Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Divorce? What does it mean to see Divorce in a dream? Why do you dream about divorcing your husband? Interpretation of dreams Dream Interpretation: a friend cried about a divorce

Dream interpretation divorce

Today, people often abdicate responsibility for the family they have created and file for divorce. If you have recently experienced a similar event or often think about such a step, you should not look for an interpretation of why you dream about divorce. This is just the embodiment of thoughts about this in night dreams. But if at the moment the relationship is quiet and smooth, and suddenly you dream of a divorce, this can cause a storm of various feelings.

Many dream books interpret night dreams about divorce proceedings as inverted dreams. This is especially true for the most ancient sources. Psychologically oriented dream books, such as Miller's interpreter, warn of one's own dissatisfaction with a marriage or relationship.

The widespread possibility of creating several families throughout life has changed attitudes towards the divorce process. The public does not condemn people who, for various reasons, can no longer be together and want to start a family with other people. Therefore, the meaning of such a dream tends more towards a psychological interpretation.

This is what the family dream book says: a divorce seen in a dream does not mean at all that you will have to go through it in reality.

Most likely, the atmosphere at home is now difficult and tense. But this is nothing more than a natural confrontation between generations. You just need to wait time and everything will return to normal.

If you dreamed of a divorce

Such different opinions

The development of society imposes its changes on people's consciousness. Therefore, it is impossible to consider the interpretation of what divorce means in ancient dream books to be exclusively correct. Miller's dream book analyzed this dream most deeply. It is also worth paying attention to the Islamic dream book, because in this culture the attitude towards divorce has practically not changed over time.

More attention to each other - Miller's dream book

According to the psychoanalyst, it is very important to remember whose divorce you dreamed about. And only then can the dream be interpreted. If this was the dissolution of a marriage between people who in reality are not in any relationship, it means that there are amazing rumors about your personal life.

Seeing your own divorce in a dream means experiencing difficulties in family life. Because of the feeling of loneliness, you have to hide behind constant activity, which takes up almost all your time. The other half feels dissatisfied, but does not go into open conflict. The situation is complicated by children who have entered the growing phase and constantly contradict both parents.

  • Hearing a judge's decision to divorce is a reason to think about relationships with colleagues. Most likely, you were unfair and too demanding of them.
  • Talking with your other half about such a step - the reason for misunderstanding in the family is your desire to withdraw into yourself rather than resolve the conflict openly.
  • If an unmarried girl dreams of divorcing her lover, but in reality she is not married to him, this is a warning dream. Your man has been looking at other women for a long time, regardless of conditional relationships. Perhaps he has had a different life for a long time.

Why do other people dream about divorce?

If you witnessed a divorce

If in a dream you saw the trial of your own parents, you experience serious concerns about their health and well-being. Perhaps you think that their coexistence on the same territory is problematic and such a step could solve these problems. But after such a dream, it is better not to disturb your relatives - the situation will soon improve.

Participating in family feuds between friends or acquaintances means ruining your relationship with them. Especially if in a dream you had to take the side of one of them.

To be in the role of a judge and announce a decision on divorce to complete strangers means you will be drawn into someone else's personal life. After the scandal, your relationship with everyone who took part in it will be damaged. If you work in the judicial field, you should not pay attention to such dreams.

Brief overview of other opinions

Different dream books try to look at such night dreams from completely different angles. The most common opinion says that a divorce seen in a dream means a long and happy family life. But there are other interesting interpretations that are worth applying.

  • Deciding to divorce means feeling guilty for a shameful incident (dream book of Medium Hasse).
  • Divorcing his wife in a dream means getting rich quickly (Islamic dream book).
  • Swearing about the upcoming procedure means ruining relationships with colleagues (esoteric dream book).
  • Crying because your other half asked for a divorce means a romantic turn in family relationships (new dream book)
  • A man dreams of a process - he has aversion to his wife’s actions (interpretation of dreams from A to Z).
  • Seeing friends getting divorced means you will be involved in a serious conflict (Big Book of Dreams)

What feelings did you experience?

When analyzing such a dream, it is worth remembering what basic feelings were experienced. If you woke up in the morning in a good mood and only with slight bewilderment, you don’t have to worry, it was an empty dream, or its meaning is extremely positive.

If you wake up exhausted and tired, it’s worth taking a closer look at the details of what you see. Perhaps the relationship with the other half has truly reached a dead end, and we need to talk about its further development.

Crying and being upset is a good sign. Now everything is fine in the family and it will always be so.

To rejoice in the long-awaited freedom - you lack the thrill. But you are looking for them with the wrong person, and in the wrong places.

Becoming a parent in a dream means that you will take on a new business for which you have high hopes.

Seeing dead parents in a dream is a sign of receiving news about some unusual events. Often such a dream predicts trouble. Seeing parents in a dream foretells receiving news.

The worse your parents look in a dream, the more unpleasant the news you will receive.

If your parents look bad or are dressed in black, then the dream indicates that business failures and disappointments await you. See interpretation: father, mother, children, baby.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Parents and relatives

Among all people, the most significant for any person are his father and mother (brother, sister).

Parents in a dream represent the leading fateful tendency of some long or important period in the sleeper’s life (depending on how they look and what they do and say).

The image of a father or mother in a dream emphasizes both the significance of the event and some independence of this event from the consciousness of the sleeper.

The father embodies a more decisive, rough, testing stream of consciousness, doom, warning, or new perspective with which the dreamer comes into contact.

The mother plays the role of fate (its segment), rewards, desires, career, business, obstacles in marriage (for a woman).

Positive images of father or mother are equivalent to parental blessings and good luck.

All the rest, other relatives in a dream are more often interpreted in negative meanings, as interference, quarrels, troubles.

Deceased parents in a dream have increased significance: see Deceased parents in a dream.

Interpretation of dreams from


A night vision of divorce often serves as a warning. Having seen such a dream, think about whether everything is in order in your life? Analyze how your relationship with your loved one, relatives and friends develops. If you find the cause of conflicts in a timely manner and eliminate it, you will avoid many troubles in the future. Why else could you dream about divorce proceedings?

Often, night dreams about divorce indicate a desire for change. They can be seen by people who are dissatisfied with their personal lives. A dream can also serve as a warning, for example, about a partner’s infidelity. Here is the interpretation of night visions about divorce offered in popular dream books:

  • Azara. You previously committed an unpleasant act, which you now deeply regret.
  • English. It’s a good sign if a family man had such a dream. This suggests that the spouse remains faithful to the dreamer, their relationship is so ideal that real separation is out of the question.
  • Wangi. If you divorced your spouse in the kingdom of Morpheus, then soon an important event will happen in your life, after which you will look at your loved ones with different eyes. If you happen to witness other people’s divorce, watch your words. Rash statements can greatly offend friends and even lead to a serious quarrel.
  • Oriental. It's time for change.
  • Denise Lynn. Night vision may indicate a desire to leave a partner, or a fear of losing him. It is necessary to listen to your inner voice and evaluate the current situation. Only then will you understand how to proceed further.
  • For lovers. You should be more attentive to your loved one and loved ones. If you are not happy with something in your relationship, be sure to talk about this topic with your partner. The main thing is that the conversation takes place in a calm atmosphere. Criticism and sarcastic statements addressed to the faithful will only aggravate an already difficult situation.
  • For a bitch. Your spouse remains faithful, no one can destroy your marriage.
  • David Loff. Such a plot in the kingdom of Morpheus may indicate that the current relationship is very tired and morally exhausted. You strive to break the connection, but you lack the determination and firmness to do this.
  • Islamic. To make a profit.
  • Miller. Dissatisfaction with one's own environment. Another vision may indicate that due to the machinations of ill-wishers, personal relationships may be destroyed.
  • From A to Z. You will work hard. You can make good money, but at the same time you will undermine your health.
  • Peter Leyman. You don't solve problems, but want to run away from them. The dream may also indicate that you are thinking about breaking up with your partner.
  • Russian folk. You want to radically change your life, but lack of confidence in yourself and the future prevents you from doing so.
  • Family. The marriage is in jeopardy. Try to make your family life happier and calmer. Sometimes a dream indicates a partner’s infidelity.
  • Modern woman. Dissatisfaction with friendships and family relationships. It's time to understand yourself and decide how to proceed.
  • Modern. Your partner or spouse does not suit you. If you continue to criticize him, a break in the relationship is inevitable.
  • Wanderer. Seeing such a dream is a good sign. It communicates fidelity in love. If you are currently in a quarrel with a loved one, then know that you will soon make peace and the relationship will improve.
  • Hasse. You did something bad in the past and now you blame yourself for it.
  • Shereminskaya. A dream can be prophetic.
  • Esoteric. To conflicts with friends or colleagues.
  • If in a dream you had to shed tears during the divorce process, then get ready for bad news that will greatly sadden you.

    If you dreamed that having decided to get a divorce, you turned to a lawyer, then in difficult times your loved ones will support you

    The meaning of men's and women's dreams

    A dream about divorce warns a girl and a young unmarried woman that her loved one may be unfaithful or insincere with her. In order not to be deceived, you should take off your rose-colored glasses and take a closer look at your partner. In addition, someone from the outside can destroy your relationship. Therefore, you should not be too frank with others and allow them to interfere in your life.

    For a married woman, such a vision prophesies changes. Analyze whether everything is fine in family relationships. If you or your spouse are not happy with something, then talk about it and try to come to a common agreement.

    For a pregnant woman, a dream does not foretell evil, but indicates her fear for the life of her unborn child, as well as worries about the fact that her relationship with her husband is moving to a new level.

    For a man, such a vision may indicate that he is dissatisfied with the behavior of his wife. It’s worth talking to her frankly, face to face, and not storing up resentment in your soul. If in the kingdom of Morpheus I experienced relief during the divorce from my wife, then in real life there is no doubt about her fidelity and devotion.

    If you dreamed that you were already divorced and you were telling your friends about it, you should be on your guard. Not all the people you consider your friends have pure thoughts.

    If in a dream you gave your wedding ring to your spouse after a divorce, then get ready for a major loss

    Who got divorced in a dream?

    If newlyweds have a dream about divorce, they should not fall into despair. The vision speaks of your doubts. Having not properly adjusted to the new role of a family man, deep down you miss your old life. But the doubts are temporary, soon everything will get better, and life will sparkle with new colors.

    Sometimes a dream can occur to people who have been married for more than a year. Don’t be afraid, night dreams don’t foretell anything bad. On the contrary, a similar plot in the kingdom of Morpheus is a sign that in reality the marriage is strong and stable.

    Divorce in night vision can occur with a scandal. In this case, in real life you will have to defend your point of view and sort things out with your spouse.

    If in a dream, immediately after divorcing you, your husband managed to marry another lady, beware of your rival. This could be a woman with whom you are closely acquainted, for example, a friend or close relative. To avoid trouble, be alert.

    If in your night dreams you had a chance to divorce your ex-husband or wife, then remember what emotions you experienced. If it’s sadness and regret, then on a subconscious level you can’t forgive yourself for past mistakes and regret that the marriage broke up. Try not to live in the past, but to enjoy every new day. If in a dream you were calm or relieved during the divorce process, then expect good news and changes for the better.

    If you had a dream on the eve of divorce proceedings, then deep down you are not ready to put an end to the relationship and hope that your loved one will return and everything will work out.

    Sometimes you may dream that you were divorcing your deceased spouse. Most likely, this indicates a misunderstanding that arose with her husband during his lifetime. Ask for forgiveness from the deceased and forgive him, and also do not forget to remember.

    If in a dream you happened to get divorced from a person you know, with whom you were not previously married, then you have a secret admirer. He will reveal himself soon. A dream about divorcing a stranger indicates that on a subconscious level you are striving to diversify your sexual relationships.

    If in the kingdom of Morpheus the parents divorced the marriage, then soon a misunderstanding would arise between them. If in a dream one of your relatives got divorced (for example, a brother and his wife or a cousin and her husband), then this indicates your dissatisfaction with life and relationships with people around you. You want to break out of the shackles of routine and take a step to improve your life, but change is scary, and you break into a sweat at the mere thought of a possible fiasco. To change your attitude towards life and overcome fear, set yourself easily achievable goals and sincerely rejoice at every new, albeit small, victory. Over time, you will have the courage to make dramatic changes.

    To see the divorce of a daughter or son in your night dreams is a sign of a heart-to-heart conversation. If in the vision someone you know got divorced, then be prepared to sort things out with these people. There is a possibility that the conflict will go too far, and in the future you will negate communication with these people.

    If a man dreamed that he divorced his ex-wife and paid her alimony, then in the near future he will have a serious quarrel with a woman. But receiving alimony from your spouse in a dream is a good sign, meaning that you will achieve unprecedented success in business.

    In a dream after a divorce, did they tear up a common photograph? Serious problems will arise in your relationship with your loved one.

    Other interesting dreams about divorce

    If you dreamed about talking to your spouse about divorce, don’t worry, nothing threatens family happiness. The dream foreshadows empty communication, which will greatly tire you.

    A vision in which your husband expressed a desire to separate from you and reported this speaks of doubts about his feelings and fidelity. Such thoughts occur because the wife lacks self-confidence.

    If in your night dreams you had to divorce your beloved because of infidelity, then in real life you put your interests above others. Because of this, conflicts with loved ones often occur. You should be more attentive to your children and husband, then you can avoid problems in the future.

    Were you planning to file for divorce in the kingdom of Morpheus? There will be obstacles on the way to achieving your goal, but thanks to your prudence and foresight you will quickly overcome them. Having thought everything through carefully, you will make the right decision and quickly achieve what you want.

    If you dreamed that the divorce proceedings took place within the walls of the court, in reality you committed an act for which you now repent. According to the family dream book, you will become the protagonist of bad gossip.

    In the kingdom of Morpheus, were you a witness to someone else's divorce proceedings? There are complex cases to be dealt with. A dream in which a friend cried about divorcing her husband warns that you may be slandered, or you will be drawn into someone else’s conflict.

    If in a dream you divorced your husband and married someone else, you will soon become a victim of a misunderstanding. But celebrating a divorce in your night dreams is a sign of a cheerful feast.

    Having a dream about divorce, you should think about your life. The vision warns of difficulties in business and problems in communicating with loved ones. Try to devote more time to your family, show attention and care. If it seems that your loved one is hiding something, talk to him. A heart-to-heart conversation helps not only to show sincerity, but also to learn about your partner’s true feelings.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Why do you dream about Divorce in a dream?

    Being divorced in a dream means that you are not satisfied with your companions; In addition, you need to think about how to make your family happy. This dream is a warning.

    For a girl, such a dream means that she may remain unmarried due to the infidelity of her beloved.

    Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

    Why do you dream about Divorce?

    Dream-warning. Divorce in a dream signifies your dissatisfaction with your friendships and family relationships. It's time to think about how to make your family's life calmer and more joyful. Such a dream warns a girl about the possible infidelity of her lover, as a result of which she may remain lonely for the rest of her life.

    Universal dream book for the whole family


    Divorce indicates your hidden desire to radically change everything, to cut it off in one fell swoop. To your self-doubt and fears.

    The Dream Guide by David Loff

    Why did you dream about Divorce?

    Today, divorce has not yet become an exorbitant luxury. One first-grader, trying to surprise those around him, once said: But my parents haven’t divorced yet. Unfortunately, from a social TABOO, divorce has turned into a kind of ritual. Divorce symbolizes doubts about your partner's fidelity and devotion or hidden dissatisfaction with him. These doubts may be expressed through the divorce of other people significant to you. Is your relationship too exhausting and emotionally draining? Perhaps you want to exclude someone from your life, but you lack the decisiveness and diplomacy to deal with the situation and dot the i’s. Do you feel like a recent disagreement or argument with friends has left your relationship strained?

    Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

    Dream interpretation:

    Esoteric dream book

    Mystery of sleep:

    To showdowns with friends or colleagues.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

    Interpretation of Divorce from your dream

    Loyalty in love, reconciliation and agreement.

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    Interpretation according to the saint:

    Blame yourself for an act worthy of punishment.

    Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

    For those born in January, February, March, April

    Towards a long-term marriage.

    For those born in May, June, July and August

    To clarify the relationship.

    For those born in September, October, November, December

    Your intractability will be the main reason for a quarrel with your partner.

    Why do women and men dream about Divorce?

    Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore Divorce in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

    How to learn to understand your dreams

    Do your parents have a happy marriage that you've always wanted to emulate? Then why does the subconscious show you scary images at night? Why do you dream about your parents’ divorce? There can be many interpretations of such dreams: dissatisfaction with one’s own life, bad relationships with a significant other or with loved ones. You need to carefully remember all the details of your night dreams in order to correctly decipher the predictions provided by the subconscious.

    Divorce of parents

    Did you wake up with mixed feelings? Why do you dream about your parents’ divorce? The subconscious mind shows a similar image to those people whose relationships with loved ones have begun to deteriorate. If you cannot curb your pride and are trying to prove to your loved ones that you are smarter than them, then problems will not be long in coming. A person should value and respect his parents. Divorce, which appears in night dreams, foreshadows conflicts that will arise among loved ones through your fault. Your mother and father will judge you and at the same time try to whitewash you. Because of such contradictions in the soul, people will feel terrible. There is no doubt that the child will become the scapegoat in such a situation. And if the dreamer does not change his behavior, then he will soon lose the trust of the older generation. You cannot break ties with your parents. Whatever people are, they are given to you by the Universe, and it will be impossible to find a replacement for them. Therefore, try to establish trusting relationships and do not teach the older generation how to live. And also don’t make your loved ones suffer because of your stupidity.

    Mutual agreement

    Did your loved ones break up in a dream? If the decision was mutual, then there is no need to take the dream as a bad omen. And you shouldn’t tell your loved ones about your fears either. Dreams are given to a person not in order to improve someone’s life, but in order to improve his own existence. Why do you dream about your parents’ divorce? A person whose parents divorced in their dreams by mutual decision must understand that the older generation lives in peace and harmony. The decisions parents make are not always healthy. The child must help adults avoid mistakes that they may make in the future. For example, the older generation may fall for the trick of scammers. It should be explained to parents that all decisions they make must be balanced and thoughtful. And it is better to bring this or that issue that is considered difficult to the family council.

    Divorce of spouse's parents

    Why do you dream about a guy’s parents divorcing? Such dreams can be seen by a girl whose waking relationship with her mother-in-law and father-in-law have been damaged. The lady should think about why the older generation doesn’t like her. Remember that feelings of dissatisfaction with a person never arise out of nowhere. If people are disappointed in you, then they had a reason. And you need to look for the reason within yourself. Think about what character traits of yours irritate your loved ones? Try to eliminate your shortcomings. Any relationship is work, and first of all, on yourself. It should be understood that all people have different values ​​and moral standards. If your behavior does not correspond to the imaginary ideal of the older generation, try to find out from people why they consider you an unworthy person.

    Why do you dream about your significant other’s parents divorcing? Sometimes it happens that a guy’s parents are jealous of their daughter-in-law and their son. If so, then allow your husband or boyfriend to spend more time with his parents. Do not interfere in their relationship and do not give the man advice. Adults will be able to sort things out among themselves without your participation.

    Friend's parents

    Have you seen an amazing scene in your night dreams? Why do you dream about your friend’s parents divorcing? The subconscious sends such dreams to those whose relationships with friends have recently deteriorated. If you feel a chill in your relationship with your friend, then try to understand the reason for the girl’s aloofness. Parents act as the roots of friendship, which have recently split into two. Your interests with your friend have diverged, and the reason for this may not be you, but a girl close to you. The subconscious mind tells you that you need to make a decision. If you value friendship, then you should help the relationship normalize. If you understand that there is no point in preserving something that is falling apart on its own, then just let the girl go and don’t worry about losing it. From time to time you have to part with loved ones with whom you no longer have common ground. Friendship cannot stand on memories alone. It needs to be constantly fed.

    Dream of a strong personality

    Why do you dream about your parents’ divorce according to Freud? If you are a strong personality, then you have some complexes or traumas that haunt you. People who live their lives aimlessly also have injuries, but they practically do not interfere with their existence. Strong personalities can constantly beat themselves up and feel guilty for no reason. If you see your parents’ divorce in a dream, you should understand that problems need to be looked for in childhood. It was your parents who imposed complexes on you that you will have to get rid of as an adult. If you cannot do this on your own, then contact an experienced psychotherapist.

    Why do you dream about your wife’s parents divorcing? A strong person who sees divorce in his night dreams must understand that he feels guilty for what is now going on in the soul of his other half. The man blames himself for the cooling in the relationship between his wife and her parents. A guy should be more loyal to the people close to his significant other, not criticize or judge them. Everyone has their shortcomings, and the dreamer must come to terms with this thought.

    Recurring dreams

    Can’t decipher your night dreams on your own? The dream book will help you. The divorce of parents, which a person dreams about very often, tells the person about an internal conflict that cannot be resolved in any way. A person lives a double life, and this does not suit him. Think about what area of ​​your life worries you the most right now. Have you made mistakes in life and chosen the wrong path? If you were unable to decide on a career in your youth and are now forced to work in an unloved specialty, then change your lifestyle. Get a second education and change your profession. It's never too late to start living the life you want. If by mid-life you realize that you are living with an unloved person, then get a divorce. You shouldn't put up with what doesn't suit you. It is clear that fear will torment your soul. But it’s much worse to live with internal problems that will worry you every day and won’t let go even at night.

    Conversation about divorce

    In your night dreams, did your loved ones talk about unpleasant things? Why do you dream about your parents’ divorce? The dream book interprets a dream in which relatives talked about the end of their relationship as meaningless conversations that you carry on in reality. The dreamer talks a lot, not to the point. Instead of implementing his ideas, a person only talks about them. You need to change your policy of action. Do more and let others know less about your plans. No one needs to know what you want to achieve. The more energy a person spends on ranting, the less time the person has to complete his goals.

    Similar dreams with conversations about divorce are seen by people who often discuss other people’s lives in reality. Stop interfering with other people's problems and focus on your own life. You will never improve your existence if you do not pay enough attention to it. And stupid gossip and rumors will bring you more problems than good.

    Betrayal by one of the parents

    You can’t understand why you dream about your parents’ divorce? The dream book will help you clarify the situation. If you see in your night dreams the betrayal of one of your parents, it means that you pay little attention to this person. For example, girls communicate more often with their mothers and completely forget to talk with their fathers. Older men need attention no less than their spouses. Try to change your attitude towards your father a little. Share your problems with your man and do not forget to ask him about business and personal experiences. And also consult with an older person about what to do in a given situation. Parents love their children and will always be happy to give practical advice. The subconscious mind says that you need to devote more time to your loved ones, because parents do not last forever and you need to appreciate every minute spent with them.

    Property division

    In your night dreams, your parents divorced and were dividing their property? The subconscious mind warns the dreamer that soon loved ones will think about an expensive purchase that they do not need at all. The child’s task is to dissuade the older generation from thoughtlessly spending money. Try to convince your parents that they can do without their new acquisition and their life will not get any worse without the desired thing. Well, if you can’t talk your family out of a stupid decision, then you need to monitor the process and help the older generation make the right choice. After all, pensioners are very suggestible, and good salespeople can force people to take out a loan that people absolutely do not need.