How to succeed in life - advice from successful people. What to do to achieve success in life - advice from successful people

Without earning a ruble, you will not earn a million

First, become realistic and stop dreaming about goldfish, magic wands and other fairy-tale “helpers”. The basis of any success is not some special magic button, but your own work. Stories about great businessmen who achieved unprecedented heights from scratch are very popular, but they are few in a million. Moreover, even there, daily hard work was always at the forefront.

Either you degrade or you develop

A person learns throughout his life. Therefore, those who read the last book at school or college, and now think that it is nothing, are deceiving themselves. Moreover, if you work in the sales business or in the service sector, topical literature is simply necessary. After all, these are not empty words, but concrete examples of actions leading to success. In addition, a person who reads always stands out from the rest.

Don't neglect other people's experience

The same applies to professional seminars and conferences. It is surprising when a company pays employees to participate in training programs, but they turn their nose up and think about the wasted time. Of course, not all seminars are perfect, but in each you can find absolutely useful knowledge and skills. And then successfully apply them in everyday work, increasing your performance.

Know how to go out of your way

It is very important not only to follow your own path to your goal, but also to be able to turn away from it. And even take a step back if you see that something is not working out. A good example is when a promising employee becomes a manager, but cannot cope with his responsibilities and has to be demoted again. Many cannot stand such maneuvers and quit. But those who accept this career change and stay work several times more efficiently. It's hard, but it's a 100% gain compared to quitting staff.

Patience and hardening

If you are an outsider and come to a company as a department head, and they tell you that you will first have to work for a couple of months in a regular position, what will you do? It would be a mistake to “bend your fingers” and boast about your work experience. And many do just that, even choosing as a result an organization with a lower salary, but with a guaranteed position as a small boss. And without prospects for growth. Growth, which always means patience and courage.

Help newbies

When Maxim Batyrev started working in the sales department, he didn’t even know how to send a fax. But I was embarrassed to ask. Therefore, when it was necessary to send an invoice to the client, he went to him himself on the other side of the city. The misunderstanding, of course, was quickly resolved, but since then he has personally instructed each employee. After all, what one can do, another can’t necessarily do.

Don't hang out with weaklings

When you play chess with an inept opponent, you will never become a better player. And, of course, it’s very difficult to win against the pros, but every game will be worth its weight in gold. This happens in life too. Same thing at work. There are a lot of whiners and lazy people, and everyone will want your communication, because they always need free ears. But what good is this friendship to you? Stick with real hard workers and leaders - there is always something to learn from them.

Play by the rules

Every company has norms and laws - from ethics and discipline to business rules - that cannot be violated. And the point is not so much that you can get a fine or a reprimand, but rather an honest attitude towards your superiors and colleagues. Even the most honored employee can be fired if he stops adhering to common values. Of course, everyone can make mistakes. But you need to clearly understand that if the first time was an accident, and the second a coincidence, then most likely there will be no third forgiveness.

Don't sit on your boss's neck

There are many subtle psychological aspects in boss-subordinate communication. One of them, quite common, is an example of a mutual mistake. This often happens when a manager of former subordinates just takes up his position. He begins to do all the work for them, sincerely believing that he understands everything much better, otherwise he would not have been promoted to boss. Ultimately, this leads to a drop in all department indicators.

Therefore, the responsible employee should try to do all his work himself. And especially not to manipulate your boss with phrases: “You can do it much better” or “Show us an example, otherwise we won’t be able to cope without you.”

Watch your appearance

Working in any field, a person communicates with other people. Moreover, if it is a large company, then the appearance of each employee is part of its image. Maxim Batyrev also has such an “extreme” case in his collection. One new employee exuded an unpleasant odor, but he did not notice it. They made hints to him, but they didn’t dare tell him directly. This seemingly comical incident disrupted every working day for several months, until the boss himself decided to have an important conversation - and the problem was resolved.

You can soar in any higher spheres, but you definitely shouldn’t neglect how other people see you. Intelligence and abilities are the most valuable qualities, but do not forget the saying that you are always greeted by your clothes.

Move towards success and read even more super tips from Maxim Batyrev in the book “

Many people want to be successful and reach unimaginable heights and do nothing, but this will never happen.

Any success is a lot of work that was done over a long time, despite all the difficulties and prejudices.

Ask any successful person how he achieved everything, believe me, it can be a several hour story.

Do you want to achieve success, but don't know how to do it? Don't worry, we will help you!

In our article you will find only the most necessary and effective advice, so that in the future your heirs can be proud of you and follow your example.

Follow our advice and you will definitely become a successful person!

The first thing you should do is set a goal and motivate yourself every day.

If you don't know what you want to get from life, then you will have NOTHING. Do you want to achieve success in life? Set yourself a goal, work hard and achieve success.

Do you want to lose weight? So what's the problem? Doctors, pills, sports - everything is at your disposal.

The main thing is to set a goal and achieve it!

Motivation plays a significant role in the life of every person. If you constantly tell yourself that you are beautiful, then over time you begin to believe it, even if the words do not correspond to reality.

Motivate yourself to new achievements every day, then you are guaranteed success in life.

A goal in life is good, but sitting on the couch will not achieve anything. That's why it's best to start acting NOW.

Are you afraid of failure? Say NO! your fears and then your chances of achieving success in any business will increase.

Are you 40 years old and have you dreamed of learning to draw all your life, but are you afraid that you won’t succeed? Sounds kind of stupid, doesn't it?

Take action! Perhaps you will become an outstanding artist, and your paintings will sell for crazy amounts of money.

Take action, take risks, but NEVER watch someone else make your dream come true!

Tip #3. How to Succeed in Life: Don't Listen to Losers

We are always surrounded by many people and each of them has their own opinion, but in many cases it is wrong in relation to you and your life.

You shouldn’t listen to people who haven’t achieved anything in their lives, but always give “smart” advice to everyone.

Change your ENVIRONMENT and consult with people who are already successfully doing similar things.

You dream of being a top-notch photographer, so what do you do among chefs? Go to different photo exhibitions, communicate with friends and familiar photographers, visit various blogs, just don’t sit still!

Tip No. 4. How to achieve success - do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today

Old but always true words that will help you achieve success in any endeavor if you repeat them to yourself every day.

Laziness is the “best friend” of losers, but you’re not one of them, are you?

Need to make a report, are you watching the series? Quickly get up from the couch and WORK! Lazy people are not loved anywhere, and this way you will definitely not be able to achieve success even in the most insignificant matter.

Make a list of things that must be done every day, then you will become more organized, and you will always have time not only for work, but also for hobbies.

Fight laziness, otherwise you will always be left behind.

Tip #5. Achieving success: developing in different directions

Have some free time? Read books, learn languages, travel.

Don't sit still! Success is a movement and it depends only on YOU!

All the knowledge that you gain in life will help you achieve success in any business.

If you want to be a successful designer, then knowing several languages ​​will only benefit you.

The basic things you avoid will help you achieve the success you want. Versatile individuals always achieve more than dull and boring people.

Tip #6. A simple secret to achieving success - you need to enjoy life

Do you have two arms, two legs? Can you listen and see? Do you live in comfortable conditions? So why not be happy about it?

Statistics say that 86% of people on the planet can be happy, but they don’t understand it!

Why invent problems for yourself and be unhappy? There are so many little things around that can give us a positive mood and thereby help us achieve success!

A child’s smile is not a reason to rejoice? And shopping is a sea of ​​positivity and emotions!

Love yourself and don't let bad thoughts fill your mind.

No matter what project you start, you won’t see the desired result right away! Do the statistics, move in the right direction and soon you will be surprised how easy it is to achieve success!

You can't lose weight in one day or make five million dollars in an hour. Everything has its time.

Daily workouts will help you lose weight in a few weeks, and hard work and persistence will help you earn a tidy sum in a short time, but it won’t be an HOUR or even a DAY!

Learn to WAIT, then you can be a successful person. And you can devote your waiting time to yourself and your hobby.

Did something not work out the first time? So no need to worry! Review your actions, put in even more effort, and then you have a better chance of getting the expected result rather than complaining about your bad life.

Don’t be discouraged and don’t be afraid to start all over again, because every person can make a MISTAKE.

You started a business, but nothing worthwhile came of it, so try again, and if you feel that this is not your occupation, then do something else.

Only losers and weaklings cannot achieve success! You are not one of them, are you?

Tip #9. How to achieve success in life: enjoy what you do

Do you want to dance, but you have to sit at a boring job? So what's the problem? Go and dance.

Create your own circle or perform on a big stage, do what brings you pleasure.

And try to find joy in the little things. Is it raining today? Well, that's great! Remember the last time you walked in the rain?

Don't spend too much time on failure. Accept any defeats as EXPERIENCE, because they make you smarter, but should not stop you from achieving your goal.

Tip #10. Achieving success and finding harmony with yourself

It is very important to get along with yourself and then it will not be difficult for you to understand others and go towards your goal.

If you want to be successful, mind your THOUGHTS! The best way to achieve success is to always be in harmony with yourself!

Today you feel bad and everything is falling out of your hands? This is a sure sign that you need to get some rest.

And the best relaxation is a change of activity, so you can take a walk in the park, read a book, watch a movie or take up a hobby. In short, we need to radically change the situation.

These simple tips will help you achieve success in any business, just don’t forget that first we set ourselves a goal, which we do every day, don’t listen to losers, enjoy life, and then enjoy the great RESULT!

Now get up and do it, you won’t have any other time!

Everyone at least once asked themselves the question: “How to achieve success in life and career?” How do people achieve outstanding success in school, work, business, personal relationships and any other endeavor?

The answer to this question is that they have a special thinking, knowledge and most importantly - they act!

As one of the wise men very accurately noted, some people achieved success only because they began to strive for it before you. Everyone has a choice - to be successful or unsuccessful, rich or poor, happy or unhappy. And everyone makes their own choice throughout their lives!

In today’s article I want to give not just empty advice on how to achieve success in life, but clear methods/techniques of successful people with the help of which you will achieve everything you could not even dream of before.

These methods really helped me get started and achieve truly impressive results in a short period of time.

By the end of the article, you will be able to choose a specific method (strategy) that is right for you and begin to plan your life and achieve success!

So how can you become successful in life and achieve your goals?

Many of us do not have clear life goals and priorities. Often we cannot say “NO” to certain people and things. We don't know our strengths and weaknesses. We do not control our energy and often scatter it aimlessly. We are constantly afraid of something.

The basis of success is the correct self-organization (self-government) And motivation. All success depends on this!

Self-organization (self-government) means competence, one’s personal and professional development, regardless of external circumstances. Part of self-organization is time management, or in simple words, time management.

Peter Drucker, perhaps one of the most prominent authors on self-management of the 20th century, said that we live in an era of unprecedented personal and professional opportunity.

However, these opportunities require taking responsibility for your development and personal maturity. On this subject, Peter Drucker says:

  • You must become both a leader and a subordinate for yourself, in other words, on the one hand, you must be able to set the right goals and objectives, organize your time and, on the other hand, follow your plan and complete the intended tasks.
  • Throughout your life, you must remain curious and productive.
  • In order to do things well, you must maintain a deep awareness of yourself.
  • You need to know what skills you have and where you can use them most effectively.

The ultimate goal of self-organization is for us to consciously take our daily work into our own hands.

This also includes: planning, organizing, motivating and goal setting.

To achieve success in life you should:

  • better organize yourself
  • plan your tasks,
  • prioritize and of course,
  • be always motivated.

It is vital that you make the most effective decisions.

It would seem that such simple advice, however, it is hard work. Scientists say: every day we take more than 20,000 solutions , most of them within a few seconds. It's quite difficult to imagine!

Especially in the process of work, we again and again find ourselves in situations in which we have to make decisions quickly. We find ourselves in this state, under pressure from lack of time, 60 percent of the time.

Start with one goal

How can you set your goals?

First steps:

  • Yours target must be clearly determined.
    The path to achieving a goal is most often not easy. Therefore, you must set clear goals and be able to make decisions more spontaneously and improvise. Too strict planning does not allow this.
  • Don't be a slave to your goal.
    It sounds harsh, but there are people who stubbornly stick to a goal once set, no matter what happens to them. It is worth admiring your perseverance if, when your life circumstances change, you are able to adjust your goals or abandon them altogether.
  • Your passions spontaneously shape your goals.
    If you value something, stand behind it and, most importantly, love it, then you don’t need any other goals. In this case, you know exactly what you want to achieve.

Now let's move on to the main thing - strategies that will allow you to achieve success in life.

The Pareto principle, named after Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923), states that We achieve 80% of all results with 20% of our efforts . The remaining 20% ​​of the result requires as much as 80% of our effort.

In other words, we often spend a huge amount of our time and effort on things and deeds that don’t really produce any results.

This is illustrated in the following graph:

Bottom right square– this is actually nothing more than garbage. These tasks may not be completed. They are neither urgent nor important.

Lower upper square– these are unimportant but urgent tasks. These tasks should be delegated.

Tasks that in turn are not urgent, but important (bottom left) must be entered into the calendar and later executed step by step.

Remaining tasks in the upper left corner: urgent and important. They must be implemented immediately!

Of course, it would be pointless to develop such a coordinate system for every day. The purpose of this is to internalize this principle so that you can apply it intuitively.

Which method you choose to achieve your goal is your personal choice, the main thing is that it contributes as much as possible to achieving success.

4. Let's become successful and achieve our goals!

Gradually, step by step, we are moving towards success! So what is the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people?

5. Individual performance curve

People, like all other living beings, have an “internal clock” called biorhythms. Depending on the time of day, people are either active or relaxed.

The productivity of an individual, as a result, is not always the same throughout the day, but changes at regular intervals.

Successful activities require a high degree of concentration and activity. So important tasks should be completed during the periods in which they are most suitable - in terms of activity and efficiency.

Therefore, it makes sense to know your performance curve and take it into account. To avoid a phase of low concentration while working, you should adjust your work schedule in accordance with your productivity curve.

There are 3 performance curves:

    "average person""owls""larks".

5.1 Performance curve of the “average person”

It is suitable for most people.

Productivity is strongly felt in the morning and reaches its climax in the morning (8.00 to 11.00).

It decreases towards lunch and noon and increases again towards evening (18:00 - 20:00).

But the morning peak of productivity will no longer be achieved.

In order to use this performance curve, you must

  • Schedule important work and meetings during the time of your highest level of productivity - morning
  • Leave less important matters and routine work for the afternoon.

5.2 OWL performance curve

Do you fall asleep late, don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, have no appetite and are not particularly talkative?

Then you are probably a “evening person” whose performance curve is shifted back by 2 hours compared to the “average person”.

5.3 LARK performance curve

Are you often already tired by 21.00, but as soon as you wake up, you are already in a cheerful state and are immediately ready to act?

Then most likely you are a morning person.

Your productivity curve moves forward from the average person by approximately 1 hour.

In order to effectively use your performance curve, you must

  • start your working day early,
  • use the hour before your colleagues arrive to complete important work in silence,
  • Perform routine work in the afternoon.

The chart below should help you understand the different performance curves more clearly:

Individual performance should be observed and noted over a long period of time.

Then you can build your personal performance curve and make it the basis of your daily work.

What tasks did I complete today and what did I achieve?

Things don't always go as easily as we would like. Therefore, you must stay motivated throughout the day.

Everyone, including top managers and highly qualified athletes, has experienced a lack of motivation. It is often tedious, boring, or difficult to follow your plan. This can seriously weaken motivation.

Motivation is a necessary condition for successful work. But how to motivate your reluctance, moreover, if you are at the bottom?

Become aware of your own motives and their meaning.

Motivation is often just a matter of having the right attitude.

Motivation and drive to achieve certain goals can only be achieved if you have a compelling reason to achieve this goal.

Only when a person understands the benefits of the goal and the actions associated with it, will he be able to motivate himself and work towards achieving the goals.

If a task seems strange to you in some way or you cannot understand its meaning, then you should question this task. Try to collect all possible information about the task being performed: Why do it? What will this give me? Do I need this?

Each person is individual. For one, a vacation with his family is a great happiness, another needs the applause of the audience, while the third lives only with his car.

The first step towards self-motivation is to understand what really motivates you.

What are your personal motivations for achieving your goal?

Only those who identify with daily activities have greater intrinsic motivation and, accordingly, high levels of productivity.
Steve Rice, an American psychologist, found in one study (Rice profile) that there are 16 basic human needs:

Motive Behavioral trait
Power Influence, success, leadership
Independence Freedom, Self-determination
Curiosity Knowledge, truth, unknown
Confession Social recognition, membership, positive self-esteem
Rule Clarity, structure, stability, good organization
Collecting/ Accumulation Property, accumulation of material wealth
Honor Morals, principles, integrity of character
Idealism Social justice, decency
Social connections Friendship, camaraderie, sociability, humor
Family Family life, own children
Status Reputation, public opinion, rank, social status
Struggle Competition, revenge, aggression
Love Beauty, sexuality, erotica, aesthetics
Food Feed, cook, drink, enjoy
Physical activity Physical activity, fitness, body, sport
Calm Relaxation, emotional security, satisfaction

The better you know yourself, the better you can control yourself!


Here some advice O volume, How You you can save money precious time.

Conducting a telephone conversation

  • never call without a plan
  • call purposefully
  • set aside a specific time for phone calls
  • asking your partner if he has time
  • get straight to the point
  • think about costs
  • use cheap phone call hours
  • talk about important things to repeat
  • write down important information immediately
  • don't get distracted while talking

Read about how to find a high-paying job on the Internet.

One of the most important principles that make it possible to achieve success is self-discipline, victory over oneself, over one’s own laziness, disorganization and failures. Before you get started, you must understand one very important principle: if you don’t stop looking for freebies, you won’t get off the ground. Success is work!

But there are some ways in which you can achieve the results you want with much less effort.

Tells business coach Alexander Belanovsky.

So how can you get maximum results?

We often hear the same phrase from friends and colleagues: “You’re so lucky, but I’m unlucky, that’s why I can’t do it... no money... not enough time...”

Is this luck? Not at all! The more we work, the luckier we get. First of all, it’s working on yourself, as well as using time with maximum efficiency. Self-discipline can help you. Use your time wisely! This is the basic rule of a successful person.

Here are a few other rules that help in achieving important goals:

1. An assistant is inevitable

No matter how much you convince yourself that you are able to do all the work yourself, you will never be able to achieve results if you shoulder the whole heap of tasks.

Remember: if there are people whose working time is cheaper than yours, then it is best to delegate responsibilities. Especially if you are an entrepreneur or business owner. Never do routine work, give it to someone who can do it without your participation, perform routine tasks with someone else’s hands.

2. Keep a task list

When your head is a mess and your brain is literally exploding from the piled-up problems and worries, you won’t find a better assistant than paper and pen.

Write down current and future activities, relieve your brain from an overabundance of information. Then it will be much easier to structure everything, and accordingly, the process of self-discipline will be much more effective.

3. Deadlines are required!

In order to achieve a goal faster and more efficiently, you must set yourself a time limit. Only a strict deadline will allow you to clearly complete the task. You shouldn't go to bed if you have a deadline. Don't let yourself relax until the task is completed.

4. How well do you prioritize?

In life and business, much depends on the sequence of actions with which you move towards your intended goal. If you don’t take important steps on time, you risk not getting another chance to achieve your plans, missing out on opportunities, benefits, or even worse, money.

Therefore, sit down and think about which matters at this stage you need to solve first, and which ones can wait.

5. Don't be distracted from important matters

If you are moving towards your intended goal, then do not be distracted by nonsense. Give yourself the mindset that you don’t have time to talk on the phone, hang out on social media, or sit on the couch in front of the TV. Avoiding distractions is the main key to self-discipline.

6. Make promises publicly!

In combination with rule No. 3, the result will generally be almost lightning fast. Of course, there is a possibility of creating a stressful situation, but it is stress that will help you work even more efficiently. A public promise is the strongest motivator for completing assigned tasks and meeting deadlines.

7. Order on the table - order in the head

By periodically clearing your workplace of rubble, you can reach 100 points on the self-discipline scale. Conduct an experiment and you will notice how much more productive you work when everything is in order.

So, if you have a goal that has not yet been achieved, but you really want to get to the finish line as quickly as possible, once again analyze everything you have read and immediately begin to follow the rules. Self-discipline is serious work on yourself that you need to start right now!

Good habits are the foundation of wealth. They distinguish a successful wealthy person from a loser. In the latter, bad habits prevail. Think about what is stopping you? Awareness is the first step to change.

In his book, Tom Corley suggests taking a piece of paper and dividing it into two parts. In the left column, list your negative habits, and in the right column, how you can change them. For example, like this.

Work on each item on the list to the right for 30 days (), and you will be surprised how your life will change.

2. Set goals regularly

Successful people are driven by their goals. There are always unconquered peaks before them. They plan their day in detail.

If you also want to succeed, think ahead. Set yourself goals for the day, week, month, etc. But a goal without a plan is like a boat without oars. Develop an algorithm that will help you achieve your goals. Take responsibility for your actions and inactions.

3. Identify root causes

If you know why you want to achieve wealth and success, you will get there faster. Setting goals is important. But what is even more important is why you chose this particular goal. Why is success so important to you? Is this your deepest inner need or, perhaps, the fear of disappointing your parents? Why do you strive to earn a lot of money? Is this your mission as the head of the family or is it a fashion imposed from outside? Think about it.

4. Get things done

The truth is as old as time: do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Everyone has fears: “What if it doesn’t work out?”, “It’s too difficult,” and so on. But successful people overcome them and see important things through to completion, no matter the cost.

Tom Corley says that for wealthy people this happens automatically. As soon as the temptation arises to put something off until later, the “Do it now!” lightbulb immediately lights up in your head. Repeat these words to yourself, no matter how boring or difficult the task.

5. Do your maximum and even a little more

To do something somehow, as long as it’s quick and as long as they fall behind - the approach of losers. Successful and wealthy people always do even a little more than is required of them. If this means staying late at work, no problem! Making more effort is easy!

A small note. To give 200% to your work, it must not only satisfy you. She must be dearly loved. So find something you like.

6. Work on your relationships with people

Successful people are by no means egocentric. Their focus is always on other people. Some even set aside special days for meetings with friends and partners.

Networking cannot be underestimated. Successful people constantly expand their network of contacts and provide small free services to their acquaintances.

The wider your circle of acquaintances, the more names and positions you have to keep in mind. To avoid confusion, use special ones.

7. Talk less, listen more

“God gave man two ears and one mouth so that he would listen more and talk less,” says popular wisdom. When you listen, you learn. Listen carefully to what people say, this will help you out more than once.

8. Find a like-minded person

It’s difficult to say how true the saying “Tell me who your friends are...” is, but the environment influences a person - that’s a fact. Do you want to become rich and successful? Try to make friends with someone who has already succeeded, or just find someone with whom your plans for life coincide. You will be able to exchange experiences and encourage each other in difficult moments.

9. Find a mentor

Not everything can be learned from books. That's why many successful people have mentors they watch and consult with. By adopting the experience of an already established person, you can progress twice as fast. In addition, communicating with him disciplines you.

10. Save

Corley writes that successful people invest 10 to 20% of their income. This is one of the effective ways to save money. Read other secrets of the richest people on the planet for increasing capital.

11. Live within your means

Rich is not the one who earns a lot, but the one who spends wisely. Often a person puts himself in a financially difficult situation when he begins to live beyond his means. Do you need an expensive foreign car loan if you live paycheck to paycheck?

Organize your spending and exercise if you want to change your life.

12. Constantly improve

Successful people constantly work on themselves. They read a lot and learn new things all the time. But most importantly, they do not waste time on things that do not bring them closer to their goal.

One of the highest paid business coaches in America, Brendon Burchard, says that we spend too much time on useless activities, as a result we feel an acute shortage of time. This is true. Time is too valuable a resource. And spending it on something that does not bear fruit in terms of well-being (computer games, disputes on social networks, etc.) is a crime.

Self-improvement is like a needle and thread: the baggage of knowledge and skills that follows you moves you forward. Work on yourself every day. It’s not easy, but the broader your horizons, the greater your chances of being realized.

13. Read daily

At least 30 minutes a day. Reading in the modern world is a competitive advantage. The more you read, the more you know. The more you know, the more you will achieve.

It will help to integrate reading into your daily routine.

14. Constantly improve your skills

Progress is becoming better at what you do every day. Improve your professional skills and expand your knowledge base every day. Eventually you will become an expert. And they are paid well, they are respected. So stay the course until you succeed.

15. Take a digital weekend

Dedicate such days to yourself (some courses or maybe a movie), walks (you can even go on a mini-trip) and communication with loved ones (they may miss you).

16. Watch your health

The rich and successful usually exercise and eat healthy. Moreover, leading a healthy lifestyle is as natural for them as taking a shower in the morning. It's simple: physical activity and a balanced diet give them the energy to achieve their business goals. Are you taking care of yourself?

17. Develop a sense of proportion

Knowing when to stop means living in balance and harmony. Be moderate in everything: work, food, physical activity, alcohol consumption, Internet surfing, and so on.

Harmonious people attract others. It is easier for them to find business partners, persuade investors and move up the career ladder.

18. Be optimistic

Remember the saying, “Optimists spin the globe, and pessimists run alongside and shout: “Where is this world coming to?”? The world belongs to enthusiastic and energetic optimists. These people look for (and find) good in their surroundings and see opportunities even in difficulties.

The information field is crammed with negativity. Know how to filter information and cut off what might throw you off track. Instead, fill your feed with things that will educate and develop you.

19. Control your thoughts

Dominating your thinking and emotions is the lot of successful people, not wizards.

If you replay negative scenarios in your head, you are unlikely to succeed. Fears and doubts inevitably lead to collapse. Tell yourself “stop” when you catch yourself thinking bad thoughts. Successful people are constantly busy creating, and they simply have no time to cultivate negativity.

20. Conquer your fears

It's normal to be afraid. Every person is afraid of something or worries about something. Only losers allow their fears to guide them, and successful people rise above their worries.

Write down on a piece of paper the fears that hinder your success and think about how you can overcome them.

21. Don't give up

Difficulties on the way to the goal are inevitable. But no matter how hard it is, you can’t give up. In order not to give up on the path to your goal even in the most difficult moments, there is at least.

Failures may force you to correct your course, but they should not stop you from moving forward.