Online fortune telling with runes is one. Slavic runes Fortune telling on Slavic runes

Modern man really lacks life in harmony with the world around him, which the ancient Slavs enjoyed. In an effort to find this harmony, people turn to the history of their ancestors. An important part of that world are the Old Slavonic symbols - runes. Their importance in the life of the Slavs is difficult to overestimate: runes were used for writing, their images were applied to amulets, in addition, sorcerers told fortunes using runes, predicting destinies.

Similarities between Slavic and Aryan runes

More than once, scientists have agreed that the Slavic and Aryan peoples had common roots. This is expressed in the similarity of cultures, that is, in customs and foundations, in mutual respect, as well as in the clear similarity of rune designations, their descriptions and interpretations. The similarity of these signs is so great that sometimes they are even called Slavic-Aryan.

Nevertheless, some experts consider the Aryans to be the first race, from which it follows that it is their spiritual and cultural heritage that is now being used and remade in a modern way under the name “Slavic runes.” The Slavs were unique keepers of some ancient knowledge, but there is no reason to claim that they created the Aryan runes.

Other researchers are inclined to believe that it was the other way around. In their opinion, the Slavic runes served as the primary source, while the Aryan ones are only plagiarism. In this case, calling the ancient signs “Slavic-Aryan”, and this name for runes occurs quite often, is incorrect.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to establish how everything really happened, since reliable information does not exist. It is possible that for the similarity of the runic signs of the Aryans and Slavs we need to thank the ancient proto-language - Aryan, because it was its simplified form that became the Vedic runes.

Description and meaning of runic signs

In ancient times, the Slavs used runes to create various ornaments, which were used in the manufacture and embroidery of amulets, jewelry and religious objects, decorating dishes, clothing for the whole family, as well as towels and belts. Moreover, pagan priests and healers often used runic signs inscribed on stone or wooden dies for fortune telling.

Like many ancient peoples, the Slavs believed that the world was ruled by good and evil powerful gods. Among them were those who helped people and cared for them and gods who inspired fear and even horror. Ancient Slavic runes suffered the same fate. Among them there are symbols of good and protection, evil and death, and there are signs that, by their presence in a pattern, amulet or drawing, can strengthen or weaken the influence of other runic signs.

The number of runes in the set is 18.

Symbols of goodness and peace

Good was symbolized by the following runic signs:

Signs of death and evil

The ancient Slavs associated runes with evil and death:

Slavic runes-amulets

Amulets were an integral part of the life of our ancestors. People believed that these amulets could protect them from evil spells and evil thoughts. They were embroidered on clothes and made from scrap materials and even precious metals. The most popular among the people were amulets with images of Slavic runes. These runic signs are associated with wealth and protection of the family hearth, health and family well-being, as well as procreation.

The Slavs believed that the best amulets were the following runic symbols:

Neutral runic signs

Not all Old Slavic runes have only bad or only good energy. Among them there are powerful signs that, with their enormous energy, can strengthen or weaken the effect of other symbols.

These include:

Layouts for fortune telling

The layouts used for fortune telling on Slavic runes are very similar to the Scandinavian ones. The differences between them lie in the interpretation of the runes, and in the fact that the meaning of direct or inverted in the Vedic signs does not exist. All this simplifies the process of fortune telling, but does not make it any less interesting.

The most famous are the following layouts:

  1. Layout for 1 rune. This type of fortune telling gives a simple answer to any question. The fortuneteller should focus on the issue that worries him and take out only one rune.
  2. Layout for 2 runes. This alignment is used when the fortuneteller wants to find out about the current situation. To do this, the runes are thoroughly mixed and two of them are selected. In this case, one symbol denotes Share, and the other - Non-Share. The first rune always only describes the situation. The second one talks about what prevents the fortuneteller from fulfilling his desires.
  3. Layout "Staff of Veles". This layout is used when you want to get a “yes” or “no” answer. To begin with, his fortuneteller should think about the question he wants to ask the runes. Then he needs to draw three runes in turn. If among them there are more positive signs, then the answer is “yes”. If negative symbols predominate, then the answer is “no.” Using the “Staff of Veles” layout, you can clarify your present and find out your future. To do this, deciphering the runes must be done from left to right. In this case, the left rune will be the past, the central rune will be the present, and the right rune will be the future.
  4. "Thread of the Past" layout. Another layout with three runes. It allows the fortuneteller to trace what events of the past led him to the current situation, and also reveals the very essence of the present problem. In addition, the alignment predicts a possible future. In it, Vedic runes are laid out from right to left, with the right one talking about the past, the left one talking about the future, and the central one describing the fortuneteller’s present.

Increasingly, people began to turn to the experience of their ancestors, who lived in harmony with their spiritual essence and the world around them. The Slavs attached particular importance to runes. Nowadays, Vedic symbols are again used for fortune telling, allowing us to better understand the past and present stages of a person’s life, and sometimes even find out what the future has in store for him.

The word runa means "secret" and goes back to an ancient root meaning "to hide, to hide." Its traces have been preserved in modern languages, German raunen - “whisper”, Latvian runat - “speak” or Finnish runo - “poem, spell”. By the way, the Russian “keep” is connected, in all likelihood, with the same root.

Runes are magical and alphabetic signs that were carved on stones or carved on wood; they were used to decorate weapons, dishes, and various objects; they wrote spells above the entrance to the house and on the bows of ships.

The first surviving runic inscriptions date back to the 3rd century. AD, however, many signs have a much more ancient origin, going back to the magical symbols of the Celtic Druid priests, from whom they later passed on to the Germanic and then to the Scandinavian tribes.

Although all representatives of the tribe had runic literacy in one way or another, the real rune experts were magicians and healers. They were distinguished from everyone else by their special attire, were surrounded by special reverence, and taught the youth.

Each rune had its own name and was associated with a particular deity, object or phenomenon. By laying out a rune from wooden sticks or applying its image on birch bark or stone, on the shaft of a spear or on the surface of a clay vessel, a healer, warrior or hunter turned directly to the essence that the rune designated in order to influence it in a certain way. A healer drove out a disease, a warrior asked for victory in battle, a hunter attracted prey. To enhance the impact, the name of the rune was pronounced or sung in a special song. Wanting to cause a storm, to send illness or death to the enemy, they sang the so-called. “evil song” or performed zeid - a magical rite that included singing and dancing.

Not only men, but also women possessed magic. Thus, zeid was generally supposed to be performed only by women; The ancient Normans used special soothsayers - volurs - to predict the future. With the help of songs and runes they also conjured spirits and brownies, the dead and trolls.

Runic magic is extremely multifaceted. According to legend, each rune has a sacred origin and is a sacred sign, has a certain reserve of magical power and the ability to connect us with a higher power. The set of runes, together with their powers and connections, forms a real magical system. This system can also be used for fortune-telling purposes: combinations of the signs included in it can describe any possible situation.

There are many ways to lay out runes. You can use one of the options we offer for online fortune telling with runes. We hope that these divinations on runes will provide you with invaluable assistance in everyday life.


The most important thing in fortune telling is the living experience of the symbol, although you should not underestimate the intellectual effort spent on thinking and reading the information available to you about the runes. Feel the different situations they are associated with. Runes are magical signs. They are deeply symbolic, that is, they carry a meaningful load. The Gods themselves take part in the production of runes, so the preparation of a magical instrument must be careful and, most importantly, conscious. Working with runes, you will have the opportunity not only to philosophically survey the runic levels of existence, but also to actually touch the beginning, for example, of Svarog in the universe. Moreover, by the runic sign you can determine the “mood” of God, how he treats you, whether he is trying to teach you something, correct you in something, free you from something, etc.
The mantic procedure of the seemingly unconscious choice of a rune is actually a meditative prayerful connection with the invisible plane. The human hand is guided by the Divine, which wants to communicate about itself. This is difficult to understand until a certain level of spontaneity or inner freedom is achieved. A person working with runes is convinced of the reliability of this occult fact. The more crisis, the more critical the situation, the more correct and reliable the choice of rune will be.
The ancients took mantic systems very seriously, which were clearly considered sacred. Just as you should not spit on something sacred or run in front of a drop, you should also treat runes with the utmost respect. And there were good reasons for this. For in the traditional atmosphere of ancient society, a person who indulged in tricks with runes received terrible answers from the collective egregor.

The procedure for fortune telling on Slavic runes is not fundamentally different from fortune telling using any other runic system. The most important thing is to know that the runes will not predict a “long journey” or a “state house”, just as they will not give accurate answer to the question. Runes are not a guide to action or advice; runes provide food for thought, but freedom of choice still remains with the person.
In Slavic runes there is no direct or inverted position of the sign; Also, the order in which the runes are laid out during fortune telling does not matter. Velesitsa does not focus on outlining the framework of the rune council (as in Futhark with its direct/reverse position of the runes, indicating the “white/black” beginning of the rune), but on reflecting on the meaning of each rune separately and combinations of neighboring runes as a whole.

The runes are laid out or thrown onto a cloth or onto a board divided in half; on the left is the “female” half, and on the right is the “male” half. Runes that fall on the “female half” are often seductive: they are favorable, but they can also seduce, relax, and cloud. They can lead us into the temptation of wrong behavior.
The runes that fall on the “male” half symbolize the need for discipline, the manifestation of composure, internal clarity, refusal, and the establishment of order. And most importantly, the “male” rune forces us to weigh and determine what is an obstacle to further development. Such runes stop us, protect us from mistakes and hasty decisions and actions.

In general, the most used layouts are already e are described by Ralph Bloom (The Book of Runes), Freya Asvinn (Mysteries and Runes of the Northern Peoples) and Anton Platov (A Practical Course in Runic Art), so I will not list them all here (especially since these books are available in the Internet). Here I will give only those layouts that Veleslava and I personally used, and with the help of which this book was written.

The question should be extremely clear and contain as few discrepancies as possible. The more clearly the question is formulated, the more correct the prediction will be. If Eril is not telling fortunes for himself, he should give the questioner the right to choose the form of the question - either completely, then the questioner must repeat the question, or partially - then specific names may be hidden, but an understanding of the area of ​​the question must be preserved: feelings, affairs, family relationships, etc. .d. You can ask questions “in the dark” - then the questioner does not say anything, but keeps his question in mind. In this case, the interpretation will be more general.

In general, the runes concern the one who pulls them out. If you want to understand the state of another person, you must ask him to pull out the rune. If you want to understand your relationship with this person, then you must pull out the rune yourself, and the dropped rune has to do only with you - this is your problem and your reaction.

Layout of three runes

A frequently used layout is layout of three runes. First, a person formulates a certain question (or problem) - and the more clearly he formulates it, the more accurate the answer will be. In this situation, Eril pulls out three runes, one after the other; it doesn't matter in what order he puts them. The rune on the left displays the current situation in the middle - the most likely action in a given situation; on the right is the situation that develops after the action is performed.

Four runes

This option is used to more clearly assess the current state of affairs and what will happen as a result of certain actions of the questioner.

First, the questioner must determine exactly what action he is going to take. Then the four runes are laid out according to the diagram below, after which the meanings of the runes and, accordingly, the result of fortune telling are determined.

  1. current state of affairs
  2. what will happen as a result


This option is used to more clearly assess the current state of affairs and what will happen as a result of certain actions of the questioner. It is somewhat more informative compared to fortune telling with four runes, but it provides information of a slightly different nature, in particular, it indicates circumstances that are currently impossible to cope with.

First, the questioner must determine exactly what action he is going to take. Then the five runes are laid out according to the diagram below, after which the meanings of the runes and, accordingly, the result of fortune telling are determined.

The meanings of the runes in this layout are as follows:

  1. the past, the root cause of the current situation
  2. current state of affairs
  3. the future, what will happen as a result
  4. positive factors, what helps in a given situation
  5. obstacles, obstacles, source of problems, restraining force

Five rune layout

Also applies five rune spread(in fact, the same scenario for the situation, but more detailed). The runes answer the following questions (from left to right): General situation, Problem, Direction of efforts, Sacrifice (that is, what will have to be given up with given Efforts aimed at this Development), Development (the result of Efforts and Sacrifice).

Six rune layout

This alignment sometimes serves as an answer to the question of human essence. The runes are laid out in a line, from left to right. They answer the following:

  1. What is my nature?
  2. Why was I born?
  3. What is my calling?
  4. What is my Destiny?
  5. What is my cross (ie, trials)?
  6. What is my essence?

Rune wheel

This layout looks like a clock; Moreover, it is not used particularly often throughout the life of the questioner. The runes are laid out on imaginary divisions, starting from 9 o'clock and then counterclockwise. The 13th rune is placed in the center.
Runes facing the bottom towards the center are considered to be in a straight position.
The meanings of the runes in this layout are as follows:
1 – personality characteristics of the questioner
2 – financial situation
3 – family
4 – house
5 – creation, self-expression
6 – outside world, health
7 – love and marriage
8 – death, inheritance
9 – education, travel
10 – career, social status
11 – friendship, pleasures
12 – inner world, psyche
13 – total


In any case, I advise you not to take this book as the ultimate truth. She is just a step, the beginning of the path for the Magician. “To depend on another person's interpretation is to let someone else decide for you<…>In the process of fortune telling, we go beyond our five senses and ask for advice from the spiritual world that surrounds us and permeates everything around us. And each of us gets your individual answer».

Rune triplets


Some runes, as you might have noticed, form semantic (and/or magical) triplets. I present them separately from the rune series so as not to cause confusion. The tradition of runic triplets among the Slavic runes has not been revealed (neither among the Wendish nor among the Redar), so for help I will turn to the Scandinavian runic Tradition.

One of the most important ideas about the magical structure of Futhark is its division into three groups of eight runes. On many ancient monuments, Futhark is depicted as divided into three parts (3x4=28). Such groups are called "att" (Old Norse "aett"), and they are also found under the names atta of Freya, Hagal (or Heimdall), and Tyr.

To understand the groups of runes, it is worth considering the "Speeches of Sigrdriva", in which the Valkyrie teaches the runes of Sigurd.

Maple tinga chain mail
I give you a drink
full of strength
and great glory;
there are songs of magic in it
and healing runes,
good spells
and the joys of the runes.

(Speeches of Sigrdriva, 5)

Sigrdriva gives Sigurd everything eight advice. And this number is not accidental, just as no number in Aryan texts is accidental. Eight is the eight runes of each atta; Valkyrie speaks specifically about groups of runes: “ healing runes... joy runes».

If you write down all the attas one after another, in one line, then their meaning is lost; but if you write them down, separating one att from the other, then the letter will appear eight runic triplets.

First, I will present the triplets I have identified in Velesitsa (1 - the main triplets, connected by a common “idea/task” into which the System is divided; 1a - additional triplets, connected at the magical level or at the cult level), and then - the Futhark triplets with runes, coinciding in meaning with the Slovenian runes (2).

1: Runes of Life (Live – Her – Kolo (Er))

These three runes mean life in its following manifestations: Life itself (“Live” as the breath of life, a living spirit), Conception (“Her” as the gift of Life, the union of a man and a woman) and Death (“Er” as an eternal whirlpool, dying for revival).


seeing on a tree

hanging in a noose,

so I'll cut out the runes,

I'll paint them like this

that he will come to life

and will talk

(“Speeches of the High One,” 158).

I combined the runes not only by their meaning and attitude to life (it’s also surprising that they are arranged in order!), but also by their outline.

\ Live: , X, , K, .

\ Xer: Õ, x, X, , x, G.

\ Kolo (Er): j, j, , j, j, ъ.

Thus, in addition to the semantic one, we can also highlight a common graphic element.

Three in magic

And let our actions be significant

and shine with valor like the best deeds

great Heroes and Princes of Blood.

These runes are good to depict next to a woman in labor, or with a newborn child; use them at Conception. Also, it is good to call upon the power of this three during any historical research. In a conceptual translation, the runic phrase “ÆÕÚ” will sound like “Life [eternal] – [the essence] is the gift of life and – after death – life [in descendants].” That is, “I wish your descendants to be worthy of you” And - "May you be worthy of your Ancestors".

Runes of the Sun (As – Rtsy – Sun) = Horse Runes

I would like to draw attention to the German name of the rune - “Ar” (compare the German “aar” - “eagle”, “Arier” - “Aryan” and “Adler” - “noble”) and to the graphics of the rune (see description of the letter). The idea that the eagle is one of the most ancient magical symbols of the Aryans, expressed by Guido von List, is not subject to the slightest doubt. Also, if we remember the Indo-European root “ar” (“highest”), then we immediately remember the self-name of the people who came from Thule - Aryans, “noble”.
In this regard, it is very interesting to link the rune “As” (“Ar”) with the runes “Rtsy” (“Rita”) and “Sun” (“rta”, “rod”), and the last two are clearly linked to each other (see. end of the description of the rune “Rtsy”).

I know the fourth, –

if they tie my dicks

with strong shackles,

so I'll sing

that they will fall instantly

ties from the wrists

and shackles from my feet.

(Speeches of the High One, 149)

Also: other-isl. “oss” – “1.god, 2.gorge, mouth”, Skt. "as", Latvian. "os", Osset. "stuf", Avest. "aosta", Old Prussian “austo” – “mouth”, commonly known. "usto", Slavic. “mouth, mouth (mouth), mouth.”

The Old English rune verse explaining this rune reads:
God is the creator of all languages,
Source of wisdom, blessed one
Temple of joy for the sage.

Here is another point of contact between “As” and “Rtsy”... A certain commonality can be traced - and not only in the name, but rather in the semantic meaning: Ar-Rita (universal law, the Law of Svarog) and the “solarity” of the runes. If we take exactly this semantic meaning, then in general these runes can be linked into a runic trio, or even into one rune altogether!

Three in magic

The strongest protective troika on the magical level, capable of protecting against any magical influence. The Runes of the Sun combine the concepts of God, Svarog (“Ace”), Red Color, Movement (“Rtsy”) and the Sun, Strength, Word (“Sun”).
All these runes are also united by the Sun, Law and Word (thus, the Scandinavian Mal-Runor and Hug-Runor - Runes of Speech and Runes of Thought - are synonymous with the Runes of the Sun). And from this side, the Runes of the Sun should be drawn on the courts or in the meeting places of the veche.
In a conceptual translation, the runic phrase “ÀÐÑ” will sound like “God will drive away and destroy evil spirits,” or, to simplify – “Svarog will help you”. On the other side: “Speak [i.e. affirm] the law of Svarog!.

The only question is whether a person has enough strength to take advantage of a combination of such powerful runes? And is he Right enough to be worthy of them?

Runes of the House (Fatherland – Tverdo – Ukrom)

It is very interesting that, as in the case of the Runes of Life, the Runes of the House are located in the runic system of Velesitsa in a certain order. This rune trio shows us, on the one hand, three levels of home protection, and on the other hand, it reflects the liberation war. “Fatherland” - do not let the enemy on the threshold (fighting on the border); “Firmly” - to intimidate the enemy, to wound him even at the cost of his life (advancing the front in depth, towards the cities); “Ukrom” - to destroy the enemy in the name of saving the Family (the retreat of the weak into the interior of the country, “holy war”) - by any, even the most “uncivilized” and “unaccepted” means.

The translation of the runic phrase “ÎÒÓ” sounds like “The homeland [begins] with [the willingness] to give one’s life [for one’s] people.” Or - “There is no land for us abroad!”.

Three in magic

These runes, as the name suggests, are intended to protect the home and as amulets against physical harm to the family (the first rune is for the elders, the last is for the elderly, women and children).

Runes of Water (Lelya – Transition – Enchantment)

This trio unites mystical female runes. “Lelya” is the rune of the hidden feminine essence, intuition, the Moon, ebbs and flows; “Transition” is the rune of shamanic practices, communication with at rude; “Enchantment” is the rune of water (the original feminine element), enchantment and fortune telling.

The three can be compared with the Scandinavian Thurs-Runor (Wizard Runes, Troll Runes). It is believed that the name comes from the belief that people received the art of prediction from trolls who know the future. These runes are mentioned in the Elder Edda:

Madness and torment, I cut the runes -
delirium and anxiety, “tours” and three more:
despair, pain, lust, madness
let them grow! and anxiety;
Sit before me, but I will destroy them,
I will attack you just like I cut you,
black lust whenever I want.
and absolute grief!

(“Skirnir's Journey”, 26, 39)

Mastery of the Turs Runes is part of Vardlokkur, the art of the Warlocks, the “seducers of spirits.”

Three in magic

The main purpose of the Water Runes is communication with other worlds, sorcery, and predictions. The head rune in the trio – “Lelya” – indicates the predominance of intuition and mysticism as necessary components of magic.

Runes Zemun (Birch – Vedeti – Source)

So, the name of the Scandinavian rune “Feoh” is related to the Slavic word “God”, and both of them, in turn, go back to the common Indo-European word “bhaga” - “wealth”, preserved in Sanskrit (I would like to note the cognate words “ God" And " God association").
The word “bhaga” in more ancient times also meant a cow, which, in fact, was a measure of a person’s wealth; From the name of the Germanic rune “Feh” comes the modern German word “Vieh” - cattle.

According to the theory of runes, Feoh on a mystical level embodies the initial transition from non-existence to existence, to which all existing matter owes its existence. In this, the mysticism of the North operates within the framework of the general Indo-European tradition. Thus, in the Mediterranean, a young bull also serves as the starting point of the entire universe. The ancient Egyptians believed that the horns of a bull were the beginning of the universe, and the firmament was revered in the form of a cow. The Vedic tradition claims that the bull was the origin of the created world of living matter. The Norse creation myth tells of a primeval cow called Audhumla, who also participated in the universal creation: she licked a cube of crystalline salt containing the progenitor of mankind, the original being Storm. Virgil’s reasoning about the birth of man begins with the words: “A white bull with gilded horns opens the year,” and fans of Mithras argued that the bull was the beginning of the created organic world.

In many of the above types of writing, the rune corresponding to the sound [w] is indicated in the form of horns or (as in the case of the Meroitic hieroglyphic system) even in the form of a bull.

It turns out that the runes “Birch” and “Vedeti” are similar in some way in graphics, in relation to the word “bhaga” and even in sense, which allows us to say that “Birch” and “Vedeti” form a pair of runes.

Further, the rune “Source” means a certain beginning; Rule; Rod’s utterance of the runic word, thanks to which he was able to give birth to himself and everything that exists. This runic trio refers to the Cow Zemun: “And then the cow Zemun went into the blue fields and began to eat that grass and give milk. And that milk flowed across the abyss of heaven, and the stars shone above us in the night. And we see how that milk shines for us, and this is the right path, and we should not take any other path.”; “And with this we are not afraid of death, for we are the descendants of Dazhbog, who gave birth to us through the cow Zemun. And therefore we are Kravenians [Korovichi]: Scythians, Antes, Rus, Borusins ​​and Surozhians".

The runic phrase “ÁÂè” means “Knowledge is born [in] the Source” or “Svarog gave birth to knowledge.” If we simplify it, it will turn out: “ May you enter the source of wisdom».

Three in magic

On the one hand, the trio of Runes Zemun is intended for those seeking divine wisdom; on the other hand, these runes are a good foundation for starting any enterprise. They combine both principles: the Feminine (“Birch”, Birth) and the Masculine (“Source”, Svarog); they are balanced by the “Vedeti” rune, which unites all principles.

Runes of Light (Verb – Day – Cres) = Cres-Runes

Just as the “Day” rune means the light of the Sun (Heavenly fire), so the “Cres” rune means the light of a torch, a fire (Earthly fire). The “Verb” rune also means light – but, rather, the light of a sacrificial fire. It turns out that the Runes of Light form a kind of Kolovrat: a sacrificial fire, Heavenly fire and Earthly fire as a gift of the Gods.

This three can be correlated with the Scanlinavian Lim-Runor (Runes of Healing). Rune k, as a fire rune, is related to healing.

The runic phrase “ÃÄÊ” means: “Praise the fire of the day,” that is, “ Glory to the Sun! Viva victory!».

Three in magic

The runes of Light, like the runes of the Sun, are designed to drive out all kinds of evil spirits. Only, if the runes of the Sun expel spiritual impurity, then the Runes of Light expel bodily impurity (diseases, difficult to heal wounds, etc., associated with contamination or infection of the human body).

Mother Runes (Is - Earth - Thinking) = Ma-Runes

The runes “I am” - meaning I live, - “Earth” and “Thinking” - denoting, after all, to a greater extent Makosh, - are united into the Three of the Mother Runes. In general, Zhiva, Mother Earth-Cheese, and Makosh are different faces of the Great Goddess. Alive - as the mystical Mother, giving birth to Vesna-Lelya, and also - the Mother of Dew; Mother Cheese-Earth personifies the ever-bearing and ever-feeding Nature; Makosh is the Mother of man’s lot, his destiny – as the Slavs understand this word.

This three can be correlated with the Scandinavian Biarg-Runor (Midwife Runes).

Midwife runes
find out if you want
be a help during childbirth!
Apply them to your palm
squeeze your wrists
calling to diss.

(“Speeches of Sigrdriva”, 9).

Three in magic

The purpose of Ma-Run is to help during childbirth and bless the newborn. This is exactly what Odin says:

I'm the thirteenth
water baby
I can consecrate, -
swords will not touch him,
and unharmed
he will be in battle.

(“Speeches of the High One,” 158)

Runes of Retribution (Zelo – Need – Firth) = Viy-Runes


The Zelo rune is associated with the law of Karma, with the web of numerous threads that form human life; “Need” - not only with a motivating force, but also with an inexorable Judge in charge of all matters - N s eat; “Fert” means “top, pinnacle, obelisk, spit, spear” - that is, ultimately, the idol before which judgment is carried out.

Three in magic

The appointment of Viy-Run is fair retribution for the wrong committed. They are also good to use during litigation. But - beware O and to the one who, being himself wrong, calls on the power of Viy - then the power of the Runes of Retribution will turn against him!

1a: Runes of Lot (Zelo – Myslete – Fert) = Kosh runes


These runes are connected by their meaning of Choice. "Zelo", representing the web of Karma and the multiplicity of paths; “Think” – the choice between becoming God or descending to the wild, animal nature; “Fert”, speaking about the attention of the Divine to a person - for the purpose of encouragement or punishment. Here - as in the previous Troikas - it is no coincidence that the runes are in this order. It all starts with the fact that a hundred people And t at a crossroads with myriads of roads; further - through life - he chooses those that lead Up or Down; in the course of his efforts, certain Forces become interested in him. The person of the Path has the result - Iriy or Inferno.


This three is not used in magic, since Karma cannot be changed by any spell, since - as Boyan said - “Neither a trick, nor a lot, nor a torture of God’s judgment will last a minute.”

Runes Men and Women (Tverdo-Ukrom-Her and Birch-Lelya-Chary) = Runes of the Family

òóõ áë× (TUH BL.)

The runes of Men are: Firmly, Ukrom and Her. The Rune Firmly is the rune of the physical masculine principle, denoting a dick (not to be confused with the rune of the same name!), and also the act of defloration. The Ukrom rune is a sign of fierce masculine power, the force of change, acting outward and demolishing all obstacles. The Her rune is the rune of transmission, denoting the act of conception.

The runes of the Woman are: Birch, Lelya and Charm. The Birch rune is the rune of the physical feminine principle, motherhood. Rune Lelya is the rune of female magic, bending, variability and becoming a woman. The Rune of Charm is the rune of reception, denoting pregnancy.

Related information.

Slavic runes can safely be called a real Gift of our ancestors to us, their descendants. Runes act both as energy generators and as amulets. They consist of eighteen signs (traits and cuts) and images woven from the energy-informational space of the Spirit. The Space of the Spirit is the Slavic egregor or information field, which includes all Slavic peoples. The runes consist of images that reflect the most significant meanings for our culture. Among which are:

  • - Bereginya (Mother Earth);
  • - Support (Motherland);
  • - Lelya (Love);
  • - Dazhdbog (Good-Fertility);
  • - Krada (Fire-Truth); images of the World, Road, Strength and others. Runic images are our connection with our history, our gods. This is our Spirit and our protection.

Before you begin free online fortune telling with runes, it is extremely important to clear your own consciousness of extraneous thoughts and calm your mind. If you manage to do this, your communication with runes will become more successful and fruitful.

To achieve a harmonious state, we suggest you do a short meditation. To do this, you need to close your eyes and imagine that a luminous ball has appeared in the center of your abdomen, emitting light and illuminating your body from the inside. With each breath, the ball becomes larger and brighter. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. And now the fireball is already shining through you and your thoughts, and everything around, dissolving the surrounding reality. Stay in this bright light for a few minutes and then slowly release it and open your eyes.

After meditation, you can turn to the patron gods for help in finding the right answer. You can convert using your own words, or the words of the mantra we offer: “Ancient Magus, awaken in my veins and my flesh. Let my doors open, let the wind bring me the right message, which will become a staff for me on my way.”

After asking for help and choosing a question (our service offers two types of fortune-telling: fortune-telling by situation and fortune-telling for love), you can begin online fortune-telling using Slavic runes.

One of the popular ways to find out the future and prepare for changes is fortune telling using Slavic runes. With the help of fortune telling, including online, you can get answers to important questions about love and relationships, life and health, study, business and finance.

Preparing for fortune telling

Runes are letters that have been used by our ancestors and residents of some of the current Northern European countries for several centuries. runic symbols were carved into natural materials such as bone, wood, stone, or scratched into metal and pressed into clay.

Today, fortune telling with runes has lost its former meaning and is not used in everyday life, but it is still used for occult purposes. It is believed that the ancient gods, who were once worshiped by local residents, speak to people through these symbols.

Before starting either online fortune telling or fortune telling using material runes, it is important to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. If you can do this, the interpretation will be more accurate.

It is also believed that the fortune telling card will be more accurate if you follow several rules:

  1. Signs are drawn on natural materials and the surface is polished. Store them in a linen or leather bag.
  2. You should prepare a place for fortune telling. A cloth made of leather or cotton is placed in the center. Along the edges of it are placed the symbols of the four elements. A pillow is placed behind the fortuneteller's back and a personal amulet is placed on it.
  3. If fortune telling takes place outdoors, then the sun should illuminate not only the laid out fabric, but also the symbols of the elements.
  4. If fortune telling takes place indoors, it is imperative to provide an influx of fresh air so that you can draw on the energy of nature.
  5. Before the ritual, each rune is carried in turn over all the symbols of the elements in order to “charge” them before the reading. At the same time, they ask themselves questions, the answers to which will be given by the runes.

Meanings of Slavic runes

The runes include 18 signs (traits and cuts) and images depicting gods-spirits, significant in Slavic culture.


7 in a row. Serves as a symbol of a male warrior, therefore it is depicted in the form of a spear. Most often symbolizes Sacrifice or Spirit. It means that it is impossible to travel the road of self-knowledge without sacrifice.


8 - has the meaning of Integrity and Knowledge, because true power lies in knowledge, in the ability to destroy and create. It denotes triumph, the victory of warriors, the courage and bravery of those who follow their own path.


Last in a row. Means stability, stagnation, Strength at rest and accumulation of potential. Indicates a lack of movement, an expectation of change.


1 in a row is a symbol of the Tree of the World or Belobog. Symbolizes the inner “I” of a person, his essence. She is close to the concept of conscience, to absolute knowledge of the World.


11 - associated with the god Yarilo, flame, youth. Symbolizes fertility, creative power, carnal desire.


14 is a symbol of the Universe. It embodies the principles of the Family and connects such concepts as Family and blood line.


16 – sign of the Thunderer. It has the meaning of Guardian, Keeper of Order, masculine strength. It also means liberation from the unnecessary and old.


13 is a symbol of the inner Spirit, the beginning and end of everything. A sign of destined destiny.


5 is a symbol of Veles, constraint and compulsion. It has a “negative” charge, but can sometimes be interpreted as an additional condition that will help find a way out of the situation.


6 stands for Fire, Flame or Truth. Clears away everything superficial, serves as a symbol of realized potential, the embodiment of intention.


4 symbolizes the rainbow or the road. What matters is the Path, the joy of movement, the pursuit of a goal. This is a path that has neither beginning nor end.


17th rune of Life, Mother Goddess. A symbol of all living things, spring, harmony and renewal.


12. - a sign of spiritual Love, awakening, fertility, a new beginning.


15 - speaks of the blessing of the Universe, the light of the sun and vital energy.


9 - symbolizes the ascent to the top, is a logical continuation of the Force, but more often means defeat.


3 is a symbol of indestructible Truth. This is the physical basis, support, connecting link of the Past, Present and Future.


10 is the sign of the Mother. It speaks of protection from any adversity, this is the Beginning that gives life, and the End that takes it away.


2 — Dual rune with Belobog. Means the Roots of the Tree of the World and the Shadow - these are subconscious impulses and unchanging desires.


There are several dozen methods of fortune telling. The most important thing is to prepare the place, all the necessary materials and get ready for the ritual.

Layouts are based on several general rules:

  • layout and interpretation begin from left to right;
  • the rune that is in the center or stands alone in a row serves as a general conclusion;
  • with the correct interpretation of fortune telling, all semantic meanings are linked into one whole.


This layout is used to find out about the prospects for a new job: what will interfere with finding a job, what efforts need to be made, what to expect during the year.

A total of 7 symbols are used, the arrangement of which resembles a chariot: two rows of three runes and one in the center.

Law of Attraction

Good for fortune telling for the day. It will help you prepare for what’s to come and influence the future.

For the layout, you need to take three runes and place them in a row from left to right.


An ideal situation to find out everything about the family: what its individual members need, whether they trust each other, what kind of atmosphere reigns in the house.

Eight symbols are laid out clockwise, forming a diamond, the ninth and tenth are in the center parallel to the seventh and third.


It will reveal the secret of the soul of a particular man, help you learn about his thoughts and feelings.

The first six symbols are laid out in a pyramid from top to bottom, runes seven, eight and nine repeat the location of the first, second and third, respectively.

Five rays

It will help you get a forecast for a given period of time. He will tell you everything about work, health, relationships, and suggest the optimal course of action.

The five runes, which represent the five rays, are fanned out clockwise, from left to right.


It’s not difficult to guess on Slavic runes; the main thing is to understand the meaning of the symbols, choose the desired layout and formulate a question. Proper preparation should also not be neglected. With a thoughtful approach to fortune telling, all the mysteries of the past, the events of the present and the secrets of the future will be revealed.