Strip plastic studio. What do strip plastic classes give? It should be noted that many people confuse this dance style with striptease.

A popular dance style - strip plastic - will help you keep your body in great shape, move sexy and charmingly, and be confident. Do you want to gain beautiful body shapes and be desired and loved? sign up for a stripplasty lesson.


*subject to purchasing a subscription on the day of the lesson

Strip training takes place under beautiful modern music and includes:

1. Warm up. It will help warm up cold muscles and prepare them for subsequent exercise.
2. Learning and practicing the technical elements of the discipline. The basic elements are: various waves, swings, hip circles, figure eights, head circles and many others.
3. Learning and practicing choreography. The teacher will show you a dance routine, and then explain step by step how to perform this or that strip exercise correctly.
4. Stretching. It will help stretch worked muscles, improve their elasticity, and restore breathing.

The name of this discipline may cause confusion for an ignorant person. After all, the word “strip” means to undress. However, we will only talk about imitation of erotic dance.

Strip classes include many dance styles. It contains the elements:

● jazz;
● acrobatics;
● modern;
● gymnastics;
classical ballet;
● modern choreography.

Incredibly beautiful in their structure, choreographic performances in the style of strip dance are filled with femininity and eroticism. Her distinctive feature is the ability to express oneself in dance, the ability to control and manage one’s own body.

Strip classes for beginners. What clothes to wear

Clothing for strip dance lessons plays a significant role. It is very important for a girl to feel sexy and beautiful. Tight leggings, short tops, swimsuits - bodysuits, overalls - all these clothing items help to gain self-confidence and emphasize a feminine silhouette.
One of important details The complete look for strip dancing is shoes. A girl in heels looks and moves completely differently. Her legs visually lengthen, while the silhouette becomes more feminine and graceful. High platform shoes, or boots, exactly the ones used for striptease, can be purchased in specialized stores or ordered online. And regular “pumps” are also suitable for training. If in doubt, watch plastic strip video tutorials on the Internet.
For spectacular image It is recommended to let your hair down. When performing many basic turns and head circles they will play decisive role. This is one of the signature elements of strip plastic.

To understand what it is you need to come and try to learn how to dance strip dance. Get to know the teacher and the learning conditions. Here every girl will be able to see with her own eyes how beautiful and graceful strip training is for beginners. Successful musical accompaniment draws you in from the first minutes. educational process. A special energetic atmosphere contributes to the appearance of the first results.
The lesson is conducted in front of a mirror. Each dancer can easily correct her own movements by looking at it. A competent teacher will always help you reproduce complex elements dance in a relaxed manner. The impressions from the classes are always pleasant, so learning strip plastic surgery will not be difficult.

Why strip plastic is useful:

1. Excellent physical shape. Despite the apparent ease, each lesson carries a decent amount of physical activity. Almost all muscle groups are involved. And the respiratory and circulatory organs also actively work, due to which the overall vitality and mood rise.
2. Raising self-esteem. Having learned to control your own body, to see it beautiful reflection in the mirror helps you feel more confident not only at the disco, but also in Everyday life. The gait of a girl doing strip plastic surgery changes from scratch, becoming light and sexy.
3. Meet like-minded people. The classes are attended by many girls who want to learn or already know how to dance. Being in such a pleasant company, it is easy to find friends who are interested in your hobby and make new acquaintances. Sometimes this is a good springboard for further education and more.
4. Improved health. Active physical activity has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. The heart and respiratory organs improve all functioning. Metabolism accelerates, and this can lead to rapid loss extra pounds. Therefore, such strip dancing classes can easily compete with any fitness disciplines aimed at losing weight.

Having tried to do something so beautiful and modern look dances like strip plastic for beginners, every girl will be able to express herself through music, without fear of looking vulgar, gain a beautiful body and posture and lift her spirits.

Learning to dance strip dance means mastering the style modern dance, which has been at the peak of popularity for several years. Its main secret is the opportunity for every girl to learn to be feminine and control her own body.

The ability to attract a man's attention through music has always been relevant.

Art Arabic dances, unusual technique seduction of Indian women, striptease, fiery burlesque - each era had its own ways to show sexuality and beauty female body. Strip plastic from scratch is on the wave of popularity among modern women and young girls.
To call admiring glances the male half of humanity does not have to be naked or put on provocative outfits. Sometimes it's enough to be confident, attractive and move well. By practicing strip dancing, you can not only gain a toned figure in a short time, but also become more feminine and sensual. A girl visiting a strip plastic studio will always be the center of attention, even if she is wearing modest ordinary clothes. Sexual attractiveness, sometimes beyond comprehension, appears in the manner of dancing and simply moving.

During a strip dance lesson, basic movements are not at all difficult to perform. You will also have to learn all sorts of “tricks” and enjoy yourself while dancing. An ordinary girl who comes to the gym can easily turn into a beautiful dancer. The point of this discipline is that it is quite capable of replacing a trip to a cosmetologist and a fitness center at the same time. During the lesson, the girl’s body produces a large number of hormones. Some of them are responsible for great mood, a smile on your face and a happy sparkle in your eyes. In addition, a young woman who has mastered the basics of this dance style can easily please her beloved man with a private performance.
By enrolling in the GO Dance school of strip plastic, you will take the first step in mastering the art of seduction.

Pros and contraindications for strip training

Every hour spent in a dance class will change your body beyond recognition:

1. From the first lesson it is clear that in order to learn to move beautifully you need to work. There will be plenty of physical activity.
2. During the most “calm” activity human body will spend from 400 kcal per hour. Therefore, at this time the body will actively shed extra pounds and lose water.
3. During training, all the muscles of the body will be “under attack”: arms, back, lower and upper press, inner and outer thighs, calves, etc.
4. At more advanced levels, you need to learn how to perform complex acrobatic elements. They will give special refinement to the muscles, leaving the body flexible. With hard work, a good stretch will appear over time. You can easily verify this by watching the plastic strip video tutorial.
5. The basics of physical training are present in the structure of each lesson. Consistent strength training on your body will help you quickly get into good shape. This is why strip plastic is useful. The address of a nearby dance studio can be found on the Internet.

The main contraindications for practicing strip plastic surgery are problems with knees, joint diseases, and intervertebral hernia. If you suffer from one of the above diseases, before enrolling in a course, consult with your doctor about the advisability of visiting a strip plastic center. Perhaps you should avoid just some of its directions.

What you should know when enrolling in a strip dance studio

1. Depending on the type of discipline and the teacher, one strip plastic lesson, the price of which will pleasantly surprise you, may differ from another. Some prefer energetic dance routines in the video dance style. Others like erotic parterre choreography under slow music. Therefore, when choosing a school or teacher, you should focus on personal preferences and temperament.
2. Group classes will be the right choice for those girls who want to learn to dance and lose excess weight. Individual lesson suitable for honing complex elements or staging a solo number and shooting a video that may be a surprise for your boyfriend.
3. Choose comfortable, beautiful clothes that will make you feel confident. Be sure to bring heels as well as knee pads. They will help protect your joints during ground choreography.
4. Before signing up for strip dancing in Moscow, try to learn the sequence from the video lesson. So, you will be able to determine your own level, especially if you are no longer new to this world.

Number setting

A private strip dance number consists of three parts:

1. The exit or appearance of the dancer. In this part, it is worth paying special attention to the effectiveness of the appearance. The introduction itself cannot be too long, otherwise its energy will easily cover the main part of the act. However, you should not be lenient about the exit; you should think through everything to the smallest detail. It is this part that is considered the most memorable to the viewer. During the introduction, the dancer is not recommended to use complex choreographic techniques and tricks. It is better to give preference to special effects (for example, smoke, musical sounds or costume details).
2. The main part of the speech. Choreographic solution based on an idea, choreography. The longest piece in the dance. If a dancer has extensive experience working on stage, she can safely improvise. Beginners are strongly recommended to perform and practice all the necessary sequences and tricks. This will add to their self-confidence and give the production a special completeness. This is exactly why you should learn strip dancing.
3. Final. The last part of the speech should be very vivid and memorable. Here we will talk about simulating undressing. Clothing items such as a hat, gloves, shirt or jacket are good for this. You can end your performance by lying on the floor in a beautiful pose or simply gracefully leaving the stage.

To stage the performance, you can use the services of a professional choreographer. The strip plastic school in Maryino will kindly provide this opportunity. Or try your hand at it yourself, using previously acquired skills and experience.

What music to choose for a private dance?

To choose the right music, you should focus primarily on personal preferences. It is best if the musical accompaniment matches your temperament, or reminds you of pleasant moments in our lives. It is very important that the music evokes emotions in you and that you like it a lot. This will be a big help not only in creating the production, but also in its execution. It’s also worth watching strip plastic clips to broaden your horizons.

What movements should I use?

The choice and complexity of elements directly depend on your level of training and existing repertoire. Feel free to use complex elements if they come easily to you. However, you shouldn't put them all together. It would be better to dilute them smooth transitions and simpler movements.
If you do not have much experience, but still really want to try yourself as a strip dancer, basic elements should become the basis of choreography. Smooth circles with the hips, figure eights, swings, beautiful, uncomplicated posed poses. Watch strip dance video lessons to broaden your horizons. Use beautiful moments in music to accentuate the simulation of undressing. Don't be afraid to improvise if you're good at it. And then learning how to dance a strip will be easier than it seems.


Pay special attention to the choice of suit. If the dance is not thematic, you can wear a beautiful sexy dress. It doesn't have to be short. Men's cut trousers and a jacket are also suitable. Don’t be afraid to use accessories to create your costume: beads, hat, gloves, etc. Sometimes correctly selected details create an unusual, memorable image. Individuality plays a very important role when choosing a suit.
Shoes for lap dancing should be comfortable and at the same time contain a heel. It is he who gives the leg a special elegance and femininity. High platform shoes will visually elongate the leg, but it is more difficult to dance on them. You should be especially careful when making all kinds of turns. Learning strip dance turns is not easy work.

So, if your goal is to present an erotic surprise to your young man or your spouse, hurry to sign up for strip plastic lessons, the cost of which is quite affordable. In order to sign up for classes you do not need to have any special training; there are levels for beginners. Don't skimp on your purchase nice suit. Think about makeup, music and production details. Organize a surprise for your loved one in a beautiful romantic setting and the result will exceed all expectations. Your relationship will take a new direction.

Strip plastic. Target selection

Many girls who attend strip plastic classes do not set themselves the goal of going to work in night club or a disco. They want to get their body in order, become sexier and learn to move beautifully. After all, her classes pay great attention to stretching and plasticity. By exercising regularly, the extra pounds will disappear on their own and every morning will bring happiness from satisfaction with your own body.
If your goal is to become a professional dancer, you will have to pay special attention to improvisation.

Why is improvisation needed?

The ability to come up with movements and transitions on the fly, evenly distributing the entire length of the musical accompaniment, is not an easy skill. To do this, you not only need to have a good command of technical elements and be able to listen to music, but also be able to “let yourself go.” The question is not even whether this will be a professional performance or just private dance For the man you love, improvising is an art. It is worth learning not only in dance, but also in everyday life.

How to learn strip improvisation?

How to learn to express emotions and feelings through body movements and gestures in strip plastic? How to dance beautifully? As paradoxical as it may sound, improvisation is the most difficult skill in any discipline. You should have a sufficient base of knowledge and skills in order to be able to improvise beautifully.

1. Before entering a dance class, try to leave all your problems behind the threshold. Be extremely diligent. Even if you have no strength at all, try to give it your all and assimilate as much as possible all the material provided. This will help in the future when improving strip plastic exercises and honing complex movements on your own.
2. Try to come up with connections and transitions yourself. This will actively develop fantasy and imagination. The skill of combining elements harmoniously comes with experience. And with it, the ability to beautifully improvise in free form, giving in to the flow of music, will appear.
3. Don’t try to improvise on things you don’t know. musical compositions. A thorough knowledge of the song will help in in better shape use all its “tasty” parts.
4. Rehearse with a mirror, and also try dancing without it. This will comprehensively develop your sense of yourself on stage and raise your self-esteem. Try filming your performance and critically evaluate all the details of the choreography.
5. Dance often with eyes closed listening carefully to the music you like.
6. Watch stripplasty video tutorials for beginners more often to stay up to date with the latest innovations.

How is discipline different from others?

Many ignorant people do not see the difference between types of strip plastic surgery and, for example, “go-go”. Indeed, they have a lot in common:

1. These two movements have sexual overtones and give the dancer a chance to express herself.
2. Both disciplines require good physical preparation, stretching, and the ability to listen to music.
3. They are also summarized by the need to wear high-heeled shoes.

What then are the differences:

1. The purpose of the final performance. “Go-go” can be described as a style aimed at provoking the viewer to active dancing. Most often he is very energetic, associated with relevant club music. Strip dance is performed to more smooth compositions, his kiss is considered to enchant the viewer with the beauty of the performance.
2. Technical elements. The “go-go” performer can easily do without cross splits. She is forced to dance in a small space, performing all the perfect movements as much as possible. In the opposite case, the “rope” can play a decisive role in the final production. And there may be plenty of space to perform the number.
3. Go-go has a lot more improvisation. Most likely, a girl working at a disco will be forced to dance to the music provided to her by the club. The movements in strip plastic are still more intended for a production number.

Learning to dance beautifully does not mean being able to improvise well. This skill comes with experience. However, having acquired it, the girl will have an amazing opportunity to use improvisation not only on stage, but also in everyday life. By signing up for a strip plastic course at Kievskaya, you will get a unique opportunity to get closer to this type of art.

Learn to strip dance is not difficult, the main thing is desire

Girls who dream of trying strip plastic surgery are usually stopped by three questions: “Is it necessary to be naked?”, “Do you need to have good physical training?”, “Is it difficult to learn strip plastic?”

Despite its name, you won’t have to undress during classes, but you can move beautifully and control your body. You can apply the acquired skills anywhere: at a disco or in a private dance for a loved one.

As for physical activity, you really have to work on yourself. Especially if you are not naturally blessed with good stretching and strong muscles. But there is no need to worry too much about this. A good teacher organizes strip training in such a way that the body gradually acquires everything it needs to practice strip plastic. Therefore, if you are tired of aerobics, you should try this discipline - a beautiful body and a great mood are guaranteed.

How is the lesson going?

As a rule, strip plastic lessons begin with warming up all muscle groups, correct setting body, training and main elements of discipline and small choreographic fragments. Further, at the choice of the teacher, exercises to strengthen the abs or back muscles, as well as a lot of stretching, can follow. It is she who will give the opportunity to move slowly with special grace. After all, the softer and smoother the transitional movements in the dance are performed, the more professional the performance is considered.
Sometimes used in the learning process additional items. Usually, we're talking about about a chair, a cane or articles of clothing. You can tag a hat or jacket with them.

Why should you choose strip plastic?

Strip dance lessons can easily replace significant fitness disciplines. It will affect:

1. On the girl’s physical form. Intensive, strength training, stretching - together they form a complete complex effect on the body. During exercise, a considerable amount of calories is consumed. By improving blood circulation, metabolism improves and excess water and toxins are removed from the body. The skin takes on a healthy appearance, cellulite resolves.
2. For coordination. Like all types of strip dancing, exercises will develop or improve the ability to different parts bodies perform complex elements simultaneously.
3. To improve posture. Keeping your back straight while actively working with your arms and legs is not so easy. It is with this kind of work muscle corset strengthens in correct position. The stoop will gradually improve, and the gait will become easier. True, this effect is achieved only with constant attendance at lessons. Versatile deflections and tilts of the body, widely present in technology, have a unique effect on the health of the spine.
4. How unique opportunity express yourself. Despite all the physical benefits of the discipline, its main property is the activation of the personality resource, the inner harmony of a woman. Setting yourself the goal of pleasing not only a man, but also, most importantly, your own activities magically transform her. The way you hold yourself, walk, and gesture changes. Transformation affects her perception of her own age, health and self-esteem.
5. On sexuality. With growing self-esteem, the existing psychological blocks disappear on their own. Despite the differences from the standard beauty template, any woman can feel desired and irresistible. This feeling sharply increases your energy level. Strip dance lessons are also an excellent way to combat chronic depression and fatigue.

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Stripplasty is an erotic dance that any girl should be able to dance.

There are actually a lot of dance styles, but strip dancing is closer to the fair sex. Classes today are held in almost every school or studio and popularity of this type dancing is only growing. Why? In this material, those asking will receive answers to all their questions, just start with an explanation or a small clarification, so that later there will be no misunderstanding.

Some men believe that strip dancing is very similar to regular striptease. This is wrong. In the first case, the girl undresses to the music, smoothly and slowly takes off her clothes, completely or partially, while strip dancing implies something different. The beautiful maiden also dances to the music, only it can be more intense, and there is no undressing here. Present sudden movements, akin to acrobatic, but in the end, watching the dance, it looks very impressive and beautiful. The costume complements such a show, and if you compare the strip and oriental dance styles, the first looks much more impressive due to its complexity.

You have to learn everything, including this

A professional strip dance school will provide everything you need to master this unique and truly erotic trend. Many now who are reading this have a question - why exactly erotic, no one undresses?! It's very simple - strip dancing has a lot of acrobatic elements, difficult to master, accordingly, you will have to learn this before you begin to perform them professionally without the help of a choreographer.

And some movements are so frank and sexy that the viewer involuntarily gets the feeling that he is being undressed with his eyes and that the dancer’s torn clothes are about to fly into his face. These are the feelings that arise when a professional moves, he gives himself completely to the dance and the viewer. And you shouldn’t be ashamed of it, do you know why? It is strip dance that liberates, gives self-confidence, flexibility, and grace. They are suitable for everyone who is already 18 years old and even those who have crossed the 40 mark.

Simplicity in complexity

At first glance, it may seem that strip dance lessons are simple and mastering them won’t take much work. Misconception again. Professional dancer must be able to do the splits, and this element is an integral part of strip plastics. Before starting classes, the choreographer does a full body warm-up with the group. Warmed muscles perform complex elements more easily, and if the body is drawn into strip dance lessons, it begins to intensively lose weight and acquires tone.

Always the perfect figure

Even if a girl is not going to perform, she will still enjoy studying this incredibly wonderful direction. Our strip dance school will help you master step by step all the elements that will pump up all muscle groups, including arms, back, abs, and legs. It will be useful for girls to gain looseness and self-confidence through this. For women, especially those who have already given birth, strip dance lessons will help restore femininity, sexuality and passion.

A successful strip plastic school invites you to seduction training

For many centuries, dance has been helping a woman to open up. It awakens sensuality, femininity, gives self-confidence, helps to love yourself for who you are. But not every direction does this clearly and quickly. If you don’t yet know what strip plastic is, the dance school will show you and help you master a new direction.

It is completely in vain to consider this direction vulgar. The woman is almost completely dressed (although everyone chooses for themselves stage image), the movements are combined with smoothness and sharpness, but what amazes the most are some acrobatic sketches, which only rhythmic gymnasts can perform. Every woman can learn to control her body if she wishes, and our strip plastic school will help with this.

Age is not a hindrance, the main thing is the goal and determination to change yourself

Many representatives of the fair sex think that after thirty it is already useless to try to dance something serious and complex, and even more so after forty. But strip plastic classes are attended by almost all ages, from pre-teens to adults successful women, experienced, with children, married and single. Each age group is divided into equal classes to make it easier to study and observe each other's successes.

The program is significantly different for those who are young and flexible and those who are just beginning to master these complex, but beautiful dances. An experienced choreographer will show you warm-up exercises, basic steps and tell you how to act correctly so as not to get injured. Regular strip plastic exercises will quickly tone the muscles, and the woman will not experience much tension, as she will enjoy the process.

What will independent attempts lead to?

There are many articles and videos on the Internet where girls show and tell what strip plastic surgery is. Dancing is most likely performed by professionals whose muscles are elastic and trained. Few videos talk about warming up, hence the trouble. Those who try to repeat the movements seen at home, without warming up, often regularly feel pain, and sometimes get a sprain. To prevent this from happening, you should receive strip dance lessons from experienced choreographers in this area.

Under the supervision of a professional, each one can almost completely repeat the elements seen. Everything comes much easier if a coach always helps with instructions, wouldn’t you agree? Moreover, the atmosphere in the hall is conducive, but at home do you really want to learn strip dancing? Plastic assumes freedom of movement, so you need a lot of space so that nothing gets in the way and the floor is level.

Professional training in strip plastic surgery in Moscow

The first lesson is free. This will be enough to understand whether it will work out and whether you want to do it or not. In addition to strip dance, the school offers many other popular destinations, so you can try each of them and settle on the one that you like the most.

To look your best, stripplasty lessons will help you sparkle

Women are constantly thinking about how to maintain their figure, so some go on a diet, while others go to the gym and dance. By the way, if you attend a stripplasty class, you can eat whatever your heart desires, the girl will not gain weight. This type of dance burns as many calories at a time as would not be burned in the gym, running or in the pool. Don't believe me? Come try your first lesson completely free. And now a little history.

Perhaps someone thinks that stripplasty appeared in Moscow relatively recently, although it all started with Ancient East. The dance looked completely different from what it does today and did not at all call for seduction and temptation. Then, this direction was slightly reborn into Ancient Egypt and the girls, dancing with relaxed movements, sang in addition. Then Ancient India and Europe gave men priestesses of love. But it was in Europe that strip plastic practice began to resemble what we see today. Because they live there modest people, hiding revealing parts of the body. Do not confuse strip dance with striptease, since in this dance no one undresses. Seduction occurs through the girl’s movements, gaze and charisma.

A beautiful figure and long hair are incredibly sexy

By the way, it is absolutely not necessary to be a model with a figure of 90*60*90 to attend strip plastic lessons; the body will change itself if the girl dances regularly. It will acquire exciting, alluring curves and become more desirable for a man than boring standards. By the way, the world is working intensively to ensure that on TV screens, girls with more and more appetizing shapes, rather than skinny, flat shapes, catch the eye. Even dolls in stores appeared with a feminine figure.

Ideally you need to have long curls, because you will have to make head movements, enticing and charming. Therefore, those who want to professionally engage in this area will have to grow and change their hairstyle in order to achieve desired effect in dance. Our stripplasty lessons will liberate any, even the most modest lady, and give self-confidence. If you want to love yourself for who you are, be sure to come to our school, attend the first lesson absolutely free.

The earlier the better

Start off education Stripplasty is required from the age of 18. The muscles have not yet hardened, the figure is still being formed, so intense movements will help achieve incredible results. Society condemns those who master this type of dance much earlier, but ultimately it is up to the parents to decide. There is nothing shameful about strip plastic for beginners, so if mom and dad understand the importance of such a dance for a teenager, our strip plastic school in Moscow will properly teach and help you master this beautiful choreography.

Those who are just starting to learn complex movements will need light clothing that does not restrict movement, and instead of heels, they should wear slippers or ballet shoes. Professional dancers perform every action to the music in high heels. My legs have already gotten used to it, and overall everything looks impressive and charming. Many elements of stripplasty are complex, so the muscles must be well trained and elastic.

On your own or with the help of a professional?

Thanks to the Internet, strip plastic lessons can be found on popular video hosting sites, but it is better to start under the close supervision of an experienced choreographer. You can’t immediately start performing complex “steps”, you can get injured. You should first warm up your body and only then start training. Moreover, there are no large mirrors at home, where every movement is clearly visible and there is enough space so that you can calmly turn around and dance fully. Quick courses Strip plastics in Moscow may also not be suitable for beginners. Don't guess, come to us, try yourself first free lesson whether you need it or not.

Every girl dreams of learning how to move well and express her emotions through dance movements. Conquer the hearts of men and arouse the envy of friends with a chic gait, beautiful posture and stunning grace.

You can succeed in mastering the technique of seduction through dance by starting to practice strip dancing. What is strip plastic and how does it differ from strip dance?

Strip dancing is one of the most popular dance styles, which helps girls open up, become more relaxed, self-confident, and acquire seduction skills. A combination of aerobic and seductive elements dance moves creates physical activity that allows you to tighten your body and make your figure more slender.

Strip plastic assumes a more moderate rhythm. It is more aimed at stretching, giving the body flexibility and plasticity to movements. Classes are conducted to the accompaniment of slow music; some of the strip plastic exercises are borrowed from Pilatas.

The history of strip dancing goes back to ancient India, when girls (bayaderes) brought a kind of sacrifice to the gods in the form of an erotic dance. Egypt was famous for the erotic dances and songs of the Almei, who were honored to be invited to family events and even weddings.

IN Ancient Greece carefully selected girls to learn the art of striptease. They were considered a kind of elite.

France is considered the birthplace of modern striptease. This was inspired by an incident at a party when two young students, under the influence of champagne, climbed onto the table and took off all their clothes while listening to music. Thanks to the public's defense, they were able to maintain their freedom, and striptease gained legal status.

Who is suitable for strip plastic?

Strip dance can be considered the most accessible dance style, since it has practically no restrictions. Age, physical training and weight doesn't matter here.

Of course, if there is some kind of base, learning strip plastic happens faster. However, the most important thing for classes is the mood and desire to dance.

What does strip dancing give?

Strip dancing has a positive effect on posture and gait. During classes, women learn to control their bodies, liberate themselves and become more feminine. After just a few lessons, your gait becomes more confident and graceful.

Improves your figure. During the exercises, the main muscle groups are involved. This allows you to give your body a more toned appearance.

Due to the stress that the body experiences during strip exercises, excess weight is reduced and endurance increases. It should be borne in mind that the effect of this type is less compared to aerobics. It is comparable to the results from Pilatos or brisk walking.

Strip dancing also has a positive effect on your overall well-being and emotional mood. It relieves muscle tension, helps you relax and gain confidence in your own abilities.

Strip plastic is good for health. Since it helps combat the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, improves work of cardio-vascular system and joint condition.

Stripplasty - exercises at home

For those who want to learn strip dancing, but for some reason cannot attend group classes at a fitness club, there is the opportunity to practice independently at home. But under the guidance of an experienced trainer, mastering dance technique is much easier.

Style Results

Strip dancing is one of the best destinations fitness for women, it is ideal for those who want to learn how to move beautifully, get to know their body better, and become more seductive, graceful and graceful.

Stiplasty helps to achieve beautiful posture and gait, and give flexibility to the body. The relatively low intensity of classes makes this dance style accessible to women of all ages and any level of basic physical fitness.

    Men and women

    average price one lesson

    Impact on weight

    Injury hazard

    Are training



    Beautiful gait


    Helps you lose weight

    Tones muscles

Strip of plastic. Not to be confused with striptease.

Strip dance and striptease indeed have a common root, but the fundamental difference between these dance styles is that the former does not involve undressing. Sensual dance is filled with eroticism, while it lacks vulgarity and obscenity. As a sport, strip plasticity refers to dance aerobics, which includes elements of such dance styles as modern jazz, club dance, classical ballet choreography, eastern and Latin American dances. The term “strip plastic” came into use about 50 years ago, but the origins of the dance can be found in ancient times. In Egypt, for example, priestesses performed elements of strip plasticity during ritual ceremonies.

In our country, this sensual and bold dance has been gaining popularity in recent years. Classes help women not only get in good physical shape, but also get rid of tensions and complexes, and awaken their sexual energy.

Who should attend strip plastic lessons?

For all women who want to be liberated, sexy and sensual. Except emotional state, strip training will improve your physical fitness. By working the muscles of the back and abdominal wall, posture is corrected. Exercise has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and helps you lose weight. By the way, you shouldn’t compare yourself with fashion models and be embarrassed about going to strip plastic lessons because of excess weight. Over time, the kilograms will go away, and you will be able to feel your body in a new way - flexible, graceful and light. There are no age restrictions for doing strip plastic, but for girls school age You can choose other, more restrained types of dances.

What to take with you to your first lesson?

Ordinary sports suit It will be inappropriate for strip training. Your goal is to seduce, which means your clothes should be appropriate. Ideally, this is a form-fitting Catwoman jumpsuit, but any leggings or tight shorts and a comfy top will do to get you started. At the same time, clothing should not restrict movement or cut into the body. This is why you should pay attention to your underwear. It is better to choose seamless panties and a bralette.

Particular attention should be paid to shoes for strip plastic training. The heel of your shoes will grow with your skill level. You should start with comfortable and soft ballet shoes or slippers. Once you have mastered the basics of strip dancing, you can purchase low-heeled leather dance shoes. You shouldn’t linger long at this stage. Once you feel confident in the movements, move on to medium heel. And then there is something to strive for. Professional dancers perform in shoes with high heels and on the platform.

How is strip training done?

First, warm up, where would we be without it? During a strip-plasty class, you receive physical activity, the level of which is comparable to a full-fledged aerobics workout. Before performing complex bends, twists and steps, you need to properly warm up your muscles and ligaments. This is followed by stretching, the exercises are usually performed in pairs. During the main part of the lesson, individual dance elements are studied - waves, steps, figure eights, etc., which are then combined into sequences. The emphasis is on amplitude movements - a rather sharp change from one position to another. For example, squatting and lifting. Strip plastics are used in schools different approaches to training: somewhere they pay more attention to choreography and technique, somewhere - to the development of flexibility and stretching. But everywhere they teach proper breathing and working with the gaze, which should radiate sexual energy.

When can I expect results?

The effect of strip plastic surgery can be felt after 5-6 sessions. The first thing that will change is your attitude towards your body. You will love your reflection in the mirror, especially as your figure begins to change noticeably. The buttocks and abs will tighten, and strength will appear in the arms and legs. Gradually, the gait will become soft and graceful, what is commonly called “cat-like.” After a couple of months of regular training (at least 2-3 times a week) and following a balanced diet, you can lose 3-6 kg. Well, the most important thing is the mood. Thanks to strip plastic classes, you will gain self-confidence.

Where is the best place to learn strip plastic and how to choose a club?

Strip lessons in Moscow are held in many dance centers, studios and schools. Strip plastic is also taught in some fitness clubs in the capital. When choosing a place for training, you should pay attention to the qualifications of the trainer. We are ready to help you, on our website you will find all the information about the clubs and sections of strip plastic in Moscow and you will be able to sign up for your first lesson. Most dance schools offer it free of charge. Dance with pleasure! All that is required of you is patience and diligence. And you will see, after a while your man will be pleasantly surprised.

The portal contains information about where you can sign up for strip plastic classes in Moscow: addresses and telephone numbers of dance schools and dance studios, prices for the most popular areas, student reviews. For greater convenience in using the portal and searching for a dance school, we suggest using a convenient filter by area and metro station. Visual tables will help you compare the cost of classes and training in different dance studios city, choosing the best price option.

The plastic strip in the form of a dance has nothing to do with striptease. Unlike simple undressing to music, the emphasis is on the grace of movements, the reflection of the emotions and feelings of the dancers. Strip dancing is an amazing combination of beautiful body curves that continuously change to the sound of melody and exciting rhythms. A viewer who has watched a professional strip dance at least once will still for a long time will be impressed by the elegant movements of a confident, beautiful woman.

Strip dance - features and nuances

The plastic strip is a dance that invariably attracts the attention of others. It clearly demonstrates the girl’s sensuality and the freedom of her soul. A professional performance will never cross the fine line of decency, offering beautiful and natural action without the slightest vulgarity. However, when choosing to learn strip dancing, you should prepare for the fact that it is not for nothing that this direction is considered one of the most difficult.

Strip dance training will be effective method fight against extra pounds, since during its execution almost all muscle groups are involved with an even distribution of the load between them. In one hour of exercise you can easily burn about 400-500 kcal. At the same time, strip dance lessons do not require serious physical effort - in the process, the muscles of the buttocks, arms, chest and abdomen intensively work without leading to overwork. Depending on the chosen school and the teaching methods used, the plastic strip can include elements with a cane, a chair and other third-party objects. How will strip dance lessons be useful? The following points can be noted:

  • Training will help you learn to love yourself.
  • With regular exercise, you can achieve the desired slim figure and unlock your body's potential.
  • Like any sport, strip lifting improves the functioning of the body as a whole and improves the immune system.

Don’t forget about the pleasure you get from self-improvement and from learning more and more new elements.

Strip plastic classes in Moscow

Today, strip plastic for beginners and intermediates is one of the most popular areas in dance schools in Moscow. The opportunity to develop your own grace, acquire attractive plasticity and sexuality attracts many girls to strip dance classes. To make the training as comfortable as possible, you should take ballet flats or sneakers, leggings, a T-shirt or top for the first classes.

On our portal you can find Moscow dance schools that offer strip dance lessons for both beginners and advanced dancers. Convenient and structured tables contain basic information about the school: the directions available in it and their costs, location, reviews. A well-thought-out filter will allow you to quickly find dance school with strip plastic training in the area most convenient for port visitors or at the nearest metro station.

Agree, everyone existing dances implicated in the wonderful feeling of love between a man and a woman. Look at the most restrained dance of two lovers and you will definitely see passion and desire in the eyes and gestures, which, at times, even the most frank eroticism cannot compare with.

Today, dance fashion is becoming more and more liberated and free from old stereotypes. We all want to be beautiful, healthy and desired!

Unfortunately, how to achieve this is not taught in schools, you have to look for some courses or master classes where you can learn to reveal yourself.

Now let's reveal the secret - to be desired... a woman must, first of all, want herself. Love yourself. I like myself. And our time gives women such opportunities - yoga, dancing, various trainings.

Now we'll talk about dancing. About dancing that develops a woman’s sexual area, about strip plastic (strip dance).

Strip of plastic- This is one of the modern dance styles. Styplasty implies freedom of expression and allows you to show your individuality. Strip plastic is a type of aerobics that imitates erotic dance. It is filled with extraordinary plasticity and sensuality.

It is impossible to imagine this dance style without passion and emancipation. Without a doubt, this spectacle simply fascinates spectators, especially men.

It should be noted that many people confuse this dance style with striptease. However, it is not. Striptease is the art of undressing beautifully. It is only one of the areas of strip plastic surgery.

Strip plastic surgery does not require exposure.

The distinctive features of this dance are softness, plasticity and sexuality. Her special choreography teaches a woman to be more feminine. There is flirtation in strip plastic, there is a hint, but it never crosses the line of decency.

This dance teaches you to improvise and transform into different images, to try on new roles that are impossible in real life.

Striplastic dance is based on mixing various styles and directions.

It includes elements:

The movements of this dance, of course, have a touch of eroticism, but there is no vulgarity in them.

The secret is to seduce without taking your clothes off.

History of strip dancing

Erotic dance, strip dance ( Strip dance) or strip plastic, the name of which comes from English words"strip" - "to undress" and "tease" - tease, originates from the ritual rites of primitive peoples, which symbolized the initiation of young people into a full adult life.

First famous dancers Strippers came from Greece and Assyria and were priestesses who performed erotic movements as a service to the cult of the gods. In ancient times, erotic dances were performed by hetaeras.

Also in India, dancers (bayaderes) depicted the symbolism of love encounters between gods and earthly women.

It is interesting that it was they, caring about the beauty of the breast, who came up with the prototype of the bra - a light wooden case that fastened on the back and helped maintain the shape of the breast for a long time.

Bayaderes- temple dancers in India for the entertainment of the gods and powerful of the world this. The institution of temple dancers dedicated to the gods and priests is as old as the great temples of South India. This institution appeared in the territory of the Tamil country during the Pallava dynasty, around the 7th century AD, and numerous data have been preserved from that period about God's slaves, devadasis(literature, sculpture, and painting talk about them).

Today at erotic dance(strip dance) we can distinguish the following directions: strip plastic, private dance, strip-r"n"b (sexy r"n"b), strip dance itself, strip Latina, there are others. Engaging in any of them is designed to teach a woman the art of sexuality, seduction and seduction.

What are the benefits of erotic dancing?

As mentioned above, a woman’s sensual-sexual area develops. That is, mastering the art of strip dancing, comes the ability to feel and love your body, to move plastically and sexually.

The actor's abilities awaken, his own image changes. Strip plastic skills give a woman a sense of inner harmony and liberation.

Your image, gait, movements, and even the way you casually straighten your curls change. You don't just look better, you become more confident!

In the modern world, this helps to establish personal contact between a man and a woman, develops it, and has a beneficial effect on the formation of couples, improving and enriching the relationship between a man and a woman with the values ​​of spiritual culture.

The strip dance program may include:

  • development of flexibility,
  • technique of erotic movements,
  • pole striptease,
  • stretching (stretching),
  • fashion show,
  • work on emotional side of the dance,
  • combining strip dance with others dance styles,
  • art of improvisation,
  • private dance,
  • dancing with accessories,
  • dance performance.

Doesn't have special significance, as the classes are called, the main thing is that if they are taught by a competent instructor, they radically change the attitude own body, increasing overall self-esteem, awakening sensuality, developing confidence and charm.

Develop yourself, dear women, give yourself the admiring glances of men!