Alexey Vorobyov, who is he with now? “Bachelor” Vorobiev: “It didn’t turn out to be a beautiful fairy tale

Alexey Vorobyov, latest news 06/04/2016: life after “The Bachelor”, where and with whom the actor is now. The most romantic project in Russia has come to an end - the show “Bachelor” with Alexei Vorobyov. On June 4, 2016, fans of the show were able to see its final episode. It should be noted that the audience was in anticipation. Everyone was wondering who the shocking hero would choose and who would get Alexei’s heart? There were two girls in the finals: Yana Anosova and Natalya Gorozhanova. Before the last episode, fans of the actor even made bets on who their favorite would end up with.

However, no one expected such an ending. The girls in wedding dresses expected that Alexey would now declare his love to one of them, but none of them received a ring. Alexey made a rather strange and extraordinary decision. He decided to remain single. Despite the fact that girls tried to win his heart, some even spent the night with him, Alexey did not choose anyone.

Alexey Vorobyov, latest news 06/04/2016: life after “The Bachelor”, where and with whom the actor is now. This, it must be said, disappointed fans of the TV show. No one expected such an ending also because at the very beginning of the TV project, during an interview, Alexey admitted that he had already fallen in love with one of the participants in the show, chose the girl at the very first sight and gave her his heart. Who was the one who finally got the actor’s heart?

In addition, on April 1, Alexey Vorobyov himself made a shocking confession. He said that he was getting married and his fiancee was pregnant. These words further fueled interest in the show. The releases of “The Bachelor” were eagerly awaited. And here is the shocking ending, after which Alexey was called a “deceiver” and a “liar” on social networks.

But is this so and did Alexey deceive and who? Even during the project, they began to say that Alexey was dating a girl from Tver, one of the participants in the show - the sweet, beautiful, fragile Alla Berger. On “The Bachelor” this was perhaps the most beautiful couple. Alla was the first with whom the actor spent the night. Their dates were full of passion and romance and it was clear that Alla was madly in love with her hero. However, Alexey kicked Alla out of the project, and they stopped talking about their love. However, it is quite strange that the madly in love girl left the project without a single tear, simply and without regret.

Alexey Vorobyov, latest news 06/04/2016: life after “The Bachelor”, where and with whom the actor is now. And then very meaningful photos appeared on her Instagram in a wedding dress with the caption: “This is how I will be for my wedding,” and a ring on her ring finger with a large diamond was also noticeable. For now, Vorobyov’s personal life is under seven locks. The actor remains silent, but most fans are sure that Alexey still found a girl on the project.

Today, January 19, actor, director and musician Alexei Vorobyov turned 30 years old. The actor is dating a new girl, but does not want to name his chosen one.

Today is Alexey Vorobyov’s anniversary. According to the actor, his heart is not free, but it is too early to talk about marriage. " Now I'm happy in my relationship. In response to even sophisticated female flirting, I can only offer a handshake; I will not cross the border of friendship, because I respect my beloved and want to be for her the man she deserves", explains the actor.

« My❤️,” he briefly signed the photo with his beloved Vorobyov.

Alexey met with Anna Chipovskaya, Oksana Akinshina, Vika Daineko.

« When our romance began, the beautiful Anya was an unknown graduate of the Moscow Art Theater School, served in the theater and had not yet even received her first role in a big movie. I was lucky enough to meet an amazing and simple girl. She became famous much later. Media exposure has never bothered me, because unlike feelings, any fame is momentary dust that can evaporate in one second", says Vorobyov.

The actor is convinced that “love is such a thing that cannot just up and disappear. It simply transforms with us, changes over time.” In girls, Alexey values ​​humor above all.

« The main feature that you cannot live without is humor. Nothing else matters when you're in love. I tried for a long time to understand what a dream woman should be like, and I became convinced that there was no formula. I've seen all types of girls, and each of them is beautiful. Which one it is doesn’t matter, as long as it’s the one that will complement you and can make you vibrate. And if this is an episode for the night, then the type is even more unimportant"explains Alexey.

Vorobyov is sure that “ One-night stand always has a chance of developing into a second, third, and then into the wedding night. It always depends on how suitable people are for each other” and “sex, in principle, cannot disappoint».

« I know many families in which the spouses do not cheat on each other, they are always so happy that when I watch them, I want to too. The easiest way to be a truly accomplished man is not to have a high night with a chick who has a good figure, but to be with one - night, morning, tomorrow and a hundred years. Betrayal is destructive primarily for yourself. I know this first hand", Alexey admits.

Vorobyov also treats his mistakes with humor. " If you erase stupidity from my life, then I will become the most boring piece of crap who will tell in an interview how well he can sing, write music and scripts, shoot videos and play roles. But the thrill is that we are real! We fall in love, get mad, cry, laugh at the most unfortunate moments... I am sure that we need mistakes, they shape us", declares the musician.

Alexey Vorobyov considers himself a simple guy; if necessary, he will stand behind the stove, but he prefers a restaurant or home delivery of food. " I can iron a shirt with ease, but I have to do it infrequently, because with my schedule and travel, there is basically no everyday life as such, or rather, there is, but it is different, since I am at airports more often than at home", Alexey clarifies.

Vorobyov has a terrible sweet tooth. For many years, she doesn’t remember a day without something high-calorie and tasty. " And as for character... Why get rid of something in yourself when you are perfect! And he’s damn talented, and handsome as God, and kind, and cheerful, and I help my parents, and I love dogs, and I’ve massaged my girlfriend twice, but there’s one problem - I’m modest to the point of impossibility.”, quotes Vorobyov “StarHit”

The star of the show “The Bachelor” is going through a difficult personal drama. Alexey successfully avoided going to the registry office even with the most spectacular and talented beauties. However, it seems that a mysterious representative of the fair sex was found who managed to hook 28-year-old Vorobyov. True, not for long.


A day earlier, the eligible groom announced that he had become a bachelor again, and his heart was now broken. The artist had been dating a certain brunette for a long time. Alexey stubbornly did not show the girl’s face, but he willingly showed off other parts of her body, such as her butt.

The idyll did not last long. Careerist Vorobyov had to go to work in the USA. He decided to surprise his beloved and flew to Moscow to see her. And caught cheating. After which he rudely called the flighty brunette. Upset Alexey posted a middle finger emoticon on social media.

"This is for all the moralists who decided that life shouldn't be put on display. It's my life and my f*cking Instagram. So, with all due respect, fuck off with that bitch ", the performer, killed by the betrayal of his beloved, moved to the mat.

Later he repented of his careless words. “13 hours in the sky is sobering, and music allows you to cleanse yourself. Only work has always saved me, and continues to save me. Please forgive my attack of rage. This door is slammed, let’s move on✌🏻,” Vorobyov decided to start with a clean slate.

Let us remember that the artist poured out all the feelings that overwhelmed him. “I flew for 13 hours, spent only 18 hours in Moscow from the moment I got off the plane and boarded a new flight, where I will now spend 13 hours in flight again. And you know what? It was worth it... Now I know for sure that miracles doesn't happen. I flew in to be with my girlfriend for at least a few hours, but I'm leaving as a bachelor... The moral of the story is this: If you want to make a surprise and fly across the ocean for a day for someone, it’s better to warn about your intentions. #Love", – Alexey complained to the fans.

Then the singer published a photo of his sweetheart’s luxurious buttocks. Vorobiev chose not to name the beauty who broke the heart of the idol of millions of Russian women. Judging by the caption to the photo, the brunette left a deep mark on the musician’s soul. “I’ll remember us like this, okay? And I’ll just erase the rest, as if it never happened. I’ll erase your phone, fortunately I don’t remember it by heart, I’ll erase your photos, and I’ll erase you from my life,” he signed the photo of his now ex-lover artist.

His acting arsenal includes about 35 film roles not only in Russia, but also in America, and videos for the artist’s songs receive tens or even hundreds of millions of views on the Internet

Date of Birth: January 19, 1988
Place of Birth: Tula, Russia
Zodiac sign: Capricorn

“Now I am well aware that life is very short, and there is a lot to be done.”

Biography of Alexey Vorobyov

Alexey is a boy from Tula. When his parents - Vladimir Viktorovich (now the head of security at the enterprise) and Nadezhda Nikolaevna - had no money, he ran around the city and collected bottles. To help his family, he worked as a security guard at a non-ferrous metals warehouse and in restaurants. Since childhood, Lesha dreamed of becoming a football player and was seriously involved in football from the age of 8 to 15. But then he gave up this business and began to study only music.

Vorobyov's musical career

Alexey's parents sent him to a music college to study accordion, where he successfully studied and even won several prizes at various competitions. Then there was a music school, where Vorobiev studied vocal skills. And together with the Tula ensemble “Uslada” he won the IV Delphic Games of Russia. After this competition, dad took a photo for the first time with Lesha, as with a real artist.

And in 2005, Alexey decided to try his hand at the television project “The Secret of Success” on Channel One. He reached the finals, but did not become first. But the music producer of the project, Katerina Gechmen-Waldek, took Vorobyov under her wing and became his manager. She is still his producer and helps Vorobyov in everything. And he talks about her like this:

“Probably, everyone has people in their life, besides their family... or they should be, for whom you can give your life at any moment.”

Vorobiev moved to the capital and entered the State Music School of Pop and Jazz Art. In 2006, he signed an agreement with Universal Music Russia, a subsidiary of the world's largest music company, Universal Music Group.

And now he lives in two countries - Russia and America.

Film career

Alexey Vorobyov’s film career began in 2006 with the interactive serial drama “Alice’s Dreams,” which aired on the MTV Russia channel. Then he decided that he needed to get a special education, so he entered the Moscow Art Theater School, although he dropped out after two years. But the artist continued to play in films and TV series, the most popular of which are: “Suicides”, “Hello, Kinder!”, “Papa”, “Girls”, “Guests”, “Love with Limits”.

But Alexey did not intend to end his musical career. He concluded contracts, gave concerts and participated in competitions. For example, he participated in Eurovision 2011. True, Alexey was unlucky then - he took only 16th place.


Everything in Vorobyov’s life was going very well, but in 2013 there was a terrible car accident in America. Doctors diagnosed a traumatic brain injury and numerous fractures, and then a stroke occurred, and Alexey was partially paralyzed. The musician recalled his condition as follows:

“Half of my body was paralyzed, and I couldn’t walk, talk, or eat. You wanted to live so much, to be the same as you were yesterday, but you understand that you no longer have such an opportunity. And you cling to everything that would give you the fullness of life.”

Alexey Vorobyov asked Instagram followers what cars they prefer

Personal life

Alexey does not have a wife or children, but he dreams of a family. In the meantime, only reports appeared in the press about the musician’s numerous novels: with actresses: Anna Chipovskaya and Oksana Akinshina, figure skater Tatyana Navka, model Gioconda Sheniker and singer Victoria Daneyko.

In 2013, the short film “Papa” was released, in which Vorobiev acted as a screenwriter, director, producer, composer and editor. He himself admitted that he didn’t need anyone - the main thing was that no one would interfere.


In 2011, Vorobyov released an album called “Lie Detector.”


2006-2007 - series “Alice’s Dreams”
2008 – “Hello, Kinder!”
2009 – “An Unfinished Lesson”
2009 - TV series “Kochubey’s Squad”
2009 - TV series “Gold of the Scythians”
2009 – “Capercaillie. Come, New Year!”
2009 – “Moskva.Ru”
2010 – “Phobos. Fear Club"
2010 - series “In the forests and on the mountains”
2010 - TV series “Department”
2010 - TV series “Cool Men”
2010 - TV series “Bear Corner”
2010 - TV series “Brother and Sister”
2011 – “Suicides”
2011 – “Crack”
2011 – “New Year’s SMS”
2011 – “Three days of Lieutenant Kravtsov”
2012 - TV series “Once Upon a Time in Rostov”
2012-2015 - series “Deffchonki”
2012 – “Treasures of O.K.”
2013 – “The Three Musketeers”
2013 - TV series “Lyudmila”
2013 – “Three Heroes”
2014 - “Dad”
2014 – “Shattered Nerves”
2014 – “Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For”
2014 - TV series “Catherine” 2015 – “Vatican Records”
2015 - “Get up and fight”
2015 - series “Guest Tourers” 2016 - “Tree of Bodies”
2016 - TV series “The Secret of the Idol”
2016 - “Christ”
2016 - “Love with restrictions”
2017 – “Mountain Lights”
2017 - series “Schubert”
2017 – “Live your life”
2018 – “The Sea Ghost”

Over the past few weeks, the personal life of Alexei Vorobyov has been one of the most discussed topics. He still intrigues his fans and does not reveal the name of the girl who broke his heart. They tried to bring the artist into the open, attributing the status of ex-lover to almost everyone who at least once appeared with him in the same frame or at an event. the site contacted Alexey and found out how he copes with the memories of his ex-girlfriend and why he does not want to reveal her name to fans.

So, Vorobiev said that they met with a mysterious stranger three years ago, but were forced to part when the artist left for America. The lovers met again after the show “The Bachelor”, in which Alexey participated - then they lived together for about six months. He also admitted that by that time he had learned to hide his personal life, believing that that was why it was private. Therefore, the public can only guess who this girl is.

Alexey has repeatedly said that his beloved is not at all connected with show business, and if he reveals her name, it will only complicate her life.

“I am a public person and am ready to share emotions and open up to fans. But she is no longer in my life, and I have no right to let strangers interfere and destroy what she is trying to build without me...” the artist emphasized.

Alexey claims that he is able to distinguish true love from spiritual or physical attraction, and does not hide the fact that he has the strongest feelings for his ex-girlfriend.

“Love is when you prioritize not work and life goals, but the joy of the fact that you managed to spend another minute with the person you idolize, for whose sake you fly across the ocean twice a day in order to be close to you for a couple of hours,” - Vorobiev shared.

He also said that he saves himself by trying to keep himself busy with work as much as possible, so as not to leave time for memories. A few days ago, Alexey presented a video for the song “I Just Want to Come,” which consists of two parts.

The first is collected from the personal archive of the artist’s mobile phone, and shows the happy history of the relationship of his heroes. Actor and director Vorobiev collected all the important moments for him that were experienced with his beloved, and re-shot them with his old friend, American actress Anna Gavlak - she played Alexei’s girlfriend.

According to him, this helped to “replace” memories and distance himself from them. In the second, dramatic “series” of the video, Alexey showed the development and sad ending of this relationship.

We asked Vorobyov what feelings he has today for the girl who broke his heart.

“She was the only girl from whom I had no secrets at all. She knew everything about me, and I shared everything that was happening in my life with her because I loved her. This is what I truly felt, and what I admitted to her and to myself, seeing the same sincere reciprocal feelings in her eyes.
And I don't believe that she could deceive me. I think she's just confused. It was difficult for her to realize that I was somewhere all the time - either on set or on tour. This is a difficult test for any girl. But every day I repeated to her that I would never betray her, and I would not exchange her love for another night with another, whose name I won’t even remember. One day we had a fight and she left, slamming the door. I turned on the stopwatch on my phone - five minutes later she returned and asked why I was so calm. And I just knew that she would return. I still know this. Because people who have at least once plunged into the sea of ​​relationships, where there is passion and a storm of feelings that are akin to the elements that cannot be curbed, will never be able to rejoice in the fact that they are swimming in a puddle. That’s why I know that she will return…” the artist shared.

Alexey also said that, despite the situation that happened in his life, he was not disappointed in love.

“As before, I believe that if you love, then this is the only way. Without looking back or thinking about the consequences. And if in a relationship you always leave yourself a chance to retreat, fearing to feel pain again, life will become plastic and lose all meaning. I’d rather feel real pain than hold back my emotions and pretend to be happy,” Vorobiev added in conclusion.