

Many diseases are much easier in patients who include tender chicken meat in their diet, since its fibers attract excess acidity, which is often an irritant to the mucous membranes of the internal organs.


It is not recommended to consume smoked or fried chicken meat, since in this form chicken contains an increased level of cholesterol.
People with individual protein intolerance should avoid eating this type of meat.

The term “chicken fillet” has undergone some changes since its entry into culinary use. In French, the word fillet still means “ribbon”, “thread”. How is it related to chicken? Once upon a time, French butchers sold their goods by tying the best parts of the carcass with coarse thread. This was their way of special packaging. Gradually, the word “thread” began to indicate the quality of the product, and then even mean the best area of ​​the carcass of any animal.

If we take into account that the carcass area should be premium, then the sirloin is a soft, boneless tenderloin from the back of the animal or the sides of the bird. In strict accordance with culinary terminology, chicken fillet is.

What does fillet consist of?

A chicken has two pectoral muscles - major and minor or upper and lower. They make up the breast area and are clearly visible when cutting the carcass. Each of these muscles is divided into two lobes. As a result, we get two large and small pieces of pulp. They differ not only in size, but also in the texture of the meat. The upper part is denser, the lower part is softer, so during cooking it becomes tender and juicy.

Nutritionists call chicken breast pure low-calorie protein: its protein composition is indicated by its characteristic white color after heat treatment. It is widely used in restorative, special nutrition. White chicken pulp is recommended for children as their first meat supplement, as well as for athletes and those who want to lose weight. When cutting up a chicken, you can easily identify the muscle fibers in the breast area. Culinary experts advise cutting the pulp along them in order to preserve its beneficial composition as much as possible during heat treatment.

Chicken fillet in a broader sense

Gradually, the word “fillet” began to be used by sellers of not only meat, but also fish. So they indicated that the product was cleared of bones and blood clots and was ready for consumption. Until now, the word is used in relation to fish products of a certain category. Accordingly, the concept of “boneless pulp” became synonymous with it, which began to be understood not only in relation to fish, but also to the meat of animals and poultry. The loin of a thigh or carcass is meat separated from the frame, which can be either with or without skin.

Regardless of what kind of chicken fillet we are talking about, the product is ready for further use for making:

  • emulsions for boiled and smoked sausages;
  • raw materials for meat delicacies: hams, rolls;
  • fillings for frozen semi-finished products: dumplings, pancakes, etc.

Chicken fillet pulp can also be used in the production of canned food, including for baby food, and can also be smoked in lump form. Since the raw material does not require careful preparation, its use significantly saves time and speeds up the technological process. The fat content of the final product can be adjusted by using the skin. Low-fat diet products are made from skinless fillets.

Sirloin products from the company "Istraproduct"

We offer small quantities in wholesale quantities, as well as whole carcass flesh and separately from the thigh area, both with and without skin. You can purchase frozen products in briquettes from us. This species is in great demand in the food industry. The meat goes well with other ingredients, retains its taste after processing and can replace more expensive beef and pork.

Chickens raised at our factory are kept in conditions close to natural. Their feed does not contain hormonal additives, so chicken meat, including sirloin, is dense and elastic. You can order any batch of goods from us. The service of the Istraproduct company will make sure that the products are delivered “to the door” of your production.

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