Iron Man comic - Iron Man. The film "Tony Stark - Iron Man": actors and roles

Hero card:

Full name:

Anthony Edward Stark \ Anthony Edward Stark


Shellhead, Golden Avenger, Iron Knight, Hogan Potts, Spare Parts Man;

Personality: Well known

Universe: Earth 616

Position: Good

Height: 186 cm / 210 cm (armor)

Weight: 225 lbs / 425 lbs (armor)

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Black


Howard Anthony Stark (father, deceased), Maria Collins Carbonell Stark (mother, deceased), Morgan Stark ( cousin), Edward Stark (uncle, deceased), Isaac Stark Sr., Isaac Stark Jr. (distant relatives, deceased)

Members of organizations:

SHIELD. (S.H.I.E.L.D.), Avengers (Avengers), Initiative, Hellfire Club (outer circle); Illuminati, Thunderbolts, Force Works, Queen's Vengeance

Place of Birth: Long Island, New York

Citizenship: USA

Interesting Facts

  • The Stark character really has existing prototype Howard Hughes. American entrepreneur, engineer, aviation pioneer, director, producer. In the words of Stan Lee: “Howard Hughes was one of the most colorful men of our time. He was an inventor, a traveler, a multimillionaire, loved women and, finally, was just a psycho."
  • The character's first appearance was in Super Friends #5 DC Comics.

He called into a telethon where he spoke with Batman, where he donated $75,000 to the Heart Fund.

  • Tony Stark is an ardent football fan.
  • Tony Stark enters Forbes ratings. the richest fictional characters where he ranks 8th, his fortune is estimated at $3 billion.

First Appearance

Key Numbers

  • Red and Gold Armor Debuts (Tales of Suspense #48, 1963);
  • traveled to Camelot with Doctor Doom (Iron Man #149-150, 1981);
  • succumbed to alcoholism (Iron Man #167-182, 1983-1984);
  • Jim Rhodes became Iron Man (Iron Man #169-199, 1983-1985);
  • Tony Stark returned as Iron Man in red and silver armor (Iron Man #200, 1985);
  • fought in the Armor Wars (Iron Man #225-231, 1987-1988);
  • Snomva went to Camelot with Doom (Iron Man #249-250, 1989);
  • manipulated Kearson DeWitt in Armor Wars II (Iron Man #258-266, 1990 -1991);
  • James Rhodes returns as Iron Man (Iron Man #284, 1992);
  • Tony Stark became Iron Man again (Iron Man #289, 1993);
  • helped form Force Works (Force Works #1, 1994);
  • traveled through time with Doctor Doom (Iron Man #11, 1997);
  • returned from Counter-Earth (Iron Man #1, 1998);
  • became a member of the Hellfire Club (X-Men #73, 1998);
  • the armor became “intelligent”, killed Knut (Iron Man #26-30, 2000);
  • Ulron gained control of the armor (Iron Man #46-49, 2001-2002);
  • Became Secretary of Defense (Iron Man #73-78, 2003);
  • became a member of the Thunderbolts as Cobalt Man (Avengers/Thunderbolts #1-6, 2004);
  • helped form the new Avengers team (New Avengers #1, 2005);
  • became director of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Civil War #7, 2007)

Powers and Abilities

  • An armored suit equipped with the latest weapons that gives superhuman strength.
  • Genius inventor, mechanic, engineer.
  • Flight ability
  • Neural connection with the suit
  • Mastered martial arts skills
  • Weapons - light pulses.


A custom-designed, unique reactor-based suit provides protection from bullets and stab wounds and acts as an exoskeleton, multiplying Tony's strength. The suit is equipped with various weapons: a pulse cannon, missiles, lasers, tasers and flamethrowers. The boots have built-in motors that allow flight by maneuvering with the help of additional motors while wearing gloves. The helmet provides communication with satellites and allows you to scan the area, search for information and give instructions to headquarters.

General characteristics of the character:

The genius millionaire Tony Stark, the successor of the Stark family, became the head of a weapons production company.
The first version of iron armor was constructed after severe injury to maintain the body's vital functions. The following prototypes had more capabilities, including defensive ones.
The armor was of interest to many corporations, as a result of which Tony Stark more than once had to solve problems with agents and intelligence officers who entered his service undercover. In order not to reveal his identity and not create additional hype around Iron Man, Tony Stark did not take off his suit in public, so for a long time the public was under the misconception that the new Superhero was Stark’s special security.

Later, under the influence of his innate eccentricity, Stark admitted that in fact it was he who was hiding under the mask of Iron Man. After this statement, the hero is haunted by all sorts of problems and failures associated with numerous villains who want to stand in his way.

Zhelezny participated in the creation of the Avengers team and provided material and technical support.


Tony Stark was born into the family of Howard Stark, the founder of Stark Industries, and from childhood he was surrounded by technology; the boy had an extraordinary mind, so already in early age began to design his own mechanisms, with age his innate skills only developed and upon reaching his youth, Tony Stark could be called a genius. Later, upon reaching the age of 21, after the tragic death of his father in an accident set up by the Hydra corporation, Stark inherits his father's weapons production company. Under his leadership, Stark Industries reached unprecedented heights and became a supplier military equipment to all corners of the world. While testing one of the weapons in Asia (technological armor for creating super-soldiers), Tony Stark was seriously wounded in the chest, projectile fragments penetrated to the heart, putting the life of the inventor at risk. As it later turned out, the incident was not an accident. Stark was captured by the weapons baron Wong-Chu and forced to develop a super-powerful weapon in exchange for saving his life and carrying out a complex operation. Stark agreed, but instead of creating a terrible weapon, he carried out his plan to return from captivity, together with another captive and martyred Ho Yinsen (Nobel Prize winner in physics), Stark began creating modified armor to support heavy weapons. Yinsen secretly added a special detail to the suit on the chest plate that would alleviate the condition of the wounded Tony Stark. The plan was to use this armor to ensure the safe release of both scientists, but unfortunately in the process of breaking through, HO Yinsen was killed by enemy forces and thus gave his life allowing his friend to escape persecution. Wong-Chu's lair was destroyed and he himself was killed. Tony Stark returned to his homeland, successfully restored the body's functionality and began work on the suit; the reconstruction of the armor added new properties to it: lightness, maneuverability and weapons. Stark did not intend to advertise his involvement in the armor, which was called “Iron Man,” and came up with a cover, telling the public that Iron Man was the inventor’s bodyguard, created to prevent possible assassination attempts in the future. In fact, the armor was an excellent opportunity for Tony Stark to lead a double life and pursue personal interests in its use, such as eliminating unwanted criminal elements. Many enemy corporations introduced spies and agents into the billionaire’s environment to find out the working mechanism and drawings unique armor, but Stark kept his secrets especially carefully. Later, realizing the impact his company had on the situation in the world, Stark began to show interest and concern in issues of global security and terrorism. Iron Man was one of the founders and sponsors of the Avengers team. Despite his outward impeccability, Tony Stark's personal life is very complicated. The former alcoholic has had to maintain his health since the beginning of his career; he has neither family nor close friends. Creating the armor and the image of Iron Man is a way for him to isolate himself from his life and imagine himself as a different person. On the way of Iron Man there are endless enemies and ill-wishers, from ordinary scammers and terrorists to invaders who want to subjugate the whole world. As Stark grew older, he realized that his family's company was having a destructive impact, Stark Industries' contract with the government was terminated and production was redirected to peaceful purposes. Despite his many shortcomings, Tony is a noble young man who knows the value of honor and gratitude. He becomes a benefactor and founder of many foundations to help art and disadvantaged people. Having made the final decision to change your life for the better. Stark reveals his identity and admits that the Iron Man armor is his design. Thus, Stark becomes the only superhero so well known to society.

Civil War.

Tony Stark has played a lot important role in the outcome of the Civil War
On his initiative, a meeting took place with Professor X, Doctor Strange, and Mister Fantastic.
At which a secret action planning management group was created.
The meeting adopted the name "Illuminati", and was aimed at creating a unified organization for the issues of superheroes around the world, exercising control over their actions and observance of rights. In the future, the organization’s plans were not destined to come true due to differences in the mentality and lifestyle of superheroes; some preferred to hide their identity and live in the shadows. But many still agreed to give their information and contacts.

Soon information appeared that the government was planning to issue a law regulating the activities of superheroes; the law provided for the disclosure of the identities of all secret superheroes and their entry into the official ranks of law enforcement defenders in the state.

Stark was an ardent supporter of this idea and pushed superheroes to respond to the government’s proposal, arguing that in this way they themselves would be able to create laws in relation to people with abilities, but he was misunderstood and most superheroes were furious at such intentions; only Stark supported him at that moment Mister Fantastic

Despite the objections of the superheroes themselves, the Registration Law was nevertheless adopted, since the event that gave rise to the entire Civil War occurred: in one of the battles involving people with abilities, civilians suffered, and more than 50 children also became victims.

After this, public opinion became sharply negative and the law came into force as soon as possible.
Stark made an official statement in favor of the law, but the unrest among superheroes did not stop and superheroes were divided into two camps.

Tony Stark was in favor of the Law. Who later persuaded Spider-Man to join a campaign to promote law among superheroes, the first step towards achieving peace between the state and its special citizens was revealing the identity of Iron Man (Civil War Front Line #1)
However, having learned all the ins and outs of the government program, and in particular plans for a regime of restrictions and a prison for undesirables, Spider-Man stopped supporting the program and went over to the side of most superheroes, refusing to participate in the Law. The Team For the Law, led by Tony Stark, and the Team Against, led by Captain America, eventually collided in a large-scale battle that caused terrible destruction to the city and its inhabitants. The battle continued for a long time until Captain America realized the consequences of the quarrel between the heroes. He admitted that these actions would not lead to the cancellation of the Registration and surrendered to the authorities.

As a result of the battle, Stark becomes director of S.H.I.E.L.D., but the confrontation does not subside, it only moves to another level and after another surge, Captain America dies.

Victory and achieving his goals takes a bitter turn for Tony Stark and as he bids farewell to the Captain, he deeply regrets his actions. Having said that political games are not worth the loss of good people.

Relationship with the Hulk

The Illuminati considered the Hulk one of the most dangerous and unstable superheroes, so the decision was made to expel him from the community and from planet Earth.

Tony Stark accepted responsibility for his actions and did not hide what happened; in one of his official speeches, he revealed the plans of the Organization and publicly admitted to what he had done.

However, the Hulk’s exile was short-lived, he found a way to return driven by the desire for revenge, but the billionaire genius foresaw this scenario and met the Hulk in a new, specially designed armor capable of withstanding the power of this beast, “Hulkabuster.”

The meeting of opponents turned out to be a one-on-one battle: the whirlwind of destruction from the two superheroes was so strong that the others did not have a chance to engage in battle.
New York suffered more than the battle of the Civil War, Stark Tower was also destroyed.

And he himself was captured by the green beast, and only watched from the side as the Hulk took out his aggression on the rest of the superheroes. All means had been exhausted, thoughtful methods could not stop the Hulk, all that remained was to launch Plan B, turn on the lasers of the satellites of the SHIELD organization and concentrate their energy at one point, making a powerful blow to the Hulk. He fell unconscious and resistance was stopped.

Later, considerable funds were spent. Both personal and Shield organizations to restore New York and Avengers Tower.

Impact of the Virus

An alien virus enters the control systems of Iron Man's suit and affects Tony Stark's consciousness, which the Skrull queen took advantage of and almost lured Tony to the side of evil. However, Natasha Romanoff interrupts the plans of the conquerors in time and helps Tony get out of the influence of the virus and repair the armor.

Tony immediately enters the war against the Skrulls, defending the city, but at some point his armor fails him again, forcing him to leave the battlefield to get a new suit. The US President takes advantage of the momentary confusion and declares Stark guilty of an alien attack. Moreover, he fires him from the SHIELD organization and closes the entire department, declaring that SHIELD poses a danger to civilians.

As a result of these events. Despite the victory over the invaders, Tony's life goes downhill: the armor does not work, the systems fail, the organization is closed and the company suffers losses and there is no one around who is ready to help him.


After the disbandment of SHIELD, a new corporation HAMMER was created, headed by Norman Osborn; in fact, HAMMER was supposed to replace SHIELD and completely take over its functions and employees, as well as existing projects.

To launch the HAMMER service, Stark had to give access to all SHIELD databases, including a database of personal information on all superheroes and villains, but Tony did not trust new organization and instead of the full database, this one gave it a “shortened version” in which it read “Beginning:.

Iron Man Anthony Edward Stark.

The complete database was recorded in the most reliable source; with the help of the Extremis virus, Tony recorded the database in his brain. However, this medium is also protected from hacking by HAMMER agents, so Stark began implementing a plan to protect the information.

Maria Hill was given a hard drive with some information that, according to Stark's instructions, needed to be transferred to Bucky Barnes, second captain America.

Management of the Stark Enterprise company is placed in the hands of Pepper Potts for bankruptcy proceedings.

And Stark himself left the radar and constantly changed his location, stopping at the most unexpected points in the hope of erasing all available information without a trace. However, long-term exposure to the Extremis virus disrupted brain function and, by erasing parts of the database, Tony erased other fragments of memory, which led to a decrease in intelligence and increasingly frequent memory lapses.

As the brain's abilities gradually deteriorated, it became more difficult to maintain contact with high-tech armor and Stark was forced to turn to past models.

But Tony Stark did not intend to leave the world without Iron Man, but he could no longer fulfill his role. He created a cache where he hid a New version of the armor created specifically for Pepper, there was nothing destructive in this suit, the armor was designed to protect and save people. The girl took advantage of the opportunity given to her and became a new superheroine.

Despite their well-thought-out plan, they were unable to hide from the HAMMER for long; Pepper and Maria were caught and captured; fortunately, they later managed to get out of there. But this time was enough for HAMMER agents to find Tony.

This happened on last stage plan while he was hiding in Afghanistan and preparing for the final stages of removing the base from his mind. Stark was practically infirm, did not remember many details about himself and his life, but clearly knew what he needed to do. Only the very first version of the suit, his Tin Can prototype, helped him.

Norman Osborn almost won the battle and was about to kill his main enemy, but suddenly helicopters of reporters with cameras appeared and in order not to lose face in front of the public, Norman could not commit murder in front of everyone. And this delay was enough for Stark to completely erase his memory and save hundreds and thousands of people with abilities all over the planet.

Loss of identity

After the intervention, Tony Stark ceased to be himself, there was not a hint of his past genius, millionaire, playboy and philanthropist. The brain stopped communicating with the body, there was no memory of the past, even the basic abilities of the body disappeared. Heartbeat and breathing were regulated by machine.

But he still remained a famous person and his condition was constantly monitored not only by doctors, but also by camera lenses, not giving Osborne the opportunity to complete what he started. However, in this state, Stark no longer posed a threat, and if the situation changed, he would immediately be sent to trial.

It was decided to transfer Tony’s almost lifeless body to remote Bronxton under the supervision of a good specialist.
This specialist was Thor, who lived there undercover. Stark's transfer plan worked and as soon as Thor saw Stark on his doorstep, he notified all his close acquaintances, even the first Captain America arrived on the scene. Steve Rogers had only recently fully recovered, but was able to find the strength and opportunity to help.

Together, they found a videotape with instructions that Tony left before putting the plan into action. Following the instructions of Tony's past, work began on restoring his personality, a new type of reactor was connected to his body, and the same hard drive that Maria Hill was supposed to give to Bucky Barnes was connected to his head. As it turned out, a copy of all memories was recorded on this drive, and with the help of a small After the discharge created by Thor, the brain started working again and accepted the information received.
Despite the restoration of brain function, Tony did not come to his senses for a long time, then Doctor Strange, who also participated in the rescue, helped him.

After some time, Tony Stark fully revived and regained his personality, but there was one “but” the copy of the memories was made a long time ago and did not contain the events of the civil war, having learned about all the destruction and especially the death of Captain America, Stark again plunged into depression and shock , despite the fact that Steve Rogers was in the same building with him and they talked every day.

Return to the battlefield.

Next important event In the chronicle of the universe, there was an attack on Asgaard, which diverted Osborn's attention from Tony and allowed him to calmly fill in the gaps in his memory and gain strength by reading the news of those times that were not included on the hard drive with the memory recording.
Although the Extremis virus had a devastating effect on Tony’s body, it also gave him new opportunities, the Stark’s body began to better maintain contact with the reactor, and his mental abilities moved to an unprecedented level.
In addition, after the influence of the virus, Tony gained the opportunity to partially fuse his body with the shell of the suit and could not wear the suit, but, if necessary, call it from his DNA,
Having reassembled all the technology and improved his armor, Iron Man entered into battle with Osborn, confronting him during the siege of Asgaard. Now, the Iron Patriot armor available to Osborn was significantly behind the improved suit in technology, and also had some damage that Osborn himself was unable to fix. After the victory over Osborn, he was arrested and the HAMMER organization was closed, SHIELD returned to its previous positions and, instead of the old company, founded a new one, Stark Resilient, which manufactures new generation reactors.

Iron Man Video

Genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist Tony Stark is the most powerful superhero on the planet. Long years service in the Avengers team and the authority of the successful Stark Industries corporation gave him enormous power.

Iron Man's first armor

Iron Man's first armor

Tony's parents died in a car accident when he was just a child. As a result, the orphan remained the heir family business and upon reaching 21 years old headed the company. His first inventions benefited the US Army and became the prototype for the Iron Man armor. Having developed mini-transistors that could be used on the battlefield, Stark traveled to Vietnam to see them in action. However, after a bomb exploded, a piece of shrapnel hit his chest, and Tony himself was captured by the local warlord Wong-Chu. The villain stated that he would remove the fragments from Stark’s body only after he developed a new weapon for Wong-Chu, but Tony refused. Teaming up with another prisoner, Ho Yinsen, he created an iron suit that allowed him to defeat the villains who had captured him and escape.

The Making of Iron Man


Tony donned the armor many more times in the following years. To legalize the armor in the eyes of the public, he announced that he had got himself a bodyguard - Iron Man. Iron Man), and constantly improved the suit. Later, Stark’s own life began to change: he reduced sales of weapons, realizing that they brought more evil than good, and opened many charitable foundations. Along with Thor, Hulk, Ant-Man and Wasp, Tony became one of the founders of the Avengers team and allowed them to use his mansion as the main hero base. Despite his willpower, Stark twice succumbed to the influence of alcohol. The first time this happened was when the combined forces of supervillains hired by Justin Hammer attacked the hero. He was later accused of murdering a diplomat, and at the same time, SHIELD attempted to buy his company and military secrets. Stark's life almost collapsed. Fortunately, with the help of friends, Tony managed to overcome his addiction. But the second time everything was much worse. As a result of the psychological manipulation of the villain Obadiah Stane, Tony became homeless and poor. Waking up one day in the hospital, he realized that this could not continue, immediately stopped drinking, created a new company and soon defeated Stane in battle.

Iron Man is America's enemy

Enemy of the state

For a long time, Tony was a member of the Avengers team, but this did not stop him from conflicting with the US government. When Justin Hammer stole Stark's technology and gave it to the villains, the hero decided to find and find the stolen property himself. His attempts to take away the armor from the Guardsmen displeased the government and even Captain America himself. As a result, Tony was called a traitor.

Fall of Iron Man

Fall of Iron Man

During the Civil War, Stark led the superheroes in supporting the Superhero Registration Act. After the conflict, he became the new director of SHIELD and founded the 50-State Initiative. Due to his involvement in the Illuminati organization during the Hulk World War, Tony found himself the victim of a giant attack. This scandal began his downfall. When the Secret Invasion began, Stark was demanded to be removed from his position as head of S.H.I.E.L.D. Tony was replaced by Norman Osborn (see article Green Goblin), who immediately ordered the arrest of his predecessor. As a result, Tony became a refugee like the other superheroes he pursued after the Civil War.

Iron Man and the Darkest Hour

Iron Man and the Dark Times

Norman Osborn's rise to power during the Dark Reign coincided with the fall of Tony Stark. The hero had to remove all secret information from the SHIELD database so that Osborn wouldn’t get to it, and the only backup copy remained in Stark’s own head. Unfortunately, this damaged his brain, and Tony's incredible intelligence began to deteriorate sharply. This caused him to lose the ability to control his suits and nearly die. Meanwhile, Osborn independently created an armored suit for himself and called it Iron Patriot. After tracking down Stark, he fought the hero and nearly killed Iron Man. Pepper Potts managed to catch it on camera, and public opinion things didn't work out in Norman's favor. Tony managed to survive thanks to the intervention of Doctor Donald Blake, Thor's second personality. Stark's friends tried to reboot his brain using a backup file that the genius had prepared in advance. Doctor Strange helped them in this, and the hero’s mind was restored. Even without fully recovering, Tony put on Iron Man's old armor and went to help other heroes defend Asgard from Norman Osborn, who was besieging the kingdom. As a result, Stark defeated the villain in front of everyone and exposed his madness.

"Stark Resilient"

Fear in the Flesh - Iron Man Armor

After the fall of Osborn's regime, Stark, along with Pepper, founded a new company, Stark Resilient, to create not weapons, but clean energy for the whole world. When Tony left the business, Justine Hammer (Scarlet Cloak) and her daughter Sasha Hammer launched their own armor production line, Detroit Steel. To prove that their technology could compete with Iron Man's inventions, they attacked Stark and nearly defeated him. Tony already had enough problems: during the events of Fear in the Flesh, he fought the Gray Gargoyle in Paris, but was unable to save the city's inhabitants from turning into stone statues. Stark asked Odin himself for help, and he allowed him to use the Svartalfaheim dwarven forge. There, Tony forged new weapons for his comrades, and the Avengers defeated their enemies. The All-Father later revived the Parisians who had been turned to stone. Soon, the Mandarin and Ezekiel Stane joined forces and upgraded the suits of Stark's old enemies to attack him. Then the hero realized that he had to leave the company: this was the only way he could save the lives of Pepper and other employees. Stark even faked his own death with the help of James Rhodes, and he became the new Iron Man.

Power Works, S.H.I.E.L.D., Illuminati, Mighty Avengers, Thunderbolts, Guardians of the Galaxy (temporarily)

War Machine, Hulk, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Doctor Strange, Hawkeye, Savior, US Department of Defense, Captain America, Iron Patriot, Spider-Man, Julia Carpenter, Spider-Woman, Fantastic Four, Anti-Venom Mandarin, A .THEM. , Baron Stryker, Justin Hammer, M.O.D.O.K. , Iron Monger, Whiplash, Dormammu, Red Dynamo, Red Hulk, Norman Osborn, Ultron, Carnage, Venom (formerly), Baron Mordo, Doctor Doom, Red Skull, Doctor Octopus, Aleister Smythe, Thanos, Galactus

Initially, Iron Man, while a product of the Cold War and the Vietnam War in particular, was a vehicle for Stan Lee to explore their respective themes and the role of the American economy in the fight against communism; over time, subsequent rethinking of the image began to place emphasis on the problems of corporate crime and terrorism.

Throughout the publication period, Iron Man has been associated primarily with the Avengers team, being one of its co-founders, and several spin-off superhero teams; his solo series, launched in May 1968, survived 5 volumes, being published intermittently from 2008-2012, when it was replaced by a series The Invincible Iron Man, up to 2014. Subsequently, with the growth of popularity, Iron Man became a character in several animated series and cartoons, both solo and as part of the Avengers. In films related to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he is played by actor Robert Downey Jr.

Publication history[ | ]

Appearance [ | ]

The image of Iron Man first appeared in Tales of Suspense#39 (March 1963). It was created by writer Stan Lee, screenwriter Larry Leiber and artists Jack Kirby.

Cover of Tales of Suspense Vol. 1 #39

Translation (Russian)

I thought this was a pretty bold idea. It was the height of the Cold War. Our readers, young readers, if there was one thing they hated, it was war, it was the army... And I created a hero who corresponded to this image one hundred percent. He was a weapons manufacturer, he supplied weapons to the army, he was rich, he was an industrialist... I thought it would be funny to create a character that no one likes, none of our readers, and feed him to them and make them like... And he really became very popular.

Original text(English)

I think I gave myself a dare. It was the height of the Cold War. The readers, the young readers, if there was one thing they hated, it was war, it was the military....So I got a hero who represented that to the hundredth degree. He was a weapons manufacturer, he was providing weapons for the Army, he was rich, he was an industrialist....I thought it would be fun to take the kind of character that nobody would like, none of our readers would like, and shove him down their throats and make them like him....And he became very popular.

After creating the character, the task was to give direction for the creation external image. According to Gerry Conway, “the character of the hero showed outward equanimity even when internal state it was like a wound. Stan created it in such a way that Stark's heart was literally torn apart. But someday any pain goes away and our hero returns his inner world to its original state. All this, I think, made the character interesting, which required a certain appearance." And Stan Lee took as a basis the image of the most famous at that time “inventor, adventurer, multi-billionaire, womanizer and, finally, psycho” - Howard Hughes. He explained it this way: “Howard Hughes was one of the most brilliant men of our time. But he wasn't crazy - he was Howard Hughes."

While Lee was working on the hero's story and arguing with the Liber company over the long fleshing out, Don Heck and Jack Kirby, based on the ideas of author Tony Stark, created the cover for the first issue, as well as Iron Man's assistants, Pepper Potts and Happy Hogan. The original Iron Man suit was bulky, covered in a gray carbon-iron alloy. By the second issue the armor had changed to gold (#40). The original, titanium, golden-red costume was first presented in Tales of Suspense #48 by Steve Ditko. As Don Heck recalls: “Compared to the first design, this one was lighter, more elegant than the one that was invented by Kirbish...”.

Firstly storylines Iron Man had an anti-communist direction, expressed in the struggle of the protagonist with opponents originally from China, Vietnam and other countries in the Asian region. Later, Stan Lee, regretting the attention to this problem, transferred Stark's activities to helping the US Army and participating in the development of civil defense. The story of Iron Man's personal life also developed, for example, problems with drinking and mental health shown in the episode "Demon in a Bottle".

Key Numbers

Biography [ | ]

The son of wealthy industrialist Howard Stark, Tony was a brilliant inventor and mechanic. He took over his father's business at the age of 21, turning the company into one of the leading arms manufacturers. Stark was hit in the chest by shrapnel during a field test on the suitability of combat armor, which was supposed to give soldiers combat capabilities. Stark was captured by the weapons baron Wong Chu, forcing him to create weapons of mass destruction - only then would Tony receive the operation necessary to save his life.

Together with his comrade and former prisoner Ho Yinsen, a Nobel Prize winner in physics, Stark began working on a modified exoskeleton equipped with heavy weapons. Unknown even to Stark, Yinsen designed a protective chest plate to support the inventor's wounded heart. Stark put on the suit to try to escape captivity, but Professor Yinsen himself was killed in the decisive battle. He gave his life so that Iron Man could live.

After defeating the weapons baron, Stark returned to America and redesigned the suit. After making up the story that Iron Man was his security guard, Stark began a double life as a billionaire inventor and costumed adventurer. Early enemies sent spies and foreign agents intent on stealing Stark's armor and military secrets. After some time, Stark stopped protecting only his personal interests. He also became involved in issues of national and international security. Iron Man even helped found the Avengers and became their team's sponsor.

Despite his enormous wealth, Stark's life is not perfect. When starting his career, he was forced to wear a chest plate at all times to protect his heart. Stark is also a former alcoholic, and his personal life is a complete mess. In many ways, Iron Man is the release and the shell he wears to hold the world aside.

Iron Man's enemies took many forms, from conquerors with ambitions of world domination and corporate competitors to super-criminals and foreign agents seeking to surpass or steal his technology.

Stark grew up feeling an increasing responsibility to use his technology around the world. Stark Enterprises broke ties with the government to focus on technologies that would improve people's lives.

Taught at a young age to give back to those who helped him live such a comfortable life, Stark founded many charities and institutions. With an increasing sense of responsibility, he reached a new level of maturation. Comparing his secret to debt rather than personal possessions, Stark decided to reveal to the world that he was Iron Man. With the weight of a double life on his shoulders, Stark found himself in unfamiliar territory as one of the few publicly known heroes.

Civil War[ | ]

After learning of the government's plans to push through the Superhuman Registration Act, which would force costumed superheroes to reveal their identities to the government and become legal agents, Iron Man sought a way to get the Act passed, even going to the extent of hiring Titanium Man to attack during the law's hearing. to sway opinions to your side. Stark tried to convince the other superheroes to support the new Law, saying that their participation could prevent the Law from passing greater restrictions on their activities, but all except Mister Fantastic rejected the idea of ​​Registration.

During a battle in Stamford between the New Warriors and a pair of supervillains, the explosion killed several hundred people, including 60 children. This event turned public opinion against superheroes and accelerated the passage of the law. Stark publicly supported the Registration, but the new law divided the heroes into two camps. Stark became the leader and public face of the Pro-Registration side. His first major public move as a supporter of the Registration was to reveal his alter ego Iron Man (Civil War: Front Line #1). He convinced Spider-Man to join him and do the same. Spider-Man, after growing concerned about Stark's overzealousness, began to question his choice of side and later joined the Anti-Registration Bloc after learning of a prison in the Negative Zone that was constructed to hold Anti-Registration heroes. Eventually, these heroes and Iron Man's forces met in a final battle, ending when Captain America, horrified by the destruction of the battle and realizing that his actions would not lead to the repeal of the law, surrendered.

In Civil War #7, Stark becomes director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Shortly after these events of the Civil War, Captain America was killed. Despite his fervent belief in the registration law, Tony Stark, bending over the body of Captain America, said that most of his actions in the name of the law "are not worth such a sacrifice" and later said at his funeral that "it was not supposed to end like this." .

Exile and Return of the Hulk[ | ]

“Yes, I sent the Hulk into space. If you have to blame anyone for his return... blame me." - Iron Man.

Along with the rest of the Illuminati, Iron Man decided to banish the Hulk from Earth and found himself held accountable for his actions when he returned seeking revenge. Fortunately, Stark foresaw this opportunity and met the green giant in his new Hulkbuster armor. During the battle, most of New York was destroyed and burned, the battle was so fierce that the other heroes could not even get close and help. Stark Tower also failed and was destroyed, after which the Hulk captured Tony and sent him to the stadium to fight with the rest of the heroes. When all attempts to stop the enraged Hulk were exhausted, Stark aimed the lasers of the orbital satellites at the Hulk, which he installed after becoming director of S.H.I.E.L.D. This powerful beam deprived the green giant of his senses. Iron Man had to withdraw huge amounts of money from numerous accounts (mostly from S.H.I.E.L.D.) in order to restore Avengers Tower and some other buildings in New York.

When Thor returned and learned of the events of the Registration Act, he was furious that Iron Man had waged war against his fellow superheroes and, without his knowledge or permission, had used his DNA to create a clone of Thor.

Tony fought Thor, but it soon became clear that he could not win. Seeking a compromise, Stark proposed treating Asgard as a foreign embassy with diplomatic immunity for its inhabitants. Thor found this acceptable and the battle stopped.

Tony arrived at the remains of the X-Men Mansion to speak with Cyclops. He reported former leader The X-Men that the government wants the X-Men to register. To which Scott replied no. more people X, and they will be registered from birth.

Secret Invasion[ | ]

During the Secret Invasion, Stark's armor was infected with an alien virus. Due to the influence of the virus, the Skrull queen Veranka, who took the form of Spider-Woman, almost succeeded in winning Iron Man to her ranks, but the timely appearance of Black Widow saved Tony Stark. Under Natasha's cover, Tony repaired the damaged armor and led New York's heroes against the invaders. However, in the middle of the fight, the armor began to fail, forcing him to return to Avengers Tower for another. The US President blamed Stark for the Skrull attack and not only removed him from his post as director of S.H.I.E.L.D., but also outlawed the organization. Although the battle against the aliens was won, Tony suffered a great loss - his technology did not function, his corporation was on the verge of bankruptcy, he had many enemies and no friends willing to help him with his problems.

Dark Dominion[ | ]

After the Secret Invasion, Tony was removed from his post and S.H.I.E.L.D. was disbanded. Norman Osborn created his service M.O.L.O.T., where many former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents went to work. Also, the new organization was entrusted with the management of all previous affairs of S.H.I.E.L.D., including control over the Initiative project. Stark was to give Osborn the project's database, which contained detailed information about every superhero and villain on Earth, including their real names. However, Tony gave him a fake database, which is worth quoting in full:

“The beginning of the database.

Iron Man. Real name Anthony Edward Stark.

End of database."

When Tony returned home, Pepper Potts and Maria Hill began asking him where the real information was. It turned out that Iron Man took advantage of the capabilities of the Extrimis virus and recorded all the information in his brain. However, if he is arrested by M.O.L.O.T. agents, they will still be able to read the data. Therefore, Stark began to implement a plan developed some time ago specifically for such cases. He gave Maria Hill some kind of high-tech HDD and ordered to find Captain America (Barnes). Pepper was assigned to lead Stark Enterprises with the sole purpose of carrying out the bankruptcy procedure of the corporation. And Tony himself began to travel around the world, coming to his many hiding places and gradually erasing the database from his head. However, despite the Extrememis virus, his brain was not a computer disk, and all the information in it was interconnected. Because of this, Tony experienced ever-progressive memory loss, and his IQ decreased significantly with each memory erasing procedure. It soon became difficult for him to use modern model armor, and had to wear increasingly older armor.

Meanwhile, Pepper Potts discovered a cache created especially for her, which contained armor reminiscent of Iron Man's armor, but devoid of any weapons. All technical means of the suit were designed to protect and save people. Pepper became a superheroine called the Savior.

Norman Osborn was awake. He managed to catch Potts and Hill, as well as Black Widow, who was helping the former deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., but all three managed to escape. But the Agents of M.O.L.O.T. tracked down Tony Stark, who was heading to his last hideout in Afghanistan to conduct a final memory erasing session. By this time he could barely remember who he was. At his disposal was only the oldest and most primitive armor, the “tin can” (Tin Can), or Mark 00 (Mark 00). Osborn arrived in the Afghan desert in his Iron Patriot suit and was ready to kill Tony, but a press helicopter suddenly appeared. Osborn had to show that he followed the laws, so he left Stark alive, hoping to get at least a small part of the database. However, during the battle, Tony managed to erase the remnants of his memory.

Decay [ | ]

Now Tony was in an extremely poor state. Not only his personality and mind were erased, but also all the body’s reflexes, including innate ones. Even breathing had to be maintained artificially, although neither the brain nor the internal organs were damaged. With Stark in the public eye, Osborn was still unable to kill him. After some thought, he came to the conclusion that Iron Man was no longer dangerous. Even if he could regain his memory, he had neither the armor nor the ability to create a new one. Moreover, if he does return to normal existence, he will be immediately arrested and put on trial. Therefore, Osborne gave Tony to the care of Dr. Donald Blake, who lives in the town of Bronxton, Oklahoma.

In fact, Thor lived in the city under the guise of Blake. He immediately called Pepper Potts, Maria Hill, Jim Rhodes, Captain America (Rogers, who had just recently returned to life) and Doctor Strange. Rhodes found a videotape in which Tony left instructions on what to do next. First, doctors placed a repulsor reactor in his chest. With the help of the Extrimis virus, Stark had long ago improved his body, so some “deviations from the norm” were observed, for example, wires in the lungs. Further, the hard drive, which Hill kept together with Black Widow and Bucky Barnes, was connected to Tony’s head through special ports. As it turned out, Tony had recorded all his memories on the disk some time ago, but there was no Initiative database there. The memory was written into the brain, and then Thor, using a very weak electrical discharge passed through Captain America's shield, forced the brain cells to accept it. After this, Tony should have woken up, but this did not happen immediately. Doctor Strange had to make considerable efforts to keep his brain functioning normally.

So Tony Stark is back. However, his memory was overwritten from a backup copy that was made before Civil War. Consequently, Tony didn't remember anything that happened after that. Upon learning of the Civil War and the death of Captain America, he was horrified, even though Cap was alive again.

Siege and subsequent events[ | ]

All this happened shortly before the siege of Asgard, and Osborn had no time for Iron Man. Therefore, he calmly sat at Donald Blake's house and read the press of that period, which he did not remember. Tony Stark's body has been rebuilt. Now his brain was connected to the reactor and acted faster, meaning Stark became smarter than ever. During the Siege, Tony, along with the rest of the heroes, confronted the forces of the Iron Patriot, using the miraculously surviving old armor.

When Osborn was arrested and M.O.L.O.T. was closed, all charges were dropped against Stark, and he was able to begin to rebuild his life. Stark Enterprises was declared bankrupt, and Tony founded a new corporation, Stark Resilient, specializing in the production of repulsor reactors - the next generation of energy sources. In addition, he created new armor. Thor's electrical discharge partially unblocked the Extrimis virus, and Stark completely fused the armor with his body. Now, if necessary, he does not put on armor, but simply turns into Iron Man.

Powers and abilities[ | ]

Armor [ | ]

Iron Man's armor gives Stark superhuman strength and physical protection. Stark can lift up to 18 tons in normal operation, and his jet-powered boots and gloves allow him to fly. The suit includes various weapons such as repulsor beams on the arms, missiles, lasers and flamethrowers. The Unibeam in the center of his chest is capable of emitting different kinds light energy, and his helmet contains communication devices, scanning equipment and a recording device.

Powers and Abilities

  • An armored suit equipped with the latest weapons, giving superhuman strength.
  • Genius inventor, mechanic, engineer.
  • Ability to fly. (In one of the comics, he flew out of a black hole and caught up with Quicksilver).
  • Neural connection with the suit
  • Mastered martial arts skills
  • Weapon - light pulses.
  • Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.


A custom-designed, unique reactor-based suit provides protection from bullet and stab wounds and acts as an exoskeleton, increasing Tony's strength manifold. The suit is equipped with various weapons: a pulse cannon, missiles, lasers, tasers and flamethrowers. The boots have built-in motors that allow flight by maneuvering with the help of additional motors while wearing gloves. The helmet provides communication with satellites and allows you to scan the area, search for information and give instructions to headquarters.

Other versions [ | ]

Marvel Zombies [ | ]

Iron Man outside the comics[ | ]

Cartoon series [ | ]

  • In the first animated series, "The Invincible Iron Man" from the 1966 Marvel Superheroes series is the main character of the animated series, which lasted only one season of 13 episodes.

US Army military equipment is branded "Stark Industries". Robert Downey Jr. himself appeared as Stark in a post-credits scene, showing the film's connection to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The second film about Stark was released on May 7 (in Russia on April 29), 2010. His famous suitcase armor was demonstrated here for the first time. The main villain is Ivan Vanko, with Black Widow and Nick Fury appearing in key roles.

The appearance of the Destroyer causes one of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to association with Stark Industries: “Greetings from Stark?” To this agent Phil Coulson replies: “I don’t know. He doesn't tell me anything."

The third part of the legendary Marvel franchise is being released. Her hero, Tony Stark, appeared in comics exactly fifty years ago, back in 1963. Since then, he has managed to change dozens of costumes, acquire new enemies and girlfriends, and most importantly, become one of the most popular characters in the Marvel universe. decided to compile a detailed guide to the world of Iron Man.

Origin of the hero

Iron Man's first appearance in Marvel comics occurred in March 1963. The character, invented by both artists and, initially did not have a separate comic book, so he became a permanent participant in the Tales of Suspense anthology. There he competed for public attention with Captain America, who was again gaining popularity during the so-called Silver Age comics (circa 1956-1970). In 1968, Marvel launched the first "iron" movie (Iron Man). It only lasted 332 issues, but it formed the canon of the Iron Man universe. Moreover, the early issues, in accordance with Stan Lee's plan, were a platform for expressing anti-communist views and thoughts about the Cold War with the Soviet Union. However, after the Vietnam War, the comic gradually lost its political relevance and switched to more impersonal conflicts such as corporate crime and terrorism.

Tony Stark, hiding under the mask of Iron Man, characterizes himself in the film "" (2012) as "a genius, a billionaire, a playboy and a philanthropist." According to Stan Lee, this image was based on the persona of Howard Hughes, a famous inventor, businessman and adventurer in the 1950s. In addition, he was supposed to represent an idealized version of the American industrialist. This is what led Tony Stark to first active participation in various charitable events, and then to the fact that Stark’s company, which was engaged in the production of weapons, gradually switched to the creation of computer developments and electronics. Unlike the Iron Man films, where Stark's image benefited from the fact that he is a superhero, in the comics Tony carefully hides this fact. Moreover, he even passes off Iron Man as his bodyguard. One of the first people to learn the secret was his fiancee (no, not Pepper Potts), who convinced him to become a superhero. Success in this field, however, led to a break in the engagement, but it contributed to Stark’s emergence as one of the most loving heroes of the Marvel universe.

The Dark Side of Tony Stark

However, the life of Anthony Edward Stark (this is the hero’s full name) is far from cloudless. The Hollywood version of the character irons out his character flaws to appeal to underage audiences. While the early Iron Man comics portrayed Tony Stark in darker tones, Stark the Industrialist is often portrayed as a smug and arrogant man who believes that the ends justify the means. Suffering from the pain caused by the shrapnel that hit him in the chest, Stark seeks solace at the bottom of the bottle. It's no coincidence that for most of his history, Tony Stark struggles with alcohol addiction and even attends Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. However, frequent clashes with powerful enemies from time to time lead to breakdowns and binges. For example, after the official announcement that he is Iron Man, Stark accepts the offer to take the post of US Secretary of Defense. However, a drunken brawl in the UN building, provoked by one of his girlfriends, leads to the fact that Stark's political career ends before it even begins.


Being an ordinary person by birth, Stark is deprived of any superpowers. This is what he compensates for developed intellect, considered one of the most gifted characters in the Marvel Universe. (at age 15, child prodigy Tony entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study engineering). In early comics, Tony Stark received some combat training from Captain America, and later issues mention that Stark's trainers included his friend James Rhodes and even a professional boxer. At the same time, it is obvious that Stark’s functions without a suit involve virtually no physical contact with enemies.

Relatively recent issues of Iron Man reveal that after his nervous system collapsed, Tony Stark replaced it with an artificial one. Thanks to this, he temporarily acquired hypersensitivity and the ability to sense biological processes occurring in his body. During the massive 2008 crossover event Secret Invasion, Stark injects his nervous system with the techno-organic substance Extremis, which completely rewrites his biology. Extremis allows Stark to practically merge with the Iron Man suit, as well as control any technology using the power of thought. This improved model of Tony Stark did not go beyond the crossover, and the extremis in his body was infected by another virus, which almost caused the death of the character.

Over the 50 years of the character's history, Iron Man has changed many suits - from the very first, assembled in captivity from scrap metal, through the classic red and yellow drawn by the legend of the comics industry (in 1976), to the suits created in the film trilogy. In total, more than 50 suits appear in the Iron Man comics, each of which was created either for a specific event (for example, for individual story arcs or crossovers) or for specific purposes (focusing on flight abilities, durability, waterproofness, etc.) . It should be noted that, despite popular belief, Tony Stark's costume has little in common with knightly armor. In fact, it consists of many tiny elements that can change their shape. Each of these elements has its own set of properties, but is capable of generating energy and controlling the entire suit. Thanks to this, Iron Man's equipment remains operational even after severe damage, and in an inactive state it can collapse to microscopic sizes. In addition to giving the wearer superhuman strength and the ability to fly, the suit is also equipped with a whole range of weapons (from machine guns to rocket launchers) and communications equipment (radio, radar).

Love interests

The need to make Stark attractive to family audiences led to the fact that in the Iron Man trilogy he was romantically involved with only one girl - Virginia Potts, better known by her nickname Pepper (). In the comics, Pepper was Stark's personal secretary, and at one point even served as the chairman of his company's board of directors. Although their romance ended in nothing (Pepper even married Stark's driver), they remained close friends for the rest of their lives and Pepper was one of the few who knew that Tony Stark was a superhero. At the same time, not taking into account fleeting hobbies, about two dozen heroines appear in comics about Iron Man who had affairs with Stark. In addition to ordinary girls, Stark had relationships with the daughters of his enemies (Janice Cord and Whitney Frost, known as Madame Mask), and even with superheroines (Janet van Dyne - Wasp, and Natasha Romanova - Black Widow, a former Soviet spy, and later - member of the Avengers project).

In the Marvel Universe, a count of Iron's enemies A man is walking by dozens, but the most powerful of them are three: the Mandarin, Justin Hammer and Doctor Doom (also main enemy Fantastic Four):

Iron Man's archenemy Mandarin- a megalomaniac who has repeatedly tried to conquer the world. He has an intellect rivaling Tony Stark's and is a martial artist capable of destroying an Iron Man suit with his bare hands. Main source his powers are ten rings forged from metal found by the Mandarin at the site of the crash of an alien spaceship. Each of the rings has special properties and is worn on a specific finger.

Doctor Doom (Victor von Doom)genius inventor and a powerful sorcerer capable of controlling any machine, summoning hordes of demons from hell and copying the superpowers of other heroes using the technologies he creates. One of the significant losses when transferring the image of Doctor Doom to the screen in the “Fantastic Four” dilogy of 2005-2007. (where he was played) there was a rejection of it developed sense honor, which did not allow him to attack weakened rivals, and on occasion even forced him to save their lives.

Justin Hammer- a wealthy American industrialist and Tony Stark's main rival in the fight for tenders for the supply of weapons to the military. Unlike Doctor Doom and the Mandarin, Hammer does not have any superpowers. Hammer's main way of fighting Iron Man is by recruiting all kinds of mercenaries, to whom he provides the most advanced technology and weapons in exchange for eliminating his competitor. In addition, he finances organized crime and supplies criminal groups with weapons in exchange for 50% of the income. In the comics, Justin Hammer is portrayed as a middle-aged man old enough to be Tony Stark's father. In the second "" (2010), the character's age was adjusted so that he was the same age as Stark (played by Sam Rockwell).

One of Tony Stark's closest friends is military pilot James Rhodes (he played this role in the first film and in subsequent films). They met in Vietnam after Tony Stark escaped from captivity: Stark, in a suit, came across a pilot whose plane had crashed, and together they made their way to the location of the American military. As Stark's confidant, Rhodes acted as Iron Man on several occasions when Stark was either too drunk or recovering from injuries. Subsequently, Stark created a new suit especially for Rhodes, in which the pilot became known as the superhero War Machine.

Also among Tony Stark's friends in the films are Pepper Potts (first as an assistant, then as a love interest), Happy Hogan - bodyguard and chauffeur (played by , who directed the first two films), Jensen (a scientist who helped the captive Stark create the first suit) and Jarvis (voiced; artificial intelligence who often acts as the voice common sense). In addition, in the Iron Man comics, Tony Stark has friendships with Peter Parker, Archangel and Cyclops (members of the original X-Men), members of the Avengers (especially Captain America and Thor) and the Fantastic Four. In particular, its leader Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) is repeatedly mentioned in the comics as best friend Tony Stark.

The Avengers and the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although Tony Stark reluctantly joins the superhero team in The Avengers, claiming that he "works better alone", in the original comics his role is much more significant. For 50 years, Iron Man has remained the central character in comics about this group of superheroes. Moreover, none other than Tony Stark and his girlfriend Wasp are the founders of the first Avengers, which also included Ant-Man, Thor and the Hulk. They were soon joined by Captain America, discovered by Stark in polar ice and brought back to life with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D. technology. With the S.H.I.E.L.D. agency under the control of spy Nick Fury (Tony Stark), Tony Stark also has a long-standing partnership. His father, Howard Stark, was one of the founders of the agency, and Stark himself, in addition to participating in the Avengers Initiative, acts as a consultant. It was the agency that recruited Black Widow to guard Stark, with whom she had a passionate affair.

Alternate versions of the character

Just like the universe described in DC comics, Marvel universe is a multiverse - with a huge (albeit finite) number of parallel worlds. Their chronology differs significantly from the main one, and the heroes of the main universe may well be villains in other worlds. Comics about alternate universes grouped at DC under the Elseworlds imprint, and at Marvel partially under the What If? (What If...?) At the same time, most alternative histories about Marvel superheroes remains unstructured. This also applies to Iron Man comics.

The most unusual versions of Iron Man include:

"1602: New world"(Spanish gunsmith becomes villain Iron Lord);

"2093" (Stark and Doctor Doom find themselves in the distant future and are looking for King Arthur's sword Excalibur);

"Earth X" (Stark builds a shelter against a plague that gives everyone superpowers. In the end it turns out that the shelter is a huge fighting machine built in the image of Godzilla); "Iron Maniac" (a villainous version of Iron Man from a universe where all the Avengers died fighting the alien Titanus);

"Iron Man Noir" (Stark in the 1930s searches for Atlantis and fights the Nazis);

"Marvel Zombies" (Tony Stark is bitten by zombies and ends up having to replace most of his body with cybernetics).

Total alternative versions Iron Man (acting in the main or minor role) more than a hundred, and even listing them all (let alone reading them) is not an easy task.

In this article you will learn:

Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark- genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. Marvel comics character from Earth 616.


Tony was a blue-eyed brunette. He was very smart person, graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he was the best student. Stark was famous as a brilliant inventor and engineer who created the Iron Man suit. Despite his genius, Tony liked to drink and girls.


Tony Stark, the son of the richest industrialist Edward Stark, received the company from his father at the age of 21. And the young playboy not only brought the company to one of the leading positions in the field of weapons production, but also made the whole world talk about himself.

Only one event could end the life of a popular favorite in its prime. In Asia, Stark was captured by Wong-Chu, a weapons baron. While being captured, Tony was wounded in the chest by shrapnel, putting his life in danger. Wong-Chu offered to create weapons of mass destruction in exchange for life-saving surgery.

That's when Tony met Ho Yinsen. With it, he began working on a completely new device - a modified exoskeleton with heavy weapons built into it. Former prisoner Yinsen, in secret from the captors and even his billionaire friend, built a chest plate that was supposed to protect and support Tony's life. Stark decided to use the suit to escape from captivity. He managed to carry out his plan, but Ho Yinsen himself was killed.

Becoming Iron Man

Already in America, Tony made adjustments to the design of the suit to increase its efficiency and convenience and decided to lead a double life - philanthropist-inventor Stark and Iron Man.

To ward off the threat and suspicion, Tony made up a story according to which his guard was the same hero in the exoskeleton. Tony hired a driver, Happy Hogan, who immediately had his sights set on Stark's assistant Pepper Potts, with whom Tony was secretly in love. Pepper and Happy eventually got married.

Stark's suit had been hunted for some time by several foreign agents and spies in an attempt to steal the company's invention or military secrets. Over time, Tony shifted his focus from personal interests to national interests, primarily national security: he played an important role in arming the SHIELD organization and became a sponsor of the Avengers, to whom he gave a mansion in Manhattan for use.

As part of the Avengers, Stark fought against evil with such heroes as:,.

Avengers Team

Despite successful business ventures and a life of luxury from birth, Stark’s everyday life is overshadowed at first by the forced wearing of a chest plate that protects the heart, alcoholism, and a chaotic personal life.

Over time and life experience The billionaire understood his responsibility for new technologies, so he stopped collaborating with the government, turning the potential of the inventor into improving the lives of ordinary people. Tony opened several charitable foundations. Realizing that he double life cannot go on forever and being a superhero comes with a responsibility, he is telling the world that he is Iron Man. Thus, he became one of the few heroes whose real name is known to the general public.

Over the years, Tony improved his suit, which eventually became very light. He even underwent a heart transplant and thus stopped wearing a metal plate in his chest.

Iron Man and Pepper Potts

For a long time, Stark became depressed, almost becoming an alcoholic.

Stark faced a variety of enemies: foreign agents, super-criminals, conquerors bent on world domination. However, The main opponent has always been the Mandarin. It was he who advocated for the superhero registration act. The act was eventually passed, and Tony became director of the secret government organization S.H.I.E.L.D. As director, Tony spoke out against friends who did not agree with registration. He took care of the mantle of Captain America, who supposedly died after passing it on.

The end of the Civil War. Death of Captain America

After the invasion of Earth by aliens (Skrulls, capable of completely changing their appearance), he was fired from his post and went on the run. The reason for this was Norman Osborn - he hoped to extract information from Iron Man's mind about all the superheroes who were registered under the act.

When Tony Stark was captured by Osborn, he chose to deliberately fall into a coma in order to keep information from the villain.

When Stark woke up, he apologized to his old friends and created a new company, Stark Resilient, trying to restore his former wealth. Tony took Pepper Potts as director of the new company. Due to a virus in his body, his Iron Man suit became fused with his body.

Subsequently, Iron Man fought with the X-Men as part of the Avengers, he even helped the Guardians of the Galaxy, while exploring the Universe.

Tony as part of the Guardians of the Galaxy


In the HD suit, Stark had super strength. He had at his disposal a variety of weapons from cannons to missiles. In the suit, Tony could fly. The helmet contained a communications device, a scanner and many other gadgets.

  • Tony was a football fan
  • Stark is the image of the famous inventor Howard Hughes
  • The hero took 8th place in Forbes, among

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