The bachelor with whom Alexey Vorobyov stayed. Why was the bachelor Vorobyov left without a bride? At what point did you realize that none of the girls were right for you? Surely you sent both of them home for a reason

They joined the TV screens in anticipation of the outcome of the show “The Bachelor,” which lasted 13 weeks, during which Alexey chose his betrothed from 25 beautiful participants.

Who will the singer choose in the finale of season 3 of The Bachelor?

In the finale of the show “The Bachelor,” the 4th season of which ended today, two participants fought for the opportunity to be close to Alexei Vorobyov - Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

Unlike previous episodes, the final dates were thought out by the girls themselves, and they had something to offer the discerning artist. The beautiful Natalya Gorozhanova, knowing about Alexey’s explosive character and his love for extreme sports and speed, arranged for Vorobyov the opportunity to drive a “pumped up” car and experience a storm of emotions from driving a powerful car. This date, which both young people liked, later moved into a romantic setting with candles and wine.

The girl decided to surprise the extreme sports enthusiast with racing in a powerful car.

At first, Alexey surprised the girl by asking uncomfortable questions in a harsh manner. He even managed to bring Natasha to tears, although he quickly calmed her down and the conversation turned into a romantic direction. Natalya blindfolded Alexei and took off his and her clothes. The audience expected closeness from the main characters, but the Girl was able to surprise everyone and Alexey himself - they approached the easel and Natalya, moving Vorobyov’s hands along the canvas, depicted a ship, which Alexey himself called his best drawing.

As for Yana Anosova, she arranged a romantic date in a very interesting place - a cave with candles and soft lighting, where the girl placed envelopes with questions that interested her in secret places. Alexey slowly moved through the cave, answering Yana’s questions, approaching her. The first questions were easy, Alexey answered them with a smile, but each subsequent question was more and more difficult and the singer, as the meeting progressed, became gloomier.

The finalist started a romantic date in mountain caves by candlelight

One of the questions was “What should I do to make you mine?” Alexey didn’t like it and he considered it a simplification of the relationship. And the next question is “How do you feel about me?” generally confused the young man - he thought that such a question should be asked live, looking eye to eye. And Alexey was completely finished off by the surprise gift, because Yana handed him an icy heart, saying that this heart was not hers, but Alexey’s. This insulted and offended the young man. Yana wanted to metaphorically ask the man of her dreams for the opportunity to melt her icy heart together; I think this metaphor is romantic. But Alexei decided that it was easier to break an icy heart, and to melt it would mean losing his heart. As a result, the singer freaked out and shouted that such a heart needs cold, and since Yana believes that he has just such a heart, he ran out into the street and left him in the cold. The date has reached a dead end.

Beauty Natalya Gorozhanova wanted to hear completely different words from “The Bachelor”

At the end of the show, when both participants took turns appearing before Alexei in chic wedding dresses, he told both of them what he felt, how he saw their feelings for himself, and... did not choose either one! Alexey could not come to terms with the fact that both girls did not have real feelings for him. They both could not say the three main words - I love you. Both participants left the estate in limousines, leaving a disappointed Alexei alone on the steps of the porch.

The other day, the fourth season of the “Bachelor” project ended on the TNT channel, the main character of which was singer Alexei Vorobyov. The finale of the show caused heated discussions on social networks - after several months of dating the girls, the artist sent both “brides” who reached the finals back to Moscow, saying that he had never met sincere feelings in the TV show. The finalist of the third season of the project with Timur Batrudinov, Galina Rzhaksenskaya, shared with Life the details of behind-the-scenes life on the show “The Bachelor.” According to the 29-year-old Internet star, producers recruit girls from modeling agencies and social networks, and on the project they are prohibited from using phones or watching TV. In addition, psychologists work with the potential wives of the characters during filming.

Galina, how is the casting for the show “The Bachelor” going? Why were you chosen out of several thousand girls to participate in the show?

Everything is very simple. You watch the show, you really like it, and you start submitting profiles, as millions of women across the country do. All forms are reviewed by the organizers. But there are also individual employees who themselves look for bright participants and select the right types. They look for girls in modeling agencies, for example, Katya Fischer (one of the participants in the third season. - Ed.) from the agency, Dasha Kananukha is Timur Batrudinov’s chosen one - and the winner too. They found me through the social network VKontakte. They wrote me a message that they liked my type and invited me. However, at that time I was not a popular blogger - it doesn’t matter how many subscribers you have, you have to be liked in appearance. There must be a certain type that the main character might like. After the main casting Separate rounds begin, you also need to go through them in order to be selected.

Does the choice of bachelor affect the outcome of the show, or is the one who leaves the project chosen by the producers?

You know, it often happens that the program has just begun, and many already guess who will be in the finals. This happens because the material has been filmed for a long time and often the information gets to third parties. In addition, installation errors often occur. However, the show does not have a set plot because they do not cast actresses, but ordinary girls.

Do girls get paid for participating in castings and shows?

No. Nobody gets paid. We just live in this environment without any means. Special people do our makeup and hairstyles and give us clothes if we don’t have enough. All you have to do is be yourself and not play for the camera. They don't like it there.

Are they allowed to use mobile phones or other gadgets?

You know, not only were our mobile phones taken away, we weren’t even allowed to watch TV. This is done so that we show our emotions to each other, so we are in a vacuum all the time. The most you can do is read a book, but they still only allow you to take one suitcase with you, so there was no question of any book.

Was it known in advance who the bachelor was on the first day of filming?

No, what are you talking about? Nobody knows who is bachelor. Everyone needs a live reaction, a first emotion.

Well, we are two first impression roses, two finalists, we have a very similar position in the final. We started being friends when we did a photo shoot together, we were both invited.

A question that interests many TV viewers: is there sex on the project?

There was no sex in our third season! Timur Batrudinov acted more wisely and carefully, he does not live in the moment, he thought: “What will I tell her later if I don’t choose her?” Alexey Vorobyov is much simpler, he is younger. If girls allow sex on the project, why not? Lyosha has been filming for several months, he’s a man, he wants sex, what’s wrong with that? If girls don’t care that their parents, grandparents look at them, that the whole country sees it, then they don’t have complexes. Lyosha "rocked" with participant Alla Berger and finalist Yana Anosova. By the way, they showed it very beautifully.

What else is not included in the broadcast?

To be honest, a lot is not included. It happens that the girl behind the scenes is completely different from the one on camera. Psychologists are setting you up, they say, show this to people, come on! There was a moment when Timur Batrudinov came and took me for about 40 minutes. We stood with him and chatted for a long time, but it didn’t go down well. Many dates are not shown - there is not enough airtime. The kiss between Natasha Gorozhanova and Lyosha Vorobyov at the skating rink was not included.

Do you communicate with Alexey Vorobyov?

He is a very good guy, but I am grateful to the Almighty that I am not in his project. He told me: “If only you were on the show with me.” But I would have left in the middle of the project or would have embarrassed the whole country. I prefer to keep these guys as friends.

How do you like this unusual ending?

To be honest, I knew in advance what would happen. In fact, Lyosha has a very exciting ending. If in my case it was logical that I would win, because our connection with Timur was visible throughout the entire project, then with Lyosha everything is confused. But in the end, he said goodbye to both participants. I don’t think anyone expected this.

How do the participants leave? According to the script, they are taken straight to the airport in an evening dress.

So they leave. They tell you: “That’s it, goodbye,” they put you in the car, they take you for the last interview, and that’s it. The suitcase is delivered to the airport. For example, I took off my wedding dress and flew to Moscow wearing the same makeup.

Main character 4 seasons of the popular television show The Bachelor hoped that he would be able to bring the fairy tale to life, to find a beautiful girl who would become a worthy partner for him. But he failed to do this. The tragic ending shocked an audience of millions. But, as it turned out, not only the participants and fans suffered from this decision, but also the bachelor himself.

Alexey actually took everything to heart. Vorobyov assures that he needed a lot of time to come to his senses. Information also leaked to the media that the young man decided to seek help from a psychologist, since he was unable to cope with mental trauma on his own.

Alexey Vorobyov is the hero of the show Bachelor 4. The bachelor did not expect that he would be left alone in the finale. After the project, Alexey took a long time to come to his senses. However, Vorobyov continues to enjoy life. Vorobyov after the project Alexey Vorobyov with Nastya Kudri. After the project, Vorobyov began a short affair with Yulia Baranovskaya. Alexey Vorobyov with Yulia Baranovskaya.

While the TV audience believes that the man is suffering from a bad breakup, several provocative photographs and articles have appeared on the Internet. As some sources write, Alexei Vorobyov had a short affair with Nastya Kudri, and then with Yulia Baranovskaya.

In response to this, Alexey was indignant and said that his life on the Bachelor show did not end. Yes, he attends various social events, hugs girls there, but this does not at all mean that he has any romantic relationship with any of them.

One of participants of the 4th season of the show Bachelor, subsequently the finalist (Natalya Gorozhanova) in the last issue, after the announcement of the results, stated that there was no need to put an end to their relationship. The girl is sure that she and Alexei still have a warm relationship with each other and therefore, it is likely that they will continue to communicate.

In turn, Alexey assured the fans that he was not going to maintain a relationship with any of the girls from the project. After this, at the end of June, information appeared on the network that Gorozhanova was now not allowing her former lover access.

All due to the fact that the girl regularly appears at the same parties as the young man. However, Vorobyov often pretends not to notice his former lover. Having seen Natalya Gorozhanova at the pre-party of the “Heat” festival in the Moscow Rose Bar, Vorobyov pretended that they did not know each other.

This behavior is not surprising, since most likely the young man was still in a lot of pain and he was not ready to calmly communicate with the girl who broke his heart. The once-in-love young people didn’t even say hello.

During his speech, Natalya pointedly turned away and began talking to a friend. When the girl saw that her ex-lover sat down at a table already occupied by several girls, she demonstratively packed her things and left the establishment.

Gorozhanova pursues Alexey after the project. Natalya Gorozhanova hopes to maintain warm relations with Alexey after the project. Hot kiss on the Bachelor show. at the Heat festival, Vorobyov ignored Gorozhanova.
Alexey Vorobyov said he would not communicate with the participants after the show.

Despite the fact that everyone saw how the young people pointedly ignored each other, Gorozhanova assured the press that they had an excellent relationship and that they were simply very busy that evening and therefore practically did not intersect with each other.

Vorobyov after the Bachelor project

Despite the fact that Alexei Vorobyov’s heart is broken, he is not going to stop and be sad. He attends various events and participates in projects.

Filming in the video

For example, in June 2016, Vorobyov was lucky enough to take part in the video for the RedOne song “Don’t You Need Somebody.” Of course, such an offer in itself made Alexey happy. But he could not even imagine that such popular personalities as Jennifer Lopez, Cristiano Ronaldo, Milla Jovovich, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Rafael Nadal, Akon would star with him.

The script for the video is incredibly simple. All the guest stars listen to the newly released song, sing it along with the performer and dance. At first it was assumed that everyone would arrive at a special studio for filming. However, this idea was not implemented.

The video shows that some stars were filmed on a professional camera, while others danced in front of a webcam on a laptop or filmed themselves on a phone. For example, the video of Alexey Vorobyov was recorded on a regular camera in Sochi. Overall, as the creators note, the video turned out even better than one could have expected. He is very lively and bright, which is why many fans liked him so much.

Beach soccer tournament

In September 2016, Alexey Vorobyov participated in a beach volleyball tournament. It was held between two concerts (between stars and participants) on New Wave. Today this is the most widespread tradition outside the competition program of this festival. The tournament was held at the Sport Inn hotel next to the Olympic Village.

It is worth noting that Alexey was at his best, he scored almost the majority of the goals during the tournament. He admitted that the test was very exciting and he was able to take a break from all his worries.

Alexey kept the bar high at the beach soccer tournament.

Using his example, Alexey Vorobyov showed that even if everything is not going well in your personal life, you should not give up on yourself. Life goes on, and every person will be able to find the partner with whom he will feel good. Perhaps he simply hasn’t met Alexei’s betrothed yet.

How the popular show Bachelor (season 4) ended - the ending is of interest to many fans of this project. The fourth season of this reality show was truly unusual, and Alexey Vorobyov managed to shock not only the participants, but also the project organizers and television viewers.

Finalists of the show Bachelor 4

The fourth season of the popular television show was remembered by the audience thanks to the unconventional behavior of the main character, Alexei Vorobyov. The man was desperately trying to find a girl who would meet all his criteria. As a result, only two candidates reached the finals.

The first of them is Yana Anosova. The girl is a very successful actress, acting not only in films, but also in music videos. For a long time, the girl worked as a model.

Finale of the show Bachelor 4.

The second contender for the man’s heart was Natalya Gorozhanova. It was she who was prophesied by the majority of TV viewers as Alexei’s bride. This is a very shocking, beautiful person, professionally involved in the modeling business, who managed to win the hearts of television viewers.

Show Bachelor (season 4) - final

So who did Alexey Vorobyov choose and who rightfully became the winner of the Bachelor 4 show? As for Yana Anosova, the girl knew the prince even before the project itself. Many believed that the relationship between the young people would not work out, but the girl had a second chance and she tried to make the most of it.

The relationship with Natalya Gorozhanova was very strange. At first, the girl won the heart of the young man, but then for a couple of weeks he did not invite her on dates, and everyone began to think that Alexei had simply forgotten about such a contender. But after the date was destined to take place, Vorobyov was convinced that he was ready to meet with her in the final.

Each of the contenders was 100% confident of their victory. However, the dates that took place in the finale could hardly be called successful.

Bachelor finalists Yana Anosova and Natalya Gorozhanova.

Yana was refused almost immediately; Alexey was very harsh and stated that he was clearly not the man who was ready to make her happy. She did not wait for any explanations or enter into dialogue, but only wished the man happiness and left. Then, sitting in the limousine, she burst into tears and admitted that she felt simply terrible.

The date with Natalia also did not go smoothly. The girl almost immediately told the young man bluntly that she did not love him, but if he did not let her go, she would try to change her attitude towards him. At the final ceremony, the beauty was dressed in a white dress and, going to the rendezvous with Alexei, still hoped for a miracle.

She believed that even though she played with his feelings, he would still choose her. But, unfortunately, the miracle did not happen. Alexey admitted that during the show he tried to determine what kind of woman could be “his.” But I realized that it is impossible to find the perfect one. He saw many girls who “caught” his heart.

He was sure that Natalya stood out among all the participants, that she was the woman who would motivate him, attract attention, with whom he would want to move forward. However, Natalya’s final words “I don’t love you” broke all plans. The hero admitted that he really didn’t want to let the girl go, but he couldn’t do that. In the final scene, Alexey walked Natalya to the limousine and, sitting in the car, the beauty burst into tears.

After the show

As you can see, no one won the show Bachelor 4. The main character chose to remain single and was unable to choose any of the participants. Of course, such an event could not leave journalists and experts on family relations indifferent. For example, Mila Levchuk noted that such behavior was unacceptable, because took part in the show not just 25 beautiful, smart, talented and beautiful girls.

The main character could not choose any of the participants.

These participants did what girls shouldn't do - they wooed men. Half of the participants were humiliated, others left the project with a broken heart. Mila writes that she cannot find meaning in Alexei’s actions.

She spoke very categorically about the situation with Natalya. Mila is sure that from the first minutes of the show, TV viewers and girls want to see a man on the screen, a real man who knows what he wants, understands what kind of woman he is looking for and does not allow anyone to decide for himself. You really want to fight for such a man.

But what do we see in the end? A girl who struggles in agony and screams “Yes, I don’t love you!” and a man who doesn’t care about it. According to Mila, such a phrase from Gorozhanova demonstrates not the absence of any feelings for Alexei, but, on the contrary, their presence. This relationship expert claims that the girl's challenge is actually asking the man to "create her love."

As a result, the man who had to decide everything for himself simply gives up and says that he can’t do anything. And it is truly terrible when a man gives up, not believing that he can win the love of a woman who is not indifferent to him. For centuries, men have been pursuing women, but Vorobiev decided to simply give up. This is why Levchuk believes that there was no point in the project - 25 women’s hearts were broken.

The only moral that can be made is that men have become weak, women fight for them, struggle, and they are not even able to make the final choice.

The girls who fought for the heart of the Bachelor 4

It was impossible to ignore such a very impudent and condemning comment. Therefore, Alexey did not remain indifferent. The man is sure that he is for mutual love and he is not going to force someone to feel sympathy for him. That's why he did what he did in the finals.

This is how the fourth season of the popular TV show The Bachelor ended. Of course, many were disappointed, some were angry with the bachelor, but Alexey made his choice, and nothing can be changed. We can only hope that in the next season of the show the main character will be more attentive to the participants and still choose the one and only one.