Painting day lesson in the senior group of dou. “Connoisseurs of Painting” is a direct educational activity on cognitive and speech development for children of the senior group

Lesson summary - travel in the senior group to introduce children to the fine arts.
"Journey through the Kingdom of Fine Arts."

Compiled by: teacher of MDU kindergarten No. 228 Olga Vadimovna Sizova

Program content:

1. Harmoniously develop each child based on familiarity with works of fine art with the help of audiovisual means. Develop creativity, emotional sensitivity, imagination and fantasy.

2. Form artistic taste.

3. To educate moral principles through the perception of fine art, through works of fine art that have aesthetic universal human values.

4. Foster the beginning of museum culture as part of a person’s general culture, a careful and reverent attitude towards works

art, to museum monuments, awareness of the interconnection of culture

external and internal.

5. Introduce the main types and genres of fine art:

sculpture - sculpture of small forms;

genres - fairy-tale-epic portrait; in painting - still life, landscape, everyday painting.

Preparatory work:

An educational lesson, conversations about the main types of specialized museums.

Examination of thematic albums about artists, photographs,

illustrations, didactic games.

Material for the lesson:

1. Screen, decorated like a palace, easels for tasks.

2. House for the character. Dunno doll.

3. Attributes for the task.

4. Sculptures m/f.

porcelain(a bear cub, a deer, a foal, dogs, a squirrel, a bunny, a calf, a zebra, an elephant, a girl wiping a plate, a girl with a teapot).



glass(mouse, caterpillar, dragon, caterpillar in an apple).

5. Crossword.

6. Portraits of artists.

7. Mosaic by genre.

8. Frames and baguette.

Musical arrangement: G. Gladkov

Fun disco.

Progress of the lesson:

Q: Do you guys like adventures?

D: Yes, of course, we love!

Q: So I really love and want to invite you to go on an exciting journey with me!

D: And where, where will we go?

Q: I already told you that any day now I am expecting a letter from a very important person.

D: Yes, they did, but a letter arrived.

Q: I received the letter, here it is. Queen Brush sent it to us. She invites us on a journey through her kingdom of Fine Arts. Do you agree?

Q: But the road is not easy, you need to know a lot, and perhaps adventures and surprises await us along the way, and maybe magical transformations. Aren't you scared?

D: No, we are not afraid of anything.

Q: To get to the kingdom, you need to know the way. What helps a traveler not to go astray?

D: Compass and map.

Q: Correct. I have such a map, and this Firebird’s feather will be the compass. It’s good to take a cheerful melody along with you on the road. (A melody sounds).

Q: Let's unfold the map and take a look. Here is the route we should take, and who do we see first?

D: Dunno and his house.

Q: That’s right, and here is the compass pen showing the direction (a melody sounds, the children go to Dunno’s house).

D: Here is an envelope.

Q: Let's see what's in it (opens, reads):

“Dunno goes to visit the artist Tube for a drawing lesson. He assembled the easel. What extra did Dunno put in?” The children complete the task and help Dunno clean up the easel.

V: Well done, everything is correct. Let's look at the map and continue on our way. It says "Artists Alley" and the compass pen shows you where to go. (Music sounds. Children go to the second point of their journey).

D: There is also an envelope here. Orange envelope.

Q: Let's open it and take a look. Is reading:

"The sorceress Chernilda mixed all the books. The artists are upset. They cannot understand their illustrations and ask for help with this.”

Q: Well, we can help this misfortune.

D: Yes, we will sort out the books.

Q: Come on, take a book and put it where the photo is


(Children lay out illustrations).

V: Well done, just great! It's time for us to hit the road. Take a look at the map. We need to go to Sculptors Street, so the pen points there. (Music sounds).

D: Another envelope. Yellow color.

Q: Shall we read it?

Q: » Who are the sculptures?

What do you know about sculpture?

Write a short story about a bear cub." (Listen to the children's answers.)

Q: An artist can convey the anxiety and fear of his hero with the help of an expressive gesture. Would you like to come up with a story about a bear cub? The little bear was left in a large forest without a mother bear, the baby bear, indecisively, steps from paw to paw and thinks hard about what to do - should he go forward or not?

Thus, with the help of movement, the sculptor was able to convey the character of his hero, his mood, anxiety and indecision.

Q: And it’s time for us to hit the road again, and the pen shows that from Sculptors Street we find ourselves in Genre Lanes. (Music sounds).

Q: You know, guys, it’s very easy to get lost in Genre Lanes. And to prevent this from happening, we must remember what genres there are? Poetry? And the mosaic? Let's talk and play.

D: This is Peizazhny Lane. (Children complete the task and read poetry).

Q: So you and I came out of the alleys and didn’t get lost. Let's take a look at

map. What do you see?

D: Tube Artist and crossword puzzle.

Q: So let’s go to the artist Tube. (Music sounds).

D: Here is a blue envelope.

Q: Let's open it and read it.

“Guys, we are visiting the artist Tube. All the objects he uses are well known to everyone. Name them, and you will find out the name of the room where Tube works."

Q: Shall we play “Field of Miracles?”

(Children and teacher complete the task).

And the map is calling us, let's see where we should go next. (Music sounds).

B: Here we come. What kind of miracles are there - there is a frame, there is an easel, but there is no painting?

Maybe these are the tricks of the evil Chernilda?

D: There is a blue envelope. (Reads the text in the envelope):

The sorceress Chernilda poured ink on Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”. The heroes are asking for help. They need to be brought back into the picture.

Q: How to do this? Unless we play at being heroes ourselves. After all, for some reason, heroic armor lies here and good horses are waiting. (Children make assumptions, exchange opinions).

D: We agree.

Q: Remember the plot of the picture. What genre? Now decide who will be who. (Music sounds).

This is how the picture turned out, a real living picture. Guys, look at the easel. The spell of the evil Chernilda has disappeared. The heroes returned to their place. This is what it means to be brave and decisive. Let's say “Goodbye” to the heroes and turn to the map. What do you see?

D: Palace, castle, big house.

Q: We are very close to the palace of Queen Tassel. But on our way there is still

one palace. Princess Tsvetana lives there. Let's hurry there.

(Music sounds).

D: The envelope is purple.

B: Let's open it and take a look. (Is reading):

“The evil sorceress Chernilda, flying over the palace of Princess Tsvetana, covered the colored paths that lead to the palace with sand. Help Tsvetana free the paths from sand by remembering the magic phrase. Name the color from which the color spectrum begins.

Q: Princess Tsvetana needs our help. Remember how the phrase sounds.

D: Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.

Q: So the paths appeared.

(The music of Queen Tassel sounds, Queen Tassel comes out of the palace). K.K. : How many new things have you learned?

K.K. : Do you know what children love most in the world?

D: Ice cream, cakes, cartoons, dolls, walking, drawing, candy.

K.K. : Children love a lot of things. I want to give you colors and magical

sweets called “Fantasy”. Eat them and draw them

wonderful drawings. Place them in a large envelope and send them to me at

palace, and my palace is called the house of the muses, but where do the muses live?

D: In the museum.

K.K. : Music, muse, museum... What beautiful words. Well, my friends, it’s time for you to return, and I’ll be waiting for your drawings. Goodbye. (Music sounds).

Q: Our journey has ended, and although we all know that it was a game, the game is very interesting. Thank you, children. Thanks to the guests.

Lesson notes for the senior group “Journey through the Kingdom of Fine Arts.”
Author: Sizova Olga Vadimovna
Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: Municipal preschool educational institution, general developmental kindergarten No. 228
Location: Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl region

Private preschool educational institution "Child Development Center "Solikamskbumprom" Kindergarten No. 45 Primorsky Territory, Solikamsk

Pedagogical project “Children about the artists of the world”

(senior preschool age)

Savchuk Tamara Ivanovna


“For children about the artists of the world”

Acquaintance with reproductions of artists is the door to the endless and wonderful world of art. And in order for a conversation to take place, for children to believe, to feel, to be able to see, to experience more deeply everything that surrounds them, we need to convey our attitude towards this beauty. Artistic and aesthetic development in the “Kindergarten – House of Joy” helps to introduce children to aesthetic values, to perceive and understand those works of art that will cause children delight and a desire to admire beauty. And then every child will love Alyonushka, will admire the heroes, will admire the golden autumn and, of course, admire the clumsy bear cubs from the pine forest. Modern emotional and aesthetic development contributes to the development of responsiveness and attentive attitude towards native nature, one’s homeland, people and eternal beauty.

She introduced the children to the work of great Russian artists from the senior group. They are familiar with reproductions of many paintings, including “The Knight at Dawn” (V. M. Vasnetsova); “Chrysanthemums” (I. E. Grabar); “Road in the Rye”, “Ship Grove” (I. I. Shishkina). Children learned to understand the plot of the paintings, look thoughtfully at the image, notice individual details, talk coherently about the content of the paintings, see their beauty and admire them.

I decided to continue the work of familiarizing myself with works of fine art with the children of the school preparatory group. Bring them to the understanding that paintings painted by artists are masterpieces of art and are found in art museums. Leonardo da Vinci said: “Painting is poetry that is seen, and poetry is painting that is heard.” And working with paintings by great artists is another step on the road to beauty - and this is beauty: art galleries, art museums, art exhibitions, because every thing in the museum is a carrier of spiritual, socially significant information, awakening emotions of admiration and joy in the little visitor . Awakens the ability to see an object through the eyes of another person, feels involved in the history and culture of his country.

The idea arose, through project activities, to introduce children to the center of art history - the State Tretyakov Gallery, an art museum in Russia, its founder - P. M. Tretyakov; with the creativity of great Russian artists and their brilliant works of fine art, with the goal of shaping children’s understanding of the State Tretyakov Gallery as Russia’s first museum of national art.

The developed project “For children about artists of the world” is short-term, designed for three months. Participants: children of the preparatory school group, teacher, parents. The planned work on the project was compiled taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children in the seventh year of life, the educational program of N. M. Krylova “Kindergarten - House of Joy” with the implementation of educational tasks in speech, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic, social and communicative development.

Before moving on to the implementation of the project, preparatory work was carried out, an approved plan for working with society was drawn up: an excursion to the local history museum to the exhibition “Artists of Russia”; visiting the children's library “Participation in thematic days”; a trip to the art school to the creative exhibition “Landscapes of our region”; participation of children in thematic drawing competitions organized by the cultural department of the city administration “The Amazing World of Nature” and “Favorite Corner of My City.”

To ensure high-quality work with children, I selected reproductions of paintings by “Great Artists of the World.” She developed an educational and methodological complex: a series of events for artistic and aesthetic development - scenarios: “P. M. Tretyakov - founder of the Tretyakov Gallery"; “Excursion to an art gallery”; "In the artist's studio"; a collection of “games and sketches” has been collected.

I thought through forms of educational activities that are interesting to children, allowing them to reveal their ideas about an object, a person, his image. Thus, in the story about P. M. Tretyakov, the founder of the Tretyakov Gallery, children learned not only about his activities and collecting paintings, but also about him as a wonderful person, a connoisseur of art. By actively participating in the conversation, the children realized that the State Tretyakov Gallery is one of the largest museums in the world. The creation of the gallery is dedicated to national Russian art, the works of those artists who contributed to the history of the development of Russian art.

For two months we worked with the children based on the films: “Bogatyrs” and “Alyonushka” (V. M. Vasnetsova); “Morning in a pine forest” (I. I. Shishkina); “February Azure” (I. E. Grabar). They went into the picture in detail, revealed the content, characterized the images of the characters, their mood. At the same time, to better assimilate the content of the paintings, I used literary material: the stories of V. A. Sukhomlinsky “The Nightingale’s Nest”, “How Snowflakes Ring”; S. Makhotina “Master of the Taiga”; N. Grigorieva “Bear”. Speech games: “Think of a happy ending”; “If I were a hero...”; “Alyonushka went out for a walk” and others. The result of the work on reproductions of paintings was an educational activity: “Excursion to an art gallery,” where the children showed a good level of knowledge, showed intelligence and abilities, and successfully took on the role of a guide and storytellers about art paintings.

“In an art workshop”, in this form, integrated educational activities took place. Children had the opportunity to expand their understanding of the work of artists working in the genre of still life: K. S. Petrov-Vodkin “Morning Still Life” and P. P. Konchalovsky “Lilac”. Skillfully, the children compared two still lifes, works of different artists, identified the moods of the artists, their feelings, their use of objects and colors when painting. In their own works - drawing a still life, the children conveyed the compositional solution, the presence of objects, and color design.

Parents' interest in this direction was at the proper level. They took the initiative in searching for visual, literary, and informational material. We took part in a family competition for artistic and aesthetic development in the category “My Still Life”, which was held in an educational institution, and participated in the intermunicipal project “Strong Family – Strong Power!”, with the works “New Year and Christmas Card”

Thus, acquaintance with works of fine art contributes to the development of a sense of beauty, which enters a person along with the ability to think, forcing him to constantly seek harmony. The child understands that this beautiful world is diverse, multi-valued and every object is the creation of a human master.

I believe that the intended goal is to formulate children’s ideas about the State Tretyakov Gallery as Russia’s first museum of national art. And the assigned tasks for the implementation of the project have been completed.

The result of the work showed that children have developed an interest in the work of great Russian artists and their brilliant works of art. Children have knowledge about works of fine art, their content, and react emotionally to the image created by the artist and the conveyance of mood. Children have developed a sense of pride in people of art, their talent in creating world cultural heritage.

A report on the project activities “Great Artists of the World” was heard at the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution; in the creative group “Introducing children of senior preschool age to the basics of spiritual culture”; at the parent meeting.

Pedagogical project on the topic:“For children about the artists of the world”

(senior preschool age)

Type: educational

Participants: teacher, preschool children, parents.

Scale: short-term – 3 months (January - March 2017).

Reasons for development: The main way to bring art into life is to educate the younger generation in the everyday need for beauty, noted A. S. Makarenko.

The federal state educational standard and educational program “Kindergarten - House of Joy” by N. M. Krylova states that introducing children to the basics of aesthetic culture, understanding beauty in works of art; the development of the surrounding world, emotional responsiveness to these works reveals artistic and aesthetic development. Visiting museums, art exhibitions, and art galleries in order to familiarize children with domestic and world culture is one of the means of artistic and aesthetic education of the younger generation.

How to teach preschoolers who live far from art museums to the visual arts? How to raise an aesthetically developed person from a small child? How to introduce him to the world of culture and art? Of course, this problem can be solved with the help of books, albums, magazines with works of art, Internet resources, but it would be preferable, in my opinion, if you introduce children to one of the centers of art history - the State Tretyakov Gallery, one of the most famous art museums in Russia.

Target: formation of ideas among children of senior preschool age about the State Tretyakov Gallery as the first museum of national art in Russia.


  1. Introduce children to the founder of the State Tretyakov Gallery - Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov.
  2. Develop interest in works of fine art, the ability to perceive, examine and understand the content of the work; respond emotionally to the influence of an artistic image.
  3. Introduce children to the fine arts, artistic values ​​and spiritual culture of Russia; express a desire to visit art museums.
  4. To instill in children feelings of sympathy for works of fine art and respect for people of art.

Terms of sale:

A) equipment for a subject-specific spatial development environment:

Shelf “World of Beauty”;

Mini art museum,

Creative workshop “Young Artist”;

b) creation of an educational and methodological complex:

A selection of artist portraits;

A selection of bibliographic materials; articles from the magazine "Preschool Education", "Preschool Education" "Educator".

Reproductions of paintings “Great Artists of the World”;

Card index of literary material;

A collection of games and sketches;

Illustrative material;

V) interaction with society:

Excursion to the local history museum to the exhibition “Artists of Russia”;

Visit to the children's library “Participation in thematic days”;

Children's Art School";

Children's music school No. 2;

Participation of preschoolers in thematic drawing competitions organized by the cultural department of the city administration.

Project implementation stages:








Review of biographical and encyclopedic literature;

Studying methodological articles of periodicals;

Selection of visual and illustrative material;

Development of an educational and methodological complex;

Replenishment and updating of the subject-development environment;

Making a card index of literary material;

Selection of reproductions of paintings “Great Artists of the World”;

To increase level

teacher self-education

January 2017

January 2017

during the project

during the project

during the project

during the project

during the project

T. I. Savchuk

T. I. Savchuk

T. I. Savchuk;


T. I. Savchuk

T. I. Savchuk;


T. I. Savchuk

T. I. Savchuk





The legend “Acquaintance with P. M. Tretyakov - the founder of the State Tretyakov Gallery”;

Children's conference

“Children about artists”;

Looking at the painting “Bogatyrs”

V. M. Vasnetsova:

sports leisure “You will be a hero in appearance and a Cossack in spirit » (artistic, aesthetic and physical development);

reading the story “The Nightingale’s Nest” by V. A. Sukhomlinsky (speech development);

educational activities on the topic “If I were a hero of the Russian land...” (speech and artistic-aesthetic development);

Looking at the painting “Morning in a Pine Forest”

I. I. Shishkina:

reading the story by S. Makhotin “The Master of the Forest” (speech and social-communicative development);

learning the poem “Bear” by N. Grigorieva (speech, social-communicative, artistic and aesthetic) development;

Looking at the painting “February Blue”

I. E. Grabar:

retelling of the story “How Snowflakes Ring” by V. Sukhomlinsky

(speech and social-communicative development);

joint productive activity of adults and children “Dance of Snowflakes” (artistic, aesthetic, cognitive and social-communicative development);

Educational activities

"Excursion to an art gallery"

Examination of the painting “Alyonushka” by V. M. Vasnetsov:

drawing up a joyful ending to the story about Alyonushka following the example of an adult (speech and social-communicative development);

game “Alyonushka went out for a walk” (socio-communicative development)

Educational activities

“In the art workshop. "Introduction to Still Life"

(cognitive, artistic-aesthetic, speech and social-communicative development);

learning the poem "Lilac"

V. S. Rozhdestvensky

(speech, cognitive, artistic-aesthetic and social-communicative);

literary page

(speech and social-communicative development)

drawing competition “My Still Life” (family);

creation of a children's activity product:

design of thematic exhibitions of children's works “World of Art”; "My still life";

creation of an encyclopedic reference book “For Children about Artists”.

Introduce children to P. M. Tretyakov, founder of the State Tretyakov Gallery

To arouse children's interest in the works of great Russian artists; develop cognitive activity, curiosity, creativity, responsibility for preparing material and speaking in front of group peers.

develop speed, agility, endurance, competitive skills;

introduce a new work; teach to compare the heroes in the artist’s painting and the soldiers in the text.

compose a story and convey the image of the hero in your drawing

Arouse interest in viewing the picture; talk about its contents; develop figurative speech.

engage in dialogue based on the text; strengthen the ability to analyze; play up the image of Mikhail Potapych;

introduce a new work, understand it by ear; tell emotionally, expressively; demonstrate independence in conveying the image of the bear (drawing, appliqué, sculpting); develop respect for peers.

continue to teach children to retell emotionally; note the differences between the picture and the text. listen to children’s retellings without interrupting.

clarify children’s knowledge about snowflakes: involve them in cutting out snowflakes and creating collages; maintain business communication between children and each other.

systematize children's knowledge about the work of great Russian artists. Continue to form an idea of ​​the Tretyakov Gallery as a temple of Russian painting. To consolidate the ability to talk about paintings coherently, consistently, to understand and appreciate works of art. Cultivate respect for peers, listen to children’s stories without interrupting.

develop coherent and grammatically correct speech in children; empathize, respond to mental pain.

choosing a driver, performing movements in the game in accordance with the text; follow the rules of the game.

consolidate children's knowledge about works of fine art of the State Tretyakov Gallery. Introduce new reproductions of paintings; clarify the concept of still life, consolidate knowledge about it through visual activity - drawing a still life.

give children educational information about lilacs; understand the meaning of unknown words;

tell the poem expressively, emotionally, without rushing; draw lilac branches using paints of delicate colors and shades; admire a friend's drawing.

To consolidate children's knowledge in the ability to recite poems and guess riddles about flowers, perceive text; develop horizons, memory, imagination.

attract children and parents to participate in the competition; show responsibility, creativity, expressiveness in creating a drawing; present your business card.

involve children in decorating the exhibition with their works; teach you to listen to the advice of adults and peers on

placement of drawings; rejoice in your successes and creativity.

create a collection of educational material for use in working with children.

February 2017

February 2017

February 2017

February 2017

February 2017

February 2017

February 2017

February 2017

February 2017

February 2017

February 2017

March 2017

March 2017

March 2017

March 2017

March 2017

March 2017

March 2017


project work

March 2017

T. I. Savchuk

T. I. Savchuk,

parents, children;

T. I. Savchuk

T. I. Savchuk,

T. M. Ponomareva

head of physics culture;

T. I. Savchuk

T. I. Savchuk;

parents and children

T. I. Savchuk

T. I. Savchuk, parents

music hall


children's creativity studio

music hall

kindergarten site



Expected Result: As a result of the work carried out on the project, children showed interest in the work of great Russian artists. They have knowledge about the paintings, their content, and react emotionally to the image created by the artist and the conveyance of mood.

Children have developed a sense of pride and respect for people of art, for their talent in creating world cultural heritage.

Broadcast: - defense of the project at the pedagogical council of the preschool educational institution;

At the methodological association of NDOU;

Presentation of work on the project in the creative group “Introducing senior preschool children to the basics of spiritual culture”;

Speech to the parents of the group with a presentation of children's abstracts;

Main goals:

- to develop an interest in different types of art;

— teach to see, notice, understand and respond emotionally to works of art;

- develop children's creative abilities.

Game character: musical bell.

Equipment: map of the country of Arts with images of cities: Music, Artists, Folk Artists, Poets, Writers, Theaters, Songs and Dances; fields of Sportsmen, groves of Chistulek, Game Mountains, Sea of ​​Sleep (indicated by symbols understandable to children).


Surprise moment

A bell rings outside the door. The teacher and the children find an unusual bell that has a face, a bow, and legs. The bell says that the Fairy of Arts sent him to the children. He brought with him a map of the Land of the Arts so that the children could travel around it and not get lost. He suggests looking at the map, determining a place for it so that everyone can see it, and determining the type of transport that will be used for the trip.

Morning exercises “We are merry bells”(to music)

Goals: raise emotional and muscle tone; develop a sense of rhythm, plasticity, grace.

The bell “transforms” all children into little musical bells and invites them to gain strength before a long journey.

As a basis, you can use logorhythmic poetic exercises, gymnastic exercises from psycho-gymnastics “Gnomes”.


Don-don-don - the bell rings.

La-la-la - he says something.

Ding-ding-ding - tilts his head.

Bom-bom-bom - he messed up his whole hair.

Ding-ding-ding—he smiled at the sun.

Dili-don - finally woke up.


Goals: consolidate cultural and hygienic skills, a conscious attitude towards maintaining one’s own health; develop an interest in poetic and prose artistic creativity.

The children go to the Cleany Grove, since dirty people are not allowed into the Land of Arts. The teacher uses excerpts from “Moidodyr”, nursery rhymes, and riddles.


Traveling through the cities of the country of arts

Goals: consolidate children’s knowledge about different types of art, works of art; develop children's creative abilities; develop an interest in works of art and a desire to create them.

City of Music

On a train accompanied by music, children find themselves in the city of Music.

They listen to musical works and discuss impressions of the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky (children's album), V. Shainsky (children's songs), play musical pieces.

Artistic accompaniment.

Quietly, quietly, let's sit next to you,

Music comes into our home.

In an amazing outfit

Multi-colored, painted.

And suddenly the walls open up.

The whole earth is visible around:

The waves of the dark river are dancing,

The forest and meadow are quietly slumbering,

Steppe paths run into the distance,

Melting into a blue haze.

This music is in a hurry

And he leads us along.

City of Masters "Dymkovo Masters"

Children look at toys, listen to the teacher tell children about toys.

City of Artists “Magic Colors”

(visual activity)

Target: develop creative thinking when using iso-material, visual skills, imagination.

Equipment: sheets of paper with a wax pattern, blue paint, brushes.

The bell says that Zimushka-winter gives children gifts from the icy kingdom: magical paints and sheets of paper on which nothing is visible. But if the children paint the sheets, they will see what is in her icy kingdom.

Didactic game "Find a pair"("Game Mountains")

Goals: consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, colors, develop speech.

The snowmen have lost their mittens, we need to help them find a pair.

Walk “Field of Athletes”

The children go to visit Zimushka-winter.

Sedentary game “Collect the magic mirror”

Goals: develop the ability to navigate in space; consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, count to 5; develop speech.

Winter-winter says that her magic mirror, with which she covers the ground with snow so that plants and animals do not freeze, broke into 5 fragments. Children will be helped in their search by snowflakes, on which tasks to complete are written.

Task 1. Observing the snow

Goals: consolidate knowledge of the properties of snow; teach how to measure its thickness; show that grass is hiding and warming itself under the snow; consider the components of snow.

Zimushka-winter invites children to look at the snow. Talk about the benefits of snow. Determine whether it is possible to sculpt from it today, and why.

Task 2. Search activity

Goals: teach children to draw their own conclusions; develop inquisitiveness and curiosity.

Zimushka-winter invites children to answer the question: “Is the snow really as clean as it seems? Is it possible to eat it? He suggests collecting snow in a bucket, bringing it into the warmth and seeing what happens to it.

Task 3. Skating on ice paths

Target: develop dexterity and balance.

Zimushka-winter asks the children how ice differs from snow, how they can make an ice path, and offers to ride on it.

Preparation for sleep

Equipment: cassette “Island of Seagulls” - sounds of living nature.

Children must swim across the Sea of ​​Sleep on a “sea bed.”


City of Theaters

Reading excerpts from the fairy tale “The Mitten” with examination of illustrations and dramatization.

Goals: maintain interest in fairy tales; develop attention, speech, expressiveness.

Zimushka-winter invites children to remember the fairy tale “Rukavichka”. While reading, he asks the children questions.

Looking at thawed snow

Goals: show children that warm snow forms water that contains dirt particles; teach to make conclusions, express judgments; develop speech.

Winter invites children to go to Explorer Street.

Musical and didactic game “Hen and Chicks”

Goals: develop pitch hearing; teach to correlate the pitch of sound with actions.

Equipment: Masha doll, metallophone, hens and chicks toys.

Moving to the city of Songs and Music.


To consolidate children's knowledge of painting genres (still life, landscape, portrait).

Learn to understand the intent of the work and its content.

Develop the ability to see the means of expression used by the artist to convey feelings and moods.

Enrich children's vocabulary with emotional, aesthetic and art terms.



Summary of integrated educational activities in the senior group “Genres of Painting”



To consolidate children's knowledge of painting genres (still life, landscape, portrait).

Learn to understand the intent of the work and its content.

Develop the ability to see the means of expression used by the artist to convey feelings and moods.

Enrich children's vocabulary with emotional, aesthetic and art terms.


A conversation about painting, about genres of painting.

Examination of reproductions of paintings by famous artists.

Direct educational activities on artistic creativity “Still Life”, “Portrait of Mother”, “Winter Landscape”.

Didactic game “Create your masterpiece”

VOCABULARY: painting, landscape, still life, portrait, museum, reproduction of a painting, gallery.


Educator: Guys, do you want to travel with me today? Then let's close our eyes and say the magic words:

Close your eyes quickly

To find yourself in the gallery

All you have to do is take a step.

(children close their eyes and say magic words, G. Gladkov’s song “Picture” sounds)

(The teacher at this time puts on the artist’s costume)

Educator: Children, look around. Where are we?

Children: To the art gallery.

Educator: Correct. What is an art gallery?

Children: This is a room where there are many paintings, and people go there to admire them.

Educator: So we came to admire the paintings. True, the pictures are not entirely correct. Reproductions of paintings hang in our gallery. And the originals are in museums, famous art galleries - the Hermitage, the Tretyakov Gallery, and in our city in the museum named after. A. N. Radishcheva.

Educator: Tell me, who paints the pictures?

Children: Artists.


Artist, artist!

It will take half your life to do this.

And it may happen

that no one will forget us

and a thin brush

will reach for the colors bravely.

And the sun will blind him.

Nothing else matters!

Educator: What are the names of paintings painted with different paints or other colored materials, such as pastels, wax crayons?

Children: Painting.

Educator: Correct. This word is easy to remember: it consists of two simple words - live and write.

What is painting -

Many people do not understand:

Colorful lines?

Spray? Shadows? Stains?

And the painting is good

And a clear title:

She looks like life

Live drawing.

(Andrey Usachev)

Educator: Each picture tells about something different, and the pictures are also called differently, each picture corresponds to a certain genre. Guys, what genres of painting do you know? (Children's answers).

Educator: Do all of you know about genres, do you confuse them? Let's check.

Task “Find the genre you need.” (Children sort out reproductions of paintings by genre.)

Educator: Well done guys. Now let’s talk separately about each genre of painting:

There are pears and grapes in the vase,

There are apples in the plate,

A ripe fruit fell on the tablecloth,

In front of you (still life)

Educator: What is a still life? (children's answers). Let's be a little artists and put a still life on my table and give it a name.

Game “Create your own still life” (children completing the task wear berets to depict the artist).


Nature's wonderful corner

The artist put it on a piece of paper,

Picking up just a pencil

He wrote for you... (landscape)

What is a landscape? (children's answers)

Educator: Let's look at Kuindzhi Arkhip Ivanovich's painting “Rainbow”, what did the artist depict here, what mood does this painting evoke in you?

(Children's answers)

Educator: Now let’s warm up a little.

Fizminutka: Hello, rainbow-arc,

Multicolored bridge!

Hello, rainbow-arc!

Welcome us as a guest.

We're running across the rainbow

Let's go for a run barefoot.

Through the rainbow-arc

Let's jump over while running.

And run again, run

Let's go for a run barefoot.

Children bow.

draw an arc in the air, spread your arms to the sides.

They bow again.

They walk in a circle, holding hands.

raising your knees high.

Stand facing in a circle and do four jumps on your toes.

They do four more jumps on their toes.

They run in circles after each other,

raising your knees high.


An old grandfather looks out of the frame,

His eyes are sad, he is very gray.

It has been hanging in a frame for many years,

Ancient grandfather... (portrait)

What is a portrait? (children's answers)

Game “Portrait” (Children depict various facial expressions in an empty frame: sad, cheerful, serious, thoughtful)

Educator: Well done guys. I saw that you know who artists are, you distinguish between genres of painting, But. Unfortunately, our gallery is closing and we need to return to the group again. Let's close our eyes and say the magic words:

Close your eyes quickly

Imagine the road and go!

To find myself back in the group

All you have to do is take a step.

(Music from G. Gladkov’s song “Picture” sounds)

Educator: What did you especially like about our trip (children’s answers).

Abstract of the open integrated lesson in the senior group on familiarization with landscape painting usingpaintings by I. I. Levitan"Gold autumn".

Program content.

  • To develop in children the artistic perception of a landscape painting, interest and emotional response to it.
  • Teach children to carefully examine a reproduction of a painting and see the image of a landscape in the unity of its content and means of expression. Pay attention to color and color combinations as a means of conveying autumn phenomena.
  • To consolidate children's ideas that the image of trees, meadows, fields, i.e. the image of nature, is called a landscape.
  • To develop children's figurative speech when describing nature. To instill in them a love of nature and develop aesthetic taste. Encourage children to speak up.
  • To introduce children to a new drawing technique - leaf printing, to strengthen children’s ability to carefully use paint when working, to develop imagination, creativity, and fine motor skills; cultivate interest in the drawing process.

Integration of educational areas:

artistic and aesthetic; social - communicative; cognitive development; physical development; speech development.

Activating the dictionary:

birch grove, golden autumn, cold and warm colors, landscape.

Preparatory work

Learning and reading poetry, singing songs about autumn, looking at illustrations on the theme of autumn nature, observing natural phenomena while walking; give an idea at a level accessible to children about landscape painting, a birch grove, cold and warm tones.

Materials: easel, painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn" chest, tinted album sheets, gouache paints, jars of water, charcoal, cotton swabs, oilcloths, napkins, brushes, autumn leaves.

GCD move


Guys, today we have guests in our group. Look at them, smile at them. And say "Hello." Well done boys.


Now please sit down straight and listen to a poem by Ivan Alekseevich Bunin.

The teacher reads a poem by I. Bunin to the children:

- The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

A cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing!


Children, what time of year is the poet talking about?

Children. About autumn.

Educator. That's right, why did you decide that?

Children's answers.


Oh, how wonderfully the poet said about autumn! How can artists express their feelings?


To draw a picture.


That's right, the artist expresses his feelings with the help of paints. He needs to draw, depict on canvas what he saw, or sees in nature, what caused him joy, surprise, sadness. He must draw in such a way that we recognize the trees, the bushes, and the river. With the help of paints he can convey the time of year and his mood. But it’s correct to say that artists paint pictures. What does an artist need to work?


Paints, easel, paper.


That's right, well done guys. Artists take easels, paints and go into nature. Now we will look at a painting painted by the artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan. The artist called his painting “Golden Autumn”.

Guys, why did the artist call the painting “Golden Autumn”? (Children's answers)


Let's admire her. Look at the picture and say: What colors are joyful here? What colors are sad? (children's answers) Yes, the artist conveyed joy with warm colors, but he also used cold tones, there are fewer of them. What feelings do you experience when looking at the picture? What's your mood? (Children's answers)


Why the sad mood? (Children's answers)


Yes, looking at the picture, we feel joy, pleasure from the lush beauty of nature, but at the same time, a slight sadness of saying goodbye to summer, to the warmth and sun. Let's look at the picture carefully. (teacher's demonstration) Look, on the left side of the picture, close to us, in the foreground the artist painted several trees. What kind of trees are these? (Children's answers)


Tell us about them. What are they? (Children's answers)


That's right, they call it “birch grove”. The trees are far away, so the artist placed them higher on the canvas than the trees we see in the foreground. Now look at the right side of the picture. What is drawn here?


Yes, a river. In front of us it is wide, dark blue, and then it becomes narrower and lighter. And further, to the right of the river there is a lonely birch tree, bright as a “candle”. And behind her is a round dance of green and brown trees. What color did the artist depict the sky?

(Children's answers)


What is more in the picture - sky or earth? (children's answers) Yes, the artist really liked the beauty of the earth, autumn nature, so he painted more earth. Is there a sun in the picture? How did you guess? (Children's answers)


Well done. Yes, we see shadows from the trees, which means there is sun. This is how an artist can talk about what he liked. What are the names of paintings that depict nature?


Educator:- That's right, guys. Today we listened to poems about autumn, looked at a painting by the artist I. I. Levitan. Who remembers the name of the picture? (Children's answers)

Educator: - Right. We were happy and a little sad. We remembered the golden autumn we saw on our walk.

Educator: Guys, now I invite you to play. I have a magic chest. But the chest does not open. What to do? And here is a mystery. If we guess the riddle, the chest will open.


They lie under your feet,

You walk - they rustle,

Bright, colorful,

The edges are carved.


Educator: You guessed it! So the chest opened.

I open the chest, and there are autumn leaves.

Educator: What can you do with them?

Children. Play. (take any leaves)

Physical exercise.

We are autumn leaves

We are sitting on the branches.

The wind blew and we flew away

We were flying, we were flying

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

The wind came again

And he picked up all the leaves.

Spun and flew

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

Educator. Well done. And what else?

Children's answers. Blow.

Educator. That's right, blow.

Breathing exercises “The wind blows on the leaves”

Educator: Guys, look what the leaf looks like. (Children's answers)

Educator:- Come on, children, try, like artists, to draw a golden autumn. But we will not draw in the usual way. Let's print several trees with leaves - to do this, we'll paint a leaf from a tree with gouache or paint and make its imprint, so that its trace will remain on the paper, we'll draw a trunk with charcoal, and with cotton swabs we'll draw a lot of flying autumn leaves. What colors will we use to paint golden autumn? (Children's answers)

Educator:- And while you are working, I will turn on “autumn” music, it was written by composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. (Fragment of “Autumn Song” from the cycle “Seasons”)

Educator: Children, admire your drawings, you managed to convey the beauty of golden autumn. I was so pleased to look at you while working. We will decorate the group with your drawings, let your moms and dads admire them.