Thematic project “Sea voyage. Lesson notes on the Black Sea physical education program, senior group

Larisa Norova
Project “Sea Inhabitants” for older children

View project: informational and creative

Participants: children senior group

Interaction between teachers: educators, parents

Implementation period project: 1 Week

Problem: “What are there sea ​​inhabitants»

Game motivation: “Journey to the underwater world”

Goal: Creating conditions for nurturing environmental culture and developing cognitive and creative abilities children.

expand ideas children about the inhabitants of the deep sea, develop the ability to think;

development of logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions based on a comparison of facts, results, observations;

develop aesthetic perception of the world around us, the ability to see beauty;

develop the ability to listen to the sounds of nature;

develop cognitive interest and creative abilities;

use various non-traditional artistic and graphic techniques;

teach to protect the environment;

Expected results project

master the concepts sea ​​creatures", "fish", "shellfish";

have the simplest ideas about some of the structural features of the body in connection with their life in water, their methods of movement (swims, crawls, methods of camouflage, the uniqueness of each species;

be aware of relationships with others inhabitants;

have an understanding of the relationship between human activity and the environment;

develop initial skills of environmentally conscious behavior in nature;

write a descriptive story about sea ​​creature using a reference diagram.


There is still a lot of unknown and beautiful things around us. I would like to children introduce you to this mysterious and mysterious world. During implementation project children will gain knowledge about inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Feeling of love for nature. The desire to cherish and protect it.

Stages project:

Goal setting (problem identification).

Development project.

Performance project(Organization of joint work children and teachers on the project).

Summing up (Presentation).

Preliminary work:

search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic “ Marine life", "Sea";

acquaintance with literary works: G. Kosov “The ABC of the Underwater World”, S. Sakharnov “Who Lives in the Sea?”, A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, G. H. Andersen “The Little Mermaid”;

learning poems by V. Orlov “Why do I dress up at the sea?”, “I draw the sea”, Y. Dulepin “Octopus”, S. Baranov “Dolphins”, proverbs and sayings, finger gymnastics “Seagull”, asking riddles, word creation;

examination of reproductions of paintings by I. K. Aivazovsky “Night. Blue Wave”, “The Ninth Wave”, “Black Sea”, “Hurricane at Sea”, A. Rylov “Sea. Stones”, “In the blue expanse”, A. Bogolyubov “Sailboat at sea”;

listening to the song “Dolphins” based on verses by S. Kozlov from the cartoon “At the Port”; Debussy K. “The Sea”, sketch for symphony orchestra, “Conversation between the wind and the sea”; Ravel M. “The Game of Water”;

watching cartoons “The Colorful Family”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Little Mermaid”, “Finding Nemo”, “Shark Tale”.

Collaboration with family:

Photo exhibition: “Let’s remember the blue sea!”, “I’m in the aquarium!” ;

Parents write down a story invented by the child about sea ​​creature, help to design with drawings;

Resource support:

Illustrations, photographic materials, videos, slides, books, works of art and materials, camera, computer, materials for visual and design activities, shells of various sizes and shapes, plasticine, waste material.

Can a person live in water? Why?

Which sea ​​animals you know?

What do you know about inhabitants of the underwater world?

What special devices do some residents use? depths of the sea?

What do they eat? sea ​​inhabitants?

Who is Neptune?

What inventions were suggested to man? Marine life?

Which animal is the largest, smartest, fastest, most musical?

Implementation project

Cooperative activity children and teachers.

Goal: To activate cognitive interest in inhabitants of the deep sea. Consolidate knowledge children about the diversity of the underwater world; encourage search skills; enrich speech children; develop a caring attitude towards nature.

Conversations: About fish, about seas and oceans, about the underwater world;

Examination of illustrations (encyclopedias “The Sea and Its World”, “Fishes that Glow”;

Watching videos " Sea World" “Underwater World”, “Mammals at the Zoo: Dolphin Performance”, fur seals, the Beluga whale." Cartoons: “About the Fisherman and the Fish” by A. S. Pushkin; "Nemo." Videos: “Nemo Fish”, “Zebra Fish”... “Clown Fish”;

An album with species diversity of flora and fauna, their environment a habitat;

Examination of paintings by artists depicting the underwater world of a painting by Mark Susino;

Reading fiction

Goal: To develop interest in works of art of various genres, to reveal the relationship between the fairy-tale and real worlds; learn to highlight the main idea of ​​a work;

Explain how important drawings are in a book; show how many interesting things can be learned by looking at book illustrations.

H. -K. Andersen "The Little Mermaid".

Creative stories: “How I went to the dolphinarium” (selected).

Evening of riddles, poems about sea ​​world.

Memorizing poems about the inhabitants of the underwater world.

Didactic games

Goal: To clarify and consolidate knowledge about inhabitants of the sea. Develop resourcefulness, intelligence, attention, and the ability to prove the correctness of your judgment.


"The Fourth Wheel"

"Whose silhouette"

"Guess the sound of the animal"

"Whose shadow?"

"Collect the Dolphin"

"Decorate the aquarium"

“Guess which body of water”

"Who lives here?"

“Whom I’ll tell you about”

Board-printed games

"Paired pictures"

"Find out what has changed"

"Find the same one"

"Connect the dots"


Target. Develop the ability to describe a body of water, its inhabitants according to description.

Expand vocabulary children: jellyfish, octopus, shrimp, sawfish, crab, sea ​​Horse, flounder.

"Describe the animal"

"Guess a riddle"

“Who hears what?”

“Whose children?”

“Find an item by description”

“Call it in one word”

“Who will notice more fables?”

Productive activities:

Exhibition of drawings and crafts made from natural and waste materials “Sea and sea ​​secrets».

Purpose: To educate children various techniques for working with various visual media, the ability to follow oral instructions, and operate with concepts denoting spatial characteristics. Develop fine motor skills and eye, artistic taste and creativity. Develop work culture and communication skills children.

Application “At the bottom” sea»

Collective application “B” sea ​​depths»

Plasticineography “Unusual fish”

Finger painting “Magic underwater world”

Stone painting “Goldfish”

Modeling from dough “Clown fish”

Paper construction - layout seabed

decorations in nautical style(pendants and bracelets made of shells)

Origami " Sea fish»

Making an album with illustrations “How beautiful this underwater world is...”

Musical activities

Goal: To teach to perceive the character of animals with the help of musical works. Exercise children in creating expressive images sea ​​creatures. Instill a love for various musical genres.

Listening to songs about the sea;

Listening to music: “Sounds of the sea”, “Sounds of a dolphin”;

Interaction with parents

Photo albums “How we vacationed at sea”;

Consultations for parents: “How to interest children the secrets of the unusual sea world»;

Assistance in organizing leisure time at marine theme.

Participation in the exhibition of drawings and crafts “Sea and sea ​​secrets» joint creativity of parents and children, educators.

Design of a library of educational games

Selection of puzzle on marine theme;

Cutting pictures « Sea creatures»;

Plot-role-playing games:

"Ship Voyage", "Underwater Expedition"

(experiments and experiments);

"Boat trip to a fairyland"


Goal: Formation of motor skills, development of imagination, attention.

"The Fisherman and the Fishes"

"Ocean is shaking"

"Fishes and Pebbles"



Music games

Goal: Stability of attention, accurate execution of verbal instructions; Motor-auditory coordination; Distribution of attention; Rhythmic speech, diction; Auditory attention;

"Funny Fishes";

"The Little Mermaids";


Decoration of the play corner " Sea World»

Quiz “Wonders of the Underwater World”

Goal: Consolidate knowledge children about the sea and the marine world. Instill interest children to the world around them. Develop coherent speech children. Expand your vocabulary. Learn to distinguish fish from mammals.

Equipment and materials: Puzzles, riddle picture, riddles, map, marine attributes.

Organization: MADOU No. 12

Locality: Novgorod region, Grigorovo village

Relevance of the problem: thematic projects are at the center of modern preschool education; in my opinion, they are interesting to children and provide the basis for teachers, allowing them to develop their cognitive interests, support initiative, and develop independence in joint activities with children.

During the school year, the children were interested in the objects of the surrounding reality, each participant in the thematic project brought his own to the environment, the environment was replenished, enriched and provided the basis for the birth of more and more new projects.

In order to understand the uniqueness of these natural objects and educate environmentally literate behavior, I, together with children and members of their families, developed the thematic project “Sea Voyage”.

Objective of the project: maintaining children's initiative and cognitive interest in a thematic project about the sea, its description, inhabitants, creating conditions for nurturing environmental culture and developing children's cognitive and creative abilities in the process of implementing children's ideas, obtaining an overall result.

Expected Result: a themed box that will introduce children to the sea, the life of sea creatures and enrich the child’s understanding of the importance of the sea in people’s lives.

Project objectives:

1) Maintain children’s interest and continue to form children’s ideas about the sea and marine inhabitants;

2) Select material about the work of sailors on a ship, the peculiarities of the work of maritime professions, the coherence in the work of people on a ship;

3) Continue to enrich your vocabulary, improve your verbal communication skills;

4) Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy;

5) Develop a desire to use special terminology about the sea and maritime professions;

6) Develop search skills;

7) Develop communication skills, independence, initiative;

8) Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Objects of study: sea, marine life, maritime professions.


The “Sea Voyage” themed box has been replenished with materials and equipment related to the project theme.

1) Children mastered the concepts: “sea inhabitants”, “mammals”, “molluscs”, “corals”, “algae”;

2) Children learned about some features of the body structure of sea inhabitants in connection with their life in water, their methods of movement (swims, crawls), methods of camouflage, and the uniqueness of each species;

3) Children became acquainted with the concept of the relationship between the sea - marine life - humans;

4) Family members prepared presentations on the relationship between human activity and the environment;

5) In the group of children, initial skills of environmentally literate behavior in nature continued to develop.

Project type: thematic, group, research project

Project duration: 3 weeks.

Project participants: children of senior preschool age, family members of pupils, educators, specialized music directors.

Forms and methods of work: observations, experiments, games, selection and design of riddles in the form of little books, reading fiction, viewing presentations, encyclopedias, listening to mini-messages, drawing, appliqué, origami, modeling, integrated activities (volumetric applique using waste material for making collage)

Children's activities products:

1) Collage “Sea Secrets”

2) Collection “Sea Curiosities”

3) Layout “The underwater world through the eyes of children and adults”

4) Joint drawings “Fish and skates in the sea”

5) Origami “World of the Sea”

6) Little books “Inhabitants of the Seas”

7) Photo report “Sea voyage”

8) Presentation of the project “Let the sea be clean!”

  1. Cognitive development

Thematic conversations:
"Treasures of the Seas"

Goal: to maintain children's interest and continue to get acquainted with the treasures of the seas: pearls and corals.
"The sea is in danger!"

Goal: to maintain interest in the topic and find out what dangers threaten the sea and its inhabitants, how to help and save marine inhabitants

"Secrets of the Sea"

Goal: to continue to maintain children's interest in the topic and introduce children to marine plants and their diversity.
"Shells and Shells"

Goal: to continue to maintain children’s interest in the topic, to introduce children to shells, their diversity and benefits to humans.

“Fishes of the sea - who are they?”

Goal: to continue to maintain children’s interest in the topic, expand their understanding of fish, continue to develop the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions, express them in speech, and present them in the form of homemade books

"Ocean Storm: Great White Shark, Giant Jellyfish - Beware the Big Tentacles"
Goal: to introduce marine animals that pose a danger to people.
"Who to be?"

Goal: to consolidate and expand knowledge about currently existing professions related to the sea.”

Integrated collaboration :

"Sea Wonders"

Goal: to consolidate initial ideas about the seas and oceans; develop knowledge about the inhabitants of the seabed; cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature; activate and enrich children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, verbs.

"The seas are different"

Purpose: to give children an idea that there are many seas on earth. Each sea has its own name and characteristic features (warm, cold sea). Continue introducing children to the globe. Develop curiosity, speech, memory.
"Journey through the depths of the sea king."

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the sea, its inhabitants, their structure and methods of protection from enemies; encourage the desire to ask cognitive questions; cultivate a love of nature and a caring attitude.
Goal: to clarify and expand children’s knowledge about seagulls (appearance, habitat, nutrition, habits, lifestyle); strengthen the ability to work with scissors and a needle; develop thinking, observation, fine motor skills; to cultivate an ecological worldview and interest in the nature of the native land.

"Coloring of sea water."

Materials and equipment: 2 glasses, salt, dye.

Progress of the experiment:

1. Pour tap water into one glass and add 5 teaspoons of salt.

2. Pour tap water into the second glass and add food coloring.
3. Carefully pour a couple of teaspoons of water with dye into a glass of salt water.
Conclusion: Colored water will remain on the surface because salt water is denser and heavier, so it is at the bottom of the glass. Tap water is lighter, which is why it sits on the surface.

"Water and its properties"

Goal: use experience to show children the properties of water.
1. Prepare a saturated saline solution.

2. Observe how the egg behaves in water and saline solution.

3. Draw conclusions about the properties of sea water.

Materials and equipment: raw egg, glass of water, a few tablespoons of salt.
Conclusion: Salt increases the density of water. The more salt there is in the water, the more difficult it is to drown in it.

"Salt Crystallization"

Purpose: to experimentally show how salt crystallization occurs in nature.

2. Monitor the crystallization of the salt.

3. Draw conclusions about how salt crystallization occurs in nature.
Materials and equipment: glass beaker, salt, teaspoon, stick, paper clip, string.

Progress of the experiment:

1. Pour water into a glass and add 3 tablespoons of salt.

2. Stir the water until the salt is completely dissolved.

3. Place a paper clip tied to a wooden stick.

4. Place the glass on a sunny window.

Conclusion: crystallization occurs in a saturated solution with gradual evaporation of the liquid. The whole process takes place in 2-3 weeks.

"Crystallization of salt during the heating process."

Goal: to experimentally prove the presence of salt in water.
1. Prepare a saline solution.

2. Monitor the crystallization process during heating.

3. Draw conclusions about the crystallization of salt during the heating process.
Materials and equipment: saline solution, alcohol lamp, test tube holder, metal vessel.

Progress of the experiment:

1. Take tap water into a glass and add 3 tbsp. spoons of salt.

2. Pour a small amount of water into a metal vessel and place it on the alcohol lamp, holding the test tube with the holder.

3. Bring the saline solution to a boil.

4. Monitor the crystallization process.

5. Draw conclusions about why salt crystals form from a saline solution when heated.

Conclusion: when the saline solution is heated, water evaporates, and salt crystals remain at the bottom of the vessel.

2. Speech development

Replenishing the book corner with fiction:

Goal: to continue to maintain interest in the topic and introduce children to new images of sea creatures in literary works.
P. P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”

M. Chubuchenko “Sea Tales”.

G. Kosova “ABC of the underwater world”,

A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

G. H. Andersen “The Little Mermaid”

S. Sakharnov “Who lives in the sea?”,

A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”,

A wonderful shelf with nursery books and children’s drawings about the sea and marine life

Goal: to generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about the sea and marine inhabitants; develop attention and memory.

Sea Horse

In the sea, in the playful thickets,

The flame of the fire curls -

The waters are blowing their mane

A restive skate.

He sees any hole,

Keeps a watchful eye on the prey,

Don't yawn, silly crustacean:

One jump away from the enemy. G.R. Lagzdyn

Some proverbs and sayings about the sea:

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to memorize proverbs and sayings, understand the meaning of proverbs and sayings, and help them come up with their own. Develop coherent speech and grammatical structure of speech.

Once you've been at sea, you'll never forget it.

There are many roads in the sea.

The sea doesn't like to joke.

The sea loves whom and destroys whom.

The sea loves the brave and the skillful.

Everyone is equal before the sea.

Learn, sailor, and you will become a captain.

Viewing paintings, photographs and illustrations:

Goal: to show the beauty of the sea in the works of famous artists, to develop coherent speech
Looking at reproductions of paintings:

I.K. Aivazovsky “Night. Blue Wave", "The Ninth Wave", "Black Sea", "Hurricane at Sea",

A. Rylov “Sea. Stones", "In the blue expanse",

A. Bogolyubov “Sailboat at sea”;

3. Play activities

Didactic games:

"Guess by touch"
Goal: learn to identify sea creatures by touch while blindfolded.
How to play: blindfolded, determine which sea creature is in your hands.

"Entertaining Sea"

Goal: to introduce children to the rich fauna of the seas and oceans, promotes the development of associative memory.

Progress of the game: children must arrange the cards on the playing field according to their habitat.

"Zoological Lotto"
Goal: recognize sea creatures, place chips with animals on the required windows of your cards.

"Guess a riddle"

Goal: to develop children’s imagination, thinking, ability to draw conclusions, and analyze.
Progress of the game: the teacher or child asks a riddle, and the children, having guessed it, must justify their answer.
"Unravel the Confusion"
Goal: ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, find a way out of the sea labyrinth.”
Game progress: help sea creatures find their babies by going through the labyrinths.

Various puzzles on the theme “Underwater world”
Goal: to arouse interest in the picture being created, to develop fine motor skills and logic.
Progress of the game: assemble a picture from small parts.

Outdoor games:
"Ocean is shaking"
Goal: to develop imagination and artistic taste in inventing sea figures.
Progress of the game: The presenter turns away from the other participants and says:
- The sea worries once, the sea worries twice, the sea worries three, the sea figure freezes in place!
At this moment, players must freeze in the position in which they find themselves. Whoever moves first takes the place of the leader or gives away a forfeit.

Goal: develop the ability to guess your friend with your eyes closed.
Progress of the game: children stand in a circle, and the leader in the center, blindfolded, must determine who is standing in front of him.
"The Fisherman and the Fishes"

Goal: improve jumping rope, develop agility and endurance.
Progress of the game: the driver stands in the center of the circle formed by the other participants. The “fisherman” rotates the rope so that it slides along the ground and describes circles under the feet of the players. The “fish” participants must jump over the rope so as not to “get caught.” The caught “fish” becomes a “fisherman”.

Goal: to consolidate the name of sea creatures, learn to convey their appearance and methods of movement through movements.
Progress of the game: the presenter makes a wish for a sea animal, and the players must portray it. Whoever portrays the most interesting image becomes the presenter.

Plot-role-playing game:

"Ship Voyage"

Goal: to provide knowledge about the work of sailors on a ship, coherence in their work; improve verbal communication skills; develop creativity, imagination, fantasy; to cultivate interest and respect for the work of maritime workers.

"Underwater Expedition"
Goal: to create conditions for enriching children with experiences that can be used in the game. Encourage the development of the plot.
"Scuba Divers"
Goal: educational interest in the inhabitants of the seabed, the ability to see interesting and entertaining things during a boat trip.

4. Productive activity

Goal: learn to convey the beauty of a seascape using watercolors.

"Gold fish"
Goal: to systematize knowledge about the appearance of fish and their habitat. Learn to convey this knowledge in a drawing.

"Marine life"
Goal: to cultivate love for the surrounding nature, teach to admire this beauty, learn to express one’s knowledge in artistic and productive activities.

"Sea bottom"
Goal: continue to learn how to build a composition of a drawing, reflect in a drawing your impressions and knowledge about the world around you. Develop children's imagination and creativity.
"Unusual fish"
Goal: to develop the ability to cut out paper folded in half along the contour and add the necessary details with a felt-tip pen.
"Fish in the Aquarium"
Goal: develop color perception; sense of composition; the ability to examine and evaluate created images; practice choosing different shades of color; consolidate the techniques of cutting and carefully gluing to create a picture from geometric shapes.
"Underwater landscape"
Goal: learn to work with natural materials and use them to convey the beauty of the seabed.

sea ​​shore

Goal: To strengthen children's technical appliqué skills by cutting and gluing woolen threads. Continue to learn how to build a composition of a drawing, reflect your impressions and knowledge about the world around you in a drawing. Develop children's imagination and creativity.

Goal: to teach using plasticine to convey the appearance of a shell, consolidating children’s knowledge about their appearance.
“Seabed” (plasticineography)
Goal: to form in preschoolers an idea of ​​marine life through the integration of cognitive activity, speech development and modeling.

Goal: to develop creativity, the ability to bring originality and individuality to the craft being performed.

"Motor ship"
Goal: To introduce children to new ways of folding paper. Develop creativity, the ability to bring originality and individuality to the craft being performed.
Goal: to consolidate the ability to fold paper in the right direction; fixing the external structure of fish.


Based on the results of the implementation of the thematic project “Sea Voyage,” a presentation was held for children of group No. 1 “Sun” and parents, exhibitions of children’s works were organized, and a model of the underwater world was decorated.

During the project, children became acquainted with marine life and the importance of the sea in human life.

As a result of conversations and educational activities, verbal communication skills were improved. The children independently mastered the basic concepts of “sea creatures”, “molluscs”, “corals”, “mammals”, which also helped their communication during the project.

Based on the results of observations, children developed an interest in the work of sailors on ships and professions related to the sea.

The children applied the knowledge they independently acquired during the project while drawing, modeling, making appliqué and origami. They learned to depict the external structure of a fish and tried to use the color scheme that the animal has in nature.

Parents are involved in educational activities and are happy to contribute to the environment. Recommendations were selected for the family on what precautions should be taken when being on the water (at sea) with the child.

Thus, during the thematic project the goal was achieved.

Traditionally, at the end of July, Neptune Day is held in kindergarten. This holiday can be celebrated with a thematic week aimed at studying marine life. In the older group, children learn about the diversity of the flora and fauna of the seas, experiment with salt water, learn about the work of oceanographers, and create projects to protect the environment. Descriptions of experiments, stories, poems and riddles about sea creatures, and speech games can be found in the appendix to the “Sea Life Themed Week” plan.

Social and communicative development

Work continues on the formation of table etiquette rules through conversations and role-playing games, children talk about their small homeland, consolidate knowledge about, which contributes to the social and communicative development of children.

Cognitive development

In the area of ​​cognitive development, it is planned to watch presentations on the topic, add a workbook “Sea Inhabitants”, games to consolidate knowledge of the first ten numbers, etc. Children collect a collection of shells and learn about how and who studies the underwater world.

Speech development

For speech development, an adult selects games aimed at developing the ability to compose sentences and find a given sound in a word. Older preschoolers retell folk tales and recall works of literature in which the inhabitants of the sea are encountered.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Expanding children's understanding of animal camouflage, the teacher involves them in making the game “Who can hide.” To decorate the group, children make a module “Beautiful Fishes” and draw on wet colored sand. All this allows us to solve the problems of artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children.

Physical development

The teacher introduces children to the Chuvash folk game “Predator in the Sea,” in which knowledge about marine life is consolidated, and introduces attributes to the game “Catch a Fish.” A conversation about the benefits of sea air also contributes to the physical development of children in the older group.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.A teacher's story about the Black Sea. Viewing the Black Sea on the map. Goal: to find out that in some places the Russian border runs along the Black Sea.View the presentation "Sea Fishes". Goal: find out how fish have adapted to live in water.Game "Blurred Letter". Purpose: to practice composing common exercises.Cut-out pictures on the theme “Sea fish”, board games “Find the same fish”, “Who is hiding in the picture”. Goal: to develop attention and observation.Physical exercise “Sea voyage”. Purpose: to introduce the game, learn words.
WalkS.r. game "Restaurant". Goal: to reinforce the rules of table etiquette through the game.Entering the Sea Life Workbook. Goal: to attract children's attention to the topic of the week.Game "Throwing syllables." Goal: remember the rules of the game.Game "Changes". Goal: to teach children to create images of objects in their imagination based on the perception of schematic images of individual parts of these objects.P.i. "Serso." Goal: learn to throw wooden rings onto a cue, develop an eye. Folk game "Colors". Goal: to develop the ability to jump on one leg, landing on the toe and half-bent leg.
2 p.d.Game "Guess what sign?" Goals: to develop children’s ability to distinguish road signs, to consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road.Experiment “Coloring sea water.” Goal: find out why salt water does not color.Reading stories from the series “Tell children about sea creatures” by I.F. Zayanchkovsky. Goal: develop interest in reading.Origami + drawing with felt-tip pens “Sea fish”. Goal: to involve children in making a module for the group.The teacher's story about the benefits of sea air. Goal: to expand children's knowledge about the healing powers of nature.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Making attributes for the game “Seekers” (maps of the underwater world, observation log, etc.) Purpose: to attract children to create play equipment.Board game "Smart Lids". Goal: consolidate knowledge of the first ten numbers.Homemade “Tale of Sea Fish”. Goal: to promote the development of coherent speech, the ability to clearly express one’s thoughts.Musical didactic game “Clap the rhythmic pattern.” Goal: to develop musical ear and attention.Games with non-traditional physical education equipment. Goal: to encourage independence in choosing attributes.
WalkWork in the garden, observing the growth of vegetables. Goal: record the results in an observation diary.Teacher's story about jellyfish. Goal: to introduce children to the diversity of the marine world.Writing descriptive stories about marine life. Goal: to activate speech, enrich speech with epithets and comparisons.Different types of theater. Goal: to develop theatrical skills and speech.P.i. "The Bear and the Bees." Goal: to develop the ability to jump onto a hill. P.i. "Obstacle course" Goal: continue to teach children to jump on two legs while moving forward; improve skills of climbing under arches; improve coordination of movements.

Guys, we are sinking lower and lower. Close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the sea. (the sound of the splashing of waves and the sound of the sea) The teacher puts a crown and a transparent cape on his head and takes a magic wand and turns into the Sea Queen.

Guys, I am glad to welcome you to my kingdom. I will show you the riches of the sea and introduce you to underwater inhabitants.

What sea animals do you know? Well done! And now I suggest putting on scuba gear and getting out of the boat. We must go through a special exit.

Look how beautiful it is in the underwater kingdom. - What do you see?

How do fish move? Yes, their fins and tail help them control their movements.

Why can fish only live in water?

How are all fish alike? How are they different?

Guys, what kind of fish are called predatory? Yes, they eat other fish.

What do non-predatory fish eat?

There are so many amazing fish that can be found in the seas and oceans. No wonder they say “Fish are children of water”

Didactic game “Tell about the sea creature.”

Children find pictures of a sea animal and talk about it.


She looks like a star, she has five rays. In case of danger, the starfish can throw away part of its body. She is a predator that feeds on shellfish and sea urchins.

Crabs crawl along the bottom of warm seas. They have a wide and short body. Crabs have five pairs of legs. The front ones are claws, with which the crab can cut food into pieces. The crab collects everything that comes in its way: shells, fish heads, glass fragments and puts it on its back. This is how he escapes from his enemies.

Sea urchin

The sea urchin's body is covered with a shell from which needles protrude. The needles are very thin and sharp. With the help of needles they protect themselves from enemies and move around. Small fish hide in its needles. Sea urchins are poisonous.


The octopus has a soft body, it has no bones and can bend in different directions. They called him that because eight legs extend from his short body. The octopus quickly changes color. They are real predators and go out hunting at night. They can not only swim, but also walk on the bottom.

Jellyfish have a translucent, umbrella-shaped body. They look like jelly. Jellyfish come in different sizes, from very small to very large. They can glow in the dark like flashlights. The umbrella and tentacles glow yellow-orange. If a lot of jellyfish rise to the surface, it seems that the sea is burning with red fire.

Electric Stingray

The stingray has a flat body and a thin, long tail. He has a current, he uses it to protect himself. The stingray swims quickly, as if it were flying on water.

The whale is the largest animal on our planet. Whales look like huge fish, but they are not fish. They feed their young with milk. They have a structure like a person. Whales can stay underwater for a long time. They swim out to get oxygen. These days there are few whales left, so they are under protection.

Well done guys, you are well prepared for the trip, I really liked your stories. - Now let’s play the game “Floats or doesn’t swim.” I will tell you different words. And you should depict swimming animals and simply smile at the words of non-swimming animals.

Well done, you are very attentive children. (Disturbing music sounds)

Guys, look, these fish are in trouble. Help them.

Didactic game “Collect a fish”.

Children approach the tables. Each one has cut-out pictures of fish parts (tail, fins, head, body).

Well done, everyone completed the task and helped the fish.

A signal sounds from a submarine.

Guys, it's time for you to go back. Please take a seat on the boat. Thank you for visiting my kingdom. I give you photo coloring pages of sea creatures as a souvenir. When you return to kindergarten, color them. Goodbye!

The boat floats up and the sound of the sea is heard.

Subject: "Sea. Marine life"

Group: senior


Final event:

Date: 10/26/2015

Day of the week



Group, subgroup




Morning exercises(complex October No.)

Conversation on the topic: “There are different seas”

Target: Give children an idea that there are many seas on earth. Each sea has its own name and characteristic features (warm, cold sea). Continue introducing children to the globe. Develop curiosity, speech, memory.

Didactic game for speech development “Tell

fairy tale" Goal: Speech development

children, ability to compose

story based on a picture (Katya K., Tigran).

Work in a corner of nature

Loosening the soil of plants

Goal: To develop the ability to independently care for indoor plants. Fostering an ecological culture.

Introduce landscape paintings about water (reproductions by Aivazovsky); map of Russia; educational and reference literature: encyclopedias, illustrated albums about the seas.

Invite parents to go to the sea with their children and watch it.


NGO "Cognitive Development" (Acquaintance with the surroundings)Topic: "Song of the Bell." Purpose: To introduce the history of the appearance of bells and bells in Rust and in other countries. To consolidate children's knowledge about glass, metal, wood and their properties. Dybina p.45

NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" (Drawing)Topic: “A bus with flags is driving down the street.” Teach children to depict individual types of transport, to convey the shape of the main parts. parts, their size and location. Learn to beautifully place an image on a sheet of paper. strengthen the ability to draw with pencils.

NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” (Music)according to the music plan leader.


Observation of natural phenomena

Goal: Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about the world around them, the seasons, weather and natural phenomena.

Sketch “The sea is agitated”. Goal: expand the content of the game, develop imagination, creativity, plasticity of movements.

Development of movements with a subgroup of children. Game exercise “Run to the flag.” Goal: improve running technique.

Outdoor game “Crucian carp and pike” Purpose: To improve basic movements - running, jumping. Develop attention and dexterity.

Games with external material. Construction game "Building a canal". Goal: to promote the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your game partners.

Work before bed

S. Sakharov “Sea Tales”.


Listening to the audio recording “The Sound of the Sea”.

D/game "Sea Kingdom" -

Improve children's knowledge of the underwater world. Learn to play, observing the prohibiting and allowing rules.

D/exercise “Count the fish” - to reinforce ordinal counting in children (Ruben, Vitya).

Work with Using Cuisenaire sticks “Lay out according to the diagram” - develop fine motor skills.

Watching the cartoon "Shark Tale".

Role-playing game “Brave Sailors”.

Board games: “Collect the picture” (sea inhabitants).


Outdoor games: “We are droplets”, “Living labyrinth”.

Target: teach to form double rows, make a wide circle, train coherence of collective actions, speed of reactions and ingenuity.


Subject: "Sea. Marine life"

Group: senior

Target: Continue to enrich children’s ideas about the world around them, generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about the seas and its inhabitants. Replenishing children's vocabulary with new words.

Final event:exhibition of children's works “Underwater inhabitants of the Black Sea”, “Black Sea Day”.

Date: 10/27/2015

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


with parents (social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social-communicative cognitive speech artistic and aesthetic physical development

Morning exercises(complex October No.)

Conversation on the topic: “All about shells”encourage the desire to ask cognitive questions; cultivate a love of nature and a caring attitude.

D/game “The fourth odd one” - to consolidate children’s knowledge about sea inhabitants.

D/exercise “Find the sound A” - consolidate the ability to determine the place of the sound A in a word (at the beginning, middle, end) - Alina, Anya.

"Make no mistake"

Goal: practice increasing and decreasing numbers by one unit more or less(Katya Z., Roma)

Observation in a corner of nature “Which plant needs watering?” Target:

To develop the ability to establish the causes of the investigative relationship between the state of the plant and environmental conditions (the leaves are dry - there is not enough water).

Introduce the encyclopedia “Living Organisms of the Seas”; a collection of shells to look at.

Board games of children's choice, lacing.

Coloring pages "Underwater world".

Prepare the wall newspaper “Favorite Black Sea” with the children.


NGO "Cognitive Development" (FEMP) Subject: "The formation of the number 9." Goal: Learn to count within 9; show the formation of the number 9 based on a comparison of two groups of objects. expressed by adjacent numbers 8 and 9. Strengthen the idea of ​​geometric shapes, develop the ability to find objects in the environment that have the shape of familiar geometric shapes... continue to learn to determine your location among the people around you.

NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development"(Modeling) “Oleshek” Learn to create an image based on the Dymkovo toy. Learn to create a figure from a whole piece, conveying the shape of individual parts using the drawing technique.


Observation “Finding autumn signs.” Goal: To develop in children the ability to independently identify signs of autumn in natural phenomena, to establish relationships (for example, a change in the position of the sun leads to a change in the length of the day and a decrease in air temperature).

Unlearning tongue twisters “In the lake there is a carp, and in the sea there is a crab” (Pasha, Diana)

Organize outdoor games of children’s choice to foster independence and the ability to take initiative.

S/r game “Submarine Voyage”. Goal: to display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, to develop the imagination and expressiveness of children’s speech.

Work before bed

Rinsing your mouth before bed, walking on massage mats, breathing exercises.

Familiarization with fiction. Readingstory by S. Voronin “The Good Shell”.


"How to make sea water" -

Laying out “Fish” from counting sticks - develop imagination (David, Dasha, Tanay)

Problem situation “What should we do to keep the water in the sea clean?”

Playing with a LEGO-type construction set “Batiscaphe – Underwater Research Station” - develop skills in working with the construction set.


Outdoor game “Roll to the target”, “Catch the ball”. Target: develop eye and accuracy.

Individual work.Development of movements.

Target: improve techniques for playing with the ball against the wall.


Subject: "Sea. Marine life"

Group: senior

Target: Continue to enrich children’s ideas about the world around them, generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about the seas and its inhabitants. Replenishing children's vocabulary with new words.

Final event:exhibition of children's works “Underwater inhabitants of the Black Sea”, “Black Sea Day”.

Date: 10/28/2015

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


with parents (social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social-communicative cognitive speech artistic and aesthetic physical development

Morning exercises(complex October No.)

Conversation “City by the Sea.” Target:

consolidate knowledge about our city,

To clarify and expand knowledge about sea workers, about the work performed by ships,instill in children a love for their city.

Cutting out fish images using a template. Strengthen the ability to work with a template: hold the workpiece with your left hand, trace along the contour with a simple pencil, carefully cut along the contour (Elina, Emil).

KGN at the table. Goal: continue to teach children how to behave correctly at the table while eating (sit up straight, don’t sway in the chair, don’t rush and don’t talk with your mouth full); cultivate cultural behavior at the table, neatness.

Examination of pictures, photographs depicting marine life, posters from the albums “Natural World”, “Animals”.

Teach your children riddles about the inhabitants of the seas.


OO “Speech development” (Speech development) Subject: Reading poems about late autumn; D/U “Complete the sentence.” Goal: To introduce children to poetry and develop a poetic ear. Practice composing complex sentences.

NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” (Music)According to the plan of the muses. head

NGO "Physical Development"according to the physical instructor’s plan (“half a day”)


Watching the rain. Expand your understanding of natural objects and phenomena, the relationship between nature and man, develop cognitive interests through the ability to determine the nature of rain - fine, drizzling, lingering, cold, etc.

Development of movements with a subgroup of children.Game exercise “Balls”. Goal: improve buckles as you move forward.

Ecological ball game "I know".

Target: fix the names of natural objects (animals, birds, fish, trees, flowers).

Bring out sports equipment - develop the physical qualities of children, improve their health

Low mobility game


Work before bed

Rinsing your mouth before bed, walking on massage mats, breathing exercises.

Familiarization with fiction. ReadingG. Kosova “ABC of the underwater world.”


Conducting experimental research activities:

“Salt is crystals” -Develop cognitive interest, the ability to draw conclusions.

D/i “Find a Pair” - exercise children in selecting words that differ from each other in one sound, develop phonemic hearing (Katya Z., Igor)

Watching the cartoon “Shark Tale” (continued).

D/i “Who lives in the underwater kingdom? " Goal: to teach children to select appropriate pictures.

Offer children plasticine, natural material (leaves, Christmas tree needles, shells, feathers) for making fish.


Observing nature after the rain. Bring to the understanding that the moist, clean, fresh, tart smell of withering leaves is that special smell of autumn that is so keenly felt in the air, especially after rain. Please note that adults are not afraid of rain; they wear raincoats and cover themselves with umbrellas. Man has long learned to cover himself from the weather.


Subject: "Sea. Marine life"

Group: senior

Target: Continue to enrich children’s ideas about the world around them, generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about the seas and its inhabitants. Replenishing children's vocabulary with new words.

Final event:exhibition of children's works “Underwater inhabitants of the Black Sea”, “Black Sea Day”.

Date: 10/29/2015

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


with parents (social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social-communicative cognitive speech artistic and aesthetic physical development

Morning exercises(complex October No.)

Conversation “Our Black Sea” -introduce children to versions of the origin of the name “Black Sea”;

continue to form ideas about the inhabitants of the Black Sea.

View the presentation “Inhabitants of the Black Sea”

D/exercise “Shade the fish” - to train children in the ability to shade in different directions (Sasha, Seryozha).

“How many of us?”

Goal: continue to introduce children to numbers and the corresponding number of objects (Elina, Pasha).

D/i “Render a guess, we will guess.” Goal: continue to teach children to describe sea creatures using a reference table.

Listening to the song “I love my city Sochi.”

Photos of children “We are at sea.”

Exhibition of crafts made from shells brought by children.

Encyclopedias for viewing and reading.

Visit the Sochi Oceanarium and Dolphinarium with your children.


NGO "Cognitive Development" (Ecology) Subject: " How forest animals - the bear and the squirrel prepare for winter." Goal: To give children an idea that the forest is a habitat for wild animals. squirrel and bear are adapted to life in the forest all year round; develop in children ideas about the sequence of events in the life of forest animals from summer to winter. Dybina page 129.

OO Artistic and aesthetic development (Drawing)“Acquaintance with art - looking at the Dymkovo toy.” Goal: To introduce children to one of the types of folk arts and crafts - the Dymkovo clay toy. Learn to highlight elements of painting, color, motifs and pattern composition on a product. Shvaiko page 46


Excursion to the sea -expand children's ideas about the sea, about different states of the sea.

Problem situation “What will happen if...”

D/game “Four Elements”. Target: development of attention, coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

D/exercise “Who is where?”Goal: to consolidate the ability to determine spatial direction relative to another person: left, right, in front, behind (Denis, Radmir)

Labor activity - collecting sea stones (flat) for art. activities.

Udmurd outdoor game “Water”

Goal: to foster friendly relationships between children.

Games with external equipment.

P/game “Magic jump rope”Goal: to teach children to jump rope as many times as there are syllables in a word. Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables. Develop attention and coordination of movements.

Work before bed

Rinsing your mouth before bed, walking on massage mats, breathing exercises.

Familiarization with fiction. Reading a poemG. H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid".


View the multimedia presentation “Are Corals Animals or Plants?”

D/i “What is common? " Goal: To teach children to find similarities in representatives of the fauna, to develop attention and speech.

Game “Build according to the scheme”
Purpose of the game: to teach children to carry out elementary constructions, focusing on diagrams (Edgar, Artem)

Conducting the experiment “Growing corals by salt crystallization.”

Watching the cartoon "Finding Nemo".

Design of an album with photographs of children “Our beloved Black Sea”.


Outdoor games: "Black and white". Target: consolidate the ability to catch up with those running away at a signal in a given space.

"Hares and dogs." Target: strengthen the ability to throw the ball at a target.

Individual work

Game exercises with a skipping rope.

Target: strengthen the ability to jump rope by rotating it forward and backward.


Subject: "Sea. Marine life"

Group: senior

Target: Continue to enrich children’s ideas about the world around them, generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about the seas and its inhabitants. Replenishing children's vocabulary with new words.

Final event:exhibition of children's works “Underwater inhabitants of the Black Sea”, “Black Sea Day”.

Date: 10/30/2015

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


with parents (social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social-communicative cognitive speech artistic and aesthetic physical development

Morning exercises(complex October No.)

Conversation “Do you know sea creatures?” -Reveal children's knowledge about the underwater world.

D/game " Birds, animals, fish” - develop thinking, speech, reaction speed; develop the ability to accurately follow the rules of the game.

D/exercise “Trace the dots and color” (Angelina, Roma)

"Tell me about your pattern"

Target: teach to master spatial representations: left, right, above, below (Igor, Vitya).

Children's stories about the Black Sea, compiled together with their parents, using photographs.

The game “Where have we been, what have we seen” - to develop logical thinking, memory, attention, intelligence.

Game – lotto “Journey under water”.

Sea life stencils, pencils.

Schemes for laying out sea inhabitants from geometric shapes.

Consultations for parents: “How to interest children in the secrets of the unusual sea world.”


OO " Speech development" (Fiction) Subject: Reading the Russian folk tale “Khavroshechka”. Goal: To remember Russian folk tales known to children. Introduce the fairy tale “Havroshechka”, help remember the initial phrase and ending of the fairy tale. Develop the ability to distinguish fairy-tale situations from real ones.

NGO "Physical Development" -according to the manager's plan.

NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic” (Design and manual labor) Topic:"Airplanes" (building material). Goal: Expand children's understanding of various aircraft and their purposes. 4 develop design skills; practice planar modeling from geometric shapes according to the proposed scheme and come up with your own models.


Observation of coniferous and deciduous trees

Target: develop knowledge about trees (what they have common and what are the differences).

Teach physical exercises with children. minute "Sea"

Development of movements.

Target: practice walking with an extended step and running with an overflow (Dima, Veronica).

Outdoor games

“We are funny guys”, “Entertainers”.

Target: learn to clearly speak the text in the game, follow the rules of the game.

Independent activity of children is to teach them to play independently, negotiate among themselves, and distribute roles.

Work before bed

Rinsing your mouth before bed, walking on massage mats, breathing exercises.

Familiarization with fiction. Readingstory by E. Permyak “The First Fish”.


Quiz “Wonders of the Underwater World”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge of the sea and the marine world. To instill children's interest in the world around them. Develop children's coherent speech. Expand your vocabulary.

Did. game "Shop"

Goal: Continue to teach children to identify the first sound of a word (Diana, Anya)

Watching the cartoon “Finding Nemo” (continued)

D/game “Air, earth, water.”

Suggest materials for making the “Underwater World” panel - glue, scissors, colored paper, origami diagram “Fish”.


Outdoor games: “Who is faster?” Target: consolidate the ability to move according to a signal on the toes, with high knees, and gallop.

"Stream." Target: strengthen the ability to move in pairs.

Individual workDevelopment of movements.

Target: improve your hoop rolling skills in any direction.