A person is created by his resistance to the environment of arguments. Writing an essay

  1. How do you imagine the author of the story - Alexei Peshkov or Maxim Gorky? Is this distinction important to you?
  2. Maxim Gorky is the literary pseudonym of Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov. As a writer, we call him Gorky.

    Collections of his works are published under this name. We perceive the author of the story about the harsh youth of Alexei Peshkov, who goes through his life's universities, the author who analyzed his own search for the meaning of life in the distant times of his youth, as Gorky. Establishing the difference between a writer and his autobiographical hero is important for understanding those life and aesthetic positions, from which he evaluates, being now a person with rich life experience, his hero in the past and the reality surrounding him.

  3. What changes in Alyosha Peshkov’s understanding of the surrounding life with every new day, every new event? What causes this? How do you explain this to yourself?
  4. Growing up occurs, accelerated by familiarity with the complexities of life, communication with the most different people, getting rid of illusions, getting more and more new impressions from people and from books. So, I had to give up my attempt to enter Kazan University, the conviction arose that “a person is created by his resistance to the environment.” From people he learned to appreciate folk songs, rich vernacular, a verse-like story. “A song brings a warm feeling of sadness to the heart,” the future writer feels, and this understanding will give him a lot during the creation of stories, plays, and novellas. In the environment in which Alyosha moved, it was not difficult to turn onto the slippery path of overthrowing the “sacred institution of property” and not only, but the romanticism of youth inherent in him and took him away from the cynical, albeit talented professional thief Bashkin, as well as many read serious books, who aroused the desire for spiritual understanding of life, were saved from the criminal path and led to other people, including from a revolutionary environment, and, accordingly, to a different attitude towards life.

  5. Which person had the strongest influence on Alyosha Peshkov?
  6. Grandma Akulina Ivanovna had a very strong influence on her grandson, although her role is more significant in the stories “Childhood” and “In People.” At the same time, her instructions at parting largely determined Alyosha’s attitude towards various people with whom he had to communicate in the most difficult situations. When we read a story, we are sometimes surprised at how attractive outwardly rude people, embittered, mocking, indifferent to themselves, turn out to be for him. However, his grandmother’s advice not to rush to judgement helps Alexei to see a different essence in them and to sympathize with them.

    Perhaps the most powerful influence on young Peshkov among the characters in the story was Guriy Pletnev, a twenty-year-old night proofreader at a newspaper printing house. He impressed with his humorous attitude to life, told many interesting stories, and interested Alexey in jointly studying to become a rural teacher. However, it soon turned out that due to his early age, Peshkov could not yet get a teaching job and it was too early for him to take the exam. The main thing in which his influence on Alexei was manifested was his poetic essence. He possessed wisdom, whose name is joy. Pletnev “played the role of a good spirit fairy tales. His soul, painted bright colors youth, illuminated life with fireworks of glorious jokes, good songs, sharp ridicule of the customs and habits of people, bold speeches about the gross injustice of life.” Despite his youth, he could always give people smart advice and help with something. He attracted the best people to himself, and the worst were afraid of him. Gury was close to the revolutionary youth. Communication with him had big influence on Alyosha’s attitude to life, on the development of his spiritual world.

  7. Describe one of those who, in your opinion, defined later life Alyosha.
  8. The story describes many characters who, to one degree or another, determined Alyosha’s life. This is Nikolai Evreinov, a young high school student who persuaded the boy to move to Kazan and prepare to enter the university. This sweet, handsome young man with the gentle eyes of a woman was convinced that Alexei was created to serve science and had exceptional abilities for this. He liked to teach and tell a lot of interesting things he read in literature. Peshkov listened to his stories greedily, although the plots of the retold works were often confused in his head. However, “the selfishness and frivolity of his youth did not allow him to see with what effort, with what cunning, his mother ran the household.” Nikolai Evreinov played a certain role in Alyosha’s fate: thanks to him, his arrival in Kazan took place, illusions appeared that he had to get rid of. The Kazan period played a big role in the life of the future writer.

  9. Find a description of the work on the barge. What assessment did the thief Bashkin give to Alyosha’s enthusiastic story about this work? What could you answer him? Did you have a desire to object to him?
  10. Alyosha was drawn to work by the Volgarians “by the music of working life.” Gorky as a writer, even during the period of creation of the story (1922), when he was far from the Volga and did not engage in physical labor, felt how “pleasantly his heart was intoxicated” by this music, which he still heard. He remembers well the day when he first “felt the heroic poetry of labor.” Apparently, the image of the “music of working life” was born later, in the writer’s consciousness, and now helps to understand Alyosha’s state while working on the barge. Gorky depicts the enthusiasm of the loaders, who resisted the elements - resistance to it largely consisted of the poetry of labor. The same workers who cursed the rain and cold, crawled lazily along the deck, trying to hide from the cold and damp, were now saving the dying cargo, “playing, with the cheerful enthusiasm of children.” Joyful feelings young participant This work is emphasized by such metaphors as a whirlwind of work, a stormy dance. The river element is poetically depicted, which, on the one hand, made work difficult, and on the other, encouraged resistance and victory. The apotheosis of the emotional upsurge in the young man’s soul was the fusion of a fleeting turn in nature, the sparkling of a pinkish ray of sun and the joyful friendly roar of people, whom the author compared to cheerful animals shaking the wet fur of their cute faces. “I wanted to hug and kiss these two-legged animals, so smart and dexterous in their work, so selflessly passionate about it.” Selfless work on a barge evokes in the author’s mind fabulous images of beautiful palaces and cities built in just one night.

    However, such a poetic perception of the picture of inspired labor is not characteristic of everyone. An example of this is the thief Bashkin, who called Alyosha a fool and an “idiot” for his enthusiastic story. It was hardly worth answering to a cynical person who is incapable of appreciating the work of people, except for the results of his “profession.” And Alyosha did absolutely the right thing in not objecting to him. Material from the site

  11. Gorky argued that “a person is created by his resistance environment" Prove this using the text of the story.
  12. Resistance to the environment began in the story from the moment Alexey realized plight the Evreinov family, and especially the incredible efforts of Varvara Ivanovna to somehow feed the children. It is he who, already having a certain life experience(the story “In People”), it was not Nikolai or his younger brother who understood the complexity of her tricks and savings in order to run the household. Not wanting to be a burden in the Evreinov family, Alexey tries to feed himself and starts working. The dream of a university, illusoryly instilled in him by Nikolai, had to be given up - a difficult working life, which can be defined as resistance to the environment. He learned not to wait for outside help and not to hope for a lucky break; strong-willed stubbornness gradually developed in him, and the more difficult the living conditions became, the stronger and even smarter he felt. Young Peshkov learned this kind of science at his universities. He saw such resistance to the environment in the people with whom he communicated - in tramps, movers, swindlers. An example of the formation of personality in the process of human resistance to the environment is the picture analyzed above of Alexey’s participation in inspired work on a barge to save cargo.

  13. Explain the meaning of the title of the story, based on the testimony of one of his contemporaries: “For childish revolutionary mischief, I was fired from the gymnasium and, not without pride, I told Gorky about it.
  14. Young fellow,” he approved, “so you’ll probably get into university soon.”

    I was surprised, but after laughing, Gorky explained that he did not mean the university in which lectures were given, but the one in which solitary cells with bars on the windows were built, and added:

    This one will be cleaner!

    The title of his future book was spoken.”

    The meaning of the title of the story is that, in addition to universities as educational institutions, a person receives an education in life, especially if it does not go smoothly, but requires overcoming difficulties and resisting unfavorable life circumstances. These universities (it is no coincidence that Gorky named them plural) form the character of the individual, temper it, teach it to choose the right path. Alyosha Peshkov, without funds for education, spent his time at universities on the piers, in flophouses, in illegal student circles, and did odd jobs. He independently read books that aroused the desire for an interesting and meaningful life, met and made friends with good people.

    The experience and knowledge gained at the universities of life later gave Gorky richest material for his artistic and journalistic work.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • my universities are bitter essay
  • image of Alyosha Peshkov to my universities
  • How does Bashkin feel about Alyosha’s work?
  • test questions on Gorky's story "My Universities"
  • What kind of person does Alexey seem to us? Who influenced me and what?

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1. Problems

1. Historical memory

2. Attitude to cultural heritage

3. Role cultural traditions in moral development


4. Fathers and sons

n. Affirmative theses

1. Without the past there is no future.

2. A people deprived of historical memory turns into dust, whichcarried by the wind of time.

3. Penny idols should not replace real heroes who sacrificed themselves for their people.


1. The past is not dead. It's not evenpassed (Faulkner, American writer).

2. He who does not remember his past is doomed to relive it again (D. Santayana, American philosopher).

3. Remember those who were, without whom you would not be (V. Talnikov, Russian writer).

4. A people dies when it becomes a population. And it becomes a population when it forgets its history (F. Abramov, Russian writer).

IV. Arguments

1) Let's imagine people who start building a house in the morning, and the next day, without finishing what they started, they begin building a new house. Such a picture can cause nothing but bewilderment. But this is exactly what people do who reject the experience of their ancestors and, as it were, begin to build their “home” anew.

2) A person who looks into the distance from a mountain can see more. Likewise, a person who relies on the experience of his predecessors sees much further, and his path to the truth becomes shorter.

3) When a people mocks their ancestors, their worldview, their philosophy, their customs, they face the same fate

prepares himself too. Descendants will grow up and they will laugh at their fathers. But progress does not lie in denying the old, but in creating the new.

4) The arrogant lackey Yasha from A. Chekhov’s play “ The Cherry Orchard“He doesn’t remember his mother and dreams of leaving for Paris as soon as possible. He is the living embodiment of unconsciousness.

5) Ch.Aitmatov in his novel “Buranny Stop Station” tells the legend about the Mankurts. Mankurts are people forcibly deprived of memory. One of them kills his mother, who was trying to free her son from unconsciousness.ANDher desperate cry sounds over the steppe: “Remember your name!”

6) Bazarov, who disdains the “old men”, denies their moral principles, dies from a trifling scratch. And this dramatic ending shows the lifelessness of those who have broken away from the “soil”, from the traditions of their people.

7) One science fiction story tells about the fate of people who fly on a huge spaceship. They have been flying for many years, and the new generation does not know where the ship is flying, where the final destination of their centuries-old journey is. People are gripped by painful melancholy, their lives are devoid of song. This story is an alarming reminder to all of us of how dangerous the gap between generations is, how dangerous the loss of memory is.

8) The conquerors of antiquity burned books and destroyed monuments in order to deprive the people of historical memory.

9) The ancient Persians forbade enslaved peoples to teach their children literacy and music. This was the most terrible punishment, because living threads with the past were severed, the national culture.

10) At one time, the futurists put forward the slogan “Throw Pushkin off the ship of modernity.” But it is impossible to create in emptiness. It is no coincidence that in the work of the mature Mayakovsky one can feel live connection with the traditions of Russian classical poetry.

11) During the Great Patriotic War, the film “Alexander Nevsky” was made so that the Soviet people would have spiritual sons and a sense of unity with the “heroes” of the past.

12) Outstanding physicist M. Curie refused to patent her discovery and declared that it belonged to all of humanity. She said that she could not have discovered radioactivity without the great predecessors.

13) Tsar Peter 1 knew how to look far ahead, knowing that future generations would reap the fruits of his efforts. One day Peter was planting acorns. noticed. as one of the nobles present smiled skeptically. The angry king said: “I understand! YOUDo you think that I will not live to see the mature oak trees? Is it true! But you are a fool; I leave an example for others to do the same, and over time their descendants build ships from them. I’m not working for myself, it’s for the benefit of the state in the future.”

14) When parents don't understand their children's aspirations,do not understand their life goals, this often leads to an insoluble conflict. Anna Korvin-Krukovskaya, the sister of the famous mathematician S. Kovalevskaya, was successfully engaged in literary creativity in her youth. One day she received a favorable review from F. M. Dostoevsky, who offered her cooperation in his magazine. When Anna's father found out that his unmarried daughter was corresponding with a man, he became furious.

“Today you sell your stories, and then you will start selling yourself!” - he attacked the girl.

15) Great Patriotic War a bleeding wound will forever trouble the heart of every person. The siege of Leningrad, in which hundreds of thousands of people died from hunger and cold, became one of the most dramatic pages of our history. An elderly resident of Germany, feeling the guilt of her people towards the dead, left a will to transfer her monetary inheritance to the needs of the Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery in St. Petersburg.

16) Very often children are ashamed of their parents, who seem ridiculous, out-of-date, and backward to them. One day, in front of a cheering crowd, a wandering jester began to ridicule the young ruler of a small Italian town because his mother was a simple laundress. And what did the angry lord do? He ordered his mother to be killed! Of course, such an act by a young monster will naturally cause indignation in every normal person. But let's look inside ourselves: how often have we experienced a feeling of awkwardness, annoyance and irritation when our parents allowed themselves to expressyour opinion in front of our peers?

17) It’s not for nothing that time is called the best judge. Athenians,not understanding the greatness of the truths discovered by Socrates, they condemned him to death. But very little time passed, and people realized that they had killed a man who stood above them in spiritual development. The judges who pronounced the death sentence were expelled from the city, and a bronze monument was erected to the philosopher. And now the name of Socrates has become the embodiment of man’s restless desire for truth, for knowledge.

18) One of the newspapers wrote an article about a lonely woman who, despairing of finding decent job, began feeding her infant son special medications. to cause epilepsy in him. Then she would be given a pension to care for a sick child.

19) One day, one sailor, annoying the entire crew with his playful antics, was washed away by a wave into the sea. He found himself surrounded by a school of sharks. The ship was quickly moving away, there was nowhere to wait for help. Then the sailor, a convinced atheist, remembered a picture from his childhood: his grandmother praying at the icon. He began to repeat her words, crying out to God. A miracle happened: the sharks did not touch him, and four hours later, noticing the sailor was missing, the ship returned for him. Aftersailor asked for forgivenessatold lady for making fun of her faith as a child.

20) The eldest son of Tsar Alexander II was bedridden and was already dying. The Empress visited the Grand Duke every day after the obligatory stroller walk. But one day Nikolai Alexandrovich felt worse and decided to rest during the hours of his mother’s usual visit to him. As a result, they did not see each other for several days, and Maria Alexandrovna shared with one of the ladies-in-waiting her annoyance at this circumstance. “Yes, why?Won't you leave at another hour? - she was surprised. "No. This is inconvenient for me,” answered the empress, unable to break the established order even when it came to the life of her beloved son.

21) When in 1712 Tsarevich Alexei returned from abroad, where he spent about three years, Father Peter1 asked him if he had forgotten what he had learned, and immediately ordered him to bring the drawings. Alexey, fearing that his father would force him to make a drawing in his presence, decided to evade the exam in the most cowardly manner.thway. He "intended to spoil himself right hand» shot into the palm. He lacked the determination to seriously carry out his intention, and the matter was limited to a burn on his hand. The simulation nevertheless saved the prince from the exam.

22) BA Persian legend tells of an arrogant sultan who, while hunting, was separated from his servants and, having gotten lost, came across a shepherd’s hut. Exhausted by thirst, he asked for a drink. The shepherd poured water into a jug and handed it to the bishop. But the Sultan, seeing the inconspicuous vessel, knocked it out of the shepherd’s hands and angrily exclaimed:

II have never drank from such vile jugs -The broken vessel said:

Ah, Sultan! It’s in vain that you disdain me! I am your great-grandfather, and I was once, like you, a sultan. When I died I was buried in a magnificent tomb, but time has transformed meVashes that mixed with clay. potter,highHaving poured that clay, he made many pots and vessels from it. Therefore, lord, do not despise the simple earth from which you came and into which you will someday turn.

23) INThere is a tiny piece of land in the Pacific Ocean - Easter Island. On this island there are cyclopean stone sculptures that have long excited the minds of scientists around the world. Why did people build these huge statues? How did the islanders manage to lift multi-ton blocks of stone? But the local residents (and there are just over 2 thousand of them left) do not know the answers to these questions: the thread connecting generations has been broken, the experience of their ancestors is irretrievably lost, and only silent stone colossi remind of the great achievements of the past.

1. Problems

1. Moral qualities of a person

2. Honor and dignity as highest values person

3. Conflict between man and society

4. Man and social environment

5. Interpersonal relationships

6. Fear in human life

P. Affirmative theses

1. A person should always remain a person.

2. A person can be killed, but his honor cannot be taken away.

3. You need to believe in yourself and remain yourself.

4. The character of a slave is determined by the social environment, and the strongthe individual himself influences the world around him.

PI. Quotes

1. To be born, live and die, you need a lot of courage (English writer).

2. If they give you lined paper, write across it (J. R. Jimenez, Spanish writer).

3. There is no fate that contempt cannot overcome (A. Camus, Frenchwriter and philosopher).

4. Go forward and never die (W. Tennyson, English poet).

5. If the main goal in life is not the number of years lived, but honor and dignity, then what difference does it make when to die (D. Oru-ell, English writer).

6. A person is created by his resistance to the environment (M. Gorky, Russian writer).

IV. Arguments

Honor is dishonor. Loyalty is betrayal

1) The poet John Brown received the Enlightenment project from the Russian Empress Catherine, but could not come because he was ill. However, he had already received money from her, so, saving his honor, he committed suicide.

2) The renowned figure of the Great French Revolution, Jean-Paul Marat, who was called the “Friend of the People”, withchildhood, he was distinguished by a heightened sense of his own dignity. One day, his home teacher hit him in the face with a pointer. Marat, who was then11 years old, refused to accept writing. The parents, angry at their son's stubbornness, locked him in the room. Then the boy broke the window and jumped out into the street, the adults gave up, but Marat’s face remained scarred for life from the glass cut. This scar has become a kind of sign of the struggle for human dignity, because the right to be oneself, the right to be free is not given to a person initially, but is won by him in confrontation with tyranny and obscurantism.

2) During the Second World War, the Germans persuaded a criminal to play the role of a famous Resistance hero for a large monetary reward. He was put in a cell with the arrested underground members so that he could learn from them all the necessary information. But the criminal, feeling the care of strangers, their respect and love, suddenly abandoned the pitiful role of an informer, did not reveal the information he had heard from the underground fighters, and was shot.

3) During the Titanic disaster, Baron Guggenheim gave up his place in the boat to a woman with a child, and he himself carefully shaved and accepted death with dignity.

4) During Crimean War a certain brigade commander (minimum - colonel, maximum - general) promised to give as a dowry for his daughter half of what he “saves” from the amounts allocated to his brigade. Acquisitiveness, theft, and betrayal in the army led to the fact that, despite the heroism of the soldiers, the country suffered a shameful defeat.

5) One of the prisoners Stalin's camps he related such an incident in his memoirs. The guards, wanting to have fun, forced the prisoners to do squats. Confused by beatings and hunger, people began to obediently carry out this ridiculous order. But there was one person who, despite the threats, refused to obey. And this act reminded everyone that a person has honor that no one can take away.

6) Historians report that after Tsar Nicholas II abdicated the throne, some officers who swore allegiance to the sovereign committed suicide because they considered it dishonorable to serve someone else.

7) To the outstanding Russian naval commander Admiral Nakhimovin the most difficult days of the defense of Sevastopol, news was sent about high award. Having learned about this, Nakhimov said irritably: “It would be better if they sent me cannonballs and gunpowder!”

8) The Swedes, who besieged Poltava, invited the townspeople to surrender. The position of the besieged was desperate: there was no gunpowder, no cannonballs, no bullets, no strength left to fight. But the people who had gathered in the square decided to stand until the end. Fortunately, the Russian army soon arrived and the Swedes had to lift the siege.

9) B. Zhitkov in one of his stories depicts a man who was very afraid of cemeteries. One day a little girl got lost and asked to be taken home. The road went past the cemetery. The man asked the girl: “Aren’t you afraid? dead people? "WITHI’m not afraid of anything!” - the girl answered, and these words forced the man to gather his courage and overcome the feeling of fear.

A defective combat grenade almost exploded in the hands of a young soldier. Seeing that something irreparable would happen in a few seconds, Dmitry kicked the grenade out of the soldier’s hands and covered him with himself. Risky is not the right word. A grenade exploded very close. And the officer has a wife and a one-year-old daughter.

11) During the assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander11 a bomb explosion damaged the carriage. The coachman begged the sovereign not to leave it and rather go to the palace. But the emperor could not abandon the bleeding guards, so he got out of the carriage. At this time, a second explosion occurred, and Alexander -2received mortal wound.

12) Betrayal has always been considered a vile act, dishonoring a person’s honor. So, for example, to the provocateur who betrayed the members of Petrashevsky’s circle to the police (among those arrested was the great writerF.Dostoevsky), they promised to give him a well-paid job as a reward. But, despite the diligent efforts of the police, all the St. Petersburg mayors refused the services of the traitor.

13) The English athlete Crowhurst decided to take part in the round-the-world single yacht race. He had neither the experience nor the skill required for such a competition, but he urgently needed money to pay off his debts. The athlete decided to outwit everyone, he decided to wait out the main time of the race, and then appear on the track at the right moment in order to finish before the rest. When it seemed that the plan was a success, the yachtsman realized that he could not live, violating the laws of honor, and he committed suicide.

14) There is a species of birds in which the males have a short and hard beak, and the females have a long oneand curved. It turns out that thesebirds live in pairs and always help each other: the male breaks through the bark, and the female uses her beak to findvaetlarvae. This example shows that even in the wild, many creatures form a harmonious unity. Moreover, people have such lofty concepts as fidelity, love, friendship - these are not just abstractions invented by naive romantics, but really existing feelings, conditionednew life itself.

15) One traveler said that the Eskimos gave him a large bunch of dried fish. Hurrying to the ship, he forgot her in the tent. Returning six months later, he found this bundle in the same place. The traveler learned that the tribe had experienced a hard winter, people were very hungry, but no one dared to touch someone else's property, for fear of injuring themselves. dishonorable act anger of higher powers.

16) When the Aleuts divide the spoils, they carefully ensure that everyone gets an equal share. But if one of the hunters shows greed and demands more for himself, then they do not argue with him, do not quarrel: everyone gives him their share and leaves silently.The debater gets everything, but, having received a heap of meat, he realizes that he has lost the respect of his fellow tribesmen. and hurries to beg their forgiveness.

17) The ancient Babylonians, wanting to punish a guilty person, whipped his clothes with a whip. But this did not make it any easier for the criminal: he saved his body, but his dishonored soul bled to death.

18) English navigator, scientist and poet Walter Raleigh fought fiercely against Spain all his life. The enemies have not forgotten this. When the warring countries began long negotiations for peace, the Spaniards demanded that Raleigh be given to them. English king decided to sacrifice the brave navigator, justifying his betrayal by concern for the good of the state.

19) Parisians duringWorld War II found very effective way fight against fascists. When the enemyWhen an officer entered a tram or subway car, everyone got out together. The Germans, seeing such a silent protest, understood that they were opposed not by a pitiful bunch of dissenters, butan entire people, united by hatred of the invaders.

20) Czech hockey player M. Novy, as the best player on the team, was given a latest model Toyota. He asked to be paid the cost of the car and divided the money among all team members.

21) The famous revolutionary G. Kotovsky was sentenced to death by hanging for robbery. The fate of this extraordinary man worried the writer A. Fedorov, who began to work for pardon for the robber. He achieved the release of Kotovsky, and he solemnly promisedthe writer to repay him with kindness. A few years later, when Kotovsky became a Red commander, this writer came to him and asked him to save his son, who was captured by the security officers. Kotovsky, risking his life, rescued the young man from captivity.

The role of example. Human education

1) Important educational role plays an example in the lives of animals. It turns out that not all cats catchmice,although this reaction is considered instinctive. Scientists have found that kittens need to see how adult cats do it before they start catching mice. Kittens raised with mice rarely become mouse killers.

2) The world-famous rich man Rockefeller already showed the qualities of an entrepreneur in childhood. He divided the candies bought by his mother into three parts and sold them at a premium to his little sisters with a sweet tooth.

3) Many people tend to blame unfavorable conditions for everything: family, friends, lifestyle, rulers. But it is precisely struggle, overcoming difficulties that is the most important condition for full-fledged spiritual formation. It is no coincidence that folk tales true biography the hero begins only when he passes the test (fights a monster, saves a stolen bride, obtains a magic item).

4) I. Newton was a mediocre student at school. One day he was offended by a classmatewho bore the title of first student. And Newton decided to take revenge on him. He began to study in such a way that the title of the best went to him. The habit of achieving a goal has become main feature great scientist.

5) Tsar Nicholas 1 hired his son Alexander to educateIIthe outstanding Russian poet V. Zhukovsky. When the future mentor of the prince presented a plan for education, his father ordered that Latin and ancient Greek classes, which had tormented him as a child, be thrown out of this plan. He didn’t want his son to waste time on pointless cramming.

6) General Denikin recalled how, as a company commander, he tried to introduce relationships with soldiers based not on “blind” subordination to the commander, but on consciousness, understanding of orders, while trying to avoid harsh punishments. However, alas, the company soon found itself among the worst. Then, according to Denikin’s recollections, sergeant major Spepura intervened. He formed a company, raised his huge fist and, going around the formation, began to repeat: “This is not Captain Denikin!”

7) The blue shark gives birth to more than fifty pups.

But already in the mother’s womb, a ruthless struggle for survival begins between them, because there is not enough food for everyone. Only two are born into the world - these are the strongest, the most ruthlesspredators who wrested their right to exist in a bloody duel.

A world in which there is no love, in which the strongest survive, is a world of ruthless predators, a world of silent, cold sharks.

8) The teacher who taught the future scientist Fleming often took her students to the river, where the children found something interesting and enthusiastically discussed the next discovery. When an inspector came to check how well the children were being taught, the students and teacher hurriedly climbed into the classroom through the window and pretended to be enthusiastically engaged in science. They always passed the exam well, and no one knew. that children learn not only from books, but also through live communication with nature.

9) The formation of the outstanding Russian commander Alexander Suvorov was greatly influenced by two examples: Alexander the Great and Alexander Nevsky. His mother told him about them, who said that main strength a person not in his hands, but in his head. Trying to imitate these Alexanders, the fragile, sickly boy grew up and became a wonderful military leader.

10) Imagine that you are sailing on a ship that is overtaken by a terrible storm. Roaring wavesrise to the very heavens. The wind howls and tears off shreds of foam. Lightningcut through the lead-black clouds and drown in the abyss of the sea. The crew of the unfortunate ship is already tired of fighting the storm, in the pitch darkness the native shore is not visible, no one knows what to do, where to sail. But suddenly, through the impenetrable night, a bright beam of a lighthouse flashes, showing the way. Hope illuminates the eyes of the sailors with a joyful light; they believed in their salvation.

Great figures became something like beacons for humanity: their names, like guiding stars, showed the way to people. Mikhail Lomonosov, Jeanne d'Arc, Alexander Suvorov, Nikolai Vavilov, Leo Tolstoy - all of them became living examples of selfless devotion to their work and gave people faith in their own strength.

11) Childhood is like the soil into which seeds fall. They are tiny, you can't see them, but they are there. Then they begin to sprout. Biography human soul, human heart- this is the germination of seeds, their development into strong, large plants. Some become clean and bright colors, some - ears of grain, some - evil thistles.

12) They say what came to Shakespearethe young man asked:

II want to become just like you. What do I need to do to become Shakespeare?

Iwanted to become a god, but only became Shakespeare. Who will you be if you want to become just me? - the great playwright answered him.

13) Science knows many cases where a child, abducted by wolves, bears or monkeys, was raised: for several years away from people. He was then caught and returned to human society. In all these cases, a person who grew up among animals became a beast and lost almost all human characteristics. The children could not learn human speech and walked on all fours, whichattheir ability towalking upright, they barely learned to stand on two legs, children lived about the same age as the average life of the animals that raised them...

ABOUTwhat does this example say?ABOUTthat a child needs to be educated daily, hourly, and his development needs to be purposefully managed. About what is outside of human societychildturns into an animal.

14) Scientists have long been talking about the so-called<<пирамиде способностей». INat an early age there are almost no untalented children, there are already significantly fewer of them at school, and even fewer in universities, although they get there by competition; in adulthood, there remains a very insignificant percentage of truly talented people. It has been calculated, in particular, that only three percent of those engaged in scientific work actually move science forward. In socio-biological terms, the loss of talent with age is explained by the fact that a person needs the greatest abilities during the period of mastering the basics of life and self-affirmation in it, that is, in the early years; then acquired skills, stereotypes, acquired knowledge, firmly deposited in the brain, etc. begin to dominate in thinking and behavior. In this regard, a genius is “an adult who remains a child,” that is, a person who retains a heightened sense of novelty in relation to to things, to people, in general - to the world.

Rubric No. 8. “Always remain human!”

Arguments for the essay

1. Moral qualities of a person
2. Honor and dignity as the highest human values
3. Conflict between man and society
4. Man and social environment
5. Interpersonal relationships
6. Fear in human life

Affirmative theses
1. A person must always remain a person.
2. A person can be killed, but his honor cannot be taken away.
3. You need to believe in yourself and remain yourself.
4. The character of a slave is determined by the social environment, and a strong personality itself influences the world around him.

1. To be born, live and die, you need a lot of courage (English writer).
2. If they give you lined paper, write across it (J. R. Jimenez, Spanish writer).
3. There is no fate that contempt cannot overcome (A. Camus, French writer and philosopher).
4. Go forward and never die (W. Tennyson, English poet).
5. If the main goal in life is not the number of years lived, but honor and dignity, then what difference does it make when you die (D. Orwell, English writer).
6. A person is created by his resistance to the environment (M. Gorky, Russian writer).

Honor is dishonor. Loyalty is betrayal
1) The poet John Brown received the Enlightenment project from the Russian Empress Catherine, but could not come because he was ill. However, he had already received money from her, so, saving his honor, he committed suicide.
2) The renowned figure of the Great French Revolution, Jean-Paul Marat, who was called the “Friend of the People,” was distinguished from childhood by a heightened sense of self-esteem. One day, his home teacher hit him in the face with a pointer. Marat, who was 11 years old at the time, refused to accept food. The parents, angry at their son's stubbornness, locked him in his room. Then the boy broke the window and jumped out into the street, the adults gave up, but Marat’s face remained scarred for life from the glass cut. This scar has become a kind of sign of the struggle for human dignity, because the right to be oneself, the right to be free is not given to a person initially, but is won by him in confrontation with tyranny and obscurantism.
3) During the Second World War, the Germans persuaded a criminal to play the role of a famous Resistance hero for a large monetary reward. He was put in a cell with the arrested underground members so that he could learn from them all the necessary information. But the criminal, feeling the care of strangers, their respect and love, suddenly abandoned the pitiful role of an informer, did not reveal the information he had heard from the underground, and was shot.
4) During the Titanic disaster, Baron Guggenheim gave up his place in the boat to a woman with a child, and he himself carefully shaved and accepted death with dignity.
5) During the Crimean War, a certain brigade commander (minimum - colonel, maximum - general) promised to give half of what he “saves” from the amounts allocated to his brigade as a dowry for his daughter. Money-grubbing, theft, and betrayal in the army led to the fact that, despite the heroism of the soldiers, the country suffered a shameful defeat.
6) One of the prisoners of Stalin’s camps recounted such an incident in his memoirs. The guards, wanting to have fun, forced the prisoners to do squats. Confused by beatings and hunger, people began to obediently carry out this ridiculous order. But there was one person who, despite the threats, refused to obey. And this act reminded everyone that a person has honor that no one can take away.
7) Historians report that after Tsar Nicholas II abdicated the throne, some officers who swore allegiance to the sovereign committed suicide because they considered it dishonorable to serve someone else.
8) During the most difficult days of the defense of Sevastopol, the outstanding Russian naval commander Admiral Nakhimov received news of a high reward. Having learned about this, Nakhimov said irritably: “It would be better if they sent me cannonballs and gunpowder!”
9) The Swedes, who besieged Poltava, invited the townspeople to surrender. The position of the besieged was desperate: there was no gunpowder, no cannonballs, no bullets, no strength left to fight. But the people gathered in the square decided to stand until the end. Fortunately, the Russian army soon arrived and the Swedes had to lift the siege.
10) B. Zhitkov in one of his stories depicts a man who was very afraid of cemeteries. One day a little girl got lost and asked to be taken home. The road went past the cemetery. The man asked the girl: “Aren’t you afraid of the dead?” “I’m not afraid of anything with you!” - the girl answered, and these words forced the man to gather his courage and overcome the feeling of fear.
11) Many newspapers wrote about Major Dmitry Ostroverkhov.
A defective military grenade almost exploded in the hands of a young soldier. Seeing that something irreparable would happen in a few seconds, Dmitry kicked the grenade out of the soldier’s hands and covered him with himself. Risky is not the right word. A grenade exploded very close. And the officer has a wife and a one-year-old daughter.
12) During the assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander 11, a carriage was damaged by a bomb explosion. The coachman begged the sovereign not to leave it and rather go to the palace. But the emperor could not abandon the bleeding guards, so he got out of the carriage. At this time, a second explosion occurred, and Alexander -2 was mortally wounded.
13) Betrayal has always been considered a vile act that dishonors a person’s honor. So, for example, a provocateur who betrayed members of Petrashevsky’s circle to the police (the great writer F. Dostoevsky was among those arrested) was promised a well-paid job as a reward. But, despite the zealous efforts of the police, all St. Petersburg mayors refused the services of the traitor.
14) The English athlete Crowhurst decided to take part in the round-the-world single yacht race. He had neither the experience nor the skill required for such a competition, but he urgently needed money to pay off his debts. The athlete decided to outwit everyone, he decided to wait out the main time of the race, and then appear on the track at the right moment in order to finish before the rest. When it seemed that the plan was a success, the yachtsman realized that he could not live, violating the laws of honor, and he committed suicide.
15) There is a species of birds in which the males have a short and hard beak, and the females have a long and curved beak. It turns out that these birds live in pairs and always help each other: the male breaks through the bark, and the female uses her beak to look for larvae. This example shows that even in the wild, many creatures form a harmonious unity. Moreover, people have such lofty concepts as fidelity, love, friendship - these are not just abstractions invented by naive romantics, but really existing feelings, conditioned by life itself.
16) One traveler said that the Eskimos gave him a large bunch of dried fish. Hurrying to the ship, he forgot her in the tent. Returning six months later, he found this bundle in the same place. The traveler learned that the tribe had experienced a difficult winter, people were very hungry, but no one dared to touch someone else’s property, fearing to incur the wrath of higher powers by a dishonest act.
17) When the Aleuts divide the spoils, they carefully ensure that everyone gets an equal share. But if one of the hunters shows greed and demands more for himself, then they do not argue with him, do not quarrel: everyone gives him their share and leaves silently. The debater gets everything, but, having received a heap of meat, he realizes that he has lost the respect of his fellow tribesmen. and hurries to beg their forgiveness.
18) The ancient Babylonians, wanting to punish a guilty person, whipped his clothes with a whip. But this did not make it any easier for the criminal: he saved his body, but his dishonored soul bled to death.
19) The English navigator, scientist and poet Walter Raleigh fought fiercely against Spain all his life. The enemies did not forget this. When the warring countries began long negotiations for peace, the Spaniards demanded that Raleigh be given to them. The English king decided to sacrifice the brave navigator, justifying his betrayal by concern for the good of the state.
20) During the Second World War, Parisians found a very effective way to fight the Nazis. When an enemy officer entered a tram or subway car, everyone got out together. The Germans, seeing such a silent protest, understood that they were opposed not by a pitiful handful of dissenters, but by an entire people, united by hatred of the invaders.
21) Czech hockey player M. Novy, as the best player on the team, was given a latest model Toyota. He asked to be paid the cost of the car and divided the money among all team members.
22) The famous revolutionary G. Kotovsky was sentenced to death by hanging for robbery. The fate of this extraordinary man worried the writer A. Fedorov, who began to work for pardon for the robber. He achieved the release of Kotovsky, and he solemnly promised the writer to repay him with kindness. A few years later, when Kotovsky became a red commander, this writer came to him and asked him to save his son, who was captured by the security officers. Kotovsky, risking his life, rescued the young man from captivity.

The role of example. Human education
1) An important educational role is played by example in the life of animals. It turns out that not all cats catch mice, although this reaction is considered instinctive. Scientists have found that kittens need to see how adult cats do it before they start catching mice. Kittens raised with mice rarely become mouse killers.
2) The world-famous rich man Rockefeller already showed the qualities of an entrepreneur in childhood. He divided the candies bought by his mother into three parts and sold them at a premium to his little sisters with a sweet tooth.
3) Many people tend to blame unfavorable conditions for everything: family, friends, lifestyle, rulers. But it is precisely struggle, overcoming difficulties that is the most important condition for full-fledged spiritual formation. It is no coincidence that in folk tales the true biography of the hero begins only when he passes a test (fights a monster, saves a stolen bride, obtains a magic object).
4) I. Newton studied at school mediocrely. One day he was offended by a classmate who held the title of first student. And Newton decided to take revenge on him. He began to study in such a way that the title of the best went to him. The habit of achieving the set goal became the main feature of the great scientist.
5) Tsar Nicholas I hired the outstanding Russian poet V. Zhukovsky to educate his son Alexander II. When the future mentor of the prince presented an education plan, his father ordered that Latin and Ancient Greek classes, which had tormented him as a child, be thrown out of this plan. He didn’t want his son to waste time on pointless cramming.
6) General Denikin recalled how, as a company commander, he tried to introduce relationships with soldiers based not on “blind” obedience to the commander, but on consciousness, understanding of orders, while trying to avoid harsh punishments. However, alas, the company soon found itself among the worst. Then, according to Denikin’s recollections, sergeant major Stepura intervened. He formed a company, raised his huge fist and, going around the formation, began to repeat: “This is not Captain Denikin!”
7) A blue shark bears more than fifty babies. But already in the mother’s womb, a ruthless struggle for survival begins between them, because there is not enough food for everyone. Only two are born into the world - these are the strongest, most merciless predators who wrested their right to existence in a bloody duel.
A world in which there is no love, in which the strongest survive, is a world of ruthless predators, a world of silent, cold sharks.
8) The teacher who taught the future scientist Fleming often took her students to the river, where the children found something interesting and enthusiastically discussed the next discovery. When the inspector arrived to check how well the children were being taught, the students and teacher hurriedly climbed into the classroom through the window and pretended to be enthusiastically engaged in science. They always passed the exam well, and no one knew. that children learn not only from books, but also through live communication with nature.
9) The formation of the outstanding Russian commander Alexander Suvorov was greatly influenced by two examples: Alexander the Great and Alexander Nevsky. His mother told him about them, who said that the main strength of a person is not in his hands, but in his head. Striving to imitate these Alexanders, the fragile, sickly boy grew up to become a remarkable military leader.
10) Imagine that you are sailing on a ship that is overtaken by a terrible storm. Roaring waves rise to the very skies. The wind howls and tears off shreds of foam. Lightning cuts through the lead-black clouds and sinks into the abyss of the sea. The crew of the unfortunate ship is already tired of fighting the storm, in the pitch darkness the native shore is not visible, no one knows what to do, where to sail. But suddenly, through the impenetrable night, a bright beam of a lighthouse flashes, showing the way. Hope illuminates the eyes of the sailors with a joyful light; they believed in their salvation.
Great figures became something like lighthouses for humanity: their names, like guiding stars, showed the way to people. Mikhail Lomonosov, Jeanne d'Arc, Alexander Suvorov, Nikolai Vavilov, Leo Tolstoy - all of them became living examples of selfless devotion to their work and gave people faith in their own strength.
11) Childhood is like the soil into which seeds fall. They are tiny, you can't see them, but they are there. Then they begin to sprout. The biography of the human soul, the human heart is the germination of seeds, their development into strong, large plants. Some become pure and bright flowers, some become ears of grain, some become evil thistles.
12) They say that a young man came to Shakespeare and asked:
- I want to become just like you. What do I need to do to become Shakespeare?
- I wanted to become a god, but I only became Shakespeare. Who will you be if you want to become just me? - the great playwright answered him.
13) Science knows many cases where a child, abducted by wolves, bears or monkeys, was raised: for several years away from people. He was then caught and returned to human society. In all these cases, a person who grew up among animals became a beast and lost almost all human characteristics. Children could not learn human speech, walked on all fours, so that their ability to walk upright disappeared, they barely learned to stand on two legs, children lived about the same age as the average life of the animals that raised them...
What does this example say? About the fact that a child needs to be raised daily, hourly, and his development needs to be purposefully managed. About the fact that outside of society, a human child turns into an animal.
14) Scientists have long been talking about the so-called Rubric No. 7. “Remember your name!”

Arguments for the essay

1. Historical memory
2. Attitude to cultural heritage
3. The role of cultural traditions in the moral development of a person
4. Fathers and sons

Affirmative theses
1. Without the past there is no future.
2. A people deprived of historical memory turns into dust carried by the wind of time.
3. Penny idols should not replace real heroes who sacrificed themselves for their people.

1. The past is not dead. It didn't even pass (Faulkner, American writer).
2. He who does not remember his past is doomed to relive it again (D. Santayana, American philosopher).
3. Remember those who were, without whom you would not be (V. Talnikov, Russian writer).
4. A people dies when it becomes a population. And it becomes a population when it forgets its history (F. Abramov, Russian writer).

1) Let's imagine people who start building a house in the morning, and the next day, without finishing what they started, they begin building a new house. Such a picture can cause nothing but bewilderment. But this is exactly what people do when they reject the experience of their ancestors and, as it were, begin to build their “home” anew.
2) A person who looks into the distance from a mountain can see more. Likewise, a person who relies on the experience of his predecessors sees much further, and his path to the truth becomes shorter.
3) When a people mocks their ancestors, their worldview, their philosophy, customs, they face the same fate
prepares himself too. Descendants will grow up and they will laugh at their fathers. But progress does not lie in denying the old, but in creating the new.
4) The arrogant footman Yasha from A. Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard” does not remember his mother and dreams of leaving for Paris as soon as possible. He is the living embodiment of unconsciousness.
5) Ch. Aitmatov in the novel “Stormy Stop” tells the legend about the Mankurts. Mankurts are people forcibly deprived of memory. One of them kills his mother, who was trying to free her son from unconsciousness. And over the steppe her desperate cry sounds: “Remember your name!”
6) Bazarov, who disdains the “old men”, denies their moral principles, dies from a trifling scratch. And this dramatic ending shows the lifelessness of those who have broken away from the “soil”, from the traditions of their people.
7) One science fiction story tells about the fate of people who fly on a huge spaceship. They have been flying for many years, and the new generation does not know where the ship is flying, where the final destination of their centuries-long journey is. People are gripped by painful melancholy, their lives are devoid of song. This story is an alarming reminder to all of us of how dangerous the gap between generations is, how dangerous the loss of memory is.
8) The conquerors of antiquity burned books and destroyed monuments in order to deprive the people of historical memory.
9) The ancient Persians forbade enslaved peoples to teach their children literacy and music. This was the most terrible punishment, because living threads with the past were severed and the national culture was destroyed.
10) At one time, the futurists put forward the slogan “Throw Pushkin off the ship of modernity.” But it is impossible to create in emptiness. It is no coincidence that in the work of the mature Mayakovsky there is a living connection with the traditions of Russian classical poetry.
11) During the Great Patriotic War, the film “Alexander Nevsky” was shot so that the Soviet people would have spiritual sons, a sense of unity with the “heroes” of the past.
12) The outstanding physicist M. Curie refused to patent her discovery and declared that it belonged to all of humanity. She said that she could not have discovered radioactivity without the great predecessors.
13) Tsar Peter 1 knew how to look far ahead, knowing that future generations would reap the fruits of his efforts. One day Peter was planting acorns. noticed. as one of the nobles present smiled skeptically. The angry king said: “I understand! Do you think that I will not live to see the mature oak trees. Is it true! But you are a fool; I leave an example for others to do the same, and over time their descendants build ships from them. I’m not working for myself, it’s for the benefit of the state in the future.”
14) When parents do not understand the aspirations of their children, do not understand their life goals, this often leads to an insoluble conflict. Anna Korvin-Krukovskaya, the sister of the famous mathematician S. Kovalevskaya, was successfully engaged in literary creativity in her youth. One day she received a favorable review from F. M. Dostoevsky, who offered her cooperation in his magazine. When Anna's father found out that his unmarried daughter was corresponding with a man, he was furious.
“Today you sell your stories, and then you will start selling yourself!” - he attacked the girl.
15) The Great Patriotic War, like a bleeding wound, will forever trouble the heart of every person. The siege of Leningrad, in which hundreds of thousands of people died from hunger and cold, became one of the most dramatic pages of our history. An elderly resident of Germany, feeling the guilt of her people towards the dead, left a will to transfer her monetary inheritance to the needs of the Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery in St. Petersburg.
16) Very often children are ashamed of their parents, who seem ridiculous, out-of-date, and backward to them. One day, in front of a cheering crowd, a wandering jester began to ridicule the young ruler of a small Italian town because his mother was a simple laundress. And what did the angry lord do? He ordered his mother to be killed! Of course, such an act by a young monster will naturally cause indignation in every normal person. But let's look inside ourselves: how often have we felt awkward, annoyed and irritated when our parents allowed themselves to express their opinions in front of our peers?
17) It’s not for nothing that time is called the best judge. The Athenians, not understanding the greatness of the truths discovered by Socrates, condemned him to death. But very little time passed, and people realized that they had killed a man who stood above them in spiritual development. The judges who pronounced the death sentence were expelled from the city, and a bronze monument was erected to the philosopher. And now the name of Socrates has become the embodiment of man’s restless desire for truth and knowledge.
18) One of the newspapers wrote an article about a lonely woman who, desperate to find a decent job, began feeding her infant son special medicines. to cause epilepsy in him. Then she would be given a pension to care for a sick child.
19) One day, one sailor, annoying the entire crew with his playful antics, was washed away by a wave into the sea. He found himself surrounded by a school of sharks. The ship was quickly moving away, there was nowhere to wait for help. Then the sailor, a convinced atheist, remembered a picture from his childhood: his grandmother praying at the icon. He began to repeat her words, crying out to God. A miracle happened: the sharks did not touch him, and four hours later, noticing the sailor was missing, the ship returned for him. After the voyage, the sailor asked the old woman for forgiveness for making fun of her faith as a child.
20) The eldest son of Tsar Alexander II was bedridden and was already dying. The Empress visited the Grand Duke every day after the obligatory stroller walk. But one day Nikolai Alexandrovich felt worse and decided to rest during the hours of his mother’s usual visit to him. As a result, they did not see each other for several days, and Maria Alexandrovna shared with one of her maids of honor her annoyance at this circumstance. “Why don’t you go at another hour?” - she was surprised. "No. This is inconvenient for me,” answered the empress, unable to break the established order even when it came to the life of her beloved son.
21) When in 1712 Tsarevich Alexei returned from abroad, where he spent about three years, Father Peter 1 asked him if he had forgotten what he had studied, and immediately ordered him to bring the drawings. Alexey, fearing that his father would force him to make a drawing in his presence, decided to avoid the exam in the most cowardly way. He “intended to ruin his right hand” with a shot in the palm. He lacked the determination to seriously carry out his intention, and the matter was limited to a burn on his hand. The simulation nevertheless saved the prince from the exam.
22) A Persian legend tells of an arrogant sultan who, while hunting, was separated from his servants and, getting lost, came across a shepherd’s hut. Exhausted by thirst, he asked for a drink. The shepherd poured water into a jug and handed it to the bishop. But the Sultan, seeing the inconspicuous vessel, knocked it out of the shepherd’s hands and angrily exclaimed:
“I have never drunk from such vile jugs,” the broken vessel said:
- Ah, Sultan! It’s in vain that you disdain me! I am your great-grandfather, and I was once, like you, a sultan. When I died, I was buried in a magnificent tomb, but time turned me into dust, which mixed with clay. The potter, having dug up that clay, made many pots and vessels from it. Therefore, lord, do not despise the simple earth from which you came and into which you will someday turn.
23) There is a tiny piece of land in the Pacific Ocean - Easter Island. On this island there are cyclopean stone sculptures that have long excited the minds of scientists around the world. Why did people build these huge statues? How did the islanders manage to lift multi-ton blocks of stone? But the local residents (and there are just over 2 thousand of them left) do not know the answers to these questions: the thread connecting generations has been broken, the experience of their ancestors is irretrievably lost, and only silent stone colossi remind of the great achievements of the past.

1. Problems

1. Moral qualities of a person

2. Honor and dignity as the highest human values

3. Conflict between man and society

4. Man and social environment

5. Interpersonal relationships

6. Fear in human life

P. Affirmative theses

1. A person must always remain a person.

2. A person can be killed, but his honor cannot be taken away.

3. You need to believe in yourself and remain yourself.

4. The character of a slave is determined by the social environment, and a strong personality itself influences the world around him.

PI. Quotes

1. To be born, live and die, you need a lot of courage (English writer).

2. If they give you lined paper, write across it (J. R. Jimenez, Spanish writer).

3. There is no fate that contempt cannot overcome (A. Camus, French writer and philosopher).

4. Go forward and never die (W. Tennyson, English poet).

5. If the main goal in life is not the number of years lived, but honor and dignity, then what difference does it make when you die (D. Orwell, English writer).

6. A person is created by his resistance to the environment (M. Gorky, Russian writer).

IV. Arguments

Honor is dishonor. Loyalty is betrayal

1) The poet John Brown received the Enlightenment project from the Russian Empress Catherine, but could not come because he was ill. However, he had already received money from her, so, saving his honor, he committed suicide.

2) The renowned figure of the Great French Revolution, Jean-Paul Marat, who was called the “Friend of the People,” was distinguished from childhood by a heightened sense of self-esteem. One day, his home teacher hit him in the face with a pointer. Marat, who was 11 years old at the time, refused to accept food. The parents, angry at their son's stubbornness, locked him in his room. Then the boy broke the window and jumped out into the street, the adults gave up, but Marat’s face remained scarred for life from the glass cut. This scar has become a kind of sign of the struggle for human dignity, because the right to be oneself, the right to be free is not given to a person initially, but is won by him in confrontation with tyranny and obscurantism.

2) During the Second World War, the Germans persuaded a criminal to play the role of a famous Resistance hero for a large monetary reward. He was put in a cell with the arrested underground members so that he could learn from them all the necessary information. But the criminal, feeling the care of strangers, their respect and love, suddenly abandoned the pitiful role of an informer, did not reveal the information he had heard from the underground, and was shot.

3) During the Titanic disaster, Baron Guggenheim gave up his place in the boat to a woman with a child, and he himself carefully shaved and accepted death with dignity.

4) During the Crimean War, a certain brigade commander (minimum - colonel, maximum - general) promised to give half of what he “saves” from the amounts allocated to his brigade as a dowry for his daughter. Money-grubbing, theft, and betrayal in the army led to the fact that, despite the heroism of the soldiers, the country suffered a shameful defeat.

5) One of the prisoners of Stalin’s camps recounted such an incident in his memoirs. The guards, wanting to have fun, forced the prisoners to do squats. Confused by beatings and hunger, people began to obediently carry out this ridiculous order. But there was one person who, despite the threats, refused to obey. And this act reminded everyone that a person has honor that no one can take away.

6) Historians report that after Tsar Nicholas II abdicated the throne, some officers who swore allegiance to the sovereign committed suicide because they considered it dishonorable to serve someone else.

7) During the most difficult days of the defense of Sevastopol, the outstanding Russian naval commander Admiral Nakhimov received news of a high reward. Having learned about this, Nakhimov said irritably: “It would be better if they sent me cannonballs and gunpowder!”

8) The Swedes, who besieged Poltava, invited the townspeople to surrender. The position of the besieged was desperate: there was no gunpowder, no cannonballs, no bullets, no strength left to fight. But the people gathered in the square decided to stand until the end. Fortunately, the Russian army soon arrived and the Swedes had to lift the siege.

9) B. Zhitkov in one of his stories depicts a man who was very afraid of cemeteries. One day a little girl got lost and asked to be taken home. The road went past the cemetery. The man asked the girl: “Aren’t you afraid of the dead?” “I’m not afraid of anything with you!” - the girl answered, and these words forced the man to gather his courage and overcome the feeling of fear.

A defective military grenade almost exploded in the hands of a young soldier. Seeing that something irreparable would happen in a few seconds, Dmitry kicked the grenade out of the soldier’s hands and covered him with himself. Risky is not the right word. A grenade exploded very close. And the officer has a wife and a one-year-old daughter.

11) During the assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander 11, a bomb damaged the carriage. The coachman begged the sovereign not to leave it and rather go to the palace. But the emperor could not abandon the bleeding guards, so he got out of the carriage. At this time, a second explosion occurred, and Alexander -2 was mortally wounded.

12) Betrayal has always been considered a vile act, dishonoring a person’s honor. So, for example, a provocateur who betrayed members of Petrashevsky’s circle to the police (the great writer F. Dostoevsky was among those arrested) was promised a well-paid job as a reward. But, despite the zealous efforts of the police, all St. Petersburg mayors refused the services of the traitor.

13) The English athlete Crowhurst decided to take part in the round-the-world single yacht race. He had neither the experience nor the skill required for such a competition, but he urgently needed money to pay off his debts. The athlete decided to outwit everyone, he decided to wait out the main time of the race, and then appear on the track at the right moment in order to finish before the rest. When it seemed that the plan was a success, the yachtsman realized that he could not live, violating the laws of honor, and he committed suicide.

14) There is a species of birds in which the males have a short and hard beak, and the females have a long and curved beak. It turns out that these birds live in pairs and always help each other: the male breaks through the bark, and the female uses her beak to look for larvae. This example shows that even in the wild, many creatures form a harmonious unity. Moreover, people have such lofty concepts as fidelity, love, friendship - these are not just abstractions invented by naive romantics, but really existing feelings, conditioned by life itself.

15) One traveler said that the Eskimos gave him a large bunch of dried fish. Hurrying to the ship, he forgot her in the tent. Returning six months later, he found this bundle in the same place. The traveler learned that the tribe had experienced a difficult winter, people were very hungry, but no one dared to touch someone else’s property, fearing to incur the wrath of higher powers by a dishonest act.

16) When the Aleuts divide the spoils, they carefully ensure that everyone gets an equal share. But if one of the hunters shows greed and demands more for himself, then they do not argue with him, do not quarrel: everyone gives him their share and leaves silently. The debater gets everything, but, having received a heap of meat, he realizes that he has lost the respect of his fellow tribesmen. and hurries to beg their forgiveness.

17) The ancient Babylonians, wanting to punish a guilty person, whipped his clothes with a whip. But this did not make it any easier for the criminal: he saved his body, but his dishonored soul bled to death.

18) The English navigator, scientist and poet Walter Raleigh fought fiercely against Spain all his life. The enemies did not forget this. When the warring countries began long negotiations for peace, the Spaniards demanded that Raleigh be given to them. The English king decided to sacrifice the brave navigator, justifying his betrayal by concern for the good of the state.

19) During the Second World War, Parisians found a very effective way to fight the Nazis. When an enemy officer entered a tram or subway car, everyone got out together. The Germans, seeing such a silent protest, understood that they were opposed not by a pitiful handful of dissenters, but by an entire people, united by hatred of the invaders.

20) Czech hockey player M. Novy, as the best player on the team, was given a latest model Toyota. He asked to be paid the cost of the car and divided the money among all team members.

21) The famous revolutionary G. Kotovsky was sentenced to death by hanging for robbery. The fate of this extraordinary man worried the writer A. Fedorov, who began to work for pardon for the robber. He achieved the release of Kotovsky, and he solemnly promised the writer to repay him with kindness. A few years later, when Kotovsky became a red commander, this writer came to him and asked him to save his son, who was captured by the security officers. Kotovsky, risking his life, rescued the young man from captivity.

The role of example. Human education

1) An important educational role is played by example in the life of animals. It turns out that not all cats catch mice, although this reaction is considered instinctive. Scientists have found that kittens need to see how adult cats do it before they start catching mice. Kittens raised with mice rarely become mouse killers.

2) The world-famous rich man Rockefeller already showed the qualities of an entrepreneur in childhood. He divided the candies bought by his mother into three parts and sold them at a premium to his little sisters with a sweet tooth.

3) Many people tend to blame unfavorable conditions for everything: family, friends, lifestyle, rulers. But it is precisely struggle, overcoming difficulties that is the most important condition for full-fledged spiritual formation. It is no coincidence that in folk tales the true biography of the hero begins only when he passes a test (fights a monster, saves a stolen bride, obtains a magic object).

4) I. Newton studied at school mediocrely. One day he was offended by a classmate who held the title of first student. And Newton decided to take revenge on him. He began to study in such a way that the title of the best went to him. The habit of achieving the set goal became the main feature of the great scientist.

5) Tsar Nicholas 1 hired the outstanding Russian poet V. Zhukovsky to educate his son Alexander II. When the future mentor of the prince presented an education plan, his father ordered that Latin and Ancient Greek classes, which had tormented him as a child, be thrown out of this plan. He didn’t want his son to waste time on pointless cramming.

6) General Denikin recalled how, as a company commander, he tried to introduce relationships with soldiers based not on “blind” obedience to the commander, but on consciousness, understanding of orders, while trying to avoid harsh punishments. However, alas, the company soon found itself among the worst. Then, according to Denikin’s recollections, sergeant major Spepura intervened. He formed a company, raised his huge fist and, going around the formation, began to repeat: “This is not Captain Denikin!”

7) A blue shark bears more than fifty babies.

But already in the mother’s womb, a ruthless struggle for survival begins between them, because there is not enough food for everyone. Only two are born into the world - these are the strongest, most merciless predators who wrested their right to existence in a bloody duel.

A world in which there is no love, in which the strongest survive, is a world of ruthless predators, a world of silent, cold sharks.

8) The teacher who taught the future scientist Fleming often took her students to the river, where the children found something interesting and enthusiastically discussed the next discovery. When the inspector arrived to check how well the children were being taught, the students and teacher hurriedly climbed into the classroom through the window and pretended to be enthusiastically engaged in science. They always passed the exam well, and no one knew. that children learn not only from books, but also through live communication with nature.

9) The formation of the outstanding Russian commander Alexander Suvorov was greatly influenced by two examples: Alexander the Great and Alexander Nevsky. His mother told him about them, who said that the main strength of a person is not in his hands, but in his head. Striving to imitate these Alexanders, the fragile, sickly boy grew up to become a remarkable military leader.

10) Imagine that you are sailing on a ship that is overtaken by a terrible storm. Roaring waves rise to the very skies. The wind howls and tears off shreds of foam. Lightning cuts through the lead-black clouds and sinks into the abyss of the sea. The crew of the unfortunate ship is already tired of fighting the storm, in the pitch darkness the native shore is not visible, no one knows what to do, where to sail. But suddenly, through the impenetrable night, a bright beam of a lighthouse flashes, showing the way. Hope illuminates the eyes of the sailors with a joyful light; they believed in their salvation.

Great figures became something like lighthouses for humanity: their names, like guiding stars, showed the way to people. Mikhail Lomonosov, Jeanne d'Arc, Alexander Suvorov, Nikolai Vavilov, Leo Tolstoy - all of them became living examples of selfless devotion to their work and gave people faith in their own strength.

11) Childhood is like the soil into which seeds fall. They are tiny, you can't see them, but they are there. Then they begin to sprout. The biography of the human soul, the human heart is the germination of seeds, their development into strong, large plants. Some become pure and bright flowers, some become ears of grain, some become evil thistles.

12) They say that a young man came to Shakespeare and asked:

I want to become just like you. What do I need to do to become Shakespeare?

I wanted to become a god, but I only became Shakespeare. Who will you be if you want to become just me? - the great playwright answered him.

13) Science knows many cases where a child, abducted by wolves, bears or monkeys, was raised: for several years away from people. He was then caught and returned to human society. In all these cases, a person who grew up among animals became a beast and lost almost all human characteristics. Children could not learn human speech, walked on all fours, so that their ability to walk upright disappeared, they barely learned to stand on two legs, children lived about the same age as the average life of the animals that raised them...

What does this example say? About the fact that a child needs to be raised daily, hourly, and his development needs to be purposefully managed. About the fact that outside of society, a human child turns into an animal.

14) Scientists have long been talking about the so-called<<пирамиде способностей». В раннем возрасте почти нет неталантливых детей, в школе их уже значительно меньше, еще меньше - в вузах, хотя туда проходят по конкурсу; во взрослом же возрасте остается совсем ничтожный процент по-настоящему талантливых людей. Подсчитано, в частности, что реально двигает науку вперед лишь три процента занятых научной работой. В социально-биологическом плане утрата талантливости с возрастом объясняется тем, что наибольшие способности нужны человеку в период освоения азов жизни и самоутверждения в ней, то есть в ранние годы; затем в мышлении и поведении начинают преобладать приобретенные навыки, стереотипы, усвоенные, прочно отложившиеся в мозгу знания и т. п. В этом плане гений - «взрослый, оставшийся ребенком», то есть человек, сохраняющий обостренное чувство новизны по отношению к вещам, к людям, вообще - к миру.