Rapatskaya Lyudmila Aleksandrovna professor. Russian artistic culture

State Musical and Pedagogical Institute named after the Gnessins ( Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins), Faculty of History, Theory and Composition (1970)

Topic of the candidate's dissertation

“The influence of Radishchev’s tendencies in enlightenment on the development of Russian musical culture of the 80s-90s of the 18th century.” 17.00.02 (1977)

Doctoral dissertation topic

“Formation of the artistic culture of a music teacher in the conditions of higher music pedagogical education.” 13.00.02, 13.00.01 (1991).

Courses for the current academic year

Author and scientific director of the master's program “Music education in the context of Orthodox culture» in the direction of 44.04.01.
Scientific director of the master's training program "Vocal Art" (academic and pop)" in the direction of 53.04.02
Courses: “Historical and theoretical foundations musical art", "Christianity in world artistic culture", "Russian art culture in Orthodox civilization"


More than 150 works (monographs, textbooks, teaching aids, learning programs, methodological manuals, articles, including 19 articles in publications on the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, 2 articles in SCOPUS journals.

Textbooks certified by the Ministry of Education

  1. History of Russian music. From Ancient Rus' before the "Silver Age". St. Petersburg, “Planet of Music”, 2015.
  2. World Art. Grade 10. Part 1. Textbook. – M., VLADOS, 2014. – 383 p.
  3. World Art. Grade 10. Part 2. Textbook. - M.: VLADOS, 2014. – 315 p.
  4. World Art. Grade 11. Part 1. Textbook. - M.: VLADOS, 2014. – 384 p.
  5. World Art. Grade 11. Textbook.- M.: VLADOS, 2014.-301 p.

Tutorials and books

  1. History of artistic culture of Russia (from ancient times to the end of the twentieth century): Textbook. manual for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. – M.: “Academy”, 2009. – 384 p.
  2. Artistic culture of Russia. From Ancient Rus' to the Golden Age: Textbook. manual for high school students. M., “Ventana-Count”, 2000. – 351 p.
  3. Russian art 11th century (“Dawn on the Neva”). – M., Education, 1995. – 191 p.
  4. Art of the "Silver Age". – M., Education, 1996. – 191 p.
  5. “The Fourth Wisdom”: About music in the culture of Ancient Rus'. – M., Music, 1997. – 181 p.


FGOU "Academy of Advanced Training and Prof. retraining of educators" under the program "Media education in the professional training of a teacher-musician" (2011).
Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov under the program “Higher School Teacher” (2014).

State and departmental awards

Honorary title "Honored Worker of Higher School" Russian Federation»
Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
Medal "Veteran of Labor"
Medal K.D. Ushinsky

Achievements and awards

Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation (2000)
Member of the Union of Composers of Russia
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International music competition"Muses of the World"
Founder " International Center support for music teachers"
“Best teacher of 2013” ​​FSBEI Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M.A. Sholokhov
“Best teacher of 2014” FSBEI Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M.A. Sholokhov

Professional activity

Founder of the cultural direction in pedagogy music education. Trained 5 Doctors of Science and 40 Candidates of Science.

The purpose of the course is to form in students a holistic understanding of historical traditions and the values ​​of the artistic culture of the peoples of the world.
The author selected from the works foreign art and cultural facts, that which most closely came into contact with Russian culture, nourished it, interacted with it, that which is relevant artistic heritage modernity.
The textbook for grade 10 includes topics on the history of cultures of the Ancient and Medieval East, the formation of European cultural tradition, the foundations of Russian national culture.

The textbook was created in accordance with the course program “Russian artistic culture” and introduces students to spiritual and moral values Russian art in all the diversity of its types and genres from antiquity to the 18th century. Includes reference and textbook materials.

Download and read World artistic culture, grade 10, Part 2, Rapatskaya L.A., 2016

The objective of the course is to form in students a holistic understanding of the historical traditions and values ​​of the artistic culture of the peoples of the world.

Download and read World artistic culture, grade 11, Part 1, Rapatskaya L.A., 2016

Download and read World artistic culture, grade 11, Part 2, Rapatskaya L.A., 2015

This manual is a fundamental work covering material on the history of Russian art from Ancient Rus' to the present day. Within a fairly limited volume, the reader is offered comprehensive information: characteristics of the main artistic movements And style directions, analysis of events and facts artistic life, a representation of a very wide range of writers, artists, composers, and architects. A variety of questions and tasks, an extensive bibliography, a reader for each part of the manual, a short terminological dictionary, the name index significantly enrich the methodological apparatus of the publication. The manual corresponds to the content of the course “World Art Culture” both in high school and in universities.

Download and read Russian artistic culture, Rapatskaya L.A., 1998

The textbook was created in accordance with the course program “Russian artistic culture” and introduces students to the spiritual and moral values ​​of Russian art in all its diversity of types and genres since the 19th century. until the 70s of the XX century. Includes reference and textbook materials.

Download and read World artistic culture, grade 11, Part 2, Rapatskaya L.A., 2008

The objectives of the course are to form in students a holistic understanding of the historical traditions and values ​​of the artistic culture of the peoples of the world.
The author selected from the world artistic culture that which most closely came into contact with Russian culture, nourished it, interacted with it, that which is the relevant artistic heritage of our time.
The textbook for grade 11 covers the main problems and trends in Russian, European and American culture XIX-XX centuries.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Art History, Professor, Head of the Department of Musicology and Music Education, Dean of the Faculty of Culture and Musical Art of Moscow State Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhov.

Under her scientific supervision the following was prepared:
40 candidates of pedagogical sciences
5 Doctors of Pedagogical Sciences

L.A. Rapatskaya made a great contribution to the development of domestic pedagogical science, expanding the possibilities of musical pedagogical research, creating a new cultural direction in art pedagogy. She has about 200 publications in Russia and abroad - in Spain, France, Poland, Belarus, China, South Korea. The content of L.A. Rapatskaya’s works extends from the history of Russian music and the methods of its teaching to the problems of the formation and development of world artistic culture. Among the publications are books published in central publishing houses of Russia large editions, monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, as well as science articles, teaching materials, programs, reviews, articles for dictionaries and encyclopedias.

L.A. Rapatskaya was one of the first in Russia to write about spiritual Orthodox origins Russian art, placing the search for the interaction of “spiritual” and “artistic” at the forefront of his research. Her first books are devoted to this problem: “The Artistic Culture of Ancient Rus'” (1995), “Russian Art of the 18th Century (“Dawn on the Neva”)” (1995), “The Art of the Silver Age” (1996), “The Fourth Wisdom”: about music in the culture of Ancient Rus'”, (1997), “Russian artistic culture” (1998), “Artistic culture of Russia: from Ancient Rus' to the “golden age” (2000).

Russian music in the context of artistic culture- another important topic scientific research L.A. Rapatskaya. In 2001, the first Russian music pedagogy the textbook “History of Russian Music”, covering all stages of its development and fully reflecting the author’s cultural approach - L.A. Rapatskaya to the material presented.

Important page scientific biography Rapatskaya L.A. associated with problems world artistic culture as an academic subject at school and university, with the objectives of developing the artistic culture of the individual. Her monograph “Formation of a Teacher’s Artistic Culture” (1991) reflects the content of her doctoral dissertation. This was followed by a series of scientific and methodological experiments in secondary schools and pedagogical universities, which resulted in the development of a new concept for the course “World Artistic Culture”. The published program of this subject was intended for grades X and XI secondary school and was called “Universal human values ​​of world artistic culture: a view from Russia” (2001). Successfully found methodological basis allowed to clear academic discipline from petty topics and factual overload. Two textbooks “World Art Culture” (grades X and XI) created on the basis of the program are among the most popular in educational institutions Russia.

L.A. Rapatskaya made a great contribution to the development domestic cultural education, creating a new academic subject“Russian artistic culture”, the goal of which is to form ideas about the great among students national treasure Russia, which embodied in artistic images timeless spiritual and moral values. Textbooks for schools “Russian artistic culture” (grades X and XI) and higher educational institutions are devoted to these problems: “Russian artistic culture” (2002), “History of artistic culture in Russia from ancient times to the end of the twentieth century” (2008). All textbooks and teaching aids by Rapatskaya L.A. are certified by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, are used at the federal level and are introduced into the practice of humanities and pedagogical universities, conservatories, music colleges and secondary schools.

Currently L.A. Rapatskaya provides scientific supervision to 25 graduate students and applicants, is a scientific consultant to 2 doctoral students, and participates in four dissertation councils (three councils at M.A. Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities, one council at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University). She continues to work in the field of higher education pedagogy, enriching it with research in the field of music therapy, music-computer technologies and innovative techniques, reflecting the development of new directions in musical culture XXI century.

Russian artistic culture. Rapatskaya L.A.

M.: 1998 - 608 p.

Recommended by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation as a teaching aid for university students studying pedagogical specialties. This manual is a fundamental work covering material on the history of Russian art from Ancient Rus' to the present day. Within a fairly limited volume, the reader is offered comprehensive information: a description of the main artistic movements and stylistic directions, an analysis of events and facts of artistic life, and a presentation of a very extensive personalities of writers, artists, composers, and architects. A variety of questions and tasks, an extensive bibliography, a reader for each part of the manual, a short terminological dictionary, and a name index significantly enrich the methodological apparatus of the publication. The manual corresponds to the content of the course "World Artistic Culture" both in high school and in universities.

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Introduction. Russian artistic culture
as a universal human value 3
Chapter 1. Christian Basics ancient Russian art 10
Questions and tasks 25
Chapter 2. Artistic discoveries Kievan Rus 26
Questions and tasks 54
Chapter 3. Masterpieces of culture of ancient Russian principalities 57
Questions and tasks 79
Chapter 4. Svetrusky Pre-Revival 82
Questions and tasks 110
Chapter 5. Art of the "rebellious century" 112
Questions and tasks 132
Bibliography 134
Reader 138
Chapter 1. The phenomenon of “Russian Europeanness” 168
Questions and tasks 193
Chapter 2. Images of architecture: from Baroque to classicism 196
Questions and tasks 212
Chapter 3. Images of painting: from parsuna to portrait 214
Questions and tasks 237
Chapter 4. Discoveries of Russian literature 240
Questions and tasks 267
Chapter 5. The Birth of the Composer School 269
Questions and tasks 311
Bibliography 314
Reader 317
Chapter 1. Dialogue of styles in Russian classics of the pre-reform era 330
Questions and tasks 364
Chapter 2. Peaks of art of the post-reform era 368
Questions and tasks 427
Bibliography 431
Reader 434
Chapter 1. " silver Age" Russian muses 452
Questions and tasks 509
Chapter 2. Domestic artistic culture of the 20s - 80s of the XX century 512
Questions and tasks 540
Bibliography 542
Reader 545
Brief terminological dictionary 564
Name index 572