Men's fingers. Body hair

Ecology of life. Informative: Since ancient times, poets have sung the praises of beautiful women's hands, palmists predicted the future along the lines of the hand, but followers...

Since ancient times, poets have sung the praises of beautiful women's hands, palmists predicted the future based on the lines of the hand, but followers of a later science, chirognomy, determine a person's character by the shape of the hand.

- If the size of the hand is proportional to other parts of the body, then its owner is a balanced, reliable person; disproportionality speaks of mental instability and possible unpredictability of behavior.

- Big hand speaks of a person’s endurance, hard work, good nature, and complaisance.

- Large and full hand – a sign of soft-heartedness and weak will.

If a woman has a large, dry, knobby hand, then she has many typical male character traits; in men, a hand of this type indicates insight and a sharp mind.

- Owners of a small hand - people are sensitive, touchy, proud and irritable.

- Small and fat hand indicates a desire for sensual pleasures.

- Medium sized hand with thin hand indicates intellectual abilities.

- People with hard, strong hands distinguished by willpower, energy, and enterprise.

- Thin and delicate hands they talk about a rich imagination, but insufficient willpower.

Hand shapes are divided into seven main types.

1. Elementary hand. The palm is wide, hard; fingers are thick, inactive, as if dull. People with such hands have physical strength and are prone to physical labor. Intense mental activity is not for them.

2. Shovel-shaped hand. The shape of the fingers is spade-shaped; medium sized thumb. People with such hands feel the need for vigorous activity and physical labor, although they also have a craving for art and poetry. Owners of this type of hand are practical, conscientious, hardworking and quite emotional. They strive to assert themselves in life, are not devoid of vanity, and are sometimes capable of taking risks.

3. Practical hand. The palm is wide, slightly concave; fingers often with knots, rectangular in shape; the thumb is of considerable size with a well-developed lower joint. People with such a hand are prone to organizational activities and strive for precision and accuracy in their work. They are characterized by endurance, patience, and perseverance.

4. Artistic hand. This is an elegant, flexible, beautiful hand. It is distinguished by pointed fingers with elongated, almond-shaped nails, and the thumb is poorly developed. People with such a hand are impressionable, love art, poetry, and have a developed sense of beauty. They are independent, love personal freedom, and strive for creativity.

5. Intelligent (spiritual) hand. The hand is long, narrow, graceful and delicate. Fingers are smooth, thin; the thumb is well developed. Owners of this hand have a penchant for spiritual life and are indifferent to material values. They strive for moral perfection.

6. Philosophical hand. The hand is large or medium-sized, the palm is cupped, the fingers are long, with knots; the thumb is well developed. People with a philosophical hand value truth above all else. They are able to thoroughly analyze current events and show special interest in the study of social sciences, mathematics, astronomy, and chemistry.

7. Mixed type hand. This type of hand occurs when the characteristics of at least two types are combined. People with such hands are better adapted to life, as they have a variety of important qualities.

What does the length of your fingers say about your character?

Look at your hand and compare the length of your index and ring fingers.

The index finger is shorter than the ring finger.

Such people are most often very attractive, pleasant to talk to and charismatic. They are more decisive than others, prone to risk and easily cope with emerging problems. In addition, one of their special qualities is the ability to sympathize and empathize with their interlocutor. They make excellent engineers, scientists and crossword puzzle solvers.

The index finger is longer than the ring finger.

These people are most often self-confident and self-sufficient. They enjoy their company and do not like to be disturbed over trifles. They are not the kind of people who will take the first step towards anything, be it a new business or relationship. However, they appreciate attention and take praise favorably.

The index and ring fingers are the same length.

People with such fingers are peace-loving, good-natured and really dislike conflict situations. They are very organized in life and get along with everyone. Such people are faithful in relationships, devoted to their work and the company for which they work. However, be careful, because there is a small flame burning in them, which is better not to cause a fire. Be on their side. published

Men, look at your right hand. Is your index finger longer or shorter than your ring finger? The ratio of the lengths of these two fingers can tell you a lot - from personality to intelligence and even physiology. Fingers can tell a lot; their length is a very important and interesting indicator. Do you want to know what this or that man is like? Then read this article.

Treats women well?

Men with short index fingers and long ring fingers tend to relate better to women. More than 150 people took part in the study, half of whom were men and half were women. Women were asked to engage in five-minute social interactions with men over a three-week period and rate how they treated them. As a result, it turned out that people with shorter index fingers relative to their ring fingers treated women almost a third better than others. The reason for this may be the amount of male hormones that a person receives in the womb. The more testosterone he receives, the larger his ring finger grows.

Penis size

According to the study, the smaller the index finger compared to the ring finger, the longer a man's penis. The study involved 144 men aged twenty years and older who had undergone urological surgery. While the men were under anesthesia, they measured the length of the required fingers, the length of the penis in a relaxed and tense state. Again, the reason for this result is exposure to testosterone in the womb.

Attractive facial features

If a man has a shorter index finger than his ring finger, then there is a high probability that his facial features will be much more attractive than those of others. The amount of testosterone that a baby receives in the womb also affects how the face is formed and how attractive it will be. Research has also shown that women are more attracted to men with masculine and rugged facial features, which are seen in those with short index fingers and long ring fingers.


Many elements of the study are suitable only for men, but in this case women were also tested. The results of the university entrance test were taken and analyzed by a group of scientists. After this, the lengths of the corresponding fingers were measured for all people who participated in this test. It turned out that the best grades were received by those whose index finger was shorter than the ring finger - and this applied not only to boys, but also to girls.

Prostate cancer risk

Although having a short index finger relative to the ring finger has its advantages, it comes at a fairly high price. According to research, such people have a much higher chance of getting prostate cancer. For 15 years, scientists followed more than one and a half thousand cancer patients and three thousand healthy men. And those men whose index fingers were as long as their ring fingers or longer were 33 percent more likely to get prostate cancer. However, this is not so scary - thirty-three percent is not such a critical value that you forget about all the advantages that a long ring finger and a short index finger give you. Naturally, this study is not universal and only offers general statistics, so there may be people with equal fingers who have all the characteristics of those whose index finger is shorter than their ring finger.

When you first meet a person, it is difficult to understand who is in front of you, because most people over the years of their lives get used to hiding their shortcomings and vices from others. But how then can we identify a possible psychopath or other unpleasant personality before the negative traits break out in a powerful, fetid stream?

Length will help you recognize the hidden qualities of a person. The value of this parameter is often underestimated or simply ignored. The reason for this is the countless palmists and other anti-scientific figures who propagate their suspicious teachings.

But the opinion that hands cannot tell anything about a person’s inner world is a big mistake. Psychology claims that hands can well characterize the inner world of their owner; you just need to know what to pay attention to.

Hand behavior

The first thing you should pay attention to is the hand movements of your interlocutor. If he hides his hands behind his back, or tries to hide them in some other way, then this person is definitely unsure of himself or is gnawed by doubts.

Tightly folded hands indicate that the conversation is unpleasant to the interlocutor or that he does not want to share personal conclusions with you or tell anything about himself.

If a person does not know where to put his hands, constantly moves some objects in them, stretches his joints, or simply nervously twitches them, then there is a problem with the nervous system or your interlocutor is trying to hide some strong emotions. If a person actively gestures during a conversation, then this is a sure sign of his disposition and keen interest in the issue under discussion.


Information about the interlocutor can be provided not only by the length of the fingers; the significance of the handshake is also very large. For example, if the handshake is sluggish and weak, then in front of you, most likely, is a weak-willed, spoiled person. An excessively strong handshake is not a sign of a strong and confident individual, but rather an imitation of these qualities in order to hide weakness and insecurity.

Many people are familiar with a sharp, careless handshake, done as if by chance. This is a familiar sign of an indifferent business person, for whom a handshake has no meaning, because he is in a hurry to do important things.

Palm shape

The shape of the palm can tell a lot about a person. Of course, the main attention is drawn to the length of the fingers, the significance of which is very great. But we must not forget that fingers grow from the palm.

The overall shape of the palm can reveal the most striking character traits.

A wide, rustic hand with irregularly shaped fingers often belongs to a person with a low level of intelligence and simple interests.
Such people are sedentary, inhibited and interested mainly in primitive activities. On the contrary, the elongated, graceful shape with a long palm and long, refined fingers betrays a sensual, artistic nature. Usually the owners of such hands are talented or have a penchant for artistic activity.

Sometimes called philosophical, it has long fingers but not a particularly long palm, and can also be identified by its general angularity and unevenness in shape.

A person with such a palm is prone to deep conclusions and looks at the world through the prism of calm and prudence. Such hands often belong to writers, musicians, philosophers, and thinkers.

A square hand shape is often found in reliable, goal-oriented realists. A person with a square palm is persistent in work, diligent and brave. Although his imagination is poorly developed, he is a reliable and loyal friend and ally. Another type, similar to the previous one, is the spade palm. The type of person is also in many ways similar to his square-armed counterpart; he is brave, energetic and reliable.

What does the length of your fingers mean?

The length of the fingers is one of the most important criteria when drawing up a psychological portrait based on the hand of the interlocutor. Psychology has been dealing with this issue for a long time, and a lot of experimental data has been collected on this topic. Research has shown that there are significant differences between people with long fingers and their short-fingered relatives. The differences between these types are so significant that it’s hard to believe. The main properties associated with the length of the fingers will be listed below.

Long fingers

When thinking about what the length of a person’s fingers says, everyone remembers examples from their own life. So everyone has the opportunity to compare generally accepted theses in psychology with their own experience.

Typically, long fingers are endowed with people with an analytical, alert mind, but with some shortcomings. They can be talented and sophisticated individuals, but with a rather bad character. A person with long fingers may be too attentive to little things, even if they have no practical significance.

Also, such people are distinguished by their prudence and balanced decisions. They would rather think again than give in to internal impulses. Sometimes there is an unnaturally long length of fingers. The meaning of this outstanding feature can be quite negative - such hands often belong to an unprincipled businessman who is ready to step over anyone for the sake of profit.

Short fingers

Those with short fingers are impetuous and energetic. Communication with them is simple and pleasant. Kind and open people often have short fingers. The meaning of this type of palm can also be interpreted as a person’s tendency to act rashly and impulsively. However, too short fingers are most often found on the hands of narrow-minded, stupid people. But don’t rush to write down everyone whose fingers seem short to you as fools, because these are just general observations that can sometimes be directly opposite to objective reality.

What does the length of a man's fingers mean?

The length of a man's fingers can tell how much testosterone influenced him during fetal development. Certain behavioral features can be identified by comparing the lengths of some of the fingers with each other. For example, the smaller the difference between the length of the middle and index fingers, the easier it is to build a relationship with a man. The large difference between these fingers indicates a strong influence of testosterone, which makes the subject rougher and more independent. If the amount of acting testosterone was low, then the man will become a caring and sensitive partner. There will be more harmony and tranquility in a family with such a husband, because he is easier to compromise and less aggressive.

The difference between the ring finger and the little finger can tell about a man's fidelity. The greater this difference, the higher the likelihood of cheating, which is also the fault of testosterone. The higher the amount of testosterone that affects a man during the period of development, the higher his sexual promiscuity - as a consequence, the tendency to cheat. But this does not mean that such men cheat left and right, because a person is not a robot; a loving husband can easily withstand the power of insidious hormones.

What does the length of women's fingers mean?

The results of studies of the length of women's fingers are not too different from men's. So, for example, if a woman has a long ring finger, then this indicates a large number of sexual partners, but not always.

Scientists have also found that women with uniform finger lengths are more likely to have a strong, stable family and give birth to many children. And women with a long ring finger, in addition to a tendency to cheat, have a high chance of falling in love with non-traditional sexual relationships. And here, as in men, testosterone is to blame, clouding the mind with its harmful influence.

Length of fingers at different ages

Many parents are interested in what the length of their child’s fingers says. Thus, they want to find out the inclinations of their child early in order to provide him with the best conditions for development. At the moment, scientists have established that the length and ratio of the fingers can only tell about the effect of testosterone on the fetus during pregnancy. This, naturally, will leave a corresponding imprint on the character of the little person, regardless of gender.

Of course, you shouldn’t give up on your baby just because the length of his fingers doesn’t suit you, because in addition to hormones, many other factors influence the formation of character, such as upbringing, first sexual experience, and so on. Therefore, the length of a child’s fingers signals the same thing as the length of an adult’s fingers.

Jewelry on hands

In addition to the physiological characteristics of the palm, the jewelry that the subject wears on the fingers can clarify something. Each finger is responsible for different character traits, so a tendency to decorate certain fingers can provide a lot of information to an observant person. Of course, such information only provides information. That is, you can take this into account, but you should not completely trust such information. We have already learned what the length of a woman’s fingers indicates. What do the decorations indicate?

For example, it speaks of a person’s desire to increase the significance of his “I”. It is not easy to isolate the thumb, so the desire must be very strong. A brightly decorated thumb can indicate an egoist who adores his person and wants to receive more attention and recognition from others.

Excessive decoration of the index finger characterizes its owner as a domineering, stern person.

It is not for nothing that great rulers loved to wear beautiful massive rings on their index fingers, as they tried to emphasize their power and increase the significance of their personality.

The middle finger is an indicator of status in society. Those who like to decorate it try to increase their social status and gain greater influence in society. This is where the offensive gesture came from, when a person shows his middle finger. Thus, he seems to be saying that his position is higher, and the one to whom this gesture is intended is much lower on the social ladder. Massive bright ones emphasize and increase the social status of their owner.

It is not without reason that it is used to wear wedding rings. It symbolizes the sensual component of human nature. Jewelry on the ring finger reflects feelings and emotions and tells about a person’s inner world.

The little finger is usually decorated with quite unusual personalities. This is a gesture designed to emphasize uniqueness and specialness. Many celebrities have adorned this finger to show their difference from the gray mass. However, decorating the ring finger may only mean a desire to stand out, and not the real state of affairs.

Length of fingers, meaning. Psychology

In conclusion, I would like to say that although psychology deals with the issue of the relationship between a person’s palm and character, this area has not yet been well studied. There is no accurate, systematized data on this topic yet, despite the huge number of experiments conducted. Therefore, do not be upset if the shape of your palm communicates something bad about you or your loved ones. After all, the length of the fingers is not so important. The meaning that palmists and some psychologists attach to this indicator should not confuse you. It is much more correct to get to know a person better in order to form an opinion about him, and not to run away from him in horror just because you saw unseemly character traits in his hands.

How can you find out whether your lover will become an ideal lover or whether he will begin to cheat on you? Of course, such questions are of great concern to every woman. Male sexuality is influenced by a huge number of factors, but, first of all, it depends on temperament, which is determined by the hormonal background of a man.
It seems obvious that each man's sexual temperament is very individual. One is ready to have sex every day, while for another a few times a month is enough, and this is normal, because libido and potency are inherent in a person from birth at the genetic level.
However, experts say that the level of sexuality of an individual man can be determined by some of his external signs.

1. Height and physique of a man

A tall “pumped up athlete” may not be a sexual giant at all. The thing is that the most tireless in sex are short, stocky men, whose figure resembles an orangutan. So, the more a man resembles our distant ancestors, the more sexually tireless he is.

2. Body hair

And increased hairiness, for the same reasons, is an undoubted sign of a high level of libido. If your man has impressive hairiness, then rest assured that he will be ready to have sex at any time of the day.
5. Lips

The mouth can tell a lot, a lot about a man's sexuality. Even more than any other part of his body. If a man’s lips are thick and fleshy, then this may indicate the impressive size of his manhood. If, on the contrary, he has narrow lips, then most likely one cannot expect flights of fancy from him regarding sexual relations.

3. Legs
If a man has short legs, then this is a sign of high sexuality and sexual strength of their owner.

4. Fingers

The length of the fingers can tell a lot, very much. If the fingers (both on the hands and feet) are long, then we can say that their owner has a manhood that is somewhat longer than the average. If a man has graceful, sophisticated fingers, then this may signal that he is very, very inventive and original during foreplay.

Experts also distinguish three types of male temperament - high, medium and low.

1. High temperament
Such men can be called “sexually preoccupied” without hesitation. Their craving for sex is incredibly high, and even more so their craving for all kinds of sexual experiments. Those with this temperament turn out to be very greedy for women, so you can’t expect fidelity from such a partner; he tends to change partners very often. As for appearance, such men may not be very attractive from the point of view of generally accepted standards regarding external data. They usually have a wide, strong body: broad cheekbones, shoulders, strong arms, and so on. But their body is physically very developed. Height usually does not exceed 180 centimeters. And another sign is increased hairiness and a “rich” natural body odor.

2. Average temperament

Oddly enough, the majority of the male population has this temperament. Their libido constantly fluctuates: either they show excessive sexual activity, or vice versa - there is a pause in their sexual life. Most often, they have one constant sexual partner, with whom they have sexual intercourse from time to time. In order to somehow increase their libido, they need new sexual sensations and impressions: a new partner, a new place, positions, new sexual stimuli. As for external data, they are very common and no different from other men.

3. Low temperament

Such men do not experience a strong craving for sex, and sometimes they can do without it altogether. The external signs of such men are as follows: fairly tall stature, delicate facial features, thin fingers, a high voice and, in general, sophistication and a certain femininity in general. And all this happens because there is a lack of male hormones in their body. This appearance often attracts the fair sex, but with regard to intimate relationships, they will most likely be disappointed. Such men can become good friends, but you shouldn’t expect “wild sex” from them.

In general, often certain characteristics can flow very harmoniously in one man, since purely “sexual giants” and their opposites cannot exist. And the idea that men simply cannot live without sex is another myth and misconception. In order to increase libido, both male and female, there are some strategies that I will discuss in subsequent articles.

Two girlfriends met in a cafe. One of them, no, no, and tries to shoot her eyes somewhere in the direction... Curious... the second one took a closer look... There is a man at the next table. Wow it looks like that. One, oddly enough) Well, he thinks, the beautiful girl is definitely not in the mood to continue the conversation with me...
- Hello, garage... aren't you looking at it too impudently?)
- Wait... wait...
- Wait what?

- Just look at what beautiful hands he has... what long fingers...
- Uh...
- You don’t understand... he might be playing the piano with these fingers... and how tenderly and tenderly they run across the keys, the music he plays will sound so beautiful...
- I understand... I understand...
And yet she fell into a stupor. Aesthete, damn it. What's suddenly wrong with her...
- Let's have a drink, hmm?
- .....can you imagine what these fingers can do with a woman’s body if they are as gentle with it as they are with the piano keys?
- Uh... I guess, actually)

I. Men's fingers reveal their character!

Canadian scientists say the length of a man's fingers can tell how aggressive he is. Therefore, if ladies do not want to get an authoritarian despot as a husband, then when meeting a man, you must first of all pay attention to the length of the chosen one’s fingers.

According to experts, the length of the fingers is associated with the level of male sex hormone to which the baby is exposed in the womb. Experts from the Canadian University of Alberta studied the fingers and behavior of 300 male students. As a result, experts came to the conclusion that the shorter the index finger compared to the ring finger, the more noisy and frantic a person behaves. By the way, in men, the ring finger is usually longer than the index finger. Worth thinking about?

However, this parameter is not suitable for assessing verbal aggressiveness, the scientists said. Also, this method of assessing behavior should not be applied to women, experts warned.

This is not the first study whose authors have tried to link finger length with some human characteristics. For example, experts have suggested that boys who have a shorter ring finger have an increased risk of having a heart attack in adulthood. This hypothesis is also based on testosterone levels.

II. Male finger length

Research shows that women are more attracted to men whose ring finger is longer than their index finger. A report from Britain's Royal Society of Biological Sciences claims that women will unconsciously respond to tell-tale signs of high testosterone levels, such as a symmetrical face, deep voice and, oddly enough, long ring fingers.

And earlier, in general, folk signs claimed that this was one of the distinctive male almost heterosexual characteristics - short, nameless ones, they say, only in women and gays.

Photos of the fingers of the powers that be :)

III. FINGERS - well, where would we be without them?

They are of no small importance in hand analysis.

In relation to the palm, they can be long or short.

Owners of -=Long fingers=- =-

Prone to detail in everything


As a rule, they dress tastefully



They love the attention of others and know how to use it.

Owners of -=Short fingers=- =-


Tend to rush to conclusions and actions

They don't like little things



They do not care about their image in the eyes of others

They are not inclined to follow traditions.

IV. What can men's fingers tell you?

The assumption that the shape and length of fingers can tell a lot about a man has been popular among people for a long time. For example, a story has been passed down from generation to generation that the longer the fingers, the larger the male reproductive organ. It turned out that the assertion of the connection between the length of fingers and sexuality has its grounds. Scientists from the University of Liverpool have established an interesting pattern: the proportions of the fingers directly indicate sexual activity.

To begin with, scientists compared the ratio of the length of the index and ring fingers in different species of monkeys, comparing the results with their sexual and social activity, and found that those monkeys whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers are distinguished by pugnacity and a tendency towards polygamy.

But according to the results of a study conducted by the Technical University of Chemnitz, the length of a man’s ring finger may indicate a large number of sexual contacts. According to the researchers, this pattern is associated with the hormonal background of the mother during the development of the embryo. If an unborn baby encounters an increased level of testosterone in the mother’s body, he subsequently develops not only purely masculine features, but also a characteristic ratio of the length of the index and ring fingers in favor of the latter.

V. Interesting comments from girls =)

29/10/06, 3 Sofia 3
He has very strong hands. I think I have never met anyone like this in my life. It’s easy to give in to his hands; you want to drown in his hands. True male hands know how to be sweetly rough and painfully tender, passionate and affectionate. Why is it that when our bodies touch, when his courageous, very strong palm slides over my thin skin, I tense my muscles, I fall into an abyss, from which getting out is tantamount to a quick and short death. Hands... his hands are a symbol of our passionate tenderness, bliss, captive and hopeless love, the one that is doomed. Forever, forever! His hands... nothing lasts forever, but, caressing me, they seem to convince me otherwise!

03/21/05, like everyone else
I always look at men's hands. If a man has short, thick fingers, it's terrible. It's not his fault, but what can he do? I don't like those. Or bitten nails...I love pumped up men's hands, my boyfriend's hands are a sight to behold! Pumped up, strong, beautiful, in such hands you feel in seventh heaven. Sometimes you need so little to be happy! And in the summer it becomes clear which of the guys was lifting and which was drinking beer :)) But I just don’t like pumped-up arms, like those of weightlifters, for example. This is squalor

02/09/01, I"m tier
When meeting the male population of the planet, I always look with curiosity at their hands, which for me are a kind of indicator. The size, shape of the fingers, especially the thumb, dirt under the nails, if any, gestures. And in most cases, these hands are a complete unkempt disappointment. I remember several years ago, when polishes for men with the names “Casanova” and the like began to appear, this idea seemed charming to me, and its implementation was comical, because... I don’t understand what the actual difference is between men’s and women’s nail polish. And in the present-day, if a woman continues to improve her manicure, men have not seen their trump card (I am not calling on anyone... as they say, to each his own taste), and by the way they continue to be indignant that we have captured not only trousers and shorts, but also got to ties

16/03/02, Tanya Luxemburg
And I really like long fingers on guys... I'm just dying. Long, thin, cool fingers. There are no words, only emotions. I hate guys with unkempt hands, when their nails are bitten down to the elbows, there’s a two-centimeter rim of dirt, and hangnails stick out in different directions. This is such crap!

11/03/03, ZABAVA REISS
and this is a sexy creation... the guy seems to be dressed... but he is undressed... And I just adore the phalanges and knuckles (large). with short fingers, warm and that smell delicious

30/11/03, Here There Be Tigers
I don’t know why, but men’s hands have always aroused my interest.. :) They seem to me a real manifestation of eroticism:)

21/12/03, CosaNostra
They are so beautiful. I look at my hands very often. Courageous, strong. A very pleasant sight. =) Although there are those who cannot be called courageous and strong, but still...

01/13/05, XWitch
There is a popular saying that a man’s hands are more important to girls than an unbuttoned fly. I absolutely agree with her. Men's hands are VERY important to me. I don’t like it when a man has women’s hands, it’s disgusting. Rough, hairy ones are also not for me. Dirt under the nails, long nails... ugh... And drowning in a man's hands, snuggling into warm palms, feeling the familiar smell... that's happiness...

03/26/06, Girl with yu
I read the last messages and I really agree with everyone. The guys really don’t understand what their trump card is - their hands!!! It’s nice when your fingers are well-groomed, so tenacious and strong that they hold you and don’t let go))) And toned biceps are so cool, I especially like it when a guy is carrying something and the veins stand out so much, mmm, cool! In short, guys, think about it and watch yourselves!

03/26/06, Tomboy
And I love this combination in men’s hands: long fingers capable of caressing, wide palms and protruding energy of the veins :) But manly “crabs” with thick, short fingers, hair on the wrists and, even more so, on the fingers, no need :)) )

06/06/06, Gotha
I really like looking at men’s hands, well, probably just because they are different) Such unusual fingers and nails. I think a man’s hands are a very beautiful part of the body, if they are well-groomed, of course.

07/28/06, Princess Viper
Hands are the third thing I pay attention to in men. The first is the nose. I like noses. I can't help it. The most beautiful nose in Russia is the nose of Artur Smolyaninov (actually not his, but my friend. But he is very similar to them) The second thing, like most girls’, is the back. I don’t know what she should be like... Just her back, probably. And the third thing is hands. The most beautiful male hands are those with protruding veins. These are hands - these are hands. Once I was on a train, and some guy was sitting opposite me. So in appearance he is finally so-so and that’s putting it mildly. But the hands are 5+++.

10/02/09, Zabila
Oh yes, the hands are something that I immediately pay attention to) For some reason I love it when the veins protrude... But this is not critical) The main thing is that the hands are strong. Imagine how he hugs you with these very arms, hiding you from the whole world, and even takes your breath away...)

02/02/10, SELENA
I especially like the prominent veins. Involuntarily there is a desire to touch them, stroke them... But this is secondary. It's not a matter of form, but of content. The main thing is not the size, color, shape, presence of manicure, etc., the main thing is the touch. Or rather, the emotions that you get from them. There are hands in which you unbearably want to drown. I want these arms to hug you tightly (but not roughly), shielding you from the entire outside world. Sometimes you want just this kind of isolation from everything, except...

10/15/10, Katalepsychka
Of course, if these hands play the guitar, some other instrument, if they stroke the dog and do not hit it. I like long thin fingers, maybe a ring with a skull or a pentagram. I also like manicures for boys, nails painted with black varnish. Freddy Krueger has a cool glove with claws. I also love it when these hands hold a guitar and know how to play it. And I can’t stand fat pumped up arms. If it's a little, it's normal. Kachkov is in the firebox.

21/11/10, keeper of silence
Mm, I love their paws and butts.

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More boring info below...

VI. In general about people's fingers

The meaning of length and shape.

Dermatologlyphics arose as a type of anthropology. In 1892, the then famous biologist Sir Francis Galton (and also the cousin of the famous Charles Darwin) published his works on fingerprints. Over time, in the course of research it turned out that the shape and length of the fingers plays an important role in human character. A critical mind that is not susceptible to outside influence and does not make hasty decisions is manifested in those with long fingers. Such people are very difficult to please and in love affairs they are most often fickle. Most often, owners of very long fingers strive for profit and they are unscrupulous in their means. If a person has short fingers, then such people most often have an impetuous character and more often act at the behest of the heart; such people mainly wear provocative clothes in order to distinguish themselves from others. Well, those who have very short fingers are considered an undeveloped type of person. Now let's look at the location of the fingers, if the fingers are close to each other and have a straight shape, this type of people is considered impatient and their owners pay special attention to formalities, and although the heart of such a person is kind, these people still try not to show their kindness and generosity, so as not to do something - in an inappropriate way. It is very difficult to deal with this type of people. If the fingers are far apart on the palm, then such people are usually easy-going and very generous, and are not afraid of new challenges. If a person has uneven, but not crooked fingers, then such people can very easily adapt to various situations; they are prone to art. People with unfavorable meaning have crooked fingers.

What is the main finger?

The thumb is considered the most important of its five brothers in determining human character. If the thumb is pressed against the index finger, it often happens that it does not reach the second joint of the index finger, sometimes it is at the same level. Sometimes it is very short of the joint, in which case the finger is called short. If the thumb is above the second joint, then it is long. The thumb has two phalanges, the first and the superior. By the appearance of the phalanges, the first thing to judge is how a person is guided in his actions. Let's consider the option when the thumb is located next to the rest; in this case, the person with this option is stingy and knows how to count money. Let's consider the second option, when the thumb is far from the rest, such people have an open and freedom-loving character. You should also look at the top of the finger. If the upper joint of the finger is quite mobile, then he is an open-minded person and he is generous, cheerful and patient. If, on the contrary, a person has a too hard thumb, then most likely the qualities of such a person will be the opposite, he will be stubborn, cautious and restrained. The thumb also seems to be slightly expanded and flattened at the top. Owners of such fingers are often passionate, hot-tempered and easily excitable. You should be careful with such people, because they easily get into a state of anger.

Four fingers

Index finger. If the index finger is short compared to the middle finger, then in most cases such people are more likely to behave carefree and try not to take on any responsibility. There are also long fingers that are the same length as the average one, or a little shorter than the average one - this option is found among people with arrogant intolerance regarding the opinions of others. A finger that is four-fifths the average is considered normal; such people often show initiative and enterprise. Middle finger. The middle finger, like all the others, can be of different lengths, and if a person has a short finger, then he is often not prudent and impetuous. In such people, the heart controls the head and pushes for inconsistent actions and decisions are made according to emotions. Such people are kind and generous, and it is very easy to communicate with them. If the middle finger has an elongated shape, then this is a sign that this type of person is prudent and careful and attaches considerable importance to his personality. A person with a normal middle finger is prudent and sensible. Ring finger. The normal length of the ring finger is considered to be nine tenths of the length of the middle finger. The owners of such fingers understand art and see not only the negative sides of life, they are also inclined to business. Fans of gambling and big and risky bets have a long ring finger. Such people are considered optimists, and they can put everything they have on the line to win. A calm and quiet life is not at all for them, they want to live their life to the fullest, even if their life is short. If the ring finger is short, then such people, on the contrary, try to live their lives quietly and calmly and are considered to have insufficient business acumen. Little finger. The normal length of the little finger is considered to be seven tenths of the middle finger; such people easily cope with difficult situations; they are tactful and resourceful. People with a short little finger are impulsive and can easily quarrel with someone and express everything they think about their interlocutor. He who has a long little finger can easily subjugate anyone and is often a leader, unlike the rest.

This one or that one?

Scientists from various leading universities in the world took up dermatology not so long ago and found out that a person’s fate can be determined by the ratio of the lengths of two fingers, the ring and index fingers. Scientists from Belgium discovered the fact that men whose ring finger is longer than their index finger are more secretive from others and are reluctant to share their money with others. Those who have longer index fingers have the following features, they are very easy to communicate with and part with funds with ease. In Canada, at the University of Alberta, scientists found that those with long ring fingers are more aggressive than those with long index fingers. Similar information was received from different countries. The most interesting discovery was made by a scientist - doctor of the University of Cambridge, John Coates, who spent 20 months looking at 44 businessmen in the City of London whose wages were 154 thousand pounds sterling per year. He noticed that businessmen with a ring finger longer than their index finger were able to earn 11 times more than those with a shorter finger. According to Coates himself, this is due to the level of the hormone produced in males - testosterone. By the way, people whose ring finger is longer than their index finger have much more testosterone in their bodies. People who have a large amount of testosterone in extreme situations make the right decision very quickly and easily, and therefore they have more advantages when doing business on the stock exchange. At first glance, all this looked like an original scientific hypothesis. This hypothesis was proven by evolutionary psychologist from the University of Southampton John Manning. He conducted a study showing that the difference in finger length depends on which hormone - testosterone or estrogen - predominates during the 3 months of fetal formation in the mother's womb. Most likely, this is somehow connected with the fact that from the 8th to the 14th week of pregnancy, the fingers of the embryo have testosterone receptors. Therefore, even when a baby is born there is already a difference in this hormone. Those whose ring fingers are longer than their index fingers have more testosterone. The character of a person largely depends on this. Men with a ring finger larger than the index finger have more testosterone in their bodies and they have a hot-tempered and aggressive character. They are successful in sports and dancing, but may find it difficult to express their thoughts. Among females, they are also successful and have high fertility. In Germany, scientists at the University of Chemnitz established a pattern for both men and women: the longer a man’s ring finger, the more sexual experience he has. But women, on the contrary, are not fertile. This is due, according to scientists, to their character being similar to that of men. Just like men, they are successful in sports and enjoy risky situations. Scientists from the University of Berkeley (USA) believe that the female half of humanity with a long ring finger prefers homosexual rather than heterosexual contacts and easily endures pain. People with an index finger equal to or longer than the ring finger have low amounts of testosterone. Men who fit this category are very poorly oriented in space and have no success in sports or dancing, but they are sociable and have high intelligence. They are not successful with the female sex, and having started a family they have a small number of children or none at all, since they are also not very fertile. Women whose index finger is longer than the ring finger are more likely to have a soft character, gentle and affectionate, easily marry a husband and are fertile. Testosterone also affects not only character, but also people’s health. Men with a long ring finger are less likely to suffer from heart disease, but are more likely to suffer from osteoarthritis. Men with a long index finger, on the contrary, often suffer from depression and heart disease.