In war, all means are available. In war, all means are good? Well, why aren’t you sleeping and still stubbornly waiting?

Do you want to quit smoking, stop overeating on sweets, or end your “lazy” mood? If you have tried many times to change your life for the better, but you have not been able to hold out for long, perhaps the reason for this was the wrong environment. New research confirms that the ability to control one’s desires (including resisting temptations) is greatly influenced by the example of other people, and not necessarily acquaintances!

It was previously known that some bad habits often spread among people who know each other. However for a long time it was believed that it was a matter of selection and association according to the principle of similarity (“Like attracts like”).

Research conducted by scientists from Duke and Georgia Universities (USA) shows that the reason lies deeper: the “herd mentality” cannot be defeated by willpower. Observing or just thinking about a person who has good self-control increases this ability in ourselves. The discovered mirror effect also works in the opposite direction - lazy people and slobs around us seriously reduce our strong-willed qualities, motivation and personal effectiveness. The results of a series of experiments were published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are

In one experiment, 70 volunteers observed tasters choosing carrots or cookies as food. One group of subjects watched a person choose more healthy carrots, while another saw the taster leaning toward the tastier cookies. At the same time, there was no interaction between tasters and subjects - only observation. Then the experiment participants were asked to make a choice between these dishes. As expected, the behavior of the tasters influenced the subjects' choice.

In the next experiment, the researchers asked volunteers to remember a friend with good or poor self-control. Those of them who remembered their friend with good self-control also showed better results themselves.

The task was made more difficult, and in the third study, about 40 subjects were asked to make a list of their friends with poor and good self-control. They then took a computerized test to measure their level of self-control, but not before the names of their friends were displayed on the computer screen for a very short period of time - just 10 milliseconds. It is known that this time is not enough to read a word, but still enough to capture information on a subconscious level. Participants who were given the name of a friend with good self-control performed better. Those who had friends with poor self-control performed worse on the task.

Michelle VanDellen, author of the study, believes that exposure to people with high or low self-control affects first our thoughts and then our behavior. Thus, this study serves as scientific confirmation that it is not enough to change yourself - you need to change your social environment so that you do not get sucked into the old swamp. If you want to become more disciplined, lead healthy image life, get rid of obscene language, etc., you first need to surround yourself with such people.

Croak or jump?

Frogs are sitting in a dirty puddle up to their lower lips.
Suddenly one of them says: “Listen, friends, we need to get out of here.”
In response: “Shhh, don’t drive the wave.”

This is approximately the reaction of the environment when one of the “awakened” tries to somehow change him in better side. Don't expect everyone to take the initiative and join you in the best intentions - focus on your goal and direct all your energy towards achieving it.

It's no secret that we are influenced by winter and summer, day and night, changing phases of the moon, and to a lesser extent We depend on those around us. But, unlike natural phenomena, you can choose your environment. It is much more beneficial to be influenced by optimistic, conscious, goal-oriented people and, ultimately, successful people, - than to spend time in the company of melancholics, whiners and slackers. The latter, of course, can help you relax, but that’s all.

This does not mean that you will have to break with old friends and acquaintances once and for all. If you have an abundance of initiative and optimism, you can try to carry out “reforms” among your friends - but not before you have formed new habits for yourself and are really ready to promote them. In this case, a confident positive example is more likely to affect other people in your circle. As they say, a plus for karma :)

A bad example is contagious

A hidden anchor in your attempts to improve your life can be not only the people around you, but also intrusive advertising in the media mass media. Don’t forget that professionals who have sophisticated methods of manipulating consciousness are involved in its creation, which only strengthens the subconscious desire to copy what is seen and heard.

What does advertising force us to do? As a rule, alcohol and tobacco, unhealthy food and an inferiority complex that can only be cured by the “right” shampoo, mascara, chewing gum, and so on. To be convincing, such videos feature not just one hero-narrator (with whom the viewer associates himself), but his entire environment: shopping with friends, beer with colleagues, mayonnaise with the whole family, or toothpaste with an entire association of dentists (which, by the way, does not exist). The TV actually creates in our head a beautiful illustration of a non-existent environment, which we unwittingly imitate. Hence the conclusion: beware of the influence of the media, because none of us is fully aware of its zombie effect.

We should not forget that small children absorb what is happening without any division into good and bad: like a sponge, they copy most habits of parents and other adults - as they say, “an apple from an apple tree...” This mechanism remains with a person not only in early childhood. IN school years a child is most often interested not in the actions themselves, but in their motive and meaning - therefore, parents most often lose authority in the eyes of a teenager, and their peers and various celebrities take their place.

Know how to choose a girlfriend
- Casual relationships are fraught
- When does the feeling of love atrophy?
- Pride is the road to the dark egregor
- Before a wedding, surprises from witches are a common thing
- Subtle desire bodies of the dark ones are destructive energy
- Deprived people are not hired
- The environment affects energy, DNA and soul
- The energy of curses is deadly
- What color are anti-souls?
- Advice for the dark ones

It's no secret that questions and problems are repeated. People do not want to learn from their own mistakes, as well as from those of others. Therefore, it is not surprising that repetition is the mother of learning.

So, your questions with changed addresses and surnames. But everyone recognizes himself and his own question, too.

Irina Vasilievna, 59 years old, Krasnoyarsk: - In my opinion, I am changing for the better. I stopped getting irritated for any reason and became calmer. I make notes when I have ailments and try to understand their causes.

Now I have pain in the lower back, in the intestines, the left hip joint is out of order and the right leg is out of order. In some strange way, here and there problems emerge...

You just have one source - close girlfriend, which belongs to the dark egregor, is somewhat jealous of you, changes its matrices to yours, sets programs to damage organs...

- This is Zina... She always compliments me, sympathizes with me if she sees that I’m feeling bad.

If you remove the programs she has set, all your ailments and all your sores will go away. You will have to distance yourself from your “friend” if you don’t want your health to suffer.

Vladimir Krikunov, 28 years old, Barcelona: - I have very bad luck with girls. No matter who I meet - frivolous, accessible, uninteresting. And yesterday the doctor said that I picked up some kind of infection during sex from Yulia (my last girlfriend).

Didn't you use a condom?

- No.

That's in vain. Carelessness on your part. You cannot go to bed with him without knowing a person well. It's expensive. Right?

- Agree.

In addition, the girl is contraindicated. On all counts. We'll have to learn a lesson.

- How to learn to understand?

Very simple. You need to focus on feelings, not on the desire for sex. And you change your girlfriends quite often, right?

- So

If you do not focus on feelings, the ability to love or the feeling of love can atrophy. Some men are completely deprived of the ability to love. They want to fall in love, but nothing works out for them. And all because they play at love, as in role-playing games. For this they are punished. And you are young. Do not exchange the desire to love for “making love.” Otherwise, you will have to look for your one and only one for a long time. Or you may not find it at all.

Nina Ivanovna Smelykh, 52 years old, Yaroslavl: - I don’t know my daughter. A certain wall of misunderstanding appeared between us. The longer she lives abroad, the larger the wall.

Please see if there is any outside interference. She left - it’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. She developed a bad habit. She talks like a stranger. What it is?

This "wall" is called "pride". She got it six years ago, in November.

- At this time, my daughter had a man with whom she was friends in the Caribbean. Proposed to her. But she refused him. Humiliated him. Although he practically supported her. But he was very fat. Since then, a selfish attitude towards people has appeared. I began to change countries and men. Now she is being humiliated.

That's why fate doesn't work out. She gets paid the same. But you don’t recognize her. A lot of pride has accumulated. Let him work on himself, ask for forgiveness for his pride, for all his wrong actions.

It will not change radically - it will remain in the dark egregor. With all the ensuing consequences.

Galina Nikolaevna Panteleeva, 48 years old, Ufa: - My daughter Anastasia is getting married soon. Invitations to the celebration have already been distributed.

But I noticed that she had a complete breakdown. I'm worried about my daughter. What is this? Where?

The ex-girlfriend of the chosen one found out about the wedding and... cursed both of them. The wrong choice of a guy “shoots” from the past. This is revenge for hurt pride.

-Can this revenge be removed?

Can. On the eve of the wedding - a common occurrence: envy, the desire to get even. Witches are restless.

- Is there really no way to stop this phenomenon?

The dark ones foresaw everything in advance. They cast spells on different energies. Their generator can turn on both in the chakras and in the organs. And most importantly, they have large quantities work thin bodies desires. This is a special energy. As soon as a witch wants something, there is no need to do any ritual, everything materializes by itself.

- Do black hierarchs have similar subtle bodies?

People from the dark egregor are naturally created in the image and likeness of their main patron.

- Can’t the Higher Powers deprive the dark ones of everything that contributes to witchcraft?

So far I have not been able to complete this task. Apparently, the dark ones have many alternative methods.

Viktor Sanaev, 38 years old, Saratov: - I just can’t get a job. I'm ashamed in front of my wife. She makes decent money. And no matter where I get a job, a month, two, six months is the longest time I work. Now no one takes it at all. But I don’t want to take a taxi: I have to do the driving. What do you think?

The whole point is that all your energy centers are blocked by love spells. There is not enough energy. The employer always feels this and gives preference to the one who is not without power.

So your wife should be ashamed for blocking all your roads. And all love spells always fall on children and create problems for them.

You need to get rid of witchcraft, and even better - from your wife. Otherwise, you won’t find a job and you’ll lose your health.

You should choose a wife not from arrogant girls, but from modest ones. And so that there must be love, and not the desire for sex. When the second prevails, no one is able to think whether to marry this girl or not. It should be noted that the saying “Whoever you mess with, you’ll get rich from” is very true.

Indeed, it is very important who you live with, who you work with, who you are friends with... Environment, the habitat leaves a big imprint not only on the quality of life, but also on the DNA and soul.

It has been verified and noticed that in a team where light energy predominates, all parameters of a person seem to be subordinate to this “monastery” with its rules and “charter”. Although, of course, there are exceptions to the rules, when someone’s energy is special, its own, and nothing can knock it down.

That is why, if you want to know the “truth”, natural energy, you need to watch it while a person is sleeping. At this time, a person cannot wear a mask; he will not pretend to be something that is not in him.

The other day, our country and the world celebrated the 70th anniversary of the birth of Muslim Magomayev, a super-talented, modest and responsible man who left us.

Channel One television devoted a lot of attention to this personality.

During one of the programs, I saw that a gifted person had been sent a lot of curses over the last thirteen years of his life. And it’s no wonder that talents have not only fans, but also... enemies, envious people.

I felt very sad, I switched the TV to another channel. My soul was very excited. As the Spirit of Nature later explained to me, the resonator worked. I called the soul of Muslim for contact and immediately received the following words, which I quote with slight abbreviations:

“I, the soul of Muslim Magomayev, bring to the attention of earthlings that everyone who has bright souls must have dark ones, or anti-souls, working nearby.

Their specific goal is the destruction of everyone who is useful to society and humanity. They want to stop evolution bright people. The entire process of destruction is directed by the chief Zet, who has millions of agents. The dark ones can never be defeated unless they are neutralized.

I know why I got sick.

The energy of curses is always deadly. The energy of curses is the energy of death. It is impossible to insure against it.

Now about how to find out who is next to you. This person needs to be invited to the fire. Towards a fire or fireplace. It is advisable to bring it very close.

dark man He will try not to approach you under any pretext.

And if he approaches, you need to look into his eyes. There will be a reflection of the antisoul. That's horrible.

It is no coincidence that people were deprived of the ability to see with their third eye. Now I clearly see that anti-souls are red-brown in color, the color of envy, anger, malice and hypocrisy. And souls are the color pink, the color of dreams.

Beautiful shell of the soul, human body, appearance - we see them first. However, this shell is the same as free cheese in a mousetrap, nothing more than...

These “people” play all life’s games perfectly.

The earth must be saved from anti-humans. Until it's not too late..."

Advice from Muslim: Since the end of the world will not happen in December this year, the dark ones need to change. Live the way people with souls live. You're running out of time. Because there will be a final and irrevocable end to darkness.

Those who want to have a future need to change urgently. The norm for transformation from dark to light is five months. And you only have four...

Nothing to add to this...