Teaching materials on playing the guitar. Methodological report on the topic: “Development of basic technical skills in junior guitar students

Development intonation skills in children is of great importance for speech development, since fromThe ability to adequately perceive, interpret and reproduce speech intonation and, depending on this, build one’s behavior largely depends on the success of the communication process. Excessive or insufficient emotional expressiveness, its inconsistency with the conditions of the speech situation, is one of the sources of conflicts in interpersonal communication.

TO intonation skills include: ability to perceive by ear changes in all acoustic parameters of intonation; distinguish by intonation the expression of basic emotional states (joy, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, contempt, disgust) and semantic shades of the sounding statement; correctly place logical stresses; raise and lower your voice, control the power of your voice; maintain pauses, correlate the pace of speech with the content of the text; convey the meaning of a phrase using intonation; select the necessary intonation to express any emotional state; give a verbal description of the intonation of emotional speech;and also convey emotional intonations in written speech.

A practical means of carrying out development work intonation skills younger schoolchildren are speech exercises.

In the psychological and pedagogical dictionary we find the definition “ exercise– repeated performance by students of certain actions in order to develop and improve skills in academic work.” From this definition It follows that the exercises are designed to organize the reproductive (reproducing) activity of students, which is necessary for the development of skills and abilities and does not require creative thinking from the student. However, in the process speech activity is always present to one degree or another creativity. To develop students' intonation in the process of working on it, it is proposed to use heuristic, problem-based, and creative tasks along with reproductive exercises.

The following main groups can be distinguished speech exercises to organize development work intonation skills children:

1) Exercises to master the components of intonation (logical stress, melody, tempo, volume, timbre, pauses), for example:

* Read the sentences. Think about how to place logical stresses. What words in the sentences helped you do this correctly?

Are you coming today or someone else?

Are you coming today or tomorrow?

Are you coming today or not?

Rain, rain, more,

I'll give you the grounds

I'll go out onto the porch,

I'll give you a cucumber.

I'll give you a loaf of bread too -

Water as much as you want!

* Remember and act out a fragment from a fairy tale « Three Bears » , in which the bears returned home. What is the timbre of each bear's voice?

2) Exercises to develop expressive speech:

* Prepare the text for speaking out loud: mark logical stresses, place pauses, mark the movement of the voice, tempo, voice strength and timbre. Read it clearly.

* Read a fragment from a fairy tale expressively « Golden key » , observing the author’s intonation guidelines and paying attention to notes about voice timbre.

3) Exercises to enrich vocabulary:

* What emotions do the characters from N. Nosov’s story experience? « Buddy » ? What intonation guidelines would you give to the participants in the dialogue? What words can replace verbs? « speaks » And « said » ?

The train stopped. We got out of the carriage and went home. It was quiet in the suitcase.

“Look,” said Mishka, “when it’s not necessary, he’s silent, and when he had to be silent, he whined all the way.”

- We need to look - maybe he suffocated there? - I say. Mishka put the suitcase on the ground, opened it... and we were dumbfounded: Buddy was not in the suitcase! Instead there were some books, notebooks, a towel...

- What is this? - says Mishka. -Where did Buddy go?

Then I realized what was going on.

Stop! - I say. - Yes, this is not our suitcase!

Mishka looked and said:

- Right! There were holes drilled in our suitcase, and then ours was brown, and this one was some kind of red. Oh, I'm so ugly! Grabbed someone else's suitcase!

“Let’s run back quickly, maybe our suitcase is still under the bench,” I said.

4) Exercises to correlate sentence intonation and punctuation:

* Put in the necessary punctuation marks (periods, question marks and exclamation marks). Read, observing intonation.

Here is a rice field, but is this field some kind of swamp, water, and grass sticking out of the water, this is not ordinary grass, this is rice growing

(According to L.Kon)

* Read the poem that one absent-minded typesetter typed in the printing house. What's wrong here? Correct the poem by placing pauses and commas correctly.


Where to put a comma

Very, very strange look:

The river outside the window is burning,

Someone's house is wagging its tail,

The dog shoots from a gun,

The boy almost ate the mouse,

A cat with glasses reads a book

The old grandfather flew into the window,

Sparrow grabbed the grain

Yes, as he shouts, flying away:

- That's what a comma means!

5) Exercises to correlate intonation and meaning of a sentence:

* Any tongue twister can be read with different intonation shades. What determines their choice?

« From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field » .

a) joyfully, enthusiastically (How beautifully the horses race!)

b) irritated, dissatisfied (They just sprayed...)

c) contemptuously (Ugh! What dust!)

« The crow missed the baby crow » .

a) with regret (I feel sorry for the little crow)

b) with condemnation (What a bungler this crow is!)

c) with surprise (It can’t be!)

* Imagine that phrase from the announcer's message « Weather for tomorrow: significant cloudiness, occasional rain » different people repeat out loud and everyone thinks about their own. Try saying these words in:

- a passenger who has purchased a plane ticket ( « Eh, I should have taken a train ticket » );

- holidaymaker at sea ( « You won’t get a tan or swim, but you’ll be heading home soon! » );

- an agronomist in days of long drought ( « Finally » );

- signed up for interesting excursion for tomorrow( « Will it be canceled or not? » ).

6) Exercises for constructing a sentence with the desired intonation:

* Ask a question so that the sentence serves as an answer to it.

...? Apples are ripe in the garden...? Apples are ripe in the garden. ...? Apples are ripe in the garden.

* Come up with an interrogative sentence and ask this question to a friend with different logical stresses.

7) Exercises for the perception and correlation of basic human emotions by intonation and facial expressions:

*Look at the illustrations. How do the characters depicted in them feel? How did you guess? What can they say? With what intonation? Say it.

*Look at the illustrations. Think about the facial expressions of the person who pronounces the phrase. Draw his face. With what intonation is this phrase pronounced?

* Read excerpts from Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales « ugly duck » And « Thumbelina » with appropriate intonation and facial expressions.

1) Everyone chased the poor duckling, even his brothers and sisters said to him: « If only the cat would drag you away, you obnoxious freak! » And the mother added: « Eyes wouldn't look at you! »

2) ...Others came for a visit May beetles who lived on that tree. They looked the girl from head to toe, and the lady beetles moved their antennae and said:

- She only has two legs! It's a shame to watch!

- She doesn't have a mustache!

- What a thin waist she has! Fi! How ugly! - all the female beetles said in one voice.

8) Exercises for expressing emotional states in oral and written speech:

* Express alternately different human emotions (joy, sadness, anger, fear, etc.) using facial expressions, gestures and intonation, pronouncing numbers from 1 to 10.

* Say phrases using your voice to express different emotions. Let your listeners try to identify them.

« Open the door! » – angry, tragic, sad, pleading, joyful, arrogant, irritated, cunning.

« She's here! » - frightened, maliciously, with a feeling of joyful relief, bewitching, offended.

« Well done! » - admiringly, surprised, mockingly, indifferently, affectionately.

* Give phrases a given emotional coloring using special words and expressions and punctuation marks.

You over-salted the soup (with disgust); What a big mushroom (surprised);

The holidays will begin soon (joyfully); How should I be (sad)

* Come up with and write down happy phrases with interjections « Oh! » and sad phrases with interjection « Oh! » . What punctuation marks will you put at the end of these phrases?

Play occupies a special place in teaching younger schoolchildren.

Game exercises are given following functions: a) relieve, revive educational process; b) stimulate students’ activity and desire for leadership (competitive function); c) “theatricalize” the educational process. The basis of gaming activity is creative imagination, which helps children try on speech roles, transform into literary heroes, evaluate their speech behavior. Game forms allow the child to realize his fantasies, dreams, intentions, including communicative ones. By doing speech exercises Children playing, on the one hand, master intonation and facial expressions of emotions and recognition of other people's feelings, on the other hand, their own emotions and feelings are enriched.

Here are examples of game intonation tasks:

* A game « Listen to me: how do I feel? »

The presenter says this phrase with the intonation of one of the main emotions. The rest must guess by intonation what emotional state the presenter conveyed. The one who guesses first becomes the leader.

* « Alphabet » . Try saying the alphabet in one breath, gradually raising your voice. Which letter have you reached? Compete with a friend. Whoever stops closest to the end of the alphabet wins.

* « Who is more correct? » Several people play. Read the sentences one by one, pausing correctly. Whoever reads it incorrectly is out of the game. The one who lasts the longest wins.

Where to stay here? Where to stay here? What hurts? What hurts? Well, what shall we sing? Well, shall we sing? How did you finish? How are you done? Give me another one new book. Give me another new book. Execute cannot be pardoned. You cannot execute, you can have mercy. I did not see my brother, comrade and his sister. I did not see my friend's brother and his sister. Their, children were sent to camp. Their children were sent to a camp.

* Each student receives one or two phrases from the newspaper, which must be read with the indicated intonation shades. One student reads out his assignment, the rest, using a dictionary of intonations, try to guess with what intonation the phrase was pronounced.

Natalia Vasilevskaya

When we speak, we set ourselves certain tasks: to convince the interlocutor of something, to report something, to ask about something. In order to better convey your thoughts to the listener, you need to take care of the logical expressiveness of speech.

Intonation has always been recognized the most important element oral verbal communication, a means of forming any word and combination of words in a statement, a means of clarifying its communicative meaning and emotionally expressive shades. The components of intonation are melody, phrase stress, tempo, timbre and pause, which, interacting with each other, perform various functions in speech, the most important of which are communicative, semantically distinctive and emotionally expressive (Bondarko L.V., 1991; Zinder L.R. ., 1979; Svetozarova N.D., 1982).

Proper Use intonation in speech allows not only to accurately convey the meaning of the statement, but also to actively influence the listener emotionally and aesthetically. With the help of intonation, the speaker and listener distinguish the utterance and its semantic parts in the flow of speech. They contrast statements according to purpose (question, narrative, expression of will), express and perceive a subjective attitude towards what was said (Bryzgunova E.A., 1963).

The concept of intonation consists of successive changes in pitch (melody), voice strength (sound intensity), intra-phrase pauses (logical and semantic), tempo (accelerated or slow) in the pronunciation of words and phrases, rhythm (combinations of strong and weak, long and short syllables) , timbre (aesthetic coloring) of sound.

Logical expressiveness- the most important condition for any type of speech. This includes the following aspects. Melodics is the alternation of raising and lowering the voice depending on the meaning of the statement (question, statement, exclamation). Each phrase has its own melodic pattern.

Logical stress - highlighting the main meaning of a word in a phrase. Stands out - this means pronounced with greater strength and duration than other words in the sentence. The logical center can be any word in a sentence, depending on what the speaker wants to emphasize.

Logical pause - dividing a phrase into meaningful segments. Each speech beat (syntagma) is separated from the other by stops of varying duration and fullness, which in the texts of the exercises are indicated by symbols that, as a rule, coincide with punctuation marks, namely:

A short pause to take in air - a comma sign< , >;
pause between speech beats - slash sign< / >;
longer pause between sentences - double slash sign< // >;
pause to indicate semantic and plot pieces - the “three slashes” sign< /// >.

It is important not only to understand the meaning of pauses, but, most importantly, to accustom yourself to making actual stops. The rhythm of speech is determined to a large extent by the rhythm of breathing. Respiratory movements are rhythmic, uniform, with the correct alternation of phases of the respiratory cycle in duration and depth. In this case, the inhalation is shorter than the exhalation, which is important for speech and voice formation and speaking itself. Changing the rhythm of breathing entails changes in the rhythm of spoken speech. The rhythm of breathing dictates the limit of possible lengthening of exhalation; this limit is determined by the individual vital capacity of the lungs.

Intellectual correction, the predetermined structure of the utterance as a whole usually does not allow the speaker to break with a breath words and phrases connected by a strong semantic-syntactic connection.

Thus, the rhythm of breathing not on its own, but in interaction with the intellectual factor determines and regulates speech rhythm. Individual fluctuations in natural breathing rhythms in different people determine the variety of rhythms of spoken language.

“Letters, syllables and words,” writes K.S. Stanislavsky is musical notes in speech, from which bars, arias, and entire symphonies are created. It’s not for nothing that good speech is called “musical.” Calling for compliance tempo and rhythm in speech, he recommends: “Form whole speech beats from phrases, regulate the rhythmic relationship of whole phrases with each other, love correct and clear accentuations (emphasis - I.P.), typical for the feelings experienced.”

Working on intonation is carried out on the material of sounds, words, sentences, small texts, poems.

Povarova I.A.
Correction of stuttering in games and trainings

Good diction is the basis for clear and intelligible speech. Clarity and purity of pronunciation depend on the active and correct functioning of the articulatory (speech) apparatus, especially on its moving parts - the tongue, lips, palate, lower jaw and pharynx. To achieve clear pronunciation, it is necessary to develop the articulatory apparatus with the help of special exercises(articulation gymnastics). These exercises help create a neuromuscular background for the development of precise and coordinated movements necessary for the sound of a full voice, clear and precise diction, prevent the pathological development of articulation movements, as well as relieve excessive tension in the articulatory and facial muscles, develop the necessary muscle movements for freehold and control of parts of the articulatory apparatus.

Relying on general principles systematic approach in psychology (L.S. Vygotsky, S.Ya. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, B.F. Lomov, A.V. Petrovsky, P.Ya. Galperin, V.D. Nebylitsyn , D.B. Elkonin, etc.) and our own observations, we make an attempt to consider the model of the emergence and development of the phenomenon of fixity from the position of integral interaction mental processes, states, properties and actions in people who stutter. The validity of this approach, in particular, is confirmed by the results of a comparative study of adolescents conducted under our leadership by G.I. Angushev. The study allowed him to conclude that the difference between those who stutter and those who speak fluently is expressed in the former not in the degree of productivity of a particular activity, but in the specifics of its course. This specificity is manifested not in any one separate function, but in the entire totality of mental processes.

Massage is performed to relieve tension and stiffness of speech and facial muscles and, conversely, to increase the tone of weak and flaccid muscles. To relieve tension from your face and relax it, you can use so-called self-massage. Here we will get acquainted with its two types: hygienic and vibration.
Hygienic massage is performed by stroking, which activates the nerve endings located close to the skin. This massage has a dual role: it relieves tension and stiffness in the facial and facial muscles and increases the tone of these muscles if they are weak.

In the century modern technologies many strive to move away from outdated methods and principles, but there are things that remain unchanged for any time. Thus, communication is gradually moving into the electronic or written sphere, but at the same time there remain categories of people and professions for which the quality of speech, diction and intonation are important. Moreover, in everyday speech, such aspects often acquire strategic importance, since a person’s disposition, the future tone of the conversation and its result depend on stress and intonation. There's no denying that many jobs these days require knowledge of the basics.

For whom is intonation important?

What is intonation? This is the correct emphasis in the flow of speech, the rhythmic and melodic structure of speech, and therefore active intonation techniques remain melody, timbre, voice volume, pauses, logical stress and tempo of speech. Fast, awkward, alternately quiet and loud speech without pauses and logical stresses is uninteresting and tiring. Only girlfriends or old friends who have not seen each other for a long time can communicate this way, but for an adult, well-mannered person, such flaws are disastrous.

Working on intonation is important for speakers, teachers, managers, marketers and representatives of other professions in which success and results depend on the quality of speech.

It is important to be able to convey feelings and emotions through intonation, so as not to involve volume and voices. We should not forget that in everyday communication, incorrect intonation leads to misunderstanding, and possibly even conflict situations. For those who talk a lot due to their professional activities, it is important not only to be a good speaker, but also to know in case you have overloaded them.

How to train stress and intonation?

To work on intonation, you should use the most popular proven techniques. But the most important thing is to listen and read a lot. It is better to pronounce high-quality texts out loud, paying attention to punctuation marks; similarly, it is good to listen to recordings of poetry readings or theatrical performances. This will help you grasp the subtlety of intonation, understand its meaning and importance.

Today, logical stress, intonation, timbre, pauses and much more in speech are placed incorrectly, so the meaning is difficult. In order to train your correct speech skills, you should do a series of simple exercises. An example of the first is the famous phrase “Execution cannot be pardoned.” In it, fate and life depend on the correct intonation and, accordingly, the punctuation mark. It is also useful to read poems and phrases, emphasizing the meaning of certain words. At the same time, a change in the meaning, and therefore the result of speech, is demonstrated.

It is extremely important not to forget about training, hone correct breathing, take into account logical accents in speech and punctuation marks when reading.

A little theory

Before performing exercises to develop intonation, you should remember the theory. In the great and powerful language, there are 6 types of unfinished intonation: isolation and enumeration, introduction and warning, vocative and opposition.

When listing, pause after each homogeneous member, and place logical emphasis on the members themselves. Introductory intonation is characterized by a rapid pace of speech and the absence of both pauses and logical stresses.

Isolated members of the sentence are separated by pauses (the first pause is longer and the second is shorter) from the base of the sentence, while highlighting them with emphasis.

Warning intonation (also called an intonation colon) is characterized by breaking a sentence into two parts with a deep pause. At the same time, the second part begins to be pronounced in a higher voice.

The intonation of opposition is usually inherent complex sentences. In writing, it is expressed with the punctuation mark dash. The pronunciation of the contrastive exercise for intonation is distinguished by a pause in the middle of the sentence and a sharp rise in voice at the beginning of the second part and at the end of the first. together with knowledge of theory give excellent results.

1. Development of perception of various types of intonation.

Speech therapy work is carried out in a certain sequence:

1. General familiarity with intonation and means of its expression (tempo, rhythm, pitch and tone of voice, logical stress).

2. Development of perception of narrative intonation:

a) familiarity with narrative intonation;

c) exercises to highlight narrative intonation.

3. Development of perception of interrogative type intonation:

a) familiarity with interrogative intonation;

b) definition of a picture-symbol;

c) exercises to distinguish interrogative intonation.

4. Development of perception of exclamation-type intonation:

a) familiarity with exclamatory intonation;

b) definition of a picture-symbol;

c) exercises to highlight exclamatory intonation.

5. Development of differentiation of various types of intonation.

When meeting various types intonation and definition of a picture-symbol (the gnome “Point”, the gnome “Question”, the gnome “Exclamation”, or pictures with the image., ?, !) the following poems can be used:

Exclamation mark

Friends! In my works I stand in order to express excitement, anxiety, admiration, victory, triumph! It’s not for nothing that I am the Opponent of Silence from birth! Where am I, those sentences must be pronounced with special expression!

(A. Tetivkin)

There is no end to the stormy feelings:

The young man has an ardent temperament!

Question mark

I ask everyone different questions:

How? Where? How many? Why? For what? Where? Where? Which? From what? About whom? Who? To whom? Which? Whose? Which? What? That's what a master I am, Question mark.

(A. Tetivkin)

Always thinking about the meaning Bent with a rocker.

She has a special post In the smallest line. If the point - The conclusion is simple:

This means - Point.

The phrase should end if the point is nearby. The point must be respected, the point must be listened to.

(F. Krivin)

There are offers:

1. Interrogative

Now, when I come home, my mother will say:

“You fought, right?..

Are you dumb?..

Why are you stubbornly silent?

2. Narrative

I will have to tell the story, and I will say:

“I didn’t fight, I didn’t... I fell out of a tree, and now...”

3. Exclamation marks

Then dad will enter the room. He will come in and say:

“Loafer! I’ll teach you a lesson now!”

(F. Krivin)

2. Formation of intonation expressiveness of speech.

In the course of speech therapy work, it is envisaged to introduce special preparatory exercises to develop the pitch and strength of the voice, to perceive movements in the tone of the voice, to develop the duration and intensity of speech breathing. The work includes the following tasks:

In these tasks, games and dramatizations are widely used (“Far or close?”, “Lost,” “High or Low,” “Three Bears”), etc.

ay oi aui aza uso, etc.

y - silent articulation - ay, aui u - whispered pronunciation - ay, aui u - quiet pronunciation - ay, aui u - loud pronunciation - ay, aui, etc.

A a A a A a

The formation of intonational expressiveness of speech is carried out according to four main types of intonation-melodic structures in the process of performing exercises in a certain sequence:

1. Exercises to practice the intonation of a narrative sentence, characterized by

lowering the melody on the stressed syllable of the word under syntagmatic stress:

This is Masha.

Masha sings.

It's early spring outside. Etc.

2. Exercises to practice the intonation of a question sentence without a question word, characterized by a sharp increase in the frequency of the fundamental tone on the stressed syllable of the word under syntagmatic stress:

Has Masha come?

Has Masha come?

Masha sings a song?

Masha sings a song?

Masha sings a song? Etc.

3. Exercises to practice the intonation of a question sentence with a question word, characterized by a rise in tone on the question word at the beginning of the sentence:

How does Masha sing?

When will he arrive?

How many children are there in the kindergarten? Etc.

4. Exercises to practice exclamatory intonation of a sentence, characterized by an ascending-descending melody:

What a beauty she is!

It's mom!

Good morning!

etc., including exercises to increase the duration of a syntagmatically stressed vowel and slow down the rate of pronunciation of a sentence (for example, when expressing affection, tenderness, pleading):

My darling! Masha, yes-ah-ah pen!

and its abbreviation:

Look! Get started! Etc.

In the course of work on the development of intonational expressiveness of speech, exercises with interjections, onomatopoeia, counting rhymes, dramatized dialogues, fairy tales, etc. are widely used. At the initial stages of work, intonation is practiced by imitation: children are asked to pronounce various intonation structures in conjunction, repeating after the speech therapist and only then - independently. To consolidate the ability to use the basic means of intonation in speech (height, strength of voice, tempo of speech, etc.), it is necessary to use various poetic texts, the content of which tells the child what means of intonation need to be used, for example:

This is the story you will read

Quiet, quiet, quiet...

Once upon a time there was a gray hedgehog

and his hedgehog.

The gray hedgehog was very quiet

And the hedgehog too.

And they had a child -

A very quiet hedgehog.

The whole family goes for a walk

At night along the paths

Hedgehog father, hedgehog mother

And a baby hedgehog.

Along the deep autumn paths

They walk quietly: tramp, tramp, tramp.

The hedgehog will return to the forest house,

Hedgehog and hedgehog

If you read a fairy tale

(S. Marshak)

Say it louder The word “thunder” - The word thunders,

Like thunder.

(A. Barto)

The conversation of the fallen leaves is barely audible:

We are from maples... We are from apple trees... We are from elms... We are from cherries... From aspen... From bird cherry... From oak... From birch... Leaves are falling everywhere:

Frost is on the doorstep!

(Yu. Kapotov)

In the waters of a quiet backwater, three newts sang songs. The first was called Khariton, he sang in a beautiful baritone. Anton the triton sang gloriously, He was also a baritone. But the third tritone has a voice three tones lower. And if a tritone has a voice lower than a baritone, that means it’s a powerful bass1 That’s the whole story.

(L. Mezinov)

(Unfamiliar concepts are first explained to the children, and the child is asked to imitate the voices of newts.)

It is advisable to supplement the system of speech therapy work with logorhythmics classes, which include exercises with fast and slow movements, marching, movements to music, outdoor and speech games, which have a significant impact on the emotional expressiveness of children with mental retardation, normalization of speech tempo, education of speech rhythm, development height and strength of the voice, i.e. the main means of intonation of speech.

Speech therapy work on the formation of intonation expressiveness of speech is carried out in stages.

Stage 1. Formation of ideas about intonation expressiveness in impressive speech

The tasks of this stage include:

§ show children that human speech has a variety of intonations, which is achieved by changes in pitch, strength, timbre, and voice modulations, that intonation gives speech an emotional coloring and helps express feelings;

§ introduce children to various types of intonation and means of indicating them, as well as teach them to distinguish between various intonation structures in impressive speech.

In accordance with the identified tasks of this stage, work on the formation of ideas about intonational expressiveness in impressive speech is carried out in five directions.

1. Formation of general ideas about the intonational expressiveness of speech.

The speech therapist reads the same story twice. The first time - without intonation of the text, the second - expressively, with intonation. Then it turns out which reading you liked best and why. The speech therapist explains to the children that the voice can be changed when reading, that the voice can convey a question, joy, surprise, threat, request, order, etc.

2. Familiarity with narrative intonation, means of expression and ways of notation

The speech therapist pronounces a sentence with a narrative intonation and invites the children to determine what this sentence expresses (a question or a message about something). Then the sound means of expressing narrative intonation are clarified: “When we communicate something, we speak calmly, without changing our voice.” Maintaining the same pitch of the voice throughout the entire narrative sentence is accompanied by a horizontal movement of the hand and is indicated graphically as follows: →. Children then come up with sentences that can be said calmly without changing their voice.

The speech therapist says that in writing such sentences are indicated by a dot. The corresponding card with a sign is shown and the poetic line is memorized: “You can say about a dot: this is a dot - a single dot.” After familiarization with the sign, narrative sentences are extracted from the text. When highlighting them, children pick up cards with a dot.

Example text:

Two colors

Sasha drew a blue dog and a red hare. Dad looked and was surprised: “Are there really blue dogs and red hares?” But Sasha only had two pencils. He thought and drew a red poppy and a blue bag.

Then the children are offered various texts and given the task of laying out as many chips (writing down as many dots) as there are narrative sentences found in the text.

3. Acquaintance with interrogative intonation, means of its expression and means of designation

The speech therapist, together with the children, remembers that different emotional states can be conveyed by changing the voice. For example, by changing your voice, you can ask something. The speech therapist asks a question. Then he offers to do this to the children. Next, the speech therapist shows that at the end of a question sentence the voice rises. This rise in voice is accompanied by a corresponding movement of the hand and is indicated graphically:

Is there a sign to indicate the question? A card with a question mark depicted on it is shown and the poem is memorized:

This is crooked

Question mark,

He asks everyone questions:

"Who? Whom? Where? How?"

After familiarizing yourself with the sign, you are asked to highlight interrogative sentences from the text by picking up a card with a question mark.

Example text:


Lucky hamster. A nest caught my eye, and there were eggs in the nest. Take it and feast. But how to pick it up? Take it with your teeth? Don't take it. Push him by the cheek? They won't fit. What to do? So it's too tough? The hamster thought. How to be? And he came up with an idea: he began to roll the eggs into his hole with his nose.

Then, when presented with texts and poems, children are asked to place as many chips in front of them (write down as many question marks) as interrogative sentences are found in the speech material.

4. Acquaintance with exclamatory intonation, means of its expression and means of designation

Children are shown sequentially several pictures that correlate with interjections such as “Oh!”, “Ah!”, “Wow!”, “Hurray!” etc. A conversation is held about the content of each picture. For example:

§ The girl is in pain. How did the girl scream? (Oh!)

§ The girl broke her mother’s favorite cup. How did she exclaim? (Oh!)

§ Boys play war. What are they shouting? (Hurray!) Etc.

Then the children are again shown the selected pictures sequentially and given the task: name the word corresponding to the given picture. Then the speech therapist asks: “How do we say these words: calmly or loudly, exclaiming?” After this, the children are shown that an entire sentence can be pronounced as an exclamation. It is clarified that when pronouncing such a sentence, the voice either rises sharply, or first rises and then decreases slightly. A change in voice when playing an exclamatory structure is accompanied by a corresponding movement of the hand and is indicated graphically as follows:

Then the children are asked to come up with exclamatory sentences. To indicate an exclamation, a corresponding sign is given: “We will denote an exclamation with this sign!” Learn a poem about an exclamation mark:

Oddball - exclamation point.

He is never silent

Shouts deafeningly:

"Hooray! Down with! Guard! Robbery!"

After familiarizing yourself with the sign, you are asked to highlight exclamatory sentences from the text by holding up a card with an exclamation mark.

Example text:

The most important

“I am the most important! “I’m waking everyone up,” said the alarm clock. “I am more important! I take everyone! - said the bus. “And I am more important than you! I built this house,” said the crane. The sun was shining high. He heard this argument and said: “I can see everything from above. Listen to what I say: the most important thing is the person!”

Then, when presented with texts and poems, children place in front of them as many chips (write down as many exclamation marks) as exclamation sentences appear in the speech material.

5. Differentiation of the intonation structure of sentences in impressive speech

The speech therapist repeats with the children what types of intonations they know: “Remember how we can pronounce sentences?” Next, it is clarified what grammatical signs indicate calm pronunciation, question, exclamation; Poems about question marks, exclamation marks, and periods are repeated. Then the children are given the task of determining the intonation of sentences in the text. For each intonation type of sentence, a card with the corresponding grammatical sign is raised. Example text:

Magpie and mouse

Little mouse, are you afraid of cod?

I'm not afraid one bit!

What about a loud whistle?

I'm not the least bit afraid!

And the terrible roar?

I'm not afraid at all!

What are you afraid of?

Yes, a quiet rustle.

Then graphic dictations are carried out: it is proposed to write down the corresponding signs when perceiving sentences, texts, poems of various intonation patterns.

Stage 2. Formation of intonation expressiveness in expressive speech

The tasks of this stage include:

§ formation of various intonation structures in expressive speech;

§ their subsequent differentiation in expressive speech.

As preparatory exercises for the formation of intonation expressiveness in expressive speech, exercises are used to develop the strength and height of the voice, to gradually expand the range of the voice, develop its flexibility and modulation.

Pronouncing poems, observing changes in voice pitch. Children are divided into two groups, pronouncing the text in voices of different pitches. Questions are asked in a high voice, answers are pronounced in a low voice.

Well, Spring, how are you? ( high)

I have cleaning ( low)

What do you need a broom for? ( high)

Snow of vengeance from the hill, ( low)

(O. Vysotskaya)

Who is this? Who is this

Jumping along the road? ( high)

This is our naughty one

Fidget-ball, ( low)

Where did you buy it, sir?

That red tomato? ( high)

Here's an impolite question:

This is my own nose! ( low)

Was there a shoemaker? ( high)

Was. ( low)

Did you sew boots? ( high)

Shiel. ( low)

Who are the boots for? ( high)

For a fluffy cat, ( low)

Why is this cow

Vertically challenged? ( high)

This is a child

This is a calf, ( low)

(A. Shibaev)

8. Singing familiar melodies without words, changing the pitch of the voice.

9. Singing songs (for example: “Christmas tree”, “Happy geese”, “Cockerel”, “Blue sleigh”, etc.).

The formation of intonational expressiveness in expressive speech is carried out in the direction 1) from mastering the means of intonation design on the material of words (various syllabic structures) to their mastery on material that is more complex in sound design, 2) from mastering certain types of intonation structures to their differentiated reproduction in expressive speech .

Work on the formation of intonation expressiveness in expressive speech is carried out in four directions.