New horoscope for April from astrologers. Mars turning into retro motion

Alas, this will be the case only in the first half of the month, and then, on the 17th, Mars will become retrograde. Unlike Mercury, which goes into retrograde several times a year, Mars goes retrograde only once every two years. And it’s good that not more often: after all, during such periods we feel like “hedgehogs in the fog”: we don’t know where to direct our strength, how to use energy correctly, we lose the ability to keep our emotions under control. As a result, conflicts become more frequent, especially in the business sphere, and resolving them when Mars is retrograde is very difficult. In a word, from April 17 to June 30 (that’s how long Mars will be “backing away”), avoid quarrels with all your might. And don’t start anything new: nothing good will come out of it anyway. And don’t believe the feelings that flare up during this period; use your head more often.

The retrograde movement of Mars will be aggravated by the opposition of two distant planets - a tense aspect with Neptune, located in Pisces, and retrograde Jupiter in Virgo. These aspects warn us against wrong actions and mistakes. The period from April 17 to April 23 may also turn out to be traumatic, since attention will be weakened: you can create problems for yourself. At this time, impulsiveness and irritability increase, which also pushes people to act rashly, and many will be drawn to seek adventure on their own. Let's remember: these days any extreme sports are excluded! Don’t take risks, you are simply not able to soberly assess the degree of danger. In the last week of April, avoid excessive physical activity: you will not have enough strength, so at the end of the month you can, with a clear conscience, put off until tomorrow what you don’t want to do today.

Movement of Mercury in April

At the beginning of the month, Mercury will move through Aries, giving us resourcefulness, wit, the gift of improvisation and a sharp mind. So, don’t waste your time. Use every opportunity to shine among friends, colleagues, and rise in the eyes of your superiors. Without much effort you will be able to find a way out of any, even at first glance, dead-end situations, and find an approach to a matter that previously seemed confusing. On April 6, Mercury leaves Aries and moves into the sign of Taurus - also an excellent position for this planet, it will give us chances to show our creativity and ability to achieve goals. Try to plan the most significant tasks that require resourcefulness, concentration and diligence for the second week of the month, when a positive aspect between Mercury and Jupiter will form in the sky.

Movement of Venus in April

Together with Mercury, Venus will change its location on April 6: it will enter the sign of Aries. In this position, the planet of love awakens impulsiveness, passion, and ardor in people. What this wonderful month does not promise us - fateful acquaintances, dizzying romances, wonderful dates!.. And in order to attract positive changes, it is worthwhile to radically change your image in the period from April 10 to 15, when Venus will be in a harmonious aspect to Mars. Well, at least buy a bright new thing! From April 18 to 25, Venus will be in conjunction with Uranus - and many will note with displeasure that their weight is growing faster than usual, although absolutely nothing has changed in their lifestyle and diet. Diets may not be very effective: to avoid extra pounds, you should move more. In general, April is a great time to start paying more attention to your health and appearance. It's time to take a massage course, join a gym, fitness club, or visit a beauty salon.

Mercury retrograde

From April 28, Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Taurus. In astrology, Mercury is responsible for information, contacts, negotiations, documents, thoughts and ideas. Consequently, one cannot expect much success in this area: it will be difficult to get into a working mood. Inattention can cause aggravation of relationships with one of your colleagues or cause dissatisfaction with management. In order not to heat up the situation, do not take on difficult tasks and do not set the bar too high. Set yourself small tasks, and only after you have completed one, start solving the next one. If you feel that you do not understand something or that something is not working out for you, do not wait until the situation escalates, immediately seek help from someone who understands the issue better than you. If you have your own business, the last days of the month may be overshadowed by problems with business partners.

An astrological forecast or horoscope for the month of April 2016 for each zodiac sign will bring many expectations of change and news about the future, but in the present there will still be concern about your stability in the financial sphere.

In April 2016, the main astrological The aspect of the month will be the Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune tau square. This month you will feel a great desire for change, active action, and you will want to solve all problems quickly and radically, on an emotional impulse. This is worth taking into account, because in reality there will be fewer opportunities to implement changes than the desire itself. In April 2016, 5 planets will be retrograde at once: Mars, Pluto, Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter. Therefore, all important undertakings associated with a long process will bring the most minimal or negative results. It is worth postponing all your plans to start projects until a more favorable period. The entire first half of April will be highly emotional and nervous in terms of contacts and relationships: even soft and compliant people will often be prone to pressure and aggression, thethe desire to impose one's opinion. Against this background, all long-standing hidden problems will intensify, tension will appear both in personal contacts and in global processes and international communications. There is a high probability of activation

Despite the strict limits retrograde planets, interesting ideas for new beginnings may come in business. But it is worth remembering that short-term projects will be successful. In current affairs and business there will be a slowdown, many actions will not give the expected result. It is unfavorable to start new business projects or make changes in work before July,

From mid-April 2016 to the end of June, all disputes and conflicts will best be resolved through agreements. To do this, you will have to use a sober mind and not be led by emotions. This time is unfavorable for court cases and showdowns in court - there is a high probability of losing the dispute.

Signs of Earth and Water ( Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)will be more fortunate this month. There will be a favorable trine for themJupiter in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn, and from April 13 to 23, Mercury will complete the Grand Trine to this configuration. All this will make it possible to purchasenew useful connections, favorable work opportunities will appear, circumstances may arise for a successful solution to an important financial issue. At this time, you can improve your relationships with colleagues and partners. The end of the month will be favorable for any type of intellectual activity and for business trips. Contacts with law enforcement agencies - legal authorities, courts, etc. will be successful.

Horoscope for April 2016 Aries

Increased activity will be observed in personal relationships. You will become more proactive and express your position more openly. This is a good time to clarify thorny issues in your couple. During this period, it will also be easier to take the first step towards a new relationship and take the initiative on your own.

Horoscope for April 2016 Taurus
Typical representatives of the sign will experience good luck in the professional field this month. You will be able to more easily establish good relationships with colleagues, which will increase your productivity. Appearance will be important at work, especially if your activity involves communicating with people. Now colleagues and clients will pay more attention to how you look. This month is also a good month for starting a new job. The month is a good month for active learning and acquiring new experience, including in the professional field.

Horoscope for April 2016 Gemini
Typical representatives of the sign will have good luck on short trips and small trips. Now changing places will give you pleasure; during your trips you will often meet pleasant people, communication with whom will only enhance the pleasant impressions of the trip. New romantic acquaintances are also possible. Communication in October will be quite easy. You will be surrounded by pleasant interlocutors, the number of compliments will increase, and there will be more opportunities for flirting.
Horoscope for April 2016 Cancer

This month promises an increase in your income, and there is a high probability of receiving expensive gifts. The romantic sphere will also be active. Now you will enjoy increased attention from the opposite sex. If you take the initiative, your personal life will become quite eventful. This is a great time to meet new people and start love affairs.

Horoscope for April 2016 Leo

A large number of movements and trips are expected this month. Business and circumstances will force you to move, travel to personal or business meetings. The number of short trips will increase significantly. It is important to avoid rushing, especially if you are driving your own car. This is a quiet time in your personal life. Now you should decide what you are looking for in a relationship, and also understand yourself. New acquaintances can lead to platonic attachments or unrequited feelings. In some cases, secret love affairs are possible.

Horoscope for April 2016 Virgo
In April, you should devote a lot of time and attention to relationships with people around you. This month may be especially difficult for Virgos in terms of family relationships. During this period, many single representatives of your sign will experience love at first sight, which will most likely turn out to be mutual. For many Virgos, April portends an improvement in their financial situation due to increased salaries or greater profits from business.

Horoscope for April 2016 Libra

The placement of the planets indicates that your activity and vital energy levels will increase. This will become especially noticeable after the first week. You will be able to do a lot in short periods of time. Consistent and monotonous activities during this period will be more difficult for you than usual. The month will be a great time for sports.

Horoscope for April 2016 Scorpio

You will experience high activity in the financial area. Now it is likely that income will increase, which will provide incentive for further work. At the same time, you will not only work energetically, but also actively spend the money you earn. During this period, most likely, there will be more reasons to spend money. But it’s still better to control expenses, so you can avoid wasting previously created savings. During this month, you can count on support from your friends and like-minded people. Relations with them will now become more harmonious and warm. It is possible that your circle of friends will expand.

Horoscope for April 2016 Sagittarius

The month will bring you success on long trips. This month is perfect for relaxing, and far from your homeland. Nowadays the need for new sensations is increasing, so travel and related experiences will be very relevant. It's best to go on a trip with your loved one. Lonely representatives of the sign should not be upset; they can go on vacation on their own. In this case, be prepared for new acquaintances and pleasant holiday romances.

Horoscope for April 2016 Capricorn

This month, typical Capricorns will experience increased activity when communicating with friends. Now you can make new friendships and become a more prominent figure. Friends will encourage you to take initiatives. This month is also suitable for implementing your own plans. Now you are unlikely to put any projects on hold; you would prefer to immediately try to bring something to life. This is a good time to take the first steps towards your intended goal.

Horoscope for April 2016 Aquarius

In April, typical Aquarius will have an increased appetite for risk and adventure. You will become bolder in your actions and will be ready for serious changes. However, it is worth considering that any changes made during this month will be irreversible. That is why it is imperative to calculate the possible consequences before doing anything. Only with such a rational approach will this month be productive. Good luck will accompany you in personal relationships. If you show more warmth towards your loved one, the harmony in the union will increase.

Horoscope for April 2016 Pisces
This month you will be able to more actively achieve your goals, including in career matters. It is thanks to your activity that you will be able to achieve a promotion. Feel free to defend your interests, but avoid aggressiveness. Success awaits you in your studies. You will be able to build relationships with teachers and demonstrate high academic performance. Contacts with foreigners will also be harmonious, and it is possible that new connections will emerge with residents of other countries. Pleasant events may be associated with your distant relatives, as well as with trips abroad.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

Astrological forecast for April 2016.

A lot of interesting things await us in April. In the first half of the month, the Sun and Venus march victoriously through Aries. Personal planets, falling into Aries, are, in principle, inclined to behave defiantly: to go over their heads in order to achieve their goals and consider that this is their inalienable right, to make others of both sexes fall in love with them simply out of sporting interest and to think that this is how it should be. In April, they will be strengthened by a large number of aspects from macrosocial (Jupiter, Saturn) and transpersonal planets. So if you have Napoleonic plans to conquer humanity or a couple of princes within walking distance, then you have the cards in your hands. If you are a wise minnow by nature, it is better to sit deeper in the mud, you will be healthier.

However, conquerors need to keep in mind that Saturn turned into retromotion at the end of March, so all complex, responsible and far-reaching plans should be checked several times, and then a few more, before revealing them to the world. Mars will also go backwards: from April 12 to 17 it will freeze in a stationary position (all your initiatives will most likely freeze), and then wait for the emergence of all the schools that you were careless to miss over the past couple of months. Considering that Mars will be in conjunction with Saturn all month, these problems will be corrected with great difficulty, but if you cope with the task, then for the rest of your life! (Hint: If nothing works, sit down and think carefully about why you are doing all this by and large).

From April 6, Mercury will move into slightly slow-witted but thorough Taurus. A good time to think about global plans and draw up strategies. If you listen to him, on the basis of solar aggressive initiatives, you can build a completely suitable development plan for what-you-want-to-develop for the entire next year. There’s just one problem: Mercury will also begin to move back at the end of April, and all plans will have to be rechecked a couple more times. (Yes, yes, looking ahead to May, I will say: a rare phenomenon awaits us: 5 retrograde planets at once. The May holidays will be very useful - plan your vacation, otherwise your vacation will plan for you :))).

On April 7, a not very simple new moon awaits us - try to do without a showdown, this can lead to a complete break. If you can remain silent, be silent. On the other hand, if you think that something in your life has come to an end - work, relationships, wardrobe - it’s time to say goodbye to them. Perhaps, when leaving your life, they will take a little of what you thought was still viable, but then you will get rid of what has become obsolete once and for all.

The Sun will move into Taurus on April 19 and things will calm down a bit. Venus will burn in Aries until 30, moreover, in conjunction with Uranus throughout the second half of the month. If you have fiery Venus in your natal chart, then have fun to your health. If not, control yourself. Otherwise, in May a hangover will set in and fiery dances on the table will be remembered with awkwardness. Although... why not - there will be something to tell the grandchildren. In general, I reported to you what is happening in the sky, and then think for yourself.

The second spring month of 2016 will turn out to be a fairly successful time for most signs of the classical (European) zodiac system, full of a wide variety of events. There will probably be a minimum of negative situations, and among them the most dangerous will be those whose forerunners will be in the position of Mercury and, to a lesser extent, Venus. It is these two planets that will have a clearly negative vector of influence in April 2016. Their emanations are unlikely to be particularly strong, and the dynamics of the impact will not rise above average, but, as they say, whoever is forewarned is at least somewhat forearmed. If you openly ignore this situation, you can easily end up in a not very positive situation, and then you will have no one to blame but yourself. Therefore, during the current period, you will still have to maintain at least minimal attentiveness, especially in the sensory-emotional direction. In terms of work, everything will develop more positively and this is surprising, because it is not for nothing that Mercury is called the ruler of trade routes. But, despite the frankly negative position of the “main heavenly trader”, in April most transactions will be characterized by full-scale success, unless, of course, you leave the situation to its own devices.

Saturn and Mars will become the main patrons of the human race at this stage. In some cases, the Sun will not ignore us, but the influence of the permanent ruler will be strong, but unstable, so you shouldn’t count on it too much. It is necessary to understand that for many zodiac signs April 2016 will be a long-awaited time. You will discover new opportunities in yourself and in front of you that you have been waiting for a long time. You will shake off the torpor that for many months prevented you from working at full capacity, realizing all your ideas in the form in which you wanted to see them. This is a month of changes - dramatic or consistent, it depends on you personally. The important thing is that among all the objects in the solar system, your allies will now be especially strong. But don't forget that the stars won't do anything for you. What situation will develop around you in April will depend only on your activity and determination. It is logical to place special emphasis on relationships, that is, even to achieve purely technical goals, more communication will now be needed. In general, this is the main phenomenon of the current stage: the greatest success awaits you in a purely material, technical sphere, but the most optimal will be exclusively social methods, and first of all we are talking about verbal communication between people. That is why at the current stage it will be most difficult for sociopaths and anyone who loves their own kind (yes, such as Dr. House, for example).

As for the “heavenly leaders”, the trine of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) will be given to Mars. And the trine of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) is Saturn. In both cases, the result will be the same - the performance of representatives of these elements will increase significantly, they will become more assertive, more radical in their decisions and self-confident. In turn, the trine of Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) will acquire an equally bright and strong patron - Uranus. It is difficult to say how unambiguous the impact of this peculiar planet will be, but there is no doubt that representatives of the air element will feel its beneficial effects already in the first days of the month. The Moon will become an additional patron of the signs of the element of Water, this will allow Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces to reveal their spiritual potential and actually move to a new level of awareness.

The horoscope for April 2016, being a general and speculative document, is nevertheless capable of having a significant impact on our daily lives. Simply put, he is an intermediary between our ideal desires and objective trends in the development of the world around us. Everything that has happened and is about to happen is subject to the powerful influence of celestial bodies. What will happen in a given period of time, what problems and emergencies are destined for us will depend on the configuration in which the planets are located. Having reliable information on this matter, we can most accurately plan our actions. If you are seriously interested in your future, you will find a detailed and accurate horoscope for April 2016 in the personal horoscopes section.

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Horoscope for April 2016

April 1-18 The Sun moves through the sign of Aries, making your life brighter and richer in extraordinary events. This is an ideal time for individuals, leaders and fighters. Feel free to go for what you need. Don't expect someone else to do the job or solve the problem for you. Develop courage and determination in yourself, use them to solve your problems.

An important day of this period is April 7, day. Until April 7, it is advisable to adhere to a gentle regime, as required by the waning Moon. And from April 7, take an active life position. You will feel your strength increasing every day, and events unfolding quickly and brightly.

On April 19, the Sun enters, and the practical component comes first in all situations. It's time to think about money, income and expenses, purchases, material values.

During this period, the day is important Full moon - April 22 and the end of the month, April 27-30. From April 27, inviting you to postpone meetings, trips and intellectual pursuits to another time.

General Horoscope for April 2016 for all signs

Aries. Horoscope for April 2016

Aries, as long as the Sun moves through your zodiac sign until April 19, you will begin to feel your best. You will be popular and in demand. Very often people will come to the conclusion that they cannot do without you in this or that matter. Take advantage of this to strengthen your position in your family, at work and among friends. The new moon on April 7 will help you set new goals for self-development. Most likely, you will choose activities related to beauty: diet, sports, new cosmetic procedures, development of creative abilities. In addition to the Sun, you are also patronized by the planet of beauty Venus. She will help you even after April 19th. In the last third of the month you will be sweet, charming and good-looking. Since your main interests will focus on the material side of life, Venus will help you make impeccable purchases.

Calf. Horoscope for April 2016

Taurus, until April 6th you will have an inner feeling that you are going with the flow. From April 7, you will become more active in influencing your life. You will be more active and sociable, you will be willing to express your opinion, you will be interested in the opportunity to give a lecture or speak out in discussions on forums. Outwardly, you will look younger, you will have lively movements, lightness, active gestures, even if this was not typical for you before. From April 19, the Sun will enter your sign, and you will immediately gain more strength, self-sufficiency and self-esteem. You will become more visible. From April 27, it will become difficult for you to express your thoughts out loud. But in return, on April 30 you will receive great charm and visual appeal. You don't have to prove anything with words to achieve what you want - just a sweet smile will be enough.

Twins. Horoscope for April 2016

Gemini, in the first half of April, friends will occupy a large place in your life. You will spend a lot of time with them, sort things out, start joint projects, make new friends. Don't limit yourself to the people who surround you in your daily life. Look for friends in clubs with similar interests, sign up for courses, communicate with like-minded people on social networks. April 1-6, you will be insightful enough to understand what friends you are missing and where to look for them. And you need to start a new friendship and change relationships with existing friends from April 7. From the middle of the month, begin to gradually prepare for the fact that soon your patron planet Mercury will go retrograde. Finish intellectual projects, get ready to take a break from studying, answer all letters so that “debts” do not accumulate. From April 27, rest more and avoid intellectual stress.

Cancer. Horoscope for April 2016

Cancer, April 1-6, behave calmly and peacefully, do not give yourself too much stress and maintain a contemplative position. Direct your main efforts to completing business projects, evaluate whether you have worked successfully and think about your business plans. From April 7 to April 19, you will have more energy, you will be active and productive. Take advantage of this, first of all, for business success and career. Raise your social importance. On April 19-22, many moments will be connected with friends. On April 22, a friendship may end or a long-standing conflict with a friend may be resolved. This is the day of maximum development of those affairs in the field of career and position in society that you began on the New Moon. On April 23, the time of rest begins again, as at the beginning of the month. You will find relaxation and spiritual harmony surrounded by friends. Make sure that communication does not take up too much energy from you.

A lion. Horoscope for April 2016

Leo, April 1-18 you will expand your horizons. Some will go abroad to see other countries. Someone will become interested in study or scientific work in order to better understand the laws of nature and society. Someone will study human nature by communicating with different social strata. It will become important for someone to understand, first of all, themselves, and such Leos will delve deeper into philosophical and religious quests. To learn as much new things as possible, you will attract into your social circle those people with whom you do not communicate on a daily basis: acquaintances living far away, distant relatives, relatives of a loved one, foreigners who want to be friends on social networks. From April 19, your ambition will awaken, and favorable circumstances will arise in your life for your career and social growth. Live an active business and social life, attend social events and improve in your profession.

Virgo. Horoscope for April 2016

Virgo, in April you will develop, become better, happier and more optimistic. You will feel that you have great potential. But others won’t notice it, and you don’t need it. Development will occur within, your inner attitude and self-esteem will change. You will not strive for recognition from society. In your opinion, those around you will give you so much for inner comfort. Over time, you will want recognition, fame, and new things in which to use your talents. But for now, you will stay away from active social life. You will not avoid communication itself - you will be pleased to feel among people in a new role, the role of a successful, accomplished person with the right attitudes in life. At the end of April, rest more and do not overload yourself with small matters, household and intellectual trifles.

Scales. Horoscope for April 2016

Libra, April 1-18 you will be busy with the most suitable and pleasant things for you - cooperation with other people. You will begin to negotiate, sort things out, maintain business and personal partnerships, get married and look for “your” audience. You don't have to do anything alone. There will always be someone with whom you can share responsibility, or even push it onto him. If you decide that you need to make a deal, sign an agreement, find new business partners, renegotiate the terms of an agreement, or improve your personal life, start doing this on April 7. The waxing Moon will help your endeavors. From April 19, you will have to take risks from time to time. Make sure that financial risk and sexual adventures are within acceptable limits.

Scorpion. Horoscope for April 2016

Scorpios, April 1-18 you will be busy with daily responsibilities at work and at home. They will experience amazing clarity, you will set your priorities correctly and thanks to this you will manage to do everything, and you will also have free time. Dedicate it, first of all, to your health. You won't find a better time to get treatment and undergo prevention. Do not refuse to help those who need practical help in your free time - go to a store or pharmacy, meet you at the station, or look after the cat during the trip. By the way, about cats and other pets. If you want to get an animal, take it April 7-18. The pet will easily take root with you and become a real member of the family. From April 19, your attention will be occupied by issues of business and personal partnerships and transactions. You will change conditions and re-build interactions with others.

Sagittarius. Horoscope for April 2016

Sagittarius, in April you need to properly distribute your energy. Issues of activity, active life and independent actions will come to the fore. It will be important for you not only to feel that you are a unique and self-sufficient person, but it will also be important to show this through actions. Perhaps you have one interest that you are ready to devote all your energy to. In the first ten days of April there will be no problems with all of the above. And from the second decade it will become difficult for you to be active. You may be bursting with a thirst for activity, but there will be no conditions, or time, or anything else for it. But in fact, you need a pause! The stars strongly advise using it to plan future actions - with a good plan everything will work out much better! And the nervous and physical tension that you may feel at this time is useful to relieve in the gym.

Capricorn. Horoscope for April 2016

Capricorns, in April your strong point will be great willpower. She will allow you to break yourself, people and circumstances in order to achieve what you want. You will be able to handle everything. People will be willing to follow you, and you will turn out to be a charismatic leader. You can notice how you influence people even in the simplest situations - in the way family members treat you, how colleagues listen to you, how friends hesitate to argue. April 1-18 is the best time to focus your energy on household and family matters. Position yourself correctly in the family, win the right to personal space, help your household in matters that are important to them. Do some renovations, sell or buy a home, organize a family holiday. Starting April 19, try yourself in a new hobby. And so that it does not take away all your strength, the Stars will create favorable conditions for relaxation and entertainment.

Aquarius. Horoscope for April 2016

Aquarius, the first and second ten days of April will be fussy and active. You will have many meetings, short trips and movements around the city, correspondence, frequent telephone conversations, preparation of certificates and documents. If at the beginning of the month you are already busy with these matters, for example, actively resolving an important issue in correspondence or running around the authorities to collect documents, these matters will end by April 7. If you are just going to do this, start after the 7th. From April 7 to April 19, the best conditions exist for starting courses. From April 19, most of the time will be devoted to home and family matters. There will be complete clarity in them, you will understand what you want your home and family to be like, what you need to do in the near future, how to improve your living conditions and family relationships. This is a great time to have a house party or family celebration.

Fish. Horoscope for April 2016

Pisces, the horoscope advises you to start the month on a positive note - go to a beauty salon, have a photo shoot, watch a beautiful film, go to museums, in a word, surround yourself with beauty in all its forms. On April 6, relax, do only what pleases you. On April 7, the Lunar month will begin, which should be devoted to matters with a material background: earnings, shopping, handicrafts. The topic of everything material will be relevant to you until April 19. Then, walks, moving around the city, meetings, communication, correspondence, training, and collecting documents will come first. The last ten days of the month will be hectic. However, this will not upset you. You will become interested in the world around you, you will enjoy being outside the home and communicating with different people.

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