Tolstoy filipok lesson. Open lesson on literary reading in the Philippines

Public lesson 4th grade in reading. Topic: “Filipok” by L. Tolstoy

Prepared and conducted by the elementary teacher

Ovechkina Irina Aleksandrovna

Target: formation of skills of correct smooth syllabic and conscious reading.


Educational :

. introduce students to L. Tolstoy’s story “Filipok”

. teach correct, smooth syllabic, conscious reading;

. teach selective reading;

. expansion of vocabulary.

Corrective development:

. correction oral speech through role reading;

. correction of the development of thinking (establishing cause-and-effect patterns of the onset of spring);

. broadening your horizons.


. promote the development of cognitive interest;

. cultivate a love of reading.

Equipment and visibility :

Z. N. Smirnova, G. M. Guseva “Reading 4th grade textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type” M., “Enlightenment” 2012, multimedia projector, laptop, speakers, presentation

During the classes

I Org. moment

Draw conclusions and reason.

And so that the lesson benefits everyone,

Get actively involved in the work, my friend!

Today we have guests for our lesson. Let's show them what we know and what we can do.

II Articulation gymnastics

In order for you to read quickly and easily in class, you need to stretch your tongue. To do this, let's do a few exercises:

a) Articulation exercises :




b) Breathing exercises:

Blow out the candle.

* Take a deep breath and exhale all the air at once. Blow out one large candle.

* Imagine that there are three small candles on your hand. Take a deep breath and exhale in three proportions. Blow out each candle.

*Imagine that there is a large birthday cake in front of you. There are many small candles on it. Take a deep breath and try to blow out as many small candles as possible, making maximum amount short exhalations.

c) C h i s t o g o r k i:

LO-LO-LO - blanket of snow

EG-EG-EG - the first snow fell on Wednesday

SU-SU-SU - there is snow in the forest

GA-GA-GA - the blizzard howls

EL-EL-EL - a snowstorm is sweeping

G) Game "Words in words"

Remove one or two letters from the first column of words to make a new word







III Repetition of what has been learned

What reading section are we studying?

(“The sorceress winter is coming”)

What work about winter did we study in the last lesson?

Let's read it.

Poem by I. Surikov “Childhood”

Children read a poem (by heart if desired)

What mood did this poem make you feel? (fun, joy...)

IV Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson

But who is this? I suggest you read the name of this writer. It is hidden in a chain of letters.


V Learning new material

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born in 1828. He lived to be 82 years old and devoted his entire life to literature. His books have been translated into many languages ​​and are read all over the world.

Complete works - 90 volumes. He worked hard. He reworked his works several times, rewrote them 10-12 times to make them better.

Tolstoy studied history, music, drawing, and medicine. But most importantly, he loved children very much.

At that time there were still very few schools, and in the villages there were none at all. Children of poor people could not study at all. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy opened a school for peasant children. I wrote a textbook for children and taught them myself. The kids started going to this school with pleasure. The school was attended by 30-40 boys and girls aged 7-13 years. School lessons began at eight o'clock in the morning and often lasted until two o'clock in the afternoon; there was a break from two to five o'clock. At dusk, classes resumed and ended at eight or nine o'clock in the evening. He spent a lot of time with the children: in winter he went sledding, skating, and skiing with them; in the summer I went with them to the forest. But there were very few books for children, simple and understandable. And although the writer always had a lot of work to do, L.N. Tolstoy found time for children's educational books.

For many years, children all over Russia learned to read from his books. And to this day, many educational books contain his fairy tales, stories, and fables.

    Getting to know the work

You will also decide the name of the new work yourself.

.And. And. O. kplf

Here is a recording. Let's complete the task together.

There is one word in the title, I wrote only vowels, there are 3 of them, consonants are written next to them. Your task is to find its place for each consonant.

1 consonant the letter denotes the sound that is paired with the soundV

2 consonant denotes a voiced unpaired consonant sound, which is in the name of the writer we are meeting today

3 consonant hides in the last sound of the word lesson

4th consonant found in the alphabet immediately after the letter o

What word did you get?

Look at the cover and guess who this book is about?

What time do the events take place?

a) Initial acquaintance with the work

Listen to the text, check and clarify your assumptions.

(slide film “Filipok”)

Did your assumption coincide with the content of this work?

b) Vocabulary work

Could the events of the work actually happen or is it just the author’s imagination? The work is based on an incident that Lev Nikolaevich himself observed in his school.

What genre does the work “Filipok” belong to? (It's true)

What does the word "byl" mean? (Fact is what happened in reality, in life). Let's look in Ozhegov's dictionary

You came across unfamiliar words in the text, let's read what they mean.

Daily work - work on days worked.

Sloboda - a large village, a village.

Posrelenok - mischievous, tomboy.

Sentsy, canopy - the room between the living area and the porch.

Poor - smart, brave.

Shop - large bench.

4. Physical exercise

V)student reading

reading the work in a chain

reading the work in a chain. (Part 1-3, pp. 132 - 133)

1 ) reading the first part (p. 132) “in a chain”:

What characters appeared here?

( Boy Philip, mother, father, grandmother, guys ).

What did you find out about your mother? (mother went to daily work )

What did you find out about your father? (father went to the forest )

What did you find out about your grandmother? (grandma sat on the stove )

What did you find out about the guys? (the guys went to school )

What did you find out about Filipka? (that Filipok was small and did not go to school )

How did he get ready for school? (I started looking for a hat, but couldn’t find mine. I took my father's old one and went to school )

2) reading the second part (pp. 132-133) "in a chain ":

How far was the school? (Beyond the village, you had to go through the entire village.)

Why did the dogs bark at Filipok? (The dogs barked because they didn't know him. They never saw him.)

What were the names of the dogs that barked at Filipok? (Top, Bug )

Who drove these dogs away? (a man came out and drove the dogs away )

What did the man call Filipka? (little shooter )

3 ) reading the third part (p. 133) silently. What feeling came over Filip when he ran up to the school?

- Where did Filipok run? (to school )

What did he hear on the porch? (how the voices of the guys hum )

Why didn't he come into class? (he was overcome with fear that the teacher would drive him away )

Why didn't you want to go home? (I was afraid that the dog would eat )

Who pushed him to go to school? (woman with a bucket )

d) Work in groups

Restoring the deformed story plan.

Let's believe how carefully you read these parts of the work.

You have small leaves on the tables. You need to arrange them in the correct sequence.

Students reconstruct the events in the order in which they occur in the story.

Bored at home

Bored at home

Filipok goes to school

Filipok goes to school

Familiar road

Familiar road

Dangerous part of the road

Dangerous part of the road

Thoughts on the threshold of school

Thoughts on the threshold of school

Who main character story? Let's characterize him and draw up his passport

Characteristics of the main character

Hero's Passport

1. What's your name?

2. Where does he live? (in the village)

    What does he do? (bored) - Do the guys from the other group have any additions?

    What actions does he perform? (decided to go to school)

    What is the character's character? (decisive, brave, nimble) - Who will complement?

    What did you like or dislike about the hero?

(brave, inquisitive, but naughty)

    Testing the acquired knowledge

Let's take a test and see how you remember the parts of the story that we read.

A) I. Surikov

B) N. Nekrasov

B) L. N. Tolstoy

2. What is the name of the work

A) "Childhood"

B) "Filipok"

B) “Garden of Friends”

3. Who did Filipok stay at home with?

A) with brother;

B) with grandfather;

B) with grandma .

4. The names of the dogs that scared the boy .

A) Bug;

B) Top;

B) Yula.

5. Why did the boy fall along the way?

A) got scared;

B) tripped and fell;

B) dropped by a dog

    Reflection on activities in the lesson

In January 1908, Leo Tolstoy received a sound recording device - a phonograph - as a gift from Thomas Edison. The writer decided to use it primarily for dictating responses to letters. He said that sometimes he “would like, having read a letter, to immediately, under a fresh impression, answer it, and saying the answer into a phonograph is easier and faster than writing on paper.” This is how some of Tolstoy’s letters have reached us, as well as excerpts from his works, not only in written form, but also in audio form.

One day, schoolchildren came to visit Lev Nikolaevich. They asked the writer to show them the “miracle device”, and this is how the recording appeared" Address to school students

Goals: introduce students to the story of L.H. Tolstoy's "Filipok"; develop the ability to divide text into parts, compose and analyze different kinds plan; teach to distinguish between the author and the hero; improve Creative skills children; practice in verbal drawing; develop speech, thinking, attention.

Planned results: students must be able to perceive works of art by ear; correlate the meaning of the proverb and prose work; retell the text in detail, selectively; characterize the characters in the story based on an analysis of their actions, author's attitude to them.

Equipment: portrait of L.N. Tolstoy, his books; cards (text for speech warm-up, tasks).

Lesson progress #1

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

Under the mountain near the pine edge

Once upon a time there lived four old women.

Once upon a time there lived four old women,

All four are big talkers.

III. Examination homework

- Tell about your family.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Introduction to the topic

— In the last lesson you got acquainted with the biography of L.N. Tolstoy. What do you remember most? (Children's statements.)

- Lev Nikolaevich created a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana. And the story that we will read today is connected with this. Please clarify what the story will be about? (About a school for peasant children.)

- Find out if you answered correctly. Read the title of the story on p. 112, and on p. 115 look at the illustration. Be more specific about what the story is about. (Time is given to think about the task and make assumptions.)

- Well, let's check your assumptions. It's time to get acquainted with the story.

2. Primary reading and vocabulary work

(The teacher and students read the story. At the same time, vocabulary work is being done - with outdated words.)

Daily - relating to counting, accounting or calculation by day (day work, payment).

Sloboda is a large village. The shooter is a fidget, a naughty boy.

Sentsy, canopy - in village huts and in the old days, in city houses, the room between the living part of the house and the porch. Bedovy - nimble, brave.

3. Discussion of the story

- Where does the story begin?

- Why didn’t Filipok go to school with the guys?

- What happened to the boy on the way?

— How did events develop at school?

— How did the boy begin to put his name together?

- How did the story end?

V. Physical education minute


Raise your shoulders

Jump, grasshoppers,

Jumping gallop,

Jumping gallop.

Sit down and eat some grass,

Let's listen to the silence.

Hush, hush, high,

Jump on your toes easily.

VI. Consolidation of what has been learned

1. Repeated reading

(Students read the story.)

2. Story test

- Let's check if you read carefully.

1. Who did Filipok stay at home with?

a) with brother;

b) with grandfather;

c) with my grandmother. +

2. Why did the boy fall along the way?

a) got scared;

b) tripped; +

c) dropped by the dog.

3. Why did he stand on the porch of the school for a long time, why

a) that the teacher will drive you away; +

b) what the teacher will force you to study;

c) that the guys will laugh.

4. What task did the teacher give Filipko?

a) solve the problem;

b) write your name;

c) add your name. +

b) Kostyushka; +

VII. Reflection

- What would you praise yourself for?

— What did you want to do after this lesson?

VIII. Summing up the lesson

- What story did we read in class?

- What is he talking about?

— What did you like most about him?

Progress of lesson No. 2

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

- Read the poem quickly.

Vova was lazy in the morning

Comb your hair

A cow came up to him -

She combed her tongue.

G. Ladonshchikov

III. Setting lesson goals

Today we will learn to divide the text into parts, and then retell it according to the drawn up plan on behalf of the author and on behalf of the hero.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Drawing up a story plan

— Before you is a distorted (rearranged) outline of the text. Restore it. (Students work independently.)

1. Dangerous part of the road to school.

2. Familiar road.

3. “Wait a moment to brag...”

4. Filipok goes to school.

5. Meeting with the teacher.

6. Bored at home.

7. Thoughts on the threshold of school.

8. Filipok in class. (Answer: 6,4, 2, 1,7,8,5,3.)

2. Retelling the text

- Based on the plan you received, retell the text.

V. Physical education minute


We put on a record

And we go out to warm up.

To charge, to charge,

Get ready to exercise!

We start running on the spot,

The finish is in two hundred meters!

One-two, one-two!

One-two, one-two!

One-two, one-two!

One-two, one-two!

Enough, enough - come running,

Stretch and breathe!

VI. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

1. Work on the retelling

— Now we will learn to retell the text on behalf of the main character. What's his name? (Filipok.)

- What words will we use when retelling instead of the words “boy”, “Filipok”, “he”? (I, me, me.)

(Children complete the task.)

2. Working with proverbs

- Open the textbook on p. 124, complete task 10. (Children work in pairs. Read proverbs, remember examples from life when they can be used.)

VII. Reflection

— What did you learn in today's lesson?

—What would you praise yourself for?

— What did you want to do after this lesson?

Irina Sakharova
"L. Tolstoy "Filipok". Summary of a lesson in reading and speech development in the fourth grade of a type VIII school

OGKOU Furmanovskaya VIII type school

Lesson summary of reading and speech development

at 4 "B" class

Subject lesson: L. Tolstoy« Filipok»

Primary teacher classes

Target: formation of skills of correct smooth syllabic and conscious reading.



Introduce students to L.'s story. Tolstoy« Filipok»

Teach correct, smooth syllabic, conscious reading;

Teach selectively reading;

Expanding vocabulary.

Developmental and correctional:

Oral correction speeches through role reading;

Correction development of thinking(establishing cause-and-effect patterns of the onset of spring);

Expanding your horizons.


Contribute to the development of cognitive interest;

Cultivate love for reading.

Equipment and visibility:

Z. N. Smirnova, G. M. Guseva " Reading 4th grade textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions VIII species» M., "Education" 2012

Multimedia projector




During the classes

Stages lesson

Activities of the teacher Activities of students

I Organizational moment.

Emotional mood

Guys, check if everything is ready for you lesson. They sat down quietly.

Submission of the report.

Today visit us lesson guests came. Let's show them what we know and what we can do.

They smiled at me, they smiled at each other, they smiled at the guests. Let our smiles help us carry on lesson interesting and useful. (SLIDE 2)

The duty officer submits a report.

The children are smiling.

II Speech therapy minute - Let’s begin lesson in a speech therapy minute, let’s work with pure language.

I read it for the first time, you listen and remember. (SLIDE 3)

Frosty winter morning

birch trees ring at dawn

We read in chorus, highlighting the sound "z"

(loudly, whisper)

Children read a story in chorus

III Repetition of what has been learned

Which section on reading we study?

What work about winter did we study last year? lesson?

Let's read it.

(Indian work – Katya Boytsova)

What mood did this poem make you feel? - “Winter sorceress is coming”

Poem by I. Surikov "Childhood"

Children reading a poem

Working with a card

Joy, fun...

IV Learning new things

1. Preparatory conversation

Working with a painting

2. Teacher reading a story

3. Introductory reading

4. Vocabulary work

Look at the screen. What time of year is shown in the picture? How did you guess? (Slide 4)

Who is pictured foreground paintings?

Describe the boy. What is he like?

Who do you see in the background?

Where do you think they take place? events: in a city or a village? Why do you think so?

Who is the main character of the story? Where did he live?

Read the story yourself and highlight unclear words.

Ind. work – Boytsova Katya (primer)

Did you understand all the words? And when I read the story, I came across many incomprehensible words and expressions, let's look at them. (Slide 6)

DAY WORK (work with payment on days worked)

SLOBODKA (locality, very close to the city - a large village, village)

YARD (a private house)

SHOOTING (fidget, naughty)

CLOTHING FLOORS (bottom part of front opening garment)

RUN AT FULL SPIRIT (run very fast)

Children's answers.

Children read expressions

Exercise for the eyes

- "Astrologer" (Slide 7)

5. Explanatory reading

(Conversation on content).

We read the story aloud. We are watching closely. Start reading...

Where did you want to go Filipok?

Why didn't his mother let him in? school?

Where did the parents go? Filipka?

Who did the boy stay with?

What did you decide to do? Filipok? Why?

Where was school?

What I experienced Filipok was running to school?

Who helped Filipku?

- Filipok wanted to go to school.

He was small.

Parents went to work.

- Filipok stayed with the old grandmother.

- Filipok was getting ready to go to school, because he got bored.

- The school was located outside the village.

Dogs barked at him.

- A man helped Filip. He drove the dogs away.

Physical education minute

"New Year's" (Slide 8)

6. Selective reading

Read what we learn at the beginning of the story about Filipke?

Read what his parents did?

Read why Filipok decided to go to school?

Read what happened to Philip on the way to school?

Prove that Filipok I was very scared of dogs.

Read who helped Filipku. Work with text.

Children read passages

V Generalization

Who is the main character of the fairy tale?

Where Filipok really wanted to go?

What story did we read?

Did you like it Filipok? Why?-

What is his character like? (decisive, courageous, courageous)

What new words did you meet?

Children's answers

VII Reflection

Think about what your mood was like lesson?

If you liked the lesson - clap for yourself.

If not, wave your hands. (Slide 9)

VIII Grades,

Ind. ass – Boytsova Katya

Publications on the topic:

Integrated lesson on reading and speech development in correctional classes 2–3 “The World of Russian Folk Tales” Integrated lesson in reading and development of oral speech in 2-3 special (correctional) classes of 8 types. Lesson duration: 40 minutes.

Notes on speech development in grade 3, type 8. Theme “Wintering birds: tit” Lesson type: combined lesson Topic: “Wintering birds: tit” Objectives: 1. Formation of the ability to program an oral statement; development.

Summary of a biology lesson in a correctional school of type VIII"Plant - whole organism» General lesson in biology in 7th grade on the topic “Flowering Plants” Purpose: to give students the concept of integrity.

Summary of a lesson on reading in the 2nd grade of a correctional school of the VIII type based on the fairy tale “The Hare and the Squirrel” by N. Sladkov. Reading lesson in 2nd grade fairy tale “The Hare and the Squirrel” by N. Sladkov. Lesson objectives: 1. Correctional and educational: - introduce students to the work.

Scenario for the holiday “Autumn Tale” for elementary school (VIII type) State-owned educational institution Omsk region Isilkul (correctional) boarding school. Holiday script " Autumn Tale».

Literary reading lesson

Lesson objectives:

  • introduce students to Leo Tolstoy’s story “Filipok”;
  • work on the skills of meaningful, correct reading, develop the ability to work with text;
  • develop children's creative abilities, teach them to distinguish between the author and the hero.


  • portrait of Leo Tolstoy;
  • exhibition of books by L.N. Tolstoy;
  • dictionary S.I. Ozhegova;
  • crossword.

I. Minutes expressive reading

1. Read the work of E. Tarakhovskaya “The Hare” (in a low voice):

I'm afraid, I'm afraid
The wolf and the cuckoo.
I'm afraid, I'm afraid
Toad and frog.
I'm afraid, I'm afraid
Ant and fly.
Both the snake and the hedgehog,
And siskin and swift.
Look how they tremble
Ears on top of head.

– Who is the poem about?

-What can you say about the hare?

– Read the poem so that everyone understands how afraid the bunny is. To do this, use facial expressions and gestures.

2. Reading aloud by students with dramatization.

Bottom line.

Minutes of expressive reading will help us read a new work expressively during the lesson.

II. Working on new material

– Years of the writer’s life – 1828-1910.

He was concerned with enlightening the people, educating peasant children, and wrote 629 works for children. There are various genres of the writer’s works for children: short story, true story, essay, fairy tale, fable, proverb, riddle...

– Which writer are we talking about? (We are talking about L.N. Tolstoy).

- Let's solve the crossword puzzle. And for this let us remember the works of L.N. Tolstoy, which we read. (Application)

  1. You all know that L.N. Tolstoy opened a free school for peasant children. To make it easier for children to learn, he wrote educational book. What is it called? (ABC).
  2. Which interesting work Have you read in which we talked about the kind heart of the girl Masha? ("Foundling"). The teacher shows the book.
  3. What fable does L.N. Tolstoy’s proverb “Whoever lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow” suits him. ("Liar").
  4. Which work talks about true friend man - dog? (“Bulka”).
  5. What word did you get? (“True”).

-What is reality?

The teacher shows Dictionary S.I. Ozhegova, and the children read out the meaning of the word true story. (True is a story about a real incident, as opposed to a fable).

– Today we read the true story of L.N. Tolstoy “Filipok”.

III. Work on the content of the work by L.N. Tolstoy “Filipok”

1. Primary reading.

2. Conversation of an emotional-evaluative nature.

3. Reading aloud “in a chain” and doing vocabulary work:

daily work – work with payment based on days worked;

Slobodka – suburb;

Sentsy - a room between the residential part of the house and the porch;

floors - the lower part of clothing that opens at the front;

Bedovy – nimble, brave.

4. Reading in parts.

- What is Filipok like?

To answer this question, let's read this work.

a) Reading the first part “in a chain”. (Filipok wanted to go to school, he asked his mother to send him to study).

- How did he get ready for school? (He chose the moment when the grandmother was sleeping, the father went to the forest, and the mother was at work).

– Was Filipok in a hurry? (Yes, he took his father’s hat. He did everything in silence, without telling anyone).

b) Reading the second part “in a chain”.

- How far was the school? (Beyond the village, you had to go through the whole village)

– Why did the dogs bark at Filipok? (The dogs barked because they didn’t know him. They had never seen him. And dogs also bark when you run. Filipok didn’t walk, but ran to school - that’s what’s important! And he was also wearing his father’s hat and fur coat)

- What could Filipok do when the dogs barked at him?

- Why didn’t he come back, even though it was scary?

– Find expressions in the text that depict. what happened to Philip.

c) Reading the third part to yourself.

– What feeling came over Filip when he ran up to the school? (Children read the answer from the book)

d) Reading the fourth and fifth parts.

- How did Filipok enter the school? (He took off his hat, entered quietly, was afraid that he could not speak).

– How did Filipok behave after the teacher’s praise? What did he say? (“I’m poor…”)

“He knows his own worth, he knows what it means to be poor and cunning.”

- Why did he tell the teacher that? (To convince him that he can study).

- So what is Filipok like? (Filipok is independent, persistent, brave, he already has character, he can achieve his goal).

-What is his goal? (Good, noble - study, gain knowledge).

– Could the writer have given a different title to the story?

– What interests L.N. most of all? Tolstoy in this work? ( Inner world a boy, his character, and a person’s character develops and manifests itself in childhood, like Filip’s).

5. Staging. Children stage the fifth part of L.N. Tolstoy “Filipok”.

IV. Lesson summary. Compiling a syncwine

  • Independent, persistent.
  • He goes, overcomes, gets...
  • Filipok achieves his goal.

V. Homework