Sample business plan for a dance studio. Dance school business plan

Famous movie“Let's Dance” with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez reflected a picture that is quite normal for Western countries, when the main visitors to dance schools are not children (as was customary in our country in the 90s of the last century), but adults. Moreover, both young people from 18 to 25 years old, and well-established people, 30-40 years old. Today the picture is changing dramatically in our country. Interest in sports and an active lifestyle is growing, and dancing is one of the ways to provide them. The dance school business plan we presented will indicate the main nuances of creating a dance school from scratch. This example will help you create your own planning.

Justification of the business plan

The opening of a dance school is being considered in a large regional center. This business has greater prospects here than in small towns. However, even cities with a population of less than 100 thousand people can provide some demand, especially if there is a lack of active recreation enterprises.

We note that the direct competitors of our business will be other schools, of which there are more than 20 in the city. We also note that there is indirect competition with active recreation enterprises:

  • Sports sections for children and adults.
  • Swimming pools.
  • GYM's.
  • Yoga studios.
  • Climbing walls.

The main risks of our enterprise will be:

  • Poor choice of location for the school.
  • Wrong selection of dance courses.
  • Low qualifications of teaching staff.

To prevent the first risk, it is proposed to carefully analyze direct and indirect competition. The premises are selected as far as possible from direct competitors and, if possible, in an area where there are no indirect competitors. At the same time, it should be sufficiently passable.

Since it is planned to create a school with a focus on middle class, priority will be given to residential areas. Renting a space in the city center will cost much more.

To prevent the second risk, it is planned to study the offers of direct competitors, as well as the market in other regions. For a balanced offer, the most popular dance styles for all regions are selected:

  • Classical dance.
  • Latin American dances.
  • Hip-hop.

In order to attract customers with a unique offer, it is planned to introduce courses in a dance style that is not yet widespread in its region, but is popular in others. Experts recommend introducing bright and fiery dances with a sports bent into the program: jazz-funk, zumba, contemporary, pole dancing and others. In fact, there are a huge number of modern dance trends; which one to choose is up to the creator of the school. It all comes down to the third risk. It is difficult to predict in advance which of them will “shoot”.

Low qualifications of teachers is one of the traditional problems for the entire sphere additional education, which includes dance schools. This risk is planned to be covered by the fact that the founder of the school is himself a qualified dancer and has regalia that will not only help in his work, but will also be used for marketing purposes.

In addition, the creator is expected to undergo additional training according to the programs future school dancing in the capital. This will give you the opportunity to conduct lessons yourself at first and train teachers.


The form chosen to register a business is entrepreneurial activity Individual entrepreneur, since there will be no co-founders, and the creation of a network of schools is not planned in the near future.

The simplified taxation system of 15% is chosen as the taxation regime, since the costs of paying staff are quite significant.

85.41.2 “Education in the field of culture, including dance clubs And studio".

90.01 “Activities in the field of performing arts, including organizing and staging ballet performances” is selected as an additional OKVED. This is necessary in order to take part in a variety of advertising and other events on a commercial basis in the future.

No special licenses are required. However, it will be necessary to approve lesson programs for additional education institutions in accordance with the established procedure. For these purposes, you should set aside 20 thousand rubles.

Since the space is rented in a finished premises, additional passing of the SES and fire service commission is not required.

Search for premises

For the effective functioning of a dance school, premises are required. The following zoning is expected:

  • Dance hall (combined with a reception area, a reception desk and a relaxation area): 100 sq. m.
  • Changing room, shower and toilet with division into men's and the female half: 20 sq. m.

We found and rented a premises with an area of ​​120 square meters. m in the basement of a residential building not in the central area of ​​the city costing 15 thousand rubles per month. When selecting premises, we were guided, first of all, by the physical condition of the premises: absence of leaks, availability of documents, absence of problems in the communal area (operability of water supply, sewerage, ventilation, heating systems).

Since a significant component of the starting investment is repairs to the premises (the cost of which cannot be returned when moving), the selection of premises is given maximum attention. A mistake will be very costly. For the same reason, a long-term lease agreement is concluded with the lessor for a period of 3 years. The agreement also includes a clause on the priority right to purchase the premises in the event that, upon expiration of the lease term, the lessor decides to sell it.

It is planned to pay 3 months of rent in advance.

In total, the launch will require 45,000 rubles.

Monthly payment starting from the 3rd month will be 15,000 rubles.

Payment of utility costs and telecommunications per month will be 10,000 rubles per month (according to the average annual calculation).

Cosmetic repairs and equipment purchase

The main condition for a dance school is a high-quality floor covering that is at the same time convenient for clients. Laminate is chosen as a covering high class wear resistance. Serious attention is also paid to the organization of artificial lighting.

The approximate cost estimate for repair work is presented below:

To operate a dance school, it is necessary to install a high-quality acoustic system. It is also planned to equip a recreation area with a sofa, a widescreen TV for watching educational videos, a refrigerator for storing drinks, a microwave stove and a kettle for the needs of teachers. The administrator needs a reception desk, a chair, a laptop, an MFP, and a telephone.

Costs for optional equipment we indicate in the table:

Personnel and staffing

When we launch our business, we plan to run 4 dance groups. 3 teachers are invited to teach groups of classical dance, Latin American dances (salsa, rumba, cha-cha-cha, tango) and hip-hop. In addition, it is expected that the founder and director of the school will teach an original course in pole dancing and women’s strip dance, which currently has no analogues in the city.

Since attendance is not expected to be too high at first, it is planned to set the load to 1 group with a frequency of 2 classes per week. To attract customers, a convenient attendance schedule is established with working Saturdays and Sundays and a day off on Mondays.

A tentative class schedule is being drawn up:

Day of the week / Time 10:00-12:00 12:00-14:00 14:00-16:00 16:00-18:00 18:00-20:00
Tuesday Hip-hop (adults)
Thursday Strip plastic (adults)
Friday Classical dances (teenage group) Pole dancing (adults)
Saturday Hip-hop (adults) Strip plastic (adults) Modern dance (teenage group)
Sunday Classical dances (adults) Latin American dances (adults) Pole dancing (adults)

According to this schedule, it is planned to hire two classical and modern dance teachers who will lead 2 groups (teenage and adult) and one Latin American dance teacher under a contract for the provision of combined services.

A piece-rate form of payment is expected, based on the indicator: 1,500 rubles per lesson for adults and 1,200 for teenagers.

An administrator is also invited to join the staff, who will work 6 days a week according to the school schedule (plus an hour before and after classes, for a total of a standard 40-hour week). Its functions also include preparing the premises for classes and cleaning after classes and during breaks.

Marketing and advertising

The business concept does not plan for significant advertising expenses during operation. The following methods are scheduled at startup:

Total: 70,000 rubles.

Fixed expenses include costs for targeting in social networks and contextual advertising Google Adwords and Yandex.Direct: 10 thousand rubles per month.

It is also planned to launch three permanent promotions:

  • “The first lesson is free.” To attract those who have not yet decided whether to engage in training, are choosing between several options for active recreation, or have not decided on the dance group they would like to join.
  • "Bring a friend, get a discount." If a regular customer brings a new member to the group and he purchases a monthly subscription, he receives a 10% discount on the subscription for the next month.
  • "It's cheaper in bulk." When purchasing a subscription for 3 or 6 months, a discount of 5% and 10% is provided, respectively.

Expenses and income

Start-up costs

The general table of starting costs looks like this:

To start the business, it is planned to allocate 250,000 rubles from our own funds and 515,000 rubles in credit at 15% per month for 3 years. The monthly payment will be 17,853 rubles (calculated using a loan calculator according to standard conditions).

Monthly expenses

The general table of monthly expenses from the 3rd month looks like this:


Since it takes time to develop a dance school and achieve significant attendance, profitability for the first year will be calculated based on an attendance of 6-8 people per group. In the first year, attendance at classes in strip-plasticity and pole dancing is expected to be slightly lower, since this area is not yet widely known in the city.

There are plans to increase attendance in the future. Each teacher is able to simultaneously lead a group of at least 15 people.

Payment for classes will be made by monthly subscription; the cost of classes missed due to the fault of the client is not refundable.

The estimated cost of subscriptions and income will be:

Let's calculate the difference between income and expenses to calculate tax:

237 600 – 152 933 = 84 667.

We calculate the tax payment:

84,667 x 0.15 = 12,700 rubles.

In accordance with the law, we have the right to a tax deduction of the unified social tax amount for ourselves and our employees, but not more than 50% of the tax.

We receive the final tax payment, taking into account the deduction of 6,350 rubles per month.

Thus, the net profit will be:

84,667 – 6,350 = 78,317 rubles per month.

Let's calculate the profitability:

(78,317 / 152,933) x 100 = 51.21%.

This profitability for a dance school can be considered acceptable, taking into account loan payments and the low efficiency of the useful use of the premises. There are plans to increase profitability to at least 100%.

The profit is planned to be distributed into 3 equal parts:

  • 34% – personal income of individual entrepreneurs.
  • 33% – refund of personal expenses.
  • 33% – additional bonuses for staff and costs for business development.

Let's calculate the payback period for personal investments:

250,000 / (78,317 x 0.33) = 9.67 months.

From the 11th month it is planned to use this amount for early repayment of the loan. The investment will be fully recouped with unchanged indicators in approximately 27 months. But we assume that the period will be shortened if we succeed in achieving the planned increase in attendance at the dance school.


A dance school is an excellent business for someone who knows about dancing and is ready to put all of themselves into this business. And our business plan for a dance school with calculations will help you create your own based on your own indicators.

We see that the enterprise’s profitability at the first stage will not be too high, and one of the key income items is staff compensation. If the creator dance studio at first will perform only administrative functions, it will be impossible to achieve the planned indicators.

However, after 2 years, subject to early repayment of the loan, net profit is expected to reach the level of 150-200 thousand rubles. For this purpose, it is planned to invite additional teachers, more efficient use of the rented space by subletting the premises for aerobics or fitness classes for pregnant women during times not occupied by dance classes.

It is also possible to open dance group for younger groups in the morning: 5-6, 7-8, 9-12 years. This will require a teacher with special qualifications.

Dancing is not just a fashion trend, but also a good way to maintain excellent physical shape, make new acquaintances and simply get positive emotions.

In order for the start of this noble cause to achieve the desired level of income, you will need a well-drafted business plan.

Market and competitor analysis

At the beginning of drawing up the document, you need to determine the level of income of the intended clients. After all, it is possible to create conditions both for a wide range of people of various age categories and income levels, and only for those who are part of the urban elite.

The former are unlikely to make any demands; for them, the most important thing is that the price be affordable. Dancing for them is entertainment; for them, it is not the result that is important, but the process itself. Therefore, drawing up a clear training course- This is a waste of time. But the presence of a VIP client presupposes the presence of more expensive equipment and qualified employees. This category will most likely require you to specify a specific time after which a particular dance will be learned.

Consumers of such services are people:

  • Aspiring to Governance own body, to the development of plasticity and comprehension of the language of dance.
  • Those who want to learn modern and beautiful movements.
  • Preferring to stand out among their peers.

Currently, people of absolutely any age group are interested in dancing: children develop plasticity and motor memory, adults use this as a substitute for sports, and older people simply want to be in good shape.

For information on how to organize such an activity, see the following video:

Production plan

To teach dance skills, you need to find a room that will meet the following fairly strict requirements:

  • square not less than 80 sq. m.;
  • availability of men's and women's locker rooms of approximately 15 square meters. m. each;
  • a relaxation room equipped with upholstered furniture;
  • a dance class must have a high-quality ventilation system;
  • in the hall there are several large mirrors and ballet bars.

Many similar rooms can be found in a fitness center or community center.

A more complex and costly task is equipping the hall. Considerable expenses await the entrepreneur who owns or rents premises in which he has never conducted dance classes. In this case, you need to be prepared to replace the flooring and equip the hall with mirrors, machines and a good ventilation system.

The most suitable materials for flooring include stacked parquet, boards and laminate.

A high-quality ventilation system will require the most significant expenses, so when choosing a room you should give preference to one that already has one.

There are no special requirements for lighting, so a pleasant atmosphere and dim light is just what you need.

You will need the following equipment:

  • large mirrors;
  • furniture for locker rooms and rest rooms;
  • reception desk

The level of technical equipment of the school should stimulate the growth of the number of clients, ensure the necessary security, maintain its reputation and implement the long-term investment strategy provided for by the marketing policy.

Financial plan

It is necessary to provide space for information about basic expenses:

  • Rent, the size of which ranges from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. depending on the population of the city and the location of the school itself. There is no point in renting more expensive premises, since then the entrepreneur will not earn anything.
  • Pay wages staff– about 120 thousand rubles. monthly. A fixed salary can be set for the administrator and cleaning lady, and the teacher’s salary usually depends on the number of subscriptions sold.
  • Purchase of equipment(mirrors, machine tools, flooring) - approximately 100 thousand rubles. If an entrepreneur manages to rent a room where dance classes were previously held, then these costs can be avoided.
  • Advertising campaign– 30-50 thousand rubles.

Organizational plan

When selecting personnel, the owner must start from the main and only criterion - professionalism. After all, it is from work experience and professional qualities teacher depends positive impression clients and their desire to attend this particular school.

The minimum staff should include:

  • administrator– 2 employees working in shifts. The monthly salary is 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • teachers– 6 people with an hourly wage, the amount of which ranges from 300-400 rubles.
  • cleaning lady– 1 employee with a salary of 7-10 thousand rubles.

The success of the school largely depends on a carefully designed schedule of the educational process. Practice shows that the greatest profitability is observed among evening groups consisting of 10-15 people.

Morning and afternoon study hours are well suited for individual lessons, which typically generate between 5% and 20% of the total profit.

You can count on receiving a stable income only if you organize daily classes in at least 3-4 groups.

You shouldn’t limit yourself to one type of dance, as each visitor comes with his own preferences. So, one wants to learn how to move beautifully to the rhythm classical types dance: waltz, square dance, mazurka, Charleston, cha-cha-cha, etc. Others like the temperament of Latin American dances: Argentine tango, rumba, bolero, salsa, samba. Still others are attracted by the femininity of the East - belly dancing, and for others, give modern rhythms: break, hip-hop, etc.

Launch schedule

The grand opening is usually preceded by the following steps:

No.Stage nameImplementation period
1 Business plan developmentFebruary 2016
2 Passing state registrationMarch 2016
3 Selection of suitable areasMarch 2016
4 Equipment purchaseApril 2016
5 Conducting a marketing campaignMarch-April 2016
6 Start of activityApril 2016

Marketing plan and advertising

Analysis of the market situation allows us to understand that the number of potential consumers does not have time to increase at the same speed with which the number of dance schools is growing. Therefore, without conducting an effective advertising campaign You can’t get by, because this is the only way a potential client will know that these services can be found at your place.

  • on the territory of schools, kindergartens, universities or any other educational institutions;
  • in printed publications;
  • in a specialized magazine or on a website - this method allows you to maximally reach the audience of interested clients;
  • on your own website and social networks.

The main method of promoting services is hiring a highly qualified specialist, after training with whom any client remains satisfied and brings with him several more of his friends or acquaintances. Another way to demonstrate to students that they need to continue learning in school is by holding a dance demonstration.

In general, a dance school is a highly profitable and promising business, and even the tougher market situation will not become an obstacle if the organization is entrusted to professionals.

Risk analysis

This type of business activity largely depends on:

  • on the level of professionalism of the teaching staff;
  • from the convenient and advantageous location of the school itself;
  • on the level of capitalization of the initial investment;
  • from objective financial and economic events.

A novice businessman must understand that the implementation of this project will require willpower, great dedication, a high level of knowledge and careful organization.

  • Description of products and services
  • Selecting a room
  • Recruitment
  • Marketing plan
  • Financial plan
  • Step-by-step plan for starting a business
  • Equipment for dance school
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Permissions to open
  • Dance training technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening a dance school in a city with a population of 600 thousand inhabitants.

How much money do you need to open a dance school?

To open a dance school, according to the business plan, you will need at least 900 thousand rubles:

  • Cosmetic renovation of the premises - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Arrangement of the premises (showers, coverings, lockers for clothes, mirrors, etc.) - 500 thousand rubles.
  • Sports equipment and inventory - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising, including website creation - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

Description of products and services

Our school will teach dance lessons for both adults and children from 3 years of age. Dance styles for children and schoolchildren: ballroom dancing, disco, pop choreography, baby dance, circus gymnastics, gymnastics, classical choreography, Indian dances, children's yoga, Latin, hip-hop, Break-Dance. Directions for adults: Eastern dance, modern jazz, strip plastic, hip-hop, strip dance, zumba, latina, solo latina, club latina, ZOUK, KIZOMBA. Classes at our school will be conducted both in the format of group classes and in the format of individual training. A club card for 8 classes per month will cost 2,200 rubles, a card for 3 months - 6,000 rubles, for 6 months - 11,000 rubles. This average level prices, which can be observed in other dance schools in our city. According to our calculations, the organization will reach its revenue targets only after 8-9 months of operation. In the first months (May - July 2015), the number of regular clients of the school will be no more than 40 - 60 people, and only after 8 months (February 2016) the audience of clients will grow to 150 people.

Download the dance school business plan

What OKVED code should I indicate when registering a dance school?

It is planned to register an ordinary individual entrepreneurship as an organizational form. The OKVED code for our activities is as follows: 92.34.2 “Activity of dance floors, discos, dance schools.”

Which tax system to choose for a dance school

The special UTII regime - a single tax on imputed income - was chosen as the taxation system. UTII exempts you from the obligation to pay income tax, property tax and VAT. There is no need to install a cash register and submit monthly reports. A license is not required to carry out such a business.

Selecting a room

To conduct classes, it is planned to rent a room with an area of ​​156 square meters. This space is enough to conduct several group classes simultaneously in different rooms. Rental payments will amount to 60 thousand rubles. per month. The premises meet all safety standards and are equipped with ventilation, water supply, electricity and heating systems. No repairs required (only cosmetic). The most important thing is that the room has high ceilings, which is very important for conducting classes of any level of complexity. The main funds for preparing the dance school to receive visitors will be associated with the purchase of equipment and supplies. To begin with, a good linoleum floor covering will be purchased and installed. Then pylons, mirrors and air conditioners will be purchased and installed. Some of the funds will be spent on equipping locker rooms, bathrooms and showers. Finally, the remainder of the funds will be used to purchase sports equipment, mats, gymnastic balls, dumbbells, and so on.


Particular attention will be paid to the selection of school personnel, namely dance teachers. We need to find a team of at least 10 - 15 people. The main difficulty here may arise with the selection of not only good dancers, winners of all kinds of competitions and competitions, but real teachers. People who are able to work with people (especially children), teach them, notice and find the reason why something doesn’t work out for a person. In this sense, the school will not accept foreign instructors who cannot communicate thoroughly with the group. According to our calculations, it will take at least 6 months to create an optimal team of teachers. Payments to employees will be made on a piece-rate basis or as a percentage of the proceeds from the training group (30%).

Marketing plan

Our school will be located in a fairly populated residential area of ​​the city, on the first floor of an apartment building. In addition to the bright sign above the entrance to the building, after the opening it is planned to carry out an extensive advertising campaign: make a short report for the local newspaper, distribute booklets throughout mailboxes, offer cooperation to schools (attend class meetings), create a website and group on social networks. According to our calculations, this will make it possible to form several groups of students in the first month.

Financial plan

Fixed monthly expenses

  • Rent - 60 thousand rubles.
  • Utility bills - 15 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Tax (UTII) - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Outsourcing of services (accounting and cleaning) - 15 thousand rubles.

Total - 120 thousand rubles.

Monthly income

  • Subscription for one person - 2200 rubles.
  • Number of people in the group - 15
  • Total number of groups - 10
  • Revenue per month - 330,000 rubles.
  • Payment for teachers - 30% of revenue
  • Income per month - 231,000 rubles.

How much can you earn by opening a dance school?

Hence the net profit: 231,000 - 120,000 ( fixed costs) = 111,000 rubles. Business profitability is 48%. With similar calculations of a business plan, a dance school pays for itself in 10 - 12 months of work (taking into account the time to promote the business).

We recommend download dance school business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Dancing never goes out of fashion and never loses its popularity and relevance. Dancing is a great way to keep yourself in good shape, have a good time in the company of a loved one and/or a group of like-minded people, as well as an exciting and nice hobby. In addition, dancing provides several directions for opening your own profitable and profitable business. One of these areas is opening your own dance school, which will require 500 thousand rubles. Costs can be recouped within the first year and a half of operation. The profitability of the project during the first year of its existence is estimated at 38-40%, by the second year this figure reaches 50%.

Drawing up a business plan for a dance school

As a rule, random people do not get into this business. Amateurs and professionals of various dance genres open their own dance schools (or a more modest investment option - studios). They know the theory and practice of dance by heart, but at the same time they are very far from entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, for any business to be successful, it is not enough to be an excellent specialist in your field. It is necessary to have certain knowledge in the legal field, in the field of advertising and promotion, pricing, etc.

You can organize yourself, calculate all the points in advance and take into account the maximum number of nuances if you first draw up a business plan for your project. It is necessary even if you are lucky and have the necessary amount to open a business. A business plan is necessary not only for creditors and investors, but also for the entrepreneur himself, as it allows him to assess the prospects of the planned business, approximate expenses and expected income.

First, carefully study the situation with competitors in your city. Consider not only specialized dances and studios, but also various fitness centers, cultural centers and clubs, which also provide training in various dance styles. Study which destinations are represented in your city, what the “density” of studio locations is in its various areas, what they offer and at what prices. Note that it is the direction of the dance school that largely determines the demand for its services. The most popular are various youth types dance culture– from break dancing to go-go. However, classic and Latin American dances also do not go out of fashion, but in this case it will be difficult to organize pairs for all participants: as a rule, such dances are more popular among the fair half of humanity, and it will not be easy to find a sufficient number of young people who want to master the wisdom of dance. In pair dancing, sympathy for your partner is also of great importance. Therefore, dances performed alone are more “profitable” from a commercial point of view.

The teaching staff, the design of the hall, and the necessary equipment directly depend on the direction of the school you choose. You shouldn’t be scattered in several directions at once. Nowadays, the most popular schools are those with one priority area of ​​dance. On the one hand, the costs of opening them are less than universal school, which is designed for a wide range of visitors and a large selection of dance styles. On the other hand, a specialized studio inspires more confidence among potential students, since, in their opinion, real masters of their craft work there. Of course, narrow specialization also has its drawbacks: their target audience is quite limited, so the cost of training in such studios is usually higher than average. With proper organization of a business, it can bring its owner about 100 thousand rubles a month.

Premises and equipment for a dance school

Ready ideas for your business

In order to save their expenses as much as possible, experts advise beginning entrepreneurs to rent a premises that does not need renovation and has most necessary equipment. These, for example, are found in palaces of culture and creativity, in fitness centers, and in some educational institutions. However, finding a suitable room that is empty at the time you need is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. In this case, you should rent premises in a high-traffic area (for example, in a shopping or business center) and be prepared for additional expenses. A dance school can be opened not only in the city center, but also in a large residential area. The main thing is that it is located near a busy road.

Good traffic is not the only condition for a dance studio. Its size is also of great importance. So, ideally, a room for a dance hall should have high ceilings (at least three meters). This will ensure free air circulation, so even after a long workout there will be enough air in a crowded gym. Of course, this condition is not always achievable, so for most areas (except, perhaps, acrobatic rock and roll, etc.) it is not critically important. But the area of ​​the room will have to be taken into account in any case. It directly depends on the number of people who will be training in the gym at the same time. For one couple, 25 square meters is enough. But for group classes, multiply this figure by at least 3 (minimum area dance hall will range from 70-80 sq. meters). For a very large group of more than 15 people, you will need a dance hall with an area of ​​120 square meters. meters. A large area of ​​the room is especially important if you plan to conduct pair dance classes there such as salsa, tango, foxtrot, etc., so that your students do not collide with each other when moving. If you add the requirement for the convenience of the location of your studio and high traffic, it becomes clear that the rental cost can cost a pretty penny. But this is not the end of all the requirements.

When viewing a rental property, be sure to pay attention to the flooring. The best option is unvarnished parquet. It may not be very new, worn out and creaky, but it has a smooth surface, does not slip, is easy to clean from dirt and is durable. If you are unlucky with parquet (that is, it is not in the room you have chosen), then self-leveling floors, laminate (only with an anti-slip surface) will do. different kinds special stage linoleum or some types of modular floors. If you are going to teach certain direction, then the floor must meet these requirements. Thus, for step dances, a special wooden covering is needed that creates the desired sound and is elastic enough to absorb some impacts and ensure safety for the dancers and for the covering. Modern dances like electro, R 'N 'B and breakdancing do not require a lot of space, but increased demands are placed on the floor covering: it must be as resilient and elastic as possible, which protects against damage and injury when performing various tricks.

A good floor is, of course, an important condition for a dance studio, but it is far from the only one. The walls of the room also deserve attention. At least one of them (one of the longest sides, if the room is rectangular) should be covered with mirrors. At the same time, it is important that the seams on the mirror cladding are as small and inconspicuous as possible so that there is no distortion of the reflection. Mirror panels are not cheap, so in many halls, in order to save money, they are raised to a height of 70 centimeters from the floor. However, the height of the mirror must be at least 150-160 cm so that all dancers can see themselves in full height, standing at some distance from the wall. If you were unable to find a room with high enough ceilings, then you can visually increase the area by making the ceiling mirrored as well. Whether it's worth the expense is up to you to decide. Most likely, at first you can do without a mirror ceiling, especially since it does not carry a large functional load.

Ready ideas for your business

In addition, in dance studios, as a rule, a special handrail (ballet barre) is installed, which is used as a means of support when performing stretching and various exercises. The handrail is mounted into the wall at approximately the same height. But to determine optimal length and the height of the handrail is quite difficult. The ideal length of the machine for one person is the distance from finger to finger of arms stretched to the sides. The distance from the wall to the stick should allow you to remove your hand to the second position without obstacles. The machine usually consists of two sticks located at different levels. The height of the first stick from the floor is equal to the distance from the foot to the rib of the shortest student (height can be determined by age), and the height from the floor to the second stick is the length from the foot to the rib of the tallest student. The distance between two sticks depends on the difference in height of those people who will work on this machine. If you are going to conduct classes exclusively for adults who have reached the age of majority, and the difference in the height of members in the group is not very great, then you can get by with one stick. The handrail of the ballet barre has a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 1.5 m. It is usually made of pine. The safety of your customers is key, so don't skimp on quality equipment and fixtures. Wall-mounted machines of standard models are attached to the wall using rectangular supports.

Additional costs are associated with the purchase and installation of a high-quality sound system for playing music. IN professional studios A piano can be used to accompany ballroom dancing and tap dancing, and in Indian classical dance schools, appropriate musical instruments can be used. However, live music is quite rare. As a rule, most studios use musical accompaniment in recordings.

The dance studio is not limited to one hall. There should also be a reception area. Your dancers will need at least two changing rooms (separate for men and women), a toilet, and ideally also showers so that your clients can shower after intense physical activity. Provide a place to store the necessary equipment (rugs, etc.). It is advisable to use a closet for this that is locked with a key. But in the absence of one, you can compactly arrange everything you need right in the dance hall - in a special cabinet or on a wall mount (the latter option will help save space if it is already limited).

Let's calculate the main costs of arranging a room for a dance school. Square meter special flooring will cost $50-120. Laminate flooring is the cheapest, and natural wood boards are more expensive. Good ventilation of the dance hall, adequate temperature conditions in the room and good lighting are also of great importance. You will have to spend another 20 thousand rubles on a ventilation system if there is none in the room you have chosen. A good split system will cost at least another 25-30 thousand rubles. Therefore, it is advisable to choose an option in which you do not have to incur additional costs. As for the lighting, it should not be too bright (so that it blinds the eyes), but also too Low light will not create the right mood. Some schools use two lighting options - working (for conducting regular regular classes) and stage (simulating stage lighting for performances). Of course, this is not at all required condition, but if possible it is worth considering this possibility. The cost of mirror wall cladding, equipment for the locker room, plumbing for the toilet, as well as the reception area will amount to 300 thousand rubles.

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So, the minimum total area of ​​a small school will be about 150 square meters. meters. 70-80 sq. meters of which will be for a dance class, 15 square meters each. meters - for the locker room and shower, 20 sq. meters - for the reception area and rest room. A small studio can easily be located on 90-100 square meters. meters. The rent for such an area will be from 60 thousand rubles per month (the exact amount depends on the area, location and region).

Do not forget that the room you choose must comply with fire safety standards. There are also certain requirements for dance hall equipment, so cooperate only with trusted suppliers.

Entrepreneurs themselves claim that studios that have a certain specialization also have a narrowly segmented target audience. As a rule, these are representatives of the city's business community. The main condition for the success of such schools is to make the maximum number of their clients permanent. They try their best to optimize their expenses by renting premises that do not need renovation (for example, from the owner or in a business center), and investing only in its equipment, saving on advertising, choosing priority promotion channels and putting only qualified personnel, considering it their main competitive advantage.

The last statement is, of course, true, but you should not completely neglect advertising, since only thanks to it you can attract a sufficient number of fans of your chosen dance direction. True, advertising advertising is growing. Experts believe that the client of such a specialized dance school is active person, who independently started searching and found a school that suited him, and did not come to it, attracted by advertising. In fact, firstly, for a client to find you, information about your school should be as accessible as possible. Outdoor advertising is suitable for this, which may be too expensive for a small studio (however, outdoor advertising even includes a sign on the facade of your school or a banner above the entrance to it), as well as advertising on the Internet (local websites and forums, social media, your own website, various message boards, etc.), which can cost a penny, but still be quite effective. There is another nuance. If your school teaches common dance styles and directions, then it is not only possible, but also necessary to advertise it. Otherwise, you will not be able to break into the market. But the directions themselves are already quite well known, thanks to various television competition programs. Who hasn't heard of tango or cha-cha-cha?

If you prefer rare dance movements (for example, Indian classical dances, folk dances, modern styles, which are not yet very popular in Russia, etc.), then you will still have to invest in advertising. But not only and not so much in advertising your school, but in popularizing your chosen direction. To do this, it is necessary to be as active as possible professional life: take part in various thematic festivals and exhibitions, specialized forums, conferences, competitions, organize demonstration performances, conduct open lessons, invite specialists to conduct master classes.

If we take the example of Indian classical dances, then in India there are traditional schools in various directions (Bharata Natyam, Odissi, Kathak, Kuchipudi, Manipuri, etc.). You can get into such a school for free if the applicant passes the competition and wins a grant for training. Many Russian dance schools that teach Indian dances offer their students a real opportunity, after some training, to try their hand at and take part in a competition for a vacant place in an Indian school. This also attracts the attention of potential clients, because some of them (especially teenagers and young adults) are not at all averse to turning their hobby into a real job.

Dance school teaching staff

But you really shouldn’t skimp on dance teachers. Their experience, level and professional skills are the main reasons why clients come to your studio. No matter how attractive the prices you set for your services, no matter how comfortable your dance class is, if the teaching staff does not meet the declared level, you should not expect an influx of people willing to study with you. A good teacher must constantly improve and learn, know not only the practice, but also the theory of dance (including its history), regularly take part in various competitions, festivals, and perform on stage. Finally, he must... know how to teach. No matter how strange it may sound, the ability to dance at a high level does not at all imply the ability to teach other people the intricacies of dance. But both are important. If a teacher cannot win over other people, captivate them, if he does not pay enough attention to each student, then all his regalia and merits do not have special significance. Such a teacher is unlikely to be able to convey to his students at least part of his knowledge and skills.

In addition to teachers working in your studio, who work on an hourly basis, you will also need one or two administrators with a fixed rate (from 15 thousand rubles per month) and a cleaner (from 5 thousand rubles per month). Exact amounts vary by region. The salary fund of one small studio is from 80 thousand rubles per month.

Ways to increase income for a dance studio

The cost of one lesson in a regular dance school aimed at the mass consumer is on average 350-500 rubles, and in a specialized studio - from 500 rubles and more. As a rule, dance schools offer their new clients to attend the first (trial) lesson for free, and then purchase a monthly subscription (its cost starts from 2,000 rubles). Since the profitability of your school directly depends on the number of students, try to think through options for attracting maximum quantity wanting to dance. Some (for example, stay-at-home moms) cannot attend classes in the evening, unlike those who work. You can offer a special schedule for them. Often classes in the morning and daytime are cheaper than evening ones, since the hall will be idle during the day. The most popular evening group can have up to 15 people. Therefore, in the morning and afternoon hours you can spend individual sessions or sublease your hall.

In order for your business to be profitable, at least 3-4 groups must study in your studio per day. It is difficult to ensure such attendance at a specialized studio, even if it accepts everyone, regardless of age and initial training. As an additional incentive, many dance schools organize demonstration performances with the participation of their students (primarily children), as well as dance parties for adults.

The dance business has a pronounced seasonality. Largest quantity clients come to dance schools in the fall. After the new year, there are practically no newcomers, and in the summer everyone leaves for vacation. If you conduct classes with children, then seasonality is also present here, but not so pronounced: professional dance schools organize camps for their students in the summer and take them to various competitions.

So, the main expenses for opening a dance school range from 650 thousand rubles. This includes renting premises, its equipment, purchasing equipment, advertising, and creating your own website. With good attendance per month, a school can bring its owners from 100-150 thousand rubles. And this is not counting the incomparable pleasure from the fact that your favorite hobby of your whole life has become an equally beloved and, most importantly, profitable job.

Sysoeva Lilia

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