Project research work on literature. Literature Research Project

The article talks about the advantages of design and research activities in literature lessons, provides examples of the study of literary works or episodes in grades 5, 9, 11. The results and productivity of design and research activities are clearly shown.



Project and research activities in literature lessons.

Project and research activities in literature lessons are one of the priorities of modern education. Developmental teaching methods, seminars, and elective exploratory courses make it possible to better take into account the personal inclinations of students, which contributes to the formation of their active and independent position in learning and readiness for self-development. Both methods (project and search) not only form skills, but competencies, that is, skills associated with practical activities.

Project-based research activities of students contribute to true learning, as they

Personality oriented.

It is characterized by an increase in interest and involvement in the work as it is completed.

Allows you to realize pedagogical goals at all stages.

Allows you to learn from experience.

Brings satisfaction to students who see the product of their own labor.

Forming the research position of students is not an easy task. Children need to be prepared for search activities for years, taught to think.

I have been doing research for three years, mainly relying on the magazine “Literature at School”, the book “The Path to Co-Creation” by G.S. Merkin, and using the Internet.

I believe that the basis of a literature lesson should be the educational and cognitive activity of students, aimed at stimulating the personal perception of literature, where each student, reading a work, sees in it not only a means for obtaining a grade or enriching his vocabulary, but finds food in it for thoughts and deep experiences.

It all starts with creating a problem situation in the classroom. Pedagogical situations contribute to the development of students’ research skills. Therefore, in the learning process, it is necessary to use situations in which the student must defend his opinion, give arguments, evidence, facts, ask questions to the teacher, friends, find out what is not clear, and delve into the understanding of knowledge.

Situations of this kind include reviewing classmates’ answers, essays, etc., something that is associated with expertise, advice, and an active search for something new.

Research can be organized at all stages of teaching literature; schoolchildren should master some elements of the research approach already in middle school.

In the 5th grade, I conducted a game lesson with elements of research. The lesson was called “Penetrating into the secrets of design.” I conducted it after reading and discussing poems about nature in class. It is based on the material of three poems: I. S. Nikitin “Withered Birch”, “Oak” and “Silently the Night Lays Down”. It is difficult to explain to fifth-graders that everything in poetry is interconnected, that each image of the poet is internally conditioned. How can you visibly make sure of this? Of course, by coming into contact with the creative process. Each student in the process of work receives the necessary text of the poem, in which the missing places (word, phrase) are indicated. I tell the children that an evil wizard secretly took away very important words from the poet’s poem, and it fell apart and ceased to be a work of art. We need to find these words and put them in their place. The guys brought an envelope and chips. One chip is given for each interesting proposal, and 2 chips for an original word.

Quietly the night falls

To the tops of the mountains,

And the moon looks

IN …………. Ozer.

The word search begins. Children offer words: in the depths of the lakes, in the blue of the lakes, then in the mirrors of the lakes. They explain that the verb “looks” helped them find the right word. In the next stanza, a three-syllable word was also missing; the number three was written in pencil. Children characterize the space as “above the wide”; We try to characterize the state, the sound. The word “silent” appears, but it is not yet the author’s word, so we select a synonym for it. This is how you find the right word “deaf” and so on. When the work on the poem is finished, we answer the question: “What is the role of the final stanza? What new does she bring to the poem? Then, using the same principle, we work with I. S. Nikitin’s poem “Oak”. The children learn to read carefully, listen carefully, peer into the lines, and guess the author’s mood. And most importantly, in their creative search they begin to think. So, for example, in the poem “Oak”, when the search for words and images was completed, the children saw that the author meant not only an old lonely tree - he was talking about a person, about loneliness, about how difficult it is. Thus, the lesson in the development of creative imagination also became a lesson in morality and aesthetic insight.

In the 11th grade, I and the guys conducted group research work on A. Akhmatova’s poem “Requiem”. In order to arouse the children’s interest in facts, to come closer to understanding Akhmatova’s creative path, I used the article by Evgenia Semyonovna Abelyuk “Reader’s comment: plan and implementation.”

Students had to learn to navigate the literature (fiction, bibliographic, memoir, historical, literary criticism), compare different comments to the same work, and study the comments of professional literary scholars. As a result of in-depth commented reading, the children learned a lot about the life and work of A. Akhmatova, about the era that the poetess showed in the poem. Creative groups conducted research in the following areas:

The meaning of the word "requiem"

The terrible years of the Yezhovshchina

Arrest of son, seventeen months in prison queues.

Biblical motifs in the poem.

Comparison of the poem with the poems of A. S. Pushkin, with the Decembrists (“convict holes”).

The magic of color and numbers.

Mandelstam in the fate of Akhmatova.

Anna Akhmatova and Tsarskoe Selo.

As a result of such enormous creative work, the guys were imbued with respect for the lyrical heroine of the poem, for the difficulties that she experienced; they read other works by Akhmatova with interest, enjoyed writing essays and memorizing passages they liked.

With students in grades 5–9 we had to examine literature more than once with other types of art: music, painting. The children are faced with questions: how, with the help of linguistic means, an artist of words describes some phenomenon of reality, conveys his feelings and impressions; and how the same phenomena and inner experiences are revealed in the works of the painter and composer.

In the 11th grade, while studying Kuprin’s story “The Pomegranate Bracelet,” students listened to Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata,” which helped to more deeply reveal the characters’ feelings and experiences. In the 9th grade, while studying A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” in the lesson “Fruits of Heartfullness” (the images of Lensky, Tatyana and Olga are considered), I pose a problematic question to the students: “Why did Olga forget Lensky sooner than Tatyana?” The resolution of the problematic issue leads to a comparison of the Larin sisters. First, students tell with the help of oral verbal drawing how they imagine the appearance of Tatyana and Olga, then we turn to portraits of Pushkin’s heroines in Rudakov’s illustrations. By drawing almost the same face, Rudakov very subtly emphasizes the dissimilarity of the sisters. Olga's portrait is designed in pink and gold tones. She looks at the viewer slyly and cheerfully, raising her head slightly, clearly pleased with the impression she makes. Tatyana's head is slightly lowered, her eyes are thoughtfully averted to the side. She is busy with her feelings, and not with the world around her. Her sadness is enhanced by the bluish-lilac tone of the portrait. The artist is right. Pushkin notes the pallor of Tatyana's face. This pallor, a sign of strong feelings, suffering and inner concentration, distinguishes Tatyana from the blooming and frivolous Olga.

Depending on the object of research, student work can be divided into the following types:

Works in which the text of a work of art is analyzed in order to identify its artistic originality, features of the author's style, the skill of the writer, and the typology of images. For example, methods of creating images - characters in the stories of A.P. Chekhov.

Works in which the solution to the problem posed is carried out on the basis of a comparison of two or more works. For example, in 8th grade, when studying “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” we compared the ancient Russian text and its translations (by Likhachev, Zhukovsky, Zabolotsky).

Works offering an integration of literature and history, philosophy, linguistics.

Works devoted to the study of the life and work of writers whose destinies are connected with the history of the city and region (literary local history). Students can, based on the analysis of works, the study of memoirs, and critical articles, create a moral and psychological portrait of the writer, reflecting their perception of his personality in the form of an artistic and journalistic essay.

Whatever the object of study, the main thing is that the problem posed allows the student, independently or with the help of a teacher, to determine the path of research, choose the methods necessary to work with a work of art, and apply existing skills in analyzing the text. I noticed that students engaged in research activities feel more confident in the classroom, became more active, learned to ask questions competently, and most importantly, the quality of knowledge increased.

Relevance of the project.

There is a subtle and complex connection between a work of art and the place that inspired it.

D.S. Likhachev argued that “to understand literature without knowing the places where it was born is no less difficult than to understand someone else’s thought without knowing the language in which it is expressed. Neither poetry nor literature exists on its own: they grow in their native soil and can be understood in connection with their entire native country.”

Objective of the project:

  • popularization and preservation of the literary heritage of the Tyumen region, the formation of a respectful attitude towards regional culture.

Project objectives:

  • to form an idea of ​​the place of the Tyumen region in the history of national culture and literature, of the literature of the region as one of the most important components of the culture of the region;
  • expand and enrich students’ knowledge of regional literature and culture through the study of the literature of the Tyumen region.


  • Let’s assume that the completed research will help us present the creativity of writers from the Tyumen region among classmates and parents.

My native land! Tyumen open spaces! Svetlana Khokhlova

  • My native land! Tyumen open spaces! Forests, meadows and the sparkle of lakes and rivers! You are in the very heart of valiant Russia. And there is no better region in the world. Your fields cannot be overlooked. Your forests, try to go through them. What about oil and gas? And what kind of people are here! Here they believe in the light that awaits us ahead. Reindeer herders graze their herds in the tundra. A worker hurries to the factory in the morning And I watch how the sun rises in the heart of Russia Above my land.

Writers of the Tyumen region

  • Lagunov Konstantin Yakovlevich born on September 16, 1924 in the village of Staraya Maina, Ulyanovsk region. Soon the family moved to Siberia. The writer spent his childhood in the village of Malozrkaltsevo, Tobolsk region.
  • In 1950 he graduated from the history department of Tyumen University, and in 1958 – graduate school at the Tajik University. Candidate of Historical Sciences. Since 1956 - deputy editor of the newspaper "Komsomolets Tajikistan", since 1958 - editor of the almanac "Literary Tajikistan".
  • In 1961 he came to Tyumen. Worked as editor-in-chief of the Tyumen book publishing house. In 1963, through his efforts, the Tyumen Regional Writers' Organization was created, which K. Lagunov headed for twenty years (1963-1983).
  • Over forty-three years of literary activity, Konstantin Yakovlevich wrote and published more than fifty books, including 12 novels. The writer’s creative range is amazing: from film scripts to children’s fairy tales. He worked extensively and successfully in the genres of journalism.
  • Lagunov was rightfully considered a mentor to the young. He spared neither effort nor time to work with young talents. Until the last days of his life, the writer was full of creative energy, wrote a lot, actively participated in public life, and worked fruitfully as a teacher at Tyumen State University. Died in Tyumen on July 19, 2001.

The most interesting works of Konstantin Lagunov:

  • “White dog, blue tail”
  • “Hello, Tyumen oil”
  • “And the snow is falling heavily”
  • “Romka-Ramazan”
  • “Romka, Fomka and Artos”
  • “Town on a Hill”
  • “Portraits without retouching”
  • “Breakfast on the grass”
  • " It was"
  • “A man can do anything”
  • “Epigram to myself”

Tobolkin Zot Kornilovich

  • Tobolkin Zot Kornilovich born on January 3, 1935 in the village of Khorzovo, Zavodoukovsky district, Tyumen region, in a large family of a collective farmer. His childhood, like that of the entire generation, stretched through the tragic time of the war, which took away his older brothers. He managed to complete only four classes of day school: at the age of eleven he began working and tried many professions.
  • In 1959, he passed the entrance exams to the Ural State University named after M. Gorky, to the Faculty of Journalism. He combined his studies with work as a mechanic and fireman. Since 1964, after graduating from university, he worked in newspapers, radio and television in Tyumen and Nizhnevartovsk. In 1975 he graduated from the Higher Directing Courses in Moscow.
  • In 1972, the first stories were published in the magazines Sovremennik and Krestyanka. The Tobolsk Drama Theater staged Tobolkin's drama "Geologists". Later, his dramas were performed in many other theaters. In 1977, the Central Ural Book Publishing House published a collection of plays, “The Most Important People.” Several plays receive awards at All-Union competitions, the plays “Brothers” and “About Tatyana” are staged in Moscow theaters.
  • Stories, essays, novels, and novels are published in many magazines and publishing houses throughout the country.
  • Member of the USSR Writers' Union since 1975. Laureate of the All-Russian D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak Prize. In June 2012, Z.K. Tobolkin was awarded the M. Sholokhov medal. Lives and works in Tyumen.

The most interesting works of Zot Tobolkin:

  • “Angels”
  • “And next to you - and all my loads are light”
  • " Gratitude"
  • " Meeting"
  • “Sad Jester”
  • “It was in 1945”
  • “Cranes”
  • “Architect”
  • " Dream"
  • “Silent Night”
  • “Once upon a time there was Kuzma”
  • “Shards”
  • “Requiem”
  • “Echo”

Maltsev Stanislav Vladimirovich

  • Maltsev Stanislav Vladimirovich born June 18, 1929 in Sverdlovsk. In 1953 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of the Ural State University, after which he was sent to Tyumen, to the regional newspaper Tyumenskaya Pravda.
  • He started writing early. The first stories were published in school wall newspapers and in newspapers in the city of Sverdlovsk.
  • In 1957 he returned to Tyumen and worked as an executive secretary in the Tyumenskaya Pravda newspaper. Since 1973, he has been the own correspondent for the Novosti press agency in the Tyumen region.
  • In 1959, Maltsev’s first book, “On the Wolf’s Trail,” dedicated to police officers, was published in Tyumen.
  • But Stanislav Vladimirovich is more widely known as a writer for children and youth.
  • The fairy tales “About the Bunny Petya” were published in 1959 and went through a number of reprints. Among the books that readers love are novels and short stories: “The Secret of the Blue Cave”, “The Purpose of Life”, “Kuzya Shchuchkin - the Red Nose”, “Mitya and I” and others.
  • Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR since 1985, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation (1999). Lives in Tyumen.

The most interesting works of Stanislav Maltsev:

  • “In a drop of oil there is a drop of memory”
  • “There are world records”
  • “Forgotten Cave”
  • " How it was"
  • “What a stubborn bunny Petya”
  • “Kuzya is an astronaut”
  • “Mityai and I”
  • “Excellent school of journalism”
  • “On the wolf's trail”
  • “The Mystery of the Blue Cave”
  • “Thirty years of life”
  • “Honor of the class”

Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich:

  • Krapivin Vladislav Petrovich born on October 14, 1938 in Tyumen, in a family of teachers. I spent a difficult childhood in the 40s and 50s in Tyumen. Studied at Tyumen secondary school No. 25. In 1956 he entered the Faculty of Journalism of the Ural State University. He worked in the newspaper “Evening Sverdlovsk” and in the magazine “Ural Pathfinder”.
  • Vladislav Petrovich considers the story “The Eighth Star” (1959) to be the beginning of his literary creativity. The debut book was published in Sverdlovsk in 1962 (“Orion Flight”). Published in the magazines “Pioneer”, “Aurora”, “Ural”, “Murzilka”.
  • The theme of childhood, which was spent in Tyumen, is reflected in the works “Poplar Shirt”, “White Ball of Sailor Wilson”, in the books “Sixth Bastion”, “Golden Ring on the Border of Darkness”, “Butterfly on a Barbell”, “Polars”, “Pyroscap” “Ded Mazai” and others.
  • In 1964, V. Krapivin was accepted as a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR.
  • Currently, V. Krapivin has about two hundred publications in various languages. Some of Vladislav Krapivin’s works were filmed and shown on Central Television.
  • He is an honorary citizen of the city of Yekaterinburg, where he still lives.

The most interesting works of Vladislav Krapivin:

  • “Squire Kashka”
  • “Lullaby for Brother”
  • “Bronze Boy”
  • “Butterfly on a barbell”
  • “A plane named Seryozhka”
  • “Children of the Blue Flamingo”
  • “The Musketeer and the Fairy”
  • “Crane and Lightning”
  • “Orange speckled portrait”
  • “Marble Rabbit”
  • “Pilot for special assignments”

Grishin Alexander Anatolievich

  • Grishin Alexander Anatolievich(1948 – 1998) was born on November 5, 1948 in Ukraine. He came to Tyumen in 1973 after graduating from St. Petersburg University and connected his whole life with her. At the same time, the first selection of his poems appeared in the July issue of the magazine “Youth,” which laid the foundation for his literary work.
  • In 1977, his first poetry book, Poems, was published. K.Ya. Lagunov invites A. Grishin to work in the writers' union, where he offers him the position of assistant.
  • In 1985, his second collection of poetry, “Riding Fast,” was published, which immediately became popular. People are beginning to talk about the poet at the all-Union level. In 1990, the book “Caring Nature” was published in Moscow. In 1991, the poet became a member of the Russian Writers' Union. The last collection of poems, “To nowhere, on demand,” was published just before Grishin’s death.
  • Alexander Grishin was a professional journalist, he had no passable materials, he always knew well what he was writing about. Very moral, highly emotional, bright lyrics made Grishin not just a good poet, but a favorite poet for many.
  • In recent years, A.A. Grishin was sick a lot and suffered several heart attacks. He died on October 19, 1998 in Tyumen.

The most interesting works of Alexander Grishin

  • “Do we know what to sing about?”
  • " Fast driving"
  • “In the yellow frame of autumn”
  • “To nowhere, on demand”
  • “Return”
  • " House"
  • “My time is up”
  • “Love in the spring”
  • " Back! There, there by five"
  • “Image of Pain”
  • “Autumn bird”
  • " First steps"

Results of a survey on knowledge of the works of writers of the Tyumen region

  • We interviewed 50 people of different ages - 20 people over twelve, 20 people over sixteen and 10 people over twenty.
  • They were asked only 5 questions about the reading and creativity of writers of the Tyumen region:
  • Do you like to read? 1) Yes 2) No
  • Are you familiar with the work of writers from the Tyumen region? 1) Yes 2) No
  • What do authors sing in their works?

  • Among 12-year-old children, 14 children answered “Yes.”
  • Among 16-year-old teenagers, 11 people answered “Yes.”
  • And among people over 20 years old, 9 out of 10 people voted for a love of reading.

Are you familiar with the work of writers from the Tyumen region?

  • Out of 20 twelve-year-old boys, 9 answered “Yes.”
  • The same number of guys answered “Yes” among teenagers of sixteen years old.
  • And among people over twenty years old, 7 people answered “Yes.”

What works of writers do you know?

  • Most of the 12-year-old children indicated the work “Children of the Blue Flamingo” by V.P. Krapivin.
  • Some 16-year-old boys remembered the collection of works “Town on a Hill” by K. Ya. Lagunov, while others preferred “Autumn Sky” by A. I. Vasiliev.
  • And among people over 20 years of age, apparently, the work “Near the War” by G. K. Sazonov is popular.

  • Almost all of the survey participants answered that works most often glorify the nature of our native land, our small homeland.

Would you like to know more about the life and work of writers of the Tyumen region?

  • Absolutely all participants responded that they would not mind learning more.

Survey results

  • After summing up the results of the survey, we were once again convinced that the works of writers of our region are enjoyed by all ages. Most of the survey participants showed their remarkable knowledge about the life and work of our writers.

Research project

on literature


What is the source of the moral strength of V.P. Astafiev’s heroes?


teacher of Russian language and literature

Verkhne-Gutorovsky branch

MBOU "Polevskoy Lyceum"

Kursk region

Kursk region




  1. Goals, objectives, problems of the project; solutions; Expected results………..

  2. Practical, theoretical cognitive significance of the results………….

    Activities of students…………………………………………………………

    Stages of project activities…………………………………………………….

1.1. Choosing a project theme

A) defining the problem and objectives of the study;

B) putting forward a hypothesis for their solution;

C) discussion of research methods.

1.2. Identification of subtopics

1.3. Formation of creative pairs (groups)

1.4. Preparation of materials: formulation of questions

1.5. Determining forms of expressing project results

2.Project development .

3. Presentation of results

A) registration of final results;

B) analysis of the data obtained;

4. Presentation and defense of the project

A) summing up, data correction, conclusions;

B) creative reports from students, creation and viewing of the “Reader's Diary” presentation.

5. Reflection

5. Literature…………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Appendix………………………………………………………………………………………

Brief summary of the project

Goals, objectives, problems of the project; solutions; Expected results.

Creative (working) title of the project: Where is the source of moral strength?

The project can be completed individually or in a group.

Object of study: this project is aimed at instilling interest in the work of the writer V.P. Astafiev, who writes a lot and interestingly about the village and village culture. The main problematic issue, which the ninth-graders participating in the project will have to think about - What is the source of the moral strength of the heroes of V.P. Rasputin’s books and how will this project help them, teenagers, in understanding the surrounding reality and their own personal development?

The main goal of this project is the desire to attract the attention of teenagers to the work of the writer V.P. Astafiev and the philosophy of the heroes of his books, comparison and understanding of this philosophy with their own personal position.

Tasks: to help students look closely at the writer’s heroes who find themselves in borderline situations - dissolute or who have found their way, who do not hear God or believe in him, to reflect with the author of books about human responsibility. To attract the attention of teenagers to reading through the use of modern Internet by both the librarian and themselves -technology.

Among the technologies used- a thematic group for collective discussion of what has been read, to present research results in groups, services are used that help create an electronic presentation

Age of students participating in the project

9th grade students. Work is carried out in groups

The librarian (the work is carried out in close collaboration with the school librarian) and the author and coordinator of the project (teacher) will also build communication with groups of children using new Internet capabilities - in the thematic group “Readers of V.P. Astafiev” created in Google. Individual consultations will be provided to high school students in person in the library (classroom) and via email or personal page on social networks. Upon completion of the project, it is possible to “protect” research on the project by groups of schoolchildren using Internet correspondence (if O If possible, other schools may use Skype chat or video conference).

Practical, theoretical cognitive significance of the results.

Expected results:

    Develop the ability to independently acquire knowledge from various sources (working with material based on the book by I.I. Strelkova V. Astafiev, V. Belov, V. Rasputin, V. Shukshin in life and work: A textbook for schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges. -3rd ed.-M.: LLC TID “Russkoe Slovo - RS”, 2008.-112 pp.; with electronic and reference resources;

    To develop the ability to use acquired knowledge to solve cognitive problems assigned to students.

    To comprehend the process of working on works and manuals on the topic, to teach students to “live” with them specific situations described in the literature, to identify them, and to transfer them to real life.

    To involve students in penetrating “deeply” into the works of V. Rasputin and the phenomena described in them (the works).

    To teach students to manage the research process independently, to independently construct new research objects.

6.P to attract the attention of teenagers to the work of the writer V.P. Astafiev and the philosophy of the heroes of his books, comparing and understanding this philosophy with their own personal position.

7. To attract the attention of teenagers to reading through the use of modern Internet technologies by both the librarian and themselves.

8. To develop students’ communication skills, the ability to work in pairs (groups for more children in the class), to develop research skills (the ability to identify a problem, the ability to collect information, the ability to observe, analyze, build hypotheses, generalize (synthesize), systematize and process received data, ability to draw conclusions, etc.

1. The result of the group’s work will be work on the Timeline of Fates about the life and work of the writer

2. The result of the work of a group of high school students will be a “brainstorming” to discuss the problem and the work of high school students to create a book based on one of the chapters of the story “The Last Bow” and publish it in the form of a presentation book (“Reader’s Diary”)

3. The result of the work of this group may be the creation of a Literary Questionnaire

Activities of students: choose a topic, discuss and make a general decision on the topic, choose a pair (group) coordinator, expert, observer, etc. (depending on the number of people in the class), a thematic group (pairs individually) is created on Google for a collective discussion of what has been read; to present research results in groups (pairs), services are used that help create various types of reports: electronic presentation. (For more details on student activities, see the table)

Stages of project activities.


Teacher activities

Student activities

1. Development of design specifications

1.1. Selecting a project topic: What is the source of the moral strength of V.P. Astafiev’s heroes

- identification of problems and tasks; – research and hypotheses for their solution; -discussion of research methods;

The teacher offers a topic to the students.

Discuss and make a general decision on the topic

1.2. Identification of subtopics

Preliminarily identifies subtopics and suggests them:

“Do not live by lies” (Solzhenitsyn),

"Seeing a Human Face", "Trial by War"

Each group of students chooses a subtopic or proposes a new one.

1.3. Formation of creative groups

Conducts organizational work to unite schoolchildren who have chosen specific subtopics

Grouped into groups, distribute roles

1.4. Preparation of materials: formulation of questions: What does it mean, according to the heroes, “To live not by a lie”, “To see a human face”, “What is this test of war”, tasks for couples and selection of literature: work with the main manual by I.I. Strelkova V. Astafiev, V. Belov, V. Rasputin, V. Shukshin in life and work: A textbook for schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges. - 3rd ed. - M.: LLC TID "Russian Word - RS" ", 2008.-112 p.; with other electronic and reference resources;

    Selects in advance a list of literature and Internet resources (see list of literature), tasks for groups: brainstorming to discuss the problem and work of high school students on a Literary Questionnaire, work on a Timeline about the life and work of a writer with comments, work on a chapter book " publication" of it in the form of a presentation book ("Reader's Diary").

Students accept discussion in adjusting assignments

1.5. Determining the forms of expressing the results of the project (electronic presentation - book, reader's diary, forum, etc.)

The teacher (and librarian) takes part in the discussion.

Students in groups discuss forms of presenting the result.

2. Project development.

Carry out search and research activities

3. Registration of results A) registration of final results;

B) analysis of the data obtained.

Consults, coordinates and stimulates the activities of students

Formalize the results

4. Presentation and defense of the project

A) summing up, data correction, conclusions;

B) creative reports from students, creation and viewing of the “Reader's Diary” presentation.

Organizes examination (teachers, parents, students of other classes)

Report the results of the work in the chosen form

5. Reflection

Evaluates his own activities, the activities of his assistants (in this case, a librarian), takes into account children’s assessments

Evaluate their work (individually, in pairs, in groups) taking into account the work of others.

Brief description of the project stages

We are posting a mini-questionnaire on copyright for children readers

The tasks of the coordinator (librarian) and the author of the project (the teacher works in collaboration with the school library) include the task of advising students on the correct use of sources and resources in their research; it is expected that before starting work on the project, lesson on copyright law, for which you can prepare not only a presentation, but also conduct a warm-up with the guys “What do we know about the concept of copyright”

* Necessarily

Question 1

Which works existing in objective form are subject to copyright: *

made public


published and unpublished

Question 2

Identify works that are subject to copyright: *


official documents

works of painting

literary works

audiovisual works


thirty years

Teacher: What kind of work on books and reading goes without asking questions? By asking and answering, we reflect on the problems brought to us by the author of the work...

Victor Astafiev born on May 1, 1924 in the village of Ovsyanka (Krasnoyarsk Territory) in the family of Lydia Ilyinichna Potylitsina and Pyotr Pavlovich Astafiev. He was the third child in the family, but his two older sisters died in infancy. A few years after the birth of his son, Pyotr Astafiev goes to prison with the wording “sabotage.” During Lydia's next trip to her husband, the boat in which she, among others, was sailing, capsized. Lydia Potylitsina fell into the water, caught her scythe on a floating boom and drowned. Her body was found only a few days later. Victor was then seven years old. After the death of his mother, Victor lived with her parents - Ekaterina Petrovna and Ilya Evgrafovich Potylitsin. Viktor Astafiev spoke about his childhood spent with his grandmother Katerina Petrovna and which left bright memories in the writer’s soul in the first part of his autobiography “The Last Bow”.
After leaving prison, the father of the future writer married for the second time. Deciding to go after the “northern wild money”, Pyotr Astafiev with his wife and two sons - Victor and newborn Nikolai - goes to Igarka, where the dispossessed family of his father, Pavel Astafiev, was sent. The following summer, Victor’s father entered into an agreement with the Igarsk fish factory and took his son on a commercial fishing trip to a place between the villages of Karasino and Poloy. After the end of the fishing season, returning to Igarka, Pyotr Astafiev ended up in the hospital. Abandoned by his stepmother and relatives, Victor ended up on the street. For several months he lived in an abandoned hairdresser's building, but after a serious incident at school he was sent to an orphanage. In 1942 he volunteered for the front. He studied military affairs at the infantry school in Novosibirsk. In the spring of 1943 he was sent to the active army. He was a driver, artillery reconnaissance officer, and signalman. Until the end of the war, Viktor Astafiev remained a simple soldier. After demobilization in 1945, he went to the Urals, to the city of Chusovoy, Molotov Region (now Perm Territory).
In 1945, Astafyev married Maria Semyonovna Koryakina. They had three children: daughters Lydia (born and died in 1947) and Irina (1948-1987) and son Andrei (born in 1950).
In Chusovoy, Astafiev worked as a mechanic, auxiliary worker, teacher, station attendant, and storekeeper.
In 1951, Astafiev’s first story, “Civilian Man,” was published in the Chusovskoy Rabochiy newspaper. Since 1951, he worked in the editorial office of this newspaper, writing reports, articles, and stories. His first book, “Until Next Spring,” was published in Molotov in 1953

In 1958, Astafiev was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR. In 1959-1961 he studied at the Higher Literary Courses in Moscow.
From 1989 to 1991, Astafiev was a People's Deputy of the USSR.
In 1993 he signed the “Letter of the 42”.
He died on November 29, 2001 in Krasnoyarsk. He was buried in Ovsyanka.
After demobilization in 1945, he went to the Urals, to the city of Chusovoy, Molotov Region (now Perm Territory).

Task to create your own profile

    Come up with questions for an online survey of your reading friends based on the book V. Astafiev has read or literary characters from his books. Create your own profile in Google.

    Post it on your page on social networks on the Internet

Example of a literary questionnaire

Do you know what morality is?

Is morality an eternal concept?

How is the problem of what is the moral strength of V.P.’s heroes solved? (“The Goose in Flight”, “The Last Bow”, “The Shepherd and the Shepherdess”, etc.)?

What moral categories does the writer raise in his works?

Student working groups will explore this issue in different ways:

1.First working group reading book "The Flying Goose" , will try to answer the question" What qualities help the heroes of the story remain human until the end of their days?

The result of the work a group of ninth graders will appear Time strips about the life and work of the writer

2.Second group reading "Last bow", looking for an answer to the question " The result group work will become collective work on the creation of a chapter book based on the story “The Last Bow” and publication in the form of a “Reader’s Diary”

3. The third group reading a book by the same author "The Shepherd and the Shepherdess", explores the question" What human qualities are revealed by the war in V. Astafiev’s pastoral?”
The result the work of this group can be a collective effort to create Literary questionnaire

Keywords (on the board)

    10 words that characterize the content of the book Strelkova I.I. V. Astafiev, V. Belov, V. Rasputin, V. Shukshin in life and work about the writer of Siberia:

    Siberia Astafiev


  • Feasibility




Independent research by students as part of an educational project

1.Theme “Live not by lies” (Solzhenitsyn):

Research Question:

What qualities help the heroes of the story remain human until the end of their days?
Purpose of the study: to get acquainted with the biography of V. Astafiev, read the story “The Flying Goose” Result. Based on the results of the study, a Timeline about the life and work of the writer

2. Theme "See a human face"

Research Question:

What is the spiritual beauty of V. Astafiev’s heroes?
Purpose of the study: read the story “The Last Bow” and understand the beauty of the characters in the story
Based on the results of the study, conduct a “Brainstorm” in the library and teenagers publish
chapter book from one of the chapters of the story.

in the form of a reader's diary.

3. Topic: "Test of War"

Research Question:

What human qualities are revealed by war in V. Astafiev’s pastoral

Duration of work on the project - 1 month

Criteria for assessing student work

    completeness of the topic,

    accuracy and aesthetics of design work, literacy, etc.

    What are your main results, what did you understand, what did you learn?

    Which tasks aroused the most interest and why?

    How did you complete the tasks, in what ways?

    What challenges did you face and how did you overcome them?

    What are your comments and suggestions for the future?

Links to Internet resources on the project topic

Results (Reflection)

    In my research I was interested...

    In my research I did...

    I was surprised by the research...

    In the study it was difficult...

    In my research, I learned...

    I liked the research...


    Davydenko T.V., Tonkov E.V. Design of an educational lesson. Belgorod. Belgorod State University. 2002.

    Selevko G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on activation, intensification and effective management of educational programs. M.: Publishing house of scientific research institute. technologies, 2005.

    Strelkova I.I. V. Astafiev, V. Belov, V. Rasputin, V. Shukshin in life and work: A textbook for schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges. - 3rd ed. - M.: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS" ,2008.-112 pp.; with electronic and reference resources;

Literary questionnaire

Determining the genre - pastoral

For each question, choose the correct answer or give your own answer * Required

Question 1

Pastoral is *

Genre in literature

Genre in painting

Genre in music

Theater genre - Other:

Question 2

Pastoral translated from Latin means: *

Love lyrics

Shepherd poetry


Country Motif - Other:

Question 3

Identify the main features of “modern pastoral”: *

Love is hate

Happiness is evil



Indicate the cause of Boris's death in the story "The Shepherd and the Shepherdess" *

Death in battle


Longing for lost love -Other:

This page offers literature research topics for students in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 with the goal of developing creative abilities in literature, conducting exciting research and writing their own individual research project, and developing skills in conducting research work.

A correctly chosen topic for a literature project in the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th grades of school, corresponding to the level of training and knowledge of the student, his interests and hobbies, contributes to truly informative and interesting work on it.

The following literature project topics are exemplary and very interesting in terms of research, study, collection and search for information for the implementation of an individual project on them. These topics of research projects on literature show literature not only as a subject, but also as a connecting link in various spheres and branches of human activity.

Any topic of research work on literature for grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 can be selected from the list of topics for an older class, if the student’s level of knowledge allows this and there is a desire to study deeper and more interesting material.

Below on the page, the topics of research works and projects on Russian and foreign literature are distributed in accordance with the sections Russian literature, Classical literature, Modern literature, it is planned to add a section of foreign literature.

Literature Project Topics

Sample topics for student research projects in Russian literature:
Author's literary translation of three poems and their comparative analysis.
Good and evil in Russian literature.
Studying physics based on the works of Russian classics.
Depiction of love as one of the main human values ​​(using the example of a story).
Portrayal of national character in folk tales.

The art of creating a book.
Weather calendar in sayings and proverbs of the Russian people.
Cat in world literature.
Linguistic stylization and parody.
My name is in literature.

The image of a bird: from myth to poetry.
The image of a cat in Russian folklore.
Problems of youth in modern Russian literature.
Bird names in literature.
Russian writers are Nobel Prize laureates.
Comparative analysis of Spanish and Russian translations of Ovid's elegy.
The symbolic meaning of the image of the moon in the works of Russian classical literature.
Dreams and dreams in Russian literature.
The theme of the monument in Russian literature.
Theme of prophecy in Russian lyrics.
The theme of family in proverbs and sayings.
The theme of good and evil in literature.
Censorship and literature: freedom of creativity and state supervision.

Literature Research Paper Topics

Sample topics for research papers on classical literature:
“I love, where there is an opportunity, to pinch vices...” (Features of the fable as a literary genre).
The image of a falcon and its symbolism in the monuments of ancient Russian literature.
Your choice: life or... (the problem of drug addiction in the works of M. Bulgakov “Morphine” and Ch. Aitmatov “The Scaffold”).
Sonya... the eternal Sonechka (based on works of classical and modern literature).
“Coming from childhood” (Based on the works of V.P. Astafiev).

Color designations in I. Severyanin’s lyrics: psychological aspect.

Only this life has a price (according to L. Tolstoy’s diary entries and J. Salinger’s novel “The Catcher in the Rye”).
Servants and gentlemen (based on the works of A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol).

The concept of home, family, homeland in the works of V. Rasputin, A. Solzhenitsyn, L. Ulitskaya.
Artistic techniques and features of Boris Akunin’s novels “Azazel”, “The Turkish Gambit”, “State Councilor”, “The Death of Achilles”, “Leviathan”, and “Coronation”.
Peculiarities of perception of A. Akhmatova’s lyrics through artistic images.
The image of a woman in literature of different eras.

Topics of projects on modern literature

Example topics for research papers on modern literature:

Bard song today.
The influence of literature containing elements of mysticism on the worldview of the modern reader.
Genre and language of I. Huberman's poems.
The life of a literary work in art and time.
Using a modern bestseller in the study of classical literature.
How does the Internet affect language?
Youth slang. Its origin and functioning.
Youth jargon in the speech of modern schoolchildren.
Trash advertising language.
Features of the stylistic system of poetry by K.K. Sluchevsky.
Features of the language of SMS messages..
Reflection of stereotypes in John Tolkien's fairy tale "The Hobbit".
Pushkin's motifs in modern poetry by Svetlana Sirneva.
A. Bitov’s story “Young Odoevtsev, hero of the novel” as a work of the postmodern era.
The journey of the word “cheat sheet” from one language to another (history of language borrowing).
Speech portrait of DONKEY in the cartoon "Shrek".
Rock - revolution in Russia: mutual influence of rock poetry and Russian history.
Russian rock: the idea of ​​protest and its linguistic embodiment.
The originality of the style of satirical stories by Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

The originality of Viktor Tsoi's poetry.
Modern bestsellers are genuine literature or a tribute to fashion.
SMS as a modern epistolary genre.
Ways to update a newspaper headline.
Methods of creating the image of the heroine in V. Pelevin’s story “Nika”.
The texts of modern songs are poetry and anti-poetry.
Toponyms around us (meaning, origin).
The tragedy of time (based on the novel by F. Abramov “Brothers and Sisters”).
Traditions and innovation in the depiction of St. Petersburg in the stories of T. Tolstoy.
Phraselogisms in advertising.
Color designations in I. Severyanin’s lyrics: psychological aspect.
Reading dossier of my class.
What is our generation reading?