Polite refusal phrase. Polite refusal

Loneliness is a disease of the 21st century and haunts many of us no matter where we are: at work, at home, visiting or trying to establish a relationship with someone. I have known families where parents and children meet separately New Year, and once close people, having several children, get divorced and continue to live together.

Our soul desires communication, but we do not find those people with whom we could be frank. And many of us are afraid of this very frankness, because, having gotten to know us more, many can take advantage of this for their own selfish purposes. Even children become withdrawn in front of their parents because they are afraid that they may not understand them. Difficult relationships arise between a husband and wife who suspect each other of infidelity or deception.

Mutual understanding between people is disappearing in society ordinary people and have achieved position and prosperity both materially and spiritual world. I am interested in communicating with simple and humble people. They have more sincerity and truthfulness. They doubt less and agree to do almost everything that is offered to them, carrying their cross quietly and alone. These simple-minded people are less emotional and live like ants, each of which performs the task assigned to it.

People are increasingly avoiding sincere communication, replacing it with correspondence via the Internet, it has become fashionable. But such communication, when you do not see the person and do not look into his eyes, is often false.

By not living according to the conscience of his soul and acting hypocritically, a person thereby deserves unkind attitudes towards himself, causing suspicion among others. He thinks that they do not suspect this, but as the proverb says, you can’t hide an awl in a bag, the time comes and a person reveals his true face.

Not everyone wants to understand that you should treat others the way you would like them to treat you. If many of us adhered to this proverb, then perhaps there would be fewer lonely souls in this world who lack sincere communication and human warmth.

A person especially feels loneliness when he begins to grow old, and he inner world filled more with memories of the past than dreams of the future. Therefore, a person in old age wants to communicate less and shares his thoughts; he often becomes withdrawn, and at the same time more lonely, as his soul craves more and more peace and thinks about God.

“In essence, any human soul is an unsteady light, wandering towards an unknown divine abode, which it anticipates, seeks and does not see.” A. Maurois.

If a person is confident in the existence of a divine abode, then he will never be alone, because he knows that the Lord is always next to him.

Lack of will, lack of faith, soullessness
This is what reigns in my soul now
I'm lonely, I avoid crowds
I prefer to be alone with myself.

Sadness was never behind you before
Melancholy did not put me in shackles
At night I slept in the arms of love
Without feeling coldness and lies.

I rejoiced in winters and late springs
Loved to listen to the trills of the nightingale
I was looking for ways to my chosen one in the stars
And I thought that I was probably happy.

Fate also gave me a gift:
She gave me a rhyming syllable
In my free time I longed...

It's so rude to leave
When suddenly they ask you to stay,
But it's very painful to stay here
When others get only applause.

It’s so impossible to understand everyone!
Why are you needed in this world?
Only dedicate your poems
The lyre you created.

And silently look into the sky,
See only a reflection there.
And look for forgiveness in the emptiness
That for you only happiness is revenge.

Lie in the grass and cry quietly,
But don't be afraid that you're alone.
Get tired of life and confess
That you are not in this world.

Walk through quiet corners...

I will cover my inner world
From strangers, prying eyes.
So that no one gets in there.
I've done this many times.

The Soul lives in this world,
Loneliness lives nearby.
Who sheltered the same duet,
He will certainly understand me.

It's very difficult to tolerate this
After all, the Soul needs space.
Loneliness oppresses the soul
And they have an argument.

This dispute is like a conflict,
He torments a fragile soul.
Only those who are used to this
He doesn't understand a lot.

Why not find a shelter
For cold loneliness...

In the most extreme time of loneliness, you are not so lonely even during the day...
The hardest thing is the “night” contained in the word itself.
I don’t even want to touch it in my thoughts, But just try to get over it...
Alone, all the long “nights”, the evil nights of longing for love...
The soul doesn’t sing, I don’t want to... Loneliness. Night. Unloved.
Or rather, all life is a “night”, If you are hopelessly alone!

The soul is great... The flesh is weak...
Wants to spin between them
Love straight and oblique
Top angle bisectors...

How the heavenly fan descended
At that hour the movement was made
And along the way I met persistence
From the breath of time...

Well... Hello moon queen!
The Tsar has been waiting for you in the mansions!
How did you come to him yesterday
So yesterday he was confused...

The soul is like a moth
It flies into the light, sometimes burning.
That light is not close, not far.
It contains the doors of happiness, the doors of heaven.

My soul longs for warmth,
Simple love and understanding.
Tired of struggle and evil...
The soul is a tender creature.

Why is she suffering so much?
Is there really no other way?..
Our world is cruel. And that's a fact;
And there is little holy fire in him.

Sometimes we crave loneliness, but we just can’t manage to be left alone with our thoughts and feelings, and sometimes we need someone to be nearby, but he’s not there...

Loneliness is considered a kind of awareness of oneself as a useless, abandoned person. But for what reasons does a person who lives in the company of other people consider himself lonely and abandoned? And is this so? Let's try to figure it out using short quotes about the loneliness of great people.

Beautiful women rarely alone, but often lonely.
Henryk Jagodzinski

Dreamers are lonely.
Erma Bombeck

Loneliness is the reverse side of freedom.
Sergei Lukyanenko

Loneliness, how overpopulated you are!
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

How better means messages, the further the person is from the person.
Yalu Kurek

A wise man is least lonely when he is alone.
Jonathan Swift

Solitude is a luxury of the rich.
Albert Camus

You are not alone in your loneliness.
Ashley Brilliant

We make ourselves lonely.
Maurice Blanchot

Eagles fly alone, rams graze in herds.
Philip Sidney

Every person has a piece of loneliness that can never be filled by loved ones, earthly entertainment, pleasures or pleasures. This has been the case since biblical times, namely from the moment when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, loneliness settled in the hearts of people. Maybe loneliness is that eternal longing for the times of being in paradise, or maybe not. Probably everyone should answer this question for themselves. Well, quotes about loneliness will help with this.

Wise Quotes About Loneliness

We are often lonelier among people than in the quiet of our rooms.
Henry David Thoreau

Alone, a person is either a saint or a devil.
Robert Burton

Loneliness is a well-known refrain in life. It is no worse or better than much else. They just talk about him too much. A person is always lonely or never!
Erich Maria Remarque

The cruelest loneliness is the loneliness of the heart.
Pierre Buast

A person feels lonely when he is surrounded by cowards.
Albert Camus

Loneliness - sometimes better society.
John Milton

A pensive soul tends towards loneliness.
Omar Khayyam

The worst loneliness is not having true friends.
Robert Burton

It's better to be alone than in bad company.
John Ray

I don't know anyone who doesn't feel lonely in one way or another.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

As long as humanity has existed, loneliness has existed for as long. Most of humanity is afraid of it and cannot understand why it comes sooner or later. But, as they say, you need to know the enemy by sight. So let's try to understand this topic with the help of sayings and quotes from great people.

About loneliness with meaning

Solitude is a beautiful thing; but you need someone to tell you that loneliness is a wonderful thing.
Honore de Balzac

Being alone often makes you feel less lonely.
Johann Gottfried Herder

God is with us, so we are not alone.
Konstantin Kushner

I have never met a partner as sociable as loneliness.
Henry David Thoreau

Most strong people and the most lonely.
Henrik Ibsen

Loneliness is really a lousy thing for all its enormous advantages.
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky

I've always been the best company to myself.
Charles Bukowski

Loneliness only increases the feeling of uselessness.
Ken Kesey

You should not confuse loneliness and solitude. Loneliness for me is a psychological, mental concept, while solitude is physical. The first dulls, the second calms.
Carlos Castaneda

The first thing loneliness prompts you to do is to deal with yourself and your past.
August Strindberg

Many people find positive aspects in solitude. Indeed, loneliness can be seen as an opportunity to be alone with yourself, understand your own soul and listen to inner voice. Many psychologists believe that the time we spend alone is the most fruitful. If a person were always busy communicating with others, many wonderful thoughts and ideas would never come to his mind. And, besides, as one quote says, you can live alone if you are waiting for someone.

Sad sayings about loneliness

Don't wait for someone else to make the first move. What do you have to lose but your loneliness?
John Kehoe

How nice it is to lie motionless on the sofa and realize that you are alone in the room! True happiness is impossible without loneliness.
Anton Chekhov

It's so good to be alone. But it’s so good when there is someone to whom you can tell how good it is to be alone.
Ernest Hemingway

To be able to endure solitude and enjoy it is a great gift.
Bernard Show

It's better to be alone than unhappy with someone.
Marilyn Monroe

I don't like loneliness. I just don’t make unnecessary acquaintances so as not to be disappointed in people again.
Haruki Murakami

Loneliness is when there is a telephone in the house and the alarm clock rings.
Faina Ranevskaya

When you are lonely, it does not mean that you are weak. It means you are strong enough to wait for what you deserve.
Will Smith

It's scary to become unnecessary, not to be lonely.
Tatiana Solovova

A fool seeks how to overcome loneliness, a wise man finds how to enjoy it.
Mikhail Mamchich

But, smart quotes about loneliness with meaning is one thing, but the real state when, even being among other people, you feel lonely is completely different. Too much loneliness has a bad effect on life expectancy. By degree negative impact For life expectancy, loneliness is equivalent to smoking and alcohol. And sometimes only a good psychoanalyst can help. Well

Loneliness is so different. Sometimes it is simply necessary, like a breath of air. And sometimes it’s heavy, sucking you into a quagmire of devastation and depression.

When loneliness strikes even among people, even with your family or alone with your loved one, you feel mercilessly and irrevocably alone. You try to break out of this captivity of loneliness, but you can’t.

How to get rid of the feeling of loneliness and let people into your life? The training reveals " System-vector psychology» Yuri Burlan.

The inescapable pain of a lonely heart

System-vector psychology explains that the feeling of loneliness is more often experienced by people with a special mentality - people with a visual and/or sound vector.

A person with a social personality is generally an extrovert who gets great pleasure from communicating with other people. The audience is very emotional, open, sincere, and will always find a topic for conversation. They are capable of emotionally very subtly understanding the interlocutor and are better than others in creating emotional connections with people. They do not strive for loneliness and are even afraid of it; they may even agree to inappropriate relationships, just so as not to remain alone. However, they also have situations that seriously interfere with communication and literally push them into loneliness.

One of the reasons is the severance of a strong emotional connection. Breakdown of relationships, divorce, even the death of a beloved pet bring such people unbearable pain loss. This can lead to an emotional closure on the object of love, a refusal to experience feelings. And this emotional coldness, like anesthesia of the heart, becomes a defense against pain. They begin to avoid people and avoid close relationships so as not to experience the loss again.

A visual person finds himself in captivity of loneliness. This impoverishes his emotional experiences, as a result he begins to experience various fears, including phobias and. These states are characteristic of visual people.

Another reason that provokes loneliness in visual people is social phobia. Visual people Those suffering from social phobia begin to avoid communication. Although the most the best way Getting rid of any fears is precisely communication with other people, creating emotional connections. Then the fear for oneself goes away, turning into empathy and care for a loved one.

Loneliness as an attempt to escape from the world

A person is naturally gifted with a powerful abstract intellect and the largest volume of vectorial desire. The sound people in their thoughts rush to infinity. This desire to know and express the infinity of meaning pushes them to study mathematics and physics, write brilliant music and explore the darkest corners human soul. People with a sound vector create philosophy and religion, become writers and poets. In all this they are unconsciously trying to reveal common law world order.

Since childhood, realizing their talent and difference from others, they often find themselves hostage to their egocentrism - they internally consider themselves superior to others and limit contact with others. Standing out for their depth of intellect, they are often lonely. It seems to them that there is simply nothing to talk about with the people around them. Simple everyday conversations cause them boredom. And finding an equally intelligent interlocutor can be difficult, so the sound artist strives for solitude and conducts a dialogue with himself.

He also has difficulty with loud and unpleasant noises because he has very sensitive ears. Another reason to avoid live communication.

The loneliness that the sound artist chooses for himself, when “everyone is fed up” with him, is actually an attempt to get away from the world and from his unresolved problems. But loneliness does not bring the desired relief. On the contrary, when a sound artist focuses on his internal states, he experiences a feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness.

The much-desired loneliness becomes a source of intense suffering. Moving more and more away from people, he focuses his thoughts more and more on himself and gradually loses touch with the world around him. In this state, depression overtakes him. Hatred towards others grows, the feeling that everyone is only bothering him.

After all, remarkable intelligence and the ability to concentrate are given to sound people not so that they can sit alone, self-examine and suffer, but to solve specific problems that are useful to society, and this requires communication with other people.

Loneliness as a result of the inability to forgive

It should also be noted that such a common problem as touchiness. Resentment towards a specific person or even towards the whole world as a whole does not allow a person to fully communicate with this world and receive full pleasure from life. Touchiness is a feature of people with. Feeling that the world is unfair towards them, such people have a harder time making contact with others and may suffer from loneliness and misunderstanding. Yuri Burlan talks about this problem in exceptional detail on, helping to restore the lost balance.

Seven troubles one answer

The greatest happiness and the greatest suffering are brought to us by other people. Paradox: when we run away from other people, not wanting to suffer from interaction with others, we thereby doom ourselves to even greater torment from fears, depression and loneliness.

There is no need to break yourself, convince yourself of something, or try to overcome your nature. It is enough to realize the human psyche in its full extent. The knowledge about eight vectors that Yuri Burlan gives at the “System-Vector Psychology” training reveals how the human self works, what dictates our actions, and this relieves psychological stress. By focusing on other people, using knowledge about mental vectors and beginning to understand what motivates other people, the sound engineer ceases to consider them stupid and worthless. He feels the joy of recognizing other people, the joy of revealing the human soul.

By actively becoming involved in the lives of other people, a person suddenly discovers that his life is filled with meaning and joy every day. And inner loneliness dissolved, and in its place came the feeling that from birth to the very end we are all inextricably linked with each other and form unified system, where everyone depends on everyone, where everyone receives and gives according to their nature.

As a result of awareness, hostility, people begin to be drawn to you, and you to them. And then - goodbye, self-isolation! Goodbye, hateful loneliness!

People who completed the training talk about how the feeling of loneliness and emptiness disappeared:

“Before, I closed myself off, hid behind headphones, I didn’t want to look at people at all... I had a lot of acquaintances, but there were no close people at all with whom I would like to linger. Now you see right through a person, what he thinks and feels. Instead of hostility, a smile and interest in people appeared. The training seemed to build a bridge between me and another person..."

“I began to feel and understand other people. Their vectors, their states. This can be compared to the sight of a blind man. First he says: “I see people like trees,” and that’s how I’ve seen people all my life, this is still in best case scenario. And finally: “I see people as people.” Getting rid of the fear of people, which I could not achieve during many years of “training,” happened by itself already when passing the first level of SVP. I suddenly discovered that I began to receive great pleasure from contemplating people, unknown to me before. Fear gave way to pleasure."

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»