Literary direction of the novel Eugene Onegin. His character traits

The novel “Eugene Onegin,” the literary direction of which is the subject of this review, is one of the most famous works not only in domestic but also in world literature. He is of particular interest due to the fact that he discovered new page not only in the works of A. S. Pushkin, but also in the history of Russian fiction at all.

Briefly about the late work of the writer

The mature period in Pushkin’s life was marked by the transition from romanticism to realism, a vivid example of which is his famous novel"Eugene Onegin", the literary direction of which opened new stage in development literary prose in our country. In the 1830s. the poet became interested in the history of Russia, he began to think about modern socio-political problems, which worried him more and more as the socio-economic situation in the Russian Empire worsened.

In this regard, he moves away from the traditional romantic orientation and turns to a realistic depiction of the phenomena of the surrounding reality. The novel "Eugene Onegin", the literary direction of which has become fundamentally important stage V in this direction, became iconic not only in his work, but also in the cultural life of Russia in general, an indicator of which was the creation opera of the same name P.I. Tchaikovsky, which has firmly entered the world musical repertoire and still does not leave the stage of leading theaters.

Features of the work

Pushkin's novel in verse was distinguished by its fundamental novelty, since before him there was no experience in writing this kind works. "Eugene Onegin", whose literary direction ushered in the era of realism in Russian fiction, became significant event. It was written in a special stanza, which made the work sound so beautiful. Only the song of the peasants, created in imitation of folk chants, stands out, as well as Tatyana’s letter to the hero, which was written more in simple language as if in order to emphasize the sincerity of the heroine’s feelings.

Another feature of the work was its realistic depiction Russian life in the second quarter of the 19th century. The literary direction of the novel “Eugene Onegin” allowed the author to delve into detailed and detailed coverage of both the stormy metropolitan lifestyle and the simple rural life of the provincial outback.

Reflection of the life of the nobility in the novel

No work has reflected the history of Russian life as truthfully and reliably as the novel “Eugene Onegin.” The literary movement of realism, to which he belongs, proclaimed the principle of an objective depiction of the surrounding reality. This is exactly what Pushkin showed in his work.

The description of metropolitan life is colorful and detailed, since the author belonged to the noble class and therefore knew very well how the representatives of his circle spent their time. The writer very convincingly depicted the entertainment of the St. Petersburg nobility, their trips to the theater, banquets and feasts. At the same time, he mentioned the names of very famous people in his time, which should have given even more credibility to the work. The author's remarks amaze with their wit and subtle humor. The reader immediately gets the feeling that he becomes, as it were, a participant and spectator of these pictures, events and scenes.

Description of provincial life

It is indicative that the names Pushkin and Eugene Onegin (the literary direction of the novel is called realism) are quite often identified: many readers have the feeling that the writer and his hero are one character: the thoughts, feelings and experiences of the main character are so plausibly and reliably indicated . However, already when moving on to the description of nature and rural life, the difference between these people immediately becomes clear, which gives the work even greater realism.

The writer immediately declares his love for the countryside and nature, while the hero has a clear dislike for rural landscapes. Last topic deserves a separate discussion. The poet showed in great detail and truthfully the peaceful and calm life of the landowners mediocre in the Russian outback. He described their homes, daily routine, topics of conversation, character and customs. These sketches, scenes and paintings are striking in their authenticity, which is another undoubted advantage of the work.

The main character as a typical representative of his generation

The novel "Eugene Onegin", the literary direction of which determined the development of an entire stage of artistic prose throughout the second century. half of XIX century, became a role model for many. Subsequently, many writers began to portray heroes, following Pushkin, as typical representatives of the nobles of their time. But the undoubted merit in this belongs to Alexander Sergeevich, who very convincingly and reliably showed and embodied in his hero all the qualities inherent in young man from noble class in the first half of the 19th century.

His character traits

The question is which literary direction refers to "Eugene Onegin", perhaps one of the most interesting in the study Russian literature, precisely because it allows us to understand a lot about the personality of the main character. The image of the hero is a kind of cast from the young nobles of that time. He is lazy, free-spirited, somewhat educated, somewhat well read, and knows some tried and tested techniques for conducting a pleasant conversation in noble meetings. However, his problem is that for all his positive qualities and with his remarkable mind, he still cannot find his place, that is, he is in no way able to occupy a certain social niche in society.

The hero's relationships with others

One of Pushkin's most famous works is the novel Eugene Onegin. What literary movement does it represent? this novel- this is one of the most important questions for understanding the essence and inner meaning of this work. This question can be understood when considering the topic of the hero’s relationship with the people around him. The author deliberately contrasts his character with all the other people with whom fate confronts him, and shows that he is not able to at least somehow establish friendly relations with any of them.

He was almost immediately tired of the landowner neighbors, his friends from high society. Even with the narrator himself (by which Pushkin means himself), he had serious differences of opinion, despite the fact that they found a lot in common with each other. Last fact very indicative: after all, in this way the writer deduced new type so-called extra person, which began to be often used to reflect the noble class of the second quarter of the 19th century.

Reflection of the literary situation in the novel

The work in question is of great significance for understanding the development of various artistic movements in prose not only in Russia, but also abroad. The author's assessment of literary trends in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is very important for understanding the transition of writers of that time from romanticism to realism. Pushkin himself began as a romantic: his first poems were distinguished by the pathos of love of freedom, with which he paid tribute to the era and his time. However, being a great artist, he soon began to look for new ways to depict life and people. Moving on to realism, the author very subtly, witty and kindly joked about romanticism, which was just at that time becoming a thing of the past. Pushkin chose the famous Byron, who set the tone in poetry in the era under consideration, as the object of his sparkling but good-natured laughter.

Author's opinion about modern literature

In his novel, Pushkin made many references to contemporary poets and writers, which further increased the authenticity of his novel. He referred to many authors of the 18th century, whom he treated with obvious respect. In addition, his work contains quotes from many famous poets that time. For example, the epigraph to the novel was a statement from P. Vyazemsky’s poem “The First Snow.” It is these references that “Eugene Onegin” is famous for. The author's assessment of literary trends allows us to better understand not only the personality of Pushkin himself, but also the real historical situation in the development of Russian culture in the second quarter of the 19th century.

The meaning of the novel in literature

The role of the work “Eugene Onegin” is difficult to overestimate: after all, it laid the foundation for realism in prose and poetry. Under the sign of this direction, the development of domestic literature took place in the second half of the 19th century - a time that went down in cultural history under the name “Golden Age”. It is significant that it was the novel in verse that became the basis of a new literary movement. After all, all the major works of Pushkin’s successors were written in prose, and their authors: Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Turgenev and many others - it was not for nothing that they called the writer and poet their teacher. He laid the foundations for a realistic depiction of human psychology and a description of the surrounding reality.

It is not for nothing that the novel in verse is known and popular in the West, where by that time realism had also begun to gain a strong position in culture and prose. Written in an easy, beautiful and elegant language, the work immediately gained popularity among educated circles and the general reading public, rightfully earning the name “encyclopedia of Russian life.” And really, everything the most important points, facts, phenomena and development trends are reflected in a light and relaxed, but at the same time deep and serious poetic form.

"Eugene Onegin" as the first experience of realism

The significance of the novel also lies in the fact that it was the first step towards the establishment of that large-scale prose for which it is so famous. The type of “superfluous man”, derived by Pushkin, was subsequently repeated in different variations in the works of various authors, one way or another copying, adding, changing or deepening his psychological traits. The first attempt to create a full-fledged realistic work was crowned with great success, which was appreciated by the poet’s contemporaries.

Love in the understanding of Onegin and Tatiana.

(according to A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”)

In my essay I want to understand and understand what love means for Onegin and Tatyana. I would like to understand why Evgeniy and Tatyana did not stay together, and, in general, whether this is possible.

Evgeny Onegin is an extraordinary figure. He is successful in society, popular with ladies, but, nevertheless, he felt bored and left for the village. In this complex spiritual phenomenon called Eugene Onegin, there are two main centers. One of them is indifference, coolness, the other center is described in the first chapter “but what was his true genius” - and this is followed by a description of Eugene as a “genius of love”. At the beginning, it can be mistaken for irony, a grin, or the hero’s philandering. We see a free, fashionable, ardent rake, a renegade of fashionable pleasures, an enemy and a waste of order.

He sees no meaning in anything, is indifferent to everything except self-esteem and independence. The feeling of love is alien to him, only the “science of tender passion” is familiar. It is difficult to imagine that in a few years this callous character will comprehend a selfless, spontaneous, poetic feeling. Well, for now he sees in the girls only potential brides planning how to spend his fortune after the wedding. He perceived Olga and Tatyana in exactly the same way. He was surprised to learn that his friend (Lensky) was in love with Olga:

If only I were like you, poet

Olga has no life in her features

Exactly like Vandyk's Madonna

She's round and red-faced,

Like this stupid moon

On this stupid sky.

He admitted that if he were a poet, he would choose Tatyana. He is not a poet, but he notices the individuality and unusualness of the heroine. She attracted his interest with her mystery, elusiveness, spirituality, and depth. But he only singled her out from the two sisters, nothing more. The girl did not arouse any other interest in him. But his soul, incapable of deep feelings, was touched by Tatyana’s letter:

But, having received Tanya’s message,

Onegin was deeply touched:

The language of girlish dreams

He was disturbed by a swarm of thoughts.

After reading the letter, Onegin felt excitement in his soul; he had long, and perhaps never known, a real deep feeling that worried him so much. “Perhaps the old ardor of feelings took possession of him for a minute,” but Eugene returned from the clouds to the ground, overcoming his feelings, decided that they were not suitable for each other, and did not dare to tempt fate. The hero is endowed with intelligence, therefore he acts intelligently, consciously, but love and intelligence are different things. There are times when you need to “throw aside” your calculations, your head, and live with your heart. Eugene’s heart is “shackled in chains” and it is very difficult to break them.

After Lensky's death, we do not see the hero, he leaves, and returns completely different, the opposite. We don’t know what happened to the hero during his journey, what he thought about, what he understood, why he “removed the shackles from his heart,” but we see another person capable of feeling and loving, worrying and suffering. Perhaps he realized that he did the wrong thing by rejecting Tatyana, that in vain he decided not to try to live the fabulous, airy life that Lensky admired so much, but nothing can be returned, and the image of Tanya “melts” in Onegin’s memory.

His meeting with Tatyana in St. Petersburg was a surprise for him:

“Can it really be,” Eugene thinks, “is she really?..” both heroes have changed over these 2 years. Tatyana follows Evgeniy’s advice:

“Learn to control yourself,

not everyone will understand you like I do,

inexperience leads to disaster.”

Evgeny becomes sensual and vulnerable. He falls in love: he counts the hours until he meets Tanya; when he sees her, he is speechless. The hero is overwhelmed with feelings, he is gloomy, awkward, but this does not touch Tatyana’s soul:

He's barely awkward

The head answers her

He is full of gloomy thoughts.

He looks gloomily. She

sits, calm and free.

Inexperience is visible in all of Evgeniy’s actions; he never loved as much as he did now. He lived his youth - the time of love - as an adult, strict, indifferent man. Now that this time has passed, and the time has come for the real adult life, love makes him a boy, inexperienced and crazy.

In the anguish of loving thoughts

He spends both day and night.

He's happy if he throws it at her

Fluffy boa on the shoulder,

Or touches hotly

Her hands, or spread

Before her is a motley regiment of liveries,

Or he will lift the scarf for her.

Onegin rejoices at every minute of his life spent next to Tatyana. Does not pay attention to his appearance, painful state:

Onegin begins to turn pale:

She either can’t see it or isn’t sorry,

Onegin dries - and barely

He's no longer suffering from consumption.

With every action, Evgeniy wants to earn Tatyana’s attention and tender gaze, but she is insensitive and cold. She hid all her feelings far, far away, she “chained her heart with chains,” as Onegin once did. Tanya's current life is a masquerade. There is a mask on her face that looks quite natural, but not for Evgeniy. He saw her in a way that no one else around her now did. He knows tender and romantic, naive and in love, sensitive and vulnerable Tanya. The hero hopes that all this could not disappear without a trace, that under this mask hides the real face of the girl - the village Tatyana, who grew up on French novels and dreams of a big and pure love. For Evgeny, all this was very important, but gradually hope faded, and the hero decided to leave. On last explanation with Tatyana he “looks like a dead man.” His passion is similar to Tanya’s suffering in chapter 4. When the young man came to her house, he saw the real Tanya without a mask and pretense:

...A simple maiden

with dreams, the heart of former days,

now she has risen again in her.

We all see that village Tanya is alive, and her behavior is just an image, a cruel role. Now let's move to the village and try to understand what love means to Tanya at the beginning and at the end of the novel.

Tatyana, like Onegin, was a stranger in the family. She did not like noisy games, feasts, and was never affectionate towards her parents. Tanya lived in another parallel world, the world of books and dreams.

She liked novels early on;

They replaced everything for her:

She fell in love with deceptions

And Richardson and Russo.

from those around her, deep concentration on the internal movements of the soul makes love more powerful for Tatyana. In Onegin she saw everything best sides literary heroes, she fell in love with the image created by writers, society and Tatyana herself. She lives the dream, believes in a happy ending novel called life. But the dreams dissipate when Evgeniy answers her letter, flirts with Olga, and kills his friend. Then Tatyana understands that dreams and reality are different things. The hero of her dreams is far from humanity. The world of books and the world of people cannot exist together, they need to be separated. After all these events, Tatyana does not suffer, does not try to forget her lover, she wants to understand him. To do this, the girl visits Eugene’s house, in which she learns other, secret sides of Onegin. Only now Tanya begins to understand and comprehend the actions of the hero. But she understood him too late, he left, and it is unknown whether they will see each other again. Perhaps the girl would have lived with dreams of meeting, studying his soul, spending time in his house. But an event happened that changed Tanya’s life. She was taken to St. Petersburg, married, separated from native nature, books, the village world with the stories and fairy tales of the nanny, with her warmth, naivety, cordiality. Everything that she was separated from constituted the heroine’s favorite circle of life. In St. Petersburg, no one needs her; her provincial views seem strange and naively funny there. Therefore, Tanya decides that the best in in this case will hide under a mask. She hides her affections, becomes a model of “impeccable taste,” a true snapshot of nobility and sophistication. But I'm sure Tanya constantly remembers that a serene life full of hopes and dreams. She remembers her beloved quiet nature, she remembers Evgeniy. She does not try to “bury” the village Tanya, but simply does not show her to others. We see that internally Tanya has not changed at all, but now she has a husband, and she cannot recklessly surrender to love.

Reflecting on what love means for Tatyana at the end of the novel (since we already understood that at the beginning love played a big role in the heroine’s life), I came to this conclusion. Tanya has remained the same, so sometimes she allows herself to think and dream about a different life, full of love and tenderness. But she, who grew up in the spirit of the patriarchal nobility, cannot break the bonds of marriage, cannot build her happiness on the misfortune of her husband. Therefore, she surrenders to the will of fate, rejects love and lives in a world full of lies and pretense.

At the beginning of the novel, when the happiness of the heroes seems so close, Onegin rejects Tatyana. Why? Simply because he is not only cruel, but also noble. He understands that happiness will be short-lived and decides to reject Tanya immediately rather than gradually torment her. He sees the hopelessness of their relationship, so he decides to break up without starting. At the end of the novel the situation changes, the hero lives with his love, it means a lot to him. But now the heroine has the final say. But she also refuses the relationship. Again, why? The girl was brought up according to ancient customs. It is impossible for her to cheat on her husband or leave him. For this act, everyone would condemn her: family, society, and, first of all, herself. We see different tempers heroes, upbringing, worldview, different attitudes to love. To connect them, we need to change all these qualities, all these data, but then we will see not Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina, but completely different heroes, with different qualities. But who can guarantee that these people will be drawn to each other, like our heroes?

“Eugene Onegin” reflected the entire life of Russian society early XIX century. However, two centuries later, this work is interesting not only in historical and literary terms, but also in terms of the relevance of the questions that Pushkin posed to the reading public. Everyone, opening the novel, found something of their own in it, empathized with the characters, noted the lightness and mastery of the style. And quotes from this work have long become aphorisms, they are pronounced even by those who have not read the book itself.

A.S. Pushkin created this work for about 8 years (1823-1831). The history of the creation of “Eugene Onegin” began in Chisinau in 1823. It reflected the experience of “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, but the subject of the image was not historical and folklore characters, A modern heroes and the author himself. The poet also begins to work in line with realism, gradually abandoning romanticism. During the period of Mikhailovsky exile, he continued to work on the book, and completed it during his forced imprisonment in the village of Boldino (Pushkin was detained by cholera). Thus, creative history The work absorbed the most “fertile” years of the creator, when his skill evolved at breakneck speed. So his novel reflected everything that he learned during this time, everything that he knew and felt. Perhaps the work owes its depth to this circumstance.

The author himself calls his novel “a collection motley chapters“, each of the 8 chapters has relative independence, because the writing of “Eugene Onegin” took a long time, and each episode opened a certain stage in Pushkin’s life. The book was published in parts, each release becoming an event in the world of literature. The complete edition was published only in 1837.

Genre and composition

A.S. Pushkin defined his work as a novel in verse, emphasizing that it is lyrical-epic: the plot line, expressed by the love story of the heroes (epic beginning), is adjacent to digressions and author’s reflections (lyrical beginning). This is why the genre of Eugene Onegin is called a “novel.”

"Eugene Onegin" consists of 8 chapters. In the first chapters, readers are introduced to central character Evgeniy, they move with him to the village and meet their future friend - Vladimir Lensky. Further, the drama of the story increases due to the appearance of the Larin family, especially Tatyana. The sixth chapter is the culmination of the relationship between Lensky and Onegin and the escape of the main character. And at the end of the work there is a denouement storyline Evgeniy and Tatiana.

Lyrical digressions are related to the narrative, but it is also a dialogue with the reader; they emphasize the “free” form, the closeness to an intimate conversation. The same factor can explain the incompleteness and openness of the ending of each chapter and the novel as a whole.

About what?

A young nobleman, already disillusioned with life, inherits an estate in the village and goes there, hoping to dispel his blues. It begins with the fact that he was forced to sit with his sick uncle, who left his family nest to his nephew. However, the hero soon becomes bored with rural life; his existence would become unbearable if not for his acquaintance with the poet Vladimir Lensky. Friends are “ice and fire,” but differences did not interfere with friendly relations. will help you figure this out.

Lensky introduces his friend to the Larin family: the old mother, sisters Olga and Tatyana. The poet has long been in love with Olga, a flighty coquette. Much more serious and more complete character Tatiana, who herself falls in love with Evgeniy. Her imagination had been picturing a hero for a long time; all that remained was for someone to appear. The girl suffers, is tormented, writes a romantic letter. Onegin is flattered, but understands that he cannot respond to such a passionate feeling, so he gives a harsh rebuke to the heroine. This circumstance plunges her into depression, she anticipates trouble. And trouble really came. Onegin decides to take revenge on Lensky because of an accidental disagreement, but chooses a terrible means: he flirts with Olga. The poet is offended and challenges yesterday's friend to a duel. But the culprit kills the “slave of honor” and leaves forever. The essence of the novel “Eugene Onegin” is not even to show all this. The main thing worth paying attention to is the description of Russian life and the psychologism of the characters, which develops under the influence of the depicted atmosphere.

However, the relationship between Tatiana and Evgeniy is not over. They meet at a social evening, where the hero sees not a naive girl, but a mature woman in full splendor. And he falls in love. He is also tormented and writes a message. And he meets with the same rebuke. Yes, the beauty did not forget anything, but it’s too late, she was “given to someone else”: . The failed lover is left with nothing.

The main characters and their characteristics

The images of the heroes of “Eugene Onegin” are not a random selection characters. This is a miniature Russian society of that time, where all the known types of noble people are scrupulously listed: the poor landowner Larin, his secular but degenerate wife in the village, the exalted and insolvent poet Lensky, his flighty and frivolous passion, etc. All of them represent Imperial Russia during its heyday. No less interesting and original. Below is a description of the main characters:

  1. Eugene Onegin - main character novel. It carries within itself dissatisfaction with life, fatigue from it. Pushkin talks in detail about the environment in which the young man grew up, about how the environment shaped his character. Onegin's upbringing is typical of the nobles of those years: a superficial education aimed at being successful in decent society. He was not prepared for real business, but exclusively for secular entertainment. Therefore, from a young age I was tired of the empty glitter of balls. He has “direct nobility of soul” (he feels a friendly attachment to Lensky, does not seduce Tatyana, taking advantage of her love). The hero is capable of deep feelings, but is afraid of losing freedom. But, despite his nobility, he is an egoist, and narcissism underlies all his feelings. The essay contains the most detailed description of the character.
  2. Very different from Tatyana Larina, this image appears ideal: an integral, wise, devoted nature, ready to do anything for love. She grew up in a healthy environment, in nature, and not in the light, so real feelings are strong in her: kindness, faith, dignity. The girl loves to read, and in books she drew a special, romantic image, shrouded in mystery. It was this image that was embodied in Evgenia. And Tatyana gave herself up to this feeling with all passion, truthfulness and purity. She did not seduce, did not flirt, but took upon herself the courage to confess. This brave and honest act did not find a response in Onegin’s heart. He fell in love with her seven years later, when she shone in the world. Fame and wealth did not bring happiness to the woman; she married someone she didn’t love, but Eugene’s courtship is impossible, family vows are sacred to her. More about this in the essay.
  3. Tatyana's sister Olga has no idea great interest, there is not a single sharp corner in it, everything is rounded, it is not for nothing that Onegin compares it to the moon. The girl accepts Lensky's advances. And any other person, because why not accept, she is flirtatious and empty. There is immediately a huge difference between the Larin sisters. Youngest daughter took after her mother, a flighty socialite who was forcibly imprisoned in the village.
  4. However, it was the flirtatious Olga that the poet Vladimir Lensky fell in love with. Probably because it’s easy to fill the emptiness with your own content in dreams. The hero still burned with a hidden fire, felt subtly and analyzed little. He has high moral concepts, so he is alien to the light and is not poisoned by it. If Onegin talked and danced with Olga only out of boredom, then Lensky saw this as a betrayal, ex-friend became an insidious tempter of a sinless girl. In Vladimir’s maximalist perception, this is immediately a break in relations and a duel. The poet lost in it. The author poses the question, what could await the character if the outcome is favorable? The conclusion is disappointing: Lensky would have married Olga, become an ordinary landowner and become vulgar in routine vegetation. You may also need .
  5. Themes

  • The main theme of the novel “Eugene Onegin” is extensive - this is Russian life. The book shows life and upbringing in the world, in the capital, village life, customs and activities, typical and at the same time unique portraits of characters are drawn. Almost two centuries later, the heroes contain features inherent in modern people; these images are deeply national.
  • The theme of friendship is also reflected in Eugene Onegin. The main character and Vladimir Lensky were in close friendship. But can it be considered real? They got together by chance, out of boredom. Evgeniy sincerely became attached to Vladimir, who warmed the hero’s cold heart with his spiritual fire. However, just as quickly he is ready to insult a friend by flirting with his beloved, who is happy about it. Evgeny thinks only about himself, the feelings of other people are absolutely unimportant to him, so he could not save his comrade.
  • Love is also an important theme of the work. Almost all writers talk about it. Pushkin was no exception. In the image of Tatiana it is expressed true love. It can develop against all odds and remain for life. Nobody loved and will love Onegin as much as main character. If you miss this, you remain unhappy for the rest of your life. Unlike the sacrificial, all-forgiving feelings of the girl, Onegin’s emotions are self-love. He was afraid of a timid girl who had fallen in love for the first time, for whose sake he would have to give up the disgusting but familiar light. But Evgeny was captivated by the cold, secular beauty, with whom visiting was already an honor, let alone loving her.
  • Theme of the extra person. The trend of realism appears in Pushkin’s works. It was the environment that raised Onegin to be so disappointed. It was precisely this that preferred to see superficiality in the nobles, the focus of all their efforts on creating secular splendor. And nothing else is needed. On the contrary, education in folk traditions, society ordinary people made the soul healthy and the nature whole, like Tatyana’s.
  • Theme of devotion. Faithful to your first and most strong love Tatyana, and Olga is frivolous, changeable and ordinary. Larina's sisters are completely opposite. Olga reflects a typical secular girl, for whom the main thing is herself, her attitude towards her, and therefore she can change if there is a better option. As soon as Onegin said a couple of pleasant words, she forgot about Lensky, whose affection was much stronger. Tatyana’s heart is faithful to Evgeniy all her life. Even when he trampled on her feelings, she waited a long time and could not find another (again, unlike Olga, who was quickly consoled after Lensky's death). The heroine had to get married, but in her soul she continued to be faithful to Onegin, although love had ceased to be possible.


The problematics in the novel “Eugene Onegin” are very indicative. It reveals not only psychological and social, but also political shortcomings and even entire tragedies of the system. For example, the outdated, but no less creepy, drama of Tatyana’s mother is shocking. The woman was forced into marriage, and she broke under the pressure of circumstances, becoming an evil and despotic mistress of a hated estate. Here's what actual problems raised

  • The main problem that is raised throughout realism in general, and by Pushkin in Eugene Onegin in particular, is the destructive influence of secular society on the human soul. A hypocritical and greedy environment poisons the personality. It imposes external requirements of decency: a young man must know a little French, read a little fashionable literature, be decently and expensively dressed, that is, make an impression, seem, and not be. And all the feelings here are also false, they only seem. That's why secular society It takes away the best from people, it cools the brightest flame with its cold deception.
  • Eugenia’s blues is another problematic issue. Why does the main character become depressed? Not just because he was spoiled by society. main reason– he does not find the answer to the question: why all this? Why does he live? To go to theaters, balls and receptions? The absence of a vector, direction of movement, awareness of the meaninglessness of existence - these are the feelings that overcome Onegin. Here we are faced with the eternal problem of the meaning of life, which is so difficult to find.
  • The problem of selfishness is reflected in the image of the main character. Realizing that no one would love him in a cold and indifferent world, Eugene began to love himself more than anyone else in the world. Therefore, he doesn’t care about Lensky (he only relieves boredom), about Tatyana (she can take away his freedom), he thinks only about himself, but for this he is punished: he remains completely alone and is rejected by Tatyana.


The main idea of ​​the novel “Eugene Onegin” is to criticize the existing order of life, which dooms more or less extraordinary natures to loneliness and death. After all, there is so much potential in Evgenia, but there is no business, only social intrigue. There is so much spiritual fire in Vladimir, and besides death, only vulgarization in a feudal, suffocating environment can await him. There is so much spiritual beauty and intelligence in Tatyana, and she can only be the hostess of social evenings, dress up and carry on empty conversations.

People who do not think, do not reflect, do not suffer - these are the ones for whom the existing reality suits. This is a consumer society that lives at the expense of others, which shines while those “others” vegetate in poverty and filth. The thoughts that Pushkin thought about deserve attention to this day and remain important and pressing.

Another meaning of “Eugene Onegin”, which Pushkin laid down in his work, is to show how important it is to preserve individuality and virtue when temptations and fashions are rampant around, subjugating more than one generation of people. While Evgeny was chasing new trends and playing the cold and disappointed hero Byron, Tatyana listened to the voice of her heart and remained true to herself. Therefore, she finds happiness in love, albeit unrequited, and he finds only boredom in everything and everyone.

Features of the novel

The novel “Eugene Onegin” is a fundamentally new phenomenon in the literature of the early 19th century. He has a special composition - it is a “novel in verse”, a lyric-epic work of large volume. In lyrical digressions, the image of the author, his thoughts, feelings and ideas that he wants to convey to readers emerges.

Pushkin amazes with the ease and melodiousness of his language. His literary style is devoid of heaviness and didacticism; the author knows how to talk about complex and important things simply and clearly. Of course, a lot needs to be read between the lines, since harsh censorship was merciless even towards geniuses, but the poet is also not a natural person, so he was able to tell in the elegance of verse about the socio-political problems of his state, which were successfully hushed up in the press. It is important to understand that before Alexander Sergeevich, Russian poetry was different; he made a kind of “revolution of the game.”

The peculiarity also lies in the image system. Evgeny Onegin is the first in the gallery of “superfluous people”, who contain enormous potential that cannot be realized. Tatyana Larina “raised” female images from the place “the main character needs to love someone” to an independent and complete portrait of a Russian woman. Tatyana is one of the first heroines who looks stronger and more significant than the main character, and does not hide in his shadow. This is how the direction of the novel “Eugene Onegin” manifests itself - realism, which will more than once open the theme of the superfluous person and touch upon the difficult fate of women. By the way, we also described this feature in the essay “”.

Realism in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

"Eugene Onegin" marks Pushkin's transition to realism. In this novel, the author first raises the topic of man and society. A personality is not perceived separately, it is part of a society that educates, leaves a certain imprint or completely shapes people.

The main characters are typical, but at the same time unique. Eugene is an authentic secular nobleman: disappointed, superficially educated, but at the same time not like those around him - noble, intelligent, observant. Tatyana is an ordinary provincial young lady: she was brought up on French novels, filled with the sweet dreams of these works, but at the same time she is “Russian in soul,” wise, virtuous, loving, harmonious in nature.

It is precisely in the fact that for two centuries readers see themselves and their acquaintances in the heroes, it is precisely in the inescapable relevance of the novel that its realistic orientation is expressed.


The novel “Eugene Onegin” evoked a great response from readers and critics. According to E.A. Baratynsky: “Everyone interprets them in their own way: some praise them, others scold them, and everyone reads them.” Contemporaries criticized Pushkin for the “labyrinth of digressions”, for the insufficiently defined character of the main character, and careless language. The reviewer Thaddeus Bulgarin, who supported the government and conservative literature, especially distinguished himself.

However, V.G. understood the novel best. Belinsky, who called it “an encyclopedia of Russian life,” is a historical work, despite the absence of historical characters. Indeed, a modern amateur belles lettres can study “Eugene Onegin” from this point of view in order to learn more about the noble society of the early 19th century.

And a century later, the comprehension of the novel in verse continued. Yu.M. Lotman saw complexity and paradox in the work. This is not just a collection of quotes familiar from childhood, it is “ organic world" All this proves the relevance of the work and its significance for Russian national culture.

What does it teach?

Pushkin showed the life of young people and how their fate could turn out. Of course, fate depends not only on the environment, but also on the heroes themselves, but the influence of society is undeniable. The poet showed the main enemy that affects young nobles: idleness, aimlessness of existence. Alexander Sergeevich’s conclusion is simple: the creator calls not to limit oneself to secular conventions, stupid rules, but to live life to the fullest, guided by moral and spiritual components.

These ideas remain relevant today, before modern people Often a choice arises: to live in harmony with oneself or to break oneself for the sake of some benefits or public recognition. By choosing the second path, chasing illusory dreams, you can lose yourself and discover with horror that your life is over and nothing has been done. This is what you need to fear most.

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2. Describe sentimentalism as a literary movement.
3. Describe realism as a literary phenomenon.
4. Describe romanticism as a literary phenomenon.
5. Biographical information about A.S. Pushkin. Main themes of creativity.
6. The storyline of Pushkin’s poem “ Bronze Horseman».
7. The story of Evgeny from Pushkin’s poem “The Bronze Horseman”
8. The image of the city of St. Petersburg in Pushkin’s poem “The Bronze Horseman”.
9. The image of Peter the Great in Pushkin’s poem “The Bronze Horseman”.
10. Life and work of M.Yu. Lermontov. Main themes of creativity.

11.The life and work of N.V. Gogol. The main themes of the writer's work.

12. Life and work of A.N. Ostrovsky. Main themes of creativity. The history of the creation of Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm".
13. Morals of the city of Kalinov. Images of Dikiy and Kabanova.
14. The image of Katerina Kabanova in Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm”. My attitude to Katerina’s action.
15. The meaning of the title of Ostrovsky’s poem “The Thunderstorm”.
16. The story of Larisa in Ostrovsky’s play “Dowry”.
17. Life and work of I.S. Turgenev. The history of the creation of the novel "Fathers and Sons".
18. Bazarov is the main character of Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.” Nihilism as social phenomenon 19th century.
19. Test of love in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.”
20. Bazarov and parents. Characteristics of Bazarov's parents.
21.Two generations in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.” Disputes in the novel.
22. The meaning of the title of Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.”
23. Life and work of I. A. Goncharov. Describe the image of Oblomov.
24. Two antipodes in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. Oblomov and Stolz.

25. Life and work of F. I. Tyutchev. The main themes of the poet's work.

26. Life and work of A.K. Tolstoy. Main themes of creativity.

27. Life and work of A. A. Fet. The main themes of the poet's work.

1. To which literary movement did S. Yesenin at one time belong: a) imagism b) romanticism c)

d) futurism

2. which literary movement did not exist in the literature of the 20th century:

a) classicism

b) modernism

V) socialist realism

d) realism of the 20th century

3. what concept is implemented in the “Don stories” by M. Sholokhov:

a) “Man is the crown of creation”

b) "Man - that sounds proud"

c) "In human world the strongest individual survives"

d) “Neither these nor these are in good conscience”

4. The term "village prose" is associated with:

a) with " Khrushchev's Thaw"

c) with the rule of Stalin

d) with the revolution

5. to " village prose"refers to:

a) M.A. Sholokhov

b) V. Shukshin

c) Yu. Bondarev

d) M. Bulgakov

6. Shukshin’s favorite hero:

a) fool

c) quiet

d) upstart

7. technique used by Bulgakov in the story “Heart of a Dog”:

a) satire

b) Aesopian language

c) a combination of fantasy and everyday grotesque

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was extremely attentive to determining the genre of each of his works. The world famous “Eugene Onegi” was no exception. The genre of Pushkin's work is a novel in verse. And this, first of all, is Pushkin’s innovation. After all, in the nineteenth century there were only two ways of writing work of art. The Russian poet invented the third. The history of writing, structure and genre of the novel “Eugene Onegin” is the topic of the article.

Pushkin called the work on creating the novel a feat. Besides “Eugene Onegin,” the author gave such a high assessment of his own creation only to “Boris Godunov.”

History of writing

It took Pushkin eight years to create the novel in verse. Pushkin began work on “Eugene Onegin” in 1923. Then the writer was in Chisinau. Initially, the author abandoned romanticism and decided to tell readers about his new hero in a realistic spirit. It is also worth saying that Pushkin planned to divide the work into nine chapters. But in the process of work, he changed the structure, creating eight.

The story about Onegin's journey, according to the original plan, was supposed to become part of the main text. But later the poet included this fragment of the plot in one of lyrical digressions. In the first version of the novel, the author raised rather pressing political issues. But since the creation of “Eugene Onegin” took place during years of exile, the poet decided not to aggravate his already difficult situation. Therefore, he removed dangerous pages from the manuscript and burned them.

Composition of the novel

The work was published over several years in separate chapters. Pushkin admitted that he wrote it without any clear plan. Nevertheless, the composition of “Eugene Onegin” is distinguished by its clarity. Each chapter is logically completed.

The main literary device that the poet used when creating his imperishable work is mirror symmetry. As the plot progresses, the characters seem to change places. First, Tatiana falls in love with Evgeniy. Onegin is indifferent to the love of a girl. He responds to her letter coldly. But later, after the protagonist’s duel with Lensky, an event that is interrupted love line, - Onegin and Larina change places. He writes her a letter of confession. She rejects him. The peculiarity of the composition of the work is its ring structure. It is thanks to this technique that “Eugene Onegin” is perceived as a complete novel.

Main characters

What did the author use it for? ring composition? With the help of this technique, Pushkin revealed changes in the character of the heroes. At the beginning of the work, Onegin leaves high society. The poet speaks not without irony about his hero, emphasizing that Eugene’s education was superficial, which was enough to be considered smart among the representatives of the capital’s aristocracy.

In the first chapters, Onegin is a secular slacker, unable to fill his leisure time with creativity or even reading. But later he appears in the role of a thinking, deep personality. Another trait lost by Eugene is richness in life. Pushkin's hero is initially indifferent to those around him. He is not even touched by the feelings that Tatyana has for him - an intelligent girl who compares favorably with other representatives of provincial society.

At the end of the novel, Onegin is an ardent lover. Tatyana, on the contrary, is reserved and cold. However, it is worth saying that for all external changes Both Onegin and Larina are still the same in their souls. He is an arrogant aristocrat. She is a simple-minded and sincere village girl. After the disappointment that befell the heroine, she is forced to hide her feelings. As for Evgeny, his love is most likely explained by the external brilliance of Tatyana, now a society lady.


There are many heroes in Eugene Onegin. The works cover a significant period of time. “Eugene Onegin” tells both about life in the capital and about the life of the village nobility. A genre that has these features is the novel. It is the most common type of epic literature today. What are the specifics classic novel? Which of its features are present in the work “Eugene Onegin”?

Genre large shape, in which the narrative focuses on the destinies different heroes, in literary criticism is called a novel. Its other features are a significant time period, a smoothly constructed series of events, and a considerable number of characters involved in the plot.

How is Eugene Onegin depicted by the author? The genre of this work, according to Pushkin’s definition, is a novel. Remembering character traits This type of epic, we can say that Onegin is not a lyrical hero. It cannot be called either positive or negative character. The poet is extremely objective in creating his portrait. Evgeny Onegin is quite contradictory and complex. The peculiarities of the genre of Pushkin’s work lie in the presence of not only an epic beginning.


The work about which we're talking about in this article has no analogues in world literature. The structure and genre of the novel “Eugene Onegin” is unique. It has both realism and historicity. Pushkin also endowed his work with features typical of a social novel. "Eugene Onegin", the genre of which is at the junction of two types of literature, contains both objective characteristics of the heroes and many lyrical digressions. But that's not all.

The genre and composition of “Eugene Onegin” have become the topic of numerous works on literary criticism. With the light hand of Byron, it came into fashion in the nineteenth century. epic poem, which is individual chapters in verse. In Pushkin's work the description lyrical hero and his experiences are harmoniously combined with the objective, realistic image events.


The author's voice is heard in numerous lyrical inserts. In each of them, the poet talks about himself and shares with the reader his views on literature and culture. At the same time, Pushkin is not distracted from the main action. In one of the chapters, the poet recalls the days in which his creativity flourished, and his forced exile. The structure and genre of the work “Eugene Onegin” can be determined as follows: a novel in verse, which is a “collection of motley chapters.”

The themes of lyrical digressions in Pushkin’s work are very diverse. First, the reader learns about the morals of secular youth. Then love motives come to the fore. And finally, important in the development of the plot are landscape sketches. The novel depicts all seasons of the year in verse: sad summer, Golden autumn, winter with bitter frosts. The poet called spring “the morning of the year.” The landscape in Eugene Onegin is sometimes depicted through the perception of the characters.

Another theme of lyrical digressions in the novel is historical events. Thus, in the work “Eugene Onegin” Pushkin remembered the Patriotic War of 1812.

The novel in verse covers many events. There are many heroes in it. Nevertheless, Eugene Onegin represents a deeply lyrical work. The reader, after reading it, learns no less about the author than about his heroes. In one work to Pushkin amazingly managed to connect the epic and lyrical into a single whole.

Reflection of the Pushkin era

From this work the reader has the opportunity to learn almost everything about the time in which the poet lived. How did people dress? What was in fashion? What did Pushkin's contemporaries value most of all? The reader receives answers to all these questions after reading the novel in verse. The poet truthfully depicted the environment in which Onegin and Larina live. He reproduced the atmosphere of both noble salons and modest provincial evenings.

In art

Onegin - shining example the so-called “superfluous man,” a character who appeared in literature in the first third of the eighteenth century. This hero is not capable of the feat that the Decembrists accomplished. But it cannot be attributed to typical representatives high society. Mental dissatisfaction and inability to change anything in one’s life are characteristic features of Onegin. And if we add to this the epic nature, variety of images, and extraordinary poetry of Pushkin’s work, it becomes clear why it was so often reflected in art.

“Eugene Onegin” was filmed several times by domestic and foreign filmmakers. Based on Pushkin's novel, four operas were created, the music for which was written by such outstanding composers, like Tchaikovsky, Shchedrin, Prokofiev.